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Hello my name is Nur Sabrina Fariha binti

Ahmad Satibi. Today I would like to talk about

The Final Destination.

as we know, as muslims we must believe

that death will happen in the past. Every
human being, be it, rich or poor, believer
or non-believer, young or old, will all face
death. It’s a common thread that unites all
of humanity and is an inescapable fact of
life. Muslims believe there is another life
after death and a belief about what exactly
will happen. The Almighty God reveals in
the holy Quran:
“To Allah (Almighty God) we belong, and
to Him is our return.” (Qur'an 2:156)
We all know death will come to us. But since
the journey following death is unknown to us,
we come to know about it through God’s
Revelations and Messengers. Fortunately,
Islam offers detailed descriptions about life
after death, including the concept of
resurrection and accountability for our
actions and deeds.

I do agree with this opinion because every

living being is bound to die.

It is desirable for the Muslim to remember

death, because the Prophet encouraged to
remember death and to increase in
remembering death; this so that one will
prepare for it, without becoming negligent
with regards to oneself and the Hereafter.
He should therefore always remember death.
And he should stop himself from committing
sins. And he should force his soul into obeying
Allah and prepare himself for death.

Ahmed Deedat Answer - Isn't Jesus God

because he raised Lazarus from the dead
(John 11)??

And that it is He (Allah) Who causes death

and gives life.” (53:44)

One of the miracles of Jesus was that he was,

by permission from God, bringing the dead to
life. (3:49) The holy Quran does not give the
details of the person/persons that Jesus
brought back to life. The present Gospels
however have recorded some dead people
whom Jesus revived such as Lazarus (John
11:1-44). For Christians, the reviving of the
dead is considered one of the greatest
miracles demonstrated by Jesus. They count
on this miracle as one of the signs for his

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