Interview Report

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Kick Interview Report

Mohamed Turki, players' agent

01157744899 |
Butshini Cafe 3/12/2022
Aya Abdelaziz, System Analyst

I spoke with Mohamed in the café about his profession as a players' agent, the difficulties he
faces, and some discussions and questions that will be mentioned.

Aya: Welcome, Mohamed. I’m really very happy to giving me the opportunity for this interview.
Mohamed: Thank you. I’m very happy about conducting this interview with you too

Aya: I hope you are well today

Mohamed: I’m very well

Aya: Let me start with you with a fact that you are sure to know, which is that the number of
players in Egypt does not exceed half a percent of the total number of people in Egypt, and this
is a very small number in relation to this large population. What are the reasons for that from
your point of view?
Mohamed: I see that the first and last reason for this is that football in Egypt is based on
investment, Clubs are not concerned with talent, but rather with paying money. Therefore, if
there are talented players but they are unable to pay money, then talent is useless. But on the
contrary, if money is available with a player who does not have talent, then this enables him to
easily join any club and that is not fair for the talented players.

Aya: Is this system only in Egypt?

Mohamed: In Egypt and in some Gulf countries such as the Emirates, but in Egypt it is much,
much more.
Aya: What is your role as a player's agent when you see a talented player but he is unable to
pay money?
Mohamed: The talented player, I do not ask him for money, but I take it and offer it to all clubs
inside and outside Egypt, and when a player impresses one of the clubs, I send the player to
them immediately.

Aya: Are you the only one who follows this method, or are there many agents who follow this
method as well?
Mohamed: I do not know this information, but you can consider that 99% of agents in Egypt
consider football as a way to make money, so the most important thing for them is to take
money from the player.

Aya: Through my follow-up to you during the recent period, I noticed that you are asking the
players who have videos of their skills to send them to you so that you can display the talented
players to the clubs. Do you think that making an application or a website to collect data and
videos for players will be useful and make it easier for them to be discovered and for more
people to see their talents?
Mohamed: In terms of benefit, this project is very useful, as there are many players who have
CV and data for themselves, but they do not know how to benefit from it or to whom to offer it,
in addition to that the application will greatly facilitate the clubs’ search for players.

Aya: Great. Do you, as agents, have some certificates confirming your practice of the
Mohamed: In the beginning, you must differentiate between the authorized agent, the
mediator, and the broker. The authorized agent has a bachelor’s degree from FIFA, and it is
granted only to those who worked in an internationally accredited player agency in Europe, As
for those who work in Egypt, they are called mediators, and they can only deal with local
players, but he is unable to send any player to play abroad because it is forbidden in any club in
Europe to deal with an agent who is not approved by FIFA, As for those who deal with emerging
players and the second, third and fourth degrees, all their task is to take money from the player
in exchange for testing him in a club.

Aya: Finally, If there are no guarantees for mediators or brokers to practice the profession?
Mohamed: No, There are no guarantees for them, and anyone in Egypt can practice this

Aya: Good
I have come to the end of this interview with you, I really enjoyed this conversation and wrote a
lot of information that will definitely benefit me. Thank you very much for your precious time,
which I was very pleased with
Mohamed: you are welcome. I also enjoyed this conversation with you, and I hope I gave you
the most benefit.
Thank you very much and good luck in what lies ahead for you.

Through this interview, I was able to gather and learn many requirements about the project,

 The ability of each player to create a personal file that contains all his data and CV.
 The possibility of many users, including club explorers, agents and brokers, to enter the
application or website and see the different videos of more than one player and interact
with them as well.
 The possibility of communicating with players in the event that a club admires their
talent without obtaining material compensation from any player.

Aya Abdelaziz 3/12/2022

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