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Welcome Kit &

Welcome Kit

A Welcome Kit is a package of program / product information that is mailed to the homeowner
outlining the features, coverage and benefits of their product.
It includes:
❖Welcome Letter
❖Terms And Conditions (Warranty Service Agreement)
❖Appliance Buyline Terms And Conditions
❖Declaration Page (Coverage Summary Page)
What the Welcome Kit
looks like
What the
Welcome Kit
Looks Like
Locate Menu Options
From the customer’s account
page, open the menu options to
access more information.

First locate the menu options


It looks like a paper with a

folded corner.

Then click the button, it will pull

up a separate pop-up screen.
Fulfillment Request
From the menu options, open a
pop-up screen to access more
information about the Fulfillment
First locate the Fulfillment Request
button under menu options.

Fulfillment Request is another

term used for the Welcome Kit.

Then click the button, it will pull up

a pop-up screen.
Fulfillment Request Screen
The fulfillment request screen will
provide important information that
can be provided to the customer
such as:

The date the last request was

made, sent and mailed.

The address that the welcome

kit was sent to.

The welcome kit takes 7-10

business days to reach the
Sending A New Welcome Kit
To send out a new welcome kit, a
new one must be requested to
First, locate the page with a green
plus sign in the light blue margin.

Then click on the page with the

green plus sign to request a new
welcome kit.

If it’s been done correctly, the

fields are cleared.
Addr Source Code
Now that the fields have been
cleared, select the address it will be
sent to.

First locate “Addr Source Code” and

the drop-down arrow beside it.

Addr Source Code will show the

different types of addresses to
send it to.

Then click the button, it will pull up

a separate pop-up screen.
Selecting the Address
Be sure to confirm with the
customer which address to select.
(property or mailing)

Click the customers preferred

address they want it sent to.

Mailing address is chosen as


Then after selecting click “Ok”.

Let’s All Give It A Try!
The following link and log in information is used for
training Only.
• Open the following website in Internet Explorer (will
not work in Chrome)
• If prompted select the Run checkbox and hit continue.
• Enter these training credentials:

Username: t_train
Password: t_train
Database: ebst1

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