Home Work 14

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Were you the kind of kid who played up to your teachers in the hope of
getting better grades?

2. How does learning English tie in with your hopes for the future?

3. Do you sometimes enjoy listening in on people’s conversations? When

did you last do so?

4. Think of a major change in your country or in your life/ What events led
up to it?

5. Would you be willing to fill in for your English teacher for a day if he/she
was sick?

6. If you had to choose between job satisfaction and a high salary, what
would your decision come down to?

7. You’re on a beach and a hurricane is bearing down on you. Do you panic

or keep a cool head?

8. Have you ever come in for a lot of criticism? When?

Made up sentences:
1) Unbearable psychological pressures bear down on modern students
during exams.
2) Because there are so many laptops that possess nearly identical
characteristics, your choice will come down to simple brand preference.
3) Steve has come in for strong criticisms for the hodgie code that he has
contributed to the project. (Hodgie code is typically unreadable and
contains many poorly formed comments)
4) What would you do if, for example, your co-worker asks if you fill in for
him for a day on your weekend?
5) The game company has promised that a few additional teasers and reveals
will be dropped throughout the month and lead up to the grand reveal.
6) There's a widely held belief that Google listens in on people's
smartphones, and then serves advertisements based on their speech.
7) As we strive to achieve our goals, we tend to be somewhat dishonest, play
up to another, and act cunningly and deceitfully, to achieve our end.
8) Some fans prefer games that are be based on a movie or TV series, and
"officially" tie in with the main story.

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