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Barron Week 4, Day 5

1. Alacrity – t. quick willingness

2. Aspirant – i. candidate for better job
3. Belligerent – h. combative
4. Belittle – k. speak of as unimportant
5. Brash – l. vulgar, using indecent language
6. Castigate – n. to punish, chastise
7. Disdain – a. scorn
8. Dregs – p. most worthless part
9. Feint – m. insolent
10. Frenzy – c. frantic outburst
11. Intimidate – b. to make afraid
12. Laceration – r. rough cut
13. Octogenarian – d. person of eighty
14. Promulgate – f. to make public, proclaim
15. Pugnacious – j. seeking war, hostile
16. Scoff – e. to mock
17. Scurrilous – g. pretense, sham
18. Solace – o. comfort
19. Sordid – s. filthy, ignoble
20. Tangible – q. able to be touched
21. Throw down the gauntlet – w. to offer a challenge
22. Feeling no pain – v. numbed by alcohol
23. Hobson’s choice – x. to have no meaningful option
24. Rule the roost – u. to be boss, lay down the laws

1. We were impressed with the new maid because she cleaned the house with alacrity.
2. All aspirants for the basketball team must come to practice today.
3. once he was highly respected, but after his scandal, he became one of the dregs of society.
4. the newspaper specialized in printing the sordid details of crime in the city.
5. After finding the tangible evidence in his drawer, Roger took it to the police.
6. The normally belligerent police dog was unusually quiet this morning.
7. Bobby, who was extremely modest, always belittled his own achievement.
8. Treated with disdain by his stepfather, Artie grew closer to his biological father.
9. when the results of the bar exam were promulgated Adele saw that she had passed
10. I used to scoff at Hank’s stories of the fish he had caught, but he made a believer out of me.

Word search 4

1. Aspirant
2. Sordid
3. Belittle
4. scurrilous
5. frenzy

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