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RAMP: A Safety Tool for Chemists and Chemistry Students

David C. Finster*

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ABSTRACT: RAMP is an acronym for the process “recognize

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hazards, assess risk, minimize risk, and prepare for emergencies”.

This paper describes these four steps in the context of
undergraduate instruction about chemical health and safety.
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KEYWORDS: First-year Undergraduate/General, Second-year Undergraduate, Upper-Division Undergraduate, Safety/Hazards,

Mnemonics/Rote Learning, Laboratory Management

RAMP is an acronym for:
All chemicals have hazards associated with them. In some
instances, we might consider the hazard to be so slight as not to
be seriously considered. Water is an example of such a chemical.
• recognize hazards (This statement assumes that water is a solvent or reagent under
• assess risk ambient conditions. High temperature and/or high pressure
• minimize risk steam would present additional and obvious hazards.) Similarly,
• prepare for emergencies some compounds such as elemental nitrogen have little direct
hazard except when under high pressure or the situation where
This system was first introduced in a safety textbook in 20101
nitrogen gas displaces enough oxygen in a room to lead to
and has been well-received by the American Chemical Society
asphyxiation. The first lesson here is that one must consider all
(ACS) safety community. RAMP is currently featured on the
aspects of the use of chemicals under the experimental
ACS Web site,2 in recent publications,3−5 and has served as an
organizing principle for various ACS publications.6−8 The ACS
For most chemicals it is easy to identify their associated
Web site describes RAMP as a tool that is “simple, structured,
hazards. While Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDSs) have long
flexible, scalable, collaborative, and transferrable”. This paper
served this purpose, their conversion to Safety Data Sheets
describes the RAMP process and highlights some challenges in
(SDSs) and the use of the Globally Harmonized System of
its use both as a teaching tool for chemistry students and for
Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) now makes
benchtop chemists.
hazard identification even easier.9 GHS hazard information is
RAMP is a linear process that leads to safer experimentation in
the chemistry laboratory. However, its application allows for available on properly labeled chemical containers and in SDSs in
some iteration inasmuch as the realization of the “final” risk the form of signal words (“warning” and “danger”), pictograms,
encourages reflection upon earlier steps (see Figure 1). and hazard statements. The Occupational Safety and Health
Redesigning an experiment is often necessary to get to an Administration (OSHA) requires GHS training for all employ-
acceptable risk level. More dramatically, if it is determined that ees working in chemically related fields.10 Similar GHS training
an experimental risk cannot be adequately minimized or some should be taught to students in higher education institutions.
possible emergency could arise that cannot be adequately In addition to the GHS, National Fire Protection Association
contained, perhaps the experiment should not be done as (NFPA) “fire diamonds” (Figure 2) have long been used in
planned. Most chemists strive to get risk to an acceptable level. academic and nonacademic settings. This hazard information
Thus, there are feedback loops embedded in a successful RAMP can be useful to chemists but since their intent is to inform
application. firefighters, the information can also be misleading. For example,

the health (blue diamond) rating of a chemical is based on the
RECOGNIZING HAZARDS health effects of a substance under f ire conditions. Thus, even if a
The first step in RAMP is the task of recognizing hazards
associated with an experiment. Hazards generally arise due to an Special Issue: Chemical Safety Education: Methods,
intrinsic nature of a chemical, reaction conditions, or the use of Culture, and Green Chemistry
equipment. A useful definition of hazard is “the potential to do Received: February 5, 2020
harm”. Doing harm is usually thought of as harming a person but Revised: May 8, 2020
physical damage to room or building must also be considered as
a form of harm.
© XXXX American Chemical Society and
Division of Chemical Education, Inc.
A J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Article

Figure 1. RAMP process.

experienced chemists will find this analysis easier than a

chemistry student would.
It is worth noting that some of the hazard information will be
new language for chemistry students. Terms such as “cryogen”,
“lachrymator”, “pyrophoric”, and “teratogen” and data such as
an “LD50” (lethal dose, 50%) or “PEL” (permissible exposure
limit) will need explanation. Table in the second edition
of ref 13 and Guidelines for Chemical Laboratory Safety in
Academic Institutions provide lists of safety-related words for
college students (ref 7, pp 12−13). Even the definitions for
common terms such as “flammable” and “corrosive” need to be
understood so that risk assessment and minimization can be
thoughtfully considered.
Finally, the use of equipment can sometimes present hazards,
and this may be highly dependent upon the skill and experience
of the chemist. More about this issue follows in the section on
“Assessing Risk”.

Assessing the risk posed by various hazards is surely the most
difficult step in the RAMP process. Ultimately it requires a
careful consideration of experimental conditions and good
judgmenta skill usually only developed over time. The length
of this section in this paper reflects the degree of complexity and
nuance in this step.
Figure 2. NFPA fire diamond. Reproduced with permission of NFPA First, the terms “hazard” and “risk” must be properly defined.
from NFPA 704, Standard System for the Identification of the Hazards These terms are often confused or incorrectly used interchange-
of Materials for Emergency Response, 2017 edition. Copyright 2016,
ably by both chemists and chemistry students.
National Fire Protection Association. The classification of any
particular material within this system is the sole responsibility of the As defined above, a hazard is something that can cause harm.
user and not the NFPA. NFPA bears no responsibility for any For chemicals, hazards are intrinsic. For example, concentrated
determinations of any values for any particular material classified or (15.8 M) nitric acid is a corrosive hazard, and cyclohexane is
represented using this system. For a full copy of NFPA 704, please go to very flammable. Cyanide is very toxic, but vitamin C has very low toxicity as illustrated by the LD50 values for these chemicals. For
each chemical, the hazard per se does not depend upon the
amount of the chemical. However, for solutions the hazard may
chemical poses a low health risk at ambient conditions if the well depend upon concentration: 15.8 M nitric acid is more
products of pyrolysis or combustion generate a substance or hazardous than 0.1 M nitric acid.
substances with a high health risk, the fire diamond health risk is Risk is the probability of harm arising from exposure to a
based on the latter. This is a good example of needing to know hazard. We can conceptually view this as
how a hazard rating is determined.
An even richer source of hazard information is PubChem.11 Risk = (probability of exposure)
PubChem entries about chemicals list a very wide variety of
information about hazards and other information. Further, the × (severity of consequence of the hazard)
provenance of information is directly linked if one wishes to
check a source. This can be a useful teaching tool to encourage Some examples illustrate this equation:
students to realize that “information comes from somewhere” • A capped bottle of 15.8 M nitric acid sitting undisturbed
and is not simply “known”. PubChem also produces Laboratory on a benchtop presents a significant hazard, but very low
Chemical Safety Summaries that supply exactly the information risk.
one seeks when trying to identify chemical hazards.12
Hazards also arise in experimental procedures such as mixing • A 0.01 M solution of NaOH represents a modest hazard
two chemicals a reaction. One must anticipate reaction features (depending partly upon the route of exposure since
such as exothermicity, the generation of gases, or the generation ingestion, skin exposure, and eye exposure present
of products with hazardous properties. A bit more chemical different risks). Pouring this solution into a buret without
detective work may be necessary in these situations and using a funnel presents a modest chance of spilling the

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Journal of Chemical Education Article

solution. The combination of hazard and probability accept a procedure with a higher risk than preferred.
presents a moderately risky experimental step. Experienced researchers know that their work cannot advance
• Carrying an open 4-L beaker containing 3.5 L of unless they accept some risk and do their best to minimize those
concentrated sulfuric acid down a hallway presents a risks when planning an experiment. Research would never be
very high degree of risk since the hazard is high, and the done if experiments were required to be risk-free.
likelihood of a spill of a significant volume is high. Yet another complication arises in the interpretation of hazard
• Having 2 drops of cyclohexane near an open flame information while we assess risk. How does one interpret an
presents a fire hazard but the risk is quite low (since the LD50 or a PEL in terms of assessing the toxic severity of a risk? It
low quantity could lead only to a tiny, momentary fire). is easy to say that Chemical X with an LD50 of 3 mg/kg is more
However, having 2 L of cyclohexane near an open flame hazardous than Chemical Y with an LD50 of 500 mg/kg;
presents a high risk. comparing these chemicals is easy. When judging the risk of just
• Generating a small amount of SO2 inside a properly one of these, the challenge is more problematic. Otherwise
functioning hood presents a much lower risk than stated, at what LD50 is a chemical “safe to handle”? Similarly, the
generating a large quantity of SO2 on an open benchtop. use of a PEL (or any occupational exposure value) assumes that
The hazard is the same, but the probability of exposure there is a measurement of, for example, the lab atmosphere
changes. concentration of a substance. This is very rarely the case. And
There are protocols for the quantitative assessment of risk,14 what occupational exposure limit for a substance creates a
but in most situations chemists rely on their experience and sufficient inhalation risk to warrant working in a hood? Thus,
judgment to more simply categorize the hazard and the even though some hazard information is readily available,
probability of exposure as “low”, “medium”, or “high”. We can estimating the probability of exposure and judging the severity of
combine these ideas in a plot shown in Figure 3 to make a the hazard is not always easy. Given these uncertainties, it is
judgment about risk level. prudent to work in a hood any time there is an inhalation hazard.
As noted above, the decision to do, or not do, an experiment
as planned will also depend upon risk minimization and
preparation for emergency considerations that will be discussed
below. However, it is easy to see that assessing risk will be the
most complicated step in the RAMP process, and likely the one
with the highest degree of uncertainty.
The possible complexity of risk assessment belies the initial
characterization of RAMP as a “simple” process. Sometimes it is,
sometimes it is not. To be sure, in order to teach RAMP to
chemistry students, instructors must be mindful of their ability
to judge information and situations new to the students.
Figure 3. Risk assessment based on level of hazard and probability of Teaching RAMP is not a process that can be adequately
exposure. addressed in a single 15 min prelab discussion in general
chemistry. It needs to be addressed continuously and in a spiral
fashion with plenty of opportunity for practice.15,16

It is easy to define the overall risk level in Figure 3 at the upper
right as “high” and at the lower left as “low”; the characterization
of other combinations may be open to discussion. Ultimately, at
the end of some risk assessment one is left with the decision: Once the hazards of an experiment are identified and the risks
“shall we accept the risk and proceed with the experiment or are evaluated, it is incumbent to consider how these risks can be
should we make some changes to reduce the risk level?” This minimized. Risk minimization is generally easier to accomplish
decision will also be influenced by the additional RAMP steps of than risk assessment. Figure 4 shows the Hierarchy of Controls17
“minimizing risk” and “preparing for emergencies”. as an inverted pyramid with the most effective strategies for risk
Two additional questions remain regarding this process. First, minimization at the top and the least effective (or reliable) at the
when judging the probability of some exposure, it stands to bottom. This top-to-bottom order implies, in ideal situations,
reason that the overall skill level of the experimenter plays an the desirability of implementing risk minimization options.
important role. An experienced chemist with “good hands” may Avoiding Hazards through Elimination or Reduced Scale
be able to complete a lab procedure with a low chance of mishap
and exposure. Experienced teachers know that the same The best way to minimize risk is to eliminate the hazard. An
experiment in the hands of 24 students in the third week of example of this would be to consider the risk associated with a
general chemistry is almost certainly going to result in an reaction at high temperature and pressure. Using a catalyst to
exposure. Thus, while we often like to posture science as a reduce the temperature and pressure will reduce the risk
venture that is “independent of the researcher” in this instance perhaps to almost zero.
that is not always true. Another version of elimination is simply reducing reaction
Second, another decision point is encountered when scale when possible. Reducing the amounts of reagents and
considering the level of “acceptable risk.” In an ideal world, we solvents will reduce associated risks such as the severity of a fire
might decide that any risk level higher than “low” (or even or explosion. Similarly, running a reaction five times at “low
“almost zero”) is “too high” to justify performing the experiment scale” rather than once at “high scale” will be safer even if
as planned. There may be circumstances, though, that justify somewhat less time efficient. A dramatic example of this is the
medium, or even, high risk. For example, for either good or bad explosion of a shock-sensitive material produced on a much
reasons, a time pressure or high cost might cause someone to larger scale than directed.18
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Journal of Chemical Education Article

• Is the apparatus inside the hood correctly positioned to

effect proper capture of fugitive gases and vapors?
• Is the sash down?
Using equipment improperly may lead to a situation of false
Avoiding Hazards through Administrative Controls
When one starts to work in an academic or nonacademic lab,
there is a wide range of behaviors that helps to minimize exposure
and risk. These are characterized as administrative controls. A
typical list of lab rules applies to most lab situations:
• No eating and drinking in the lab.
• No food storage in lab refrigerators designed for and
containing lab chemicals.
• Wear appropriate PPE.
• Keep lab benches tidy and keep safety areas clear near
Figure 4. Hierarchy of controls pyramid. Image reprinted from The
eyewashes, showers, and emergency response equipment.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). • Dispose of chemicals properly.
NIOSH is a research agency that is part of the U.S. Centers for Disease • Clean glassware after use.
Control and Prevention, in the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services. Reference to specific commercial products, manufacturers, • Wash your hands if there is some skin exposure to
companies, or trademarks does not constitute its endorsement or relatively benign chemicals and wash your hands when
recommendation by the U.S. Government, Department of Health and leaving the lab. If skin exposure presents a serious hazard,
Human Services, or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. know what actions to take immediately.
Material on the Hierarchy of Controls is available on the agency Web
• Label all containers in the lab.
site for no charge. See ref 17.
• Be wary of transferring chemicals to phones, computers,
and other lab equipment.
Avoiding Hazards through Substitution
• Know where emergency exits and fire alarms are located,
Of almost equal effectiveness in risk minimization is to substitute and what to do in an emergency.
a hazardous chemical or process with a less hazardous one. A few
examples are In some laboratories, there will be additional lab-specific
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). New lab personnel
• If a solvent is flammable, perhaps it can be replaced with
need proper training on SOPs and it is unwise to rely upon
another solvent that is less flammable or nonflammable
informal word-of-mouth transfer of these SOPs from experi-
but still has the needed reactant and product solubility
enced chemists to new chemists. The “local culture” of the lab
characteristics. (Caution is needed here. Replacing a
may or may not explicitly or implicitly enforce these rules.
flammable solvent of low toxicity with a nonflammable
Posting rules and using check-off lists are wise strategies.
solvent that is a carcinogen might replace one hazard with
Chemists need to take responsibility for their own safety and
a different one.)
make sure they understand the hazards and risks that they might
• To precipitate a cation, one might use an anion of low
encounter. Anytime a chemist or experimenter is unsure about
toxicity (such as carbonate) instead of an anion of high
the safety of their work, they should stop until they consult with
toxicity (such as cyanide).
more experienced workers about known hazards.
• Rather than using high temperature to overcome an
activation energy barrier, perhaps UV light or a microwave Avoiding Hazards through Use of Personal Protective
oven could be used. Equipment
Using substitution requires a careful re-examination of the Personal protective equipment (PPE) involves the availability and
revised experiment using RAMP. proper use of equipment such as safety goggles, gloves, and lab
Avoiding Hazards through Engineering Controls
coats. Other PPE, such as hearing protection or safety glasses for
use with lasers, may be required in some laboratories. PPE is the
In a laboratory, engineering controls usually refer to having and “last line of defense” between a hazard and a person. It is critical
using chemical hoods. The main purpose of hoods is to remove that the right equipment be used (such as making sure that the
gases and vapors in order to remove inhalation hazards and/or correct glove material is selected for a particular hazard) and that
remove fugitive gases and vapors that increase the chance of fire it be used properly with appropriate training. The use of PPE is
or explosions. While hoods are not designed to contain very common and most students get trained on this use early in
explosions, it is likely that a hood will lessen the effect of an their education.
explosionparticularly if the sash is fully closed as it should be In summary, there are many ways to minimize risks. Lab
except when interior access is needed. personnel need to know about, and consider, all these options
Using a chemical hood properly is critically important. and know how to implement them properly. It is reasonable that
• Is the hood on? chemistry students can only learn about risk minimization over
• Is it working with the proper flow rate? long periods of time as they are exposed to increasing risks
• Is the interior of the hood sufficiently uncluttered to make throughout a well-designed laboratory curriculum in many
its use effective? courses.
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Journal of Chemical Education Article

PREPARING FOR EMERGENCIES on Professional Training surely takes this position. They require
that “laboratory safety education and training is an ongoing
Postincident review of lab mishaps almost always leads to the
process and therefore must be integrated into every laboratory
conclusion that a particular episode was entirely avoidable if
hazard recognition, risk assessment, and risk minimization steps
To implement such a program with regard to RAMP, it is
had been conducted. (Rare exceptions to this are instances of an
possible to show the RAMP process to students in introductory
unanticipated power failure, for example.) Thus, we begin with
courses and demonstrate how it was implicitly used in
the premise that all incidents are avoidable and lab emergencies
experimental design for “cookbook” experiments in early lab
should not occur. However, equipment failure and procedural
courses. These experiments usually have a preliminary section
mistakes can and do occur. Novice chemists and chemistry
about “safety precautions” that lists hazardous substances and
students might make mistakes that experienced chemists easily
indicate appropriate PPE. It is also common in colleges and
avoid. It is important that lab personnel should therefore be
universities to have some prelab safety session already
vigilant about preparing to respond to both possible events and
embedded in laboratory courses. It is possible to show how all
unanticipated events.
aspects of this existing instruction already fit comfortably into
At some early point in a student’s chemical education in the
the RAMP protocol. In this regard, RAMP becomes an
lab there should be general training about the use of eye washes,
organizing principle for safety education.
safety showers, and fire extinguishers. Additionally, one part
As students progress in a four-year curriculum, it is
should be some training on addressing spills in the lab. Some
appropriate and necessary to have them take part in exercises
spills are fairly trivial and easy to remedy; others may involve
in experimental design where they can apply the RAMP process.
more hazardous substances or larger quantities that will require
Of course, in student research projects within courses or
personnel with more training to respond.
independent study, the application of RAMP is necessary.
In the RAMP protocol, the step of “preparing for
Institutions may wish to design their own templates for RAMP
emergencies” is intended to have chemists carefully review all
analysis, or even have students invent such a template. These
aspects of an experiment to anticipate what mishaps might occur
latter exercises will allow students a more intimate review of
and to be ready to respond quickly to emergencies. Sometimes
RAMP and lead to the realization of some of the complications
that response might be to address the emergency in order to
discussed above with regard to risk assessment and risk
mitigate damage and to prevent exposure and personal injury. In
minimization as well as the iterative nature of the RAMP
other instances, the response might be simply to leave the lab

and notify the proper authorities when the situation cannot be
easily remedied by lab personnel. It is a good idea to create or
review a written plan for various situations so that one will be SUMMARY
able to act quickly and safely. Thinking about possible mishaps This paper describes the use of RAMP in the undergraduate
can feed back into experimental design, hazard recognition, risk programs at colleges and universities. However, its organiza-
assessment, and risk minimization as shown in Figure 1. In tional simplicity and flexibility also make it appropriate for use in
academic laboratories, local rules may dictate what is expected, high school, graduate programs, and the chemical industry.
or not expected, of students. Life safety considerations should RAMP provides a tool for the design of safe chemistry
always override the protection of property. experiments. This applies to undergraduate course-based
In some instances, a hazard will be sufficiently unique that experiments as well as research experiments at the under-
taking special precautions for emergency response will be wise graduate and graduate school environment. By learning and
and necessary. One example is the use of HF solutions. In this using RAMP, students can become proficient at designing their
situation having an appropriate medical remedy (calcium own experiments.

gluconate gel) is appropriate. Similarly, having gloves of the
appropriate material is important for some solvents and AUTHOR INFORMATION
hazardous solutions.

Corresponding Author

PEDAGOGY CONSIDERATIONS David C. Finster − Chemistry Department, Wittenberg
Upon first review, the understanding and application of RAMP University, Springfield, Ohio 45501, United States;
appears “simple” (as the ACS characterization states). And in 0000-0002-2884-450X; Email:
some instances, it is simple. However, the steps of risk Complete contact information is available at:
assessment and risk minimization can lead to complexities and
judgments that are anything but simple. It is clear that mastery of
the RAMP process involves considerable education in chemistry Notes
and in chemical health and safety.
The author declares the following competing financial
Every chemistry department must have an OSHA-required
interest(s): D.C.F. is the coauthor of the textbook, Laboratory
Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) but at some institutions this
Safety for Chemistry Students, 2nd ed., John Wiley and Sons,
may be a person with limited professional training about lab
Inc., 2016.
safety. In some locations there may be access to chemical health †
D.C.F. is Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at Wittenberg
and safety (CHS) or environmental health and safety (EHS)

professionals who can be invaluable as partners in experimental
design and RAMP stages. But many smaller institutions do not
have these resources. It is therefore necessary for faculty to play REFERENCES
an appropriate role to properly instruct undergraduate students (1) Hill, R. H., Jr.; Finster, D. C. Laboratory Safety for Chemistry
in the basics of chemical health and safety. The ACS Committee Students; Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2010.

J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Chemical Education Article

(2) American Chemical Society. Safety Basics & RAMP. https:// (accessed
(3) Stuart, R. B.; McEwen, L. R. The Safety “Use Case”: Co-
Developing Chemical Information Management and Laboratory Safety
Skills. J. Chem. Educ. 2016, 93 (3), 516−526.
(4) Hill, R. H., Jr. Undergraduates Need a Safety Education! J. Chem.
Educ. 2016, 93 (9), 1495−1498.
(5) Finster, D. C.; Jackson, P. Comprehensive Undergraduate Safety
Instruction. J. Chem. Educ. 2020, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c00121
(6) ACS Committee on Chemical Safety. Safety in Academic Chemistry
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(7) ACS Committee on Chemical Safety. Guidelines for Chemical
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(8) ACS Committee on Chemical Safety. Guidelines for Chemical
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(9) United Nations. Globally Harmonized System of Classification
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(11) PubChem Home Page.
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(12) Laboratory Chemical Safety Summaries. https://pubchemdocs. (accessed 2020−05−08).
(13) Hill, R. H, Jr.; Finster, D. C. Laboratory Safety for Chemistry
Students, 2nd ed.; Wiley: Hoboken, NJ, 2016; p 138.
(14) ACS Committee on Chemical Safety. Identifying and Evaluating
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(15) Sigmann, S. B. Chemical Safety Education for the 21st Century
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(18) U. S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board. Texas
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