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Hotel Paris

Strategy map


The Hotel Paris International (Hotel Paris). Starting as a single hotel in a Paris suburb in 1990,Now it
comprises a chain of 9 hotels. With 2 in France, one each in London and Rome, and others in New
York, Miami, Washington, Chicago and Los Angeles.

As a corporate Strategy, Hotel Managers and Owners want to continue to expand geographically.
They believe doing so will let them capitalize on theirreputation for good service by providing multi-
cityalternatives for their satisfied guests.

The problem is that their reputation for good services has been deteriorating. MANAGEMENT


“The Hotel Paris International will use superior guest services to differentiate the hotel Paris
properties and sothereby increase the length of stays and return rate of guests thus boost revenues
and profitability.”


 Satisfied guests for providing good services

 Differentiate the hotel Paris properties

 Longer stay, Longer return

 High quality services

Q.01 Draw a strategy map for hotel Paris.

Specifically, summarize in your own words an example of hierarchy of links among the hotel’s

HR practices, necessary workforce competencies and behaviour, and required organizational


The strategy map of hotel Paris

 Is to producing the satisfied guests

(Requires attending to all those activities where there is an

opportunity to affect the guests’ experience.

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