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Children who study at school The place or class to prepare

A small white or coloured stick
are: children aged five for school:
for writing on the board:

a. puppets
a. asylum a. crayon
b. pupils
b. childhood b. plaster
c. puppies
c. kindergarten c. chalk

A book that contains the list of The place in a school where food A school where children can live
students’ names: and drink are served: during the school year:

a. account book a. canteen a. boarding school

b. schoolbook b. dining room b. night school
c. school register c. buffet c. schoolyard

Exams that UK secondary An area of knowledge studied in Copying from books, notes or
pupils take in their final year a school or college, e.g. biology, another student’s paper during a
of school: maths, etc.: test or exam:

a. A-levels a. matter a. cheering

b. High levels b. subject b. cheating
c. National levels c. topic c. chatting

An instrument with two long thin

A University teacher is called: When you do not pass a test or
parts joined together used for
exam you…:
drawing circles:
a. headmaster
a. compressor
b. professor a. fail
b. circumlocution
c. educator b. faint
c. compass
c. fall

A test which is designed to find The person who is in the same

A talk given to teach students a
the appropriate level for class as you at school or college:
particular subject, often as part
students in a course:
of a university course:
a. scholar
a. IQ test
a. lecture b. companion
b. placement test
b. lesson c. classmate
c. blood test
c. class

A long loose piece of clothing An object shaped like a ball with A teacher who is in charge of a
children wear over their clothes a map of the world on its surface: school:
to protect them from dirt:
a. glove
a. school cloak
b. globule a. headman
b. school smock
c. globe b. headmaster
c. school cape c. headhunter
How do you call the How do you call the
What’s the name
special set of subject in which
of the list which
clothes worn by students learn to
shows the times at
children in some
which subjects are cook or other skills
schools? taught at school? needed at home?


How do you call the
What’s the word that How do you call a subject in which you
means “the qualifications
department or group of study about electronic
obtained by students who
related departments in a equipment, especially
successfully complete a
college or university? computers?
university or college


What’s the word which

What’s the name of the
means “one of the 3
How do you call
short period of time
periods in the year during all the teachers
between lessons during
which classes are held in
which students can relax employed in a
schools, universities, etc.”?
or eat some snacks? school?


Education Part 2
1. Dissertation 10. Timetable
2. Portfolio
11. Terms
3. Bullying
4. Degree 12. Government grant
5. Take notes
13. Postgraduate
6. Scholarship
7. Fees 14. Bachelor (degree)
8. Loan
15. Subjects
9. Pupils

1. Write the correct vocabulary word below the picture:

Dissertation Terms Subjects

Portfolio Degree Loan

Bullying Bachelor (degree) Postgraduate

Pupils Take notes Government grant

Fees Scholarship Timetable

Choose the correct word below and write it next to the meaning :

Dissertation/ scholarship/ fees/ loan/ government grant/ degree/

Bachelor/ pupils
1. An amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank and has to be paid back
with interest. Loan
2. A long piece of writing on a particular subject especially one that is done in order to
receive a degree at college or university. Dissertation
3. A qualification given to a student after he/she has completed his/her studies.
4. A child at school, who is being taught. Pupils
5. An amount of money given by a school, college, university or other organization to
pay for the studies of a person with great ability but little money. Scholarship
6. A first degree at college or university. Bachelor
7. A loan to a student by the government for a special purpose. Government
8. An amount of money paid for a particular right or service. Fees

Exercise 3
Choose the correct word below and write it on the gaps:
Portfolio/ bullying/ take notes/ timetable/ terms/ postgraduate/

1. The first lesson on the timetable for Monday morning is history.

2. Currently there are approximately 230 terms students registered at university.
3. You will need to prepare a Portfolio of your work to show at the
4. What are your favourite subjects at school?
5. Did you take notes at the lecture?
6. There are three postgraduates in a school year.
7. Bullying is a problem in many schools.
Exercise 4
Write a sentence of your own with each of the following words:

Bachelor’s degree/ terms/ fees/ loan/ bullying/ postgraduate/

timetable/ scholarship

1. When I graduate from college, I will have my bachelor’s degree, and everyone will
be happy.
2. I must comply with the terms the bank gives me in order to end up happy and debt-
3. If I don't pay at once my fees will go to the sky.
4. The bank will give me a loan that will help me with my studies.
5. The bullying in elementary school by 50% in the state of Georgia.
6. I would like to do my postgraduate studies at the most famous university in South
7. I don't like the class timetable; it is very boring, and they repeat mathematics 3
times in one day.
8. I would really like to have a scholarship so I can buy a car and travel.

Exercise 5
Answer the following questions:

1. Yes, of course, it is very important because this way we can test our knowledge and
demonstrate it in order to have a stable acceptance.

2. Yes, of course, they deserve it because the government or the educational

institution rewards these students for their academic achievements and I think it is
important to recognize them and give them support so they can achieve more.
3. In our country we have public and private universities. Of course, some of them
have to be paid, like the private ones, but the public ones give you an exam in order
to get your place in the university and they do it for free, you pay for it with the
points you get.
4. Of course they do since that is the age at which they finish high school but it is not
exactly like that there are a variety of students of all ages who want to study and
learn in order to have their degree and specialize in what they want.

5. I feel that in order to travel to another country you have to be at a very high level of
knowledge to go to a university in your country.

6. No,not all careers last 3 years they last more than that depending on their
specialization for example medicine is 10 years and education is 4 well let's say 5
each career has its own way of teaching besides how can you leave in 3 years
impossible I have been in my university 4 years since pre and I have learned a lot.

7. I couldn't answer this, I was reading and they are degrees that students receive
after graduating from a university, I haven't graduated yet but my equivalent would
be the BA.

8. Yes , in our country we have postgraduate degrees and that is why we have many
professors who teach us in the best way and I think it is important to have one to
be able to take into account how much we have advanced and learned.
Question: What’s the most important thing you learned at school? What’s the most important
thing a school should teach children?

Complete the 15 sentences with the words on the left.

A. Attendance 1. The period of time between classes when children do not

B. Biology study is called Recess

2. The teacher calls your name to take Attendance at the
C. Chemistry
beginning of class.
D. Campus 3. The natural world and the study of life and plant forms is called

E. Enroll Biology.
4. The book that contains detailed information about a subject is
F. Essay
called a Textbook.
G. Fail 5. The Graduation ceremony is when you receive your degree for
completing your education or a course of study.
H. Geography
6. The study of landforms and population growth are included in
I. Graduation
J. History 7. Johnny had to Repeat a year/class at school.
8. For homework I want you to write an Essay on endangered
K. Pass
L. Principal
9. To Enroll at the college means to put yourself on the official list
M. Recess of members of that college.
10. The subject of what has happened to the cultures and
N. Repeat
countries of the world is History.
O. Textbook 11. The head teacher of a school is called a Principal.
12. The study of the periodic table, gasses, liquids, acids, and
alkalis is called Chemistry.
13. The exam is so hard that only five percent of all applicants
14. I passed in history but Failed in chemistry
15. There’s accommodation for about five hundred students on

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