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One day, late in the evening, Grandma Clara decided to sew a granddaughter.

had no children, her husband died a long time ago, since then she has lived alone.
She sewed for a long time, days and nights, and as soon as she finished, she
immediately fell asleep.
When she woke up there was no granddaughter. The grandmother was amazed.
She got up, went to the kitchen, and saw her granddaughter standing and making
her own breakfast.
Clara was glad that now she will not be so lonely. - What should I call you? She
looked at the ball of thread from which she was crocheting. your name will be
It's been 5 years since then. Grandma and Trixie had a lot of fun together. They
knitted together every night. But the children on the street did not want to play
with her, and she was not accepted to school. One day girl asked her
„Grandma, why am I not like everyone else? I want to become a person, a real
“My dear, I truly do not know how to help you..."
"Then I will find someone who knows!”.

Trixie walked for a long time and asked everyone how she could
become a person, but no one knew. One day she met a Cricket: -
“Cricket, don't you know how I can become a man?”
“No, girl, I don't know. But I know who can help you.” –“ Yes? And who
is he?”
“His name is Morpheus - an old sorcerer who lives in a dark forest. He
can do anything, but he's very angry.”
“Take me to him”-“Okay, I'll take you.”
After 2 days they reached Morpheus.
“From now on, keep your mouth shut!” – “Yeah”
“There are a lot of dangerous animals here for you, if they come, Just
keep quiet, I will speak”.
In the dark forest they were met by an evil, one-eyed gray wolf, he
asked sternly:
- Who is this with you, Cricket?
- Morpheus' guest.
- Okay, come on in.
The castle was gloomy and terrible. Entering the huge room, the
Cricket said: “Mr. Morpheus, this girl has come to you with a request
to make her a person”.
- Haha, but I don't care about her.
-Please, I really, really ask you to help me.
-I don't want to help you.
-But I want to be like everyone else: to go out with friends, to study
at school. - No, I won't do that.
-But how so? Haven't you ever wanted to have friends?
-I don't need them.
-Why are you so angry?
-Why should I be kind if I don't have a heart?
-You don't have a heart...?
Trixie took out a couple of threads and tied a heart out of them. “
Here, this is for you. You can do anything, so make him fight”. The
sorcerer was surprised, his heart really started beating, he looked at
him for a long time.
Suddenly he realized that he wanted to help the girl:
- Hmmm, you know, I'll help you, I'll make you a person.
- Hooray!
Soon the girl was home again.
- Trixie! I'm so glad you're okay.
- And I'm Grandma, I'm glad you're okay, I'm sorry for leaving you.
Microfiber hugged her grandmother and burst into tears like a real

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