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Me and my crew found a abandoned ship at the east of this small island.

Abandoned: terk edilmiş

Despite the accusations I hurled at him, despite our quarrelsome history, I had never truly seen him
accusations: suçlamalar

For most of my life, I had this terrible affliction.

affliction: bela, keder

I looked at his face, he was agonizing so I ended up his life.

agony: ızdırap, can çekişme

Verbal altercation ends with a broken heart.

altercation: münakaşa, kavga

The two began their struggle anew.

anew: yine

She was anguishing because of cancer.

anguish: ızdırap, acı çekmek

When I returned all off it, the town we built together, our city, our citizens, they were annihilated. So I
stayed, stayed to protect them to not make the same mistake again.
annihilated: yok olmuş

I told stories about our good old days to appease her pain even for a little bit.
appease: yatıştırmank

The attire is very casual, and prices are equally friendly.

attire: kıyafet, donatmak

He was following me like an avenging angel following his target.

avenging angel: intikam meleği

This area was harden and barren but she insist to make a camp here.
barren: çorak

I saw his mighty face bend of the hallway.

bend: dönemeç

The teacher was pissed but they were still cackling at the behind.
cackled: kıkırdamak

I cried a lot. Because crying was a great catharsis for releasing my pain, anger and emptiness.
Catharsis: arınma, rahatsız edici duyguları dışa vurarak onlardan kurtulma
The voices of birds in the morning felt like a chant that coming from god itself.
chant: ilahi

Guilty, the judge clamored, even tho I didn’t do anything.

clamored: yaygara, feryat

She began to cry and sob and clung to me.

clung: yapışmak

It was just a coincidence that we met here or was it a game of fate?

coincidence: rastlantı

You can set a combustion with just a spark from a flint.

Combustion: patlama, yanma, tutuşma

Her dog was very companionable.

companionable: arkadaş canlısı, samimi

Did you really think that i will trust you after you denounced my name to the police.
denounced: ihbar etmek

He appeared relaxed, despite the danger.

Despite: rağmen

The shape of his face very disproportional.

disproportional : oransız

The painter draw my face so elaborate that i thought i was looking at reflection from a mirror
elaborate: ayrıntılı

And then he stepped forward, looking elegant in a dark tuxedo.

elegant: zarif

What would my duties entail?

entail: yol açmak, istemek

Why did he continue the farce when he must realize she had him pegged?
farce: saçmalık

These mortals and their short, fitful lives.

fitful: düzensiz, değişken

He was in fretfully mood.

fretfully: huysuz
He gestured me to walk with him
gesture: el/kol/baş hareketi yapmak

He didn’t nurture grudges even after i betrayed him

grudges: kin

Theres no needed more than my hands to wreak havoc.

Havoc: yıkma

It is easy to offend others when blinded by hubris.

Hubris: aşırı guru duyma, kibir

Despite the accusations I hurled at him, despite our quarrelsome history, I had never truly seen him
Hurled: savurmak

She was imploring for her life like a little child who wants a candy from his/her mom.
imploring: yalvarıyor

Fancy, with his powerful mind, indulging in such nonsense!

indulging: müsamaha gösterme

They couldn’t have heard a thing of what we said, but she stood with his head cocked inquisitively to
the side, as if she were turning over the words.
inquisitively: merakla

During one of our sparring matches I felt a very powerful pressure that felt like I was going to die and
instinctively I stepped back.
instinctively: içgüdüsel olarak

I want her to let me love her, not just scratch an itch.

itch: kaşınmak, gidişmek

Wisteria and ivy grew around marble pillars.

ivy: sarmaşık

Every time i made an experiment my grandma told me i was a very lavish child but these words didn’t
stop me and i become a scientist
lavish: müsrif

Laxness in his face was so obvious even tho he got 14 exam in the next week.
Laxness: umursamazlık

He slapped the team into action and they headed for town at a more leisurely pace.
Leisurely: acelesiz, sakin
Economic flight experience was so bad that i felt like i nestled between 2 seats.
nestled: kıvrılmış/sokulmuş/sıkıştırılmış

He was so strong that he made a onslaught with a dulled blade.

onslaught: şiddetli hücum

One piece of gold was her only opulence.

opulence: servet

I parried his onslaught whitouth any effort.

parry: savuşturma

I was hearing voices like a penance of my past life.

penance: kefaret

It was just a petty price to pay for everything else.

petty: önemsiz, küçük, ehemmiyetsiz

Despite the accusations I hurled at him, despite our quarrelsome history, I had never truly seen him
quarrelsome: geçimsiz

The railings wasn’t strong enought to hold my all height.

railings: korkuluk

Their names and faces had faded into the recesses of his hazy memory.
recesses: gizli yer, iç taraf

Sometimes I would rather dying instead of reckoning my duties.

reckoning: tahmin etme, hesaplaşma

“Apka!” the teacher reprimanded, with no real heat behind his words.
reprimand: azarlamak

She could neither control her body's reaction to it nor satiate it.
satiate: gına getirmek, doyurmak

My friends and I still scoff at the huge mistake we made 8 yeears ago
scoff: alay etmek, eğlenmek, oburca yemek

I was so angry that even crying wasn’t going to settle me down.

settle down: sakinleşmek

I didn’t know if it was a real trouble to live in the shire in a zombie apocalypse.
Shire: ilçe, eyalet, kontluk
I shredded his arm infront of his child.
shredded: lime lime edilmiş

I was in a sightseeing group at Italy.

sightseeing: gezme

I would have given you your vengeance on a silver platter. I would have given you the world.
Silver Platter: ??Her şeyi sunmak??

I’d heard of the angel through whispered stories and snatches of tavern gossip.
snatches: kesik kesik, kısa aralıklarla

During one of our sparring matches I felt a very powerful pressure that felt like I was going to die and
instinctively I stepped back.
sparring: idman

I slayed no matter. Even he is a king or a starry-eyed rebel.

starry-eyed: hiç olmayacak bir şeyin peşinde koşan

She stiffened and avoided his gaze.

stiffened: sertleştirilmiş

She stomped her feet like a child in a tantrum.

tantrum: öfke nöbeti

Tapestries was looking so aesthetics on a palace like this.

tapestries: duvar kağıdı dokuması

I tugged on my seat friends neck very politely

tugged: çekiştirmek

Even tho i do all of my tasks i can’t escape from sense of unfulfillment

unfulfillment: yerine getirmeme

Sir you gotta believe me i kicked that child unwitting.

unwitting: habersiz, ne yaptığının farkında olmaya

After he shredded my dad’s arm in front of my eyes i made a promise that i will take my dad’s
Vengeance: İntikam

Verbal altercation ends with a broken heart.

verbal: sözlü
I wandered the world, trying to escape from reality.
wander: başıboş dolaşmak

I’d wile away time with my computer

wile: güzel zaman geçirmek

Wisteria and ivy grew around marble pillars

wisteria: salkım

He was suffering from loses the people he love the most. He felt like he just should end his life. What a
wretch way to die.
wretch: acınası, sefil

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