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An essential fuel for life.
ALSO: Sunscreens—Biohazard, The Brad Bose Interview, Qigong Breath,
Spiritual Flame, Vitamin D, Sprouts: the Original Sol Food, AND MORE!


vets of Iraq
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or Drs. Anna Maria and Brian Clement


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Mon 10 am – 5 pm | Tues – Fri 10 am – 6:30 pm | Sat 10 am – 3 pm
At a Glance [contents]


Vincent van Gogh

The Sower, detail
June 1888
Kroller-Muller Museum,
Otterlo, Netherlands

When landscape painters

depict rising and setting suns,
their sun is shown as a large
orb surrounded by clouds

aglow in colors. Few painters,
however, have attempted to
paint the actual rays emanat-
ing from the sun. How could
they? The sun’s rays are so
11 Sun & Disease 27 The Language of Light blinding that no naked eye
Steven Lemberg, MD, weighs the pros and cons of Pam Blue translates the science of photons and DNA. could look at them, and so no
painter could know what to
sun exposure. 28 THE SUN paint. Except for Van Gogh,
12 Yoga Sun Salutation: Let your Sun Shine! Dr. Brian Clement explores the wonder of the star that is who viewed the rays of the
sun with his mind’s eye.
Sheila Skrobeck walks readers through one of the most the center of our solar system.
— Mark Mathew Braunstein
sacred yoga poses, the Sun Salutation. 30 Sunlight’s Role in Vitamin D and
14 Dirty Electricity and Electromagnetic Smog Children’s Health
Mick Wertz examines the implications of Jenny Berkeley, RN, illustrates the role of vitamin D
electromagnetic pollution. in children’s health.
15 Vitamin D, Sunlight and Supplementation 31 The Bright Side of Sunshine
Mitchell J. Ghen, DO, PhD, highlights the various forms Wayne “The Mango Man” Pickering, ND, ScM, shares the

This issue
of vitamin D and how to get an adequate amount. benefits of sunshine for health and wellness.
19 Harnessing the Power of
Electromagnetic Therapies
34 Be the Light You Want to See!
Psychotherapist Antony Chatham offers an exercise
R e g u la r s
Brian David Andersen elucidates the benefits to ignite our inner light.
4 2nd Annual Dr. Ann Wigmore 5 Letter from the Directors
of electromagnetic therapies. 35 Spiritual Flame
20 Staying Hydrated in the Sun Hippocrates cofounder Viktoras Kulvinskas explores the
Living Foods Conference 7 Letter from the Publisher
This year’s event will be a very special occasion.
John Kohler offers tips for staying hydrated and explains spiritual side of sunshine. 8 Contributors
16 Unlocking Ultimate Health:
which foods offer the most liquid nourishment. 36 Sunscreens: How They Harm Rather
The Brad Bose Interview
10 What’s the News?
22 You Are My Sunshine than Protect
Will Burson interviews Brad Bose, personal trainer
• Dr. Brian Clement’s Speaking Schedule
Psychotherapist Andy Bernay-Roman describes the Elizabeth Plourde, PhD, reveals why the dark side • Hospice is Honored by Hippocrates
to the stars and creator of the “Iron Man Workout.”
vital link between sunshine and mood. of sunscreens is more than just skin deep. • Ask the Sprouts are on Vacation
18 Qigong Breath: Your tool for Tapping into
23 Sprouts: the Original Sol Food 37 Solar Power and Soul Power
your Life Force Energy
Chew On This
Sean Herbert shares the benefits of the real original Bodi Deliberato illuminates the unity between the
Sol Food — sprouts. Sun and the Soul.
“Qigong breath” is not what you get from eating Reviews
too many buckwheaties. Philip Davidoff explains.
25 The Sun, the Food Chain and 38 Sunshine On My Shoulders Makes Me Happy 41 LifeGive™ Conscious Brain
32 Workin’ a New Program:
Dr. Brian Clement shares the latest addition
the Stewardship of Survival Oksana Baidithceva shares the benefits of responsible
The Tony Zamagni Recovery Story
Susan Lerner examines the sun’s role in the environment sunbathing. to the LifeGive whole food supplement line.
Tony Zamagni shares tales from life on the road
and the food chain. 40 Sunshine and Diet with famous music acts — and his lifelong battle 41 Queen of the Sun:
26 Sunlight and Sustenance Paul Nison shares information regarding the with binge eating and obesity. What Are the Bees Telling Us?
Mark Mathew Braunstein explains how the sun sun’s relationship to digestion. Documentary film review by Susan Lerner.
42 Some Like It Hot
provides us with energy via food.
Dr. Raleigh Duncan presents a case study with infrared
saunas and asthma, allergies and heavy metal exposure.
2 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g He a l i ng Ou r Worl d »« Un iv e rsal Pote ntial 3
2nd Annual From the
Dr. Ann Wigmore Living Foods Conference
September 27 – 29, 2013 • Vilnius, Lithuania

“Disease, Diet & Nutritional Medicine”

Stop your paper HOW subscription and receive
a link to the digital version of Healing Our World
A once in a lifetime event via email. Call (561) 471-8876, ext. 2105.
will follow the official conference: Keynote speakers:
At the request of Dr. Ann’s daughter Wilma DIRECTORS
We chose the sun as our guest of honor in this issue due to its univer-
Wigmore, we have brought Dr. Ann Wigmore’s KARYN CALABRESE DAN LADERMANN Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN, NMD
ash remains back to her birthplace of Lithuania
is one of the most popular and is codirector of Living Light Brian Clement, PhD, LN, NMD sal relevance in life. Ancients thought of it as a source of all life, as God
innovative leaders in the holistic Culinary Institute and president
for burial. health industry, Karyn’s is a well- of the Institute for Vibrant Living, PUBLISHER / EDITOR-IN-CHIEF / ART DIRECTOR
if you will. Science, with all of its grandiose exploration, is only now
In order for us to continue the work of shar- ness company for everyone on a which produces educational Will Burson grasping the wonders of this megastar. Astronomers tell us the sun
journey to better health. events worldwide.
ing Ann's legacy with the world, we need your
(561) 471-0136, ext. 2167
was once gas that, through circulating spheres of energy, formed a
support. If you have healed and benefited DR. T. COLIN CAMPBELL CHERIE SORIA is founder and core that eventually gave way to the life force that heats planet Earth
because of Dr. Ann Wigmore, please support is Prof. Emeritus, Nutritional director of Living Light Culinary
and creates every bit of life that exists on it.
our collective work and donate just $2 US to the Biochemistry, Cornell University. Institute, and has been teaching Rick Warner
Living Ann Fund. If everyone would help with His legacy, "The China Project", is gourmet raw vegan cuisine since
just this small donation, we will be able to carry the most comprehensive study of 1998, and vegetarian culinary (561) 471-0136, ext. 2105 There has been a disconnect between astronomy, physics and biol-
health nutrition every conducted. arts for more than 40 years.
on with the education Dr. Ann has shared with
ogy. Each science has become an island unto itself that somehow has
all of us. Our next
For event details: DR. BRIAN CLEMENT LORETA VAINIUS If your company offers products or services forgotten why we have thinking minds to begin with. We have been
undertaking will is director of the renowned is a Living Foods Nutritional
PETRAS VAINIUS be to produce a
contributing to the well-being of people,
harvesting knowledge from each of these disciplines and weaving it
Hippocrates Health Institute, the Consultant and Educator. animals or the environment and would like
Living Ann Fund/LLF LLC documentary of world’s foremost complementary She has worked and conducted our readers to know its offerings, consider together for decades. At this very moment we are engaged in rewrit-
610-999-2112 Dr. Ann Wigmore’s residential health center, located research as a nutrition health advertising with us. Total circulation: 100,000.
ing biology, which will now be overlaid with physics and basic multi- life and times. in South Florida. professional for over 44 years. Estimated readership: 300,000 per issue.
skype: petras.vainius1 Contact: Will Burson at (561) 471-0136, universal wisdom.
ext. 2167 or

Learn more and donate today at

Here at the Institute we have discovered that the protons released from the sun
Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) values the
and captured on our largest organ, the skin, are centrally relevant to the health
views expressed by its contributors in Healing of each and every cell. When our cells are out of order, permitting microbes or
Our World magazine. While HHI appreciates
mutagens to hijack them, it is evidence of an inadequate amount of solar energy
Sun Illustration © 2013 Linda Frees the work of each contributor, some of the
food items discussed in Healing Our World generating significant frequency in each of these independent microscopic lives.

savings are here Not only is the sun’s energy directly captured by our body, it can also be con-
magazine are not included in the Hippocrates
Life Transformation Program’s dietary protocol.
sumed in food, gathered by contact with the earth or literally breathed in as you
The materials, information and opinions inhale. In this century, we are finally allowing our preconceived notions to be

25% OFF
expressed in this magazine are not necessarily
those of Hippocrates Health Institute’s relegated to history. This awakens a clear and clean vista shining brightly on simple
directors, employees, agents, distributors truth. It is in this light that we can go back to the foundational basics of original
and / or its affiliated or related entities, con-
tent providers or publisher. This magazine and life. From this pure unadulterated premise, the origins of disorder are evident.

Select LifeGive
any information contained herein are for In the coming decades, by thoroughly humbling the minds of science we will
™ educational purposes only.
emerge as professionals who can help reverse premature aging, as well as psycho-

Supplements: logical and physiological disease. As a sunny day changes the internal and external
Hippocrates Health Institute is not a health
care provider. It is a non-profit, tax-exempt
organization whose purpose is providing environment, it will also allow us to eliminate abnormalities that are created by
Biotic Guard guests and students with progressive a lack of frequency energy. We stand at the threshold to go well beyond matter.
We now ship information. Hippocrates Health Institute and
180 vegetarian caplets Certified Hippocrates Health Institute of Florida, Inc., This will free us from the entrapment of believing that “what we see is all there is.”
Ocean Energy Organic Seeds do not provide medicine or medical diagnosis, Our new understanding will give us the science to realize what we don’t see is
180 vegetarian capsules care or treatment. Any and all information
what really matters and holds the key to releasing illness.
Call for details. contained in this magazine is to be construed
*No additional discounts apply.
Offer expires June 30, 2013. as opinions. The information herein is not Hippocrates Health Institute prides itself in pioneering the area of bio-frequency
meant to supplant or take the place of your medicine and would like to take the time to acknowledge the sun as the parent
medical treatment, diagnosis or care.
To place your order please call: of this cutting edge, futuristic field. As we gain more knowledge and employ it in
(561) 471-8876, ext. 2171 or 2124 No part of this publication can be reprinted
current technology, there is no doubt that the world of healthcare will once again
in any form without written permission from
Toll Free (877) 582-5850 become a legitimate partner in the prevention and elimination of disease.
Transform Your Life
the publisher. Unauthorized reproduction in
any manner is prohibited. For reprint inquiries,
To better assist you, we now have new store and mail order hours: contact Will Burson at (561) 471-0136, ext. Respectfully,
Monday: 10am – 5pm est
Tuesday – Friday: 10am – 6:00pm est Into a Series of 2167 or

Saturday: 10am – 3pm est

Drs. Anna Maria and Brian Clement

4 5
H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. He al i ng Ou r Wo rl d »« Su ns h i n e
From the Publisher

People often call me a tree hugger. My invariable response is, “If you’re not hugging a tree, what are
you doing to it? Kicking it? Burning it?”
Last year, a misguided person did just that.
The fifth oldest tree in the world was burned down. The 3,500-year-old Florida cypress was known as
“The Senator.” It was the largest and oldest pond cypress in the world.

The tree burning was determined accidental, but the cir-

cumstances were far from innocent. The woman who later
confessed to the crime told police she was smoking meth-
amphetamine inside the hollow tree and lit a fire so she
could see what she was doing.
How many times have irresponsible personal decisions

(made by individuals or collectively as a society) not only
damaged our own health, but that of our environment?
Tortured feedlot animals, defiled oceans and receding rain
forests are but a few examples of what happens when we
make decisions with our growling bellies instead of our
hearts and minds.
There is no question that every decision — even those that

may seem trivial or inconsequential — contributes to greater
results. Each time we decide what to eat, how to travel and
what to buy we aren’t just branding ourselves “tree huggers”
or “tree burners” — we are literally voting for either the
sustenance or the destruction of our environment.
It turns out every time we “hug a tree” we are also hug-
ging ourselves — and hugging generations to come.

Be Well,


LifeGive Sun-D is a natural, vegan source of vitamin D3 and Made solely from Shiitake mushrooms & rice
vitamin D precursors. Unlike synthetic drug-like supplements, germ extracts. No additives, excipients or binders. At right: The Florida cypress known as “The Senator” in 2011. An adult male stands fifteen
feet in front of the tree’s base to show size comparison. Photograph by Anthony Scotti.
Sun-D preserves the life-force and naturally-occurring
synergistic nutrient co-factors.
Studies suggest vitamin D plays a role preventing and mitigating:
This issue of Healing Our World is the third installment
atherosclerosis epilepsy liver disease preeclampsia in a four-part environmental series. The first was an up-
breast cancer hypertension multiple psoriasis close examination of soil (HOW 29-4). Then we took an
sclerosis unflinching look at the condition of our oceans, lakes
colon cancer inflammatory tinnitus and rivers (HOW 31-2). This edition will focus on the rays
ovarian cancer bowel disease osteoporosis ulcerative colitis that come to us from the 4.6 billion-year-old star at the
depression kidney disease periodontal disease center of our solar system — the Sun.

Hea l i ng Ou r Wor l d »« Su n s h i n e 7
Contributors Would you like to be a contributor to Healing Our World? Tell us your story.
Email Will Burson with the subject line “HOW Contribution” at

Because Brian David Andersen majored in Antony Chatham, a Florida licensed Sean Herbert is the Owner and Master Paul Nison is a raw foods author, chef and
photo-journalism at the University of psychotherapist, has worked with Grower at Got Sprouts? Sean and his wife educator who travels the world giving
Missouri and worked 10 years as a freelanc- Hippocrates guests since 1994. He draws Jody found Hippocrates on their own lectures on raw food nutrition and raw
er in numerous forms of mass communica- his inspiration from Eastern and Western journey back to health and have made it food prep classes to show people how
tions, he approached the hard sciences as a traditions of holistic healing and integrates their personal mission to educate people on easy and fun the raw life can be. He has
self taught investigator rather than a knowledge and experience from psychology, the healing power of Sprouts. When he’s not written eight books about the raw food diet.
student. The freedom allowed him to philosophy and theology, in which he holds Growing Fresh Sprouts and Wheatgrass, Learn more at
explore all avenues and possibilities in Master’s degrees and doctoral course work. Sean offers Juicing and Sprout growing or
physics, chemistry and all health modalities. classes, and is affectionately known as the
Dr. Brian Clement is director of the “Juicetritionist.” Dr. Wayne Pickering faced the prognosis
Jenny Berkeley, RN, is a nurse and health renowned Hippocrates Health Institute of death at age 30. Now, at 63 years young,
educator with over 20 years experience in (HHI), the world’s foremost complementary John Kohler hosts a popular internet show, he is an award-winning triathlete, double
the medical profession. She is the author of residential health center. He and his team Growing Your Greens, about his bountiful nominee for the Healthy American Fitness
two books and the publisher of Eternity- at HHI have developed a state-of-the-art front-yard garden in the suburbs of Leader Award, nutritional performance
Watch Magazine, a Canadian magazine program for health maintenance and Northern California. When he’s not busy coach and disease prevention specialist.
dedicated to promoting a holistic health recovery. His Florida institute has pioneered harvesting greens, beans, marigolds and He’s authored 21 books; 22 audio learning
lifestyle and a plant-based diet. Check her a life-changing program and established peppers, John offers lectures on raw foods. programs; two DVD series; 10 health systems
out at training in active aging and disease Learn more at and over 400 articles on fitness, stress and
prevention that has proven to raise nutrition. Learn more at
Pam Blue works as a therapist at the health and happiness levels. Viktoras Kulvinskas is the international
HHI Oasis Therapy Center and also speaks best-selling author of Survival in the 21st Elizabeth Plourde, CLS, NCMP, PhD, is a
regularly at Hippocrates on the issues of PC Davidoff is a QiGong Instructor and Century. He had a career in mathematics and clinical laboratory scientist, medical
organics and water. Pam is fully committed Musician for the Healing Arts. His CDs are was a successful computer consultant prior researcher, author and international speaker
to the Hippocrates program and all things now available at the Hippocrates Store. to cofounding Hippocrates Health Institute specializing in hormones and hormonal
which honor and respect the intelligence See ad on page 58 for more details. with Ann Wigmore in Boston. Learn more at balance. She is certified by the North
and benevolence of life. American Menopause Society as a meno-
pause practitioner (NCMP) and has been a
Andy Bernay-Roman is a Florida Licensed Dr. Steve Lemberg received his M.D. from health consultant for 20 years.
Mental Health Counselor, a Registered the Columbia University College of Physi-
Nurse and a Licensed Massage Therapist, Bodi Deliberato has been a triathlete and cians and Surgeons in 1978, with honors in Sheila Skrobeck is a Yoga Alliance
who has practiced his unique form of wellness advocate for the past 24 years. neurology and pediatrics. He is a raw, living 200hr certified yoga teacher with
body-oriented psychotherapy at HHI since As a yoga practitioner and Hippocrates foods vegan and expert in meditation who 15 years experience. She is a full time
December 1990. Find out more about Andy’s alumnus, he brings a fresh perspective has lived a wellness lifestyle for decades. He Program Consultant and vinyasa flow yoga
work through his book, Deep Feeling, Deep to the New Thought, Ancient Wisdom directs the Oxygen Therapy Center at HHI, teacher at Hippocrates Health Institute.
Healing: The Heart, Mind, and Soul of Getting movement. and his goal is to bridge the gap between
Well, available through the HHI store. conventional medicine and natural healing.
Dr. Mitchell Ghen has 31 years of experience Susan Lerner is a Hippocrates Health Mick Wertz, CNHP, has had his hands in
Mark Mathew Braunstein, a high raw in anti-aging, holistic and integrative age Educator and organizes the largest ongoing health and wellness for over three decades.
vegan since 1970, is the author of Sprout management medicine. Dr. Mitch has a raw food potluck in South Florida at He is a self-coined Optimization Consultant,
Garden and of Microgreen Garden, forth- remarkable amount of experience as an The Center for Inspired Living in West Palm and enjoys nothing more than helping people
coming October 2013. Read his five previous expert clinician and researcher in the field of Beach. At the Center, she hosts speakers optimize their lives in any and all arenas,
articles in HOW and download his free IV nutrition and stem cell transplantation. and workshops related to raw living, health, utilizing such personally-developed tech-
sprouting and microgreens resources from He has authored four textbooks for the gardening and sustainable living. niques as Fun Therapy, Travel Therapy and professional and has written dozens of Sailing Therapy. Among his endeavors, he is
articles in peer reviewed journals. currently GM with Tri-Vortex Technology, and
the one-of-a-kind Stem Cell Stimulator.

8 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g He al i ng Ou r Wo rl d »« Su ns h i n e 9

Dr. Brian Clement’s
Speaking Schedule*
May July
What’s the News?
5 NYC — Navel Expo 3 – 5 Pennsylvania
3 – 13 Northeast USA 20 – 28 Northwest USA
16 – 17 The Villages, FL
18 Cocoa Beach, FL
3 – 4 Atlanta
June 23 – 25 Canada

7 – 24 Finland 27 Michigan
Norway September t turns out that the benefits of feel better on a sunny day (see Andy ment of melanoma, sun exposure
Sweden 6 – 22 New England sunlight, taken in a moderate, bal- Bernay-Roman’s article on page 22). may protect against the progression
Netherlands anced fashion, are very substan- Whereas skin cancer is associ- of melanoma into more fatal disease.
Germany October tial. The healing effects of sunlight, ated with too much UVR (ultraviolet The sun may be best known for
7 – 20 Europe especially the boost in production of radiation) exposure, other cancers boosting production of vitamin D, but
25 Montreal vitamin D are widespread. might result from too little. Living at there are many other UVR-mediated
*S ubjec t to c hange . Some reports indicate that ad- higher latitudes increases the risk of effects that benefit health.
Please check w w w.HippocratesInstitute .org equate amounts of one form of vita- dying from Hodgkin’s lymphoma, as Direct immune suppression.
for current schedule . min D inhibits induction of disease well as breast, ovarian, colon, pan- Exposure to both UVA and UVB radia-
in rheumatoid arthritis, collagen- creatic, prostate and other cancers, tion can have direct immunosuppres-
Hippocrates Health Institute Director Dr. Anna Maria Clement (right) presents Hospice induced arthritis, Lyme arthritis, auto- when compared with living at lower sive effects through upregulation
of Palm Beach County Director of Events Lauryn Barry with certificate and donation. immune encephalomyelitis, thyroid- latitudes. A randomized clinical trial of cytokines (TNF- and IL-10) and
itis, inflammatory bowel disease and by a group at Creighton University, increased activity of T regulatory

Hospice is Honored systemic lupus erythematosis. published in the American Journal cells that remove self-reactive T cells.

by Hippocrates
According to Rolfdieter Krause, MD, of Clinical Nutrition, confirmed that These mechanisms may help prevent
who currently heads the Heliotherapy taking 2 – 4 times the daily dietary ref- autoimmune diseases.
Research Group at the Medical Univer- erence intake of 200 – 600 IU vitamin Alpha melanocyte-stimulating
by Diane Lahoski
sity of Berlin, a serum 25(OH)D level of D3 and calcium resulted in a 50 – 77% hormone ( -MSH). Upon exposure to
Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) honored Hospice of Palm help children, who may have trouble understanding what is at least 40 ng/mL should be adequate reduction in expected incidence sunshine, melanocytes and kerati-
Beach County Foundation, Inc., with a certificate and a gift happening. to protect against hypertension and rates of all cancers combined over a nocytes in the skin release -MSH,
of $5000 to further their work in helping patients and their Hippocrates Health Institute is proud to aid this program other forms of cardiovascular disease four-year period in post-menopausal which has been implicated in immu-
families. Hospice’s programs and services ensure that the that enables so many families to fulfill their dreams and as- (as well as prostate and colon cancers). women living in Nebraska. nologic tolerance and suppression of
community receives support in finding and utilizing pirations of living a life of caring and giving. Hospice brings High vitamin D levels reduce the Many studies have shown that contact hypersensitivity. -MSH also
the resources and methods of care we all deserve. HHI’s peace of mind to many anxious and stressed individuals in risk of active tuberculosis (showing cancer-related death rates decline as helps limit oxidative DNA damage re-
contribution was accepted by Lauryn Barry, Hospice of their time of need. We congratulate them on their service to clinical symptoms) by 32%. As aware- one moves toward the lower latitudes sulting from UVR and increases gene
Palm Beach County Director of Events. humanity. ness of the sun’s power against rickets (between 37°N and 37°S), and that repair, thus reducing melanoma risk,
Hospice treats dying as a normal part of life, with a pal- and tuberculosis (TB) spread, attitudes the levels of ambient UVR in differ- published in Cancer Research.
liative course of treatment rather than a curative one. All in- toward sun exposure changed dra- ent municipalities correlate inversely Calcitonin gene-related peptide
volved in the process of dying, including family and friends of matically. The suntan became valued with cancer death rates there. (CGRP). Released in response to both
the loved one, need help and special services in dealing with in the Western world and represented A study in the Journal of the UVA and UVB exposure, this potent
emotional, spiritual and practical problems that involve the both health and wealth, as only the National Cancer Institute looked at neuropeptide could help explain
patient’s needs and wishes. Enabling patients to continue to affluent could afford to vacation by markers of sun exposure in more than sunlight’s efficacy in treating skin
live at home or a homelike facility, along with medical care the ocean and play outdoor sports. 500 people who had recently been disorders such as psoriasis.
and symptom relief, eases the transition from life through Phototherapy emerged as a popular diagnosed with malignant melano- Neuropeptide substance P. Along
illness to the next phase, death. medical treatment not only for TB, but ma. The researchers found that solar with CGRP, this neuropeptide is
This transition is sometimes more difficult for family and also for rheumatic disorders, diabetes, elastosis, or sun damage to the skin, released from sensory nerve fibers in
friends than for the patient himself, and the professionals gout, chronic ulcers, and wounds. Sea- was independently associated with the skin following UVR exposure. This
at Hospice can help ease the pain and give the family solace, sonal affective disorder (SAD), an emo- a surprising increased survival from results in increased lymphocyte pro-
along with resources with which to deal with the heart- tional disorder especially prevalent melanoma. liferation and chemotaxis (chemically
break of losing a loved one. This counseling is not just for when the sun doesn’t shine much, re- If confirmed, the results of this mediated movement) but may also
families, friends and others affected by the death, but also sponds to more sunlight, and most study suggest that whereas excessive produce local immune suppression.
On Summer Vacation
the professional caregivers, enabling them to help everyone of us can vouch for the fact that we sun exposure leads to the develop- cont’d on p. 57
through the process. Special programs are also in place to Be Back Soon!

10 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g

Yoga Sun Salutation figure 1 figure 2 figure 3 figure 4

by Sheila Skrobeck
Sunshine travels 93 million miles to bring us the visual glory
of a sunrise and sunset, the fabulous feeling of the sun’s
warmth on our skin, vitamin D and powerful life force!

figure 5 figure 6 figure 7 figure 8

ur primary source of light is, We honor the sun through the Bending knees to allow both Begin to straighten the body, bring- spirit. Hands down, the living foods body-mind, or more moderately to
of course, the sun. For thou- dynamic asana (yoga poses) sequence hands to brace the floor, extend left ing shoulder up with arms extended diet for your soul is gratitude! Check create a moving meditation. Find your
sands of years, the Hindus known as Sun Salutation, Surya leg behind you coming into a lunge. overhead returning to Mountain Pose in with your attitude of gratitude rhythm and feel your body moving in
have revered the sun, which they Namaskar. The Sanskrit word namas- Maintain your left knee over your left (figure 1). and give thanks for all your blessings. and out of each asana. Use this time
call Surya, as both the physical and kar comes from namas, which means ankle to protect the knee (figure 3). Hands lower to the heart and the Remember the energy you send out to practice letting go of your thoughts.
spiritual heart of our world and the “to bow to” or “to adore.” Each Sun Right leg extends and right foot sequence begins again with right foot is the energy you attract back. When Our minds are constantly working.
creator of all life itself. Yoga origi- Salutation begins and ends with the meets the left foot. Your body is in reaching back into the lunge. Each gratitude energy is in your surround- Job, family, money, old stories, new
nated with the Hindus and is rich in hands joined in front of the heart. plank pose, similar to a push up sequence will alternate left and right ing field you will be a magnet for worries and the chatter in our head is
spirituality and symbolism. It is there- This placement is no accident. Yogis pose. Shoulders over the wrists, body foot stretching back to the lunge. more coming your way to appreciate, constant. Asana practice is our time to
fore fitting that they created a physi- believe we each possess our own straight, hips slightly higher than the Finish with savasana. It is impor- to love and to be grateful for! tune out thinking and tune into feel-
cal, spiritual salute to the sun that is inner brightness and it shines heart (figure 4). tant to allow yourself to relax after Remember the importance of ing. Feel where you are tight and hold
still practiced by millions today. through from our heart center. Bend elbows and lower slowly asana practice. Seal in the physical maintaining strong steady breathing stress in your body. Feel where you
Hindu belief views the sun as the Different yoga styles vary but typi- to the mat, straightening feet then benefits. Lie on your back, arms by throughout the flow. Sun Salutation struggle in a pose and where you are
eye of the world, an eye that can see cally the following sequence is the lifting shoulders, expanding chest, your side slightly away from the can be done at a slow pace, holding strong. Try and connect a breath to a
us physically as individuals yet united basis for sun salutation. A regular keep ears lifting away from shoulders, body, palms facing up, legs slightly each pose for two or three breaths. movement. Inhale life, exhale strife!
as one spiritually, an eye with a vision practice of this sequence will help slightly arching the spine coming into apart, feet gently falling outwards A more vigorous pace may be your Practice daily! 10 minutes, 30 min-
of the pathway to the divine. Yoga strengthen your body, increase flex- Cobra pose (figure 5). (figure 8). Close your eyes and let your choice to elevate your heart rate utes, or one hour, whatever time is
originated with the Hindus four to ibility, improve balance and quiet Lower back to the mat, curl toes un- breath flow effortlessly. Release your and develop better cardiovascular available. Give yourself the gift of this
six thousand years ago as a belief your mind. der and raise hips high bringing your thoughts by watching each breath strength, or a combination of both. time every day and you will marvel at
and practice to reach enlightenment. Traditionally Sun Salutation is body into an upside down V, Down- enter your body and each breath leave If you are new to yoga begin your how quickly strength and flexibility
The ancient yogis taught that each of practiced in the early morning facing ward Facing Dog (figure 6). the body. practice slowly with three to five increase. You will continuously calm
us is a version of the world at large, the East. Gaze ahead to your fingertips and After a few minutes roll to your rounds, gradually building up to 10 or your central nervous system, oxygen-
embodying “rivers, seas, mountains, Begin in Mountain Pose, standing left foot comes between the hands side, draw knees to your chest and 15. If this seems like a lot, remember ate red blood cells, move lymph and
fields…stars and planets…the sun and tall with arms reaching overhead finding the lunge on the opposite feel the effects of your yoga practice. that the traditional number of rounds teach yourself to relax.
moon.” The sun is a symbol of our (figure 1). side. Back foot comes forward to meet The word yoga means union, the is 108! (For more information on the Try to commit to sun salutation five
own “inner sun,” which is our spiri- Hands come together in front of the front foot, upper body remains union of body, mind and spirit. You significance of this number, internet times a week. Use this time to salute
tual heart center. Our heart center the heart as you slowly fold forward folded forward (figure 7). have strengthened and relaxed your search “yoga 108 meaning.”) yourself as well as the sun. Let your
is the place of consciousness and (figure 2). body and quieted your mind. I find You can pace the sequence briskly inner sun shine bright!
higher wisdom. this the perfect time for feeding the to generate heat and cleanse the Namaste

12 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g Hea l i ng Ou r Wor l d »« Su n s h i n e 13
Dirty Electricity and
Electromagnetic Smog Vitamin D, Sunlight
and Supplementation
by Mick Wertz
When humans and animals are exposed to intense levels of heat, cold, wind,
by Mitchell J. Ghen, DO, PhD
sound, spice and electricity, the nervous system transmits distinct signals that
assist the brain in identifying the specific overt threat. The individual’s body, Who would have thought the vitamin regarded as the one to stop rickets would be re-
and subsequently the emergency medical technicians, responds immediately to eliminate the classified as a hormone just a few decades later? Vitamin D is a hormone that is in-
threat and to attempt to repair the disorder and damage detected by the five senses. volved in more than 300 reactions per second in the human body. For the most part

vitamins need to be taken as cofactors for multiple reactions in our human chemistry.
hen electricity flows chromosomes likely make the animals cial meters to communicate electric Unlike others, vitamin D can be synthesized in the human body. Incredibly, when hu-
through any kind of con- more sensitive to the environment and usage. The microwave power implicit man skin is exposed to sunlight, oils in the skin are converted into an active form of
vitamin D. Vitamin D is classified as a fat-soluble vitamin along with vitamins K, E and A.
ductive material, particu- to negative EMFs. Regardless of environ- in one average home Smart Meter is
This means vitamin D can be stored in the body, and, therefore, at certain levels, it can
larly though a coiled transformer, the mental sensitivity, the damage inflicted the equivalent to exposure to 100 cell
become toxic.
phenomenon known as electromag- by negative EMFs on both human cells phones; plus this intense microwave

netic fields (EMFs) are generated. EMFs and animal cells is the same. is emitted a distance of 90 feet in
cannot be detected by any of the five Any moving liquids or gases create all directions from each meter. Web
ntil recently, most would only unable to be produced by synthetic and not ever reach a toxic dose. Doses
human senses. Therefore due to the electro-magnetic frequencies; therefore Meters, which concentrate informa-
have considered utilizing means and is the most absorbable that lead to a level of vitamin D3
absence of any short-term overt threats Planet Earth, humans and animals gen- tion from and communicate with
vitamin D in very low doses form of vitamin D. Vitamin D2, how- between 100 and 150,000 would need
or reactions that are detected by the erate EMFs. But of course the fast-flow- typical home and commercial meters,
and only for the prevention of rickets ever, is only 10 – 30% as absorbable as to be tailored or drawn back a little so
five senses, the traditional medical ing river in the Grand Canyon produces are strategically placed on key home
(and perhaps to enhance the absorp- vitamin D3 and is currently recog- as to make sure the optimal levels are
community has neither interest in, nor far more intense EMFs than the blood and commercial sites. The Web Meter
tion of calcium). Hundreds of recent nized as unsuitable as a replenish- maintained at 60-100 ng/mL.
any experience with, applications and flowing through humans and animals. microwave signal is 1,000 times more
articles about vitamin D and its use- able form of vitamin D. A new article, Those concerned about creating hy-
devices that create the harmful varia- Before the year 1900 humans and ani- powerful than an average Smart Meter
fulness against many diseases make however, recently noted that patients percalcemia (elevated calcium levels
tions of EMFs known as Dirty Electric- mals were only exposed to EMFs gener- signal. This type of electromagnetic
a compelling argument for its use in with early onset of Alzheimer’s may in the blood) should note that doses of
ity or Electromagnetic Smog. Regretta- ated by nature and the liquids flowing smog is suspected of being the cause
everyone from infants to the elderly. benefit from vitamin D2 ingestion. An 50,000 International Units of vitamin
bly, if an individual cannot smell, taste, within the human body. Every decade of countless human health disorders.
There are two major forms of vita- animal study recently examined the D3 daily would have to be taken for
feel, hear or see the causes and the re- since entrance to the 20th Century Do you have a Smart Meter, or perhaps
min D: ergocalciferol (also known as effectiveness of vitamin D2 in revers- months to lead to hypercalcemia.
sults of one’s negative health condition, and the beginnings of the Industrial a Web Meter attached on an exterior
vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (also ing the plaques that form in the brain. Functional doses or physiologic doses
traditional medicine is unwilling to Revolution, humans and animals have wall of your home or business? The
known as vitamin D3). Vitamin D2 Doses much higher than originally of 5000 IUs a day have actually been
help. Most importantly, and of greatest been exposed to ever-increasing levels Web Meter is approximately six inches
is produced by some invertebrates, thought necessary are needed to shown to reduce artery accumulation
consequence, the function and lifespan of dirty electricity and electromag- longer than the average Smart Meter.
fungi and yeast. Vitamin D3, on the create optimal vitamin D levels for of calcium. Do not be misled to believe
of the phosphorous sheaths enveloping netic smog. Microwaves — discovered Since the inception and subsequent
other hand, is produced by ultraviolet human nutrition. Currently, the nor- that sunblocks are needed to block
biological cells are influenced by both in 1864 by James Maxwell — began wide-spread use of microwaves, Smart
radiation in its precursor 7-dehydro- mal vitamin D3 level cited by labs is the production of malignant mela-
positive and negative EMFs. saturating Planet Earth in the early Meters and Web Meters, there have
cholesterol to form vitamin D3 in 30 – 100 ng/mL, however, the optimal noma because it has been found that
Dairy cows kept in barns and holding 1950s. Now, as we move further into been few clinical trials conducted to
the skin. Unfortunately, due to many level that should be strived for is be- individuals with the highest levels of
pens adjacent to harmful EMFs gener- the century, these intense microwaves determine the negative impact on hu-
variables, it is extremely difficult for tween 60 – 100 ng/ml. At this optimal vitamin D in their system have the
ated by dirty electricity have a radically pose one of the greatest threats to man, animal and plant cells. range, protection from significant
humans to absorb enough vitamin D lowest rates of this aggressive cancer.
reduced output of milk, and often shut human and animal health. As we all Compounding the problem of dirty diseases becomes evident.
from the sun alone. Use of sunblocks, Vitamin D is carried in the blood-
down milk production altogether. Why know, microwaves were initially used electricity/electromagnetic smog/ The vitamin D toxicity concern re-
showering within 12 hours after stream to the liver, where it is
do livestock negatively react to harm- for cooking on a widespread basis; now negative EMFs is the widespread cently seems to be overrated. The LD50
sun exposure, skin oil problems and converted to calcidiol, which in turn
ful EMFs, but farmers fail to detect or microwave technology has expanded and near-universal consumption of
inadequate or improper sun exposure, (the dose of vitamin D3 that would is converted into calcitriol (the ac-
sense any negative conditions? The to use as carriers for mass communi- processed and pesticide-ridden foods
can all, independently or collectively, kill half of the animals tested with the tive form of vitamin D) either in the
most likely answer to that question is cations demands, such as use in cell that appeared at the beginning of the
be the cause for failure. Even age is a same dose) is quite high. It would take kidneys or by certain cells of the im-
indicated in observation of the different phone engineering and via satellite Industrial Revolution and have since
factor for absorption. 3,520,000 International Units of vita- mune system. Vitamin D can act as an
structure of DNA in humans and ani- dish transmissions. grown to epidemic proportions. In ad-
Certainly the conversion of sunlight min D to meet the LD50, which means antimicrobial blocker by helping the
mals. Cows and all other animals have In the late 1990s, the U.S. Congress dition, prior to the 20th Century people
in the oils of the skin to vitamin D3 is an individual could take 10,000 units body’s immune system work appro-
two strands of 48 chromosomes in their quietly passed legislation that allowed did not endemically wear metals as
the best form that we could possibly a day of vitamin D3 every single day, priately. cont’d on p. 48
DNA; humans have two strands of 46 electrical power companies to use daily jewelry or have metals implanted
receive. It is a water-soluble form month after month, year after year,
chromosomes in theirs. The extra four microwaves in home and commer- in their bodies. cont’d on p. 57

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Unlocking Ultimate Health
The Brad Bose Interview
by Will Burson

I’m talking today with Brad Bose, PhD, personal trainer to the stars. Known primarily for his work
with Robert Downey, Jr., on the Iron Man films, Brad has a holistic approach to wellness that he calls
the “Locked Door Paradigm.” After a career as a professional athlete and over 25 years in the fitness
industry, he has fine-tuned his approach to incorporate factors that many fitness enthusiasts over-
look. Healing Our World readers will have the benefit of utilizing some of the same tips Brad offers Left: Brad Bose
Right: Bose’s gym, ANATOMI Functional Performance, features
Hollywood hunks and leading ladies in his Santa Monica gym. some of the most cutting edge, unique equipment in the world.

HOW (Healing Our World): Hi, Brad. eating huge amounts of red meat or tor their diet and balance their nutri- in mind you may need more water with shakes post workout can aid recovery Lock #4 is cardiovascular training.
Your “Iron Man Workout” has garnered fried foods isn’t the answer. Healthy tion definitely get better results than heavy training or in hot or dry climates. and liquid nutrition seems to be more Challenging our heart and cardiovas-
lots of attention after the monumental eating style does however require some the average person. This means if you weigh 200 pounds, readily available to the body. cular system to get in shape is equal
success of the movies it got its name effort. We need to have a sufficient The biggest pitfall for vegans is not you want at least 100 fluid ounces of My caution would be that if you are to tuning the engine of a race car.
from. What makes your approach to balance of protein, fats and carbohy- balancing their protein, fat and carbo- water per day to keep your body run- being “weight aware” remember that It affects every organ and system in
health and wellness special? drates. If you are living a raw or vegan hydrate intake. It is essential that they ning smoothly. these drinks tend to have a lot of calo- the body, including our skin. Even the
lifestyle you must eat a varied diet eat a well balanced diet to maintain op- Water is also our natural cleanser. ries in them and can easily send your digestion and absorption of our food
BOSE (Brad Bose): I tell my clients
to obtain proper levels of these three timal nutrition. Otherwise they defeat A lot of people believe in doing radical daily calorie count through the roof. It improves with cardiovascular efficiency.
to think of their body like a precision
things. Remember, this is your fuel. the purpose of being vegan. The second cleanses, but the truth is the body can also throw your fat and protein to Lock #5 — the final lock — is strength
machine: a Ferrari, a jet or a super
If we go back to our earlier analogy, I pitfall I see is a lack of variation in their is an amazing machine with built in carbohydrate ratios off. training. This is also the most misunder-
yacht. If we bought any of these items
doubt many of you would believe that a diet. In order to maintain strict vegan- cleansers. We just have to remember Lock #3 is sleep. People in our busy stood lock. People believe that strength
and never spent time maintaining
jet can perform on regular gasoline. So ism they sometimes tend to eat the that water is the vehicle by which the world think they can pop an energy training is what bodybuilders do but in
them — or used the wrong type of
it’s important to fuel your body to the same foods day in and day out, which cleansing is done, and keep it flowing. drink and that can be the substitute fact it is very different. My approach to
fuel — it wouldn’t be long before we
ultimate. definitely is a detriment to vegans. By for sleep. The truth is we all need eight strength training is called “C.A.S.S.” It
had a worthless hunk of metal. If we
eating a wide variety of foods, vegans HOW: Do you incorporate liquids like hours of sleep per night to repair and stands for: Coordination, Agility, Stabil-
put so much time and attention into
HOW: My ears perked up when you will get all the vitamins, minerals and coconut water or other electrolyte-rich restore our body. Without proper rest ity (or balance) and Strength.
our vehicles, why don’t we do the same
said the “V” word. Looking at vegan fibers they need. beverages with your trainees or simply we are overheating our engines and C.A.S.S. represents the four “musts”
with our bodies? After all, they are the
athletes like Carl Lewis, Mac Danzig rely on good old H2O? Also, do you they will burn out. when we think of strength training,
most amazing pieces of machinery
and Bill Walton, it is easy to see that HOW: Let’s talk about Lock #2. utilize liquid foods like smoothies or especially for older individuals. These
on earth.
people can perform well without juices as pre- or post-workout nourish- HOW: Many fitness enthusiasts and critical components not only provide
This question led me to develop the BOSE: Lock #2 (and maybe the most
animal foods. What is your experience ment, or just stick to solid foods? trainers say taking naps during the longevity but quality of life as we age.
Locked Door Paradigm. If we see health important one) is water. It is often
with vegan strength training? Let’s put day are important, especially for those Every day we need these four tools
as a door with five locks, we will find taken for granted, but water is the BOSE: Using an electrolyte drink dur-
aesthetics (and bulky muscles) aside involved in heavy training. Do you see to move through life. Shopping at
it much easier to understand optimal single most essential thing to our body ing and after your workout to replace
and talk about getting strong and any advantage to this, or is eight hours the grocery store, walking down the
health. In picturing a door with five after oxygen. Most people do not drink the loss of electrolytes is essential and
maximizing the strength to weight a night enough for everybody? block or playing a round of golf, we are
locks, would we really expect the door enough water, nor do they drink it at a very smart practice, but remember
ratio of trainees on a vegan diet. What constantly using C.A.S.S. to maneuver
to open if we only had four keys? If we the proper times. Water has many func- moderation is key. It is possible to drink BOSE: Everyone needs eight hours
advantages do you think vegans have properly. As we age, C.A.S.S. keeps us
did, we would soon find out we were tions in our body’s health, but today too many electrolytes which causes of sleep a night for optimal health,
when they go to your gym? And what moving and functioning. If we are ac-
mistaken. we’ll focus on water’s role in keep- your kidneys and liver to work over- whether they take naps or not. That
pitfalls do you have to steer them tive we are healthy, but if we are sitting
Ultimate health works the same ing our body working efficiently and time. Remember that water is a natural being said, “power naps” have been
around? or lying down too much our health
way. If we believe that by simply eat- cleansing our body. cleanser and still vital to consume on shown by researches to be more effec-
is at risk. The biggest challenge with
ing properly we will achieve ultimate BOSE: Vegans have many advantages Research shows that if we are even an hourly basis to keep our bodies run- tive than caffeine for energy boosting
strength training is it is very technical,
health, then we are just pushing on the in my gym in a multitude of areas. They mildly dehydrated, we are in a catabolic ning optimally. properties.
and without the help of an educated
door with one lock unlocked. The other tend to have better energy levels, more (muscle is breaking down) state. It is People who use pre- and post-work- Recent research conflicts with the
professional you may lack the exercises
locks remain secured. endurance, better focus and a faster essential to drink water constantly out nourishments tend to feel they are concept of 20-minute power naps, sug-
you need to get all four tools in the
So let’s say proper nutrition is Lock #1. recovery rate. I attribute their success throughout the day. Shoot for one essential. Certainly endurance athletes gesting that we may benefit even more
C.A.S.S. arsenal. cont’d on p. 47
It is very important to develop healthy to eating cleaner, more effective food fluid ounce of water per two pounds benefit the most from pre workout from shorter, 10-minute naps.
and intelligent eating habits. We know sources. The vegans who actively moni- (39 ml per kg) of body weight, and keep nourishment. Smoothies or protein
from an abundance of research that

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Qigong Breath “If you want to find the Secrets of the Universe,
think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration.”
Your tool for Tapping into your Life Force Energy — Nikola Tesla
by PC Davidoff
Harnessing the Power
Learning to control one’s breath is a tool used to tap into life force.
Life Force is your vitality, energy and level of motivation. People who have learned and regularly
of Electromagnetic
practice breathing techniques activate and enhance the quality and quantity of this force. Therapies
This accelerates the natural healing mechanisms in the body and provides us with clarity,
joy and a sense of well being. In other words, calm body = calm mind.

he breath is the link to the most forty years ago was it revealed to the lifts your head upwards, and straight-
by Brian David Andersen
profound medicine we can mani- general public. ens and lengthens the spine. Bend your
fest independently: self-healing. The breathing technique we will knees gently. Feet are facing forward Electric and electromagnetic frequencies can either compromise the functioning of the
Breathing is an independent function discuss is “Qigong Breath.” Readers and shoulder width apart. Relax your human body or be advantageous, beneficial frequencies that harmonize the functioning
of the body that allows us to survive who are already familiar with qigong shoulders. Now visualize a connection of the awesomely complex human system. These good and bad, pro and con frequen-
without thinking about it. Yet we are or other breathing practices may also from your feet to the earth. This pulls
cies similarly have positive or negative effect on animals and plant life, and their effect,
capable of controlling our breath. Do- benefit from the following information. the lower part of your body downward.
ing this is an art form that has survived This technique can be incorporated into The upward lift and downward pull
more specifically, is upon the cellular function within any and all living organisms.

thousands of years because it works. daily practice immediately. Practitio- further straightens and lengthens your
It works to heal us, calm us and teach ners will notice the chi quickly and spine. Touch the tip of your tongue to
f an analogy were drawn between tion of such an occurrence, nor do any Selden, and Vibrational Medicine, by
us. Learning breathing techniques achieve benefits almost instantly. the palate. Again, relax.
the human body and a class of reactionary impulses fire to the brain. Richard Gerber, MD. The signals of a
is part of every valuable practice, Before we begin, I want to assure you
The first breath… automobile, the human species In 1929, Russian scientist Georges human cell vibrating in sympathetic
including prayer, yoga, qigong, tai chi, that you are capable of feeling chi. It is
would be analogous to a high-perfor- Lakhovsky declared in his book, The resonance with outside influences
reiki and many others. It is inspiring within us all and we are all meant to The mouth is closed and we only
mance Formula One race car. Would Secret of Life, that biological cells most often are not sent as negative or
to realize that this powerful healing feel it. It is exciting to become aware breathe through the nose. Inhale slowly
the owner of a Le Mans or Indianapo- function like highly-tuned resonant positive signals to the brain. This state
tool is within us all, waiting to be of this inner force. What does Chi feel and deeply. On the inhalation the air
lis competition vehicle put regular- circuits, containing electrical char- is also known as “subtle energy.”
tapped into. like? There are many sensations that enters the lower lungs first, expanding
grade gasoline into the tank of such acteristics such as resistance, ca- Electrical-based healing devices
In the course of our possible life span will vary in your individual practice. For the abdomen. Then the continuation of
a highly refined vehicle? Definitely pacitance and inductance. These key with both short- and long-term
of ninety years or more, we breathe example, practitioners may experience the inhalation expands the chest. After
not. The highest grade of fuel is the aspects in human cells allow them to benefits saw widespread use from
500 to 700 million breaths. The word warmth, tingling or sparks in the chest breathing in, pause for two seconds
only choice if the race car owner and transition into a state of “sympathetic 1910 into the 1930s, particularly in
“inspiration” means “to breathe in.” or lungs. “Emotional lightness” or com- then start your exhale. On the exhala-
crew want the vehicle to run at peak resonance,” with frequencies pulsed teaching hospitals. The early electrical
We also know the word “inspiration” pletely new emotions are also common tion the chest and abdomen empty
performance. Similarly, not only does into and around the body by both devices were based primarily upon
as that quality which calls us forward expressions of chi. Thoughts or worries simultaneously.
the Ferrari-class human body also electrical and non-electrical devices. the discoveries of inventor Nikola
into life with enthusiasm and creativ- often dissipate during this energetic One breath equals an inhalation and
need the highest grade of molecularly Sympathetic resonance is a harmon- Tesla, and utilized electrical currents
ity. Exhalation helps remove toxins and transformation. Others simply describe an exhalation. Perform nine breaths.
structured liquid and solid fuels, but ic phenomenon wherein a formerly with high voltages that were pulsed
makes empty space to refill positive Chi the feeling of chi as “blissful.” Practice both mornings and evenings,
it also heals and thrives in an envi- passive vibratory body responds to into various materials including glass
upon inhalation. The flow of chi is assisted by proper or as often as possible.
ronment of coherent electricity and external vibrations to which it has a bulbs containing gases such as Argon,
Qigong is a powerful method of body posture. The blood and the lymph This article focuses on the breath
coherent electromagnetic fields. harmonic likeness. For example, the Krypton and Neon, known as the Vio-
self-healing that has been practiced for are the fluid media in which the chi aspect of qigong. Some of the benefits
The human body employs an vibrations of an active tuning fork let Ray. The glass bulbs, with the arch-
thousands of years in China to achieve circulates. Evidence of chi is enhanced include a slower respiratory rate, im-
extremely high level of molecular will cause a second non-active tuning ing electrical discharges, were placed
health and longevity. “Qi” (pronounced when your posture is balanced and the proved gaseous exchange and signifi-
organization. When a molecularly fork to oscillate at the same frequency on the human body directly adjacent
chee) refers to the life force of the body, body is relaxed. You have the ability to cant benefits for those with asthma
chaotic liquid comes into contact with of the active tuning fork. to areas of pain. Countless individuals
which is responsible for our vitality, assist your healing process with this or bronchitis. Additional benefits can
highly organized human taste buds, Human cells functioning in a state experienced dramatic pain relief and
health and our ability to heal. “Gong” is practice. include: decreased stress response; low-
the individual experiences what is of sympathetic resonance, or like a benefited in a myriad of ways from
the practice of accumulating and cul- ered resting heart rate; normalized EKG,
Let’s begin… known as an “after-bite.” In contrast, non-active tuning fork with outside this pulsating technology, but the
tivating this vital life force energy. This blood pressure and cholesterol levels;
when either disorganized or coher- influences, was further detailed in pharmaceutical-dominated “modern”
ancient science has been kept secret Qigong uses the standing posture, so improved immune system. Anti-cancer
ent electromagnetic fields come into books entitled, The Body Electric: Elec- medical community refused to
until relatively recently, as it had only let’s stand in “ready position.” Visualize effect and studies have shown sugges-
contact with the human body, most tromagnetism And The Foundation Of conduct clinical trials of any kind.
been taught to the royal families and a connection from the crown of your tions of relaxed and integrated states
individuals have no sensory indica- Life, by Robert O. Decker, MD, and Gary cont’d on p. 52
high priests. Only as recently as about head into the heavens. This connection of consciousness.

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Staying Hydrated in the Sun
by John Kohler
Sunshine is an essential nutrient in my book. We all know that sunshine is the key ingredient
that our skin needs to make our vitamin D (see vitamin D articles in this magazine by Steven
Lemberg, MD (page 11), Dr. Mitch Ghen (page 15) and Jenny Berkeley, RN (page 30)).
I believe we should get some sun every day.
(Sweet) PEAR
As a matter of fact, my foster dog, Stitch, who is a six-pound, mostly black Chihuahua loves 92% 84%
to lie out in the sun everyday. When Stitch gets too hot, he will duck for shade, because while
dogs do have some sweat glands, they mostly cool themselves by panting. I have noticed that LETTUCE BANANA
before Stitch starts panting, he usually moves into the shade to regulate his temperature. 95% 74%

nlike dogs, we sweat through because they are taking in the wrong Coconut water is probably my fa- 91% Water Content 85%
our skin to keep us cool. kinds of liquids. Coffee, energy drinks, vorite drink to stay hydrated. In fact, I of Common Fruits
This process requires hydra- alcoholic beverages and soft drinks am drinking some right now. “Coco-
tion, because when we are out in the may all have diuretic qualities — this nut water” refers to the water out of
96% 91%
sun, we are losing our most pre- means they cause you to lose more a young coconut. This water has been
cious resource: water. Think about a fluid than you are taking in! filtered by the thousands of cells of
sun-dried tomato and a fresh picked If coffee and other canned and bot- the coconut palm. Along the way, the
tomato. The one that has been sitting tled beverages are generally not good, water absorbs a host of electrolytes 87% 93%
in the sun too long is now wrinkled what are the alternatives? I like to because the water in the coconut is
and not so full of life, while the other look to nature for answers. One of the there to help the coconut seed germi-
one is vibrant and juicy. Which would easiest things to grab to stay hydrated nate. In recent studies coconut water
95% 90%
you rather be: wrinkled or juicy? And is water. I like good, filtered water. has been found to contain much
what’s the difference between being Filtration is important, as standard tap more electrolytes than chemicalized,
wrinkled and being juicy? The answer water may contain things like chlorine, fluorescent colored sports beverages! make them harder The foods you eat
is the water content! fluoride, etc. that I do not want to put Aside from coconut water, fresh to digest than their can play a significant
As people age, their bodies tend to into my body. juices keep me hydrated. Juice extrac- fruity friends. Leafy green role in your hydration.
“lose their water,” which may cause You might be thinking, “Hey John, tors release the living water content vegetables such as kale, chard, Foods that have a lower water
wrinkles and other health challenges. water tastes bland and I don’t really (along with the nutrients) from fruits, collard greens, spinach and lettuce content than your body (below
Ideally our bodies should be about enjoy drinking it.” Actually, I agree vegetables and leafy sprouts and are some of my favorite things to 70% – 75%) actually dehydrate you,
70% – 75% water. It is very important with you. Believe it or not, water is my greens, while discarding the fiber juice. Many people do not realize that Besides coconut water and juices, just like the sun. Lower water content
to maintain a high water content last choice to stay hydrated. So what that can slow down digestion and leafy greens can contain over 90% I enjoy eating fresh fruits and veg- foods are things like cooked, packaged
at all times, because a lack of water are some other liquids I use to stay absorption of the water and other water! In a recent test, I juiced one etables for my water content. See the and, yes, even dehydrated foods.
(dehydration) can be the cause of hydrated? I would rather get “living nutrients. One of my favorite juice pound of salad mix in one of the most graphic on this page for water content For this reason, I choose to eat pri-
many “dis-eases” in the body. A good water” from plants, because besides recipes is one that I get to enjoy when efficient juicers for leafy greens, the in common fruits and vegetables. marily fresh, high water content fruits
book that goes into detail about this just the water, there is a plethora visiting Hippocrates Health Institute; Omega 8006 nutrition center, and Fresh sprouts have a very high water and vegetables. By making these
is Your Body’s Many Cries for Water: of other beneficial properties, such they serve their special mix of celery, yielded 1.25 cups of juice. A pound of content, as well — after all they are foods the foundation of my diet, along
You Are Not Sick, You Are Thirsty!, as the enzymes, vitamins, minerals cucumber and sprout juice twice carrots usually yield about a cup of just seeds and water. with coconut water, fresh juices and
Don’t Treat Thirst with Medications! and phytochemicals — all structured daily. This is an excellent recipe to juice. In my opinion, juicing is one of One of the most important things pure water, I am sure to stay properly
by Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj. by nature into the perfect beverage. stay hydrated and get a high level of the best ways to stay hydrated. More I have learned over 18 years of living hydrated, even when gardening in the
Based on my personal research, I (Plants absorb water from the ground, electrolytes. importantly, green juice is an easy, a plant-based raw lifestyle is that sun. Hopefully you will make these
believe the average person is dehy- and then they are the filter and add Overall, I prefer juicing vegetables digestible way to include more of the water content is King! We will not be foods and beverages the core of your
drated not only from taking in an other nutrients to the water in a very over fruit. This is because of the high nutrients contained within the leafy able to thrive if we do not maintain eating regimen so you can stay better
inadequate amount of liquids, but assimilable form.) fiber content in vegetables, which can green vegetables in your diet. an adequate amount of hydration. hydrated as well.

20 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g He al i ng Ou r Wo rl d »« Su ns h i n e 21

You Are My Sunshine by Andy Bernay-Roman
As the earth speeds around the sun, twirling on its tilted axis, it subjects every form of life to a
circadian rhythm of light and dark, day and night. All biology has evolved with this primal pat-
tern, and as part of nature, our bodies rhythmically ride the grand carousel of changing light.
When we step off the carousel through bad habits and unhealthy lifestyles, we suffer. Hence

the obvious examples of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), jet lag, night shift malaise, insom-

the Original Sol Food

nia, and the less known findings that link cancer and disturbances in sleep/wake cycle and
melatonin production.

But before we talk about the cadence of light and dark, let’s focus on light…

Inner Light and the Biophoton Field triggering a fine tuning principle in their development. Biophoton emis- by Sean Herbert
cell chemistry. Each triggering photon sion also lends scientific support to
Light comes in packets called pho-
then returns to the collective biopho- some non-allopathic methods of heal-
tons — subatomic particles that have “Why should I eat Sprouts?”
ton field of the organism, available ing, such as various body therapies,
no mass and that travel (in a vacuum)
for more reactions. We run on light, and acupuncture. Practitioners liter-
at the speed of, well, light. The term It is my continued pleasure to answer people’s questions on sprouts and sprouting,
and we are swimming in an ocean of ally lend their light to help and heal.
“biophoton” refers to photon emis- and invariably this question is usually the first to pop up.
inner light.
sions of biological systems — elec- The Interface of Outer and

The coherence and continuity prop-
tromagnetic waves in the optical Inner Light: The Eyes Have It
erties of the biophoton field naturally could recite the health benefits Imagine a dormant seed placed in times larger than the power con-
spectrum. In other words, biophotons
explain the physical interface to In mammals, light reception and and mineral and vitamin contents, the fertile organic soil of the rain- sumption of human civilization. Think
are light produced by living organ-
the “non-physical” realms of mind, adaptation to changes in illumination but I usually like to start with a forest. First the growing process is of a sprout as a battery infused by
isms. This should not be confused
memory, psyche and consciousness of the environment were thought to simple question: Do you know where activated by the rainfall and nour- the sun’s energy — a literal alkaline
with bioluminescence, which is an
itself. We contain and embody the occur only through the visual func- pharmaceutical companies get most of ished by the soil. Once exposed to the battery to fuel the human body with
external glow that some plants and
light of consciousness. tion of the eyes. The retinal rod and their ideas for new drugs? Plants! sun, the life force explodes into liquid liquid sunshine!
animals are able to produce. Rather,
Biophoton energy can be measured, cone cells were believed to be the only The drug companies figure since energy called chlorophyll using the Compare a sprout to a young child.
biophotons refer to an inner, more
and therefore used to assess the cells in the retina capable of detect- they can’t patent a sprout, why not process known as photosynthesis. You can virtually see the energy
subtle light. All living cells of plants
health or dis-health of cells. Cancer ing light. But in 1998 a photopigment take some of their good attributes and Photosynthesis, from “photo” bursting forth. A sprout contains six
and animals, including human beings,
cells and healthy cells of the same called melanopsin, originally discov- make a synthetic copy, generating bil- (Greek for “light”) and “synthesis” times the energy of a dormant seed,
emit biophotons. Even when you
type, for instance, can be discriminat- ered in frog’s skin, was subsequently lions of dollars? Makes sense right? (putting together), is a process used and personally I think children pos-
switch off the external lights, cells are
ed by typical differences in biophoton found in a subset of human retinal Why do we silly creatures try to by plants and other organisms to con- sess even more!
bathed in the pale inside fireworks of
emission. Biophysicists from around ganglion cells, which act as photo- “improve” on what is already perfect? vert the light energy captured from Consider what all parents say
a biophoton display. They emit light
the world are now using biophoton receptors, but do not participate in We are natural organisms and every- the sun into chemical energy that about their children: “I wish I had
as they work and seem to use it to
detection in non-invasive early medi- image formation and vision. This un- thing our bodies need is naturally can be used to fuel the organism’s their energy.” Maybe we just need
trigger biological processes. For ex-
cal diagnosis, food and water quality conventional photosensory capability occurring (or growing) around us. activities. Photosynthesis is vital for the right fuel. The next time you go
ample, mitochondria, the powerhouse
testing, chemical and electromagnetic represents a light-detection neural Why not receive perfect nutrition all aerobic life on earth. In addition to shopping, purchase some sunflower,
of a cell’s nucleus, contain a variety
contamination testing and, more fun- pathway parallel to the visual system. instead of taking a pill or supplement maintaining normal levels of oxygen pea, buckwheat, broccoli or bean
of light-sensitive molecules. Studies
damentally, to measure intracellular, In lower forms of animal life these containing one or two parts of the in the atmosphere, photosynthesis is sprouts, and enjoy the energy of
have shown that cells affected cell
organelle, inter-organ, and even subtle pathways center around single or whole? the source of energy for virtually all the sun.
division and energy uptake in neigh-
organism to organism communica- clustered cells scattered throughout So back to the original ques- life on earth; either directly, through
boring cell populations even through Sean Herbert is the Master Grower
tion. Yes, subliminal communication the body, and may have nothing to do tion — what makes sprouts so great? primary production, or indirectly
glass, defying the purely physical for Got Sprouts?
occurs at the sub-atomic particle level. with eyes or eye-like structures, but It’s not just the vitamins, the nutri- as the ultimate source of energy in
lock-and-key model of information
Plants, for instance, have been shown in humans, the eyes have it. Crypto- ents or the fact that they are easily their food.
exchange. In the human body, even Got Sprouts?
to “lend” their light to neighboring chrome 1, a photosensitive molecule, absorbed and digested by the body Have you ever heard a scientist say,
deeper than nerve signal conduction, 1880 W. 10th St.
plants, increasing their growth by sits at the core of this non-visual light (all of which are reason alone to “If we could harness a percentage of
light is the inner communicator. Riviera Beach, FL 33404
33% as compared to simply increasing processing, and regulates the light- include sprouts in your daily diet); the sun’s energy, we could fuel the
Each of the 100,000 chemical (561)689-9464
external light conditions. Fish eggs mediated resetting of the biological what is most important is the energy, world forever?” The average rate of
reactions happening in every cell in
have been shown to “lend” their light clock, the sleep/wake cycle, and mela- the life force, the miracle that the sun, energy captured by photosynthesis “We ship and deliver”
each second can only happen when
to other less mature eggs, quickening tonin inhibition. cont’d on p. 54 earth and water infused to transform globally is immense, approximately See ad on page 53 for more details.
excited by a photon, making photon-
a dormant seed into a vibrant sprout! 130 terawatts, which is about six

22 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g He al i ng Ou r Wo rl d »« Su ns h i n e 23

The Sun, the Food Chain and
the Stewardship of Survival

by Susan Lerner
As Earth’s grand nurturer, the Sun lights our path, fuels our food and showers our world with
“Man did not weave the web of life; warmth. The Sun has been revered throughout history — Greeks, Romans and others worshipped
he is merely a strand in it. solar deities and modern music dedicated to the Sun has been played by orchestras and sung by
choirs and children. A Google search for “Sun” elicits more than 2.3 trillion results! But words and
What he does to the web, worship and poetry and song fall short in magnitude and brilliance when trying to describe the Sun!
he does to himself.”

ith a diameter approxi- use sunlight to transform water and 0.1%. This layered loss of energy is a
— Chief Seattle, 1854
mating 109 times that carbon dioxide into sugar, plus oxygen reasonable explanation for short food
of Earth, our local star as a fortuitous by-product. 99% of chains and complex webs. Most of the
is 330,000 times Earth’s mass. It is food for all life is produced through energy is available at the bottom of
74% hydrogen, 24% helium and the photosynthesis. the chain. The web succeeds because it
rest (still more than 5,600 times the Consumers, or heterotrophs, is an interdependent system, meeting
mass of Earth) is made up of heavier constitute the next segment of the the needs of each organism so it can
elements including oxygen, carbon, chain. The primary consumers, the survive, if not by the individual, then
neon, iron, nitrogen, silicon, magne- second level, are herbivores — animals by it’s offspring. And then there’s us.
sium, sulfur and others. Although it that eat plants and fungi. Secondary Homo sapiens are apex predators
doesn’t have the distinct boundaries consumers, the carnivores, eat the with big ideas about how to have “bet-
of our rocky planet, scientists have herbivores. Tertiary consumers eat the ter living through chemistry.” Never
defined the interior structures of the secondary consumers and so on, until content to leave the unbroken unfixed,
sun according to their characteristics: the chain reaches its top predator, some of our species are driving Earth
the core generates thermal energy called the apex predator. Omnivores, to the edge. Of the many things that
through fusion; the radiative zone eating both animals and plants, can make us unique as a species, our abil-
carries the inner heat of the core out- be considered secondary consumers. ity to be a conscious, intentional stew-
ward; the convective zone has thermal Last in the chain are the detritivores ard of Earth is needed now! Here are
columns that carry heat further out to and decomposers. The detritivores eat some foundational ways to steward
the photosphere — the visible surface nonliving plant and animal remains, our Earthship to safety.
of the sun. Above the photosphere e.g. vultures and dung beetles. The Be an herbivore! For many reasons,
the solar atmosphere is comprised of decomposers, fungi and bacteria, this is the best choice for humans.
five additional zones, including the complete the cycle, turning organic It provides us the most energy
corona, larger in volume than the sun waste into rich nutrients for land and available in the food chain — direct
itself. The sun’s massive energy trans- sea. And the cycle begins again… from the producers, second from the
fers power to tiny cells in green plants When herbivores consume plants, sun! Veganism abolishes the demand
and life as we know it surges forth. 90% of the energy is lost as heat to for food animals and the degradation
Harnessing sunlight for photosyn- the environment and to digestion and of water, soil and air that is the by-
thesis or chemicals for chemosynthe- other life processes. Only 10% of the product of animal agriculture. It can
sis, producers (also called autotrophs) original consumed energy is stored also save land for rainforests and
are the food chain’s first level. Chemo- in the herbivore and available to its food forests and their enormous
synthetic bacteria in active volcanoes predator. bio-diversity.
use sulfur compounds, not sunlight, to With such a small transfer of energy Grow at least some of your own
create their food. Photosynthetic au- from one organism to the next, the food! Pick your food at its optimal
totrophs are mainly terrestrial plants, higher in the food chain one goes, the readiness and get fresh energy quickly.
but seaweed, phytoplankton and less available energy there is. Herbi- Don’t use fossil fuel to transport your
some bacteria also make their food vores get 10% of the energy generated food across the country. Use vertical
through photosynthesis. Chlorophyll by producers, secondary consumers gardens to save space and, naturally,
enables these producers to absorb and get 1% and tertiary consumers get grow sprouts! cont’d on p. 49

Hea l i ng Ou r Wor l d »« Su n s h i n e 25
Sunlight and Sustenance
The Language of Light
by Mark Mathew Braunstein
by Pam Blue
We live on the Earth, but we live by the Sun. The Sun grows our crops, warms our
bodies, defines our seasons and measures our days. Sunlight is the gold standard for
light quality, but what about its quantity? At the equator, daylight spans 12 hours a day, The sun is constantly emitting light. This light has many different wavelengths
every day. At Latitude 40 degrees North, an imaginary line that traverses New York City contained within it, some visible to our naked eye and some not. What makes
and Salt Lake City and skirts Vatican City, daylight lasts more than 16 hours on June’s these waves of light different is their distance from one another and their subse-
first day of summer, but barely 10 hours on December’s first day of winter. Winter light quent effect on matter. Some are shorter and some are longer than that which
compared to summer light certainly is shorter, and also is weaker. we see and acknowledge as light. In fact, we are now discovering that some of
these wavelengths, most notably the ones that range from 200 to 800 nm, are

being emitted from within our very own DNA as well. So, just like the sun, we too
s indoor gardeners, we can are constantly emitting light. We cannot see it happening for it is at such a weak
compensate for winter by intensity that it can be compared to a candle flame 12 miles away, yet growing
extending and fortifying scientific evidence is revealing that it is taking place not only in our DNA, but in
daylight hours with artificial lighting.
the DNA of all living organisms.
Artificial light promotes clearly mea-
surable plant growth even when its

color temperature varies widely from
urrently there is somewhere in which can be valuable to our “At different frequencies they perform
sunlight. Contrary to most folks’ as-
the neighborhood of 40 scien- daily lives. different functions.”
sumptions, seedlings grow just as well
tific groups worldwide working For example, Dr. Popp was Dr. Popp went on to develop a tool to
when illuminated with standard cool
to understand more about this weak able to show through his research measure these biophotonic emissions,
white fluorescent lamps as with full-
intensity light we are emitting. The that chemically similar substances which is referred to as a biophoton
spectrum grow lights of equal watt-
largest association involved in this re- could be differentiated as carcinogenic meter and counts light photon by
age. A fuller spectrum is necessary to
search is the International Institute of or benign according to how photon. It enabled him to compare
spark flowering, to fertilize seeds and BOTH batches: Six days since sown.
LEFT batch was grown four days in all darkness,
Biophysics, founded and headed by Dr. they responded to one specific the light or biophotons emitted from
to nurture fruits, but not to promote
and then two days in continuous light. Fritz-Albert Popp, a German researcher wavelength of light. The carcinogenic within various organisms. He discov-
the growth of young seedlings. Exam- RIGHT batch was grown two days in all darkness,
and biophysicist. It is an international substances would “scramble” light ered that biophoton emissions from
ples of seedlings that many of us grow and then four days of alternating darkness and
sunlight (sunlight only, no artificial light). network of 19 research groups from emitted at 380 nm while benign healthy humans would be strong and
for food include wheatgrass, sunflow-
13 countries, all involved in biophoton substances would not. Interestingly display certain rhythmic patterns. He
er greens, pea shoots, and trayfuls of
research and coherence systems in enough, this is also the exact wave- also observed that particular illnesses
garden vegetables that collectively we for growing most microgreens. So Seek the Light!
biology. Their research indicates that length that science acknowledges would alter the coherence, inten-
now call microgreens. how long is your daytime? For your
Exposed to insufficient light, seed- biophotons, or very small units of cells prefer to use to repair themselves sity and rhythmic patterns of these
Indoors, all of the above micro- sunrise and sunset times, consult
lings grow long and frail stems in light, are emitted spontaneously from in something known as photorepair. biophotonic emissions in predictable
greens flourish even behind window your daily newspaper, an almanac,
a vain attempt to reach for more a coherent photon field within a living Thus, the wavelength that becomes ways. This not only applied to humans,
panes that filter out most of the weather websites, or just look out the
light. Gardeners call this sorry state organism and the function of this light scrambled by exposure to carcino- but to other life forms as well. Eggs
ultraviolet spectrum of sunlight. window. For dawn, subtract one-half
legginess. Botanists call it etiolation. or biophotonic emission is intra- and gens (380 nm) is also the wavelength from free range hens displayed greater
Sunlight is so intense that even indi- hour from sunrise. For dusk, add one
Avoid cultivating long and frail stems inter-cellular regulation and com- preferred by cells to repair themselves. coherence than eggs from penned in
rect sunlight, also called shade, can half-hour to sunset. Next, count the
because stems generally are tough or munication. This information transfer Could it be then that carcinogenic and caged hens. Food grown organi-
suffice to nurture certain greens. So hours from dawn to dusk. For most
bitter, while leaves tend to be tender within and between cells is believed to substances can cause disruption to the cally in the wild had twice as many
do not confuse indirect sunlight with garden vegetables,10 hours per day of
and sweeter. not only regulate metabolic activities, ability of our cells to repair them- biophotons being emitted as food
insufficient light. Insufficient light mostly direct sunlight or 14 hours of
Conduct a taste test. Go to your but also contribute to the growth and selves? Lynn McTaggart, author of cultivated organically. This cultivated
spurs plants only to grow tall, but mostly indirect sunlight can suffice.
fridge, and remove from the vegetable differentiation of cells and even to The Field describes it by saying, organic food gave off five times as
not strong or vigorous, and does not While this tally applies to all stages
bin one large lettuce leaf. For this test, evolutionary development. Dr. Popp “Photons switch on the body’s pro- many biophotons as commercially
generate the deep green color that is of vegetative growth, it is less crucial
romaine lettuce serves well, butter- and his colleagues at the International cesses like a conductor launching each grown food, and cooked or irradiated
the visual marker of chlorophyll. for microgreens. Under weak winter
head and looseleaf lettuces suffice, Institute of Biophysics went on to individual instrument into the collec- food gave off virtually no biophotonic
If just one of your windows pro- sunlight or indirect summer sunlight,
but iceberg lettuce not at all. If you discover applications of this research tive sound,” and further states that, emission at all. cont’d on p. 47
vides direct sunlight for at least half microgreens may need more days to
wish, wash the leaf. cont’d on p. 44
the daytime, that is enough light grow, but they still will grow.

26 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g He al i ng Ou r Wo rl d »« Su ns h i n e 27

How big is the sun?
Our solar system’s largest object is what
we refer to as the sun, sol, solei, alma, etc., THINK THE SUN IS BIG?
Below are some other stars that make it look tiny.
depending upon the language we speak. Earth Sun
FROM LEFT: Sun, Sirius, Pollux, Arcturus
Even the most primitive humans elevated
this star to a renowned status. Although
the sun looks big and solid, it is comprised
of roughly 74% hydrogen, 24% helium and
less than 2% “metals” (Astronomy-speak
for heavier elements).

t the equator of the Earth, it actually disturbs power lines, radio are the endless ways that frequen- will give way to proper science and
the Sun rotates every 25 to 26 waves and even human emotions. In cies from the sun create an invisible common sense. Simply stated, every
days. This brilliant generator the polar regions of the Earth, these web of magnetics that add its minute single problem and disorder is due to
of life brings us all that we need. It not waves are often invisible since they essence via microcurrents. Colleagues a lack of understanding and nurtur-
only provides radiance, but gives birth appear differently than they would like Dr. Valerie Hunt discovered their ing the web of life.
to every plant and creature on our when the Sun is closer to Earth. These existence decades ago, and they have Can you imagine a time where we
planet, including the most microscop- magical lights are often viewed and now developed a way to harbor them can excise the word “no” from our
ic life. The sun’s nuclear fusion allows filmed like dancing stardust fairies in so that they can be used therapeu- vocabularies? This word was only

physics to advance to its third phase. the pitch black night of the furthest tically on the human body. This manufactured as a way for us to stop
It consistently produces 386 billion northern regions of our planet. powerful quest will help prevent and imagining. Allow your minds to open
megawatts of energy. We now know that these winds reverse disease. and your consciousness to explode
Although we call the surface of the affect the tails of comets. The outflow Although this sounds futurist and you can begin to embrace the
sun the photosphere, the photons of energy via protons converted to UV we are now living in a time where idea that even what appears to be
that flow from it originated 100,000 and UA lights engages all of our cells technology has come to life. Over the solid and heavy is only an illusion.
years earlier in its core. The star has and supercharges them with food in by Dr. Brian Clement last generation we have been utilizing This wondrous invention comes from
a figurative atmosphere just above a way that no other process can. We electric and laser energy and fre- the invisible protons that generated
the photosphere called the chro- believe this wonderful star is about quencies with great success. Current the cells in your brain, allowing you
mosphere. Above that is the corona, 4.5 billion years old and certainly do technology is the precursor to the to read and comprehend what we are
which extends millions and millions not want to alter its vital position. profound benefits of subtle currency, now addressing. This is not the worst
of kilometers into space. Ironically, Billions of years down the road it which is being refined for future time to be alive; on the contrary it is
from the vantage point of Earth, the will eventually falter, but by then, exploration into biology. the highest point that humanity has
Sun and Moon appear to be the same if humans still survive, we will have The 21st century will bring the ever reached. All the discord that you
size. This is an illusion since there is a transcended our worries about one moment that will fuse the sciences see around you and feel in yourself
great difference between them. planet, one universe or elusive secu- previously known as “mysticism” and is the result of limited thinking. Here
Beyond the radiant protons and rity. The sun’s magnificent pulsation “consciousness” together. From the at Hippocrates Health Institute we
heat that consistently explodes off its holds the solar system together. The early days of Newton, who literally aspire not only to utilize the cutting
surfaces, the sun’s magnetic field is nuclear fusion that allows it to live is had to create calculus to express his edge but more so to pioneer it. There
very strong (by terrestrial standards). indirectly at the foundation of all life view of the earth’s place in the uni- will be a day in the not too distant
A solar wind is the term used for ad- everywhere in this universe. verse, man has searched for a way to future when your physical problems
ditional charged particles (electrons We are now embarking on the unify all knowledge. When this comes will be abolished and we will all enjoy
and protons) that propagate through- next phase of biology and physics. about, the walls of separation, the a brilliant planet, which is but one
out the solar system. When there is a Biophysics is now the pathway to halls of academic arrogance and the minute speck in our limitless, multi-
mass amount that reaches the Earth, viable science. What we will expose plethora of misguided information universe reality.

28 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g Hea l i ng Ou r Wor l d »« Su n s h i n e 29
Sunlight’s Role in Vitamin D
and Children’s Health
by Jenny Berkeley, RN,
RN Hippocrates Health Educator
Vitamin D is a wonderful and useful tool for your overall health and well being. It is especially
important for breastfeeding mothers to get a surplus of sunlight each day, plus their babies need
a minimum of two hours per week of sunlight. Getting adequate sunlight is easy for those living
close to the equator, but in areas farther from the equator, such as Canada, obtaining sufficient
sunlight can be a bit of a challenge.

Vitamin D: Brain and Language of its vitamin D must come from the Perhaps this is something to con-
Development in Kids vitamin D reserves of its mother. sider for the Aboriginal population in ot only does sunshine make The incredible powers of the sun during those times, so if it is neces-
If a Canadian mother, who is the far north regions of Canada such you feel good, it is essen- are essential to all animals, plants, sary to be in the sun during those
Any health and wellness professional
pregnant from October to April, is as Nunavut. There would be a greater tial for great health. This is fruits, trees and vegetable gardens. hours, cover up with clothes. (If you
worth anything today recognizes the
not supplementing her diet with need to increase supplementation of because sunlight triggers an increase All of these develop best with the are considering using sunscreen,
benefits of getting more vitamin D.
vitamin D then she is doing herself vitamin D during the winter season, in the body chemical serotonin, which right amount of sunlight. This is also please first see Elizabeth Plourde’s
A baby in the womb needs vitamin D
and her baby a disservice. Due to when as many as 24 hours a day controls sleep patterns, body tem- true with the human body. Through article on page 36.)
in conjunction with numerous other
the season, Canadians typically do can be spent in darkness. Vitamin perature and sex drive. Serotonin also plant life, the sun transforms carbon The best source of vitamin D is
minerals, vitamins, trace minerals
not get enough sunlight (and there- D supplementation may be another lifts your mood and wards off depres- dioxide into oxygen for humans to sunshine, and it is unique because
and nutrients in order to grow into
fore vitamin D) between October tool in addressing the weight issue in sion. Plus, as the skin absorbs more of breathe. Without the sun, we would it is formed within the body. There
a healthy newborn. Dr. Whitehouse
and April. children and teens. the sun’s rays, it stores up incredible be unable to breathe. is a fluid right under the skin called
and his colleagues at the University of
amounts of a very beneficial germ kill- Many people in northern climates ergosterol, and when it unites with
Western Australia conducted a study Vitamin D: Obesity in Kids Vitamin D: Diseases
ing energy known as germicides. The suffer from severe winter depression the ultraviolet rays of the sun it is
of 700 pregnant women. Vitamin D
Childhood obesity is another major While I have mentioned the obvi- key word when utilizing the restor- because of lack of sunlight. Research- converted into vitamin D and then
levels were assessed halfway through
concern globally. The growing num- ous tendency to have less vitamin D ative properties of sunlight is modera- ers from the National Institute of it’s absorbed into the bloodstream.
the pregnancy. Then the vitamin D
ber of obese children is the result of during the winter months due to less tion. Sun therapy can help build your Mental Health have been able to If you cannot go in the sun because
levels for the children were assessed
a number of factors including: diet, sunlight, it is interesting to note that health when you go about it sensibly. reverse severe winter depression you get red and blister easily, you
at 5 and 10 years. Researchers divided
activity levels and proper supplemen- some researchers are concerned that Let’s talk about the science behind by simply putting people in a full can be under an umbrella for just
them into groups from low vitamin
tation. It’s not surprising that vita- even in the summer people are not the human body’s interaction with spectrum florescent light which as- a little while and can actually take
D to high vitamin D. They found that
min D seems to have a key role here. getting enough vitamin D. In England, the sun. This way we’ll have some similates the sunlight. It has been in sunlight through your eyes. Some
pregnant mothers with low vitamin
According to a study published by the Royal College of Paediatrics and ammunition to ward off the promot- documented time and time again that beneficial parts of sunlight cannot
D during their pregnancy were more
the University of Michigan’s school of Child Health (RCPCH) is on a mission ers of doom and gloom about sun people on the sunny side of hospitals pass through windows, so it’s
likely to have children with impaired
public health, insufficient vitamin D to educate locals about the need to exposure. The calming effects of make quicker recoveries than those important to spend time outside.
language development than pregnant
levels in children seemed to contrib- get more vitamin D supplements. sunlight start in the brain. When light who are on the shady side of the hos- Watch out for people who say
mothers with high vitamin D.1 The
ute to the rapid development of belly The RCPCH is concerned, given the enters your eyes, it goes to the brain’s pital. This is because they are exposed you can get enough vitamin D into
researchers concluded that there
fat.2 The study looked at 479 children noted rises in cases of rickets which hypothalamus which controls body to more sunlight! the body through a pill, potion or
seems to be a link between early stage
in Bogota, Columbia. Researchers has increased fourfold.3 Additionally, temperature, hunger, thirst, water So now the question is, “When lotion, as those are usually the
vitamin D levels and future brain
found that children with the lowest the increased risks of diseases like balance, blood pressure, emotions, im- are the best times to be in the sun? people who are selling and/or
and language development.
levels of vitamin D at the beginning diabetes, tuberculosis and multiple mune function, circadian rhythm (our I wrote in my Food Combining Guide manufacturing the vitamin D.
If we look at the vitamin D intake
of the study had the tendency to sclerosis are alarming. body’s time clocks) and the pituitary ( When we take too much artificial
of a baby in the womb, we see that it
retain more body fat and gain weight The College noted a trend among gland (our master gland). In addition, that the best times to avoid direct vitamin D, it interferes with the
cannot get any vitamin D from the
faster than their peers with high children and around half of Caucasian the healing process of bodily wounds sunlight are 10 am – 2 pm. The burn- absorption of calcium in the body.
sunlight. It is constantly shielded
vitamin D levels. adults to be deficient in vitamin D. is expedited with sun exposure. ing infrared rays are the most intense cont’d on p. 50
from the rays of the sun. Thus 100%
cont’d on p. 45
30 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g
Workin’ a
“Most people go through four
stages of liquids in a lifetime.

New Program
They start off with milk and
formulas, evolve to coffee and
soda pop, graduate to alcohol and
The Tony Zamagni Recovery Story end up on an intravenous drip.”
— Tony Zamagni

tradition of her heritage. that detoxifying and weight man- boys, so I fit right into that mix. I always
She served enough for agement were two entirely different tried all kinds of food from all over the
leftovers and everyone procedures. Randy went on to be the world so living in Chicago wouldn’t be
ate as they pleased, but founder and owner of Life Force Grow- any different. Most blues clubs closed
pleasing me became an ers in Lexington, Massachusetts. He was at 3 or 4 am, so hanging out eating
ordeal. My grandfather also the person who first brought to my fried chicken, barbecue, hot dogs or
Antonio lived with us, and attention the work of Ann Wigmore, the pizza after shows was quite common. This page, Tony with: Top row from left: Buddy Guy (left) & Eric Clapton, George Benson, Carlos Santana;
Tony with his wife Miriam he would slip me a few founder of Hippocrates Health Institute. There are many reasons why people Bottom row from left: BB King, Jeff Beck, Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro extra morsels here and For the next 10 years I continued get to be 350-plus lbs., and that’s what
January 2011 The longer my waistline was getting, the shorter my lifeline was becoming. My obstruc-
there; I felt like he was performing with my own bands, living happened to me. I was digging my
tive thinking was preventing progress and creating self-destructive behavior. And there
showing me some love in other states with different bands or grave with my knife and fork!
was, and is, plenty of temptation out there. Unfortunately the marketing agenda world-
No one has ever succeeded by but my parents were not in favor of it. touring off and on with a national act October 1991, I met my darling wife
wide is to supersize. We are surrounded by portion distortion. I had been brushing off the
making excuses. If we don’t I was a chubby kindergartner. called The Platters. I was back to my Miriam in a club called Jazzmania on
overeating thing, but it was time to stop ignoring my true complexities and ask a serious
really want to do something, I continued being overweight unhealthy lifestyle. Ipanema Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. question: “What was triggering my binge eating?”
one excuse is as good as an- throughout my adolescence. In the October 1988, I started recording and One of the things she asked me was if
My fortitude was lost in my emotions. Sometimes I felt like I would never be as healthy
other; they seldom are good for third grade I found refuge in my touring with a band called Ronnie Earl I had any intention of getting a handle
or as attractive as other people, so what was the sense of urgency? I learned to be very
anything else. The person who newfound love of playing the piano. and the Broadcasters, and we toured on my weight. Of course I believed I
cautious not to use my health or appearance as a measure of self-worth. How I love and
really wants to do something When I was in the fourth grade, North America and Europe (including would eventually get it together, but treat others is a much better evaluation. Who we are should be much more important
my father passed away due to the Netherlands) playing the blues. over the following years I went up and
finds a way. than what we do, and what we do is much more important than what we say. I also
lung cancer. Good career move; bad wellness move. down. Because my flow of events was believed that some “genetically blessed” people could eat whatever they wanted without
I was born in Boston, Massachusetts, My mom bought my first organ I slept in every position known to so sporadic, I could never take myself gaining weight. I learned that most of these people were consistently working out to
on November 13, 1952. My mother when I was 13 and that started my man in different vans, shared cheap seriously enough to permanently settle keep their muscles toned and their metabolism burning.
Catherine and my father Angelo were lifelong musical career. I played in hotel rooms with other musicians and into a stable way of life. In all honesty, I I made choices and those choices were making me. There was a time when I was seden-
first-born generation U.S. citizens of numerous bands, living the life of a ate out of gas stations and fast food did not even know how to. tary for so long that the very thought of exercise depressed me. I now know that it’s just
Sicilian and Northern Italian heritage. musician, with very little thought of a joints. It wasn’t long before my weight By now I was 42 and I had kicked the opposite: exercise enhances my mental health and self-esteem, works off negativity
In the beginning I was breast fed. healthy lifestyle. By my late teens my climbed to 285 lbs. Ronnie insisted that up a lot of dust in the music busi- and augments my ability to enjoy food without worrying about weight gain. The same
After being weaned, I was introduced weight had yo-yoed. In my early twen- I get involved with a 12-step program ness. With all this exposure, Tone Cool goes for food choices; healthy selections provide nourishment and energy that empower
to cow’s milk; I then graduated to ties, I weighed about 250 lbs. That is called Overeaters Anonymous. I did it Records offered me my own recording more healthy preferences. In other words, one quickly learns to enjoy healthier habits.
Gerber baby food. when I had my first encounter with an for a while but it just wasn’t something contract — a two-record deal. That was
My mother once told me about a inspiring health conscious individual I could permanently commit to. liberating, but what was not liberating ter. I spent most of my time on a stage, my bags from gate to gate desperately
procedure she applied to my feeding named Randy Jacobs. In 1990, after 18 months with Ronnie was the 3XL suit I purchased for my a plane, a train, a boat, a van, a limo or a trying to make connecting flights.
times. I would mewl every time she I was performing locally and Randy Earl’s band, I moved to Chicago. I lived photo shoot. On my first album cover tour bus. All five senses would be chal- By this time I was just trying to
would wipe my mouth, so she devel- was playing bass in the band. We were in Old Town right near Cabrini-Green. you can see that I weighed around lenged with various pollutants while survive the challenges and temptations
oped a two handed system. Because I sitting in a booth, and I was smoking A manager named Gordon rented an 345 lbs., and on the second around trying to sleep in coffin-sized bunks, of the road. Early on, I had pushed for
would get so upset waiting for the next a cigarette, with a shot of hard liquor apartment there, so I stayed with him. 275 lbs. (see pages 62, 63). I am featured and tour mates couldn’t help bumping healthier food choices in the green
mouthful, she would spoon-feed me and beer chaser. Randy looked at me It was a great place to sharpen my in Hammond Organ books and can also into bunks as they tried to get their rooms, but I was told that the budget
with her right hand, wipe my mouth and said, “What are you doing…what chess game, as it served as a flophouse be viewed in the December 1998 issue sea legs. Often when we could sleep, and preferences were set and no
with her left, then immediately put the are you doing?!?” Wow, I had never met for other blues musicians, but healthy of Keyboard Magazine. we had nightmares of missing depar- one had the right to impose their
next spoonful in my mouth. Her inten- anyone like him before! He proceeded living was never given any thought. In 1994 I began touring worldwide tures, not being able to find stages or personal desires on the group. I may
tion was to prevent me from vomiting, to tell me so many profound things I was recording for blues artists on with blues guitar legend Buddy Guy. meeting our demise. Accidental head as well have been asking for moon dust.
or even choking, from my impatient that I was dumbfounded. Alligator, House of Blues, Point Plank You can see me on YouTube performing banging was also common. Depending When I was attempting to eat healthy I
behavior. At the end of the night Randy gave and a few European labels. I was also at major venues in many parts of the on the circumference of my waistline; was ridiculed with sly innuendoes like,
Throughout my childhood, nutri- me a book by Paul Bragg called The performing locally and touring. I was world. During these years my weight I could have been anticipating the em- “You know rabbits don’t live long.”
tional education was not practiced, Miracle of Fasting. I dove in headfirst mostly touring with a blues artist yo-yoed from 240 to 350 lbs. barrassing task of obtaining seatbelt Every venue was a jamboree.
and exercise was not prioritized. Food and proceeded to detoxify for many named Larry McCray; his band was In general, extensive tours would run extensions on airplanes. An added Outdoor blues festivals always
was not served in standard individual months. My weight went down to 175 based out of Michigan and managed from April to the middle of November, attraction for my colleagues was to featured barbecue and fried chicken.
portions. My mom fed her family in the pounds, but as time went on I learned out of Chicago. They were some big with sporadic fly dates during the win- watch me huff and puff straggling with cont’d on p. 62

32 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g He al i ng Ou r Wo rl d »« Su ns h i n e 33

Be the Light Spiritual Flame
You Want to See! by Rev. Viktoras Kulvinskas, MS, Hippocrates Health Educator
I was born before World War II in Lietuva (the Republic of Lithuania). “Lietuva”
by Antony Chatham means “a country of rain and clouds.” A rather sun-deprived country, tan individu-
als were rare. Most people were quite pale, and we never saw any dark-skinned
Mahatma Gandhi said, “You must be the change you individuals or people of African descent.
wish to see in the world.” Following this teaching one
should be able to say, “I am the light I want to see around

me.” Is it possible for one who is experiencing “the blues”
(darkness) to become a shining light? MK Gandhi, early 1940s any generations later I am The sun’s UVB wavelengths that cells and enhances oxygen utilization,
Photographer unknown in my mid-70s. I now live sunscreens are designed to block which helps the body maintain its
in Costa Rica and sunbathe are truly beneficial. They kick off the defense against disease. Sunlight

at all hours of the day. I never use chemical and metabolic chain reac- does a great deal to regulate nearly
ome guests who participate der), a form of depression that occurs Both brain fog and SAD sufferers
any sunblock or lotions and my skin tion that produces vitamin D. There all our bodily functions bringing
in the Life Transformation at the same time every year. SAD tend to feel better when they embrace
has developed a golden glow. I have is a tremendous amount of vitamin D one an overall sense of well-being —
Program at Hippocrates Health sufferers typically experience an the Hippocrates lifestyle, however
no concern about skin cancer, for deficiency in “modern” society. mentally, spiritually and physically.
Institute complain about “brain fog.” onset of symptoms in the fall and they sometimes feel their “fog” and/or
that is not a problem that arises from It is not surprising, as the masses All ultraviolet light that goes
Those who have been diagnosed with the disorder may continue into the “darkness” worsens temporarily when
too much sun. Instead it comes from have been masterfully indoctrinated through our eyes activates and
fibromyalgia (FM or FMS), chronic winter months. Though there is no they experience the “detox” part of
an unnatural, heat-treated animal to abandon “sun worship” for “ stimulates the pineal gland, which
fatigue syndrome (CFS), Lyme disease conclusive proof as to what causes the program. Some of these guests
protein based diet and other environ- sun dread.” has been tremendously violated via
or depression often describe how they SAD, lack of sunlight is thought to feel better when utilizing the mental/
mental influences. Science has shown the well- toxic processed food, fluoridated
feel as “brain fog.” Chief complaints upset the sleep-wake cycle, disrupt- spiritual visualization exercise at the
Melanoma is no different than documented relationship between toothpaste and, more importantly,
include: confusion, inability to recall ing serotonin production in the brain. bottom of this page.
any other form of cancer, except in low vitamin D levels and poor bone regulated water supplies. All plants
known words or names, difficulty rec- Those who suffer from this disorder The primary objective of this exer-
one regard: the skin is the largest health. Now links have been made to need the sun and absorb its vari-
ognizing familiar surroundings (and may feel sad, grumpy, moody or anx- cise is to gain control over our own
eliminative organ in the body. The everything from multiple sclerosis ous forms of energy to transform
thus getting lost), lack of concentra- ious, and may lose interest in routine challenges. Even though some who
heat and sweat initiated by the sun to prostate cancer. Getting some sun and grow into their full essence via
tion, inability to multitask and diffi- activities. Another common symp- are going through the darkness and
excretes many of the stored toxins in may also shake off the wintertime photosynthesis, and humans are no
culty with simple math or remember- tom is sleeping more than usual, yet fog will try to find an easy solution to
the body. Most of these toxins are of blues (see Andy Bernay-Roman’s ar- different.
ing numbers. Their experience is that feeling drowsy during the day. They the problem, giving one’s control to
carcinogenic origin, whereby they are ticle on page 22). That’s why so many If one imagines the brain as a
they cannot “see” because they are in may also eat more and crave carbo- medications or other procedures is the
trapped by the sunblock misguided travel to a tropical environment when personal computer and the eyes as a
the dark. hydrates, leading to excessive weight last resort. If we can shun darkness
individuals use. This leads to the pre- sunshine diminishes in their region. kind of solar panel that charges and
Other guests report that they suffer gain. (See Andy Bernay-Roman’s with our own light that indeed is our
mature death of a high volume of skin Sunshine is a key nutrient and is well stores its energy source, one becomes
from SAD (seasonal affective disor- article on page 22.) first choice!
cells, which precipitates melanoma. recognized in the field of psychology aware of an intuition that all life
Dr. Yinfa Ma, professor of chemistry as an important vibration to ward off forms contain. Therefore, living,
BE THE LIGHT Visualization Exercise at Missouri University of Science and depression. Research suggests that “sun-cooked” food is like mini solar
Technology, recently showed that, light hitting your skin, not just your batteries that fuel the human physi-
Choose a comfortable position in a chair or on the floor. Take a deep breath, filling your lungs all the way, and then breathe out
when the nanoparticles of zinc oxide eyes, helps reverse seasonal affective cal machine with life force essence.
easily and effortlessly. After three deep breaths, gently close your eyes and begin to pay attention to your right leg.
(the active ingredient found in many disorder (SAD). It is interesting to note Sun energy is trapped within living
Begin to imagine that your right leg is an opaque dark limb, and that with every breath you begin to make it brighter and
sunscreens) were exposed to sunlight, that the highest melanoma incidents foods, each holding its own frequen-
brighter. You immediately notice that the energy around your leg is becoming larger and brighter. (You can mentally create a
they released unstable molecules, are in office workers rather than cies and vibrations of the sun. Once
scale from 1 to 5, and visualize that with five deep breaths you can reach 5, the brightest you can comfortably visualize).
called free radicals. Free radicals can outdoor laborers. You would expect those foods are cooked (beyond the
Continue to do the same for the left leg with five more deep breaths. Next, focus on your torso and bring its brightness to
damage cells or the DNA contained the exact opposite if the sun was the temperature the sun itself (or a dehy-
level 5 with five deep breaths. Continue to bring brightness (level 5) to your right hand and then the same brightness to your
within those cells, which, in turn, could true culprit. drator) provides), the suns energy is
left hand. Next, focus on your head and bring (level 5) brightness to your head.
greatly increase the risk of skin cancer. Sunlight stimulates the production excreted and no longer available.
Finally, mentally scan your entire body from the tips of your toes to the crown of your head and check each of the six areas
Skin cancer is not the only concern, as of red blood cells, increasing the oxy- The eyes can most directly and
(each leg, torso, each hand, head) for brightness. Spend more time on these areas if necessary to bring all areas to a 5.
there are many other less-defined ma- gen content of the blood, and thus in- readily take in energetic photons to
Then focus on your heart and create a ball of light (level 5). Send this light to all your near and dear ones. See that the recipi-
lignancies in the skin having common creasing muscular endurance. It also optimally feed our cells and inner
ents of your light are becoming brighter and happier. Spend as much time as is comfortable for you to send this ball of light.
denominators such as moles and warts. stimulates production of white blood space. cont’d on p. 50
Slowly, come back to the moment and open your eyes.

Hea l i ng Ou r Wor l d »« Su n s h i n e 35
Solar Power
How They Harm Rather than Protect
and Soul Power
By Elizabeth Plourde, PhD
by Bodi Deliberato
We have been told for decades that no one should go in the sun with-
out putting sunscreen chemicals on their skin. The warnings state What if we were solar powered? As humans we aren’t directly solar powered,
that the sun’s rays cause skin cancers and melanomas and promote but indirectly the sun is an indispensable part of our human energy system.
photoaging of the skin. I became involved in the subject of sunscreen Let’s look at a few definitions:
use because of my love for coral reefs. Learning to scuba dive in the
The Sun: The luminous celestial body around which the earth and other planets
1970s, I have had the privilege of swimming amidst the exquisitely beautiful coral reefs revolve, from which they receive heat, light and energy.
of the world. Sadly, however, I have also witnessed their deaths beginning in the 1980s.
Photosynthesis: A process used by plants and other organisms to convert light

energy into chemical energy that can be used to fuel activities.
hile I was in Hawaii in As I began pulling together many Skin Cancers Continue to Rise
And, here’s a new word (not yet in the dictionary)…
2010, the media reported studies that identified sunscreens’
Skin cancers and melanomas have Spiritual-photosynthesis: Synthesis of invisible energy from the Divine.
that Hawaiian reefs were harm to developing embryos, and the
been steadily increasing even though

dying due to global warming. I have danger they impose on our future
people have complied with warnings
had the pleasure of swimming in Ha- generations, I realized I needed to lants have been using solar the power of invisible light energy. effortless, and It felt like a higher force
and readily adopted sunscreen use. In
waiian waters for 40 years. The water research the entire subject in depth power for eons. Isn’t it about Right in this moment, vast amounts of was operating my body and mind.
1978, the U.S. FDA approved guidelines
temperatures in 2010 were much cold- and write a book about the total time we humans caught on? invisible information and light is flow- In hindsight, this experience was
for sunscreen chemicals that blocked
er than I had ever felt them — so cool affects sunscreen chemicals have on (Breaking news: Warren Buffet just ing all around us and then physically simply a combination of plant-based
only the ultraviolet B (UVB) portion
I had to coax myself into the water all life on the planet. Sunscreens — purchased a California solar farm manifesting on our mobile devices to nutrition (including enzymes), proper
of the radiation, as it is the portion
every day. The reefs are very precious, Biohazard: Treat as Hazardous Waste for $2 billion US. He’s a conservative keep us connected. Even the energy exercise, good relationships and a
that creates the sunburn in the skin.
and since the alleged increase in water (New Voice Publications, 2012) reveals investor, so maybe the celestial tide from oil, at its core, comes from the focused spiritual practice. I’ve never
By not experiencing sunburn, people
temperature did not appear to have that sunscreens not only block the is turning.) energy of the sun. It developed from used performance enhancing drugs,
believe that they are protecting them-
occurred, I wanted to investigate what sunburn reaction in the skin; they are It used to be that the sun was just plant life from millions of years ago so this must have been due to another
selves. This causes them to stay in the
may be killing the reefs. Uncovering absorbed and travel throughout the a cute metaphor for our spiritual and became liquefied. form of “juicing”: Green Juicing!
sun longer.
research that proved the chemicals body. They appear in the organs of our life. New science is proving that it’s As a triathlete on a plant-based Triathletes have another name for
As skin cancer rates continued to
in sunscreens kill the coral within 96 bodies, including the brain, and pass not just a metaphor, it’s the way it diet, I have direct experience with the this mystical experience: “Race Day
climb, sunscreen manufacturers real-
hours after contact, I made it my mis- through the placenta, where they are is. Quantum Physics and Epigenetics energy of the sun. As a spiritual being Magic.” This “feeling state” is probably
ized that they had not included protec-
sion to warn the public to stop using capable of disrupting fetal program- are two such examples of this new pursuing a Masters degree in Well- a combination of many intangibles,
tion against the ultraviolet A (UVA)
sunscreens in order to preserve these ming — with lifetime consequences. science. It’s beautiful to watch the ness, I’m educated in the physical and including the light and energy from
portion of the sun’s rays. UVA radiation
valuable ocean resources. Sunscreens are washed off into the convergence of science and spiritual- meta-physical properties of the sun. the sun.
penetrates deeper into the skin and
When I started my investigation, I water by swimmers, and also enter ity. If you ask a scientist if he believes I’ve always been fascinated by the A plant’s main source of energy is
can cause more damage than UVB.
had no idea that my profession as a the water supply when people bathe in God or Spirit, more often than “invisible stuff.” Don’t get me wrong; the sun, and at the same time it needs
In 1988, the U.S. FDA approved a UVB
menopause practitioner and medical and wash their swimming clothes. not they are saying, “Of course I do; I love the physical universe, but the the earth and the minerals to grow.
filtering chemical, a chemical that the
researcher (specializing in hormones Since sunscreen chemicals are not I’m a scientist.” They also agree that real power is in the invisible stuff. We get all of our best nutrition from
European Union had approved in 1978,
and their actions in the body) was removed by waste treatment plants, “everything is energy” and one of the Think about it: invisible rays of the plant life, which is solar powered and
yet skin cancers kept climbing. In 1998,
the perfect background to help me they eventually end up in the rivers most powerful sources of energy is sun, music, electricity, air, love and contains chlorophyll. As everyone
titanium dioxide — which filters both
understand the true effects sunscreen and oceans of the world, where they the sun. Mystics throughout the ages the mystery of life itself. at Hippocrates knows, we thrive on
UVA and UVB — was approved. In 2010,
chemicals have on all life on the not only kill coral, but are capable have extolled the virtues of “the light.” In one of my marathons at Walt chlorophyll.
the U.S. FDA released new guidelines
planet. Most of the chemicals in these of killing plankton — the beginning Ghandi’s last words were, “More light, Disney World, I experienced what The Dow Chemical Company
that approved only chemical combina-
formulations are potent hormones, link in the oceans’ vital food chain. more light.” Christ said, “If your eye is some might call a mystical experi- launched a major ad program in the
tions that filter the entire UV (UVA +
capable of disrupting our hormonal Thereby, sunscreen chemicals jeopar- single, your body will be full of light.” ence. Miles 16 through 21, I felt com- 1960s. Their motto was “Better living
UVB) range, calling them “broad spec-
balance as well as that of the aquatic dize all ocean life. Modern wireless technology confirms pletely “in the zone.” The running was through chemistry.” cont’d on p. 46
trum” sunscreens. cont’d on p. 56
life that are exposed to them.

36 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g

Like many people, I really enjoy the sun. Sunshine fills my whole being with 1. Sunshine is a source of Vitamin D, 3. Sunshine helps balance hormones. 5. Sunshine aids in more restful sleep
hope, joy and peace. The Sun is the center of our solar system, giving energy which helps the body regulate The sun can aid in regulation and fights insomnia. The brain has
and life to the Earth and all its inhabitants. Since ancient times, humans have the immune system and increase of the production of hormones. an internal clock which is naturally
known that the sun is a beautiful healing source, as long as we understand calcium absorption, which leads Spending a little time in the sun set when we are in the sun, also
and consciously utilize its magnificent power. to strong bones. Vitamin D3 is also can even decrease symptoms of causing melatonin production,
thought to improve cognitive func- PMS or menopause. both of which help us get a good
These days, many people are concerned about sun exposure and believe tions and decrease the chances of 4. Sunshine improves mood and can night’s sleep.
that sunshine is detrimental to their health. To the contrary, spending time in developing Alzheimer’s disease. help reverse depression. Sun ex- 6. Sunshine gives us clearer skin.
the sun can be incredibly healing. To enjoy the sun safely, we must be aware 2. Sunshine improves circulation. posure causes the brain to produce Sun exposure can be very beneficial
of many issues that can contribute to an unhealthy relationship with the sun. Exposure to the sun increases both serotonin and endorphins, which for people who have skin conditions
Such factors include diet, overexposure, poor hydration and environmental white and red blood cell count elevates our mood and helps fight such as acne, rashes and eczema.
pollutants. and helps the blood circulate depression. (Read more about the Getting some sun also gives you
more efficiently. sun’s ability to raise our spirits in a natural glow and healthier
First, let’s talk about numerous benefits of responsible sunbathing and how
Andy Bernay-Roman’s article on appearance. Continues below
sunshine will increase your energy and strengthen your immune system.
page 22.)
See list at right

Sunshine On My Shoulders Makes Me Happy by Oksana Baidithceva

hat do we need to know in order to get all lighter or fairer skin color. By increasing appropriate clothing and drinking plenty of reality, improper sun exposure, especially when combined
of the benefits of the sun without harming exposure gradually, our skin should have water. A diet rich in antioxidants also protects with the wrong sunscreen, can cause lasting damage to our
ourselves? The most important factor is how more ability to absorb the sun’s rays dur- the skin from excess sunlight. Typical over-the- skin and our overall health. Not all types of UV radiation
long we should be in direct sun at a given time. The time ing subsequent sessions. counter sunscreens do not prevent skin cancer. are blocked by sunscreen. This includes UVA rays, which
of day greatly impacts this time span, as does our natural Another significant factor in the protec- In fact, they have many properties that can do not cause sunburn, but can cause other skin problems,
complexion and previous sun exposure. Try to avoid pro- tion of our skin is diet. Animal products encourage cancer. including: skin cancer, clogging pores, wrinkles and
longed exposure between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm (the sun and processed foods can enhance cancer The skin is the largest organ in the body, and it aggravating acne. It is extremely important to choose
is at full intensity during these hours). Peak intensity will risk while in the sun. By consuming raw absorbs everything we put on it. This means that skin products wisely. By eating a healthy diet and being
vary by season and region. living foods, sea vegetables, whole grains, many of the chemicals from sunscreen products are smart about the time we spend in the sun, sunscreen
A sensible approach is sunbathing only during non-peak seeds, nuts and fruits, we can absorb cancer- transferred into the bloodstream right away. These is not even necessary. (Read more about sunscreens in
hours (when the sun is low in the sky) and increasing our fighting nutrients and antioxidants that will chemicals pollute our bodies, making us more sus- the article by Elizabeth Plourde, PhD, on page 36)
time in the sun gradually. A good starting point for direct protect our skin and our whole bodies. ceptible to many diseases, including cancer. More- To conclude, a little common sense and self-awareness
sun exposure is 10 minutes, and for most healthy people The best way to protect our skin is paying over, these chemicals can be washed into the water, will help us make healthy choices and get the most
30 minutes is the daily limit for non-peak sun exposure. attention to how much sun our bodies can contributing to the contamination of our planet’s benefits of the sun and its light. Getting no sun at all
The more time we spend in the sun, the more melanin handle. If we must be in full sun for long precious water supplies. is just as unhealthy as getting too much. Be a mindful
(pigment that gives our skin and hair its natural color) periods of time, we can protect ourselves Some of us mistakenly believe that wearing sun- and responsible sunbather and your body and mind will
our skin produces. Usually people with less pigment have by wearing wide brimmed hats and screen offers complete protection from the sun. In thank you.

38 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g He al i ng Ou r Wo rl d »« Su ns h i n e 39

Sunshine and Diet LifeGive Conscious-Brain ™ ™

Product Introduction by Dr. Brian Clement

LifeGive GINKGO BILOBA is well documented to VINPOCETINE is widely used in Eastern

It’s Sunlight That Really Gets Digestion Moving Conscious-Brain™
was born out
transcend the blood/brain barrier car-
rying nutrients to the brain in a greatly
Europe both in naturopathic and
allopathic treatments to relegate
of a Stanford accelerated way. brain chemistry disorders to the past.
by Paul Nison Excerpted with permission from The Daylight Diet, by Paul Nison • University study PHOSPHATIDYLSERINE is well docu- It assists blood flow to the brain.

on brain cell mented as a preserver of memory in ACETYL-L-CARNITINE helps to convert

Obtaining and maintaining good health is actually pretty simple: Abide by the laws of nature nutrients, and human studies. negative brain chemistry into positive
that manage your body; straying from these principles will result in damage to your health. LUTEOLIN is a flavonoid that prevents cell enhancing forms. This protects
enhanced by other nutrients and

kill-off of crucial brain cells. the mitochondria which are central to
herbs that have been empirically
hink of it this way: Take the law about stomach problems. According to keep it in the dark, it cannot grow. See maintaining cell and organ health.
linked to the reduction of memory L-ALPHA GLYCERYLPHOSPHORYLCHO-
of gravity. There is no altering Dr. Lewis, dyspepsia (the medical term how slender and pale it is. Now open LifeGive Conscious Brain is a propri-
loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s. LINE has been documented as a natural
that law, and denying it can for stomach upsets) was written all a window in another part of the cellar etary blend of scientifically supported
chemical enhancer for the release of
have disastrous and even tragic results. over his face, shown in his movements and notice how the poor hungry thing nutrients used in the quest to preserve
BACOPA MONNIERI has proven to HGH (Human Growth Hormone). This
As a result, no one questions the law and heard in his voice. The patient, will stretch that way. Or give the stalk a memory and prevent brain disorders.
show exemplary support for memory helps to reverse brain aging and to
of gravity. We don’t have to justify it, a local merchant, told Dr. Lewis he little twist and see how it will lie down.
enhancement. enhance memory.
because we can witness how it works. could no longer work because of his It has no strength to raise itself again. Contact Hippocrates Health Institute
The correlation between the sun troubled digestive system. The first No matter how much of the best food GOTU KOLA is a well-known herb BLUEBERRY is a well-documented
today to learn more about
and digestion is another example of question Dr. Lewis asked was about his and drink you give it, it can’t survive. that activates hormones and has antioxidant that can reach the brain LifeGive Conscious Brain
one of the laws of nature. Exposure to diet. Mr. P. explained that he was very The process of digestion and the great been clearly linked to the prevention and prevent premature aging of this
Call Toll-free (877) 582-5850
sunlight promotes easier digestion. Di- educated about the subject and his function of assimilation can’t go on of memory cell degradation. phenomenal organ.
gestion and assimilation become weak diet was all right. The next question Dr. without the sunshine.”
and imperfect if we are not exposed Lewis asked was if he exercised. Mr. P. Dr. Lewis told Mr. P. that he already
to the direct rays of the sun on a daily revealed he spent several hours a day had excellent habits, and that if his

Queen of the Sun: What Are the Bees Telling Us?

basis. Defying this natural law will not exercising. Dr. Lewis followed with a workplace had a flood of sunlight,
result in the same immediate damage question about his sleep, and Mr. P. said he would be better within one week
as breaking the law of gravity, but over he was in bed every night at 9 p.m. and and completely well in a month.
time, serious damage will take place. was awake every morning by 6 a.m. He suggested Mr. P. move his desk in
Documentary Review by Susan Lerner
Dr. Lewis was a brilliant man, asking front of a sunny window, even if it’s
How does it work?
Mr. P. essential questions about diet, sunny for only three or four hours In this visually stunning, rever- In the film, Rudolf Steiner is quoted as Biodynamic
There is a direct connection between exercise and sleep, three issues that a day. He assured Mr. P. that, within having predicted in 1923, “The mechani- beekeeper
ential documentary produced
the optic nerve and digestion. When always need to be addressed when a three days, his digestion would zation of beekeeping and industrializa- Gunther Hauk
and directed by Taggart Siegel, tion will eventually destroy beekeep- says about the
sunlight hits the optic nerve, electrical person is dealing with illness. Mr. P. improve. He gave Mr. P. this excellent
impulses are transmitted, activating could not understand why he was hav- example: “Mr. P., did you ever go into scientists, philosophers, com- ing.” Although humans and bees have crisis, “More
many processes of the body, including ing digestive issues since he seemed the country late in the summer? Of mercial beekeepers and biody- had a mutually beneficial relationship important
digestion. Nerve impulses send mes- to be doing everything right. His wife course you have. Well, did you ever no- for thousands of years, hives are now even than
namic beekeepers explore the
sages that tell the body to produce cer- was worried he may even have cancer, tice wheat growing in an orchard, and collapsing and bees are disappearing global warm-
tain enzymes, gastric juices and other because nothing seemed to help him, the grain under the trees is smaller
issues surrounding the devas- in countries around the world. Our ing, we could
processes of digestion. Similar to the and the problems kept getting worse. than that away from the trees? The tating phenomenon of “Colony once sacred partnership has become a call it Colony Collapse of the human
act of chewing, when the optic nerve Finally, Dr. Lewis asked him if he soil is actually richer beneath the trees. Collapse Disorder.” With a profit-driven industrial business. being too.” Michael Thiele, also a biody-
is stimulated by sunlight, the digestive worked in a sunny office. His workplace For years, the leaves have fallen and One scene in the film takes us to namic beekeeper says, “In the beehive,
compelling cast that includes
organs prepare for food. was pleasant, Mr. P., said, but it did lack decayed there, but the wheat is only thousands of acres of almond trees in all the individual members dedicate
When the sun goes down, there is sunlight. Dr. Lewis replied: “Mr. P., that half size and never fills in as well as Michael Pollan, Vandana Shiva, California. Monoculture mega-farms of their lives for the bigger entity.”
less light stimulating the optic nerve, is the cause of your illness! Your work the wheat away from the trees. What Gunther Hauk and others from any crop only have food for bees when If we were as smart as bees, we
and digestion slows down. Eating after place needs more sunlight. No plant is the problem? The shaded grain re- flowering, so bees cannot survive there would dedicate ourselves for the bigger
around the world, the long
the digestive system slows down in the or animal can digest in the dark. Try it. ceives less sunshine. The shaded wheat year-round. Instead, thousands of hives entity, like the bees — to ensure the
story of bees is revealed, are loaded onto trucks and shipped survival of bees, and Earth. Each time
evening goes against the laws of nature Plant a potato in your cellar. Now watch has more nutrients at its disposal than
and will result in a decline in health. it carefully. If there is a little light, that the grain in the sun, but the sunny from ancient hieroglyphics thousands of miles. Michael Pollan ex- I show this film, at least one viewer
In Talks about People’s Stomachs, potato will sprout and try to grow. wheat digests the available nutrients to present day. claims monoculture to be “the original says, “Everyone should see this film!”
Dr. Dio Lewis tells a story about one of Surround it with the best manure, wa- more efficiently, growing stronger. sin of agriculture.” I agree.
his patients, a Mr. P., who complained ter it, do the best for it, only you shall cont’d on p. 56

Hea l i ng Ou r Wor l d »« Su n s h i n e 41
Some Like It Hot
A Case Study with Infrared Saunas and Asthma,
Allergies and Heavy Metal Exposure
by Dr. Raleigh Duncan, Founder of Clearlight Infrared Saunas

Infrared Saunas are becoming an integral part of every good health regi-
men. The link between toxicity, inflammation, autoimmune disease and
overall health needs to be objectively measured and reported. The following
case study shows the outcome of one person’s regular infrared sauna usage
and describes how the body can respond when the toxic burden is signifi-
cantly lowered.

Clinical Features Hannah was very enthusiastic as she

began to feel and see results almost
Hannah K. presented as a typical
immediately. At first, in the sauna, Hannah K.
16-year-old female, who attended her
Hannah’s sweat was milky looking, but
local high school and was very active in
within a few weeks her sweat cleared her breath and needing to rest. We
various athletic programs.
and her eczema improved noticeably. couldn’t be more blessed with her recov-
Hannah was first exposed to heavy
After six months, Hannah’s asthma ery; it’s truly an answer to our prayers.”
metals in utero. She was adopted as an
symptoms decreased tremendously Hannah’s entire family is now thriv-
infant and her birth mother had taken
and her eczema and hives completely ing with regular use of the Clearlight
drugs prior to her pregnancy. (Drugs
cleared up with no recurrences to date. infrared sauna they purchased for their
are usually cut with fillers containing
Her allergies also lessened dramatically. home. Hannah’s mother enthusiasti-
chemicals and heavy metals.)
After 15 months, the naturopath cally describes their sauna as “our new
Throughout her childhood, Hannah
conducted another hair analysis. health care plan!”
suffered greatly from asthma, eczema,
Comparing the results to the first test,
hives and multiple allergies. To help Conclusion
he said, “It doesn’t even look like it’s
these conditions, Hannah became
from the same person!” The follow-up This is a common infrared sauna
dependent on the asthma controller, Sin-
test showed 13 of the 14 heavy met- experience similar to many that have
gular, as well as strong steroid inhalants
als tested were at levels substantially been reported and studied over the
including Qvar and Prednisone. She had
lower than what is considered normal. past thirty years. Toxicity can be a direct
terrible flare-ups of eczema and hives
Most were below the 20th percentile pathway to disease and when the
causing extreme discomfort and itching.
level, whereas in the first test a major- body is overloaded, it cannot function
Intervention and Outcome ity of the heavy metals were above the correctly. Health cannot be regained or
80th percentile. For instance, Hannah maintained until the body’s toxicity is
Hannah went to a naturopath who
had extremely high levels of Cadmium addressed. The far infrared sauna is a
conducted a hair analysis, revealing high
on her initial test, measuring 0.22. remarkable health tool that works with
levels of aluminum, barium, cadmium,
Her follow up test showed a 94% the body to eliminate toxins. In other
lead, mercury, nickel, silver, tin, titanium,
reduction to 0.014. (High Cadmium studies and case histories, the infrared
uranium and other metals.
levels have been linked to breast sauna has also been shown to remove
Hannah’s family wanted a natural
cancer and pancreatic cancer.) pain and strengthen the immune
approach to help lower these high
Nine months later, Hannah’s health system.
levels of heavy metals. Thinking chela-
continues to improve. She’s off all the
tion treatments would be too hard For more information, call the
strong medications and only uses a
on Hannah’s kidneys, the naturopath Hippocrates Health Institute Store,
rescue inhaler to control occasional
recommended Hannah begin taking Clearlight Saunas at (800) 317-5070
exercise-induced asthma. Spring and
far infrared saunas regularly in order to or visit
fall are always the worst for her aller-
start a gentle, yet effective detoxifica-
gies and asthma and she reports this Clearlight Saunas come with a Lifetime
tion program.
year has been “the best ever!” Warranty and are available in different
Hannah went to Oasis Wellness Cen-
Her mother shares, “Hannah contin- sizes, shapes and budgets. They install
ter in Westlake Village, California, and
ues using the sauna and she feels like a easily in about an hour, run on normal
started using a Clearlight far infrared
new person. She’s never performed bet- household current, and are very energy
sauna three times a week for 30 – 40
ter on the basketball court. She moves efficient — costing about 25¢ per
minute sessions.
with speed and agility without losing session to operate.
42 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g
Sunlight and Sustenance, greens. Deep, dark green in leaves indi- which is a bad thing. More and more still will grow. You will grow fat! Such
cont’d from p. 26 cates richer chlorophyll content. More light does not necessarily produce obesity is a measure of quantity, not
Now trim away the flexible outer leaf chlorophyll signals the plant’s poten- more growth or more nutrients. Just of quality. Plants exposed to round the Want to know today’s times for sunrise
that generally is a deeper color green, tial to produce more sugars and all its as you need at least six hours of sleep, clock light become stressed. If for only and sunset?
and retain the stiff central spine other phytonutrients. More sugars and plants need a minimum of six hours two or three days, they may not yet has it all, including a Sun Calculator
whose color generally is off white. more nutrients result in more flavorful of darkness. Yet plants do not rest at visibly manifest their stressed state, to create charts for your locality
Now eat only that outer leaf. Tender, and nourishing veggies. Thus the goal night as we do. Instead, after a day but they are stressed nonetheless. (
succulent, maybe even sweet! Nice! is to grow lush leaves, not long stems. creating carbs, during the night plants Microgreens and mature greens sunrise.html)
Okay, next eat the remaining central Simply stated: leaves, not stems. metabolize and convert those carbohy- grown under light round the clock
spine. Fibrous, bland, maybe even bit- Longer hours or stronger lumens of drates into plant tissue. They deepen cannot provide us with the same level and therefore should have faith that of energy. Nations go to war over
ter! Not so nice! light foster the growth of larger leaves, their roots, thicken their stems, and of nutrients as those whose schedule nature grows best. So provide your land and people become gluttonous
Let’s talk sunflower, whose very shorter hours or weaker lumens foster broaden their leaves. In essence, plants more closely resembles that of nature. homegrown greens with the light or ravenous for the food that grows
name is very sunny. Some indoor longer stems. In seeking the light, try work hard by day, and grow strong If you are inquisitive, grow one batch of day, but also with the darkness upon it, but the sunlight which creates
gardeners find that their sunflower to make that more sunlight. From by night. of sunflower greens under perpetual of night. that food seldom is in short supply.
greens grow long and frail stems. To sunrise to sunset, follow the path of In an effort to maximize yields, light and another under light alternat- Sunlight shines upon us all. It is no
prevent this they extend the initial sunlight in your home. If you must, some indoor gardeners shine their ing with darkness. coincidence that Christianity’s day of
“darkness” stage by one or two extra move your crop from window to win- artificial lighting 24 hours a day for Their tastes will be so distinct that Of everything we eat, green leaves con- worship and the Western world’s day
days. During the darkness stage dow, even from room to room. Because the last two or three days before har- even the most jaded of taste buds tain the greatest concentration of sun of leisure both fall on the day named
(I recommend a duration of 2 – 3 our sunny dispositions inform us that vest. With uninterrupted light and no will discern the difference (see sidebar energy. One way to see the light might for the Sun. May all our Sundays
days), some sort of weight is placed no light is better than sunlight. darkness, seedlings continually create on page 26). But why bother? We be to eat it, in which case spirituality be sunny and may all our days be
atop a tray which itself rests atop the What can possibly be more intense their starches and sugars, but only already know that nature knows best, just might boil down to a question Sundays!
sunflower greens. Weighed down, the than the sun? Two suns! When sun- minimally metabolize them. Imagine
seedlings grow stems that are strong light shines through your windows stuffing yourself with foodstuff all Sunlight’s Role in Vitamin D and ing to intake standards. The Canadian Strategy for Parents and Kids
and squat. But the plants are seeking directly upon your microgreens, prop day long and all night long, but never Children’s Health, cont’d from p. 30 children with lower levels of vitamin
In this article I have highlighted the
the light of the sun, not extra days some reflectors to the sides of and exercising and never sleeping. Yet you Advocates for addition of vitamin D to D required more medical interventions
absolutely essential role vitamin D
of darkness under another tray. The behind the microgreens. Merely foods, known as fortification, see this such as breathing tubes and medica-
plays in the development of young
problem is lack of light, not lack of one reflector in back works as a potential to help combat what it tions, and stayed in the ICU longer.
people. A basic strategy is to begin
weight. So instead of growing stems wonders. Create reflectors with sees as an epidemic of vitamin D de- As an Emergency Room (ER) nurse,
supplementing your entire family’s
that are long and frail and fibrous and lightweight white cardboard. ficiency related diseases. The RCPCH I am delighted that Canadian doctors
diet with a whole-food, plant-based vi-
bitter, under pressure such un-green (Hint: undersides of produce already launched a successful cam- are looking at the vitamin D situation
tamin D supplement. It is interesting to
sunflower greens grow stems that boxes often are white.) The de- paign to get breastfeeding mothers to seriously. I have been noticing for some
note that many fortified foods contain
are short and squat…and fibrous luxe model is white foam core increase their vitamin D intake. time that ER departments are becom-
animal sources of the nutrients or syn-
and bitter! board purchased from office or ing backlogged with more and more
Vitamin D: Canada’s Study on thetics, so you don’t want to consume
Conduct that same lettuce taste test art supply stores. Aluminum adults and children coming in. Imagine
Critically Ill Children those if you are on a plant-based diet.
upon sunflower greens. Take a hand- foil affixed to cardboard is if, upon admission, a vitamin D test
The suggested sun exposure of 30
ful, snip off just the leaves with your more reflective than white, but In what has been touted as the first was standard in addition to the regular
minutes a day may be too low depend-
fingers or your teeth, and once you unsightly. The hi-tech of its kind, the study looking at the blood work. It would be of tremendous
ing on factors such as: your skin color,
have a handful of leaves eat only those version of foil is metalized vitamin D levels in a large group of value to know what percentage of
whether you work indoors all day, the
leaves, but not the stems. Tender, suc- mylar, critically ill children could bring to seniors coming in after a fall were de-
season, the region you live in and the
culent, even sweet! Again, nice! Next, a plastic film embedded with light many answers in the quest to ficient in vitamin D; the same goes for
kind of diet you regularly consume.
eat just those leftover stems. Relative- aluminum. Some well stocked help children. children who seem to be very fragile.
For Canadians and others with similar
ly tough, maybe bland, or maybe even gardening stores carry metal- Dr. McNally, a clinical researcher and In the past, Canadians could have
climate conditions, I recommend you
bitter! Again, not so nice! The leaves, ized intensivist at the Children’s Hospital of gotten a free vitamin D test from the
consider spending extra outdoor time
not the stems, impart the delicate and mylar, as do sporting goods and Eastern Ontario, and assistant profes- local family doctor, as it was covered
in the sunlight. Families can plan more
agreeable flavor that makes sunflower camping equipment stores. sor in the Department of Pediatrics by our government health coverage.
weekend trips to the beach or park,
greens so highly prized. The smaller Camping stores call metalized at the University of Ottawa, was the I was sad when it was cut. If the Ca-
or they can simply lie in the backyard
their leaves, the lesser your prize. mylar space blankets or survival research leader in the study, which nadian government is serious about
and sunbathe to soak up the sunshine.
blankets. looked at 300 children admitted to an using vitamin D as one of its strate-
Get Your Fill of Chlorophyll Remember, good health is your
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with severe gies to address brain and language
In a Dark Time birthright but keeping it is your
Chlorophyll in leaves converts sun- infections, significant trauma or condi- development, childhood obesity and
choice. Peace, love and gratitude.
light energy into plant matter, which Long hours of natural sunlight tions requiring major surgery, such as long term reduction of vitamin D defi-
mostly are sugars and starches but do reach a natural limit, which congenital heart defects.4 The study ciency diseases, then making the test 1.
also all other plant nutrients. Chloro- is a good thing. Artificial light showed that 75% of critically ill chil- free again for Canadians is essential. language-problems/article546503/?service=mobile
phyll imparts the green in vegetable can artificially exceed that limit, dren had blood vitamin D levels well and-obesity-in-children/
below the level considered safe accord- of-diseases-caused-by-low-vitamin-D.html

44 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g He al i ng Ou r Wo rl d »« Su ns h i n e 45

Solar Power and Soul Power, physical world isn’t of great impor- more. Just let the wisdom of your Unlocking Ultimate Health, sion of a professional who is working other cardio machines only when you
cont’d from p. 37 tance. One has to have the best raw innate “soul power” shine through. cont’d from p. 17 on balancing your body. must. The amount of time you train
Though it was mostly a bogus materials — or superfoods — to have Shift your perception from that of a HOW: I’ve read that Robert Downey, may not be much different than a
campaign to sell their lifeless prod- the right blend of the forces in the self-centered being and appreciate Jr., is quite an accomplished yogi. I HOW: How much cardio and strength “superhero,” but intensity levels may
ucts, there is a grain of truth in their universe. I would venture to follow the vastness of the universe. Things imagine practices like yoga could help training do you think is necessary for a vary widely.
slogan. Plants, food and nutrition all the “80/20” rule. 80% of the power are not always as they appear. a great deal with the Stability portion “normal” person (not an elite athlete
have a basis in chemistry. But that’s comes from the invisible world and Let’s look at one more definition: of C.A.S.S. Do you have tips for people or superhero) to stay fit? And does this HOW: Thanks for your time, Brad.
not the whole story. It is commonly 20% comes from the physical world of Luminary: a person of prominence or to incorporate more stretching or yoga amount of time go up for people like You’ve answered all the questions I
known that there are many invisible matter. The 20% raw materials such brilliant achievement, or a body that into their routines? Should they devote me who sit at a desk for 40+ hours have. Do you have any other thoughts
forces in the universe, such as electric- as plant-based nutrition, wheatgrass gives or reflects light, especially one of entire sessions to those practices? each week? for our readers you’d like to close with?
ity, light, sound and gravity. During and juicing are crucial to health the celestial bodies (the sun).
BOSE: Yoga is definitely an enjoyable BOSE: As with everything, more activity BOSE: Let’s keep in mind that “variety
my time at Hippocrates, I learned and wellness. Too many teachers Did you ever notice that some
way to enhance C.A.S.S. overall. Yoga, is better than less (to a point). If you sit is the spice of life” so keep it Spicy! Also
about the depth and scope of the get caught up in black-and-white people seem to have more light
when done properly, helps with coor- behind a desk it is important that you remember that it is better to err on
mind-body connection. There is actu- thinking and separate the physical radiating from them? These “luminar-
dination and flexibility. Make sure your stand up frequently and move around the side of moderation, since extremes
ally no separation between the mind from the metaphysical. Some say it’s ies” generally have a few things in
yoga instructor is well qualified and (they even have treadmills that fit tend to be less effective for optimal
and body, the visible and the invisible. all about the food; others say it’s all common: they ingest mostly raw/liv-
the class is small and manageable. That under a desk). Long periods of sitting health. Finally, a positive mental atti-
Let’s look at a new model of un- about your spirituality. I say pay at- ing plant foods, they spend adequate
way your instructor can walk around without activity are not healthy even if tude will improve health in all situa-
derstanding the universe, humanity tention to and take care of both. The time in the sun, and they have a
and correct your form. If your yoga you work out frequently. tions so don’t forget to see the brighter
and energy. Consider living from your body and the mind are like the hard- devoted spiritual practice to amplify
instructor isn’t correcting your form, The optimal training would be cardio side of life.
“soul power.” A good source for these ware and software of the computer their soul power. Next time you are at
find a new teacher because you can training 4 – 5 days a week and strength
ideas is the work of Bruce Lipton in system. The spirit is like the electric- Hippocrates Health Institute in South Brad Bose’s gym in Santa Monica,
always improve your form. If you have training 2 – 3 times a week with one day
his book Biology of Belief and also his ity, an invisible power source. Florida, notice the “light” emanat- California, is called ANATOMI Functional
time to devote an entire session to of complete rest. But it is important to
CD series called Spontaneous Evolu- The Divine power source is pure ing from the many luminaries at the Performance. The facility boasts a wide
stretching that is great, but stretching vary your cardio training. Minimize re-
tion. In this work he discusses the and it will give power to whatever it institute. Living in the “Sunshine range of equipment to build functional
is something we can actively do almost petitive workouts and vary your cardio
new science called Epigenetics. is focused on. Choose your thoughts State” and ingesting raw foods has its strength and take your training to
every day. Active stretching (dynamic (hiking, biking, fitness classes, jogging,
This suffix “Epi” is Greek for “from wisely and you will have a beautiful benefits. Have you ever watched small the next level. Learn more at
warm-ups) is currently thought of as etc). I always prefer exercising outdoors
above.” This new thought system mind garden. Our consciousness is children playing on the beach? It’s like
the best from of pre-workout stretch. as opposed to sitting on cardio equip-
basically turned the old model of Dar- like a laser beam of light. Beckwith they are solar-powered! They seem to or visit him on Google+.
Passive stretching should be performed ment in the gym because the benefits
winism upside down. Without going says, “It’s like a photosynthetic pro- have a more powerful connection to
after the workout under the supervi- are much better. Use treadmills and
into too much detail, this new science cess for the soul.” There are numer- the light energy, with fewer physical
says that it isn’t the genes that deter- ous studies from top universities like and emotional blocks.
mine everything; it’s the energy field Stanford and Harvard that reveal the Finally, remember that like ev- The Language of Light, of the organism itself, but within and the earth, but rather some form of
around the genes that has the biggest real-life practical benefits of prayer erything in the universe, you are a cont’d from p. 27 between the organism and its environ- silent communication holding them
impact. Lipton says the environment and meditation. There is evidence two-way system of giving and receiv- According to Heinz R. Gisel, author ment or surroundings as well. With together regardless of distance. And
or energy field has a profound effect that suggests that the quality of our ing. This concept brings to mind the of In Foodture We Trust, the biopho- this thought in mind, could it be pos- although, as Dr. Popp states, “We now
on which genes get turned on or off. thoughts directly impacts the quality words of the great spiritualists John tonic emission from fresh fruits and sible that the more natural influences know, today, that man is essentially a
These invisible forces must include of our biochemistry. It has been said and Paul (not the Popes, but Lennon vegetables was strong and coherent, we include in our daily lives, the more being of light,” there remains vary-
the sun, our thoughts, and the rest of that most people don’t experience re- and McCartney). They wrote, “And while a multivitamin containing all health we radiate? Could our return to ing schools of thought as to what the
the ecosystem we inhabit. ality; they experience their thoughts in the end, the love you take is equal of the daily recommended vitamins harmony be as simple as eating food light is responsible for.
My friend Michael Beckwith (a New about reality. Change your focus to the love you make.” Now, I’m not showed virtually no sign of biopho- in its most natural state and commun- Could it be that this light is merely
Thought, Ancient Wisdom teacher and you will even change your religious, but the existence of the tonic emission at all. ing with nature as often as possible? a waste product? Or could it be that
and Luminary), says we all have biochemistry! sun, the music of the Beatles, and the These discoveries suggest that the The implications of this newfound this light, this information exchange,
“designer genes.” Maybe what we do Right now your heart is beating and design of the human system make it closer to natural something is, the awareness lead us to new frontiers, is related to what ancient philoso-
with our mind, body and ecosystem your lungs are breathing without any hard not to believe in some kind of an stronger and more coherent the bio- not only in the area of health and phies refer to as the life force, prana
is more important than our genet- help or commands from you! Those invisible divine intelligence and the photonic emissions. These emissions well being, but in the interconnected- or chi? As science seeks to answer the
ics? Maybe we are all swimming two seemingly simple processes power of the sun. Let the sun shine in of light seem to be directly linked to ness of life. It seems possible that this questions to these subtleties of our
in the same ocean of divine energy require substantial activity in your and be a luminary. You were born as efficient communication within our language of light could be responsible existence through mounting research
with some of us choosing a healthier body, without your conscious effort. a luminary; just turn up your watt- bodies, resulting in optimal func- for how schools of fish or flocks of and evidence, we can ponder them
consciousness and focus. Much of our The blood and lungs are delivering age by continuously cleaning up your tion within and between our cells. It birds coordinate themselves instanta- for ourselves. We can begin to weave
life is rooted in the invisible/ spiritual nutrition to all of your cells, remov- body and mind! Your spirit is strong also reveals to us that this language neously. Experiments on the homing through these new frontiers indi-
world, but this doesn’t mean that the ing toxins from the body and much and you are “soul-powered”! of light or information transfer via ability of animals reveal that it is vidually, feeling our way through the
biophotons is quite possibly occurring not related to habitual trails, scents information and creating lifestyles
not only within and between the cells or even the electromagnetic fields of accordingly.

46 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g He al i ng Ou r Wo rl d »« Su ns h i n e 47

Vitamin D, Sunlight and tain a healthy level. Those of us below conversion of the oils to vitamin D3, The Sun, the Food Chain, Survival, cont’d from p. 25
Supplementation, cont’d from p. 15 the optimal level would require much does not penetrate windows, so Buy local! Purchase your food from local sources. Support
Vitamin D is also imperative in the more. Often 10,000 – 15,000 units a indoor sunshine will have little the local economy and minimize fossil fuel consumption.
healthy conversion of DNA into its day are indicated for periods of up vitamin D benefit. Buy and grow organic! Pesticides destroy more than just
progeny, therefore, when levels are to two to three months. To help the The only vegetarian food sources of the “target bug”! Pesticides can affect species diversity by
low, the individual is more prone to individual reach their goal in a more vitamin D are UV irradiated mush- killing insects on which predators depend for food, decreas-
solid tumor of all kinds. proficient manner, intramuscular rooms and yeast. To some degree, ing the predator’s population. Pesticides harm pollinators,
It should be pretty convincing that injections of vitamin D3 in high doses mushrooms that have been exposed decreasing productivity of crops and native plants, thereby
each individual, are often required to sunlight may also have some in- decreasing available food for the food chain. Pesticides af-
man, woman and Luigi Fontana, MD, PhD every other day. crease in vitamin D content. fect soil organisms involved in nutrient cycling. Earthworms
child should have of Washington University I have found the Supplementation, both orally and are sensitive to pesticides, but also to the change in chem-
School of Medicine (St.
optimal levels of liquid vitamin D3 intramuscularly, will be required for istry of the leaf litter they process. Pesticides spoil aquatic
Louis) published a study
vitamin D3. Even on raw food vegans made from lanolin most individuals. One is most at risk ecosystems.
infants from the that highlighted the fact (sheep hair oil), for low vitamin D3 levels as an infant, Remove invasive species from your environment!
first day of life that that they absorbed and that has been an older individual, a dark skinned Invasive plants and animals spread unchecked, without the
have 2000 IUs daily maintained higher levels converted to high individual or one that has little or no competitors and predators from their native territory. They
of vitamin D than the
have been found levels of vitamin sun exposure. Any problem with gut prey on native species, out-competing them for resources
multitude of others tested
to have an 85% less on a wide variety of diets. D from the sun, metabolism, especially that relates to and often preventing them from reproducing. Invasive
chance of ever hav- to be the best oral fat metabolism, as seen in someone plants and animals cause ecological chaos. The apex preda-
We now endure vitamin D with a gastric bypass, would also have
ing Type I Diabetes. source. tor cane toad was introduced to control pests in Australian
deficiencies because we
Safety and efficacy don’t spend time in the The role of vita- difficulty assimilating all fat soluble sugar cane fields, but now threatens native species and food
issues seem to be so sun as our nomadic and min D in the body vitamins, including vitamin D. Certain chains from the Caribbean to Australia. In South Florida,
compelling that not farming ancestors did. includes modula- medications such as coticosteroids, the seed-prolific Brazilian Pepper has infested over 700,000
bringing the levels tion of cell growth, fat blockers and cholesterol lowering acres, creating a dense canopy that shades out all other
to the optimal 60 – 100 ng per ml is neuromuscular and immune function, drugs may inhibit the absorption of plants in aquatic as well as terrestrial habitats, altering eco-
irresponsible. Physicians and patients and reduction of inflammation. Many vitamin D. systems and food chains.
alike must familiarize themselves genes that regulate cell proliferation 7.6 million children and 50.8 million Plant native flowers, shrubs and trees! Restore and
with the articles that have already and differentiation, as well as neces- adults are below the normal range support the native food web in your yard or development.
been written and the new ones that sary cell death (to allow new cells for vitamin D. The State University You will be delighted!
are being published on a daily basis in to be made) are handled in part by of New York at Albany has made it Avoid genetically engineered products. Genetic engi-
favor of our raising vitamin D3 levels vitamin D. Many cells have vitamin D clear to women, noting that breast neering alters DNA and introduces new, untested, poten-
appropriately. receptors that are often blunted when cancer cells died within days after tially disruptive life-forms into the food chain.
I am often asked how much one individuals have high stress levels, injection with vitamin D. Given Reduce your contribution to greenhouse gases. They
should take when it comes to vita- increasing adrenal function. It is vitamin D’s ability to prevent 50% of keep excess solar energy close to Earth, rather than letting
min D3 and what is the best route for very common to have high levels breast cancer cases and two thirds of it return to space. With heat waves, droughts, storms, floods
absorption? The level that’s appropri- of cortisol interfere with the proper colorectal cancer cases, it may just be and rising sea levels, climate zones that support specific eco-
ate for one’s use depends upon blood absorption of vitamin D. Individuals the miracle we’ve been waiting for in systems are in jeopardy. Plants and animals on land and sea
testing, including the measurement with high stress levels may find it this century. that do not adapt are facing extinction. According to NASA,
of both D2 and D3 levels. Less than difficult to reach optimal ranges be- In summary, vitamin D usage human-activity-caused greenhouse gas emissions are the
optimal levels should be repleted cause of their adrenal function being includes preventing multiple sclerosis, most important factor in global climate change. Performing
aggressively, especially in those abnormal. solid tumor cancers, arthritis, hyper- regular service for your car, driving less and ride-sharing
individuals who already suffer from Sunshine converting the oils in our tension, heart disease, obesity, age will help to reduce CO2 emissions. According to the EPA, in
cancer, autoimmune disease or some skin to the most active form of vita- related macular degeneration, tuber- 2009 close to 50% of U.S. human-related methane emis-
other serious inflammatory or infec- min D may unfortunately be imprac- culosis and insulin resistance issues sions came from landfills, ruminant digestion and manure
tious disorder. Many now agree that tical. New studies demonstrate that that can lead to diabetes mellitus. The management. So, compost, recycle and repurpose instead of
vitamin D deficiency is the number it could take up to 48 hours before National Cancer Institute suggests sending your garbage to the dump. Give up eating meat and
one cause of contracting influenza, vitamin D is absorbed; it is likely that that 80% of cancer cases could be encourage others to do the same.
and optimum vitamin D3 levels are most individuals would have show- prevented. It certainly behooves us to The monumental task to course-correct requires a
probably our best insurance for escap- ered by that time. Complete cloud easily check our vitamin D2 and D3 paradigm shift from taking from the Earth to giving to the
ing the flu in winter months. cover and shade could reduce ultra- levels and replete them accordingly Earth. A network of awakened Citizens of Earth can do it:
Most of us will require violet radiation by 50 – 60%. Please on a regular basis. eat an herbivore’s diet, harness the intensity of the sun, and
5,000 – 8,000 IUs daily, just to main- note that UVB light, required for the Nature Has Everything In Place share the light. We’re all counting on you…

48 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g He al i ng Ou r Wo rl d »« Su ns h i n e 49

© Jennifer Girard Photography

Join Viktoras in Author of the best seller

The Bright Side of Sunshine,

cont’d from p. 31
People who think that they are get-
same rays blocked by sunscreens. You
can only get these rays during the day
from spring to fall. If you work indoors
known stimulants for the sex glands,
and it helps more ailments than all
the drugs in the world. Is it any won-
Tropical Costa Rica *Survival In The

ting strong bones from milk are also or live in an area that makes it impos- der why people feel better in the sun? in the Waterfall Paradise of Montezuma
misinformed. We know that people sible to get enough sun, you might In conclusion, here are some final
who have a vitamin D deficiency can consider a whole food supplement. tips on how to benefit from sunshine:
be at risk for rickets. It’s a heartbreak- Vitamin D not only makes strong » The longer your shadow, the safer Retreats and Residency
ing situation to witness, and it is bones and healthy teeth, but also it is to go in the sun! Available All Year Long
usually caused when there is a low increases the number of white cells
» Limit sun exposure to one hour
concentration of calcium in the bones. in the blood. Accommodations, meals, juices,
(total) per session.
The problem here is not a shortage of White cells are the body’s health yoga, hands-on training and learn-
calcium, but a deficiency of vitamin D, defense against infections and are When you lie in the sun, try to have by-doing with Viktoras all included
which helps regulate the distribution important to your immune system. your head to the north and feet to the
of calcium to the bones. The ultravio- Vitamin D also increases the south. (This is also beneficial when
Rev. Viktoras Kulvinskas, MS,
let rays of the sun also regulate the amount of oxygen that your blood sleeping, as it enhances Polarity Ther-
Hippocrates Health Educator
calcium in the body. According to Dr. transports around your body, and apy.) Spend at least one third of your Yoga, Living Foods, Sun, Swimming, Bishop of the Essene Order
Bernard Jensen, without these proper this will increase your energy and “lying down“ time with your head six Waterfall Excursions, Ziplines,
Co-Founder of Hippocrates Health Institute
ultraviolet rays you could incur health improve your mental state. Sunshine inches lower than your feet. This al-
concerns such as: arthritis, harden- is the greatest promoter of digestion, lows your blood to nourish your brain and more.
Contact: 561-290-7220
ing of the arteries and many other healing, life and fertility, and it is and takes toxins from your legs and
problems. nature’s nerve tonic. It increases the feet to the heart for purification.
Human beings absolutely need sun- quality of your blood by 25%. It helps Enjoy the Bright Side of Sunshine,
light to make vitamin D, but the UVB to control your weight and utilize understanding that even nectar,
rays we require for this process are the your foods better. It is among the best when taken to excess, will always Starting at $100 a day To Register or Learn More, Go To
become a poison.
Spiritual Flame, cont’d from p. 35 powerful life force spark through this Ancient Essenes, and the manner of
Sungazing is a long tradition and is special photographic method. Cooked, which they honored and respected

Chew On This…
now a studied science. Hira Ratan dead food has no glow or essence at the sun. They held an aware con-
Manek of has done all. Once raw foods are cooked, the sciousness of various forces and
some fascinating work in regard to sun energy is expelled and no longer forms of energy, which surrounded
living on only the sun as nourish- available. them and perpetually flowed toward
ment. He has done many extensive, Those who live under a dim, over- them from nature and the cosmos.
medically monitored fasts. In 2001, cast and chem-trailed sky where the They lived to master all these natu-
Visit Southeast Florida’s Only All Organic Market and Café.
Manek fasted for 375 days on nothing solar energy is filtered and somewhat ral forces, and utilized these sacred
Now Serving Full Hot Breakfast
but sun and water. He achieves these diminished may feel their soul being currents of energy by distributing
amazing feats simply by harvesting beckoned to a more optimal, sun- the solar power throughout the body. Featuring a selection of:
Raw and Vegan food
his fuel and sustenance just like the drenched environment to recharge They also had the wisdom to never
Gluten-free Desserts
plants do — via photosynthesis. the battery of the spirit. It is impor- cook their food, unless it was done by Superfoods
There is a long history of Breath- tant to remember the sun must be the sun and the sun alone.
arianism in many cultures. Living treated with a great deal of respect. Within their daily communion was “For the rest of my life,
on light and air could very well be Just as when one makes changes in their prayer to the Angel of the Sun:
the manner of which mankind first their diet, it is wise to take some slow Let thy love be as the Angel of Sun
I want to reflect on
“arrived” on planet Earth. It could measures and precautionary steps which shines upon all the creatures of what light is”
very well also be the path humans are with sun exposure. These include the earth, and does not favor even one
returning to as a species. staying hydrated, eating a sun- blade of grass for another.
— Albert Einstein
Another field of interest is the tech- protective diet and covering up when Angel of Sun I invoke thee. Thou art
nology of Kirlian photography, as it exposed to the sun during peak hours the fountain of light that warms our
truly confirms the enegetic difference (see Elizabeth Plourde’s article on days and lights our path. It is by your
Mon–Sat 8–8 Sun 10–6
between “sun-cooked” and oven- page 36 for details). glory that man is born to live the words
cooked foods. It’s beautiful to witness One of the greatest examples of of the Holy Law, and as each morning
raw, living foods glow and radiate a reverence for the sun comes from the comes, I shall embrace thee. Albert Einstein, 1921
Photograph by F. Schmutzer

50 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g He al i ng Ou r Wo rl d »« Su ns h i n e 51

Electromagnetic Therapies, the Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve cies used to convert the positive-
cont’d from p. 19 Stimulation (TENS) technology was charged stem cells into tissue, organs,
Abraham Flexner, who was hired by allowed (not approved, recommended nerves, etc., also provide significant
John D. Rockefeller to establish the
American Medical Association, de-
or studied) by the FDA, the electrically-
based heart pacemaker was also
pain relief for most compromised
health conditions. Hey, baby…
clared that any healing discipline that
did not use pharmaceutical-grade
drugs to help cure patients was tan-
permitted. The TENS unit connects
two or more electrodes over an area of
pain: when pulsed at 10 Hertz, the unit
The lasers used in the SCS system
are not powered by wall socket elec-
tricity. The SCS is the only device in the
Got Sprouts?
tamount to quackery and charlatan- stimulates muscle contraction; when world to utilize structured electricity
ism. The base, or foundation, of most frequencies above 50 Hertz are used, created by a computer program and
pharmaceutical drugs is petroleum muscles do not contract. amplifiers to power the lasers, internal
products. Therefore, oil tycoon Rock- The next advance in electromedicine pulse, audio frequencies and the :
efeller was protecting both his profits occurred in 1981 when Electronic Wave- negative-ion generator. SCS inventor,
and control, and the profits and con- form Lab released devices that utilized Brian David Andersen, is a Nemen-
trol of the ruling class, with the result an ultra-low frequency known as the hah Medicine Man, and the SCS is a Sprouts (561) 689-9464
being that most medical schools were H-Wave.® The H-Wave website states, Nemenhah Sacred Sacrament. “Stem Seeds 1880 W. 10TH STREET
forced to remove all electrical-based “By simply placing adhesive pads on Cell Stimulation” treatments are avail- RIVIERA BEACH, FL 33404
healing modalities from use. The the skin and connecting to the device, able at Hippocrates Health Institute.
Food & Drug Administration (FDA) H-Wave can create very comfortable The author of this article predicts
Check out our
waged war on doctors and individuals and strong muscle contractions. A that within the next 50 years, elec-
new website:
such as Lakhovsky who attempted to 30-minute treatment will contract tromedicine devices such as H-Wave
promote wellness and heal the sick muscles and increase fluid shifts in and the Stem Cell Stimulator, will We also sell juicers We ship & deliver!
with electrical and vibrational related the area, significantly addressing be the logical and dominant healing and growing supplies!
devices. The efforts of the FDA were symptoms in the most rehabilitative modalities utilized by a majority of
unwittingly fortified by the efforts of way possible. The goal of H-Wave is the population and for their domestic
hucksters who threw together electri- never to mask symptoms, but rather to animal population. Let the “waves
cal components to sell bogus devices, speed recovery and/or manage chronic roll” and “lights pulse on” to stimu-
further tainting the industry and symptoms with several treatments per late, heal and energize for maximum
planting doubt in the minds of many day/week depending on the situation. quality life extension.
potential beneficiaries. Some of these
hucksters were most likely on the
The same H-Wave technology used in
our medical products can be applied in-
Rockefeller payroll. traorally to achieve a strong anesthetic
Transducers and probes contain- effect. H-Wave treatments are available great
ing various arrays of piezoelectric at Hippocrates Health Institute. selection
crystals are the components of a One of the next cutting edge
modality known as ultrasound that electromedicine device is called Juicers
emerged on the medical scene in the the Stem Cell Stimulator (SCS) by
1960s. After the author of this article Tri-Vortex Technology. Stem cells Dehydrators
pulled a hamstring muscle while are the root cells that transform into Blenders
playing junior high school football in tissues, organs, nerves, etc., and are
1967, he had his first encounter with created in the marrow portion of W
Spiral slicers
electromedicine. An ultrasound unit human bones. The SCS utilizes pulsed Reviews Videos
was utilized — with the gel smeared frequencies, lasers, intra-sound
on the hamstring — and the machine (60 to 10,000 Hertz), audio frequen-
(707) 581-1701
cranked up high due to the “no pain, cies and negative ions to stimulate
no gain” attitude of the football coach- a person’s stem cells, imparting a
es. This unique and interesting experi- positive charge. The target areas of
ence produced much discomfort, and pain, injury or health challenges are Y
garnered only minimal results. given a negative charge that attracts
Once electromedicine technology the positive-charged stem cells. The
was successfully tested and proven in coordinated, structured frequencies
Europe, the FDA was forced to release pulsing through the body do not
their stifling grip and allow the use of cause muscles to contract, but rather
a small number of non-pharmaceuti- provide a soothing, relaxed condition
cal devices beginning in the 1970s. As for the recipient. Intra-sound frequen-

52 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g He al i ng Ou r Wo rl d »« Su ns h i n e 53

You Are My Sunshine, cont’d from p. 22 quent cave “astronauts,” developed a Melatonin, Light and
These photosensitive retinal ganglion regular 48-hour day: thirty six hours of Immune Function
cells, in conjunction with the pineal continuous waking activity followed
Melatonin levels influence immune
hormone, melatonin, act as an inner by twelve to fourteen hours of sleep.
function, with high levels promoting
gyroscope to regulate body rhythms Reflecting on their experiences, they
and low levels suppressing a number
with changing light. Melatonin is said they noticed no differences in the
of immune system parameters. The
synthesized and released in rhyth- “longer” days. Although Siffre offered
detection of melatonin receptors in
mic fashion by the pineal gland. This no theories about the 48-hour rhythm,
various lymphoid organs and in lym-
process occurs deep within the brain he proved that there was an internal
phocytes suggests a close link between
in the absence of light, during the clock independent of the natural terres-
immune function and alignment with
dark portion of the day-night cycle, trial day/night cycle. Fascinating stuff.
circadian rhythms.
and is suppressed by light via visual
Light and Mood In addition, melatonin has been
and non-visual pathways, creating
shown to be a powerful antioxidant,
a unique biofeedback loop. We need In 1984 the National Institute of Mental
and has oncostatic (cancer-stopping)
light; we need dark. Health (NIMH) in Bethesda, Maryland,
properties, so anything that inhibits
Abnormally timed melatonin pro- published their preliminary findings
melatonin production increases cancer
duction, as an indicator of circadian with bright light therapy, describing a
risk. Regular exposure to a 60 Hz
rhythm disorder, is commonly found new syndrome called Seasonal Affec-
electromagnetic field (EMF), the type
in people working “off” hours (“grave- tive Disorder (SAD). The criteria for SAD
of electricity flowing through our
yard” or other late night shifts), people include the recurrent appearance of de-
household electrical grid, significantly
traveling long distances in airplanes, pressive symptoms during the autumn
reduces melatonin secretion during
and people in hospitals, especially In- or winter, with remission at the arrival
night cycles. Animals treated with
tensive Care Units, where sleep cycles of spring. SAD’s mood changes are
fluoride had consistently lower mela-
tend to be disturbed. Radical treatment clearly seasonal and related to sunlight
tonin levels than the control group.
of circadian rhythm disorder involves intensity and day length.
Many other studies show abnormal
sussing out an individual’s dim light The only clinical feature separating
daily melatonin profiles in a number of
melatonin onset (DLMO), the threshold SAD and Major Depressive Disorder
psychiatric and neurological disorders,
of darkness that allows for melatonin is the SAD patients’ rapid and robust
suggesting that our basic relationship
release, and then administering appro- response to bright light therapy.
with light (and dark) plays into well-
priately timed bright light along with
Bright Light Therapy ness and illness at many levels.
low doses of melatonin.
Artificial light at night, in the form of
At least two properties of light,
Life Without the Sun partial spectrum lighting systems, TVs,
intensity and spectrum, have been
and computer screens, especially when
On February 13, 1972, 33-year-old French investigated to determine the optimal
it disturbs our sleep, ends up suppress-
geologist Michel Siffre, now known treatment regimen for SAD. Broad-
ing melatonin secretion. Artificial light
as the father of the new science of spectrum white light and cool white
robs the body the same way processed
chronobiology, climbed into Midnight light have been found to be equally
food does. Our cells crave and need
Cave near Del Rio, Texas, and didn’t effective, and ultraviolet rays found
natural light, and natural dark.
come out again until September 5. He to be ineffective. Broad-spectrum Create your home oasis with the safest & most effective far infrared sauna available
lived deep beneath the surface of the light therapy includes wavelengths Final Word
earth, where there were no calendars between 280 – 320 nm which allow the
Embodying a finely tuned photosen-
or clocks, timing devices, or anything skin to produce vitamin D. Seasonal
that would help him establish the day Affective Disorder is prevalent when
sitivity, and an intrinsic light-based
cellular communication system, we
Signature® Far Infrared Sauna
or time. In the absence of a light-dark vitamin D stores are typically low, and
are creatures of light, bound by the sSolocarbon® heaters proven the most effective on the market
cycle, and sleeping and eating only therefore vitamin D may be an impor-
cycles of light and dark as dictated by
when his body told him to, his goal was tant treatment for SAD. Light of short sNon-existent EMF technology ensures ultimate safety
our planet and our sun. Our very con-
to discover how the natural rhythms to medium wavelengths (blue/green/
sciousness emerges out of light, and sClinically-tested for detoxification, heart health & weight loss
of human life would be affected by yellow) was essential for the therapeu-
our health depends on it. sAcoustic Resonance Therapy for deeper state of relaxation
living “beyond time”, and without the tic effect, while red wavelengths were
For proper balance, we need undis- .
sun. For the first month, Siffre fell into relatively ineffective.
turbed light exposure, as well as un-
regular sleep-wake cycles that were The minimum intensity considered Sunlighten saunas are used at Hippocrates Health Institute. Mention HHI for special savings
disturbed darkness. Light and dark are
only slightly longer than 24 hours. But to be “bright light” has been approxi-
both our friends. Get right with light. sunlighten TM

after that, his cycles began varying

randomly, ranging from 18 to 52 hours,
mately 2500 lx, and such treatments
should last for at least two hours for
Please don’t take my sunshine away. Call 877.292.0020 or visit empowering wellness TM

And for God’s sake, let me sleep!

and eventually, he and other subse- the best effect, in the early morning.

54 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g detoxification relaxation weight loss pain relief blood pressure reduction improved circulation skin purification
Sunscreens, cont’d from p. 36 turers reduced their size down to nano- this shows that nanoparticles cross
Formulations now contain several sized particles (1/5,000 the diameter the placenta, it is likely that damage
filtering chemicals, as each chemical of a human hair), a size so small they could occur in human babies who Sun & Disease, cont’d from p. 11
only filters a certain portion of the become invisible to the eye. are exposed in the uterus to these Endorphins. UVR increases blood levels of natural opiates
solar spectrum. Some of the chemi- Titanium dioxide nanoparticles microscopic-sized metallic oxides. called endorphins. Melanocytes in human skin express a
cals are potent hormones capable of were U.S. FDA approved to be incorpo- Manufacturers becoming aware fully functioning endorphin receptor system, according to
exerting estrogenic, anti-estrogenic, rated in sunscreen formulas without of the studies proving nanoparticle the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, and a study pub-
testosterone and anti-testosterone safety testing because the metallic harm have changed their formula- lished in Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology suggests that
effects. Due to their hormonal actions, oxide in its natural or bulk form state tions to slightly larger size particles, the cutaneous pigmentary system is an important stress-
they are termed “endocrine disrupt- has been considered safe. These tiny calling them micronized. These have response element of the skin.
ing chemicals” (EDCs). Most of these particles were released for consumer been rapidly incorporated into prod- In other words, sunshine has many benefits, as long
filter either UVA or UVB only. use before studies were performed to ucts that are marketed as “safe for as we take it in a balanced fashion, just like the other
The metallic oxides of titanium and assure they were safe for humans or children.” This change in size is insig- elements of our lives: nutrition, sleep, exercise, work, rest
zinc have the ability to scatter (reflect that aquatic and marine life would nificant in terms of skin absorption. and, ultimately, a balanced mind. We can enjoy these
away from the skin) both UVA and not be harmed. A study that compared the effects of benefits for the rest of our lives, and take comfort in the
UVB (zinc oxide handles the full spec- Researchers, however, are finding nanosized versus micronized par- fact that the sun is one constant in our lives that will
trum while titanium dioxide covers that the radically reduced size re- ticles found the same harmful effects always be there for us and our children as well, the source
UVB and only a portion of the UVA) so sults in radically different behaviors from both sizes: abnormal nucleus in of life on our planet.
they have been combined with EDCs of metallic oxides. Titanium dioxide sperm, testicle cell death and in-
in most formulations available today. nanoparticles are so tiny, they not only creased cell division in the esophagus
cross the cellular membrane, they cross and colon. The study also revealed Dirty Electricity, cont’d from p. 14
Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide
into the nucleus of the cell as well, the micronized size created disrupted The external and internal metal functions as antennas for
Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide began where they damage DNA and disrupt cell division in bone marrow cells, electromagnetic smog therefore causing what some pio-
to be used in sunscreen formulations normal cell division. They also cross the an effect that was not seen with the neering medical professionals term as hot spots of activity,
because of their broad-spectrum cover- protective blood – brain barrier and are nanosized particles. It is clear that the creating very negative conditions around the location of
age. In their bulk form, metallic oxides capable of killing brain cells. micronized particles are no safer than the metal and throughout the body. Another contributing
make a sunscreen that is a thick white The offspring of mice exposed nanosized and should not be used, factor that exasperates the negative impact of dirty electric-
paste. To make the formulation thinner to titanium dioxide nanoparticles particularly on children. ity and electromagnetic smog is the fact that a majority
and less visible on the skin, manufac- undergo large DNA deletions. Since cont’d on p. 58 of the population is severely dehydrated (read more about
hydration in John Kohler’s article on page 20). Cells that
Sunshine and Diet, cont’d from p. 40 moon has gravitational effects on of the body. Artificial lighting plays are nutritionally depleted, dehydrated and under assault
“Have you never noticed that the only oceans and rivers, it also influences havoc with our body cycles, negating by dirty electricity and electromagnetic smog are suscep-
grapes that become perfectly ripe and your anatomy to release water and our natural eating schedule. Television tible to fatigue, pain and disease. Therefore, maintaining
sweet, and that the only peaches that toxins. The fuller the moon, the more and video games stimulate our brains nutritional balance and proper water hydration are two key
take on those beautiful red cheeks, and cleansing takes place. Cleansing is so that we can’t rest. Together, they steps in preventing your cells from being “toasted” by dirty
offer that luscious sweetness, are those slowed down if the toxins that are sup- actually make us hungry at times we electricity and electromagnetic smog.
that are on the outside, entirely uncov- posed to be released during the night should be abstaining from food. (They In Spring 2012, Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) suc-
ered by the leaves and exposed to the are held back by a heavy meal eaten also have a stimulating effect on the cessfully tested and now universally uses a pioneering
sun? God’s laws are the same in the ani- within a couple of hours of bedtime. body that can wipe out our energy application called the Tri-Vortex Technology Meter Ring.
mal world. We all need to baptize our- The key is to sleep on an empty stom- and elevate stress levels. As it becomes This specially-treated steel wire cable placed around Smart
selves freely in God’s glorious sunshine. ach. This advice can sometimes worry dark outside, lights should be dimmed Meters and Web Meters does not negate or alter the electri-
People who don’t get good sunshine people, because no one likes to experi- or, even better, turned off.) cal currents or microwaves emitted by these meters, but the
are usually very pale.” These examples ence hunger. So I have to assure them There are four requirements for sur- energy waves emitted by the Tri-Vortex Technology Meter
by Dr. Lewis are excellent ways to show that, when the body is working the way vival: air, water, sunlight and nourish- Ring interweaves and intertwines with the emitted electric-
how we need the natural light of the it should, and we are eating at the cor- ment. Eliminating any of these for a ity and microwaves of the Smart and Web Meters. When
sun to help us digest our food. rect times, our appetite will naturally certain period will affect the body neg- all three energies encounter biological cells, the molecules
diminish as the moon rises and the sun atively. Water, fruits, vegetables, proper vibrate to the coherent energies of the Tri-Vortex Meter Ring
Cleansing versus digesting
sets. You won’t “go to bed hungry.” chewing and sunlight help us receive rather than to the chaotic electrical and microwave energies.
Once the sun goes down, and the One reason many people seem to be these requirements. Nature provides All Smart Meters on HHI’s grounds are surrounded by
moon appears in the sky, the body hungry at nighttime is due to the stim- the ideal foods found in the soil and on a Tri-Vortex Technology Meter Ring.
switches from ideal digestive time ulating effects of artificial lighting, vines and trees. We have teeth to chew Details of HHI test results are available at http://trivortex.
(day) to ideal cleansing time (night). entertainment (TV, videos, loud music, our food, and we have the sun to sup- com/MeterRing.html, for investigation and examination of
Just as the sun’s rays support diges- and the like) and eating at the wrong ply us with heat, vitamins and light. It the application of the Tri-Vortex Meter Ring for use on your
tion, the moon (and its gravitational times. All of these things will cause us is no accident that they all fit together home or commercial Smart or Web Meter.
pull) supports cleansing. Just as the to diminish the natural intelligence like puzzle pieces.

56 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g He al i ng Ou r Wo rl d »« Su ns h i n e 57

Sunscreens, cont’d from p. 56 of solar radiation. When the chemicals Mass Compliance in Sunscreen Use ing increase in wireless electromagnetic Protecting Earth’s Waters and Oceans
are combined, this process occurs more field (EMF) devices. EMF radiation in-
Chemical Combos Are More Toxic As a result of the tremendously suc- Corals are spherical shaped animals that
rapidly. Due to their rapid degradation creases the ability for chemicals to enter
cessful promotion of sunscreen use, one exist in a symbiotic relationship with
By combining the chemicals and metals (i.e. 20 minutes), studies prove there is the fetus.
of the commonly utilized sunscreen the algae that live within it. They each
to achieve a more broad-spectrum cov- less harm to the skin without the use There are multiple reasons to suspect
chemicals, benzophenone-3 (BP3), supply what the other needs. The algae
erage, these formulations are capable of sunscreens compared to when sun- sunscreen chemicals’ involvement in
is now found in the blood of 97% of provide the nutrients and oxygen the
of creating more harm. Research shows screen is applied. Since these chemicals the current epidemics of autism and
Americans, including 90% of those who coral needs for survival, while the coral
that one chemical may not be harmful wear off as well as photodegrade so attention deficit hyperactivity disor-
stated they had never used sunscreens. provides the algae with carbon dioxide.
by itself, but when it is combined with rapidly, the FDA recommends reapply- der (ADHD). Autism’s probable link to
Sunscreen chemicals are also found in The algae combine the carbon dioxide
other chemicals, the new complexes ing them every two hours. Reapplica- sunscreens is evident in several features
85% of nursing mothers’ milk samples. with water and, with the aid of the sun’s
can become toxic. This is becoming so tion will only increase the toxic load that autistic children display: gender
This means that children are drinking energy, produce carbohydrates (a process
apparent, scientists who conduct these the body will have to endure from these differences, thyroid disruption, racial
potent hormones during critical stages called photosynthesis). Each cannot
studies are recommending that all already harmful chemicals. differences, DNA deletions and a rise
of early development. survive without the other; when the
future research on possible toxic effects in incidence that parallels a rise in sun-
Sunscreens’ False Sense of Security Sunscreen chemicals are also found algae die, the coral also dies. Since algae
of sunscreen chemicals should be con- screen use.
in household dust, which means we are provide the beautiful colors in the reefs,
ducted on chemicals mixed together in There are several reasons why this Sunscreen chemicals are potent anti-
breathing them into our lungs. New the loss of the algae results in the loss
combinations. Studying only one chemi- approach to blocking solar radiation testosterones. Interestingly, there are
aerosol spray-on sunscreens have even of the color, as well as the death of the
cal at a time has resulted in missing on the skin should be abandoned as five times more boys diagnosed with
greater access to the body, as they coral. This loss of life is characterized by
their newly created toxicities, and led quickly as possible. The increase in skin autism than girls.
are capable of being inhaled through a “bleaching” of the coral.
to approval of chemicals that are not as cancers is due to the fact that sunscreen Research shows that EMF radiation,
the lungs. The first bleaching event was in 1979.
safe as we have been led to believe. formulations have been created to filter combined with toxic chemicals, acts
In looking at the areas in the world that
out the ultraviolet (UV) portion of the Fetal Development Disrupted synergistically (they create more harm
Sunscreens Inactivated by Sunlight have been affected, it starts when tourist
sun’s rays, which accounts for only 4% in combination than the sum of their
If decreasing the risk of skin cancers populations explode in the regions. Both
Sunscreen chemicals or metals can of the total radiation that penetrates independent effects). EMF studies iden-
is not reason enough to stop using the Belize Barrier Reef and Australia’s
become inactivated upon exposure to the skin. tify that the radiation causes decreases
sunscreens, the most critical reason to Great Barrier Reef did not experience
sunlight — a process called photodegra- Studies on the near infrared (NIR) in the brain’s primary neurotransmitter,
avoid these products is the disruption coral bleaching until large numbers of
dation. When inactivated, they no lon- portion of the solar spectrum indicate gamma butyric acid (GABA). EMF also
they cause to fetal development. When tourists began flocking to their reefs.
ger are capable of blocking their share these rays penetrate much deeper than causes calcium imbalances and creates
laboratory animals show fetal disrup- Studies identifying where bleaching is
the UVA rays and are capable of causing leaky gut syndrome. Autistic children
tion, it follows that our human offspring occurring find more of this deleterious
both cancerous changes, as well as de- also demonstrate alterations in these
are being subjected to the same harm- effect in areas more populated by people
stroying collagen and elastin, the loss of areas, which are covered in more detail
ful changes. in the water (read: more sunscreen in
which results in photoaging of the skin. in the book, EMF Freedom — Solutions
Studies on lab animals and fish the water).
These more harmful rays make up 47% for the 21st Century Pollution (New Voice
show the chemicals disrupt general The chemicals capable of causing coral
of the solar radiation, far greater than Publications, 2013).
metabolic, thyroid and reproductive death in 96 hours are the BP-3 (benzo-
the 4% that reaches the skin from the
development. Reproductive disrup- phenone-3), OMC (octyl methoxycinna-
total UVA and UVB spectrum. By turn-
ing off our red “warning light” — our
tion is clearly shown by fish exposed mate) and 4-MBC (4-methylbenzylidene HIPPOCRATES
to just one sunscreen chemical. These camphor), as well as the preservative
sunburn — that would, in the past, make
fish develop both male and female butyl paraben (BP). The study used con-
us seek cover from the sun, chemical
sunscreens make us feel safe staying in
reproductive parts that are intermixed centrations of the chemicals consistent FROM UK
together (eggs within testicles and tes- with the practice of applying sunscreen
the sun longer. This allows the deeper 3-WEEK
ticular tissue within ovaries). Research- and then showering it off before enter-
infiltrating NIR rays to penetrate our
ers have coined the term “intersex” for ing the water. LIFE TRANSFORMATION
skin for extended periods of time.
These results highlight the fact that
these chemically altered offspring. This Not only does the research confirm PROGRAM
sexual confusion leads some fish to stop that sunscreen chemicals kill coral on
sunscreens do not protect the skin
spawning altogether. contact, it also demonstrates that the 28 July – 17 Aug 2013
as they have been heavily promoted,
titanium and zinc oxide nanoparticles
rather they increase the risks of skin Sunscreen Chemicals and EMF
kill phytoplankton. Phytoplankton are 10% Discount Gift Card
cancers and promote photoaging. The Radiation Connections to Autism off the cost of your stay
critical to the survival of life on this
truth is, our skin was not designed to
Sunscreens and cell phones came onto planet. Not only are they essential as
stay in the sun 10, 20 or 30 times longer Enjoy Extra Support & Community Spirit.
the market in the 1970s and increased the foundation of the marine food chain, Join our Group with
than we should just because we do not
in use throughout the 1980s. The rise phytoplankton are also estimated to Hippocrates Health Educator,
experience a painful burn. We are stay-
in the incidence of autism began in be responsible for the production of Zoe Socrates.
ing in the sun much longer than is safe
the mid-1980s, and parallels the rise in 50 – 90% of the world’s oxygen. Contact Zoe Socrates for details:
because the sunscreens have provided a
sunscreen use along with the unrelent-
false sense of security.

58 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g He al i ng Ou r Wo rl d »« Su ns h i n e 59

Scientists have estimated that phy- which means fibromyalgia can arise. found in sunscreens. Titanium dioxide to make sure that you find the most tive build-up in their food chains. Since
toplankton population in the world’s
oceans has been reduced by 40% com-
Low vitamin D levels also lead to
weaker pelvic floors in women, which
is the most common chemical among
them, and is found in most makeup
potent antioxidants that will work best
in protecting you from the sun.
antioxidants are a simple antidote,
there is no need to keep contaminat-
FREE Report
pared to 1950. Multiple studies identify has increased the prevalence of Cae- and lipsticks. Titanium dioxide is also Skin formulations that are rich in ing our planet and its water systems.
that nanoparticles are toxic to fish, sarean deliveries, as well as bladder approved as a food additive and has antioxidants including aloe vera, coco- The only way sunscreen chemicals
finding them in their gills, livers, hearts incontinence. found its way into many food products nut oil, vitamin E, borage seed oil, and will decrease in the environment is
and brains. Sufficient vitamin D levels are es- sold in grocery stores, as well as prod- shea butter can help protect the skin through decreased use. By educat-
sential for proper fetal development. ucts in natural food stores. from the outside in while you protect ing people to use diet and lifestyle
Sunscreens Block Our Vital Vitamin D
Research identifies that a toxic chemi- Some manufacturers claim to use your skin from the inside out through changes not only to protect our bodies,
Mass promotions advising people cal (e.g. sunscreen chemical) capable of only the “bulk” form of titanium diox- your diet. Many people have told me but also to protect our precious ocean
to shun the sun has led vitamin D disrupting nerve cell formation, com- ide and zinc oxide, and deny the use of that the information in my book is cor- and water life, this aim is within reach.
deficiency to become a worldwide bined with deficient vitamin D, is be- nanoparticles, stating this makes their rect as they eat high anti-oxidant diets Utilizing the recommendations in
15 00
pandemic. These messages tell the ing identified as a cause of ADHD (an products safe. In reality, studies show and can stay out in the sun most of this article, the use of sunscreens will value
populous to avoid the sun unless they autism disorder). The level of damage that these bulk products still contain the day and not even turn color — even never be necessary. Hopefully manu-
are wearing sunscreen. What they do depends on the stage of neurological some nanosized particles. This is be- those with very fair complexions. facturers will stop making the harmful
not tell the public is that sunscreen development that was occurring when cause there is no way to screen out the Applying olive oil to the skin after chemicals if we stop buying them.
chemicals block the body’s ability the fetus, infant or child was exposed smaller particles from being included sun exposure has been proven to What started out as a project to save
to manufacture vitamin D. The UVB to the toxic substance. in the bulk form. reverse any DNA damage that might the oceans of the world turned out to
portion of the sun’s rays (which the To produce enough vitamin D natu- have occurred. be a project to save humanity. The best
Dietary Antioxidants and Natural
chemicals block) are the very bands rally, it is important to enjoy the sun It is necessary for every individual advice is to eliminate sunscreens and
Skin Protection
that initiate production of vitamin D sensibly. Exposing the skin to sunshine to determine how much time they can adopt a diet rich in antioxidants. We
within the skin. Vitamin D performs for a short time every day will help The good news is that we do not have spend in the sun depending on the sea- can protect our children, our families
many critical tasks throughout the most people achieve healthful levels to spend money on chemicals that son and the intensity of the sun. This and ourselves, but it does require a shift
body. It is cancer protective, so block- of vitamin D. The book Sunscreens — harm us in order to be safe in the takes knowing the limits of your skin in our lifestyle and our relationship to
ing vitamin D’s formation leads to an Biohazard discusses the amount of sun. We can simply switch our diets based on your complexion and reading the sun. By eating a high antioxidant
increase in the risk of cancer, not only time you need in the sun to manufac- to focus on foods that offer natural the intensity of the sun, as well as con- diet and using common sense about Shocking truth
throughout the body, but also in the ture an adequate level of your own protection. By eating foods rich in sidering whether you are near a reflec- what time of day we are in the sun as revealed
form of skin cancer itself. vitamin D, as well as the appropriate antioxidants, we give our skin the tools tion source such as a pool or water. The well as how long, we can work and play
Vitamin D is a crucial part of our supplemental dosage (if necessary) and it needs to naturally protect our bodies body protects the skin by creating its in the sun without placing chemicals About well, spring, mineral,
overall health. Low vitamin D lev- the optimal blood levels to maintain. from solar radiation. There have been natural sunscreen, melanin. on our skin that do more harm than bottled, filtered, alkalized,
els have led to an increase in many many reasons in the past to eat a diet Clothing material is now being good, protecting ourselves and life in reverse osmosis, distilled,
Beware of Products Claiming to be
disease states. Vitamin D is essential high in antioxidants; these recent find- manufactured impregnated with the waterways of the world. tap, energized…
Natural or Safe
for absorbing calcium and regulating ings prove antioxidants are even more nanoparticles of either titanium or
proper bone development. Thus, the It has become fashionable for sun- important than previously believed. zinc oxide and rated with a UV rat- Drink the
purest water
heavy promotion of sunscreen use has
resulted not only in osteoporosis in
screen manufacturers to claim their
products are “natural” or “safe,” as
The body is designed to protect and
repair itself, and given the raw materi-
ing (UPF) protection. This is not the
answer, as the nanoparticles in the Sunscreens We should consume about
adults, but the re-emergence of rickets well as “non-chemical mineral based” als it needs to do so, it will. material can be absorbed by the skin.
2,920 glasses (182 gallons)
(soft bones that lead to bow-legged or and “child safe.” Generally these Research studies demonstrate that These nanoparticles are washed off
knock-kneed children) in the United products have titanium dioxide and/ antioxidants protect against ultraviolet to such a degree that the clothing no Biohazard each year… be water wise!
Discover the amazing
Kingdom, as well as the United States. or zinc oxide. Even if they’re labeled radiation, as well as near-infrared rays, longer provides protection after about
Vitamin D also plays a role in blood as being safe for coral reefs, reef safe providing the body with far greater 20 washes. This technology is unneces-
Treat as Hazardous Waste Waterwise systems that
sugar metabolism, therefore low levels products often contain chemicals that protection than the narrow spectral UV sary and dangerous. guarantee you consistent
of vitamin D are associated with type have been proven to kill coral. coverage provided by individual chemi- water purity…
Protecting Life on Earth
2 diabetes in adults and with children Avoid the harmful chemicals found cal sunscreens. The Sunscreens — Call for free report
being born with type 1 diabetes. The in sunscreens. Most products today Biohazard book has a chapter cover- Analyses of lakes, rivers and oceans
& Catalog!
increase in immune disorders such that list an SPF (sun protection factor) ing the numerous types of antioxidant indicate that sunscreen chemicals
as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and bowel rating contain harmful sunscreen foods, which studies show can prevent have already contaminated the water
Elizabeth Plourde, Ph.D.
disorders like Crohn’s disease is also chemical(s) and/or metal(s). Read the the harmful changes that occur at systems of the world. The ecosystems Ext 747
linked to lowered vitamin D produc- labels of all skin products you buy, the cellular level when staying in the are being affected, as these chemicals 8BUFSXJTF*ODt10#PY
tion. Deficiencies in vitamin D are as most cosmetics, body lotions and sun too long. It also includes a handy are now being found in all aquatic and More details available at: -FFTCVSH'-
also connected to muscle metabolism, shampoos contain the same chemicals reference guide to use when shopping, marine species tested, with a cumula-

60 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g He al i ng Ou r Wo rl d »« Su ns h i n e 61

to the fact that in between USA/Canada regimen specified. I was consuming the came to fine-tuning my workout regimen. Diets typically don’t work well due to
bus tours there were out of country fly finest food on the planet at Hippocrates, To this day, I am sincerely thankful to the dieter’s return to their original habits
Tony dates to Asia, Australia, South America, but I eventually slipped back into my old Oksana for her excellence and support that caused their weight gain. If diets do
at around
345 lbs. India, Africa, Scandinavia, Iceland and the habits at night. Desire does not determine through the tough times. not recommend habitual nourishment
Netherlands, not to mention European our destiny. Discipline does! My hope is to cruise through my plans that suggest preferable foods, with
bus touring or boating. Crossing the Eng- I remember when Ken and I got into a senior years gracefully and healthfully. sensible amounts and proper frequency
lish Channel, I experienced some of the conversation about weight. He wanted We all have a past, but all we truly have is that promotes permanent and safe over-
worst food on the planet. Japanese trains to gain a few pounds, and I had plenty of today. The best any of us can do is make all health, they commonly fail.
were truly the most peaceful experience. weight to release. As a motivating gesture the choice to enjoy today and make the Diets that focus on a single energy
I entertained the idea of exercising dur- we made a $100 bet. We set individual most out of every minute. source, suggesting erroneous sums of
ing touring, but I was so exhausted from goals and a timeframe to achieve them. I January 2012 I weighed 188 lbs., carbohydrates, fats, or proteins, are out of Tony
traveling, sound checking and perform- started out pretty good but I really wasn’t having lost 150 lbs from October of 2010. balance with the human bodies natural at around
275 lbs.
ing that all I wanted to do was rest and ready. When Ken won the bet, he did not I expressed to Drs. Brian and Anna Maria requirements. Weight loss and overall
Workin’ a New Program, recoup from bouncing around. I always want to take my money, but I insisted. The Clement, directors of Hippocrates Health health are inseparable. Do people still There must be realistic and mature ex-
cont’d from p. 33 thought I could — and would — tour in- lesson was that my goals should not be Institute, my passion to be of service buy into the Atkins Diet? Do they really pectations, decisions and goals. Behavior
Indoor venues had smorgasbords of dead definitely, but after 34 years, my body was about winning some prize; my priorities to others, and put forward an opportu- believe they should cut out carbohydrates changes must be embraced and assimi-
food. Now let’s go backstage. The green losing the fight. I felt a call to do more had to be self-respect and permanent nity for Hippocrates to launch a weight and eat all the fat, saturated fat, and lated into the process of your dietary and
rooms were not really green, they were with my life, so it was time to take off lifestyle changes, not just going on a diet. management program. They were all for cholesterol they want without paying lifestyle development. The science and
perpetually stocked with alcohol, deli the gloves. When people say they are “going on a it, but Brian gave voice to the fact that my a considerable price? The primary role art of nutrition involves many particular
items, cold cuts, white bread and rolls, In 2004, I resigned from touring and diet” the term implies that in the future desire, experience and testimony would of carbohydrates is to provide the body qualities that include biological, social
butter, mustard, mayo, ketchup, cheese, Miriam and I moved to Fort Lauderdale, they will “go off” the diet. not be sufficient. I needed to acquire certi- energy (calories) for the brain and nervous and culinary skills. Hippocrates Health In-
crackers, chips, cookies, candy, cakes, pies, Florida, mainly to get out of the cold and October 2010, I was 58 and I weighed fications in nutritional and wellness coun- system. Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins stitute provides more than anyone could
donuts, water, coffee, milk, sugar, table restore my health. When we arrived, we 338 lbs. Ever since those hurricanes, I had seling, as well as all the other require- all play roles in energy metabolism. When possibly ask for to succeed. Brian Clement
salt, black pepper and sodas. Sometimes were instantly led to Calvary Chapel Fort not set foot in a gym. Miriam had become ments to appropriately counsel people for we consume healthy food, we do not have himself once struggled with obesity and
they would have a veggie tray with some Lauderdale. I have been serving on their frustrated with the roller coaster ride. weight management. Anna Maria to be obsessed with counting calories. has been victorious for many years. I
gooey dip. worship team for many years now. I am I truly wanted to change for her and for and I immediately took action and Nature takes care; the body knows what would like to thank Hippocrates for this
For overnight drives the bus would also in the process of recording a new myself, and I did not want to enter into we worked diligently through 2012. to do with it. opportunity and also Dr. Mark J. Occhipinti
get loaded up with boxes of pizza, subs jazz album. my 60s in that condition. I challenged We now hold certifications from Fad diets or any time-limited weight from AFPA who, combined with my own
and whatever was retrieved from the The years in Fort Lauderdale started out myself to get into the best shape of my American Fitness Professionals and loss schemes based on poor science are experiences, have provided me with the
back stage of the venues. Ten carnivorous as I had hoped. I was eating better, exer- life once and for all. Associates. To complement my irresponsible. Be especially cautious about wisdom, materials, facilities and authority
coworkers on a tour bus sharing a little cising at a gym, swimming and jogging I joined a gym with a do or die attitude. education, I completed the 9-week anything involving drugs, potions, food to administer the Hippocrates Lifestyle
refrigerator didn’t leave much oppor- barefoot in the sand. I actually got down In the beginning, it was a struggle just Hippocrates Health Educator Program. sprinklers, powders, capsules, tablets, and Weight Management Program.
tunity to store personal produce. I once to 214 lbs. and then it happened, hurri- to walk up a flight of stairs; I now jog 101 This curriculum provided further instruc- drinks, recipe lists of “good” and “bad” You are not alone. We are 100% com-
introduced wheatgrass to the band, but canes — three of them, back to back. We flights of stairs (each flight contains 21 tion in applying the philosophies, proce- foods, calorie counting or point systems. mitted to serving you with knowledge,
only a few tried it. It became a topic of were without power for over two weeks; steps) as part of my workout routine. It is dures and skills taught and conducted at People utilizing these methods will set compassion and integrity. You may feel
humorous remarks, and ultimately it was oh well, I figured it was a good time to fire amazing how our bodies not only bounce Hippocrates Health Institute. themselves up for physiological changes free to confide in us with any questions or
a short-lived experience. up the barbecue! That was it; my festive back, but continue to develop into our May 2013 I maintain a healthy weight and diminishing health, and inevitably suggestions as you tailor your dietary and
I had a season of carrying a blender nature broke loose and within a few years mature years. I’m doing things at 60 that I of 185 lbs. At this point I have gone full they will have to recuperate just to start lifestyle needs to match the stage of your
and a juicer along with my luggage, but it I was back up to 340 lbs. It became harder never could have done when I was “older.” circle, and there’s no turning back. all over again. As far as bariatric surgery weight release journey: Pre-Contempla-
proved to be unbearably unrealistic. Many and harder for me to get motivated. I I had to believe in myself before others is concerned, the side effects or complica- tion, Contemplation, Preparation, Action,
Here It Is!
hotels do not have enough real estate joined Weight Watchers and lost about 80 could believe in me. I persevered, and by tions from most cases clearly outweigh Maintenance and, possibly, Relapse.
to accommodate front door bus service lbs., but I got bored with the routine and New Year’s Eve I weighed 298 lbs. and It is always an honor and a pleasure for the benefits. We will help you by clarifying any mis-
or parking, so in those many instances gave up. made a resolution to see my transforma- me to work with anyone in all stages of The fact is, there are no quick proce- understandings about health procedures,
disembarking blocks away from a hotel I was back in the 300s, and my inner tion through. My wife and I were praying readiness, and all conditional levels of dures or concoctions for longevity; there media contradictions, benefits, myths or
would be the only solution. At the time of voice was calling me to seek employment for help because I still had a long way to development, but that means helping you is only the natural world of law and order fears. Rest assured you are in the right
our arrival, hotel rooms were seldom ready at Hippocrates Health Institute, which go, and I had failed so many times before. help yourself to promote wellness and and cause and effect. Slowly consuming place, at the right time, for the right
for us to check into, so we would wait in by now had moved from Boston to West Our prayers were answered when Oksana independence. Your new understanding nutrient dense and adequately fibrous, purpose. In all sincerity let’s do it and get
the lobby, sometimes for hours. When I Palm Beach, Florida. The kitchen at Hip- Baiditcheva started working part time in of food and health will continue to serve low calorie food prevents overeating, and it done once and for all!
could finally stake my claim, I would take pocrates was the most applicable place for the Hippocrates kitchen. you for the rest of your life. With know- an active lifestyle and proper exercise
care of my hygiene, set up shop, run out to me to be of service. I am thankful to Chef Oksana is a wellness coach and holds ledge, optimum weight will no longer be burns the calories. Be wary of any diet For more information about
hopefully find fresh organic produce, bring Ken Blue for giving me the opportunity to many certifications. One of them is from a matter of possibility, but a matter of protocol that promises weight loss with the HHI Lifestyle and Weight
it back, process it, consume it, clean up, join his team. I wholeheartedly jumped the Hippocrates Health Educator Program. preference! This protocol is characterized no exercise. Ask yourself, “Do I simply Management Program, contact
pack everything and dress up to be ready on the wheatgrass bandwagon. I believed I told Oksana about my desire to get by a balanced caloric intake (from the want to lose weight or do I want to be Hippocrates Weight Management
in the program and I listened to many healthy, and she kindly pointed out my best variety of raw, living, organic plant truly healthy?”
Expert Tony Zamagni at
to depart for sound checks.
The toughest thing was dealing with lectures, but I was not quite ready to make misunderstandings and gave me dietary foods) with energy expended from an If health is your goal, the best approach
or (954) 873-0051
continuous jet lag and travel fatigue, due all the dietary and lifestyle changes the tips. She was also a great help when it active exercise program. is to adopt a resolution to be healthy.

62 H i p p o c r ate s He alth In stitu te »« ww w.Hi ppo c rate sInstitu te.or g He al i ng Ou r Wo rl d »« Su ns h i n e 63

Israel is Coming
Health Educator to Hippocrates!
Hippocrates Health Educator Shula Gabbay is organiz-
Your Career in Complementary Health Begins at Hippocrates ing a group of people from Israel to travel to Hippocrates
t Nine week program includes three-week HHI Life Transformation
Program* and six weeks of curriculum and lectures Health Institute located in West Palm Beach.
t Classes are Monday – Friday Please contact Shula Gabbay via email
t Hippocrates Health Educator Program includes: to learn more.
t Meals, wheatgrass and juices each day on HHI campus
t Health consultation with Registered Nurse
t Use of HHI pools, sauna and gym
t 10% discount on treatments and campus bookstore HIPPOCRATES GROUP VISIT FROM UK
t Off campus lodging is available for an additional fee
with Hippocrates Health Educator Zoe
Health Educator
Program Schedule 28 July – 17 Aug 2013
9-week 6-week See page 59 or Contact Zoe Socrates for details:
start dates start dates
June 24, 2013 July 14, 2013
Sept. 15, 2013 Oct. 6, 2013
Feb. 16, 2014 March 9, 2014

Call today to register or learn more.

(800) 842.2125
Health Educator students do not receive every treatment offered in the full price version of the Life

Transformation Program. Additional treatments may be purchased individually at a discounted price.

French translation offered.
Contact a Hippocrates agent today to
receive free brochures and DVD.
Hranicky Programme de 3 semaines avec
Cancer Program accompagnement en Français.
Exclusively at Hippocrates Health Institute Informations pour recevoir brochures et DVD.
West Palm Beach, Florida ————
An Innovative Model Incorporating: 7 au 27 juillet 2013, 15 déc 2013 au 4 janv 2014
BioPhysics Contact au Québec: Monica Péloquin, Senior Agent
BioEnergetic Regenerative Medicine rXXXJOTUJUVUIJQQPDSBUFDPN
PsychoNeuroImmunology ————
Including Diagnostic Evaluations & Applications of 16 fév au 8 mars 2014
BioEnergy Field Medicine Utilizing Advanced BioPhysics 6 au 26 avril
Dr. Valerie Hunt’s Renowned BioMeter Instrument to Contact au Québec: Roxane Vézina
Evaluate the BioEnergy Field Signature Pattern of Each .POUSÊBM 

Individual & OndaMed Technology to Stabilize & Strengthen the
BioEnergy Field to Balance the Sympathetic & Parasympathetic IJQQPDSBUFGBR!IPUNBJMDPNrSPYBOFWF[JOB!IPUNBJMDPN
Nervous System
Contact en France: Dany CulaudPV
1 3 Week Residential Programs
For Upcoming Dates in 2013 &
More Information, Please Call:
Contact au Canada or USA: Marlène Boudreault, ND.A
Hippocrates Health Institute 
Program Coordinator’
561.471.8876 Ex. 2177

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Financing Options Now Available

at Hippocrates Health Institute
Have you been dreaming of attending For Financing information,
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