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Apple uses AI in many ways. Apple uses AI online to track what a person looks at and
what websites they visit to try and predict if they will need a new phone soon. If the
apple AI thinks a person is looking for a new phone they will give them ads about
apple's new phone to try and interest the customer in a new apple phone. Apple also
uses AI in the phones they sell. Siri the personal assistant is an AI that you can talk to
and ask to set alarms,set reminders,search things on the internet and more.


Microsoft also uses AI in many different ways. They also use AI to track customers and
people's online data. They track the websites visited to try and advertise their products.
They also use the AI personal assistant in their devices they sell. In microsoft's laptops
and xbox’s there is an AI called cortana that works just like siri just microsoft's version.


Google also uses AI in many ways. They use AI to track what websites people visit
when using the google browser. They also can see what people watch on youtube
because google owns youtube. They will try to advertise products depending on what
people search and watch. They also have AI in their phones called google pixels. The
personal assistant in google phones is called google assistant.

Amazon’s approach to AI is called a flywheel. In engineering terms, a flywheel is a

deceptively simple tool designed to efficiently store rotational energy. It works by storing
energy when a machine isn’t working at a constant level. Instead of wasting energy
turning on and off, the flywheel keeps the energy constant and spreads it to other areas
of the machine. At Amazon, the flywheel approach keeps AI innovation humming along
and encourages energy and knowledge to spread to other areas of the company.

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