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Art Summative:

Your Art Summative is made up of three parts. Part One and Two are to be submitted on Edsby on or
before the due date. Part three must be submitted to me on the due date during our Art Lesson.
Due Date: 10 January 2022
Part 1: Art Research Brochure
1. Research a major period in Art and create an informative brochure about this period.
Ancient Egyptian Art
Greek Art
Roman Art
India, China, Japan Art
Native Arts, Americas Art
Cover the who (significant artists, patrons who supported them), what (defining characteristics
of the style), when, where, and how each developed. Be thorough and detailed.
Include a few works from the period that are good samples of this style. Show how they reflect
the culture and style of the period.
Internet, Books; Be sure to include a Bibliography on a separate page.

Part 2: Reflective Paper (300-500 words)

This portion of your summative will be graded based on the thoughtfulness of your reflections and the
quality of your communication.

 Reflect on your personal development as an artist over the course of this semester. (Refer to
your sketch book, art written assignments and art discussions to help you.)
o Skills development
 Be sure to reference specific activities and projects and what you learned from
o Changes in Likes/Dislikes
o Overall perception of art

Part 3: Art Collection

Your art collection will include 3 pieces, each done using a different media. (Your Fractured Portrait is
included in this number)
One of your pieces must be a full-sized sketch. (Use a sheet from a large sketchbook if you can with a 2
cm border, if you unable to find a large sketch book just use what you have without the border. This is
your fractured portrait.)
Each of your remaining two pieces will communicate something about one topic.
1. Using a list, a brain map, or other appropriate method, record several topics/issues that you
could explore. Be sure to use categories and subcategories when appropriate. (This will need to
be submitted as part of your assignment.)
2. Select one topic from your list and develop another list of things that you could communicate
about that topic.
a. This will likely require some research as you will need to have a good understanding of
the issues relating to your topic and the effect that they have on society.
3. Write a brief description of the 3 pieces that you plan to create demonstrating your
understanding of your topic as well as the elements and principles of art that will aid your
a. With your three pieces, you may
i. communicate one thing about your topic in three different ways.
ii. communicate three different things about your topic.
b. This will be done before beginning the piece (though the description may change slightly
after you are done).
i. This is essentially a plan for what you hope to communicate and how you will do
4. Create Art!
5. Submit in an appropriate way.

Part Category Grade

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Part 1 & 2: Brochure and 15
Reflective Paper 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Part 2: Art Collection
Piece 1 (Sketch) Application 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Piece 2 Application 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Piece 3 Application 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Written Explanations Communication 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Total /70

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