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1857 Revolt (विद्रोह)

NTPC, BPSC, SSC CGL, Railway, Group D, NDA & UPSC

👉 Mangal Pandey – Barrackpore Top MCQ
👉 Led by Hazrat Mahal – Lucknow वहिंदी + Eng
👉 Defeated Laxmibai – Huge Rose
👉 Governor General – Lord Canning
👉 Doctrine of Lapse – Lord Dalhousie
• The Indian Rebellion of 1857, also • 1857 का भारतीय विद्रोह, विसे भारतीय
known as the First War of Indian स्वतिंत्रता के प्रथम युद्ध के रूप में भी
Independence started on May 10, िाना िाता है , 10 मई, 1857 को मेरठ में
1857, at Meerut. शुरू हुआ।
• It was the first major and large-scale • यह ईस्ट इिं विया किंपनी के शासन के
rebellion against the East India खिलाफ पहला बडा और बडे पैमाने पर
Company rule, although not the first विद्रोह था, हालािंवक किंपनी के खिलाफ
revolt against the Company. पहला विद्रोह नही िं था।
• Although eventually unsuccessful, it • हालािंवक अिंततः असफल रहा, इसका
had a profound effect on the Indian भारतीय लोगोिं पर गहरा प्रभाि पडा
people and also changed the nature और उपमहाद्वीप पर विविश शासन की
of British rule over the subcontinent. प्रकृवत को भी बदल वदया।
Causes of Revolt of 1857
• There was brewing discontent over the Company rule in India.
• About 2/3rd of the country was under the East India Company’s rule and
the remaining princely states, although independent in name, had lost
their sovereignty to the British in some form or the other.
• Lord Dalhousie’s Doctrine of Lapse ensured that many legitimate heirs
of the native states lost their rightful kingdoms to the Company.
• This instilled in the Indians deep hostility towards the perceived and real
injustices of British rule.
• Also, the colonial rule had disrupted the old feudal system of agriculture
and commerce in the country and unsettled many people off their
traditional forms of employment.
Causes of Revolt of 1857

• भारत में किंपनी के शासन पर असिंतोष पैदा हो रहा था।

• दे श का लगभग 2/3 भाग ईस्ट इिं विया किंपनी के शासन के अधीन था और शेष ररयासतें ,
हालािंवक नाम में स्वतिं त्र थी िं, वकसी न वकसी रूप में अिंग्रेिोिं के हाथोिं अपनी सिंप्रभुता िो
चुकी थी िं।
• लॉिड िलहौिी के व्यपगत के वसद्धािं त ने यह सु वनवित वकया वक दे शी राज्ोिं के कई िैध
उत्तरावधकाररयोिं ने किंपनी के वलए अपने सही राज् िो वदए।
• इसने भारतीयोिं में विविश शासन के कवथत और िास्तविक अन्याय के प्रवत गहरी शत्रुता
पैदा की।
• साथ ही, औपवनिेवशक शासन ने दे श में कृवष और िाविज् की पुरानी सामिंती व्यिस्था
को बावधत कर वदया था और कई लोगोिं को उनके पारिं पररक रोिगार से दूर कर वदया था।
Causes of Revolt of 1857

• There was a rumour that the new rifles had cartridges that were
smeared with the fat of pigs and cows.
• These had to be bitten off before the rifles could be loaded.
• This was equally offensive to both Hindu and Muslim soldiers.
• The British establishment did nothing to quell the rumours.
• ऐसी अफिाह थी वक नई राइफलोिं में ऐसे कारतूस थे विन पर सूअरोिं और गायोिं की
चबी लगी हुई थी।
• राइफलोिं को लोि करने से पहले इन्हें दााँ त से कािना पडता था।
• यह वहिं दू और मु खिम दोनोिं सै वनकोिं के वलए समान रूप से आक्रामक था।
• विविश सरकार ने अफिाहोिं को दबाने के वलए कुछ नही िं वकया।

The roots of the 1857 revolt lay in

1857 के विद्रोह की िडें वनवहत थी िं?

a) Blatantly discriminatory policies

b) Exploitative land revenue policies
c) The policy of greased cartridges
d) All of the above

Option : D

What was the immediate cause of the Revolt of 1857?

1857 के विद्रोह का तात्कावलक कारि क्या था?

a) Policy of greased cartridges

b) Doctrine of Lapse
c) Wages difference
d) Conversion to Christianity

Option : A

To which regiment did Mangal Pandey belong?

मिंगल पािंिे वकस रे विमेंि से सिंबिंवधत थे ?

a) 34 Native Infantry
b) 7 Oudh Regiment
c) 19 Native Infantry
d) Madras Regiment
Option : A
Who amongst the following leaders of ‘1857’ was the
first to lay down his/her life ?
‘1857’ के वनम्नवलखित नेताओिं में से कौन सबसे पहले अपने
प्रािोिं की आहुवत दे ने िाला था?
a) Kunwar Singh
b) Tantya Tope
c) Rani Laxmi Bai
d) Mangal Pandey
Option : D

The Revolt of 1857 was started by?

1857 का विद्रोह वकसके द्वारा शुरू वकया गया था?

a) The sepoys
b) The zamindars
c) The peasants
d) The plantation workers
Option : A

The revolt of 1857 had its beginning in?

1857 के विद्रोह की शुरुआत में हुई थी?

a) Meerut
b) Plassey - It began on 10 May
1857 at Meerut, as a
c) Madras mutiny of sepoys
d) Bombay
Option : A

Who was the Governor General during the time of

Sepoy Mutiny ?
वसपाही विद्रोह के समय गिनडर िनरल कौन था ?

a) Lord Dalhousie • Lord Canning served as Governor

General of India from 1856 to 1862.
b) Lord Canning • During his tenure, the Government of
India Act, 1858 was passed which
c) Lord Ripon created the office of Viceroy to be
held by the same person who was
d) Lord Reading Governor General of India.
• Thus, Lord Canning also served as first
Option : B Viceroy of India.
Who of the following was the adopted son the last
Peshwa Baji Rao II?
वनम्नवलखित में से कौन अिंवतम पेशिा बािीराि वद्वतीय का दत्तक
पुत्र था?
a) Tantya Tope
b) Nana Saheb
c) Damodar Rao
d) Anand Rao Option : B
Which of the following states was the first to be
annexed by the Doctrine of Lapse?
वनम्नवलखित में से कौन सा राज् सबसे पहले व्यपगत वसद्धािंत
द्वारा कब्जा कर वलया गया था?

a) Nagpur • The Doctrine of Lapse was

introduced by Lord Dalhousie.
b) Satara • According to this doctrine, if
any Indian ruler dies without
c) Jhansi leaving a male heir, his
kingdom would automatically
d) Udaipur pass over to the British.
Option : B
The ruler of which one of the following States was
removed from power by the British on the pretext of
वनम्नवलखित में से वकस राज् के शासक को कुशासन के बहाने
अिंग्रेिोिं ने सत्ता से हिा वदया था?
a) Awadh
b) Jhansi
c) Nagpur
d) Satara
Option : A
At which of the following places was the revolt led by
Kunwar Singh?
वनम्नवलखित में से वकस स्थान पर किंु िर वसिंह के नेतृ्व में विद्रोह
हुआ था?
a) Meerut
• Born to the Maharaja and
b) Bihar Maharani of Jagdispur
(currently in Bhojpur
c) Bareilly District, Bihar)

d) Gwalior
Option : B
In which country was Bahadur Shah II exiled by the
British after the end of war of independence?
स्वतिंत्रता सिंग्राम की समाखि के बाद अिंग्रेिोिं द्वारा बहादुर शाह
वद्वतीय को वकस दे श में वनिाडवसत वकया गया था?
a) Nepal
b) Afghanistan
c) Iran
d) Burma (Myanmar)
Option : D
Who called the Revolt of 1857 as the First War of
Independence ?
वकसने 1857 के विद्रोह को प्रथम स्वतिंत्रता सिंग्राम कहा था ?

a) Arvind Ghosh
b) V D Savarkar
c) Jawaharlal Nehru
d) R C Majumdar
Option : B
The History of “The War of Indian Independence” is a
book written by
भारतीय स्वतिंत्रता सिंग्राम का इवतहास वकसके द्वारा वलखित
पुस्तक है?
a) Veer Savarkar
b) Baal Gangadhar Tilak
c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
d) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Option : A
Who led the revolt against the British in 1857 at
1857 में बरे ली में अिंग्रेिोिं के खिलाफ विद्रोह का नेतृ्व वकसने
वकया था ?

a) Birjis Qadir
b) Bakht Khan
c) Khan Bahadur Khan
d) Azimullah Khan
Option : C

Who led the rebellion against the British at Lucknow?

लिनऊ में अिंग्रेिोिं के विरुद्ध विद्रोह का नेतृ्व वकसने वकया?

a) Zeenat Mahal
• Hazrat Mahal was
b) Tantya Tope Known as “Mehak
Pari” in the Revolt
c) Begum Hazrat Mahal
of 1857.
d) Nana Saheb
Option : C
Important leader Associated with the Revolt of 1857

• Barrackpore - Mangal Pandey

• Delhi - Bahadur Shah II, General Bakht Khan
• Lucknow - Begum Hazrat Mahal
• Jhansi - Rani Laxmibai
• Bihar (Jagdishpur) - Kunwar Singh
• Bareilly - Khan Bahadur Khan
• Gwalior/Kanpur - Tantia Tope
• Allahabad and Banaras - Maulvi Liyakat Ali
• Kanpur - Nana Sahib, Rao Sahib (nephew of Nana),
Tantia Tope, Azimullah Khan (advisor of
Nana Sahib)
Who led the British forces which defeated Jhansi
झािंसी लक्ष्मीबाई को हराने िाली विविश सेना का नेतृ्व वकसने
वकया ?
a) Henry Hevlock
b) John Hearsey
c) Henry Barnard
d) Huge Rose
Option : D
At which of the following places was the Rani of
Jhansi, Lakshmibai defeated finally by the British?
वनम्नवलखित में से वकस स्थान पर झािंसी की रानी लक्ष्मीबाई को
अिंग्रेिोिं ने अिंततः परावित वकया था?

a) Badli-Ki-Serai
b) Kotah-ki-serai
c) Chinhut
d) Meerut Option : B
Sir Huge Rose described whom as ‘the best and bravest
military leader of the rebel’ ?
सर ह्यूि रोि ने वकसे 'विद्रोही का सबसे अच्छा और सबसे बहादुर
सैन्य नेता' बताया ?

a) Begum Hazrat Mahal

b) Rani Laxmi Bai
c) Nana Saheb
d) Bahadur Shah Zafar Option : B

Who was the prime minister of Britain at the time of

1857 revolution?
1857 की क्रािंवत के समय वििे न का प्रधानमिंत्री कौन था?
a) Benjamin Disraeli
b) Lloyd George
c) Gladstone
d) Lord Palmerston
Option : D
Which of the following commissions is related to the
reorganization of the Indian Army after the suppression of the
revolt of 1857?
वनम्नवलखित में से कौन सा आयोग 1857 के विद्रोह दमन के बाद भारतीय
फ़ौि के निसिंगठन से सम्बिंवधत है?

a) Public service commission

b) Peel commission
c) Hunter commission
d) Simon commission
Option : B
What was the main reason for the failure of the
Revolt of 1857?
1857 का विद्रोह मुख्यतः वकस कारि से असफल रहा?
a) Hindu-Muslim unity
b) Lack of any common planning
and central organization
c) Limited sphere of influence
d) Non-cooperation of landlords Option : B
Which one of the following areas was not affected by
the Revolt of 1857?
वनम्न में से कौन सा एक क्षेत्र 1857 के विद्रोह से प्रभावित नही िं
a) Jhansi
b) Chittor
c) Jagdishpur
d) Lucknow
Option : B
Many Indian kings helped the British government during the
revolt of 1857. Which of the following did not help ?
1857 के विद्रोह के दौरान अनेक भारतीय नरे शोिं ने विविश सरकार की
सहायता की. वनम्न में से वकसने मदद नही िं की ?

a) King of Kashmir
b) King of Mewad
c) Sikh
d) Scindias of Gwalior
Option : B

Where is the tomb of Bahadur Shah Zafar situated ?

बहादुर शाह िफ़र का समावध स्थल कहााँ खस्थत है ?

a) Agra • The location of the grave of

Bahadur Shah Zafar the last
b) Karachi Mughal emperor, at Rangoon in
Burma (now Yangon, Myanmar).
c) New Delhi • He spent the last five years of his
life in Rangoon where he died in
d) Rangoon November 1862 aged 87.
Option : D

Who is the author of the book ”The First Indian War of

Independence- 1857-59” ?

a) Karl Marx
• The first Indian war of
b) S. N. Sen independence 1857-1859
• Author : Karl Marx & Friedrich
c) R. C. Mazumdar Engels

d) Syed Ahmad Khan

Option : A
Question for You
Q. Who was the Governor General of India during
the Revolt of 1857 ?
a) Lord Litton
b) Lord Dalhousie
c) Lord Canning
d) Lord William Bentinck
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