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BY: Richard Q. Oñate


1. What do you understand by computer?

2. Write about the important historical development in computer?
3. Write about the feature of each generation of computer?
4. What are the salient features of 1st generation of computers?
5. Explain the features of Hollerith Machine.
6. Explain the importance of Mark I.
7. Write down the general uses of computers.
8. Write the specific uses of computers.
9. Write brief history of computers.
10. Write down the characteristics of fifth generation computers.
11. Write the salient features of computer?
12. What are the various advantages of using computer?
13. Give a Details Account of history of computers.
14. What the advantages of third generation computers over second generations computers?
15. What are the salient features of 4th generation computers?
16. How computers are helpful in Business?
17. How computers are helpful in Educations?
18. What do you understand By Super Computers?
19. What are the advantages and disadvantages of computer?
20. Compare Computers V/s Human Beings?


1. A computer is a device use to makes calculations, it is also an electronic storing and

processing data device that allow the users stored important data
2. The computer has altered the human experience, and changed the way we work, what we do at
play, and even how we think.
3. 1st Generation - It uses Vacuum tubes as the basic's components and magnetic drums and punch
cards as memory. Very expensive, uses a lot of electricity and taking up entire rooms.
2nd Generation – Transistors replaced vacuum tubes as CPU component in the second generation
of computers.
3rd Generation – A modern computer that used integrated circuits, keyboard for a punch cards,
and monitors for display.
4th Generation – A computer that used a microprocessor that stored data with additional GUI’s,
mouse, and handheld devices.
5th Generation – Present on 1990 with enhancement of artificial intelligence with
4. The first generation of computers (1940s-1950s) consumes a lot of electricity and generate a lot
of heat. Speed and size were very slow and very large in size taking up entire room.
5. A Hollerith machine is a specific type of electromechanical design that served as an information-
processing resource throughout the early 20th century. The machine used a system of electrical
and mechanical signals, and a set of wires positioned over pools of mercury, to incrementally
count data on paper punch cards.
6. Mark 1 played a key role in the development of nuclear warfare, as it was used to help design
the first atomic bombs.
7. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. Computer also use to type documents,
send email, play games, and browse the Web. You can also use it to edit or create spreadsheets,
presentations, and even videos.
8. Computers are used at homes for several purposes like online bill payment, watching movies or
shows at home, home tutoring, social media access, playing games, internet access, etc.
Computer can provide communication through electronic mail also help to avail work from
home facility for corporate employees.
9. The history of computers goes back over 200 years at first theorized by mathematicians and
entrepreneurs, during the 19th century mechanical calculating machines were designed and
built to solve the increasingly complex number crunching challenges. The advancement of
technology enabled ever more complex computers by the early 20th century, and computers
became larger and more powerful. Today, computers are almost unrecognizable from designs of
the 19th century, such as Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine or even from the huge computers
of the 20th century that occupied whole rooms, such as the Electronic Numerical Integrator and
10. 5th Generation Computers become a main electronic component based on artificial intelligence,
uses the Ultra Large-Scale Integration (ULSI) technology, and parallel processing method.
11. Today, computers have entered every field of human activity, be it work, education or
entertainment. The salient features of computer are: Speed, Storage Capacity, Versatility,
Accuracy, Consistent uniform quality of work, Automation, Data Processing Capacity, and User
12. The first counting device was used by the primitive people. They used sticks, stones and bones
as counting tools. As human mind and technology improved with time more computing devices
were developed. Some of the popular computing devices
13. The history of computer begins with the birth of abacus which is believed to be the first
computer. It is said that Chinese invented Abacus around 4,000 years ago. It was a wooden rack
which has metal rods with beads mounted on them. The beads were moved by the abacus
operator according to some rules to perform arithmetic calculations. Abacus is still used in some
countries like China, Russia and Japan. Until Charles Babbage an English mathematician and
modern inventor was credited with having the first automatic digital computer, during the mid-
1830's Babbage developed Analytical Engine.
14. 3rd Generation Computers were cheaper in price, smaller in size, less heavy in weight, faster in
speed and more efficient than 2nd Generation Computer.
15. The 4th Generation Computers emerged of single-board computer and single-chip processor.
This generation of computers improved in terms of speed, accuracy and reliability. Due to the
high component density, they were small in size comparing to previous generation's computers.
16. Businesses can use computers to research industry trends, patents, trademarks, potential clients
and competitors via search engines and proprietary databases.
17. It’s hard to deny that computers have taken a prominent role in modern society. From the
smartphones in our pockets to the smart devices controlling our appliances at home and
everything in between, computer technology is everywhere. It should come as no surprise that
the use of computers in education has been steadily increasing and, in many ways, has
revolutionized traditional Education. Computers in the classroom have multiple benefits for
both students and their teachers.
18. A supercomputer is the fastest computer in the world that can process a significant amount of
data very quickly. The computing Performance of a “Supercomputer” is measured very high as
compared to a general purpose computer.
19. People who using computer, do typical works quickly and easily using of Computers makes hard
task less challenging. It also saves time, energy and reduces the general cost to finish a specific
task. While in terms of disadvantages computers can be the source of hacker's trough exposing
illegal access of the data stored on your PCs, which has produced challenging issues for the
information safety. Some People use the computer for negative purposes. They hack the credit
card details, bank accounts, etc. of the peoples and abuse them, they can also take the
important data from big associations.
20. Computers rely on electricity, whereas humans rely on food. Computers have the potential to
increase the speed of their impulse transmission exponentially as opposed to humans.
Computers are good at computations and logic, while humans are exemplary in reasoning and

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