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the beach, the boys, and the sweethearts

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: 東京卍リベンジャーズ | Tokyo Revengers (Manga)
Relationship: Draken | Ryuuguuji Ken/Mitsuya Takashi, Mikey | Sano
Manjirou/Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Mitsuya Takashi &
Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi
Character: Mitsuya Takashi, Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Draken |
Ryuuguuji Ken, Mikey | Sano Manjirou
Additional Tags: Female Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Female Mitsuya Takashi,
Alternate Universe, Day At The Beach, Double Date, Protective Mitsuya
Takashi, Mikey | Sano Manjirou is a Little Shit
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-08-07 Words: 1441

the beach, the boys, and the sweethearts

by randomtuna13 (belindarimbi13)


"I'm thankful that you have been watching over me, Mitsuya-san. But I swear to you, I
won't let him do something that I'm not comfortable with."

"Just shout, and I'll come to the rescue." Takemichi hugged her.

"Mikey-kun won't stand a chance against you."

"Damn right, he won't."

—in which Draken/fem!Mitsuya ft Mikey/fem!Takemichi were having a double date on the

beach, and other hilarity ensued


Tokyo Revengers was a masterpiece created by Ken Wakui.

I did not gain any material profit from this fanfiction.

See the end of the work for more notes

Mikey really can't freaking chill, Mitsuya thought as she rolled her eyes and escorted Takemichi out
of the said man's sight because no, Mikey, I won't allow you to apply sunscreen on her just because
she's your girlfriend; we know what happened last time.

Takemichi was blushing furiously.

Even if it stirred some guiltiness on Mikey's face, it didn't stop him from trying though.

"It won't happen again."

Mitsuya shook her head. "Nope." And to the dragon-tattooed man who clearly had been ogling her
and 100% unfocused on the conversation that occurred right before his eyes, Mitsuya ordered him.
"Take him somewhere far away, Draken. I don't need him to go feral on Michi."

Draken smirked, examining her appreciatively. "I can go feral too."

Mitsuya slapped his arm, unamused. "Go!"

"I'm sorry, Mitsuya-san for troubling you," Takemichi mumbled to her knees as Mitsuya spurted
sunblock over her back.

"What are we, Michi? Strangers? You're one of my own, now. It is my duty to protect you as well,"
she applied the lotion methodically. "Speaking of Mikey, we should at least put him on a leash. I
swear to God, he needs to calm the eff down when it comes to you."

"He picked this swimwear," Takemichi said out of nowhere.

Mitsuya couldn't see her expression, but she swore she could see Takemichi's ears turning red.

"I guess he's just excited to see me in it."

Mitsuya was just about to retort sarcastically when Takemichi added something in such a soft voice
as if it was an afterthought that didn't mean to be voiced aloud. "I'm happy, that he likes it."

My God, they're helpless, even Mitsuya couldn't help the fond smile that escaped her lips.

"Do you like your swimsuit because Mikey picks it for you, or because you like it the way it is?"

Takemichi didn't even hesitate to answer. "I like it because he knows that I will like it. This is

The swimwear did suit Takemichi. If Mikey picked it on his own, he clearly understood what his
girlfriend want.

It was a two-piece model in soft maroon colors. The top wasn't too revealing, but it still accentuated
her chest. It had a tiny ribbon on it, and while it could give a childish vibe, it actually made the
whole look pretty sweet. The bottom also had the same ribbons on each sides, adding the cuteness.

Takemichi kinda reminded Mitsuya of a shoujo manga character with classic ribbons as her
trademarked appearance. The only difference was that Takemichi didn't have her red twin tails but
blonde short hair.

"It is adorable," Mitsuya agreed, patting her back as a sign that she had finished applying the
sunscreen. Takemichi took a moment to fix herself.

"Thank you, Mitsuya-san." She looked over her shoulder. "Do you want me to do the same—"

"Nah, I'm good." Mitsuya grinned, looking down at herself. There was a reason why she wore her
swimsuit. "I wanna get tanner skin this summer."

She stood up and offered her hand to help her up.

"C'mon, let's join the boys."

Mitsuya did try to protect Takemichi, and she wasn't even afraid to show Mikey that. She had been
gluing on her, so that Mikey didn't dare to put his hands inappropriately and without consent, on

Ever since Mikey brought her into their circle, Mitsuya couldn't help to have a sense of
protectiveness over her. Takemichi was so sweet, and Mitsuya intended to keep that aspect of her

"It's okay, Mitsuya-san," Takemichi cleared her throat awkwardly after a particular moment of
Mikey trying to haul his girlfriend, and it ended up with Mitsuya pinching his hand on reflex.

Mikey might have been yelping dramatically at that.

"Behave," she scowled. Mikey stuck his tongue in response, but Mitsuya's warning didn't stop him
for stealing a kiss off Takemichi's cheek anyway, causing her to shriek in surprise. "What did I just
tell you—"

"C'mon, Mitsuya," Draken put his hand on her tense shoulders. "You can't possibly spend your day
supervising their relationship? Don't you wanna relax?"

Mikey had sprinted to avoid her, but Mitsuya didn't try to lower the intensity of her scowl.

"Well, Michi—"

Takemichi smiled gratefully at her. "I'm thankful that you have been watching over me, Mitsuya-
san. But I swear to you, I won't let him do something that I'm not comfortable with."

Mitsuya pursed her lips as if she was considering her words. After a minute, she sighed.

"Just shout, and I'll come to the rescue." Takemichi hugged her.

"Mikey-kun won't stand a chance against you," she giggled against her lavender hair.

"Damn right, he won't."

Either Mitsuya's threat worked, or Takemichi had her own way to tame her boyfriend, the two
seemed to have gone pretty normal for their standard.

Mitsuya had watched them for a while before she finally trusted the two to go on their own.

"Here you go."

Mitsuya yelped as she felt a can of coldness on her cheek. Draken laughed at her reaction. Mitsuya
accepted the soda, emptying it down in one go. She didn't realize she was that thirsty until she got a
can of cold drink, thrusting upon her face.

"You've been paying a lot of attention to Michi, lately," Draken commented, chugging his own
cold beer. "Mikey keeps complaining to me that you hog her girlfriend."

"Mikey is irrational when it comes to her," Mitsuya wiped her mouth. "He literally can't control
himself, and I just don't like it when Michi's all red and bothered like the last time we came here."

Mikey definitely loved to show his girlfriend off, and it included the way he went possessive over
her and didn't hesitate to do a bunch of PDAs, among many other things.

The last time the four of them, doing the beach double dates, Mikey wasn't ashamed to french-kiss
Takemichi, just because some strangers were catcalling her.

Takemichi might not have so sneakily told her beforehand that public display affections made her
nervous, but it seemed that Mikey didn't take a note of that.

So yeah, Mitsuya was quite protective of her.

"Not again," Mitsuya groaned when she saw Mikey pull his girlfriend into a kiss on the open. She
was about to stand up, but Draken grabbed her hand softly, preventing her.


The thing was, Mikey might have been a bad influence on his girlfriend.

"She doesn't mind it, though," Draken cut her off, following Mitsuya's gaze. And he was actually
right. She could see Takemichi clinging to Mikey's neck, clearly into the kiss as much as her

When they parted, they merely laughed and continued to run after each other.

It was rather a cute, Mitsuya admitted begrudgingly.

"See, you don't need to worry," Draken turned his head, his hand made its way to Mitsuya's fingers
and entangled them, squeezing lightly.

And as in perfect synchronization, Takemichi happened to look over their way and waved at them
with a bright smile on her face.

Mitsuya returned the favor, with her free hand. So, did Draken.

"I'm still gonna kick Mikey's ass if he ever messes with her," Mitsuya grumbled.

Draken took her face and kissed her cheek quickly.

"I'm on your side for that too."

Mitsuya chuckled. "You only say that because you don't want me to kick your ass too."

Draken pulled back slightly, shrugging. "You got me." He observed Mitsuya for a while before he
leaned and whispered to her ears, "but honestly, I like when you go all protective like that."

Mitsuya scoffed as if her boyfriend's words meant nothing to her.

Draken let out a peal of laughter before he settled himself back to his position, delighted that his
antic didn't even faze Mitsuya.

He let go of Mitsuya's hand to rummage through the cold case for another can of drink.

He popped another cold beer.

"You see, when you relax, you can actually—"

His sentence went forgotten as he got a pair of arms circling his neck. Draken didn't expect to have
Mitsuya scrambled onto his lap, taking his face.

Draken looked up at her, grinning. He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but they
both knew better. He didn't need to say anything when Mitsuya leaned down to kiss him.

"Oi! Stop devouring each other like perverts!"

Mitsuya didn't even break the kiss. She simply gave Mikey a middle finger.

Draken would do too if his arms weren't so busy steadying her girlfriend.
"They're just the same!" Mikey grumbled to Takemichi as they walked past the lovers.

Takemichi took his arm, smiling.

"This is why we are all getting along, Mikey-kun."

End Notes

doramitsu and maitake deserved to have a fun double date. and i deserve to imagine
mitsuya and mitchy in swimwears, so the beach date it is.

oh gosh, the level of self-indulgence in this fic is beyond me.

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