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UNID 8 Performing at your best

Stay orhanized She’s just a year away from finishing her engineering degree. And, out of the blue, she decides her
engineering degree = Someone does it suddenly without warning
Develop a routine She really needs to put her nose to the grindstone and focus on her studies = Someone is working hard

Make a list It’s now or never = It’s the last opportunity to do something
Challenge yourself Something goes in one ear and out the other = Someone isn’t listening
Reserve some “do not So my gut feeling is she’ll be just fine = To have a strong sense about something
disturb” time
Go offline I can’t help it 0 Someone is unable to stop doing something
Take a breather Be good with one’s hands = have the ability to use one’s hands to make or do things
Aches and pains = Dolores Be mechanically inclined = be able to understand how machines work
y molestias
Boredom = aburrimiento Have a head for figures = be good at mathematical calculations
Hunger = hambre Have an ear for music = be good at recognizing, remembering and imitating musical sounds
Have a eye for detail = be good at seeing or paying attention to things that others don’t usually notice
Have a good intuitive sense = be able to draw conclusions based on feelings rather than facts
Have a way with words = be able to express one’s ideas and opinions well
Have a way with people = Have a special ability to work well with someone or something, for example,
plants, children or animals
Have a knack for (learning languages) = have a natural skill or ability to do something well (language)
Guess what? = To tell you the truth
I can’t make up my mind between engineering and psychology = I can’t decide
I wouldn’t say = I don’t believe
I don’t think you can go wrong = You’re right
I've also been told that = They also told me that
I suggest you do math puzzles to exercise your brain. It’s crucial, though, that they be fun = It is important
to believe
Having a natural ability to do something very well = talented = Korean film director Bong Joon-ho has
been praised as one of the most talented artists in recent years for his excellent imaginative movies
Good at noticing what people are thinking of feeling = perceptive/observant = Comedian Helen success
can be attributed to her perceptive and very funny observations.
Good at thinking of new and interesting ideas; creative= inventive/ imaginative = Colombian novelist
Gabriel Garcia Marquez was one of the world’s most inventive writers.
Able to use humor intelligently; good at using words for others’ enjoyment = witty = Mark Twain, whose
real name was Samuel Clemens, was a witty writer and storyteller.
Having the desire to learn about new things = curious/inquisitive = Jaime Goodall is known for her
ground- breaking work studying chimpanzees. Her inquisitive mind helped her consider questions about
chimp behavior that had never been explained before
Willing to consider new ideas; not close minded = open-minded
Willing to continue trying something in spite of difficulty = persistent

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