Vocabulario 4

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UNID 4 Getting Along with Others

Be disorganized You lose your cool = you get angry

Be a procrastinator It sets you off = it makes you angry
Be oversensitive Someone males a big issue out of this
= Someone calls to much attention to
Be hot tempered You tell someone off = you are
expressing your anger to that person
Be negative You bring it up with someone = you
want discuss it
Be controlling Someone gets angry at you and you
take it well = you are not very affected
by it
Be a perfectionist You walk on eggshells = you are
careful not to make someone angry
Shortcoming (algo negativo) If you feel stressed and take it out on a
friend = you might need to apologize
to that person for being stressed
Journey = diario You try to pick up the pieces after an
argument = you try to re-establish a
friendly atmosphere
Having one of his outbursts = Having
one of his attacks
I’ll bet it was really awkward = I bet it
was really uncomfortable
Have papers been piling up on your
desk = Papers collect on his desk
Change your outlook today = Change
your point of view today
Something that I need to bring up =
Something I have to mention
I didn’t realize that = I did not know
I didn’t mean to be rude = I didn't
want to be impolite
It‘s bugging me = It's bothering me
I lost my temper = I have a fit
I hoit the rrof = I go ballistic
I blow my top = I lost my temper
I prefer to just hold my feeling in = I
prefer to just keep my feeling inside
I try to calm down = I take a deep
When someone tells me off, I just let it
go = I just shrug it off (decide not to be
bothered by sth)
Running helps me let off steam =
Running helps me to relax
Venting about it with a friend = talk
with someone you trust
get rid of your anger = throw away
your anger
Friendship stand the test of time = It
continues as friendship
You count on your friends = you feel
sure your friends will go it
Times are tough = things are difficult
They cheer you on = they a supportive
of your efforts
You know what makes someone tick =
how he or she thinks and responds to
When someone lets you have it =
Someone is being very critical

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