Traffic Project (Deema and Banan)

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Traffic accidents are more and more being identified as a prime motive
of death and a developing health problem. According to the World
Health Organization, traffic accidents are the second leading motive of
death globally among kids and teenagers. Because of their great human
and economic losses which have a significant negative impact on the
state, they are considered to be one of the most stressful issues it. In
latest years as many as 50 million people are injured through road traffic
accidents each year. Road traffic accidents impose a burden on nations
by costing as much as 4% of their Gross National Product.
Here in Jordan, we suffer from an increase in the number of accidents
year after year because of the increase in population as a result of
successive migrations from other countries. The purpose of this paper is
to look at the reasons for the increase in traffic accidents in the Circular
Belt Street and to find solutions in order to provide safe transportation
for passengers and goods.
The circular belt street is one of the most important streets in the capital,
Amman, which connects its south to its east. Several years ago, it was
expanded after several requests by the residents of the surrounding
neighborhoods, especially as it is an approved commercial route for
trucks operating on the international line, which posed a threat to the
lives of the people who lived around it. The Circular Belt Street extends
from the Amman-Zarqa highway in the east to the main Sahab Street in
the south, it is a source of fear and terror for the residents of the region,
as it is without lighting and constitutes a common point for several
neighborhoods and areas, which increases the rate of danger when riding
on it.

According to the statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO),
traffic accidents have caused the death of 1.25 million people annually
and injured about 20 to 50 million people.
Jordan is classified as a middle-income country, and according to
statistics, more than 90% of traffic accidents and 80% of traffic accident
deaths occur in low and middle-income countries it has been mentioned
that among the reasons is the absence of road safety, and also the
absence of safety of vehicles used by drivers. One of the reasons for the
increase in traffic accidents in Jordan is the increase in the population
and the continuous increase in the number of vehicles, as the population.
A statistical report for the year 2020, issued by the Traffic Institute at the
Public Security Directorate, confirmed that the age group between 18
and 35 is the most affected by traffic accidents, and it constitutes 47.5%
of the total injuries and deaths in traffic accidents.
The report also indicated that this category recorded the largest number
of deaths, at a rate of 31.6% of the total deaths, while the category of
children under the age of 18 recorded the most severe injuries, with a
rate of 34.2% of the total severe injuries resulting from traffic accidents.
The report showed that the male category of this category has the largest
number of injuries due to traffic accidents with a rate of 49.8%, and
females of this category recorded the largest number of injuries with a
rate of 42.7%.
According to the annual report of traffic accidents in Jordan for the year
2020 issued by the Directorate, traffic accidents caused 461 deaths in
2020, compared to 643 deaths in 2019, a decrease of 28.3%, and
pedestrians accounted for 35.5% of the 164 deaths, drivers 28.5% with
131 deaths and passengers 36% With 166 deaths of both sexes in the
year 2020.

Jordan is in the Middle East region, with an area of 90 thousand sq. km
and a population of about 11 million people. The problem of traffic
accidents started to appear as a serious issue in the mid-1980s. Recently,
traffic accidents were considered the second leading cause of death in

Fig. 1. Jordan population (1950-2020)

Fig. 1. Traffic Congestion in Amman

By looking at Table 1, we see the significant increase in the number of
people and vehicles in the last five years and the increase in traffic
accidents, and the resulting losses. A summary of accidents, their results,
and indicators for the previous five years.


1. The problem of recurring traffic accidents on the Circular Belt

Residents of the Circular Belt Street named it Death Street because

of the number of accidents that occur on it. The residents of the
Circular Belt area complained about the poor services provided to
them, and many of the complaints carried the name of the Amman
Municipality for its apparent lack of interest in the area because the
infrastructure in which the residents of the area lived was
dilapidated, as the streets of the area had many cracks and
potholes, and there was a lack of consideration by the drivers of
vehicles that They cross the area as they cross it at an imaginary
speed because there is nothing to force them to adhere to a specific
speed. This street has several major problems, the first of which
are cracks, potholes, and poor infrastructure, in addition to the lack
of lighting at night, which requires the driver of the vehicle to be
alert while driving on this road, while it was not The Water
Authority is also effective in its role, as many streets remain
covered with water because of broken water "pipes" on the main
1.1 Accidents due to the inefficiency of streets:
Residents of the area expressed fear over Circular Belt Street,
where on the street there is no light to limit the speed of vehicles
crossing it, no cameras or surveillance radars to stop the driver
from walking as fast as he wants on the street, and there are also no
street humps to force the vehicle to reduce its speed. The people
estimated that four to five incidents per month occurred because of
digging and cracking the street, residents said the street was one of
the streets under pressure from vehicles and trucks. The street
needs full maintenance from the digging and cracks.

1.2 Accidents due to transportation problems:
Residents of the area said that transportation is available from 6:00
am to 4:00 pm. Anyone who is behind schedule does not find any
way to return home. They pointed out the suffering of the citizen
while trying to find a vehicle to take him to the nearest place so that
he can go home as a result, this forces him to use his own car.
1.1 Accidents due to electricity and lighting problems:
Residents of the area said that electricity is interrupted in their areas for
nearly five hours and added that these power outages often occur, as
there is no specific reason for it or explanation from the electricity
company for this problem. Furthermore, some streets in the region
suffer from a lack of light, causing many traffic accidents in the area.
These streets need lighting due to the pressure of vehicles and to avoid
loss of life on the street.
2. Methodology and Data Collection:
A scientific methodology for the study has been followed by referring to
the statistics of traffic accidents in Jordan (The Circular Belt Street) by
the Jordanian Traffic Institute and the Ministry of Public Works and
Housing to collect data, then analyzing them and indicating the number
of traffic accidents and their results.

The following data were obtained in the data collection phase:

Data Analysis:
After collecting data and conducting a questionnaire on a sample of road visitors,
85 answers were obtained; 36% are females, 64% are males in the random sample,
56.5% are between (18 to 30), 34.1% are between (31 to 55), and 9.5% are
between (56 to 75). Among them, 83.5% hold a driver's license 64.7% are Regular
visitors to the area and 22.4% are rarely visiting the area. 80.2% of the residents of
the area attended accidents one or more times at the Circular Belt Street. The
people of the area were asked what are the main reasons that they see as the cause
of a large number of accidents on The Circular Belt Street, the responses were:
14% said that the lack of night lighting on the street is the cause of a large number
of accidents, and 12.8% said that the absence of cameras at speed is the reason for
this, and 61.6% favored all solutions. 74.1% said that the Circular Belt Street is
dangerous and 75.3%said that it needs a traffic sign increase. 60% said that they
were subjected to a traffic accident or being run over, for themselves or any of
their family members in the Circular Belt area.

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Result and Discussion:
The residents were asked about proposing solutions that may change the rate of
accidents and congestion, and among these solutions:
1- Increase traffic signs on road, as well as pedestrian bridges.
2- Sidewalks must be built, and lighting must be installed to reduce accidents.
3- As for the problem of traffic control, it is possible to put cameras to monitor
speeds, and set speed humps in areas that suffer from high speeds.
4- Putting police patrols on the road to monitor the movement of vehicles.
5- Attempting to improve the infrastructure represented by repairing water
pipes to prevent their leakage and exit to the streets.
6- Attempting to repair the defects of the street represented by asphalting the
road, putting road markings, etc...
The problem of traffic accidents is a social, economic, and health problem, under
the increasing number of vehicles on roads, which aggravate the problem faster,
which requires more effort to reduce this problem and its human and material
The Circular Belt Street suffers from traffic accidents continuously and needs
many long-term proposals that will solve the problem of traffic accidents. Most
types of accidents were of the type of collision, and a small part of them was of the
type of deterioration and run over, where there are many types of collisions like
rear-End Collisions, single-Vehicle Crashes, sideswipe Collisions, and Head-on
1- Annual statistical reports of traffic accidents, Central Traffic Department,
Jordan Traffic Institute
2- World health organization (WHO)
3- Annual statistical reports of the Jordanian General Statistics Department.
4- Ministry of Public Works and Housing

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