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GENERAL EDUCATION September 2021 ( First Batch LET Exam )

1. ROMEO AND JULIET- ill-fated love affair

2. AESOP'S FABLES- teach moral lesson

3. BLOOD COMPACT- legaspi and sikatuna

4. HYPOTONIC SOLUTION- the plant cell will swell

5. LOQUACIOUS- verbose

6. BICAMERAL- Philippine legislature/two chambers

7. CYTOKININS AND AUXINS- responsible for plant growth

8. ESTERS- perfumes contain organic compounds

9. PHOTOSYNTHESIS- process used by plants

10. SAHARA- largest desert

11. VIRGIN QUEEN- term popularly used to England's

Queen Elizabeth I

12. MONTANO- arena theater

13. HINDUISM- oldest religion in Asia

14. COAL- energy source not sustainable

15. METAPHOR- phantom of delight

16. POLITICAL RIGHTS- participation in governance, right to vote

17. COMPETITION- mango tree beside sampaguita plant

18. My,Yours

19. ELLIPSIS- sunod-sunod na tatlong tuldok

20. MEXICO- galleon trade

21. NOLI ME TANGERE- rizals novel/educate the youth

22. BICAMERALISM- senate and house of representatives

23. PANCREAS- secretes insulin

24. NICK JOAQUIN- filipino-spanish period

25. APOLINARIO MABINI- the brain of himagsikan

26. LIVER- iron-deficiency

27. RA 7836- Teacher's Professionalization Act

28. Her,us


30. QUEEN ELIZABETH I- virgin queen

31. SURFACE TENSION- can float on the surface of water

32. CPU- brain of computer

33. OXYGEN- waste product of photosynthesis

34. TECHNOLOGY- has improved

35. DIOSDADO MACAPAGAL- changed the date of our celebration of Independence day

36. ARCHIPELAGO- thousands of islands

37. REDUCCION- settlements created by Spanish rulers

38. FERDINAND MARCOS- I will make this nation great again!

39. CANDIDNESS- frankness


41. PANG-URI- masaya

42. On the use

43. WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS- right to demand the presence of the accused

44. LCM of 5,6 and 7- 210

45. DNA- organisms genetic make-up

46. GRANDMOTHER- extended family

47. One Thousand and One Nights

48. LAO TZU- taoism

49. MARY ANN EVANS- Geroge Eliot/Silas Marner

50. DAYALEK- barayti ng wika/Cebuano,Ilokano


1. Black sheep --- Idiom

2. Love sonnets -- Ophelia Dimalanta

3.Tatlong tuldok na sunod sunod -- Ellipses

4. Phantom of Delight -- Metaphor

5. Tinkle, tinkle, tinke -- Onomatopoeia

6. Naghihiwalay sa mga salita -- Kuwit

7.Pangatnig na nagbubukod -- Pamukod

8. Largest desert -- Sahara

9. First religious missionary in the Philippines -- Augustinians

10 Founder of La Solidaridad/Greatest Orator -- Graciano Lopez-Jaena

11. Ang paksa ay ibinibigay bago magsimula ang talumpati -- Impromptu

12. Term of Marcelo H. del Pilar to friars -- Frailocracia

13.Arena theater proponent -- Severino Montano

14. Released by plants at night -- Carbon dioxide

15. Sala theater proponent -- Naty Crame Rogers

16. Shape of a brick - Rectangle

17. Protein shell of a virus -- Capsid

18. Hair-like structure -- Cilia

19. Author of Annabel Lee -- Edgar Allan Poe

20. Novels in letters -- Epistolary

21. Birthplace of Rizal -- Calamba, Laguna

22. Real name of Mark Twain -- Samuel (Langhorne) Clemens

23. Writ of Amparo -- Right to life, liberty, and security

24. Writ of Habeas Corpus -- Demand presence of the accused

25. Penicillin discoverer -- Alexander Fleming

26. Author of Doctrina Christiana -- Fray Juan de Plasencia

27. Light travels fastest -- Air

28. Protons of Silicon -- 14

29. Funji -- Yeast

30. Law of Bicameralism -- Jones Law

31. Pagbabagong anyo ng bayan -- Reduccion

32. Permutation 9P9 -- 362,880

33. Absolute mean -- 14.35/14.5

34. Agreement between Legazpi and Datu Sikatuna) -- Blood Compact (Sandugo
35. Hierarchy of Needs proponent -- Maslow

36. Oldest religion in Asia – Hinduism

37. Enrolled bills becomes a law - 90 days

38. "Lapse" - 30 days

39. SONNET – Lyric poem consists of 14 lines

40. HAIKU – Japanese poem about nature. 5, 7, 5 (3 lines and 17 syllables)

41. TANKA – Japanese poem: 5 lines, 31 syllables

42. BLACK VERSE – with meter but no rhyme

43. DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE – written in form of speech for individual character.

44.ELEGY – death of individual

45. EPIC – tells a story about heroic figure

46. EULOGY – message for the dead

47. FREE VERSE (vers libre) – without meter but with rhyme

48. IDYLL (Idyl) – peaceful, idealized country scene LYRICS - thoughts and feelings
49. NARRATIVE – tells story

50. ODE -typically serious/meditative nature, type of Lyric

51. PASTORAL –rural life in peaceful & romanticized way

52. AIMS OF ERAS PRE-SPANISH – survival and conformity

53. SPANISH – Christianity/Religion

54. AMERICAN – democratic ideals and way of life

55. COMMONWEALTH – moral character, efficiency

56 .JAPANESE – progress

Common Let Boosters

Pulchritude - Loveliness

Composure – Aplomb

Abase- Demoted

Despotic – Cruel

Persiflage – Praise glowingly

Dexterity – Manual skill

Amorphous - Shapeless
Penchant - Fondness

Transmuted - Change

Transcendental -Supernatural

Rancor - Bitterness

Carnal - Worldly

Sine qua non - Indispensable

Euphoria - Extreme o

Loquacious - Verbose

Acapella - Without accompaniment

Alter ego – Close and Inseparable, Friend

Amor con Amor sepaga – Love begets love

Conflagration - Large fire

Baduy – Awkward-looking

Mundane – Ordinary
Profanity – Obscenity

Apocalyptic – Prophetic

Impertinent – Irrelevant

Voracious – Very eager

Abandoned – Left behind

Volition – Will

Esoteric – Understandable by few

Queue – line

Docile – Easy to management

Erudite – Learned

Soiree – Evening party

Connoisseur – Expert in a matter of test

Chauffeur - Driver

Mesdames- Plural of madame

Renaissance- Rebirth
Sophisticated – Wordly

Caveat -emptor - Let the buyer decide

Ad nauseam - Excessive degree

Coup de grace – A death blow

Correlation – No relation

Prodigy - Offspring

Formally – Unconventionally

Formerly – Hereto force

Highway 54 - the old name of EDSA during WW-II

Trisomy 21 - also known as down syndrome

Kumintang - Filipinos would sing this song in preparation for war battle

En ventre sa mere - the right of the unborn child is the same as the right of individual

Mark Twain - the pen name of Samuel Clemens

Heroic Couplet - last two lines of the Sonnet

Sergio Osmeña - the first appointed head of the Department of Education during Commonwealth period

Philippine Normal University - established by the Americans for aspiring educators in 1901

Animal cells - do not produce cell walls

Boustrophedon - Ancient Greeks form of writing

Nitrogen - the most abundant gas in the atmosphere

Skin - body's largest organ

Chivalric education - also known as a social discipline. The educational system which emphasized social

Socratic method - teachers ask questions to try to get students to clarify and rethink their own ideas, to
come eventually to a deep and clear understanding of philosophical concepts

Saracenic education - this education is training for scientific thinking

Verbatim - word for word

Social Justice - very foundation of genuine peace and reconciliation

National Treasury - provides the fund to support the Air Quality Management in the Philippines

Tomas Pinpin - kauna-unahang manlilimbag na Pilipino

Pascual Poblete - tinaguriang "Ama ng Pahayagang tagalog"

Oxygen - a by-product of Photosynthesis

Water - universal solvent

Gametes (in human) - contain 22 autosomes and 1 sex chromosome

Emilio Jacinto - utak ng Himagsikan

Apolinario Mabini - utak ng rebolusyon Katipunan

Kinkee - the gas lamp used to lighten the streets in intramuros way back in history

Miranda rule - the right of a person under arrest

Epistemology - examines the nature and origin of human knowledge

Empiricism - holds that the sensory experience is the source of knowledge

Agnosticism - coined by Thomas Huxley which means "not knowledge but being able to know

metaphysics - it seeks to find out what is ultimately real

Horticulture - the art of growing flowers, fruits and vegetables

Jus sanguinis - a child follows the nationality or citizenship of the parents regardless of the place of his

1956 - Lupang Hinirang was sung for the first time

Element - the simplest substance that cannot be decomposed further by normal chemical means

Pedro Bucaneg - Ama ng panitikang Ilocano

Intellectual Appreciative Experiences - based on the premise that all the learning has emotional

Thailand - formerly called "Siam"

Henry Otley Beyer - proposed the idea that the first Filipinos came through waves of migration from
South to North

Klaster - Kambal katinig

Trinidad Tecson - Ina ng Biak-na-Bato at Ina ng Kruss na Pula (Red cross)

Truman Doctrine - was an american foreign policy created to counter Soviet geopolitical expansion
during the cold war

Manila - was named "Distinguished and ever loyal city" by Legaspi

Mariano Trias - First Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines

Plebiscite - the direct vote of all the members of an electorate on important public questions such as a
change in the Constitution.

Monotheist religion - Christianity, Islam, Judaism

First sultanate - Sultanate of Sulu

Diwata I - first Satellite launched by the Philippines

Franchise - given the right to vote

Disenfranchise - removal of the right to vote

Antarctica - Largest dessert, cold dessert

Bicameralism - upper house / Lowerhouse

Executive - implementing body

Legislative - Lawmaking body

Judiciary - interpreting body

Ural Mountain - separated Europe and Asia

5 ships of Magellan - Trinidad, Conception, Victoria, San Antonio, & San Tiago

Mongoloids - Known as the Yellow race

1. DOCTRINA CRISTIANA - the first book written in the Philippines.

2. PEDRO BUKANEG - the Father of Ilocano Literature.

3. FRANCISCO BALTAZAR - the Father of Tagalog Poetry.

4.LOLA BASYANG is the pen name of Severino Reyes.

5. KENKOY - the first and longest-running komiks series in the Philippines.

6. JUAN CRISOSTOMO SOTO - the Father of Pampango Literature.

7. MANILA BULLETIN - the oldest existing newspaper in the Philippines since 1900

8. ALEJANDRO ABADILLA - the Father of Modern Tagalog Poetry.

9. He wrote the popular fable The Monkey and the Turtle - JOSE RIZAL

10. This is known as Andres Bonifacio's Ten Commandments of the Katipunan - THE DECALOGUE.

11. Rizal's model for Pilosopong Tasyo was PACIANO RIZAL.

12. Rizal's pen name - DIMASALANG, LAONG-LAAN

13. Taga-ilog - JUAN LUNA's Pen name.

14. The first filipino alphabet was called ALIBATA/BAYBAYIN

15. the first filipino alphabet consisted of 15 LETTERS

16. He was known for his `Memoria Fotografica` - JOSE MA. PANGANIBAN

17. AMADO HERNANDEZ - He is known as the `poet of the workers or laborers`

18. Ilocano balagtasan is called BUKANEGAN

19. MARAGTAS - Visayan epic about good manners and right conduc

20.PASCUAL POBLETE - the father of Filipino newspaper

21. PANDEREGLA - first Filipino bread

22. The Great Plebian: Andres Bonifacio

1. WILHELM WUNDT-father of psychology

2.SIGMUND FREUD-father of psychoanalysis, and psychosexual theory/Father of Modern Psychology

3.JOHANN HEINRICH-father of education and pedagogy

4. IVAN PAVLOV-classical conditioning

5.BURRHUS F. SKINNER-operant conditioning.

6.DAVID AUSUBEL-meaningful learning

7.JEROME BRUNER-discovery learning, spiral curriculum

8.ALBERT BANDURA-social cognitive learning theory.

9.EDWARD LEE THORNDIKE-law of readiness and exercises

10. KURT LEVIN-life space content.

11.KOHLER-problem solving by insight, insightful learning

12.URIE BROFENBRENNER-ecological theory

13.SANDRA BEM-gender schema theory

14.HOWARD GARDNER-theory of multiple intelligence

15.ELLIOT TURRIEL-Social domain theory

16.LAWRENCE KOHLBERG-moral development theory

17.ROBERT STERNBERG-triathlon theory intelligence

18.ERIK ERIKSON-psychosocial development theory

19.MA. MONTESSORI-transfer of learning, kindergarten preparation of children.

20. EDWARD PAUL TORRANCE-creative problem solving

21.CHOMSKY-linguistic acquisition theory

22.JEAN PIAGET-cognitive learning theory

23.JOHN WATSON-behavioral theory

24.EDWARD TOLMAN-purpose behaviorism

25.BERNARD WEINER-attribution theory

26.DANIEL GOLEMAN-emotional intelligence.

27.TITCHENER- structuralism psychology

28.ROBERT GAGNE -the sequence of instruction

29.ABRAHAM MASLOW - hierarchy of needs, motivation theory

30.BENJAMIN BLOOM - bloom's cognitive taxonomy

31.DAVID KRATHWOHL - affective domain

32.LEV VYGOTSKY - socio-cultural theory of cognitive devt , linguistic theory, Scaffolding

33.JOHN LOCKE - tabularasa , empiricism

34. CHARLES COOLEY - looking glass self-theory

35.JOHN FLAVEL - metacognition

36.ARNOLD GESELL - maturation theory

37.JOHN DEWEY - Learning by doing

38.DAVID FROEBEL - Father of kindergarten

39.AUGUSTE COMTE - Father of Sociology.

40.JOHN AMOS COMENIUS - Fr. of modern education.

Elements of Morality

Conscience - judgement of the intellect on the goodness or evil of an performed or about to be


Certain Conscience - goodness or evil of a particular action you know the good & wrong action.

Doubtful Conscience - suspension of judgment on the moral goodness

(Nagdadalawang isip ka!)

Scrupulous Conscience - tends to see sins when there are NONE

Lax Conscience - tends to minimize its seriousness

Perplexed Conscience - DONE is comforted

Pharisaical Conscience - it is holier than those view of oneself

Callous Conscience - theft, KILLER, rapist


Types of Discussion Procedures

1. Panel Forum - discussion among a SMALL group of experts or well-informed laypersons

2. Round Table - group-seated, face to face / formal but non- expert

3. Debate - discussion with people with different beliefs study the same problem & arrive at different

4. Symposium - more formal/ a public speaking program/ EXPENSIVE

5. Buzz Station - noisy inside classroom

6. Brain Storming - all ideas are given equal credence

7. Seminar - group of people meet to study & discuss meeting

- formal/ 90mins or 3 hrs.

8. Workshop - sets expectations With the audience will be engaged & involved in training.


1. Herminigildo Flores- "Hibik ng Pilipinas sa Inang Espanya"

2. Marcelo H. Del Pilar- "Dasalan at Tocsohan," "Caiingat Cayo","Sagot ng Espanya sa Hibik ng
Pilipinas:","Ang Cadakilaan ng Diyos".

3. Jose Rizal- "Sa aking mga Kababata," "Liham sa mga Babaeng Taga-Malolos," "Junto al Pasig', Noli Me
Tangere at El Filibusterismo.

4. Graciano Lopez Jaena- "Fray Botod"

5. Antonio Luna- "Por Madrid,""Impressiones,""La Tertulia Filipina"

6. Pedro Paterno- Ninay, Sampaguita y Poesias Varias

7. Andres Bonifacio- "Katapusang Hibik ng Pilipinas," " Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa"

8. Emilio Jacinto- "Kartilla ng Katipunan," "Liwanag at Dilim"

9. Pio Valenzuela- "Catwiran"

10. Apolinario Mabini- "El Verdadero Decalogo"

11. Jose Palma- "Himno Nacional Filipino"


1. Jose Corazon de Jesus- Huseng Batute, Ang Makata ng Puso, "Isang Punongkahoy"

2. Lope K. Santos- Makata ng Buhay, manunulat, gobernador, senador, guro, "Mga hamak na
Dakila,""Puso at Diwa".

3. Benigno Ramos- Ang Bahag ng Diyos

4. Pedro Gatmaitan- pinaksa ang lipunang feudal,"Salamisim"

5. Inigo Ed Regalado- Ang Pinagbangunan

6. Florentino Collantes- Ang Lumang Simbahan

7. Julian Cruz Balmaceda- Kung Mamili ang Dalaga

8. Valerio Hernandez Pena- Luha ng Panulat


1. Lope K. Santos- Banaag at Sikat

3. Patricio Mariano- Pinuno ng Tulisan

4. Roman Reyes- Bulaklak ng Kalmpang

5. Inigo ed Regalado- Madaling-Araw


1. Severino Reyes- Mga Kuwento ni Lola Basyang," "Walang Sugat", Gran Compana de Zarsuela Tagala

2. Hermogenes Ilagan- Dalagang Bukid,"Ilagan Films

3. Pascual H. Poblete- Amor Patria

4. Juan K. Abad- Tanikalang Ginto

5. Jose Ma. Rivera- Ang Mga Kamag-anak

6. Juan Crisostomo Sotto- Ang Kasalanan ng Patay

7. Juan Matapang Cruz- Hindi ako patay

8. Aurelio Tolentino- Kahapon, Ngayon, at Bukas

2. Faustino Aguilar-



Andres Bonifacio ("Father of Philippine Revolution", "Father of the Katipunan")

Aquilino "Nene" Pimentel, Jr. ("Father of Philippine Local Autonomy")

Arturo Alcaraz ("Father of Geothermal Development")

Arturo M. Tolentino ("Father of the Philippine Archipelagic Doctrine")

Dr. Augusto D. Litonjua ("Father of Philippine Endocrinology")

Blas Ople ("Father of Overseas Employment")

Carlos Bulosan ("Father of Filipino American Literature")

Carlos P. Garcia ("Father of the Filipino First Policy")

Cecilio Lopez ("Father of Philippine Linguistics")

Chavit Singson ("Father of Edsa Dos")

Claro M. Recto ("Father of the Philippine Constitution")

Crisanto Evangelista ("Father of the Philippine Trade Union Movement")

Diosdado Macapagal ("Father of the Philippine Career Foreign Service Corps")

Eduardo Masferre ("Father of Philippine Photography")

Elpidio Quirino ("Father of Philippine Industry")

Fidel Ramos ("Father of Philippine Democracy", "Father of the Philippine Army Special Forces")

Francisco Balagtas ("Father of Tagalog Dialect", "Father of the Tagalog Poem")

Dr. Francisco M. Fronda ("Father of Poultry Science in the Philippines")

Dr. Geminiano T. De Ocampo ("Father of Modern Philippine Ophthalmology")

Gerardo de Leon ("Father of Philippine Cinema")

Dr. Gregorio Singian ("Father of Philippine Surgery")

Henry Sy, Sr. ("Father of Philippine Retailing")

Ildefonso Santos ("Father of Philippine Landscape Architecture")

Isabelo de los Reyes ("Father of Philippine Labor Union Movement", "Father of the Philippine Socialism",
"Father of Ilocano Journalism")

Joey "Pepe" Smith ("Father of Pinoy Rock")

Jose Avelino ("Father of the Philippine Workmen's Compensation Law")

Jose Y. Campos ("Father of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Industry")

Jose Nepumuceno ("Father of Philippine Movies")

Jose Rizal ("Father of Philippine Nationalism", "Father of Modern Tagalog Orthography", "Father of
Philippine Children’s Literature")

Joseph Estrada ("Father of the Masses")

Jovito Salonga ("Father of Philippine Liberalism")

Julian Felipe ("Father of Philippine National Anthem")

Julian Manansala ("Father of the Nationalistic Film")

Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero ("Father of Philippine Pharmacy")

Lito Molina ("Father of Philippine Jazz")

Macario Adriatico ("Father of Manila City Charter")

Manuel L. Quezon ("Father of Philippine Independence", "Father of the Philippine Republic", "Father of
the Philippine National Language")

Marcelo del Pilar ("Father of Philippine Journalism", "Father of Philippine Masonry")

Napoleon Abueva ("Father of Modern Philippine Sculpture")

Nicanor Abelardo ("Father of Philippine Sonata")

Dr. Pedro Escuro ("Father of the Philippine Rice Breeding Program")

Philip Vera Cruz ("Father of Filipino America")

Dr. Quintin J. Gomez ("Father of Anesthesia in the Philippines")

Remy Amador Presas ("Father of Modern Arnis")

Roberto Verzola ("Father of Philippine Email")

Rodolfo Biazon ("Father of Philippine Housing")

Samie Lim ("Father of Philippine Franchising")

Dr. Victor A. Reyes ("Father of Philippine Neurosurgery")

William Torres ("Father of the Philippine Internet

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