Exercise 14

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14 GV: VÕ VĂN TÀI TRÍ 0923855837

1. The goods _______ on TV are sometimes good.
A. presenting B. presented C. which presented D. which is presented
2. My sister enjoys taking part in social _______.
A. actions B. activity C. action D. activities
3. Vietnamese women are now _______ of men people in the modern society.
A. dependable B. dependent C. depending D. independent
4. I think I _______ my door key. I can’t find it anywhere.
A. have been lost B. lost C. have lost D. had lost
5. Find error: We were travelling at about two hundreds kilometers per hour.
6. It’s a long time since London _______ in one of its infamous pea-soup fogs.
A. enveloped B. was enveloped C. has enveloped D. has been enveloped
7. “How stylish your dress is.” – “_______”
A. I’m sorry, I’m busy tonight. B. I’m glad you like it. It’s my birthday’s gift.
C. That’s good idea. C. It’s was my pleasure.
8. All the students _______ do well in writing.
A. whom Mr. David teaches them B. which Mr. David teaches
C. that Mr. David teaches them D. Mr. David teaches
9. The remedy _______ by the doctor is too expensive for me to avoid.
A. was written B. which wrote C. writing D. written
10. Try not to be _______ if you do not get the job.
A. disappointing B. disappointed C. disappointment D. disappointedly
11. You should find a job to live _______ from your parents.
A. independent B. dependent C. dependently D. independently
12. It’s about time you _______ harder for the next exam.
A. had worked B. worked C. was working D. have worked
13. She would have come to the party if she _______.
A. hadn’t been invited B. had invited C. had been invited D. hadn’t invited
14. If you had worked harder, you _______.
A. would not be sacked B. would have sacked C. would have been sacked D. wouldn’t have been sacked
15. “I didn’t break the window,” Jim said.
A. Jim admitted breaking the window. B. Jim refused to break the window.
C. Jim denied breaking the window. D. Jim told he didn’t break the window.
16. Find error: Arthur was giving an award by the city for all his efforts in crime prevention.
17. I don’t like this house because it is _______ furnished.
A. uncomfortably B. comfortable C. uncomfortable D. comfortably
18. “I’ve just passed my exam.” – “_______”
A. You’re welcome B. Well done C. Good luck D. How do you do!
19. They are proud to learn at the university _______ the president used to work as a head master.
A. who B. where C. which D. when
20. The Asian Games, _______ place every four years, are held to develop friendship and solidarity.
A. which took B. that takes C. taking D. takes
21. The US gained _______ from Britain in 1776.
A. dependence B. independence C. dependently D. independently
22. Schooling is _______ for all English children from the age of 5 to 16.
A. free B. convenient C. compulsory D. necessary
23. The academic year in England runs from September to July _______ into 3 terms
A. divided B. is divided C. are divided D. dividing
24. “This is the third time you _______ the traffic law” the police said.
A. break B. broke C. have broken D. were broken
25. They _______ you more if they had been told of its value.
A. would have paid B. wouldn’t have paid C. would pay D. will pay
26. The office _______ my sister works in is on the fifth floor.
A. who B. which C. whose D. where
27. _______ has risen by 4% since January and now stand as just under three million.
A. Employment B. Employer C. Unemployment D. Employing
28. Phonetics: A. carefully B. politics C. physical D. chemistry
29. The GCSE _______ the General Certificate of Secondary Education.
A. takes up B. stands for C. stands up D. take on
30. Find error: A surprise party is going to organize tomorrow evening by the students in my class.
31. I pulled off the sheets _______ the furniture.
A. covered B. covering C. which are covered D. which covers
32. Don’t make your friends _______ when they are at your home.
A. comfortably B. comfortable C. uncomfortable D. uncomfortably
33. Find error: My parents gave her a bicycle which made in Japan on her birthday.
34. I _______ to work on Sundays when I was young.
A. made B. had made C. was made D. was making
35. “Sorry, I’m late.” – “_______”
A. My pleasure B. Don’t worry C. I wish I could but I am busy D. Well, let me see
36. She usually dresses in Pink, but today she _______ a blue shirt.
A. is wearing B. wears C. has worn D. has been wearing
37. Not only English but also other subjects _______ yesterday.
A. mentioned B. was mentioned C. were mentioned D. was mentioning
38. _______ they realized the danger, they wouldn’t have done it.
A. Unless B. Had C. If D. Would
39. Phonetics: A. exist B. explanation C. challenge D. engineer
40. He _______ the effects of radiation when he suddenly died.
A. was studying B. has studied C. had studying D. studied
41. “_______” – “Congratulations”
A. I didn’t do the test well B. I believe I’ll pass the exam
C. We’re going to get married next month D. I’ve been got in stuck in the traffic jam for 3 hours.
42. This picture _______. Please buy that one.
A. was sold B. has been sold C. sold D. is sold
43. Only a few of the movies _______ at the Gray Theatre are suitable for children.
A. are shown B. have been sold C. shown D. which is shown
44. He lives in a small town _______.
A. where is called Taunton B. which is called Taunton C. is called Taunton D. that called Taunton
45. It is _______ to fail a job interview, but try again.
A. disappoint B. disappointing C. disappointedly D. disappointment
46. Last Sunday I attended a party _______ by one of my friends.
A. to give B. giving C. given D. which gave
47. If she _______ to change a job last year, she _______ to China next month.
A. had not decided / would go B. did not decided / would go
C. had not decided / would have gone D. has not decided / would go
48. Her bad result made her parents _______.
A. disappoint B. disappointing C. disappointed D. disappointedly
49. Do you know the car _______ outside?
A. parking B. to park C. parked D. which park
50: Find error: His books have been translated into several language in the world.
51. He is late again. He _______ late for school.
A. is always coming B. always came C. is coming D. will come
52. I’ll call her at 8. No, don’t. She _______ breakfast then.
A. will have B. will have had C. will be having D. is having
53. The lights turned to red, so he _______ the car.
A. stopped B. was stopping C. stops D. was stopped
54. Phonetics: A. thoroughly B. project C. existence D. graduate
55. I am not opposed to your plan but it needs _______.
A. to modify B. modifying C. modify D. being modified
56. The school boy _______ in the accident.
A. seriously injured B. seriously was injured C. was seriously injured D.to be seriously injured
57. He drove carelessly and had an accident.
A. Because of his carelessly driving, he had an accident B. Because he had an accident, he drove carelessly
C. If he had driven carelessly, he’d have had an accident D. Had he driven carefully, he’d not have had an accident
58. Why don’t you have the document _______?
A. photocopy B. to photocopy C. photocopied D. photocopying
59: Find error: Children enjoy telling and listening to ghost stories, especially on Halloween night.
60. Football is thought _______ sport in the world.
A. is the most popular B. to play the most popular C. the most popular D. to be the most popular
Preposition: _ Compulsory _______, Consist _______ = be made up _______, independent _______, dependent _______,
divide _______, pay _______, free _______, _______ the end _______, get _______, make _______, stand _______

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