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The aspects that I like in Filipino culture is that, first, Filipinos are very

resilient especially in times of calamities and catastrophes, where their livelihood,

houses and source of income and basic needs was gone, they still have the
courage to smile and rise up. Filipinos always manage to rise above the challenge,
and some will say “It’s just a calamity, we're Filipinos" and this saying give us
strength to move forward.

Instead of wallowing, they manage to pick themselves up and smile.

Second, Filipinos has a strong family bond, they always think their family first than
their selves. They make sure that each of the family members is happy and they
are always there support and encourage each other. Sometimes, even you are not
their blood related they will considered you as their family. Third, Filipinos are
respectful, elders always taught the younger ones how to be respectful by using
these simple catchphrases—po and opo, words that end sentences when
addressing elders. They have a culture of pagmamano, which is where they raise
the backs of the hands of their elders to their foreheads as a sign of respect. And
fourth, Filipinos help one another also known as bayanihan, everyone is helping
each other especially when someone needs help they will not think twice to help
you as long as they can.

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