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The Physics of Fitness

Chapter Twenty-Four
Calves, Abs & Lower Back

The “Calves” are generally thought to be comprised of two separate muscles - the
Gastrocnemius and the Soleus. However, some anatomists consider the two as just
one muscle, because the two parts converge at the single Achilles tendon and produce
one single function - plantar flexion (i.e., extension of the ankle). This is similar to the
Triceps, which also has three separate “heads”, three origins, but one single insertion.
The Triceps is considered “one muscle”.

However, even though the “Gastroc” and the Soleus do not have separate functions,
some people believe these two parts can be separately targeted. The only reason one
would hope for this is two optimize hypertrophy of the Calves. However, the Soleus
appears to have extremely little capacity for growth, and there is evidence that - if these
two parts have different functions - it is not based on anatomical movement nor of the
degree of knee bend. Rather, it is based on degrees of effort or intensity of demand.
This will be addressed shortly.

The illustrations below show the anatomy of the “Calf” from the back and from the side.
The side view shows that the Soleus lies underneath the Gastrocnemius. Notice also
that the Soleus is a very flat muscle. This suggests that it has very little capacity for
growth. In fact, “Calf” growth is due mostly to hypertrophy of the Gastrocnemius.

The more detailed illustrations below show a posterior view of the right lower leg. You
can see that the Gastrocnemius is made up of two parts, known (in gym jargon) as
“the inner head” and the “outer head”. The inner part is technically called the “Medial
head”, and it originates on the Medial condyle of the femur (“A” below). The outer part
is called the “Lateral head”, and it originates on the Lateral condyle of the femur (“B”).
Both of these origins are just above the knee joint.

The illustration above that is third figure from the left, shows the Soleus. As you can
see, it originates just below the knee. Its origin spans both the Tibia and the Fibula (the
two lower leg bones), but is still considered one single origin.

The Gastrocnenius and the Soleus then converge into the one single “Achilles”
tendon - as it’s commonly known. Technically, it’s called the “Calcaneal tendon”. This
tendon then connects to the heel bone, which is called the “Calcaneus”. When the Calf
muscle contracts (shortens), it pulls upward on the heel bone by way of the Achilles
tendon, which causes the forefoot to extend downward.

The illustration above, far-right, shows a muscle that is not commonly known. It is
called the “Plantaris” (“C”). Only the highest part is the muscle (5 to 10 centimeters
long), and the rest of it is tendon. In fact, it is considered the longest tendon in the
human body. Interestingly, 8% to 12% of modern humans do not have a Plantaris at all.
This has lead some experts to speculate that it may be a remnant from our early
primate days, when “grasping” with our feet was necessary. It may be evolving out.

This tiny muscle originates just above the Lateral condyle of the Femur. Its tendon then
crosses the ankle joint, and also attaches onto the Calcaneus (heel bone). It
participates - although weakly - in plantar flexion.

- - - - - - - - - -
Gastroc vs Soleus
Some people believe that performing STRAIGHT LEG calf exercises (i.e., like Standing
Calf Raises / below-left) will work the Gastrocnemius more than the Soleus, and that
performing BENT KNEE calf exercises (i.e., Seated Calf Raises / below-right) will work
the Soleus more than the Gastrocnemius.

This theory is based on the fact that when the knee is straight, the Gastroc is more
elongated (stretched) than it is when the knee is bent. This is due to the origin of the
Gastroc being above the knee, rather than below it.

It is therefore assumed that when the knee is bent, and the Gastroc is less able to
stretch, the Soleus will be forced to work more.

It’s true that - when doing Seated Calf Raises - the larger Gastrocnemius is not able to
stretch very much (when the ankle is fully flexed). But the ability of a muscle to fully
stretch during an exercise is not the sole - nor even the primary - determinant of how
well a muscle is engaged during the exercise. This has been demonstrated with
numerous other exercises, for all the other muscle groups.

What appears to be more influential in determining whether the Gastroc works more or
the Soleus works more, is the speed and/or the intensity of the movement (plantar
flexion). Both muscles participate to a degree any time plantar flexion is activated, but it
appears that the effort, speed or intensity required by the activity, determines which
“muscle / part” (Gastroc or Soleus) is activated more.

Apparently, the Gastrocnemius is comprised of mostly “white” (type II / fast twitch)

muscle fibers, while the Soleus is comprised of mostly “red” (type I / slow twitch) muscle
fibers. Therefore, the Gastroc tends to work slightly more when called upon for speed,
or during high-load / high-intensity efforts. Examples of this would be running or loaded
resistance exercise. The Soleus tends to work slightly more when called upon for low-
speed or low-load / low-fatigue efforts. Examples of this would be walking or simply

This conclusion is not merely theorized. The pathway for this preferential activation
(Gastrocnemius versus Soleus) has been researched, and is explained in the following

“The plan to use the gastrocnemius in running, jumping, knee and plantar flexing
is created in the pre-central gyrus in the cerebrum of the brain. Once a plan is
produced, the signal is sent to and down an upper motor neuron. The signal is
passed through the internal capsule and decussates in the medulla oblongata -
specifically in the lateral cortico-spinal track. The signal continues down through
the anterior horn of the spinal cord where the upper motor neuron synapses with
the lower motor neuron. Signal propagation continues down the anterior rami
(Lumbar 4-5 and Sacral 1-5) of the sacral plexus. The sciatic nerve branches off of
the sacral plexus in which the tibial and common fibular nerves are wrapped in
one sheath. The tibial nerve eventually separates from the sciatic nerve and
innervates the gastrocnemius muscle. Thus, completing the plan the brain had
originally started, so that the actions of running, standing, and jumping could be

Berger W, Dietz V, Quintern J (1984) Corrective reactions to stumbling in man: neuronal co-ordination
of bilateral leg muscle activity during gait. J Physiol 357:109–125

Burke RE, Jankowska E, Bruggencate G ten (1970) A comparison of peripheral and rubrospinal
synaptic input to slow and fast twitch motor units of triceps surae. J Physiol 207:709–732

Capaday C, Stein RB (1987) Difference in the amplitude of the human soleus H reflex during walking
and running. J Physiol 392:513–522

- - - - - - - - - -
The Seated Calf Raise still has value, even if it doesn’t allow the Gastroc to experience
as much stretch. I would agree that a Calf exercise with the knee straight is more
conducive to Calf growth, but I would attribute this more to the ability to fully contract
(flex) the Calf muscle, during straight-knee Calf extensions. Full range of motion
requires sufficient contraction, as well as sufficient stretch (elongation).

Seated Calf Raises serve as a very good warm-up (ankle, tendon and muscle), before
using heavier weight on a straight leg version. I typically perform six sets of Seated Calf
Raises, with a moderate weight (50 pounds) and 15 repetitions, before performing Leg
Press Calf Extensions - with straight / relatively straight knees.

Caution should be used if attempting to use heavy weight on the Seated Calf Raise,
because less Calf stretch translates to less ankle protection. It’s possible for the heels
to go “too low”, without the bigger Gastroc muscle stopping that degree of ankle flexion.

It would be wise to not go very heavy on Seated Calf Machine, or avoid descending into
a “rock bottom” stretch, when using very heavy weight. But Seated Calf Raise is
generally not the better size builder (as compared with Leg Press Calf Extension or
Standing Calf Extension), so going heavy on it would not be very productive anyway.

“Inner” Calf vs “Outer” Calf

Some bodybuilders feel dissatisfied with the shape of, their Calves, as their Calves are
developing, and they assume that they can alter the shape their Calves by modifying
the way they do their Calf exercises.

Through the years, many of us have heard (erroneously) that we can preferentially
activate the Medial (inner) head of the Gastrocnemius or the Lateral (outer) head of the
Gastrocnemius, simply by angling our toes IN or OUT, during a Calf exercise. But it’s
not true - it’s gym lore (like folklore).

Nothing can preferentially influence whether the Medial head or the Lateral head works
harder. The reason for this is that both “inner” and “outer” Calf heads converge at the
one single Achilles tendon. When the Calf muscle contracts, both “inner” and “outer"

heads (along with the Soleus) collaborate in unison, and pull upward on the heel bone.
This upward-pulling on the heel bone produces plantar flexion / ankle extension.

On the illustration above-LEFT, I have placed two green lines, representing “make-
believe” Achilles tendons. Let’s pretend - for just a moment - that this is the actual
anatomy of the Gastrocnemius. If it were possible for the “Inner Calf” to work separately
from the “Outer Calf”, each head would have to have its own separate attachment to the
heel bone, and each would have to be able to pull the Calcaneus in a different direction.

However, reality is what we see above-RIGHT. The Inner and Outer heads of the Calf
muscle pull straight upward on the one single tendon, and cannot be separately

But let’s look at what happens when we turn our toes inward or outward. How could
anyone logically believe that turning the toes inward or outward - which requires
rotation of the entire leg at the level of the hip - change the mechanics of how the Calf
pulls upward on the heel bone?

It’s impossible to rotate the foot without rotating the lower leg, and it’s impossible to
rotate the lower leg without rotating the femur. So, the orientation of the Calf muscle,
relative to the ankle and the Achilles tendon, is still the same - regardless of whether the
toes are pointing inward or outward.

The shape of our Calves is determined by our genetics. We have no control over the
shape of our Calves, other than simply increasing and decreasing their size. In the 40+

I’ve spent in bodybuilding, I have never seen anyone change the shape of their Calves
as a result of exercise selection, nor as a result of having turned their toes in or out,
during Calf Extensions.

- - - - - - - - - -
Best Foot Position
Since the angle of the foot (during a Calf exercise) does not influence the shape of the
Calves, we are left with the question of whether there is an ideal foot position, for the
sake of comfort and “grip”.

We often see people in the gym, doing their Calf exercises with ONLY their toes on the
block. This would be like trying to do Dumbbell Curls, while holding the dumbbells
ONLY with your finger tips. The wisest approach would be to use the most secure grip
(or footing) possible, so that there is no “weak link” in the chain.

The “ball” of the foot refers to the large, bony pad which is just behind the “big toe”.
That is the podiatric equivalent of our hand’s first knuckle - otherwise known as the
“Sesamoid” bone (illustration below). That entire part of your foot should be on the
block because it is much more solid than are the toes. That is the part of the foot from
which we can best push resistance, and from which we can achieve the best Calf
stretch, while loaded.

As you can see in the illustration below, the Sesamoid bones do not form a perfect
horizontal line across a vertical foot. They line up diagonally - along that line I’ve placed
there. So, in order to place the more solid part of our foot on the block - while the rest of
the foot is OFF the block - we should angle our toes inward (heels outward). This would
give you the most secure grip on the foot plate, of whichever apparatus you’re using for
your Calf exercise.

The illustration below shows how your feet would be placed on the “block”, during a Calf
exercise, given the rationale above. The thin line indicates the firmest part of the
forefoot. The bold lines indicate where the edges of the block would be. Of course, this
assumes you have the mobility which allows you to comfortably turn your feet this way.

The goal should be to use the most secure footing, thereby allowing you to avoid
fatiguing the toes before the Calf muscle is thoroughly fatigued. I am not suggesting
that positioning the feet straight (parallel to each other), or “toes out”, are not productive.

I am merely suggesting that placing your feet on the block with a “toes in” position
provides a more secure footing, from which you can best perform plantar flexion with

It should also be noted that during most Calf exercises, the feet usually gradually slip off
the foot block, little by little. When this happens (usually every 5 to 10 repetitions, or
so), you should briefly pause, bring your feet back up to their original position, and then
continue the set. If the feet are barely hanging onto the block by the toes, it will be
impossible to enter into the full Calf stretch position, nor into the full Calf contraction
position. This will compromise the effectiveness of the exercise.

- - - - - - - - - -
Range of Motion
The most common “mistake” that occurs, in terms of Calf training, is people using an
extremely short range of motion during their Calf exercises. It’s amazingly pervasive -
people using a range of motion that is very abbreviated - often just a short “bouncy”
movement - completely failing to bring their heels low enough for a full stretch, AND
also failing to fully extend the foot for a full contraction. This usually happens because
people are trying to use too much weight.

We discussed “range of motion” extensively in Chapter Nine, and clearly stated that a
“repetition” is not just a twitch. It is a motion that represents a significant percentage (70
to 80%, if not 100%) of the full range of skeletal movement that a given muscle is able
to produce. Unfortunately, people often sacrifice range of motion in favor of using a
very heavy weight - either believing that it’s a worthwhile trade, or not even realizing that
they’ve reduced the potential range of motion by as much as 80%.

Using a very heavy weight for a range of motion that only represents 10 or 20% of a
muscle’s full range capability, is hardly more effective than an Isometric contraction -
which is almost entirely unproductive for the purpose of muscle growth.

The reason we place the forefoot of our foot on a Calf block is so that our heels can
drop lower than the balls of our feet. Yet - more often than not - people do not even
allow their heels to drop even to the same level as the block. This defeats the purpose
of placing the forefoot on a block.

It is far better to use less weight and use a full range of motion. You should feel a full
Calf stretch, and a full Calf contraction, on every single repetition.

Keeping the knees completely straight - when doing either Standing Calf Raises or
Leg Press Calf Extensions - may cause some discomfort in the area behind the knee,
for some (if not most) people. This depends (to some degree) on whether a person’s
knees tend to hyper-extend, and also on how much weight is being used. Even a small
degree of hyper-extension of the knee (the knee bending beyond “straight”) will place a
significant degree of stress on the knee joint when a heavy weight is being used.

The solution to this is to maintain a very slight bend in the knee during the entire set of
Calf Raises / Calf Extensions, when the weight being used is “heavy”. When using a
light weight, keeping the knees perfectly straight is fine, assuming your knees do not
hyperextend. This very slight knee bend (shown below) may be difficult to coordinate in
the beginning, but eventually it will become “second-nature” (habit).

- - - - - - - - - -

The Proper Amount of Resistance

In order to build / develop a muscle, it must be challenged. “Challenge” implies
recruitment of most or all of the fibers of a given muscle, which requires a significant
percentage of maximum effort. Recent studies have shown that “significant percentage
of maximum effort” can be achieved two different ways.*

* (NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information / NLM - U.S. National Library of

“Effects of different volume-equated resistance training loading strategies on muscular

adaptations in well trained men”, Schoenfeld BJ, Ratamess NA, Peterson MD, Contreras B,
Sonmez GT, Alvar BA

“Effects of Low- versus High- Load Resistance Training on Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy in
Well-Trained Men”, Schoenfeld BJ, Peterson MD, Osborn D, Contreras B, Sonmez GT)

“Significant percentage of maxim effort” can occur with lighter weight and higher reps
(e.g., 30 to 50 repetitions), provided the set is taken to absolute failure. The closer to
total fatigue a muscle experiences, the greater the percentage of muscle fibers that are

“Significant percentage of maximum effort” can also occur using heavier weight and
lower repetitions (e.g., 4 to 10 repetitions) - even if the set is not taken to failure. A
weight that barely allows the muscle to perform between 4 and 10 repetitions with strict
form, engages a high percentage of muscle fiber recruitment from the very first

(Note: It’s important to warm-up a muscle with lighter weight and higher reps, before “heavy”
weight is used, in order to minimize risk of injury and to maximize strength potential)

The amount of weight that a person “should” select for a given exercise - whether we’re
discussing Calf training, or any other skeletal muscle - is different for every person, and
based on a the following 5 factors (for the goal of muscular development):

1. The number of reps intended (between 4 and 30 reps)

2. Using full range of motion (full stretch / full contraction)
3. Deliberate muscle contraction / no momentum
4. Proper exercise form (exercise performed correctly)
5. Represents maximum (or almost maximum / 95%) effort, given the number of
receptions selected.

The above criteria requires a degree of thoughtfulness, and the ability to feel / identify
compliance. It also requires you to keep your ego in check - to not be influenced by self
deception or unrealistic ambitions.

It is a mistake to select a resistance level that is based on what someone else uses.
The weight you select for any exercise must take into consideration all five factors
above. If you are unable to comply with the five factors above - because the weight
you’ve selected is too heavy - your results will be compromised.

Often times (when training Calves), people feel compelled to use the entire weight stack
(on a Standing Calf Machine, for example, shown below), or as much weight as the Leg
Press will accommodate. This is foolish.

The amount of weight that is provided on a machine is arbitrary. It has not been
calculated using actual testing of people performing that exercise with strict form. It
is simply an amount of weight that is likely to satisfy the greatest number of people,
commercially speaking. That includes people who foolishly perform the exercise using
incorrect form or a very partial range of motion.

If you are honest with yourself, and you use the 5 criteria mentioned above, you will
likely discover that your Calves can be worked very well, using much less weight than
is typically available on a machine’s weight stack. The goal should be to work the Calf
muscle - not to focus on lifting an “impressive” amount of weight, without regard to the
quality of the repetitions.

Consider this: a Standing Calf Raise - with bodyweight only - for a 180 pound person
already loads EACH Calf muscle with well over 540 pounds (approximately). This is
due to the physics involved.

(180 pounds of bodyweight divided by 2 legs = 90 x the magnification provided by the length of
the foot lever…a factor of approximately 6……..90 x 6 = 540 per Calf)

A “One Legged Bodyweight Calf Raise” would therefore load each Calf muscle with
over 1,080 pounds (2 x 540 pounds) - without using any additional resistance.

I find that “bodyweight” is already a bit too much for an initial high-repetition warm-up
set (i.e., usually 30 repetitions), if the exercise is done properly (full range of motion,
with deliberate stretch and contraction on each repetition). What’s needed - in terms of
gym equipment - is NOT a machine that has a heavier weight stack. What’s needed is
a machine that allows a person to use LESS than their full bodyweight - at least for their
warm up / higher rep sets - and also offers the option to use an additional 2 or 3 times

For this reason, I find it very practical to use a type of Leg Press (like the one below),
where I can use a weight that is equivalent to about half my bodyweight (e.g., 100
pounds) for the warm-up sets. Some people might only need to use 50 pounds (when
using both legs) - and that’s perfectly acceptable. It is misguided to assume that we
“must” use the heaviest weight possible for Calf exercises (or for any other skeletal
muscle), or to be influenced by what other people use, or to be “challenged” by the
entire amount of weight that is provided on the average Standing Calf Machine. We
should allow the “feeling” of the exercise to help us determine how much weight to use,
while doing the repetitions properly.

In the absence of a Leg Press like the one above, consider starting on the Seated Calf
Machine (below left) using 50 or 60 pounds to comfortably perform 20 or 30 repetitions.
After a few sets of that, you can move to a Standing Calf Machine, or a Leg Press
Machine, with heavier weight. I’ve trained for State, National and International
competition - using high intensity - and have never needed more than 200 pounds (in
addition to my bodyweight). My Calf development, using this method, has been very
good (photo below right).

- - - - - - - - - -


Specifically, this section is about the Rectus Abdominis - which is sometimes referred
to as “the six pack”, or just the “Abs”.

The Abs may be the most misunderstood of all the muscles of the body, and yet -
ironically - one of the simplest to develop. It’s one of the greatest ironies in the fitness

The anatomy of the Rectus Abdominis is very simple and straightforward - simpler
even than that of the Biceps brachii. Yet, people are much more confused about how to
work their Abs, than how to work their Biceps. Far more “mistakes” are made when
attempting to develop the Abs, than when attempting to develop the Biceps.

This confusion is due to the enormous amount of misinformation that is typically

circulated about how to train the Abs. “Wishful thinking”, myths perpetuated by
misguided “gurus”, false advertising and the industry’s over-commercialization - have all
contributed to the problem. Everyone has been lead to believe that it’s better to use
three or four different exercises for training the Abs, when (in fact) the Abs only do one
thing - spinal flexion.

- - - - - - - - - -
The Most Common Misunderstanding
Related to Getting “Good Abs”
Before we get into the anatomy of the Rectus abdominis, let’s address the biggest
misconception related to getting great Abs. Abdominal exercise will NOT diminish
the fat that is on one’s midsection.

The common reason people do “Ab” exercises is to reduce the FAT that is in that area.
Sometimes they don’t even know that’s their rationale. This is clear from the language
they use when expressing their goal - “I won’t to tone my Abs”.

Most people conflate “Abdominal definition” (i.e., the ability to clearly see the Ab muscle
because there little or no fat between the muscle and the skin), and the strengthening /
development of the muscle itself. These are two separate concepts, and they occur by
way of two separate processes.

Exercising the muscle (properly) will strengthen and develop the muscle, but will not
reduce the layer of fat that covers the muscle. And - until that fat layer is reduced or
eliminated - you will not have “Abdominal definition”, regardless of how strong and
developed the muscle is, under that layer of fat.

The layer of body fat that obscures the clarity of the Abdominal muscle can only be
reduced or eliminated as a “whole body process”. You cannot lose fat in only one area,
and you cannot choose the area where the fat will be dissipated. Body fat is dissipated
as a whole body process, when the calorie demand exceeds that calorie intake, and the
body is forced to use its body fat stores to compensate for the fuel shortage.

The type of exercise you perform (aerobic versus anaerobic) and the types of foods that
you consume (high-glycemic carbs versus low-glycemic carbs) also play a role in the
reduction of body fat. But performing Ab exercises will absolutely not result in localized
fat loss in the abdominal area (i.e., improved abdominal definition).

Most people who hear this typically nod and say they know all about the myth of “spot
reduction”. Yet, they still do Ab exercises every single day, and for often with very high
reps - behaviors they would not use for any other muscle of their body. In other words,
they understand this logically, but not emotionally. They still feel “better” -
psychologically - treating their Ab workouts as if they will produce localized fat loss. It
simply does not work this way.

Abdominal definition only improves as part of a reduction in total body fat. In fact, a
person can improve their Abdominal definition - without doing any abdominal exercise -

simply by having reduced their total body fat level (possibly by way of diet and cardio
exercise, for example). Again, these two concepts are entirely separate.

Here’s how the process works:

When we eat more calories than we are spend, we store the “extra” calories as
body fat. That body fat is distributed all over our body - more in some areas than
in other areas. This distribution of body fat is determined by our genetics.

We cannot choose where (on our body) that fat will accumulate, and we also
cannot choose from where it will be dissipated. All we can do is put our body into
“fat loss mode” by eating fewer calories and spending more calories. Then, body
fat (i.e., “adipose tissue”, as it is technically called) diminishes in the reverse
order in which it first accumulated.

When we perform (proper) Abdominal exercise, we are strengthening and

developing the Abdominal muscle, which is underneath a layer of body fat. That
muscle development will not be visible unless the layer of fat that covers the
muscle is also reduced.

If the calories we spend exceeds the calories we consume, we lose body fat - but
ONLY as a whole body process.

(Note: Body fat loss is a complex process which involves caloric deficit, as well as one’s
individual hormone production and genetics. This is why the type of food one consumes is
important - because certain foods cause negative hormonal effects, while others cause positive
hormonal effects. This is not a diet book, so we cannot delve into the details of that here. But it
is important to understand that one’s diet plays a much more significant role in “Abdominal
definition”, than does Abdominal exercise.)

- - - - - - - -
Now that we have (hopefully) cleared up that misconception, let us examine the
anatomy of the Abs - the “Rectus abdominis”. The illustrations below show the Abs from
the front, and from the side. This allows us to see where the muscle originates, and
where it attaches.

This flat muscle originates on the Pubic Bone (“crest of the pubis” - “A”) of the Pelvis,
and inserts onto the front of the ribs (the costal cartilage of the 5th, 6th and 7th ribs, and
the Xiphoid process - “B”). When the muscle contracts (shortens), it pulls the origin and
the insertion closer together, thereby producing “spinal flexion” - a forward curving of the
spine. This is a very simple, straight-forward function.

The Rectus abdominis (“The Abs”) is one muscle; it is not two muscles. There is no
separate “upper abs” and “lower abs”. The Rectus abdominis has essentially one
origin, one insertion and one primary function - spinal flexion.

Those “dividers” you see in the muscle sheath - the vertical line that runs down the
center, and the ones that run horizontal to the muscle - are essentially “tendons”. They
have been there since birth. Their configuration and how many of them we have, are
determined by our genetics and cannot be changed. We can only improve the clarity of
what is already there (by way of fat loss), and the apparent depth of the “grooves” (by
enhancing the fiber thickness between the “tendons”). But that is all that we can do.

We cannot add more of these “dividers”. Therefore, you cannot convert a “four pack”
into a “six pack” - no matter how hard you try, nor which exercises you do. The
configuration of each person’s Abs (shape and number) is unique, and is as permanent
as are our fingerprints.

In the illustration below, you can see that the divider that runs down the middle is called
the “Linea Alba”. The horizontal dividers are called “Tendinous Intersections”. Again -
they are, essentially, tendons. We can no more add another “abdominal tendon”, then
we can add another Achilles tendon. It is impossible to add another “row” of abs in the
lower part of the midsection, which is why it is so foolish to think that targeting the “lower
abs” would be productive.

- - - - - - - - - -

Upper Abs versus Lower Abs

In Chapter 10 (The “All or Nothing” Principle), we briefly discussed how a muscle pulls
from all the way from origin to insertion - with even tension through the entire length of
the muscle - if it contracts at all.

The rationale that compels people to attempt working their “lower abs” is entirely without
merit. They either want to lose body fat in that lower region of the abdomen, or they
think they can add more “notches” to their Abs (convert a four-pack into a six-pack) - but
neither is possible.

There is no such thing as a separate “Lower Ab” muscle. However, there does appear
to be a small degree of difference in the muscle activation that occurs in the upper part
of the Rectus abdominis, versus the lower part of the Rectus abdominis. This difference
is constant, however. It occurs the same way, any time the Abs contract, regardless of
the exercise used to contract the Abs.

It appears that the muscle fibers that are between the upper two Tendinous
Intersections, contract with a tiny bit more force than do the fibers between the next two
Tendinous Intersections. The lower the fibers (moving toward the pubic bone), the less
the degree of activation - with the least contractile force occurring in the fibers of lowest
part of the Rectus abdominis. Again, this is constant, regardless of the exercise used.
The “upper” fibers always contract with a tiny bit more force than the “lower” fibers.

Most importantly, this fact is meaningless since neither the function, nor the
appearance, of the lower part of the abdomen can change - even if one could activate
the lower part more than the upper part. Any effort to work the “lower abs” would be un-
rewarded because localized fat loss is impossible, and because adding another row of
“notches” (Tendinous Intersections) is also impossible.

A study was done in 2005 by Professors Sternlicht, Rugg, Bernstein and Armstrong
(published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 19-1), whereby the
degree of Rectus abdominis activation - upper versus lower - was evaluated by way of
EMG (Electromyography) analysis, during 7 different exercises. The results are shown

None of the exercises that were tested showed more activity in the lower part, as
compared with the upper par, even though each exercise produced a different degree of
overall stimulation of the Rectus abdominis.

A device called the “Ab-ONE” * showed a slightly higher degree of activity than a
Standard Crunch. But the difference between the upper and lower activation was
relatively the same (percentage-wise), as all the other exercises. Notice that all the
other exercises registered lower activity than the Standard Ab Crunch, demonstrating
that that basic movement (producing simple spinal flexion) is all that is necessary to
stimulate optimal muscle activity in the Rectus abdominis.

A logical assumption as to why there is always more muscle activity in the upper part of
the Rectus abdominis, as compared with the lower part of the Rectus abdominis, is that
the spine does not bend (flex) evenly. Rather, it tends to bend more in the area that is
slightly above the Lumbar region, due to the natural curvature of the spine. That area -
approximately T6 through T12 - is directly across from the upper part of the Rectus
abdominis (illustrations below).

The degrees of most and least muscle fiber activation appears to coincide with the
areas of the spine that bend most and least, during spinal flexion. The spine naturally
bends more in the area that is across from the “A” portion of the Abs (below); it bends a
bit less in the area that is across from the “B” portion of the Abs; it bends a bit less in the
area that is across from the “C” portion of the Abs. The lowest portion of the spine
flexes the least (because it naturally bends the other direction, at that point), and it is
across from the “D” area of the Abs.

To reiterate, regardless of how much muscle activation is achieved in the lower portion
of the Rectus abdominis, the appearance of that lower area cannot be selectively
improved. We cannot add more tendinous intersections, and we cannot increase the
dissipation of adipose tissue (body fat) that has accumulated precisely in that area.

Consistent with the “All or Nothing” Principle of Muscle Contraction”, whenever the
Rectus abdominis is activated, the entire muscle is activated - both the upper and
lower sections - each to the degree that is anatomically normal, regardless of the
exercise used.

If you have seen a person with a very impressive “6 pack” or “8 pack”, be assured that
that person did not achieve that Abs configuration by way of some “magical” exercise or
“advanced” technique. He is just more genetically fortunate (aesthetically speaking),
and therefore gets a “better” outcome (from basic exercises) than do others who are
genetically less fortunate. It has nothing to do with the exercises performed.

( * Note: The “Ab-ONE” was a prototype product that was apparently never brought to market.
The exercise which I believe is biomechanically best for the Rectus abdominis - the “Seated
Cable Crunch”, shown below - is also better than the standard Ab Crunch, performed on the
floor. However, it was not tested in this particular study.)

Range of Motion
The illustration below-left (“A”) shows a side view of how the Rectus abdominis (orange
line) originates on the Pubic bone of the pelvis, at its lower end. The upper end of the
Abs attaches onto the anterior inferior (front / lower part) of the ribcage. When the Ab
muscle contracts (shortens), it brings the two ends toward each other. This contraction
produces “spinal flexion” - a rounding of the spine (“B” below) - and a maximally
shortened distance between the origin (pubic bone / pelvis) and insertion (lower anterior
ribs) of the muscle.

When the spine is at its normal “straight” position (photo below-left), the Abs (Rectus
abdominis) is sufficiently elongated to be considered the “start” of the Range of Motion
of a good Abdominal exercise. Arching the spine more than this (photo below-right) is
not necessary for optimal development of the Rectus abdominis, even though it does
elongate the Abs muscle more. Excessive arching of the spine (attempting to maximally
stretch the Rectus abdominis) increases the risk of intervertebral (spinal) disc distortion,
and provides little or no additional value to the exercise.

The photos below-left and below-right, both show a fully contracted Rectus abdominis.
Either of these is fine. The spine if fully flexed (curved), thereby bringing the base of the
ribcage as close as comfortably possible, to the front of the pelvis.

The generally accepted “safe” ranges of spinal movement are 40 to 60 degrees of

flexion (forward bending) - as measured from the straight spine position - and 20 to 35
degrees of spinal extension (back arching). The spine has significantly less
back-arching (spinal extension) mobility, as compared with forward bending (spinal
flexion) mobility.

The degree of spinal mobility varies greatly from person to person. Some people have
very little spinal mobility in either direction, while others could practically be circus
performers. But everyone should be careful to not hyper-extend nor hyper-flex their
spine beyond what is comfortable.

It should also be noted that arching the spine by way of deliberate Erector spinae
contraction (known as “active” extension) is more safe than arching the spine assisted
by gravity (known as “passive” extension) - as demonstrated in the Swiss Ball Crunches
above). Also, forward flexion of the spine by way of deliberate contraction of the Abs
(“active” flexion) - like when doing either Crunch exercises above - is more safe than
forward flexion of the spine that is assisted by force (“passive” flexion), as would be the
case during Bent Over Barbell Row, Deadlifts, etc.

“Ab Crunches” or (Pelvic) Leg Raises ?

Some of the people who believe that “Leg Raises” work the “Lower Abs”, rationalize this
belief by stating that - even though the Abs do not actually pull the legs upward - the
Pelvis is pulled upward toward the Ribcage, instead of pulling the Ribcage downward
toward the Pelvis. They seem to think that bringing the origin of the Abs (on the Pubic
bone) toward the insertion (on the base of the Ribcage) will emphasize the fibers that
are closer to the origin. This is extremely misguided.

As mentioned in Chapter 10 (“The All or Nothing Principle of Muscle Contraction”), a

muscle does not “know” which end is moving toward which end. The muscle only
“knows” that it’s contracting, which brings the two ends closer together. This is like the
Tug-of-War, where it doesn’t matter who’s “winning” (which direction the rope is moving)
- either way, the tension is evenly distributed.

There is a reason why the origin of the Rectus abdominis was deemed to be on the
Pubic bone, and not on the Ribcage. The “origin” of any muscle is classified that way
because it’s the more stable (less mobil) of the two ends. The “insertion” end of a
muscle is attached the more more mobil part of the skeleton.

It is much easier to hold the hips and legs still, and bring the ribcage “downward” toward
the pelvis (e.g., as in a standard “Crunch” movement), than it is to hold the ribcage still
and bring the pelvis “upward” toward the ribcage (e.g., as in a Leg Raise / Hip Thrust
movement). There is also no benefit whatsoever in attempting to bring the pelvis
toward the ribcage.

Further, when we do Leg Raises, we engage the Hip Flexors in big way. The weight of
the Legs is significant, and requires a tremendous amount of effort on the part of the Hip
Flexors to pull the legs upward. The primary Hip Flexor - the Psoas - originates on the
Lower spine. Therefore, heavy-load activation of the Psoas naturally causes the origin
of the Psoas to be forcefully pulled forward, thereby causing the spine to arch. Spinal
arch is the opposite of what the Abs are trying to do, which is to flex (forward bend) the

spine. As a result, the Abs are unable to reach full contraction (shortening), because
the Psoas is preventing it.

This further highlights the value of performing a basic Ab Crunch movement - allowing
the insertion of the Rectus abdominis to move toward the origin, which is the more
natural function of the Abs - without engaging (conflict of interest) from the Hip Flexors.

Exercise Options for the Rectus Abdominis

The most common exercise for the Abs is the standard “abdominal crunch”, shown
below. As stated above, this movement is correct. However, for most people this
version is too difficult. Specifically, the position of the torso, relative to gravity,
maximizes the resistance beyond most people’s strength level. This typically results in
an ability to use proper form, and also an inability to perform enough repetitions. This is
why we often see people doing what appears to be “head lifts” (moving mostly the neck)
- hardly lifting the shoulders and upper back off the ground.

As we learned in Chapter Two, a lever that is perpendicular with resistance is a 100%

lever. It is “maximally active”. In the version above, the upper half of the torso (the area
to the left of the red vertical line) is the operating lever the Abs, and it is 100%
perpendicular with resistance in that starting position. For most people, this results in
too much resistance. It’s like trying to do a Standing Barbell Curl with a barbell that is
so heavy that you cannot use use full range of motion, cannot do enough repetitions,
and makes you hate the exercise.

That is precisely what often happens when people try to do Ab Crunches while on a flat
surface - incomplete range of motion (i.e., often only a neck lift), insufficient repetitions,
lower back discomfort, and generally hating the exercise. And all of this is due to the
simple fact that the resistance (at this particular angle) is “too heavy”. It’s not that the
exercise is too hard. Only the resistance - using this particular angle - is excessive.

The good news is that it’s very easy to reduce the resistance, simply by changing the
angle. In the illustrations below, the starting angle of the torso has been changed from
being horizontal (perpendicular with gravity), to one that starts with an angle of

approximately 20 degrees. Now, the torso is no longer perpendicular with gravity (black
arrow). This causes the torso (lever) to be about a 78% “active”, instead of a 100%
“active” - resulting in a 22% reduction of load.

This angle could be achieved either by using an adjustable massage table, or a

standard incline bench set at this angle, or by propping up a piece of plywood against a
low stool. Ideally, you’d want a 45 degree hip bend - the Femur at 45 degrees to the
torso. You may need to elevate your feet to accommodate this.

Of course, you could use a higher incline angle if more reduction of resistance is
necessary. This is entirely acceptable if that is the level of resistance that matches your
current strength level. You should be able to choose the appropriate resistance level for
this exercise, just as you do with all your other exercises. The resistance level should
allow you to do 20 repetitions with full range of motion, yet challenging enough so that
20 repetitions represents about 70 to 80% of your maximum effort.

The Resistance Curve of this version of an “Ab Crunch” - called “Incline Bench Ab
Crunches” - is also very good. It’s “early phase loaded”, and the resistance diminishes
as the muscle contracts. That’s perfect.

Using an incline angle like this allows you to reduce the resistance enough so you can
do the exercise with proper form. That means using full range of motion, with a
deliberate contraction of the Rectus abdominis at the conclusion of each repetition.
This is no different than the goal of every other exercise, for any other muscle group we
typically exercise. The Abs are no different.

Doing Crunches on a flat surface (e.g., a floor mat) usually disallows proper form. It
usually restricts full range of motion, and does not allow a deliberate contraction of the
Rectus abdominis.

If you’ve never tried doing Ab Crunches using an Incline angle, you’ll be pleasantly
surprised by how much better it feels than doing Crunches on a flat surface. Not only
will you discover that you can achieve full and deliberate contraction of the Abs with
each repetition, you’ll also feel no strain on your neck and lower back.

- - - - - - - -
In the photos below, I am demonstrating a “Seated Cable Abdominal Crunch”. As you
can see, I am sitting mostly upright on a back-supported bench. The reason this can be
done from an upright position (instead of lying on a floor mat) is because the resistance
is coming from a cable, instead of from “free-weight-gravity”.

Notice that I’ve set the height of the pulley so that the direction of the cable is fairly
perpendicular with the torso in the starting position. The primary advantage of using
cable resistance is that you can choose precisely the amount of resistance that feels
appropriate for 20 or 30, receptions, using full range of movement, at your current
strength level. All you need to do is move the pin on the weight stack, to adjust the

I’ve placed a red dot at mid-spine, to illustrate the primary pivot point of this movement.
In actuality, the spine is bending at multiple vertebrae - it doesn’t actually “jack knife” the

way an elbow does. However, notice that the lower back (everything below the red dot)
stays GLUED to the backrest, as the upper half of the torso curls forward. This is
proper form.

If you were to continue moving the torso forward - pulling the lower back forward off the
backrest - you would engage the Hip Flexors, and that would compromise the

In the photos below, I’m doing the same exercise, but with the pulley set slightly higher,
than in the example above. This changes the resistance curve a bit - reducing it at the
beginning of the movement, and increasing it at the end. It isn’t necessarily better, nor
worse. Both versions are good.

Keep in mind, that this exercise also deals with the issue of a “Secondary Resistance”,
which we discussed in Chapter 6. The farther forward we bend our torso (from the
upright position), the more that our own torso weight “falls” forward because we’re on
the “downside” of the Apex. Therefore, the weight of the torso subtracts from the
opposing cable resistance, the farther forward you move the torso. Of course, you can
easily compensate for this by selecting a slightly heavier weight on the pulley. In fact,
you would likely do this without even being aware of why you’re doing it. You would
simply sense that you are capable of using a heavier weight, and would automatically
increase it. But the reason is the direction of resistance, and how it affects the
Resistance Curve of the exercise.

How Many Repetitions Are Ideal?
It’s very common for people to do very high repetitions, when doing an Abs exercise.
Again, the reason people tend to do this is because they equate a high degree of
localized fatigue / “burn”, with localized fat loss. Or, they might subconsciously construe
the “burn” as evidence that their abdominal fat is becoming “firm”, or somehow
converting into muscle. All three of these concepts (localized fat loss, fat becoming
more “firm”, and fat transforming into muscle) are entirely unrealistic.

The problem stems from the fact that many people think of their entire midsection as
“the Abs.” It is not “one thing”. It is two things: the muscle and the fat that covers the
muscle. Each must be addressed separately.

When we do Ab exercises, we are only working the muscle. Yes - we are contributing to
“calorie spending” when we work the Abs, but that does not preferentially cause the fat
on the midsection to be reduced. When we do Ab exercises, we should regard it the
same as when we do a Biceps exercise, or any other exercise for any other muscle on
our body. The same principles apply to the working (exercising) of any skeletal muscle.

It is foolish to do a set of 100 “partial range of motion” repetitions, as we often see

people doing with Ab Crunches. We wouldn’t do 100 repetitions of Biceps Curls, nor for
any exercise, for any other skeletal muscle - certainly not when the goal is physique
development. Some people like the challenge of seeing if they can do 100 repetitions of
any particular exercise (Chin-Ups or Push-Ups, for example), but that has nothing to do
with physique development, nor even with optimal health.

The resistance level you use during abdominal exercise should be light enough to allow
at least 15 full range of motion repetitions, but heavy enough (challenging enough) that
muscle fatigue forces you to stop at 20 or 30 repetitions. We should treat the Abs like
most other muscles on the body, in terms of resistance level and number of repetitions.

The only caveat is that - since the Rectus abdominis does not have the force capacity of
a Pectoral muscle, or a Quadriceps - it would be unwise to use a resistance level that
limits you to only 6 or 8 repetitions. 15 to 20 repetitions is the minimum number of
repetitions you should use for an Abs exercise. But doing more than 30 repetitions is
not more productive. Arguably, it’s less productive because - just like any other muscle -
it loses its ability to contract once it’s fatigued.

Exercise Selection
The two exercises shown above - Ab Crunches on an Incline Bench and Seated
Cable Ab Crunch are the two best Ab Exercises, in my opinion. The movements are
anatomically correct. The resistance curve is productive. The range of motion is good

(as long as you do them correctly). And the amount of resistance can be adjusted /
moderated to your level of abdominal strength.

Other Ab exercises we see in the gym are usually “inferior” to the two above, in terms of
efficiency, comfort, efficacy and/or safety.

Let’s look at a few of these “less than ideal” exercises, and identify their inefficiencies.

“Reverse Crunch”

The exercise below - the “flat” version (below left) and the “incline” version (below right)
- is sometimes called a “Reverse Crunch” because it attempts to bring the pelvis
upward toward the ribcage, instead of the ribcage down toward the pelvis.

As stated early in this chapter, the Rectus abdominis does not “know” which end is
moving toward which end, so there is no advantage in bringing the pelvis toward the
ribcage (as compared with bringing the ribcage toward the pelvis). It’s just a much
higher energy cost, without any “bonus” benefit. Also, the engagement of the Hip
Flexors interferes with the efficient contraction of the Rectus abdominis.

“Knee Tucks”

In this exercise below, the dynamic work is done almost entirely by the Hip Flexors,
which are pulling on the legs (the Femurs). The Abdominals are working mostly
isometrically, which is an inferior form of muscle contraction, in terms of strengthening
and visible development. Notice that there is almost no change whatsoever in the
flexion / extension (bending) of the spine. Remember that the Rectus abdominis (the
“Abs”) only moves the spine. It does not move the hip joint.


Planks are completely isometric. There is no Rectus Abdominis elongation or

shortening during this exercise. If isometric tension were optimally productive for
muscular development, we would be using it on ALL of our other exercises, for all our
muscle groups. But we don’t, and for good reason. We do not use isometric exercise
for any other exercise, for any other muscle group, because it is not as productive as
dynamic exercise.

During Planks, there is also isometric tension of the Quadriceps and Hip Flexors, but -
again - this type of muscle contraction is not as productive as dynamic exercise.
Therefore, you’d be spending energy on your Quads and Hip Flexors, but without the
benefit that could be achieved using exercise that involves MOVEMENT.

Planks would be an acceptable alternative, if you have a spinal injury which precludes
spinal movement. Otherwise, it’s simply not as productive as an exercise that employs
dynamic movement, like Ab Crunches.

“Knee Tucks on a Swiss Ball”

This exercise is similar to Knee Tucks on the bench (shown above), with the difference
being that it involves much more Quadriceps and Hip Flexor loading. The energy cost
is greater with this exercise (than with standard Knee Tucks), but the reward to the Abs
is still not great because they’re working mostly isometrically. The Quadriceps and Hip
Flexors are working dynamically - which is good - but they’re not as much benefit as the
Quadriceps and Hips Flexor exercises would provide (i.e., Cable Squats, Leg
Extensions, Hip Flexion with Cables, etc.). Notice that the degree of spinal flexion
doesn’t change (from beginning to end), which means the Abs are simply holding
contraction. The Abs are not elongating and shortening, which would be better.

“Hanging Leg Raises” and “Roman Chair Leg Raises”

Any kind of Leg Raise exercise works the Hip Flexors much more than the Abs.
Remember that the Abs do not connect to the legs, so they cannot raise the legs.

The participation of the Abs - during a Leg Raise exercise - is limited to mostly isometric
contraction, which is inferior to dynamic contraction. The dynamic work (muscle
elongation and shortening) is done by the Hip Flexors, while the Abs mostly prevent the
tailbone from kicking back as a natural response to the legs being raised forward /
upward. This is a very indirect / diluted way of targeting the Abs. It requires a
tremendous amount of effort with very little direct reward / benefit to the Abs.

There is absolutely no advantage to the Abs, by involving the muscles which raise the
legs, as well as the muscles involved in sustaining you in the hanging position.

Plus, loading the Hip Flexors - as happens during any kind of Leg Raise exercise -
prevents the Abs from achieving full contraction, as discussed earlier.

Leg Raises - with the intention of working the Abs - is among the most foolish (least
efficient) of the exercises typically used for general fitness or physique development.

“Kneeling Cable Crunches”

This exercise - if performed correctly - is relatively good. But that’s the problem - it’s not
easy to do correctly, and it’s difficult to know if you’re doing it correctly because you

can’t see yourself as you’re doing it. There are three factors to consider: 1) the direction
of the cable resistance, relative to your torso; 2) the degree of torso flexion; 3) the
degree of hip flexion. All three must be correct, for the exercise to be “good”.

The main problem with the example above is the direction of the cable relative to the
torso. Notice that it’s almost parallel with the torso, making it mostly neutral. This
means that only a small percentage of the weight being used will actually load the Abs.

The main problem with this second example (above) is that most of the movement is
occurring at the hip. There is very little torso flexion, but quite a bit of hip flexion.
Ideally, the exercise should be mostly torso flexion, with little (if any) hip flexion.

The example above shows a good ending (contraction) position, with the torso fully
curled (flexed). The cable is relatively perpendicular with the torso at this point, and
that’s also good. I’ve place a red dot at the point where the torso should bend (flex) and
“un-bend” (extend). So, from this position, the part of the torso that is above that dot
should rise, but the part of the torso that is below that dot should stay still.

Still, this exercise is not as “good” an exercise, nor as easy to perform correctly, as the
version performed while seated on a bench with a vertical back support (shown
earlier, above). That version ensures that the torso stays perpendicular with the
resistance, whereas in this version (above), it’s very easy to allow the torso to rise up,
thereby causing the torso and the cable to be parallel with each other. This version
(above) also “invites” cheating - swinging the torso up and down - with the assumption
that using more weight is more productive. The seated version disallows that kind of

Nevertheless, if you have the awareness and the discipline to perform this kneeling
version correctly, it could be considered the third best choice of Abs exercises.

- - - - - - - - - -
To be clear, I’m not suggesting that the “compromised” exercises I’ve mentioned above
do not work at all. They do work to some degree, and there is plenty of evidence of
that. Many people develop very good Abs using those exercises (combined with diet, of

The issue is efficiency - the amount of effort and energy that an exercise requires, as
compared with the amount of stimulation that it bestows to the Abs. The ratio of “cost /
benefit” of the compromised exercises is not nearly as good as that of an exercise that

provides better biomechanics, like Ab Crunches on an Incline Bench, or Seated Cable
Crunches. Doing inefficient Ab exercises require more time, more sets and more effort
(and more discomfort), to get the same result as could be achieved with one, highly
efficient Ab exercise.

My investment of time and energy, to produce the abdominal development you see
below, was just 6 sets of one single abdominal exercise (20 to 30 reps per set),
performed once every five days.

(Note: The condition below also required a strict diet, of course. However, it did not require any
additional abdominal exercise, beyond that which I described above.)

- - - - - - - -
“Lower Back”
Let us first establish that there is no “Lower Back” muscle, per se. We often hear
people say, “….this is a good exercise for the lower back” - but that is technically
incorrect. The muscle which many people assume is “the lower back muscle” is actually

the Erector Spinae, which starts at the back of the pelvis, but then goes ALL the way
up to the neck (illustration below-left). Only the lowest part of the Erector Spinae - that
which is closest to the pelvis (photo below-right / “A” arrow) - is visible on a person who
is sufficiently lean. The majority of the Erector spinae is hidden behind layers of other
back muscles (Latissimus, Trapezius, etc.).

Some people mistakenly assume that the line which is formed by the lower end of the
Latissimus dorsi (shown by the “B” arrow, above-right) is part of the “Lower Back”. It
is not. That is the where the Latissimus muscle meets the Latissimus fascia. That is an
entirely different muscle, with an entirely different function.

The origins of the Erector spinae group are on the back/upper portion of the pelvis, the
sacrum and the lumbar (lower) spine. Its insertions are on various parts of the thoracic
and cervical (mid and upper spine) spine, as well as most of the ribs, and even the skull.

The Erector spinae “group” consists of three separate muscle columns:

1. the “Spinalis” (closet to the spine / seen on the figure below-left),

2. the “Longissimus” (next column, lateral from the spine / seen below-right), and
3. the “Iliocostalis” (farthest column, lateral from the spine / also below-right).

The primary function of the Erector Spinae is to “extend” the spine - to pull it back,
posteriorly, and to prevent the spine from being pulled (flexed) forward. The most lateral
of the three columns (the one farthest to the side of the spine, indicated by the arrow
above) also assists in rotating the spine - although torso rotation is primarily caused
by the Internal and External Obliques.

Erector Spinae Weakness and Lower Back Pain

The reason that the “Lower Back” has been mistakenly regarded as an individual
muscle - at least by bodybuilders - is mainly because that lower area is the only part of
the Erector spinae that is visible. Another likely reason is that people often feel pain
and/or discomfort in their “lower back” area. This has lead to the belief that the pain is

related to weakness of the “lower back”, and the assumption that there must be a way
to strengthen that specific area. These assumptions are incorrect.

There are various reasons a person could be feeling pain in their lower back, but
“weakness” is not likely one of them. There are many people whose entire body is
weak - including their back - and they don’t necessarily have lower back pain.
Weakness does not cause lower back pain, and lower back pain doesn’t necessarily
indicate muscle weakness.

A person could be having lower back pain because they have been performing
exercises that a have high risk and low reward. As we discussed in Chapter 22, there
are a number of potential spinal injuries that could occur as a result of excessive spinal
compression, or from inappropriately “rounding” the back (flexing the spine) while it’s
heavily loaded.

The first thing that should be done to prevent further injury is to stop doing the exercises
that stress the spine, and to ensue that proper form is being used during exercises that
require a neutral spine. The next thing might be to have your spine examined by a
qualified orthopedic doctor - perhaps a spine specialist. If it is established that your
spine and the intervertebral discs are not damaged, you can proceed with a
biomechanically correct exercise program.

If your spine or an intervertebral disc is injured, you likely would not be able to do
certain exercises that involve the Erector spinae, nor any exercise that involves any kind
of spinal movement (forward, backward, lateral or rotation), even if the exercises
performed are anatomically correct.

If you have lower back pain, do not assume that simply doing an exercise that
strengthens your “lower back” will resolve the problem. Personal Trainers are not
qualified to diagnose back pain, and are not qualified to prescribe “remedial exercise”
for lower back pain or spinal injury. Improper exercise can make an existing lower back
injury worse.

Exercising the Erector spinae is generally good, provided you don’t have a spinal injury
which would contra-indicate exercises that involve loading or excessively bending the

Common “Lower Back” (Erector Spinae) Exercises

Let’s examine a hypothetical situation. Let’s say you are using a four-way split workout
program, and on Day Four, you’re supposed to work your “Lower Back”. So, on this
4th day, you do the two “Lower Back” exercises shown below: Deadlifts (below left) and
“Low Back Extensions” (below right).

I’ve placed a red dot on the hip joint of these two people (above), to show that that is
the primary joint that is moving, in both exercises. The Gluteus is the primary muscle
that crosses the hip joint, and therefore it is the Gluteus that primarily produces that
movement - Hip Extension (with some help from the Adductors and Hamstrings). So, it
is the Gluteus that is doing the “dynamic” (the more productive) work, in the two
exercises above.

The Erector spinae is maintaining rigidity in the spine - isometrically preventing the
torso from collapsing forward - while the Gluteus does the harder work of producing
skeletal movement. You may be doing these two exercises with the intention of
targeting the Erector spinae, but that is not the muscle that is doing the most work, in
either of these two exercises.

Now, for the moment, let’s examine some of the other exercises that would be typically
be used by someone pursuing physique development or general fitness.

In photo “A” (above), you see a Low Pulley Rowing exercise, which many people do as
part of their “Lat and upper back” workout. In photo “B”, you see Barbell Squats, which
people typically do as part of their “Legs” workout.

In photo “C”, you see a Standing Barbell Front Raise, which people often do as part of
their “Anterior Deltoids” workout. In photo “D”, you see a Standing Barbell Curl, which
people often do as part of their “Arms” workout.

The reason I’m showing you these four exercises is because they all have something in
common - with each other, and also with the first two exercises shown above (Deadlifts
and Low Back Extension). They all involve isometric activation of the Erector spinae,
while different set of muscles work dynamically.

In photo “A”, the Erector spinae are preventing the torso from folding forward,
while the target muscles (presumably the Lats and “upper back”) work dynamically.

In photo “B”, the Erector spinae are preventing the torso from folding forward,
while the Glutes and Quads work dynamically.

In photo “C”, the Erector spinae are preventing the torso from folding forward,
while the Deltoids dynamically produce movement of the shoulder joint.

And in photo “D”, the Erector spinae are preventing the torso from folding forward,
while the Biceps dynamically bend the elbows.

So, although we typically consider the first two exercises (Deadlifts and Lower Back
Extensions) as “lower back” exercises - the Erector spinae is working the same as it

does during many other exercises, which are intended for other muscle groups. Even
putting your weights away (shown below) causes the Erector spinae to work - holding
the torso rigid, isometrically, against a front-pulling force.

When your “Lower Back” Workout day arrives, you unwittingly do more of the same
thing for your Erector spinae that you’ve done during your other workouts - isometric
loading, which prevents your torso from folding forward, while some other muscle
works dynamically. Very few people realize this redundancy.

In addition to the loading the Erector spinae every day in the gym with a variety of
exercises, plus moving benches and weights around, we also load it during other day-
to-day tasks like taking the trash out, carrying groceries, picking up our dog’s poop, etc.

In fact, a reasonable argument can be made that most people’s Erector spinae is
already “over-worked”, simply by doing all the exercises that typically load it.

It’s likely that your Erector spinae does not need any additional work at all, given that it
typically gets plenty of daily loading, in one form or another. However, what could
provide some additional benefit, is a dynamic exercise for the Erector spinae. At least
it would provide the muscle with a type of stimulation that is different than the usual
isometric contraction.

Dynamic Torso Extension

In the photos below, I am performing a Seated Torso Extension. You’ll notice that the
“pivot” (red dot) is now mid-spine. It is not at the hip, as was the case with the DeadLift
and the “Low Back Extension”. This mid-spine pivot causes the Erector Spinae to
lengthen and shorten, meaning that the Erector spinae are now working dynamically.
The muscle is now elongating and shortening, rather than merely working to maintain
rigidity in the spine, isometrically.

This exercise (Seated Torso Extension) may look like it would be easy - especially
compared to the thought of doing a Dead Lift with 200 pounds or more. But, you’d be
surprised how much fatigue you’ll feel in the Erector spinae, when doing this exercise.
There is a big difference between working a muscle isometrically, and working it

As you can see, I first round my spine forward (photo above-left) - thereby elongating
the Erector spinae. Then I arch my back (above-right) - thereby contracting the Erector
spinae. This movement is a similar to the spinal movement that occurs during a good
Abs exercise, but with the resistance (gravity) pulling the torso from the opposite
direction. During this exercise, the concentric movement bends the torso posteriorly,
whereas during an Abs exercise, the concentric movement bends the torso anteriorly.

In the example above, I am holding a 10 pound weight, but - frankly - it isn’t even
necessary. Again, this exercise is very challenging, when done correctly. Once you
have mastered the motion using only torso weight, you can add 10 or 20 pounds, if you
feel capable of doing so. But you likely will not need to add any additional resistance.

Notice that I am keeping my torso on the front side of the vertical line. That line
represents the Apex. Keeping the torso on the front side of the Apex will load the
Erector spinae. If you were to tilt your torso to the back side of the vertical line, you
would load the Rectus abdominis. This was discussed in Chapter Five - “Opposite
Position Loading”.

In the photos below, I am doing a different version of a “Torso Extension” exercise. It is

the same spinal motion, but with a different resistance curve. Since my torso is more
horizontal (in the version below) - more perpendicular with gravity - it is more “active”.
This means that a higher percentage of the torso’s weight loads the Erector spinae.
Therefore, this would be considered “more advanced” than the Seated Torso Extension.

Notice (above) that the emphasis is still on spinal extension - not on hip extension. The
hip joint is held perfectly still, while the torso movement occurs.

- - - - - - - -
Again - if you perform most of the usual bodybuilding / fitness exercises, plus you move
weights off and onto various racks at the gym, you probably don’t need any additional
exercise for your Erector Spinae. It’s likely your Erector Spinae is already getting more
than enough exercise for functional strength. However, if you feel you need some
additional stimulation for your Erector spinae, the two dynamic exercises shown above
would be more productive than doing either DeadLifts or “Low Back Extensions”.

If you have a spinal injury, like a herniated disc, any type of spinal movement may
be contraindicated. If you are experiencing back pain, it would be wise to be examined
by an orthopedic doctor / spine specialist, before performing exercises that involve any
kind of spinal movement (flexion or extension to the front, back or side). Even with a
healthy spine, it’s always wise to avoid over-flexing or over-extending the spine beyond
its limits.

How Much “Lower Back” Development Can We Reasonably Expect?

In the photos below, the top three are of young, amateur bodybuilders, and the bottom
three are of seasoned, professional bodybuilders. Arnold Schwarzenegger is pictured in
bottom row, center. Frank Zane is picture in the bottom row, right. Focus your attention
on the “lower back” area of all these athletes. You’ll notice that there is very little
difference in that area - amateur bodybuilders versus high level pro bodybuilders -
despite a tremendous difference in the development of their other muscle groups.

What this demonstrates is that the Erector Spinae simply does not have much capacity
for growth. Of course, the Lats, middle Trapezius, Deltoids, Biceps, Triceps, etc., have
a significant capacity for growth, and that is what makes the veteran pro bodybuilders
look so impressive in this pose. However, the “lower back” area of the veteran pro
bodybuilders is not much different than that of their younger, more novice counterparts.

It’s also worth noting that Arnold Schwarzenegger began his bodybuilding career as a
Power Lifter. He spent a considerable amount of effort and years, doing heavy Dead
Lifts, heavy Barbell Squats and heavy Rowing (photos below). He obviously loaded his
Erector Spinae quite a lot. Yet, his “lower back” was not significantly more developed
(deeper) than any of the others - including that of the amateurs.

What could be the reason for this? Consider the two illustrations below. The lower part
of the Erector spinae - that which is visible (not covered by the Latissimus) - is mostly
connective tissue. Tendons and connective tissue have almost no capacity for growth.
Even the actual fibers of the Erector spinae (above the connective tissue) don’t have
much capacity for growth - as compared with other skeletal muscles, like the Pectorals,
Latissimus, Biceps, Triceps, Quads, etc..

The point is that it’s unwise for us to expect much visible development from working the
Erector spinae. It’s especially foolish to DeadLift 300 pounds, thereby risking the health
of one’s spine, when the potential reward is almost insignificant - in terms of visible
“Lower Back” development.

Again, the “Christmas Tree” appearance we see on some bodybuilders is not part of the
Erector spinae. That is part of the Latissimus development. That part of the
musculature can still be achieved, even if one doesn’t perform any “Lower
Back” (Erector spinae) exercise. In fact, most of the depth and thickness we see on the
backs of advanced bodybuilders is Latissimus and middle Trapezius development - not
Erector spinae development.

Occasionally we see a person with an unusually deep crevice between the two columns
of their lower back area. This is mostly due to genetics. Some people are genetically
fortunate to have a very deep muscular groove down the center of their back, even if
they don’t do any type of bodybuilding workout. I’ve seen basketball players who have
that type of “depth” in their lower back area, despite them not doing any heavy lifting,
and despite the rest of their body not being very muscular. When these genetically-
lucky individuals pursue bodybuilding, we mistakenly assume their “Lower Back”
musculature is due to the Lifts they’re doing. Unfortunately, not all of us are so
genetically gifted.

- - - - - - - -
The Erector spinae gets a significant amount of loading as part of the “peripheral
recruitment” that occurs when we are working other muscle groups, and also when we
are moving weights around the gym and doing daily tasks at home.

Any standard (non-torso-supported) Rowing exercise loads it, as do most types of

Squats, some Deltoid exercises, and most standing Biceps exercises - especially
Barbell Curls, because both arms are extended in front of the body simultaneously.

This type of muscle activation (of the Erector spinae) is mostly isometric, which has a
strengthening effect but is generally regarded as less productive than dynamic exercise.
Still, the amount of loading the Erector spinae gets “peripherally” - every day - is

A reasonable argument could made, therefore, that the Erector spinae does not need
any additional exercise.

Performing DeadLifts and “Lower Back” Extensions with the belief that they target the
“lower back” better than any of the other exercises which also load the Erector spinae
isometrically, is misguided. It’s just more of the same kind of muscle contraction.

Performing a dynamic exercise for the Erector spinae - like the Seated Torso Extension
- would provide a different (arguably “better”) type of muscle contraction, as compared
with isometric type of muscle contraction.

The appearance / visible development of the Erector spinae (“lower back”) does not
have much capacity for change, so it’s likely that even a dynamic exercise will not make
much of a difference, in terms of visible development. However, it may improve spinal
mobility and may improve Erector spinae strength through its entire range of motion, as
compared with isometric Erector spinae contraction.

Caution should always be used whenever spinal extension or flexion (or lateral
movement) is performed - especially if you are experiencing lower back pain or have a
spinal injury of some type.


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