Math Operation + and

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Fill in the blanks with symbol > , < , or =

a.) 17 . . . . . -71
b.) -45 . . . . -54
c.) -148 . . . . 148

Order numbers below, starting from the biggest.

19 , 28 , 38 , -48, 58, -68


Order numbers below, starting from the smallest.

-2, -9, 8 , 0, 13, 10


Cross Number Puzzle

Fill in the blanks using the numbers provided under the puzzle

15 + … = 24

+ :

… x 4 = …

= =

… - … = …

-8 -3 -2 -2 9 13 16

Solve the following operations

a.) -25 x (-4) + (-35) =

b.) -75 x 3 + (-5) x (-25) =


c.) 2 x (-75) +250 – (300 + (-6)) =

d.) -20 x (75 + (-50)) : (-100) =

e.) 175 – 15 x (-8) + (-250) =

1. First, Andy and Wendy stood side by side. Andy took 12 steps forward and Wendy took
17 steps back. The distance between Andy and Wendy is . . . . steps.

2. A diver was 35 meters below sea level. Then, the diver rose as far as 17 meters from its
original position. The position of the diver now is …

3. The temperature at the summit of Rinjani during the day is 4 degrees Celsius. The air
temperature at the summit of Rinjani at night is -5 degrees Celsius. What is the
difference in air temperature at the summit of Rinjani between day and night?

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