Situational Marketing Caribbean Cruise

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Antonio Franco and Parker Milasky

Mrs. Sabot

Business and Marketing Essentials

September 9, 2022

Situational Marketing: Caribbean Cruise

Many factors have and are affecting how many people are going on royal caribbean

cruises in the last couple of years. In 2020 cruise sales took a big hit because of coronavirus,

people were getting sick and the government didn’t allow people to go on cruises. After covid

and cruises came back the prices have gone down by a lot. This is to get people back while there

are more people who are unemployed and other things are more expensive. Sales have gone back

up for cruises though, this is because people want to get out of the house and go somewhere. It

was and still is pretty much a social norm to go on a trip after covid. Another thing that has

helped cruise sales is technology. It is now easier to book a cruise with technology and all the

websites now, and obviously new technology has affected the ships themselves with them being

bigger and more advanced than ever before. All of these factors have really affected royal

caribbean cruise sales and how many people are booking trips.

A good marketing plan objective for royal caribbean cruises is to bring in more young

customers. The price of a cruise is not cheap so most young people can’t afford to go on cruises.

A good way to increase the customer range would be to have shorter cruises that cost less so

younger people will be able to afford to go on a cruise. Another good marketing plan objective is

to increase advertisements. There were probably many customers that wanted to go on a cruise

before the pandemic shut down cruises for a couple years. Now that cruises are open there are

many customers that probably want to go on a cruise but aren't thinking about booking on so

advertisements would be great to gain all the potential customers attention.

A good way of keeping track of if our objectives are being met is collecting data on the

ages of the people going on the cruises and see how many people go book a trip after seeing an

advertisement of the royal caribbean cruise. The person who collects this information is the data

broker and then he/she will report this data every month. The data broker will explain the data in

an organized slide to everyone, this is to make everything clear and to make sure everyone

knows all of the information.

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