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1- It had been a year since Misha, thirty-four, became blind.

Because of a medical
problem, she was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness. Misha, who was finally
ready to return to her job, she used to take the bus, but was now too frightened to get
around the city by herself. So, how would she get there? Malik volunteered to drive her to
work each day, even though they worked at opposite ends of the city.
2- At first, this comforted Misha and fulfilled Malik’s need to protect his wife, who
had lost confidence in doing even the simplest task. Soon, however, this transport
arrangement was becoming too tiring for him. He realised that she would have to start
taking the bus again, but just the thought of mentioning this to her upset him. She was
still so fragile, so angry. How would she react?
3- Just as Malik had expected, Misha was horrified at the idea of taking the bus
again. Her heart was full of anger. “How could you do this to me? I am blind!” She
responded bitterly. “How am I supposed to know where I am going? I feel as if you are
abandoning me. Don’t you love me anymore?” Malik’s heart broke when he heard those
words, but he knew what he had to do. He promised her that, each morning and evening,
he would ride the bus with her, for as long as it took for her to get used to it. And that was
exactly what happened.
4- Malik helped her make friends with the bus drivers, who would watch out for
her. They even saved her a seat. Malik made her laugh, even on those bad days when she
tripped as she left the bus or dropped her briefcase. Each morning, they made the
journey together and Malik would take a taxi back to his office. Although his routine was
even more expensive and more tiring than the previous one, he knew it was just a matter
of time before she would be able to ride the bus on her own. He believed in her, in the
Misha he used to know, who was not afraid of any challenges and who would never, ever
5- Indeed, she soon became confident enough to start travelling on her own. One
day, as she was about to get off the bus, the driver said, “Madam, I really envy you. It must
feel so good to be taken care of and protected like you are.” Misha had no idea what the
driver was talking about, and asked,” What do you mean?”The driver answered,” You
know, every morning, a gentleman in a military uniform stands on the other side of the
road watching you as you leave the bus. He makes sure you cross the road safely and he
watches you until you enter your office building. Then he blows you a kiss and walks
away. You are a fortunate woman.”
6- Tears of happiness flowed down her cheeks. Although she could not see her
husband, she had always felt his presence. Misha was lucky, so lucky, for he had given her
a gift more powerful than sight, a gift she did not need to see to believe – a gift of love that
can bring light where there has been darkness.
Test #2

Grombalia High School Dec 2015 Name: ........................................................ Class: 3rd Arts.............
Teachers: Mr.l’ Duration: 2 hours

 Reading Comprehension (15 marks)

1- Tick the correct answer. (1mark)

The text is mainly about a man who
a. devoted his life to care for his blind wife
b. abandoned his wife because of her blindness
c. dedicated his life to protecting the rights of the blind.
2- Read the text and answer the following questions (3marks)

a. What caused Misha to lose her sight?

b. How did Misha first respond when she became blind?
c. At first, what arrangement did Malik make to help his blind wife go to work safely?
3- What does the underlined word in paragraph 2 refer to? (1mark)

This refers to..................................................................

4- Focus on paragraph 2, 3 and 4 and complete this short summary with words from the
text. (write only one word in each blank) (3marks)

When Malik realized that driving his wife to work was............................................., he asked her to
take the bus again. But ,Misha’s reaction...........................................his heart so
he............................................her that he would ride the bus with her, for as long as it took for her to
get used to it.

5- State two ways how the bus driver helped Misha. (2marks)
a. ...........................................................................................................................................................
b. ...........................................................................................................................................................

6- Correct the following false statements with precise details from the text. (3marks)
a. According to Malik, riding the bus with Misha is more comfortable than driving her to
b. Malik had no confidence in his wife’s ability to win the challenge and take the bus alone.
c. In the end, Misha was still afraid of going to work by bus alone.
7- Who was the gentleman in the military uniform mentioned in paragraph 5? (1mark)
8- In your opinion, what kind of person is Malik? Using your own words, give a reason
to support your answer. (1mark)

 Language:(10marks)
1- Put the bracketed words in the correct tense and/or form. (3.5marks)
Born in rural poverty, and then raised by a mother on welfare in a poor urban neighborhood, Oprah
Gail Winfrey became a millionaire at the age of 32 when her talk show went national. In 1998,
Winfrey began Oprah's Angel Network, a charity aimed at encouraging people around the world to
make a difference in the lives of the needy. Accordingly, Oprah's Angel Network (support)
………………..charitable projects and provides grants to nonprofit organizations around the world
that share this vision. So far Oprah's Angel Network (raise)………………………..…….…….more than
Although Winfrey's show is known for raising money through her public charity and the cars and
gifts she gives away on TV (often/donate)……………………………………….by corporations in exchange
for publicity, behind the scenes Winfrey (personal)…………………………donates more of her own
money to charity than any other show-business celebrity in America. In 2005 she (become)
…………………………. the first black person listed by Business Week as one of America's top 50 most
generous (philanthropy)………………….………, having given an estimated $303 million. Winfrey has
been ranked the (rich)…………………………African American of the 20th century, the most
philanthropic African American of all time, and was once the world's only black billionaire.

2- Fill in the blanks with 7 words from the box below. (Be careful there are two extra
words). (3.5marks)

Be violence -besides- lives -assassinated -survives–but- peacefully- segregation- unfair

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia in the United States in 1929. At that time in
America, black people didn't have equal rights with white people. Black people had to sit in the back
of busses. The schools were segregated and there were even separate public restrooms for black
people and white people. Black people’s............................................were not
very good.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was a minister in the Baptist Church. He fought
against racial................................................................ He wanted equal rights for all
people. But he didn't his fight. He
asked people to fight...........................................................
For example, he asked black people to ride in the front of the bus. More
than 200,000 people went to Washington D.C. to listen to him speak and
ask the government to change...........................................laws.
Because of Martin Luther King, Jr., many laws began to change in the United
States. ................................................many white people disagreed with him and his ways. In 1968, Martin
Luther King, Jr. a white man. Every year on the third Monday
of January, Americans remember Martin Luther King, Jr. They try to remember how much America
has changed. And they think about how much more America should change in the future.

3- Circle the best alternative. (3marks)

Last week I asked my Mum if I could go to a rock festival. “No”, she said, “the music will be too
loud ... there'll be crowds of people ... you won't know anybody “. These excuses were so lame that I
thought there was some other secret reason why she (wanted/doesn’t want/didn't want) me to
go. After all, this is the first time my mum (ever showed/has ever shown/were ever showing)
any concern about the dangers of loud music.
I think the real reason Mum is worried about my going to the festival is that my friends and I will
have (survival/to survive/surviving) by ourselves for a couple of days. This might not sound like
much of a challenge, but surviving means preparing food as well as eating it, (putting/put/to put)
tents up as well as sleeping in them ... Mum has (obvious/obviously/clear) realized that if I went
to the festival I would soon find out how totally dependent on her I am. And once I realized how
(incapable/capable/inability) I am of surviving on my own, I would never leave home again.
Then Mum would have a pathetic teenager / adult under her feet for the rest of her life.
 Writing (15marks)
1-Use the notes below to write a short biography of the famous American businessman and
philanthropist Bill Gates.(5marks)
 Birth: Seattle, Washington 1955
 1994: marry Melinda/create Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
 2007: Bill and Melinda/ be /second most generous philanthropist in America/ give over $ 28
billion to charity.
 Plan: give 95% wealth/charity.

2-As you are an active member of an international charitable organization and as you
are aware of the fact that a lot of children living in poor countries suffer from poverty and
other problems such as illiteracy and diseases, you decided to write a newspaper article to
appeal to people to send their help to the organization so that something could be done to
those poor unfortunate children. First describe the situation, and then try to convince
people to help by giving them good reasons.(10marks)


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