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How technology has changed the world


Uzair(6648), Daniyal(6607), Uswa(6977), Rafay(6840), Talal(6679)

Has technology not completely changed how our world looks operates on an everyday basis? It
most definitely has. Our ancestors used to about doing their daily activities very differently then we
have ever done. Now whether this change has been for the better or for worse, remains to be
observed. The most positive outcomes of how technological advancements have changed our world
are in the branches of education, the health sector as well as how we socialize.

The introduction of technology to the society has brought significant changes to the concept of
education, but some aspects have remained the same. With the introduction technology, classrooms
are more inclusive and efficient as teachers have found new ways to deliver knowledge. For
instance, instead of undertaking the time-consuming process of drawing a biological specimen on a
white board, the teacher can just show a picture of it through multimedia. However, the cost factor
is one of the many aspects of education that have not changed with the introduction of technology.
Getting a good education still requires a sizeable amount of money, even with its increased
efficiency due to technology.

Technology has played a vital role in the development of the health sector. Prosthetics were
considered impossible if we rewind for three decades. Losing an arm meant that the person had to
live all his life without an arm. However, if a person loses his arm in this era, he can use a prosthetic
arm to at least carry out his daily work. Moreover, the concept of quarantine is deeply rooted to the
past. Upon diagnosis of a different kind of disease, the infected person was ordered house arrest,
unless the person became fully well, which is similar to what we experienced during covid.

Social interactions have been directly affected by technological advances. Socializing used to be a
purely physical task before the advent of technology, however, social media has made the world a
global village. This change has become apparent as everyone from every part of the world is
connected to one another through various social media platforms. Moreover, socializing has become
more and more digital eliminating many of the physical interactions between loved ones. Today’s
youth is consumed by digital media and do not experience socializing like their parents used to.

Education, Health sector and socialization are some benefits of technological advancements.
Technology has always aided man in every aspect of life and speed up the process that once was
done by humans themselves. Technology is a need of the current times and it’s advancement is
inevitable. Ignoring it in matters of our lives will allow us down from the pace of the world and
ultimately destruction will be our destined fate.

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