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Week 1 (Week beginning 31st August)

PLAN – Research the meaning of Public Art, research local Public Art to the area I live in, take photographs and
upload to my website.
Update my website and diary with work I have done.
Resources required – Camera, Computer.
DIARY - I began researching Public Art, to give me some idea of what I would be planning for my own
piece of Public Art. I researched Public Art local to me, in Forfar, I drove and walked around Forfar to
see what I could find, and I photographed any Public Art I came across, there were a lot of murals, not
so many sculptures. I gathered some information on the Public Art I found, by reading any plaques
displayed with them or by researching on the internet.

Week 2 (Week beginning 7th September)

PLAN – Continue with research on Public Art, research the Artists and materials used to create the pieces,
create a bibliography and record sources using Harvard referencing. Choose one of the two briefs and begin
researching the theme, begin by creating a mind map for the chosen brief.
Update my website and diary with work I have done.
Resources required – Camera, Computer, sketchbook, pens.
DIARY - I had to decide which brief I wanted to follow, after discussing with my lecturer, I decided to create
my own brief, I chose to research and make a piece of Public Art to remember ‘The Forfar Witches,’ I visited
Forfar Library to find out what information they might have about the Forfar Witches, I was a little
disappointed that they didn’t have very much information, but I took pictures of what they did have.

Week 3 (Week beginning 14th September)

PLAN – Continue with research, investigate materials the artists have used for their sculptures and how they
have withstood the weather. Research more into my chosen theme, visit the local library for more
Update my website and diary with work I have done.
Resources required – Camera, Computer, books (Harvard Referenced).
DIARY - For week 3, my research continued, I read some information from various books (borrowed from a
classmate) about the Forfar Witches, it was quite harrowing but also remarkably interesting. I am glad people
are much more educated nowadays.

Week 4 (Week beginning 21st September)

PLAN – Continue with research.
Update my website and diary with work I have done.
Resources required – Camera, Computer, books (Harvard Referenced).
DIARY - Again, this week I continued researching, my research consisted of reading, searching the internet,
and attending a talk by two local historians at a local Church about the Forfar Witches, the talk was in fact
incredibly sad, but highly informative. I am not a religious person so did not partake in singing hymns or
reciting prayers but just listened to what was being said.

Week 5 (Week beginning 28th September)

PLAN – Continue with researching my chosen theme and begin thinking about what sort of thing I might like to
create for my own sculpture, also where I would like it to be displayed and how it would fit in with the
Update my website and diary with work I have done.
Resources required – Camera, Computer, books (Harvard Referenced).
DIARY - This week I continued with my research, and I decided I wanted to make a sculpture to remember
‘The Forfar Witches,’ I wanted this to be a kind and sympathetic sculpture to show how sad and wrong it was,
how these ‘people’ were treated all those years ago.

Week 6 (Week beginning 5th October)

PLAN – Continue researching my theme, begin sketching ideas and designs for my own sculpture.
Update my website and diary with work I have done.
Resources required – Camera, Computer, Sketchbook, Pencils etc.
DIARY - I began thinking of some sculpture ideas surrounding ‘The Forfar Witches,’ I thought of a sculpture of
three women, with arms linked together over each other's shoulders, I also thought of a sculpture of a
beautiful hand adorning various crystals. I then thought it would be a lovely idea to somehow incorporate a
candle into my idea.

Week 7 (Week beginning 19th October)

PLAN - Continue researching my theme, research and photograph my local area and where the historic events
took place. Begin sketching ideas and designs for my own sculpture.
Update my website and diary with work I have done.
Resources required – Camera, Computer, Sketchbook, Pencils etc.
DIARY - This was the week when my thoughts were transferred onto paper, I sketched my ideas into my
sketchbook and annotated them, trying to describe how they could be made and how they were to represent
‘The Forfar Witches'.

Week 8 (Week beginning 26th October)

PLAN - Continue researching my theme, research and photograph my local area and where the historic events
took place. Begin sketching ideas and designs for my own sculpture. Begin experimenting with materials.
Update my website and diary with work I have done.
Resources required – Mobile phone, Camera, Computer, Sketchbook, Pencils, Various mixed media.
DIARY - I continued with drawing my ideas into my sketchbook, I used various media to achieve different
finishes. I was thinking of how I could achieve a smoke look.

Week 9 (Week beginning 2nd November)

PLAN - Continue researching my theme, research and photograph my local area and where the historic events
took place. Continue sketching ideas and designs for my own sculpture. Continue experimenting with
Update my website and diary with work I have done.
Resources required – Mobile phone, Camera, Computer, Sketchbook, Pencils, Various mixed media.
DIARY - I decided to make a sculpture of a candle with a hand around it, with smoke spiraling down from it to
the ground. I had to begin thinking of what materials I could use.

Week 10 (week beginning 9th November)

PLAN - Continue research. Continue sketching ideas and designs for my own sculpture. Continue
experimenting with materials.
Update my website and diary with work I have done.
Resources required – Mobile phone, Camera, Computer, Sketchbook, Pencils, Various mixed media.
DIARY - This week I began experimenting with various materials, trying to figure out what would give me the
best result and complement my idea.

Week 11 (Week beginning 16th November)

PLAN - Continue research. Continue sketching ideas and designs for my own sculpture. Continue
experimenting with materials. Decide on my final design.
Update my website and diary with work I have done.
Resources required – Mobile phone, Camera, Computer, Sketchbook, Pencils, Various mixed media.
DIARY - I started putting my sculpture together, I had to think of what would work best for stability. I used
wire, tinfoil, cardboard, glue and modroc. After it was almost finished and ready to paint, I also added some
air-drying clay.

Week 12 (Week beginning 23rd November)

PLAN – Begin making my final design, thinking about materials and how they will work.
Update my website and diary with work I have done.
Resources required – Mobile phone, Camera, Computer, Sketchbook, Pencils, Various mixed media, Mod roc,
Cardboard, Wire.
DIARY - I continued with making the sculpture, I had to do a minor problem solving as there were parts that I
was not entirely happy with, the candle stick was wobbly, I had to add a piece of wire from the top platform to
the base at each side for extra stability, this also added a little something extra aesthetically.

Week 13 (Week beginning 30th November)

PLAN – Continue making my final design, making any adjustments required.
Update my website and diary with work I have done.
Resources required – Mobile phone, Camera, Computer, Sketchbook, Pencils, Various mixed media, Mod roc,
cardboard, Wire, Acrylic Paint, Brushes.
DIARY - This week I had to finish with minor details, I had to figure out where I could conceal the battery
compartments/switches for the lights I used. I began painting my sculpture.

Week 14 (Week beginning 7th December)

PLAN – Continue making my final design, begin painting it and making any final adjustments required.
Update my website and diary with work I have done.
Resources required – Mobile phone, Camera, Computer, Sketchbook, Pencils, Various mixed media, Mod roc,
cardboard, Wire, Acrylic Paint, Brushes.
DIARY - After painting the main parts, it was time to add any finishing touches, for example, painting the
highlights onto it, cleaning up the visible wire and the candle flame, giving it a coat of varnish.

Week 15 (Week beginning 14th December)

PLAN – Finish off making my final design, finish painting it and coat it with varnish for a nice finish.
Update my website and diary with work I have done.
Resources required – Mobile phone, Camera, Computer, Sketchbook, Pencils, Various mixed media, Mod roc,
cardboard, Wire, Acrylic Paint, Brushes, Varnish.
DIARY - Make sure all annotation is up to date in my sketchbook, timeline and 16-week plan are up to date
and super impose my images of my sculpture onto backgrounds of where I would like it displayed.

Week 16 (Week beginning 21st December)

PLAN – make sure my sculpture is completed and all work and website are up to date.
Resources required – Mobile phone, Camera, Computer, Sketchbook.
DIARY - Complete my evaluation, make sure diary and website are up to date, check over everything to make
sure all work is completed.

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