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English Slangs (girias)

English Slangs have evolved over the centuries, changing from one social
segment to another. As in other languages, slang words play an effective role in
simplifying and accelerating the dialogues of speakers in English. However, it
also represents belonging to a certain social circle of society that uses slang
expressions. So slangs strips people out of the crowd and breathes new life into
the language.

Failure law: Just like Murphy’s law, it says that something likely to go wrong will
go wrong.
In many countries, adding new slang phrases to the language is linked to the
younger generation using slang text message abbreviations in social media
networks, online conversations, and YouTube channels.

However, English Slang is widely used by various generations and communities

from different parts of the country and has an impressive history that has been
studied and recorded in detail. In 1889, the English Slang Dictionary had seven
volumes. Today, we have hundreds of articles written on slang terms, with new
ones added each year.

Waffle: If someone is talking, but not saying something of value, “waffle” means
talking or “waffling.”
For someone who has learned English as a foreign language, English Slang will
sound a little mixed, as it involves a mixture of different dialects found in each
part of the country. But you don’t need to learn all the strange words you
encounter. First, you just need to learn the most popular phrases used by the
majority of the public in the UK. Now let’s look at examples related to English
Slangs that are common:

Leg it: Used to rush for something, run.

Both “Mate” and “Lad” mean “friend” and are synonymous with “dude”, “pal” and
“buddy” in American English. If you’ve seen British films, you’ve noticed how
often the British use the words “mate” and “lad” in their conversations. Although
you have never seen a British film before, we recommend starting with short
films. Because such productions include almost every expression that exists in
English slang.
Ace: This word, which means” bright, very good”, is more common in Liverpool.
You can use this word, which can be used as both a noun and a verb in a
sentence, as in the following example:
 “Tomas’ ace at writing article”
Blocked: Means” male“, similar to the words” guy “or” dude”. The word is the
most common slang phrase in the UK for the type of man who goes to bars and
has very ordinary habits.
Chinwag: An expression that means to chat, is mostly used in the form of a
verb. The phrase, which originated in Wales, was originally translated as” the
cup is empty”. But when a bar owner used this word when filling customers ‘
cups to drink too much, it later gained the current meaning of “chatting.”
Gutted: Means completely disappointed and upset. The slang first appeared in
1984 and has since been widely used in other parts of the UK, along with
Dishy: Used to describe someone very attractive and sexy.
Chuffed: Means satisfied with the achievements or any situation.

Gobsmacked: The word meaning very surprised describes the shape your mouth
makes when you stay in counterpoint.
Jammy: Meaning very lucky, this phrase comes from the word “jam”, which is
used in colloquial language for things that are easy to achieve.
Jimjams: Another name for slumber.

Popular Slang Words Among Students

If you are an English student who is going to the UK to study, you will need
some of these idioms to fit in with your classmates. For example:

 Well gel: Means to be too jealous of something. The word, which

came from Essex and settled into slang, has settled into people’s
memory thanks to famous television shows.
 Nosh: Means a short lunch with snacks or a light meal eaten at any
time of the day.
 Knackered: Means very tired, finished. In many magazines, you can
find another word describing this fatigue and lethargy.
Here are Other English Slang Words and Meanings;

GJ: Good job

GL: Good luck
gr8: Great
GTG: Got to go
GMV: Got my vote
HTH: Hope this helps
OT: Off topic
PC: Personal computer
pls: Please
POS: Parent over shoulder
ppl: People
Txt: Text
BRB: Be Right Back
B4N: Bye for Now
BCNU: Be seeing you
BFF: Best Friends Forever
CYA: Cover You’re A**
TY: Thank you
w/e: Whatever
W8: Wait
XOXO: Hugs and kisses
Y: Why
YOLO: You only live once
YNt: Why not
YW: You’re welcome
ZZZ: Sleeping

MMB: Message me back

msg: Message
NC: No comment
LOL: laugh out loud
OMG: Oh my God
ILY: I love you
LMAO: laughing my a** off
TTYN: Talk to you never
FBO: Facebook official
TTYS: Talk to you soon
HMB: Hit me back
SFW: Safe work work
PTFO: Passed the f*** out
ASL: Age/Sex/Location
AFAIK: As far as I know
IMHO: In my humble opinion
IRL: In real life
ISO: In search of
J/K: Just Kidding
L8R: Later
POV: Point of view
RBTL: Read between the lines
RT: Real time
BTW: By the way

CTN: Can’t talk now

CYE: Check your email
dI: Download
ETA: Estimated time of arrival
FWIW: For what it’s worth
FYI: For your information
GG: Good game
noob: Newbie

Wanna – Want to
 I wanna race cars.
Dunno – Don’t know
 He dunno how much I love her.
Kinda – Kind of
 It was kinda nice to see her again.
Hafta – Have + to
 You hafta do it.
I’mma – I’m + going + to
 I’mma talk to him.
Outta – Out of
 She got outta the taxi.
Gotta – Got + to
 Be careful! you are gonna fall.
Gimme – Give me
 I beg you, gimme a chance, please.
Watcha – What are you
 Whatcha thinking?

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