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The word Qur’an literally means “the reading” or “the recitation”, and
refers to the divinely revealed scripture given to Muhammad. Since
Muhammad is considered the last prophet of God, the Qur’an is believed
to be the final revelation from God to humanity.

The Qur’an is considered by Muslims to be the literal Speech of God given to

Muhammad in the Arabic language. The chapters and verses of the Qur’an
were revealed throughout Prophet Muhammad’s mission, over a span of
close to twenty-three years, from 610-632 C.E. Contrary to common
misconception, Muhammad is not the author of the Qur’an. Rather, he is
viewed as the chosen recipient of and transmitter of the revelation and the
ideal implementor of principles and commandments contained therein. The
personal sayings or words of Muhammad are known as hadith, which are
distinct from the divine origin of the content of the Qur’an.

As verses of the Qur’an were revealed to Muhammad and subsequently

repeated by him to companions and other fellow Muslims, they were written
down, recited and memorized. The Prophet also typically led the formal
worship five times daily, during which he recited the revealed verses
according to the procedure that he established. The verses were also
recited out loud by designated Muslims in the early dawn hours and prior to
the worship times and other important occasions. In short, the Qur’anic
verses played an immediate and practical role in the spiritual lives of
Muslims from the outset. Before he passed away, the Prophet arranged the
114 chapters into the sequence we find in the Qur’an as we have it today.
Scholars, both Muslim and non-Muslim, agree that the Qur’an has remained
intact and unchanged to the present. The Qur’an as a scripture stands
unique in this
Translations of the Qur’an exist in many languages throughout the world,
including English, Spanish, French, German, Urdu, Chinese, Malay,
Vietnamese, and others. It is important to note that while translations are
useful as renderings or explanations of the Qur’an, only the original Arabic
text is considered to be the Qur’an itself.

The Arabic word Tafseer is used to mean “explanation of the Qur’aan.” The
science of Tafseer is called Usool at-Tafseer which refers to the
fundamental rules and information necessary for the correct understanding
of the Qur’aan. In this section on the Fundamentals of Tafseer (Usool at-
Tafseer), we will look at how the Qur’aan was written and compiled into one
book, as well as the significance of the knowledge
“Waḥ y (Arabic: ‫وحي‬, also spelled wahi) is the Arabic word for revelation. In
Islamic belief, revelations are God's Word delivered by his chosen
individuals – known as Messenger prophets – to mankind. In Islam, the
Quran is considered a wahy given to the Islamic prophet, Muhammad.
First stages:
The Qur’an the speech of Allah was written on the ‘lauh al Mahfoodh” pr the
the preserved tablet, which is with Allah, all praise to be Him. The Lauh al
Mahfoodh is the Tablet upon which all of things that will happen from the
creation of the Heavens and Earth, until the end of time are written.
Second stage:
From the Lauh alMahfoodh , Allah revealed the Qur’aan to the lower heavens
in a place called “ The House of Honour” (Ala Bayt al izz. This revelation
occurred in Ramadaan on the Night of Decree (Layla tal Qadar).
Third Stage:
The final stage of revelation was allude to by ibn Abbas’ in this stage,
Jibraeel brought those portions of the Qur’an which Allah commanded him
to bring.


There is no doubt that every person will go through times in their life where
they might feel empty, confused, depressed, unsure why they exist and
yearning to understand what is their place and purpose in this life. We were not
born knowing exactly how to live, but it is an absolute miracle that we were all
given an instruction manual to guide us on our journey of existence and help us
to fill those voids deep within our hearts. So now you might be wondering what
is this manual? Where can i get it from? Who wrote it? And you might actually
be SO eager to find out more. Let me tell you, that this instruction manual, it is
the TOP MOST POPULAR book in the world, not by chance or coincidence! This
book, it REALLY TRULY is a Miracle! It is the HOLY QURAN and it is the PURE,
UNCHANGED message that God sent to help us navigate through life!


 There are 114 Surahs in the Holy Quran. Each is a chapter with unequal
length and different numbers of ayats.
 The name of the first ayat is ‫ العلق‬Al-ʻAlaq The Clot
 The Quran was completed in 23 years - from 610 AD to 632 AD.
 The Quran is divided into 30 parts; it is sub-divided into 114 Suras.
 The Suras are designated as Makkan or Madinite according to where it
was revealed.
 The number of Makkan Suras (those revealed in Makkah) is 70,
 whereas the number of Madinite Suras (those revealed in Medina) is
 Quran has 338,606 letters (huruf); 86,430 words (kalemat); and 6,666
verses (ayat).
 It has 39,582 signs of kasra (zer); 53242 fatha (zabar) and
8804 zamma (pesh).
 It has 1252 tashdeed, 1771 madda and 105,684 dots.
 It is the basis of religion, and the canon of ethical and moral life.
 It is also the first prose book in Arabic.
 Its style is Divine, and inimitable. It is one of the greatest miracles.
The Quran has at least 114 chapters, also called surahs. The chapters are of
unequal size, and each has a title. Each surah has ayat mentioned, and the
total number of ayats in the Quran is more than 6000. Some scholars argue
that the number is 6666, while some believe that the final count is 6236.

Many scholars count the one long ayah, Ayat al Kursi, as one, whereas
several others count it as two or three. It is the greatest and one of the most
important ayat in the Quran. It is believed that if a Muslim recites this ayah,
the person can get rid of jinns and various other problems of life. The verse
discusses the oneness in Allah. It calls the Almighty the only superpower,
ever-living and everlasting. It says that everything in this universe and
everyone belongs to Allah. He is the supreme with no parent and child.

The First Quranic verse (First ayat of Quran)

Surah Al-Alaq was first revealed in Makkah by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
It has five ayats mentioned, and the chapter stands at the 96th position in
the Quran, and teaches Muslims to obey Allah in every situation in life. It
states that He knows everything, and all that happens in life is the result of
His planning. He is the most generous and has created the human from a

The Last Quranic verse (Last ayat of Quran)

The scholars are divided on narrowing down the ayah that was last revealed
by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Some believe that Ayat 281 of Surat Al-
Baqarah is the last one. It states that when humans go back to Allah, every
soul repays the debt of the sins they committed and earn rewards from
Allah. After this, everyone gets fair treatment. Other scholars believe that
Ayat 3 of Surah Al-Ma’idah is the last revealed by Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH). It says, “This day I have done your religion for you, complete my
favour upon you, and have selected for you Islam as your religion.”

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