Engineer Ieee

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Yogesh K Sharma,

Vaibhav sathe1, Atharva Shekatkar2, Anish Hushare3, Tirth Shetty4, Dnyaneshwar Gavhane5,,,,
B-Tech Final Year Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of
Information Technology, Pune-411048 (M.H.), India
Abstract- Engineer’s Store is an process easily and without redundancy.
ecommerce website which you can easily Overall, the online booking shop makes
access through your different networks. for an effective, responsive, and highly
Any user from anywhere all over the world accurate system. This project deals with
can access all the functionalities of the the development of a hypothetical “e-
website to buy the products. E-Commerce commerce website”. This gives users
websites make life easier for human being access to a wide variety of products that
to save their time and reduce their physical can be purchased from your store. A
work. E-Commerce was started in 1990’s shopping cart is provided to you for your
has taken a great impact in the world of online shopping convenience. After
computers; the major advantage of the selecting the product, you will proceed to
ecommerce website is that anyone can confirm the order. The system is
access the website through different implemented using the python web
networks. So, that they can browse and framework Django. In order to develop an
search the products and add the product in EC site, it is necessary to learn and
the cart for the future understanding. And understand many technologies.
also do the payment with different

Keywords- Python, Django, SQLite,

website, cloud, engineer, store

1. Introduction

The main goal of the system is to bring the

entire engineering shop online for
customer access 24/7. We also aim to Fig.1 E-Commerce
transition to cashless transaction. This
2. Literature survey-
gives customers a wider perspective. So,
your business is taken to a higher level. Currently, the total e-commerce market is
The software is a web-based system with a estimated to be around $1 trillion. Market
very user-friendly interface that allows you analysts expect the market to continue
to manage the entire administrative growing in the coming year. The US is
projected to grow he 13% in the overall e- development. A large amount of research
commerce market. The e-commerce has been done on e-commerce, which
market is expected to grow not only in is essentially about online shopping. Many
the United States, but in most countries groups of researchers have discovered and
around the world. E-commerce is a form demonstrated the necessity and potential of
of business that is completely dependent online shopping. On the other hand, the
on Internet access. This is because all limitations of electronic commerce were
virtual stores can only be accessed over the also pointed out, and at the same time,
internet. This indicates that the expansion essential proposals and predictions were
of the e-commerce market requires a made to make online shopping more
higher level of access to the Internet in convenient for consumers. However, the
general. Most emerging market e- contribution of traditional marketing
commerce markets are smaller than is inevitable, but we believe it is less
those in developed countries. This effective than online shopping. So, based
is largely due to the level of Internet on this, we've come up with a way to
penetration and technology acceptance in differentiate between online marketing and
these economies. However, the e- traditional marketing. Most people in
commerce market is expected to grow Bangladesh, especially in rural areas,
faster in emerging markets than in cannot use the internet to conduct online
developed countries. Most of these business. For this reason, they have to rely
countries are characterized by relatively on traditional marketing. For example,
large population. This shows they have a uses this tactic to draw
large customer base. E-commerce is consumers away from traditional stores.
expected to grow in popularity in these These cheap online retailers offer a large
countries as the Internet spreads. China consumer surplus.
is recognized as one of the countries with
the highest growth potential for e- 3. Underlying factor in E-Commerce
commerce. However, their internet
regulation policies may act as a barrier to ASSOCHAM's survey (2015) found that
achieving that success. China's the apparel segment had the highest
total population is well over 1 billion. growth rate, up about 69.5% compared
This shows that brick and mortar stores in to 2014, electronics up 62%, baby care
this country cannot meet the needs of all products up 53%, beauty and personal
customers. As you know, the internet and 52% increase in care products. percent and
e-commerce target all developed countries. home textiles at 49%. The rapid growth of
However, even if the ideal business digital commerce in India is mainly due
objective can be achieved, I believe it is to the increasing use of smartphones.
achievable and can bring enormous According to the study, mobile phones and
benefits to developing countries. You mobile phone accessories account for the
spoke clearly about the Noting that e- largest share of the digital commerce
commerce is a revolution and turning point market in India. Additionally, nearly 45%
in online business practices and can make of online shoppers reportedly prefer cash
a significant contribution to the economy, on delivery payments over credit cards
e-commerce organizations are now (16%) and debit cards (21%). Only 10%
becoming a fundamental part of business chose internet banking, and just under 7%
strategy, A powerful catalyst for economic chose debit cards, mobile wallets and
similar payment methods. The 18–25-year-
old group is the fastest growing age group
on the internet, with both male and
female segments contributing to user 5. Proposed System
growth. According to the survey, 38% of The web App Engineer store will help
patrons are from the 18-25 age group, 52% Various people buy their favourite product
from the 26-35 age group, 8% from the 36- for themselves or someone's special. This
45 age group, and 2% from the 45-60 age will help users save time and get the work
group. Nearly 57% of online shoppers are done immediately whenever needed. Users
men and 43% are women. get their products updated when orders are

The proposed software includes the

following features:
1. Login/Signup
2. Order details
3. Add to Cart
4. Payment Gateway
Fig. 2. Respondents 5. Add Product
6. Check Customer Details
4. Payment Gateway 7. Feedback
Payment gateways are e-commerce 6. E-Commerce Trends
transaction service providers that authorize
e-businesses, online retailers, brick-and- E-commerce is booming in the modern
mortar clicks, or traditional brick-and- business world this is a paradigm shift that
mortar payments by credit card. Payment affects both marketers and customers in
methods, consisting of credit cards, debit fact e-commerce is more than just another
cards, online banking transfers, and way to promote existing business practices
electronic money transfers, are the this will completely change the traditional
lifeblood of any online business. The way of doing business this radical change
environment is changing from cash to in business model has resulted in
digital money and future sustainable e- phenomenal growth around the world and
commerce requires payment gateways. India is no exception in addition e-
commerce presents a full range of
opportunities to curb pollution and have a
significant impact on the environment
purchasing goods and services through e-
commerce gives consumers the freedom to
choose when and where they shop
allowing them to research products sellers
and other options available shopping has
been revolutionized by the availability of
Fig. 3. Payment Gateway online information most of what you can
buy at grocery stores even perishable items
like groceries can be purchased through e-
commerce and consumers around the the possibilities for both you and the
world are embracing these opportunities. consumer are now endless increase
opportunities for businesses to win and
7. Drawbacks
progress and increase consumer choice
The analysis of specific gender and age however like everything else e-commerce
groups is more subjective. The author did has its downsides such as consumer
not do more detailed research on the uncertainty but there is nothing that good
specific products such as phone or beauty decisions and business practices cannot
products In order to better understand what solve or avoid there are several factors and
factors drive consumers to buy. The variables to consider when deciding to
factors are internal or external? How start some of these are e-commerce types
internal and external factors interact with marketing strategies and the list goes on
each other. On the other hand, all my data and on if the right methods and practices
are obtained based on WeChat. Some are followed businesses can thrive in the e-
middle-aged and elderly people may not commerce environment and achieve great
use WeChat, which leads to a low success and profitability.
proportion of elderly people in the survey.
9. References
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