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Table of Contents

Strategic Direction...........................................................................................................................1


Strategic Aims and Objectives of the organization.....................................................................2

Components of current organizational strategy...........................................................................3

The variables that have a short- and medium-term impact on the strategic goals of an

Tools for auditing and evaluating how well strategic goals and objectives are being met, such
as a wide range of diagnostic and analytical methods.................................................................4

What stakeholders should expect and how they can affect things...............................................4

Tools for diagnosing and analyzing strategic goals and objectives.............................................5

Different ways to reach organizational goals, directions, and SMART goals using different

current strategy that can be changed to fit the new strategic situation........................................6


List of Figures

Figure 1:SWOT of HP plc...............................................................................................................5

Figure 2: PEST of HP plc................................................................................................................6

Strategic Direction


In this report, I will choose the scenario. I will be considered as the manager of a medium-sized
organization and be held responsible for reviewing the selected entities’ strategic plans and their
progress towards their achievement of them. The organization selected would be HP. Global
provider of IT gear, software, and services to businesses; sometimes known as HP.

PCs, servers, storage devices, networking equipment, software, printers, scanners, plotters, and
other image tools are all part of HP's extensive product catalog. It developed the first commercial
data processing system, LaserJet printers, and the Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing
(EPIC) architecture (in collaboration with Intel), among other innovations (, 2022).

The HP Way is a set of core values that represent the company's culture and aims to encourage
creativity, appreciation for others, and a focus on the customer. In order to do this, we shall
conduct a SWOT and PESTEL analysis that would enable us to figure out the external as well as
the internal factors that would affect the organization in achieving its strategic goals and targets.
Moving on we will provide recommendations for the organization to achieve its objectives in the
most effective and cost-efficient manner possible. Moreover, we shall apply a range of
diagnostic and analytical tools to audit and assess progress toward the firms existing strategic
aims. Furthermore, we will analyze the impact of stakeholder expectations on the achievement of
the entity’s goals and objectives. Moving to the final section of the report we will discuss a range
of alternative strategic objectives that the organization follows during the short and medium term
of its journey.

Strategic Aims and Objectives of the organization

HP Corporation is a leading technology company that operates in more than 170 countries across
the globe. The company is divided into three business segments: Personal Systems, Printing, and
Enterprise Group. HP's mission is to provide technology that makes life better for everyone,
everywhere - every person, every organization, and every community around the globe. This
mission statement was developed in 2015 and has since guided the company's strategy and

operations. The company's strategic aims and objectives can be grouped into four main
categories: growth, profitability, customer satisfaction, and employee engagement.

HP's primary strategic aim is to grow the business. In order to achieve this aim, the company has
set several objectives, including expanding into new markets, increasing market share, and
launching new products and services. In order to support these objectives, HP has made a
number of acquisitions in recent years, including Samanage, 3Com, and Aruba Networks. The
company has also invested heavily in research and development, with a particular focus on 3D
printing and artificial intelligence.

Components of current organizational strategy

HP’s mission statement is “we earn customer respect and loyalty by consistently providing
the highest quality and value. We achieve sufficient profit to finance growth, create value
for our shareholders and achieve our corporate objectives.” 

HP’s vision statement is “to create technology that makes life better for everyone,
everywhere, every person, every organization, and every community around the globe.”
(, 2022)

Under HP’s current organizational strategy, they have identified five key areas that need to be
assessed in order to generate profits: Product Strategy, Customer Relationship Management
(CRM), Sales and Marketing, Human Resources (HR), and Information Technology (IT). Each
of these areas has its own set of components that need to be evaluated in order to determine
whether or not they are contributing to HP’s mission statement. I will critically evaluate each of
these components below.

Product Strategy: HP’s product strategy is focused on three key areas: differentiation, quality,
and innovation. They attempt to create products that are different from their competitors, offer
high-quality products, and introduce new and innovative products. However, many of HP’s
products are not different enough, the quality of their products is often poor, and their innovation
is not up to par. In addition, their focus on differentiation has led to the creation of a large
number of low-quality products (, n.d.).

The variables that have a short- and medium-term impact on the strategic
goals of an organization

The main factors that will be analyzed are the industry landscape, competitive pressures, and the
company's own strategies.

The first factor to be considered is the industry landscape. The global PC industry has been in
decline for the past few years and this has been a major challenge for HP. In order to turn things
around, HP has been trying to focus more on enterprise and high-end products. This has been a
difficult transition for the company and it will take some time for HP to see results.

HP's competitive environment has been under pressure in recent years as the industry has shifted.
The company's main competitors are Lenovo, Dell, and Apple. All three companies have been
gaining market share at HP's expense. This has put pressure on HP's margins and has forced the
company to cut costs (, n.d.).

Tools for auditing and evaluating how well strategic goals and objectives are
being met, such as a wide range of diagnostic and analytical methods

There is a general consensus that the use of a range of diagnostic and analytical tools offers the
most comprehensive and accurate picture of an organization, both now and in the future. By
applying a variety of tools, organizations can assess progress, identify areas for improvement,
and adjust accordingly.

HP has been using a range of diagnostic and analytical tools to audit and assess progress towards
existing strategic aims and objectives. In general, these tools have been successful in identifying
areas for improvement and adjusting accordingly. However, there are some areas where the use
of these tools could be improved. For example, HP could improve the use of these tools by
applying them more consistently across all areas of the organization.

The most common diagnostic and analytical tools used in organizations are SWOT analysis,
business process mapping, and gap analysis. Each of these tools offers a different perspective on
the organization and can be used to assess progress towards strategic aims and objectives
(, n.d.).

What stakeholders should expect and how they can affect things

Organization is a complex and multi-faceted system, which is constantly interacting with

multiple stakeholders. In order to effectively assess the expectations of all stakeholders and plan
for the future, it is important to understand the various influences that they have on an
organization. This paper will provide an overview of the different expectations that stakeholders
have of an organization, as well as discuss the influences that they have on organizational

There are a variety of expectations that stakeholders have of organizations. These expectations
can be classified into three broad categories: economic, social, and political. Economic
expectations are typically related to financial outcomes, such as profitability, share price, and
return on investment. Social expectations are often concerned with the impact that an
organization has on society, including environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and
employee welfare (, n.d.).

Tools for diagnosing and analyzing strategic goals and objectives

The first tool that can be used to achieve this is an objective analysis. This can be done by
looking at the organization's history, what it currently does and how it compares to other similar
organizations. The second tool is the SWOT analysis.

Figure 1:SWOT of HP plc

(jack, n.d.)

An important aspect of the HP corporation’s strategic position is its progress toward its existing
strategy. This progress can be evaluated through the use of three recognized strategic tools- the
objective analysis, the SWOT analysis, and the PEST analysis (, n.d.).

The objective analysis is the first tool that can be used to evaluate the HP corporation's strategic
position. This can be done by looking at the organization's history, what it currently does and
how it compares to other similar organizations. The SWOT analysis is a tool that can be used to
assess the HP corporation's strengths and weaknesses. The PEST analysis is a tool that can be
used to determine the potential risks and opportunities that the HP corporation faces.

Figure 2: PEST of HP plc

(slideplayer, n.d.)

Different ways to reach organizational goals, directions, and SMART goals

using different strategies

It is important to critically evaluate and develop a range of alternative strategic options to meet
organizational strategic aims, direction, and objectives in the short and medium term. to ensure
that the organization remains viable and effective in the future. There are a number of different
strategic options that could be evaluated, such as:

There is an increasing trend for organizations to adopt a more flexible and agile approach to
strategic planning, which can help to meet changing business needs and improve
competitiveness. However, this approach can also be difficult to implement and may result in a
loss of control over key aspects of the organization. This paper will critically evaluate and
develop a range of alternative strategic options to meet organizational strategic aims, direction,
and objectives in the short and medium term. The aim of the paper is to provide readers with a
range of options so that they can choose the most appropriate strategy for their organization.
Alternative strategic options should be critically evaluated and developed in order to meet
organizational strategic aims, direction, and objectives in the short and medium term, given the
current environment and the changing business landscape. There are many factors to consider
when formulating a strategy, including the organization’s competitive landscape, its past
performance, and its envisaged future.

current strategy that can be changed to fit the new strategic situation

There are a variety of existing strategic options that could meet the revised strategic position.
However, it is important to determine which option is the best way to meet the company's goals.
There are a few things to consider when making this decision. First, the option should be feasible
and able to be implemented quickly.


In conclusion, the strategic direction of this organization is important to consider when

evaluating its potential for growth in the future. The organization has a number of strengths that
could be leveraged to support future growth, including a strong brand, a skilled workforce, and a
diversified customer base. However, the organization faces several challenges that could impede
its growth, including a weak infrastructure and a lack of innovation. Overall, the strategic
direction of this organization is important to consider, and the report provides a detailed analysis
of the organization's current state and potential future.

So to sum-up, it can be seen that the organization has a strategic direction that is in line with the
company\'s goals. However, the organization needs to continue to focus on its weaknesses in
order to improve its performance. Therefore, it is critical for the organization to focus on its

strengths in order to maintain a competitive edge in the market. The organization should also
focus on its weaknesses in order to improve its performance.

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