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Ocean Engineering 266 (2022) 112874

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Projected wave storm conditions under the RCP8.5 climate change scenario
in the North Atlantic Ocean
Andressa D’Agostini , Mariana Bernardino , C. Guedes Soares *
Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering (CENTEC), Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal


Keywords: The projected future wave storm conditions in the North Atlantic Ocean are investigated using a Lagrangian
North atlantic ocean methodology applied to a 120 years (1980–2100) dataset resulting from a run of the WAVEWATCH III model
Wave storms forced by EC-Earth winds and ice cover under the RCP8.5 climate change scenario. Several wave storm temporal-
Lagrangian approach
spatial characteristics are analysed, among them the number of storms, storm maximum significant wave height
RCP8.5 climate change scenario
(HSmax), maximum storm area, storm area associated with HSmax, storm track distribution and duration. When
comparing storm conditions by the end of the 21st century (2070–2100) with the historical period (1980–2010),
there is a decrease in the number of storms, although more intense events occur, i.e., with higher HSmax. The
storm track distribution differs in the mid-latitude regions, with a significant decrease in the number of storm
tracks, and a significant increase in latitudes above 65◦ N by the end of the 21st century. The differences between
the two periods are more expressive in the winter season.

1. Introduction conditions, particularly regarding wave storm events, plays a key role in
the planning and safety of several activities such as offshore operations,
Wave storms are generated by severe weather conditions and can be design of ship structures (Bitner-Gregersen et al., 2018), and port ac­
considered as a spatial-temporal phenomenon where the significant tivities (Izaguirre et al., 2021).
wave height rises above a critical threshold and stands above it for a Studies investigating historical periods verified an increase in sig­
time interval greater than 12 h (Boccotti, 2000). Other definitions of nificant wave height (Hs) in the North Atlantic Ocean, for both the mean
storms are possible using different thresholds (Labeyrie, 1991) but this (Bertin et al., 2013) and extreme values (Young and Ribal, 2019), and an
definition is adopted in this work. increase in the number of wave storms events (Bernardino and Guedes
It is worth mentioning that additional features such as directional Soares, 2016). Bertin et al. (2013) forced a wave model with 20th-cen­
distribution could be considered in the definition of storms (Laface et al., tury atmospheric reanalysis for 109 years (1900–2009) and found an
2015), for example, extratropical storms (Ponce de Leon and Guedes increase for Hs, superimposing the inter-annual variability, over the
Soares, 2014; Gramcianinov et al., 2020) have a smaller directional whole North Atlantic Ocean. A climatological study of wave storms,
variability than the tropical storms such as typhoons (Ou et al., 2002; Liu using 35 years (1979–2014) of the Era-interim reanalysis evidenced an
et al., 2020). increase of 0.17 storms per year of wave extreme events (Hs above 7 m)
The storm sea states affect a variety of human activities, as they (Bernardino and Guedes Soares, 2016). Young and Ribal (2019) ana­
represent a risk for ship safety and their severe conditions imply longer lysed an extensive satellite database over 33 years (1985–2018) and
journeys and higher fuel consumption (Vettor and Guedes Soares, showed a positive and statistically significant trend for wave extreme
2016), especially for the North Atlantic Ocean which presents one of the events (90th percentile) of approximately +0.8 cm/year.
world’s most intensely trafficked ship routes and has varied economic Despite the historical increasing trend, the future projections point in
activity, such as natural resources exploitation (e.g., fishing, crude oil, another direction. Several studies present a consensus on a decrease in
natural gas). The operation and safety of these economic activities Hs mean and extreme conditions over the North Atlantic Ocean (Hemer
depend upon favourable weather conditions as calm sea states. The et al., 2013; Aarnes et al., 2017; Morim et al., 2018; Lemos et al., 2020a,
understanding of wind-wave climate in historical, present and future b, 2021; Meucci et al., 2020; O’Grady et al., 2021; Belmadani et al.,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Guedes Soares).
Received 15 April 2022; Received in revised form 25 September 2022; Accepted 9 October 2022
Available online 23 October 2022
0029-8018/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
A. D’Agostini et al. Ocean Engineering 266 (2022) 112874

2021; Lobeto et al., 2021). For mean conditions the decrease is uniform,
however, for wave extremes, certain regions show an increase, such as
the east coast of North America (Lobeto et al., 2021). Moreover, the
changes in the projected scenarios vary between seasons, mostly in the
winter months (Hemer et al., 2013; Lemos et al., 2020a,b, 2021).
The projected scenario studies used the Representative Concentra­
tion Pathways (RCP) scenarios, RCP4.5 and RCP 8.5, to assess wind-
wave 21st-century future projections. The RCP represents future sce­
narios with different greenhouse gas concentrations until the year 2100
(Moss et al., 2010) adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) for its Fifth Assessment Report (IPCC et al., 2014). The
RCP 8.5 combines demographic and economic trends representing the
worst-case scenario with the highest greenhouse gas emissions.
Most works concerning future projections use an Eulerian approach,
which analyses the Hs time series at given locations. An alternative
method is a Lagrangian approach, which enables the investigation of
wave storms from a dynamic and spatial perspective (Bernardino et al.,
Fig. 1. North Atlantic domain used in the present work and wave storms tracks
2008). This approach was used in previous studies to assess wave storm
identified in 1997 winter.
dynamics in historical years (Rusu et al., 2018; Bernardino et al., 2020).
Bernardino and Guedes Soares (2015) characterised extreme storms in
the North Atlantic and compared the Lagrangian and Eulerian ap­ covers the extratropical cyclone genesis area described in Gramcianinov
proaches, whereas, with the first one, the authors were able to evaluate et al. (2020).
distinctive features as the storm trajectory and its size as they developed. Following the wave storm definition of Boccotti, 2000), wave storm
In this context, the present work uses the Lagrangian methodology detection was considered when the significant wave height occurred
proposed by Bernardino et al. (2008), to analyse changes in the wave above a threshold, assumed to be 7 m in the present work, with a min­
storm temporal-spatial characteristics in a future climate scenario (RCP imum duration of 12 h. These same thresholds were used by Bernardino
8.5) over the North Atlantic Ocean. The overall characterization of wave and Guedes Soares (2015, 2016) for the North Atlantic. After the storm’s
storm parameters is produced and a comparison between the historical detection, a spatial parameterization of each storm is performed
period (1980–2010) and the future (2010–2100) is performed to un­ considering its geometrical attributes (e.g., storm area above the
derstand how wave storm characteristics may change. Special attention threshold, storm centre), at each point of storm trajectories regarding its
is given to the end of the 21st century period (2070–2100). spatial relation.
The wave data analysed are from a WW3 version 5.16 (WW3DG,
2016), simulation performed by Bernardino et al. (2021, 2022), from
2. Material and methods
1980 until 2100, forced by the EC-Earth sea-ice cover (1◦ x1◦ ; monthly)
and surface wind (U10; 0.5◦ × 0.5◦ ; 3-hourly). Hereafter this wave
It is possible to study wave storm dynamics from different perspec­
model simulation will be referred to as WW3/EC-Earth. WW3 is a
tives. The usual one is the Eulerian approach which considers the sig­
third-generation spectral wave model developed at the US National
nificant wave height field h(x, y, t) as a function of fixed positions x, y,
Centers for Environmental Prediction (NOAA/NCEP), which solves the
and time t. In contrast, the Lagrangian approach considers the wave
random phase spectral action density balance equation for
storms as dynamic spatial structures, represented by vector fields. The
wavenumber-direction spectra (WW3DG, 2016).
advantage of this method over Eulerian is the analysis of each wave
EC-Earth is developed by scientists and an institutions consortium of
storm’s characteristics over time and space.
over 10 European countries (Hazeleger et al., 2010), based on
The Lagrangian method applied in the present work has the
state-of-the-art models including atmosphere, ocean sea ice, and
following steps: storm detection as spatial outliers above a given
biosphere (Hazeleger et al., 2012). The present study used the EC-Earth
threshold, spatial parameterization of each storm and construction of
simulation delivered by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological
the trajectories in time. The wave storm area (Ω) is considered in the
Institute (RCA4; Strandberg et al., 2015), which considers the RCP 8.5
space domain (x, y) for each time (t), as the restricted grid points where
future scenario (high greenhouse gas concentration) (Moss et al., 2010).
Ω(t) = {(x, y) : h(x, y, t) > z} (1) The simulation followed the 5th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project
(CMIP5, Taylor et al., 2012) protocol for long-term simulations with
the h(x, y, t), representing the significant wave height field, is above the implementation for a historical run from 1980 until 2005 and a future
wave storm definition threshold z. The pulse dynamics W(x,y,t) function run from 2006 until 2100. EC-Earth was chosen because this model is
is given by known for being an excellent climate model representing well the at­
{ mospheric conditions and their interannual variability (Hazeleger et al.,
h(x, y, t) − z, (x, y)ε Ω(t)
W(x, y, t) = (2) 2012). For example, Aarnes et al. (2017) used wave ensembles for six
0, [(x, y) ∕
∈ Ω(t)] or [t ∕ ∈ [0, D]]
CMIP5 models and found better historical mean significant waves with
the wave model forced by EC-Earth 10-m wind and sea ice
for each time moment 0 ≤ t ≤ D, where D is the total duration of wave
storm above level z, that may be interpreted as a spatial stochastic pulse.
The WW3/EC-Earth run experiment had a 0.5◦ spatial grid and 3 h of
Pulse dynamics W(x, y, t) depend on a group of parameters Ξ(t) which
temporal resolution, for an area covering the North Atlantic Ocean
characterise the storm’s spatial shape described by Bernardino and
(Fig. 1). These simulations were validated by Bernardino et al. (2021),
Guedes Soares (2015).
and used in other previous works (Freitas et al., 2022; Bernardino et al.,
The Lagrangian methodology is applied to a historical and projected
2022). Bernardino et al. (2021) assessed the wave model performance
wave data set (period from 1980 to 2100) to perform wave storm
comparing it with ERA5 reanalysis for the historical period between
analysis in the North Atlantic Ocean (Fig. 1). Here the Lagrangian
1980 and 2009. The authors evaluated the significant wave height (Hs),
method enables the analysis of individual wave storm parameters, such
peak period (Tp), and mean period (Tm) for mean and extreme condi­
as its track distribution (Fig. 1). Due to computational limitations, the
tions (95th percentile). The EC-Earth wind magnitude was also
analysed area is concentrated between 30◦ N - 70◦ N (Fig. 1), where it

A. D’Agostini et al. Ocean Engineering 266 (2022) 112874

compared with ERA5 wind. The paper presents discrepancies panels for (2070–2100) a statistical test is performed (Table 1), and wave storm
all the variables. In general, the WW3/EC-Earth Hs evaluation demon­ frequency distribution is examined (Figs. 3 and 4). The wave storm
strated a good agreement in most North Atlantic Ocean for mean and occurrence reduction in future projections (2070–2100) presents a mean
extreme conditions, with higher discrepancies for extreme values on the 13% lower than the 1980–2010 period and this difference is statistically
western coast of Greenland (~1.5 m). significant (Table 1). In all months for the analysed 30-year periods, the
From the Lagrangian methodology, several wave storm parameters wave storm occurrence was reduced by the end of the 21st century
are estimated: number of wave storms over the years, their duration in (Fig. 4). The winter months presented 176 fewer occurrences, repre­
hours, storm maximum significant wave height (HSmax) in meters, senting 42,72% of the total reduction in the number of storms (412). The
maximum storm area (km2), storm area associated with HSmax (km2), storm HSmax also presents significant differences between historical
and storm tracks distances (km) and distribution. The analyses included and projected periods, with an HSmax slightly higher by the end of the
an overall characterization of storm parameters in the 120 years 21st century (2070–2100) (Table 1) indicating that despite the storm
(1980–2100), with annual and seasonal analysis of the above-cited pa­ occurrence decreasing, the events may be more severe. Storm duration,
rameters, and analysis of the differences between 30-year slices between area of HSmax, maximum area, and track distance present a greater
historical (1980–2010) and future (2070–2100) projections, including standard deviation at the end of 21st indicating greater variability,
the Kruskal-Wallis (KW) (Kruskal and Wallis, 1952), non-parametric test however, did not present significant differences between historical and
with 95% confidence interval to identify significant physical changes in projected periods (Table 1). The confidence intervals (CI) in Table 1
wave storm characteristics between historical periods. To also under­ corroborate with the significance of the KW test, where the CI are
stand the changes spatially, wave storm track density is computed for different for the number of wave storms and have just a little intersec­
every 30 years from 1980 to 2010 to 2070–2100, and the differences tion (0.2 m) of CI for the Wave storm HSmax parameter when comparing
between periods are estimated. For better visualization of change in both analysed periods (1980–2010 and 2070–2100).
patterns between future and historical periods a Gaussian filter (sigma The relative frequency distribution of wave storm parameters be­
value equals 1) is applied to wave storm track density. tween historical and projected periods shows few differences (Fig. 3).
The HSmax relative frequency present slightly higher occurrences in
3. Results HSmax above 9 m for projected wave storms at about 3% higher, which
indicates more intense storms (Fig. 3B), also demonstrated by the higher
A Lagrangian method is applied to wave data (Hs) from 120 years HSmax mean (Table 1). After 48 h about 70% of the wave storms
(1980–2100) dataset from the simulation of WW3/EC-Earth under the dissipate (Fig. 3A), and about 65% of storm track distances occur until
RCP8.5 emission scenario. The wave storm parameters oscillate through 1500 km (Fig. 3E) for both periods (1980–2010 and 2070–2100). Wave
the 120 years, presenting a high interannual variability with a visible storm area parameters at HSmax (Fig. 3C) and the maximum area
negative trend for wave storm occurrence (Fig. 2A), especially at the end (Fig. 3D) exhibit similar relative frequency distribution between his­
of the 21st century, and a smoother positive trend for wave storm HSmax torical and projected periods, with more than 50% occurring in less than
(Fig. 2C). Storm duration (Fig. 2B) and track distances (Fig. 2F) do not 300 km2 of the area associated with HSmax, and in less than 400 km2 for
present notable trends, and storm areas at HSmax (Fig. 2D) and storm storm maximum area in a single track.
maximum areas (Fig. 2E) present a slightly negative trend. Wave storms in the North Atlantic present a high seasonal distribu­
To investigate major differences in wave storm conditions between tion, with severe wave conditions in winter months (December, January,
the historical period (1980–2010) and the future projections and February - DJF) and calmer conditions in summer months (June,

Fig. 2. Temporal evolution of the number of wave storms (A) and annual mean values of wave storms parameters: Wave storms duration (hours) (B), Wave storms
HSmax (meters) (C), Wave storms area at HSmax (km2) (D), Maximum wave storm area (km2) (E), Wave storm tracks distances (km) (F). The gray line indicates the
mean, and the dashed blue line indicates the trend in the 120 years (1980–2100). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the Web version of this article.)

A. D’Agostini et al. Ocean Engineering 266 (2022) 112874

Table 1
Annual mean, minimum and maximum (min - max), confidence interval (CI), standard deviation (STD) of wave storm characteristics and Kruskal-Wallis p-value from
differences for each parameter between the end of the 21st century (2070–2100) and historical period (1980–2010). The values with statistically significant changes at
the 5% level are in bold.
years interval mean min - max CI STD KW p-value

Number of wave storms 1980–2010 105.6 79–126 101.6–109.6 10.5 0.00002

2070–2100 91.9 74–117 87.7–95.9 10.8
Wave storm duration (h) 1980–2010 35.2 12–147 34.5–35.9 1.9 0.42037
2070–2100 35.7 12–141 34.9–36.4 2.1
Wave storm HSmax (m) 1980–2010 9.41 7–19.2 9.34–9.48 0.19 0.01949
2070–2100 9.56 7–19.8 9.46–9.65 0.25
Wave storm area of HSmax (km2) 1980–2010 498.7 11.4–4355.2 476.7–521.0 58.3 0.79014
2070–2100 492.2 11.4–4355.2 462.1–522.1 79.2
Maximum area of wave storms (km2) 1980–2010 591.7 11.4–5094.7 565.6–617.8 68.6 0.95284
2070–2100 592.0 12.2–5506.5 556.1–627.6 94.4
Wave storm tracks distance (km) 1980–2010 1316.7 0–6455 1284.6–1348.8 84.6 0.19835
2070–2100 1353.8 0–6332 1312.5–1395.0 108.6

July, and August) (Woolf et al., 2002; Stopa and Cheung, 2014). This speed increase. The eastern coast of Greenland is also a favourable re­
strong seasonality explains the much lower values in the results of Fig. 5 gion for cyclogenesis, with more than 2 cyclones (10− 6 km2)− 1 per
for summer than for winter season differences in the storm wave track month (Gramcianinov et al., 2020), the projected increase of wave
densities. A wave storm occurrence decrease is observed over the storms above 65◦ N found in this work could be related to a cyclogenesis
months for the end of the 21st century (2070–2100), especially in the intensification in this region.
winter months (Fig. 4). Storm distribution in the summer months re­ Despite not using ocean currents interaction in our wave simulation,
mains similar between historical and future periods (Fig. 4). it could represent another possible source of impact on wave climate
To better understand changes spatially, storm track density for change. Wave-current interaction can result in relevant wave field het­
1980–2010 and 2070–2100 years are computed, and their differences erogeneity, as pointed out by Ponce de Leon and Guedes Soares (2021,
are verified (Figs. 5 and 6). When analysing the seasonality of wave 2022). This may be relevant in the North Atlantic Ocean considering
storm track distribution, it is possible to verify the differences between that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) might
wave storm climates in 1980–2010 and 2070–2100 are heterogeneously decline between 6 and 8 Sv (34–45%) by 2100 (Weijer et al., 2020).
distributed over the North Atlantic Ocean (Fig. 5). The winter months The North Atlantic Ocean presents a strong seasonal distribution and
(DJF) exhibited greater differences (order of 4%) with a significant in­ variability of wave storms, with higher occurrence in winter months and
crease of storms in high latitudes (~65◦ N), mainly in the region between high interannual variability (Young, 1999; Woolf et al., 2002; Stopa and
Greenland and Iceland, and a significant reduction in a more extensive Cheung, 2014; Bernardino and Guedes Soares, 2016). The present sim­
area between 55◦ -65◦ N and 55◦ -10◦ W (Fig. 5, DJF). In the summer ulations between the years 1980 and 2100 show high interannual
months (JJA) wave storm tracks distribution differences remain lower variability (Fig. 2) and a major difference, between historical and the
than 1% in magnitude and has a significant decrease in the North end of the 21st century, in storm track densities for winter months than
Atlantic Ocean among 45◦ -55◦ N and 50◦ -15◦ W (Fig. 5, JJA). Especially for summer months (Fig. 5). These differences according to season are
for the winter months, the ice retraction over the 2070–2100 period probably related to extratropical cyclogenesis in the North Atlantic
seems to influence the differences found in high latitudes where storms Ocean which is more active during the winter months (Gramcianinov
increased (Fig. 5, DJF). Less ice cover represents greater wind fetch. et al., 2020).
Considering the wave storm change overview between historical In line with the results presented here, other studies also verified a
(1980–2010) and projected (2070–2100) periods in the North Atlantic wave climate change with less intense waves in the North Atlantic Ocean
Ocean tends to have calmer conditions (Fig. 6), with a maximum value (Hemer et al., 2013; Morim et al., 2018; Lemos et al., 2020), and more
reduction of 5,45%. Significant differences in wave storm decrease occur severe wave conditions along high latitudes (above 65◦ N) (Aarnes et al.,
mainly among 50◦ -65◦ N and 50◦ -10◦ W, other minor significant decrease 2017; Bricheno and Wolf, 2018; Meucci et al., 2020; O’Grady et al.,
regions occur between 40◦ -50◦ N and 20◦ -30◦ W, and 35◦ -40◦ N and 55◦ - 2021), probably related to sea ice retraction and increased cyclogenesis.
45◦ W (Fig. 6), probably associated with wind intensity reduction. Above With a similar wave model experiment to the present study, Bricheno
latitude 65◦ N, wave storms raised significantly, probably related to sea and Wolf (2018) used WW3 forced by EC-Earth model for projected
ice retraction (Fig. 6), with a maximum increase of 5,58%. future wave conditions considering two RCP emission scenarios (4.5 and
8.5) for the European Atlantic coast and verified a decrease in significant
4. Discussion wave height mean of about 5–10%, with an increase in waves above
60◦ N regions associated with sea ice reduction.
The projected changes in extreme wave climate are probably asso­ Aarnes et al. (2017) analysed wave model ensembles, for RCP4.5 and
ciated with several factors, including sea ice cover retraction and fewer RCP8.5 scenarios for Northeast Atlantic. The authors found a mean
storms occurrence. The intense greenhouse gas concentration at the end significant wave height decrease by the end of the 21st century, espe­
of the 21st century will lead to a strong increase in surface air temper­ cially under RCP8.5 scenario, except in higher latitudes. Meucci et al.
ature in the Arctic when compared to the extratropical regions, and (2020) also used wave model ensembles although focusing on changes
consequent sea ice extent loss (Overland et al., 2014). The weaker in extreme wind-wave events by 2100 and noted a significant reduction
temperature gradient between regions drives a reduction in baroclinic (− 5 to − 15%) in extreme Hs for mid and low latitudes in the North
instability and cyclogenesis and the consequent reduction of about 17% Atlantic basin, and an increase in high latitudes. Using a 10-member
in explosive cyclones over the North Atlantic Ocean at the end of the ensemble Lemos et al. (2021) found an 11% decrease in the annual
21st century as studied by Seiler and Zwiers (2016), which could be mean of Hs by the end of the 21st century considering the RCP8.5 sce­
related to the significant reduction in the number of wave storms found nario, and strong seasonality in projected changes with reduction peaks
in the present study. Despite the decrease in storm occurrence, Seiler of 9% in winter, 13% in spring and 15% in the autumn season. For
and Zwiers (2016) also found a slight intensification of the explosive tropical cyclone-related wave climate, Belmadani et al. (2021) found a
cyclones on North America’s East Coast associated with the jet stream decrease in average Hs throughout the hurricane season (July to

A. D’Agostini et al. Ocean Engineering 266 (2022) 112874

Fig. 3. Relative frequency distribution of wave storm parameters between the end of the 21st century (2070–2100) and the historical period (1980–2010). A- Wave
storms duration (hours), B- Wave storms HSmax (meters), C- Wave storms area at HSmax (km2), D- Maximum wave storm area (km2), E− Wave storm tracks
distances (km).

Fig. 4. Monthly distribution of wave storm occurrence between the end of the 21st century (2070–2100) and the historical period (1980–2010).

A. D’Agostini et al. Ocean Engineering 266 (2022) 112874

Fig. 5. Percentage change in winter (DJF) and sum­

mer (JJA) of wave storms tracks distribution by the
end of the 21st century (2070–2100) relative to the
1980–2010 period. The regions with statistically sig­
nificant changes at the 5% level are hatched. The
maximum ice cover is marked in black lines hatched
for the 1980–2010 period and dotted for the
2070–2100 period. The colour scales are different
between panels. (For interpretation of the references
to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the Web version of this article.)

longer than 12 h.
The Lagrangian perspective allowed a temporal-spatial character­
ization of the wave storms, including their frequency over the years,
wave storm duration, storm maximum significant wave height (HSmax),
maximum storm area, storm area associated with HSmax, and storm
track distances. All the cited characteristics experienced a high inter­
annual variability, with highlights for the reduction in the number of
storms and increased HSmax between the projected (2070–2100) and
the historical period (1980–2010). The storm duration, track distance,
area of the storm and associated with HSMax do not present significant
differences at the end of the 21st century. On the other hand, the results
were significant for the wave storm occurrence and maximum HSmax.
By the end of the 21st century wave storms are found to be overall less
frequent in the North Atlantic Ocean by about − 5,5%, although these
events may be more severe (higher HSmax).
The wave storm track density is estimated to understand the spatial
Fig. 6. Percentage change of wave storms tracks distribution by the end of the changes in the projected scenarios. When comparing the historical
21st century (2070–2100) relative to the 1980–2010 period. The regions with (1980–2010) period and the end of the 21st century (2070–2100), the
statistically significant changes at the 5% level are hatched. The maximum ice distribution of wave storm tracks density differs between mid-latitude
cover is marked in black lines hatched for the 1980–2010 period and dotted for regions, with a significant decrease in latitudes below 65◦ N, and a sig­
the 2070–2100 period.
nificant increase in latitudes above 65◦ N, presenting more expressive
differences in the winter season for both regions.
November) driven by a weaker and poleward-displaced anticyclone.
There is a consensus towards a decrease of significant wave height in CRediT authorship contribution statement
the North Atlantic Ocean regarding all seasons and scenarios, which are
generally agreeing with projected wind changes (Morim et al., 2018). Andressa D’Agostini: Methodology, Formal analysis, Visualization,
Considering the present historical simulation period (1980–2010), the Writing – original draft. Mariana Bernardino: Methodology, Writing –
work of Bernardino and Guedes Soares (2016) presented related results original draft. C. Guedes Soares: Writing – review & editing.
of wave storms’ relative frequencies when analysing 35 years
(1979–2014) of ERA-Interim dataset and the authors also used the
Lagrangian method. The authors related the wave storm occurrence over Declaration of competing interest
the years with positive and negative phases of the North Atlantic
Oscillation (NAO), and despite not finding significant differences, wave The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
storms were longer in duration, with longer tracks, higher HSmax, and interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
affected a larger maximum area under negative NAO. the work reported in this paper.
It is well known that uncertainties are inherent to climate modelling
and present a cascading behaviour, especially for projected future cli­ Data availability
mates (Morim et al., 2018). The use of ensemble models enables
assessing robustness and uncertainty and is being applied in recent No data was used for the research described in the article.
studies (Hemer et al., 2013; Aarnes et al., 2017; Morim et al., 2020;
Lemos et al., 2020b; Meucci et al., 2020). Further investigation Acknowledgements
considering the Lagrangian methodology over multi-model ensembles
shall provide a better understanding of model uncertainties. We acknowledge the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological
Institute for the EC-Earth simulation used in this study. This work was
5. Conclusions performed within the Project CLIMENA - “CLimate change Impacts on
the Marine Environment of the North Atlantic”, which is co-funded by
In this study, the wave storm conditions are investigated under a the European Regional Development Fund (Fundo Europeu de Desen­
climate change scenario in the North Atlantic Ocean. To achieve this volvimento Regional - FEDER) and by the Portuguese Foundation for
goal a Lagrangian approach was employed over 120 years of Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - FCT)
(1980–2100) wave simulation which used wind and sea ice cover from under contract number PTDC/EAM-OCE/28561/2017. This work con­
EC-Earth under the RCP8.5 scenario. The wave storms were considered tributes to the Strategic Research Plan of the Centre for Marine Tech­
when the significant wave height is higher than 7 m and its duration is nology and Ocean Engineering (CENTEC), which is financed by the
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a

A. D’Agostini et al. Ocean Engineering 266 (2022) 112874

Ciência e Tecnologia) under contract UIDB/UIDP/00134/2020. Lemos, G., Menendez, M., Semedo, A., Camus, P., Hemer, M., Dobrynin, M., Miranda, P.
M.A., 2020b. On the need of bias correction methods for wave climate projections.
Global Planet. Change 186 (December 2019), 103109.
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