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M A N A G E M E N T April 21, 2022


Food Markets Signaling: Red Alert
Last week, we wrote that commodity markets flationary cycle, we recognize that we have
were signaling that “This Is Not a Drill,” and an obligation to our clients to be as effective
discussed events driving energy and industri- as possible in playing “inflation defense” with
al and precious metals. We deliberately didn’t those clients’ savings. That means remain-
discuss soft commodities -- i.e., foods. Below ing aware of important trends, including
are some thoughts about foods, food inflation, trends in agricultural commodities, and
fertilizers, the potential consequences for food navigating them in a way to enhance
and beverage manufacturers and retailers, and that defense if possible. Being aware and
the possible wider geopolitical effects on food prepared is one thing -- but we certainly hope
import-dependent developing countries in the worst scenarios do not come to pass.
Food Crisis: Inflation, War, and Frac-
A Letter We Wish We Didn’t Have To tured Supply Chains
Inflation and supply-chain disruption were al-
Even though there will be beneficiaries of cur- ready factors in play thanks to the pandemic
rent developments, we don’t want to reduce responses from policymakers -- including the
this issue to solely an “opportunity” for inves- lockdowns, shutdowns, confusing signals from
tors. Food crises are unmitigated humanitar- government, and of course the monetary and
ian catastrophes. In a system as complex, in- fiscal tsunami. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
terdependent, and unpredictable as the web of has dramatically escalated the effects of
global agricultural commodity production and these disruptions on global food supplies.
supply chains, catastrophic consequences can

© Guild Investment Management Inc.

follow disruptions in unexpected ways; a case Russia and Ukraine are both critical suppliers
study is the European migrant crisis of 2015, of wheat and corn (as well as barley, a less-sig-
whose effects are still far from exhausted. nificant feed grain), as well as important seed
(Consider the tight polls in upcoming French oils, including canola and sunflower oil.
elections, and the remarkable rebirth of the
Front National.) Ukraine’s supplies are threatened because
perhaps half the country’s agricultural land
It is not our desire to find ways to profit from will not be planted this spring, and even if hos-
human misery. As we analyze the current in- tilities are quickly resolved (which seems in-
M A N A G E M E N T April 21, 2022

EDITORS creasingly unlikely), normalization as well. Russia and Belarus are

will take a year or two. (Inadequate key suppliers of potash, an essen-
seed stocks will hinder planting, as tial fertilizer component -- but urea
will the potential need to remove and ammonia produced from nat-
mines and military refuse from mil- ural gas via the Haber-Bosch pro-
lions of hectares of farmland.) Fur- cess are critical as well, so fertiliz-
ther, Ukraine’s agricultural exports er shortages and soaring fertilizer
mostly depart the country via ports costs are a further, compounding
on the Black Sea, all of which are component of the crisis. Indeed,
now closed to shipping traffic -- and the current convergence of
MONTY GUILD which are particularly desired tar- sanctions, hydrocarbon short-
gets of Russian strategic interest. ages, production shortfalls, and
stranded supplies are creating
Russia’s (and Belarus’) supplies are a “perfect storm.”
threatened due to sanctions, and
the inability of global supply chains Food Inflation Bubbling Up In
to quickly re-route that supply to the Developed World
willing buyers (e.g., China -- which
has historically represented a very Naturally, this negative supply shock
small destination for Russian wheat will not remain confined simply to
exports). food grains and their immediate de-
ANTHONY rivatives, such as seed oils -- simply
DANAHER Notably, it is food-dependent Mid- because those grains are essential
President dle Eastern countries which are components of packaged foods
the most sharply exposed to these worldwide. Indonesian store
export shortfalls, and which will shelves are already almost
be scrambling to make it up -- via bare of the country’s favorite
price-fueled demand destruction, noodles, which are made with
rationing, the release of strategi- Ukrainian wheat. But beyond the
cally held stocks, etc. Turkey, Egypt, developing world, the push in recent
Lebanon, and Tunisia are all particu- years in the developed world to-
larly exposed. As we’ve mentioned wards highly processed plant-based
before, the last widespread episode staples has increased the exposure
© Guild Investment Management Inc.
of political instability in Middle East- of many large food producers to
VON ABELE ern countries was occasioned by a grain prices, while plastic packaging
Senior Research
Analyst food inflation shock in 2011 and and elongated supply chains have
2012. Depending on the trajecto- increased their exposure to energy
12400 Wilshire Blvd ry of current events, this has the costs.
Suite 820 potential to be a still more severe
Los Angeles, CA 90025
disruption. As it turns out, devel-
oped-world consumer demand Of course, global hydrocarbon for packaged food is quite
Mon–Fri 06:30–16:30 supply issues are central here “elastic” -- that is, the ability of
M A N A G E M E N T April 21, 2022

Source: Bloomberg, LLP

brand-name food manufacturers to pass rising kind of existential issue that sparked an upris-
costs through to consumers is relatively limit- ing in Tunisia in 2011 -- but combined with the
ed before those consumers will begin shifting “pain at the pump,” it may have a significant
towards cheaper alternatives, bargain brands, effect on political dynamics in the developed
etc. Margins of packaged food manufactur- world.
ers will be squeezed -- although those brands
with idiosyncratic loyalty and high demand All of that being said, no matter where you
might fare relatively better. Brand loyalty is are in the world, history suggests that political
everything in this context. leadership during a period of declining stan-
dard of living often does not remain “leader-
In discussing packaged food, another ship.” There is a lot that goes into determining
item looms large, even after including the “standard of living,” but front and center is
raw material and energy costs -- and the availability of affordable food, and it looks
that’s labor. We just read that “employees like there is lot less of that around. Belt tight-
at 540 [California] Ralphs, Albertsons, Vons ening looks like a global trend, but of course
and Pavilions stores from San Luis Obispo to some belts will be cinched more than others.
San Diego will receive raises of 19% to 31%
over current levels, while part-time employees Producers (Who Can Produce) Benefit
-- around 70% of the workforce -- were guar-
anteed 28 weekly hours, up from 24.” Union Potential beneficiaries include grain produc- © Guild Investment Management Inc.
negotiators noted that “the company was ers in other “breadbasket” regions -- including
afraid of a strike.” This phenomenon will the U.S., Argentina, Brazil, and India. Strong
continue and expand, and retailers will see planting and export boosts from these sourc-
margins decline as a consequence. es would help to calm anxiety-driven price
spikes, as would any resolution of Russia’s war
All of these components will be adding against Ukraine that permits more planting to
to the price pressures seen by devel- occur. The fact that corn’s price is outstrip-
oped-world consumers at the cash reg- ping soybeans suggests a rotation of U.S. farm-
ister. This of course is not anywhere near the ers from soy to corn.
M A N A G E M E N T April 21, 2022

Which brings us to another issue that requires a significant amount of energy

will certainly arise: it may be that cur- to produce – may (read “should”) finally
rent events prompt a rethinking of the become politically intolerable.
(to us) unconscionable dedication of so
much U.S. corn supply to ethanol pro- And of course, with central banks tightening,
duction, a policy boondoggle of epic the higher price of money makes it more dif-
proportions. In a global food crisis, the ficult to pencil out capex expenditures that
spectacle of food being burned to pow- would contribute to an easing of supply pres-
er vehicles -- especially when ethanol sures.

Investment implications: The stage is with complex political and geopolitical

being set for rising and possibly accel- ramifications. Packaged food producers
erating food prices; a base case might will face eroding margins from raw ma-
see strong prices through the rest of terials, energy, and labor, as will food re-
this year, while a less likely case could tailers, and some reliable dividend-pay-
see higher and longer-lasting price pres- ing consumer staples stocks may come
sures amounting to a global food crisis under pressure as a result.

The Markets This Week

What is Happening In China? ability and dependency on China. Or is (as
some may fear) their “zero tolerance” covid
Shanghai, and many other Chinese cities, are policy driven by some particular knowledge
once again under extreme covid lockdown that they have about the long-term effects of
conditions -- the most stringent since April the pathogen itself? All of these are no more
2020, as China pursues its apparent “zero than conjectures. In any event, the effect on
covid” policy. The images and videos perco- global supply chains -- which had begun to
lating through to western social media are unsnarl the original pandemic knots -- will be
profoundly disturbing, and prompt a question: significant moving forward. Global auto pro-
what is China really up to? As the rest of the duction is already declining again, both due
world has largely settled into an acceptance to supply chain disruptions and due to raw
of covid as a new, endemic, dangerous, but material disruptions from the Russia/Ukraine
manageable seasonal illness, and has rolled off war.
© Guild Investment Management Inc.

restrictions and mandates and left such deci-

sions to individuals, China has crushed eco- Invest in China at your own risk, but fol-
nomic and shipping activity in its most eco- low China closely as it holds many glob-
nomically significant city. Why? al economic keys.

We have some conjectures – an effort of the China watchers are trying to figure out what
Chinese leadership to assert and secure con- comes next, and there are lots of theories and
trol, an act of solidarity with Russia, an act guesses. Bank of America Merrill Lynch shared
of telegraphing the west’s economic vulner- a few possible scenarios with investors this
M A N A G E M E N T April 21, 2022

Source: Goldman Sachs Research

week, saying “uncertainties to persist,” “base An Unrelated Observation -- Are There

case: lockdowns till mid-May and reopening in Fewer Buyers For Longer-Dated Mer-
2023,” and “bear case: lockdowns to spread chandise?
until reopening at yearend.” Our strategy is
to follow the data (as unreliable as it may be), In a conference call webinar that we broad-
and while China could decide to stimulate ag- cast a few weeks ago, we encouraged inves-
gressively, and China-related stocks could be tors to “stay liquid and agile.” Recent years
a good short-term trade, we typically want to proved to be a good period for private fund
choose investments that offer more transpar- opportunities, and many performed very well
ency than one finds in China. for investors who got in early during a peri-
od where money was “free.” Our recent ob-
How’s the Consumer? servation is that we have started to receive
more solicitations for private investment,
Corporate earnings season has started, private real estate, and private equity
and in management conference calls funds. By this we mean that more private
we are getting signals that discretion- fund sponsors have been reaching out to us © Guild Investment Management Inc.
ary consumer spending is beginning to with offers targeted at qualified investors --
show some cracks -- here’s looking at including funds touting exposure to pre-IPO
you, NFLX. The more discretionary, the tech companies.
more risk -- and as we noted above, even
consumer staples are not perhaps the invul- Even though we do not invest in private
nerable fortress they are sometimes touted funds for our clients, we are being solicit-
to be. We have a lot of calls on deck for the ed. Aside from the fact that the good private
next two weeks -- and we’ll let you know funds do not solicit investors who don’t buy
what we hear. privates, it makes us question whether there
M A N A G E M E N T April 21, 2022

isn’t a reduction of overall demand for these lies years or a decade in the future. So then
investment products. If that is the case, our they imagine that marks might be found by an
advice is to stay away. As we said above, past appeal to “get in” before the companies go
returns of many private funds were very good, public. If anything, this is a sign that the
but past returns may not be very relevant in shelf life of profitless unicorns is rapid-
an environment where money will likely cost ly expiring -- and if such opportunities
a lot more than it has. These are typical- come your way, we would advise you to
ly not liquid investments, and when you be very sober about valuation.
are stuck in them, “agile” is not how
one would describe them. Our Next Zoom Call

On the subject of pre-IPO investing, we en- We’ll be hosting a Zoom call on May 5, fol-
courage investors to understand the phe- lowing the Fed’s next meeting. We look for-
nomenon of the “down round” and looking ward to discussing all these topics in greater
for new buyers. The usual buyers are looking depth, and hope to see you there.
at the investment landscape and concluding
(quite rationally) that this is not the time to Thanks for listening; we welcome your calls
be diving into investments whose fruition and questions.

© Guild Investment Management Inc.

M A N A G E M E N T April 21, 2022
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