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Unit 7 – Notes (Passage 1 – Humans and Nature)

The first topic introduced in ‘Humans and Nature’ and this is written in the
form of impact assessment (environmental impact assessment) – how humans
have changed or impacted on nature – more specifically animals. more
specifically still species.
“人与自然”中介绍的第一个主题是以影响评估(环境影响评估)的形式写成 - 人类如何改变
或影响自然 - 更具体地说是动物。 更具体地是物种。

It gives some very real examples how human activity over time has put certain
species at risk. (Sumatran Rhino – Tibetan Antelope)
(苏门答腊犀牛 - 西藏羚羊)

Paragraph 1 – 4 -the author sets the scene painting a picture of the rhino, how
awesome it is (personal interest), its history and survival strengths (ability to
survive over millennium)

Paragraph 5 – factual (information about the current state of the rhino) world
population of the species

Paragraph 6 – Personalisation of the animal (irony)

The dying of a distant relative which you didn’t know that well – (to develop
the feeling of insensitivity in the reading)
你不知道那个遥远的亲戚的死亡 - (在阅读中发展不敏感的感觉)

Paragraph 7 – the writer takes the role of the antagonist (adversary) to

mankind who let these things happen to the rhino -spokesperson and
作者将对付这个事件发生在犀牛 - 发言人和对手的人类的对手(对手)的作用

Paragraph 8 – how the systematic destruction of the Sumatran Rhino has come
about – what is man’s role in the plight of the rhino?
Deforestation for the main part and then finally (poaching) in the later
Q. Why does the rhino horn in such great demand?
(see presentation – why does the rhino horn cost $300,000?)
苏门答腊犀牛的系统破坏如何发生 - 人类在犀牛的困境中的作用是什么?

Paragraph 9 – gives another example - Tibetan Antelope and the role of

market forces – consumer demand
给了另一个例子 - 西藏羚羊和市场力量的作用 - 消费需求

Paragraph 10 – using this as an exemplary statement – leading example of how

humans work with nature (at the worst of times) – purely for consumerism –
pure consumption – obliteration/ annihilation
使用这个作为示范声明 - 人类与自然(最坏的时期)如何合作的主要例子 - 纯粹是为了消费
主义 - 纯粹的消费 - 消除/消灭

Paragraph – 11 -the theme from the previous paragraph follows over as a

conclusion – obliteration of a species / once the killing stops humans will
realise what they have wasted (paradise found is paradise lost) – paradox
前一段的主题作为一个结论 - 结束 - 一个物种的灭绝/一旦杀死停止人类将意识到他们浪费了
什么(发现天堂失去了天堂) - 悖论

Paragraph -12
Stark realisation – rude awakening – humans are responsible for these things –
An epiphany (moment of self-realisation)
斯塔克认识 - 粗鲁的觉醒 - 人类对这些事物负责 -

Paragraph 13 – An appeal to the reader


Resources Passage 1
1) Video - 10 Rare Endangered Species Soon To Be Extinct – (can be used as
an introduction – highlights the Sumatran Rhino) prior to para 1 – 4
2) Video- The Sumatran Rhino _ Wild Animals - Planet Doc Full
Documentaries – para 1 – 4 (to set the scene for the Sumatran Rhino)
3) Video - BrainPOP UK - Natural Selection – (can be used to inform
students about Darwin and the concept of Natural Selection) para 7
4) Presentation - Why Does a Rhino Horn Cost $300,000 – para 8
5) Video - Talking About Endangered Animals – can be used as a review for
some of the vocabulary
6) Text – Vocabulary sheet (for passage 1)
7) Video – (indigenous versus evasive) The battle to save the red squirrel

Unit 7 – Notes (Passage 2 – How ignoring climate change could sink the US

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