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Take off = success

Scientist/experts predict in the future, cars will be driven by computers, not people. Do you think is
positive or negative?


Độ chính ấc cao hơn và an toàn hơn

Con người có thể tiết kiệm thơi gian để tập trung làm việc khác

+ positive is much more glaring

It is true that in light of proliferation of technological development, many experts contend that the car
revolution would manufacture a hundred thousand of automated cars from time to time/ driverless cars
would soon be a rea/ will son become a reality. However, some advocates argue that this advance
would bring some cons, I firmly believe that the positive of this trend are much more glaring/ would
offer substantial benefits.

. Computer-driven cars will be safer due to automation. More specifically, designers have tailored
automated programs accompanied car’s function which will determine the departing point and finishing
destination accurately without control of humans so these vehicles could be cut down the colossal cost
and time in driver renting and movement time. Furthermore, much of automated cars always warn
some dangers from other vehicles if those car approach close distances compared allowance distances
which would send some alarming signal by combine sensor and software to navigate and control. For
example, Volvo is one of the pioneer companies in the field of car automated. Their cars not only fulfill
modern equipment generate luxury style but also create a sense of safe due to distance maintain with
other cars and running in permission speed.

. Another driving factors is that time and cost effectiveness. Despite a huge cost of research and
development tasks in the initial stages, production total cost would be on the decrease when this
development is gaining traction and become popular vehicles. In addition, many countries have
gradually spent more funding to these automobile because of promising field. Time saving is probably
un shaken important element as to why nowadays more people consider, especially business man who
have a hectic schedule and per second worthwhile to them to gain money.

Autonomous cars could bring to individual and economic development are plain/glaring/ unequivocally .
It is widely acknowledged that the vast majority of crashes are the result from human error.


game changer => self-driving car could be a game changer

commit crime : phạm tội

entail + ving: kéo theo

polarizing topic : chủ để tranh cãi, a topics of public interest

accrue= accumulate

blue-collar jobs= physical toil = labor-intensive tasks

job loses = unemployment rate

high-tech gadget : tiện ích công nghệ cao

jeopardize to our jobs

income disparity = income gap = wealth gap

bridge the social inequality : rút ngẵn sự bình bất bình đẳng xã hội

lift people out of poverty

discount : giảm giá, coi thường

convince = believe

be exclusive to : riêng biệt cho ai đó

grim view: một cái nhin tiêu cực

…….justifiably so: điều đó cũng chính đáng

Amassed great wealth: tích lũy được tài sản giàu có

commit illegal acts: vi phạm nhwungx hành vi phạm tội

excel + in:xuất sắc trong

be the best in: giỏi trong

indifferent(v): thờ ơ - neglect : thờ

Navigate: điều hướng xe, định vị

Sensor: cảm biến, cảm ứng

Crash ( countable noun) = accident

Casualty( countable noun): thương vong ( do tai nạn)

Shift to/ move to: chuyển sang

The appearance/ the emergence



Proliferation of mobile phones

+Ubiquity of mobile phones

Unplanned call: cuộc gọi không có chủ đích

Hi-tech gadget = Hi-tech benefits

At any given time: bất kì thời điểm nào

Eclipse = pale in comparision with : bị lu mờ với

Foremost = the most important

Definite= unequivocally = glaring

Disturbance(n): gây sao lãng cho ai đó

Intend (v): dự định

Intend to accomplish : dự định để hoàn thành

Accomplish = finish

+ Negative

Cause disturbance to phone user => unplanned call disrupt people form tasks that they intend to
accomplish which is likely to decrease the work productivity

Deprive their privacy : tước bỏ sự riêng tư

Convince= believe

Neglect: neglect outdoor activities

Eye-sight(n): thị lực

Free access to music can result in illegal downloads which violates the right of singers and discourages
them for producing more high product quality.
The first disadvantage is to generate sedentary life style which result from spending too much time using
advanced high-tech gadget such as mobile phone, computer and neglecting outdoor activities. This life
style is prone to entail health problem and damage eye-sight

( vấn đề là gì -> tại sao, kết quả từ đâu (lisd o)-> hậu quả là gì)

The availability of cell phones facilitated instantaneous communication regardless of geographical


Ease off burden= reduce burden

Close-knit relationship

Nurture : ( nuôi dưỡng con cái)

Notwithstanding: bất kể

 Notwithstanding the aforementioned cons

Facilitate: tạo điều kiện =give rise to

Prompt( adi) : quickly .his prompt actions prevented the widespread of fire

Instantaneous ( adj) = immediately (adv) = > facilitate instantaneous communication regardless of

geographical boundaries => that was never the case in the past when people take days to send
handwritten letter

Underprivileged = the poor people = the disadvantaged

Self-driving car

.unmanned automobile

. driverless car

. autonomous car

Self-driving cars/autonomous cars/ driverless car/ unmanned automobile are cars or trucks which are
never required to take control to safely operate

fast-paced technology innovation

+ technological breakthrough

 Today’s fast-paced technology innovation impact all aspect of life. Furthermore, Technological
breakthrough are likely to boost economic development.
They combine sensor and software to control, navigate and drive the vehicle

Some people believe that robots will play an important role in future societies, while others argue that
robots might have negative effects on society.

 It is widely acknowledged that in light of proliferation of fast-paced technological innovation has

produced hundred thousand of robot to help people reduce burdens not only on workload but
also on household chores. While some convince that robot would take a heavy toll on society, I
firmly believe that the pros of this development are more glaring.

Popularizing topic: a topic cause many debates and arguments.


Be adamant : quả quyết rằng

Instrumental(adj) : extremely important = unshaken important

Adverse implication = disadvantages

Pervade : thâm nhập

 Robot pervade many narrow of development progressive

Robot are key to driving = boosting the growth economic

Dispense with = remove : loại bỏ

Robot have dispense with inconsistent and exhaustible physical toil

Usher a era of manufacturing process: speed precision in production

Advantage of robot:

+ Robots are key in driving economic => Automated machines and processes have dispensed with
inconsistent and exhaustible physical toil and ushered in an era of unprecedented output, speed and
precision in manufacturing ( quality and quantity)

+ people take care of tedious daily tasks and free up their time for more enjoyable activities or more
important priorities => machines like robots and autonomous cars are already starting to make human
lives more stress-free.


+ Robot pose to humans is job losses=> as evidenced by how innumerable manufacturing jobs have
been eliminated due to automation


1. Technology replace traditional skill
+ The introduction of technology has contributed to a quicker
production process => helping to economic take off ( success and
+ technology have dispensed with inconsistent and exhaustible physical
toil and usher in era of unprecedented precision and speed in
+ people take care of tedious daily tasks and free up their time for more enjoyable activities or more
important priorities => machines like robots and autonomous cars are already starting to make human
lives more stress-free

+ as more goods were manufactured in the short-term. The cost would be much more
lower which mean that people can access than ever before => For example, in the past
knitting( đan bằng tay) by hand was a time-consuming process which increased the price
of final products. However, nowadays thanks to many technological development/
technological breakthrough/ fast-paced technological innovation, sweaters are mass-
produced in standard sizes with a reasonable price that everyone can afford.
Negative of replacing traditional skills.
The cultures of many countries are illustrated and reflected in their traditional skills.
Therefore, the advents of technology can contribute to the loss of local custom and value.
For example:
Positive of robot
+ Enhance the traffic safety
 The vast majority of traffic accidents would result of human errors
+ Cut down cost on renting/hiring the drivers => drive economic growth
Using phone:
The ubiquity of cell phone cause disturbance to people who are intend to
accomplish, which is likely to decrease the work productivity.
Notwithstanding the aforementioned drawbacks
Facilitate instantaneous communication regardless of geographical boudaries

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