WoordenlijstEngelsHavoVwo Univ Leiden Herzien

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Signaalwoorden Engels havo/vwo

Uitbreiding / Opsomming

also ook ; He not only ran the Enschede

marathon, he also won it.

and en
vooral belangrijk wanneer het aan het
begin van de zin staat ;
He bought a lottery ticket. And he won lots
of money.

as well as evenals ; He bought The Daily Telegraph as

well as The Guardian.

besides, bovendien (met komma!)

He was late. Besides, he did not do his

both … and … zowel … als … ; Both my brother and my

sister have two children.

even zelfs (a, b, zelfs c) ; My mother and my

father have a smart phone, even my sister
has one.

first, second, third eerste, tweede, derde ; John was the first
to arrive. Second came Hillary, and Peter
was third.

furthermore bovendien ; You need an overnight bag.

Furthermore, you need your passport and

in addition naast, bovendien ; In addition to the

money he had already donated, he gave
another million pounds.

indeed sterker nog (2e argument = meer van ’t

zelfde) I like the film. Hugh Grant is
good looking.
Indeed, he has the most beautiful blue

in fact* sterker nog

He was angry. In fact, he was absolutely

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moreover bovendien
I like this film. The script is nice.
Moreover, Hugh Grant is very goodlooking.

neither … nor … noch … noch … ; Neither my brother, nor

my sister goes to the Queen concert.

not only…….but also niet alleen………maar ook ; He not only

prepared the meal, but he also ate it

or of; vooral belangrijk wanneer het aan

het begin van de zin staat. You can work
against us. Or you can decide to

too ook; I like icecream for dessert, but I like

apple pie too.

what is more bovendien; He knew I liked that shirt very

much. What is more, he bought it for me!

(mean)while* ondertussen (als in: ondertussen gebeurt

het tegenovergestelde) My mum was
preparing dinner. Meanwhile, the dog ate
all the meat from the worktop.

Reden / Oorzaak

after all tenslotte

He got a promotion. After all, he works

as daar, omdat.
As you were not there, I left a message

as a result of als gevolg van ; As a result of his hard

work, he got a promotion.

because omdat ; You can’t do that, because you’ll

hurt me if you do!

for want
We listened carefully, for he
brought news of the accident.

since aangezien ; I didn’t tell you, since you

since it suggests … never listen to me.
aangezien het suggereert …

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admittedly toegegeven, (tegenargument) ; I don’t

think it’s as bad as that, but, admittedly,
you have a point.

although, though ofschoon, hoewel ; Although he had a cold,

he ran the marathon and won.

besides behalve (zonder

Besides you,
nobody writes

but maar ; Peter likes spinach, but Mary


by contrast daarentegen, als contrast ; My parents

have old-fashioned furniture. By contrast,
my in-laws have very modern furniture.

certainly, weliswaar (met komma, tegenargument!)

You just told me something about Jane.
Certainly, you don’t believe that yourself!

conversely daarentegen ; Nuclear energy is a clean

kind of energy. Conversely, the waste stays
dangerous for a very long time.

despite ondanks ; Despite him being 82, he still

runs for a hobby.

either … or … ofwel ... of … ; You can either take a beer,

or you can order a glass of wine.

even so toch, desondanks. He doesn’t drink alcohol,

even so, he sometimes buys a bottle for his

however echter ; You say you don’t like chocolate.

However, I’ve seen you eating a complete

in fact* feitelijk, eigenlijk

(tegenargument) Je
zou denken … feitelijk
zit het zo … ; In this
light the couch looks
green, in fact it’s

Let op: in fact kan ook een

versterking/uitbreiding zijn.
He was angry. In fact, he was

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absolutely furious.

in spite of ondanks ; In spite of his handicap, he can

live on his own without help.

instead in plaats daarvan ; I don’t want any money

for this, you can help me out some other
time instead.

nevertheless desalniettemin ; I know you don’t want any

money for this, nevertheless I want to do
something to repay you.

now* nu ; It used to be like that. Now, things are


of course, natuurlijk (met komma, tegenargument!) ;

You say it’s 30%. Of course, that’s not
true: it’s 50%.

on the one hand … on the other enerzijds, anderzijds ; On the one hand I
am inclined to believe you, on the other
hand I still distrust you.

rather eerder dan, in plaats van.

Would you like to go to the movies?

I would rather go to a restaurant.

still toch ; He knew he wasn’t allowed to go out,

still he slipped out of the house to go into

sure, weliswaar (met komma, tegenargument!) ;

Sure, today the weather is good, but …
Vandaag is het weer weliswaar goed, maar

then again aan de andere kant ; We could try your

solution, then again it might backfire on us.

to be fair om eerlijk te zijn (tegenargument) ; You

say it will work, but, to be fair, that will
hardly be possible.

true, weliswaar (met komma,

tegenargument!) ; True, he has
some good points too … Hij heeft
weliswaar ook goede punten …

whereas terwijl
He earns a lot, whereas her income is poor.

(mean)while* ondertussen (als in: ondertussen gebeurt

het tegenovergestelde) ; My mum was
preparing dinner. Meanwhile, the dog ate

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all the meat from the worktop.

yet toch ; He works hard, yet very inefficiently.


if als, indien ; If you go, I’ll hate you for it.

provided, providing mits, op voorwaarde dat ; You can have

that, provided that you eat it all.

unless tenzij ; You can’t go out, unless you have

finished your homework.

Tijd / Volgorde

before voor ; Before you go out, you have to clean

your room.

earlier vroeger ; I would like to have heard that

earlier, before you made your decision.

eventually uiteindelijk ; It took him a long time, but

eventually he managed to build the house.

initially aanvankelijk ; Initially I thought he was a


in the past in het verleden ; I did nothing wrong in the

past. No regrets whatsoever.

later later ; Can I hand in my essay a week


now* nu ; Instead of doing it next week, why

don’t you do it now?

once zodra, toen eenmaal

Once he came home, he changed clothes

once upon a time op een keer … er was eens … ; Once upon

a time there was a beautiful princess called

present, present-day nu, tegenwoordig, vandaag de dag ; In

present-day society you can’t trust anyone

today tegenwoordig, vandaag de dag ; Young

people today are only interested in their

until totdat ; I really liked you, until you lied to


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Gevolg / Conclusie

as a result daarom ; He had a brilliant business idea,

and as a result he got filthily rich.

consequently met als gevolg ; You are not allowed to use

the Internet after nine o’clock,
consequently you have to do your
homework before that time.

hence daarom, zodoende ; He sunburns very

quickly, hence the red colour in his face.

in short kortom ; She has a horse, a dog, a cat and

a hedgehog. In short she’s an animal lover.

so dus, daarom ; I don’t like you. So I won’t

ever go out with you.

that’s why daarom

He never works. That’s why he failed his

therefore daarom ; You want to pass your exams,

therefore you have to work hard.

thus zo, op die manier, samenvattend. ; He

locked the door, thus not allowing his
daughter to come in.


as if alsof ; He acted as if he had taken drugs.

equally evenzeer, evenzo ; She loved riding her

horse, equally she loved visiting the zoo.

likewise op dezelfde manier ; She cleaned her plate,

and he did likewise.

similarly op dezelfde manier ; It rains a lot in

Holland because of its long coastline.
Similarly, it rains a lot in England.


for example bijvoorbeeld ; You could buy a dog, for

example an English Basset or a German

for instance bijvoorbeeld ; There’s lots of drinks to

choose from, for instance beer, wine,

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whisky, sodawater.

such as zoals ; You hear lots of different languages

in Amsterdam, such as English, French,
and even Icelandic

* Woord komt meerdere keren voor in de lijst.

Functiewoorden Engels havo/vwo

to account for verhelderen ; Your explanation doesn’t

account for the unexpected rise in costs.

to advocate pleiten voor ; Being an environment

friendly person, he advocates a
decluttered lifestyle.

to anticipate anticiperen, voorzien ; He had not

anticipated the car coming from the right.

to assume aannemen, veronderstellen ; I assume

that you have finished your homework,
now you’re in front of the telly?

to call for action vragen om maatregelen ; The situation in

Oldenzaal was so bad that it called for
action by the mayor and the police

to claim met klem beweren ; He claimed he didn’t

do it, but I saw him do it!

to comment opmerken ; He commented that it wasn’t

worth our while going there: it was boring.

to conclude besluiten ; He concluded his speech by

wishing us all the best for the future.

to counter the idea het idee tegenspreken ; The evidence

countered the idea that Mark was the

to criticise bekritiseren ; It’s easy to criticise if you

don’t play a role in the procedure.

to demonstrate belichten ; The red smudges on his shirt

demonstrated that he had been near the

to describe beschrijven ; The witness could not clearly

describe the murderer.

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to discuss bespreken ; Sit down. We have to discuss
your behaviour in class.

to distinguish onderscheiden ; It’s easy to distinguish an

Opel from a Ford.

to elaborate uitwerken ; I have to elaborate these

notes before I can send them to the team.

to elaborate on uitweiden, uitgebreid doorgaan over ; The

teacher was riding his hobby horse again:
he started elaborating on First World War

to emphasize benadrukken ; The clothes she was

wearing emphasized the colour of her

to explain uitleggen ; I don’t understand, can you


to express uiten ; Some people express their feelings

easily, others don’t.

to favour begunstigen ; He favoured his eldest son

with a good education. The others got

to give examples voorbeelden geven ; Sometimes it’s easier

to explain something by giving examples
than by trying to describe it.

to ignore negeren ; A teacher hates being ignored

by his pupils.

to illustrate illustreren, toelichten, verduidelijken ; This

TV show illustrates why you should not
use kid stars.

to impress indruk maken op ; Young boys try to

impress young girls by showing off how
brave they are.

to indicate aanduiden ; This evidence indicates that

the murderer was left-handed.

to introduce voorstellen ; My daughter introduced her

new boyfriend to us. He introduced himself
as Quint.

to mention vermelden ; My name wasn’t mentioned in

the list of winners, unfortunately.

to outline in grote lijnen aangeven ; Can you outline

your plans for the next few weeks, so I
have an idea?

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to point to wijzen op ; The evidence before us clearly
points to the man’s innocence, set him

to prepare voorbereiden ; It’s a big test, you’d better

prepare well so as not to fail.

to prove bewijzen ; That he had the murder

weapon in his hand does not prove that he
committed the crime.

to refuse weigeren ; You can’t refuse your little

daughter when she asks for a kiss.

to restate herformuleren ; That’s not what I meant,

let me restate that so you will understand.

to set out uiteenzetten ; The government set out

plans for the cuts in public spending.

to set the scene de situatie omschrijven ; Let me set the

scene so you can understand why it

to shed a different light on een ander licht werpen op ; You’ve only

heard Mary’s side of the story, let me
shed a different light on what happened so
you can judge for yourself.

to show tonen ; She came out of her room and

showed me the new clothes she had

to state stellen ; In the court room he stated that

he had not witnessed the murder.

to stress benadrukken ; I can’t stress the

importance of the situation enough.

to suggest suggereren, hinten naar ; Are you

suggesting we should work together to get
better results?

to sum up opsommen ; Can you sum up all the jobs

that you have done in your life?

to support ondersteunen ; The fans supported the

football club with songs and cheers.

to undermine ondermijnen ; If you want to undermine

the power of the King, kill his Queen.

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Basiswoorden Engels havo/vwo

Hieronder vind je de zogenaamde ‘basiswoorden’ Engels. Deze lijst is gemaakt op

basis van de examens van afgelopen jaren. De woorden die hier staan komen
daarin heel vaak voor. Naast de signaalwoorden is dit het vocabulaire dat je voor
je examen feilloos moet kennen. Wanneer je deze woorden namelijk moet
opzoeken in het woordenboek, zal je tijdens het examen in tijdproblemen komen.
Om het leren makkelijker te maken, zijn de woorden in categorieën ingedeeld.

Belangrijk voor het begrijpen van de vraag en antwoorden

in accordance with in overeenstemming met, volgens

to judge from te oordelen naar, volgens
in line with in lijn met, volgens

What is […] in line Wat is […] volgens alinea 3?

with/to judge from/in
accordance to
paragraph 3?

to aim richten op ; The measures the government

had taken were aimed at helping the
people coming from Syria.

it amounts to Het komt neer op ; What the writer means

to say amounts to only one conclusion.

to approach benaderen
You must approach the subject from both sides. Je moet het onderwerp van beide kanten

author schrijver, auteur ; The author of the article

is being very ironic.

to cause, a cause veroorzaken, oorzaak ; What you just did

might cause some problems with your

to characterize typeren ; With which words would you

characterize your girlfriend? What’s she

to claim stellen dat, beweren ; The author claimed

he had not copied that part of his book.

It concerns Het gaat over ; It concerns the problem of

the refugees from Syria.

to conclude concluderen ; What can you conclude from

the comments of the author?

to contain bevatten ; Your remarks contain no valid

arguments for your opinion.

(to) debate debat (bediscussiëren) ; We are not here

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to debate the situation of the pigs on that

How does … relate to … ? Hoe verhoudt zich … tot …? ; How does

this new U2 song relate to their older

to ignore, ignorance negeren, onwetendheid ; A problem will

not go away by simply ignoring it. You
have to do something about it.

to imply impliceren (je zegt het niet letterlijk,

maar je bedoelt het wel) ; What are you
implying with that remark about my

to include inhouden (en dan een beschrijving van

wat het inhoudt) ; Going on holiday
includes packing your bag, planning your
trip, paying the hotel, etc.

to prove bewijzen ; The police can’t prove that I

was involved in that crime.

to provide (with) voorzien van, leveren ; He provided the

Prime Minister with all the information
needed for the debate.

purpose doel ; What is the purpose of our lives

here on earth? Why do we do what we do?

sentence zin ; Can you create a sentence with

sentence in it?

subject onderwerp ; Marriage is a subject I don’t

want to talk about. I’m just not ready for it

to tackle (op een bepaalde manier) aanpakken ; I

thought I had tackled the problem well,
but it came back with a vengeance.

What function is paragraph X meant to Wat is het doel van paragraaf X?

(zie functies hieronder)

It amounts to Het komt neer op ; The story amounts to

only one conclusion: they lived happily
ever after.

It concerns Het gaat over ; The problem concerns the

amount of nuclear waste: how to get rid of

It claims Het beweert ; The article claims that our

government has made a terrible mistake.

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It criticizes Het bekritiseert ; The author criticizes the
way the problem was solved.

It describes Het beschrijft ; The article describes the

procedure of the treatment of the illness.

It elaborates Het werkt verder uit ; The author

elaborates on why he chose his topic.

It emphasizes Het benadrukt ; The second paragraph

emphasizes the importance of the

It explains Het legt uit ; The fourth paragraph

explains the problem mentioned in the
third paragraph.

It focusses on Het richt zich op ; The conclusion of this

article focusses on only one possible

It highlights Het vestigt de aandacht op ; The fifth

paragraph highlights the most important
reason for the crime.

It illustrates Het illustreert (geeft voorbeelden) ;

Paragraph 3 illustrates the ways the
problem can be solved.

It introduces Het introduceert ; Chapter 3 introduces a

new character in the story: Santa Claus.

It is in accordance with Het is in overeenstemming met ; What the

writer states is in accordance with the
opinion of the general public.

It makes clear Het maakt duidelijk ; This story makes

clear why you should not steal.

It mentions Het noemt ; Paragraph 4 mentions 2

reasons for not emigrating to

It provides examples of Het geeft voorbeelden van ; The one but

last paragraph provides examples of
possible results of the therapy.

It regards Het beschouwt ; The monster regards

itself as being pretty.

It shows that Het laat zien dat ; The article shows that
you can safely download the programme.

It stresses Het benadrukt ; This story stresses the

importance of a good virus scanner.

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It suggests Het stelt voor, het wekt de suggestie ;
This article suggests that we can do
without nuclear power.

It summarises Het vat samen ; This paragraph

summarizes all the arguments used

It repeats Het herhaalt ; This story repeats exactly

what was in the previous story. It’s boring!

It tones down Het zwakt af ; This article tones down the

importance of protection needed for your

It outlines Het schetst (in grote lijnen) ; That article

outlines the thoughts of the right-wing
politicians in The Netherlands.

What is the main message of…? Wat is de voornaamste boodschap van…?

Writer schrijver ; The writer of the text on that

website was sentenced for discrimination.

Toon van de schrijver

How can the tone of paragraph X be Op welke toon is paragraaf X geschreven?


Schrijver is positief: Positief:

admiring bewonderend ; His admiring way of

describing London made me want to go

approving goedkeurend, instemmend ; In this article

you can see that the writer is approving of
the death penalty.

Schrijver is neutraal: Neutraal:

matter-of-fact geeft de feiten ; The detective pictured the

situation in a very matter-of-fact way,
without any emotion or drama.

objective objectief, laat beide kanten van de zaak

zien. ; You could see he was objective: he
used arguments for and against.

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Schrijver is negatief: Negatief:

angry boos ; The writer is clearly angry about the

injustices done to minority group.

concerned bezorgd ; He showed real concern, he was

worried something bad might happen.

disappointed teleurgesteld ; I hate it when my parents

say they are not angry, but only

disbelieving gelooft het niet ; The author writes in

disbelieving tones about the cause of the

furious woedend ; He wasn’t just angry, he was

furious about the mistake.

indifferent onverschillig ; He couldn’t care less and he

showed he was indifferent by turning and
walking away.

indignant verontwaardigd ; The judge was indignant

about the way he was treated in the

pessimistic pessimistisch, somber gestemd ; He did

not believe it would work, and his
pessimistic attitude affected the other
people present.

Schrijver spot ermee: Spot ermee:

amused geamuseerd (een klein beetje spottend) ;

In an amused tone he depicted the
situation there.

cynical cynisch ; Don’t be so cynical, can’t you see

any good in it?

ironic ironisch ; Actually, he meant the opposite

of what he said, he was being ironic.

joking grapjes makend ; You can’t be only

serious, some joking is in order to even the

mocking spottend ; He doesn’t take himself too

seriously: in a mocking way he described
his habits.

sarcastic sarcastisch, hatelijk ; She hated him so

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much, she could only make sarcastic
remarks to everything he did.


century eeuw ; William Shakespeare lived

centuries ago.

decade decennium, 10 jaar ; When I was born,

decades ago, there wasn’t any Internet.

modern modern ; These modern times know

intelligent cars and houses.

often vaak ; How often do you cycle to school?

Positieve strekking

to achieve, achievement (iets) bereiken, prestatie ; Getting your

diploma at this school is quite an
achievement, not everybody can do that.

advantage voordeel ; An advantage of living here is

that you can cycle to school within a short

to appeal, the appeal Aantrekken, de aantrekkingskracht ; Going

to warm countries doesn’t appeal to me, I
don’t like sweating a lot.

appropriate geschikt ; We have to find the appropriate

solution to this problem.

to approve instemmen met ; I asked my parents if I

could go out tonight, and they approved! I
love it!

to benefit voordeel hebben van ; The refugees from

Syria benefitted from the generosity of the
local people.

charity, goed doel ; Donate at least €100.- to a

charity such as the Red Cross and you will
feel good.
charitable liefdadig

to convince overtuigen ; I have to try to convince my

parents to allow me to go out next Friday.

credibility geloofwaardigheid ; In the eyes of the

public he lost all credibility when he started
to cry before the camera.

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to develop ontwikkelen ; I can’t stop sneezing, I’ve
developed a cold.

effective effectief ; Throwing your money in the

water isn’t effective, it won’t do any good.

to encourage aanmoedigen ; Will you encourage your

sister to take part in that contest? She may

enhancement vermeerdering, versterking ; The scandal

did nothing to further the enhancement of
the position of the Prime Minister in

fortunately gelukkig, het is maar goed dat ;

Fortunately, nobody was hurt in the

gifted begaafd, intelligent ; A gifted child should

be stimulated in all kinds of ways to
enhance its talents.

growth groei ; The growth of the economy in

England is stimulated by these measures.

importance belangrijkheid ; I can’t stress the

importance of a good virus scanner

to improve, improvement verbeteren, verbetering ; Your writing in

English leaves room for improvement, I’ll
show you how to improve it.

to increase, an increase vergroten, toename ; If you want to

increase your income, get another job!

luck geluk ; I can’t believe my luck: I’ve won

the Lottery!!

opportunities mogelijkheden ; Life presents you with all

kinds of opportunities, you just have to see

perfectly Volmaakt, heel erg goed ; He understood

perfectly well why he had screwed up.

pleasure plezier ; Giving other people presents gives

me pleasure. I like it a lot.

popular populair, geliefd ; If you want to be

popular you have to say what other people
want to hear.

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to profit voordeel hebben van ; You might profit
from the good economical climate.

progress vooruitgang ; You can’t stop technological

progress, phones and TVs will get smarter
and smarter.

prosperity welvaart ; Western Europe and its

prosperity draws many people who look to
find their fortune here.

to raise doen toenemen, doen stijgen ; If you work

hard I may raise your salary considerably.

to rise, rising toenemen, groeiend ; There was a rising

concern about the growing amount of

safe veilig ; When I’m at home I feel safe from

the dangers of the big bad world outside.

significant belangrijk ; There’s a significant difference

between ‘look at’ and ‘look after’.

to solve, solution oplossen, oplossing ; There isn’t a simple

solution for the lack of food in winter.

(to) support steun (ondersteunen, steunen) ; You can’t

expect any support from him, he hates

useful nuttig ; I need some useful advice from

you about that problem.

wealth rijkdom, welzijn ; He doesn’t care about

money: he shares his wealth with

Negatieve strekking

to abuse misbruiken, mishandelen ; Horses in

Drenthe sometimes are abused by a
maniac, hurting them with knives.

to blame de schuld geven ; Michael Jackson blamed

the press for most of his problems.

to complain klagen ; I have no problems, I have

nothing to complain about.

counter- betekent altijd ‘tegen’ iets ; He played

Counter-strike a lot, a popular war game.

dangerous gevaarlijk ; Lifting weights while standing

on a big ball is stupid and dangerous: you

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may hurt yourself.
danger gevaar

a decline, declining daling, dalend ; A declining number of

people believe in the new government.

to deny ontkennen ; Will you please not deny

smoking? I can smell it on your breath.

to disappoint, disappointment teleurstellen, teleurstelling ; I could read

the disappointment from his face when I
told him he wouldn’t get an icecream.

false, wrong fout, verkeerd ; Don’t give the boy false

hope for an icecream, it’s wrong to do that.

to fail, failure falen, mislukken, mislukking ; Have you

learnt nothing from your failures?

hard moeilijk, hard ; It is sometimes hard to

accept the situation you’re in.
(maar let op: hardly) nauwelijks ; He hardly slept after his night

harmful schadelijk ; Drinking too much alcohol in

one go is harmful for your brains.

to ignore negeren, links laten liggen, geen aandacht

aan besteden ; Please don’t ignore your
teachers when they give you instructions.

to lack ontbreken ; You lack respect for your

elders, don’t be so rude.

to mock bespotten ; Please don’t mock my clothes,

they were very expensive.

to reduce verminderen ; We want to reduce the

amount of rubbish lying in the streets.

to regret spijt hebben van, betreuren ; I really

regret having hit her in the face.

risk risico ; If you do that, you run the risk of

getting hurt.

struggle inspanning, worsteling ; It was a real

struggle to get this job done in time.

to suffer lijden ; Do you suffer from colds a lot?

terrible verschrikkelijk ; That open wound is

terrible, go to a hospital please!

threat dreiging ; The threat of an alien invasion is

not very big. Don’t believe Independence

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unfortunately helaas, jammer genoeg ; Unfortunately, I
did not win the Lottery, so I’m still poor.

violence geweld ; Is there a lot of violence in that

shooting game?

violent gewelddadig ; When he becomes angry he

can get really violent, so watch out for

Onderzoek doen, onderwijs, opvoeding

academic geleerde, academicus (doet onderzoek aan

de universiteit), universitair ; There aren’t
many academics who research the link
between language and social status.

college universiteit, hogere school ; Many Dutch

students want to go to an American college
for a year, before they take up a further
education in Holland.

course vak (op universiteit) ; You have to sign up

for several courses to complete your Ivy
League university curriculum.

degree universitaire graad, mate waarin ; To a

certain degree I believe you when you say
you have an academic degree.

to discover ontdekken ; I have discovered where my

sister keeps her secret stash of chocolate.

education opvoeding, onderwijs ; With a good

education your chances for a job are much

evidence bewijs ; The police had no evidence that

the shop had been broken into.

evolved geëvolueerd ; The Volkswagen Golf has

evolved into the best selling car through
the decades.

expert expert, deskundige ; Robert Langdon is the

expert on symbols in Dan Brown’s Inferno.

facts feiten ; I’m not interested in your feelings

right now, just give me the facts of the

findings bevindingen, resultaten ; The scientists

compared their findings after the

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grades cijfers, klas(sen) ; You have to get good
grades to get the best result.

history geschiedenis ; Napoleon, Ceasar and Hitler

are important characters in European
historical historisch, geschiedkundig

inquiry onderzoek ; The police started an inquiry

into Robert Langdon, because he was a
suspect of terrorism.

knowledge kennis ; With the knowledge I have now, I

would not have made the same mistake.

to prove bewijzen, aantonen ; The police know he

did it, but they can’t prove it.

pupils leerlingen ; The pupils at the Thij are

absolutely fantastic!

remark opmerking ; The teacher made a very

nasty remark about the pupil’s clothing.

report verslag ; All pupils need to write a book

report about at least three books this year.

research onderzoek ; For your PWS you have to

think up how you are going to do your
research into the topic you chose.

researchers onderzoekers ; The researchers at the

chemical plant found a remedy against
rusting iron.

result resultaat ; The result of the research was

that the illness could be cured.

science wetenschap ; The goal of science is to get

to know things that had not been
researched before.

scientific wetenschappelijk ; If you do research, you

have to do it in a scientific way so it can be

scientists wetenschappers ; Sometimes scientists

find things they were not looking for, such
as antibiotics.

society maatschappij ; Western society thinks it’s

superior to everything.

source bron ; News reporters always keep their

sources a secret.

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species soorten ; Darwin discovered that animal
species developed in their own way when

state staat, toestand ; He was in no state to give

any comment after the race.

studies onderzoeken, studies ; There have been

many studies into the effect of smoking
and drinking on your health.
to study bestuderen

survey onderzoek ; The results of the survey were

presented in the news bulletin on TV.

theory theorie ; Darwin drew up a complete

theory about how species adapted to
changing surroundings.

university universiteit ; If you want to go to

university you have to finish VWO first.

Mens en maatschappij

accident ongeluk ; She was involved in an accident

when she was younger, now she’s in a

adult volwassene ; Many adults and children lost

their lives in the disaster.

advertising adverteren ; Advertising your product on

radio seems to be very effictive: you sell

announcement mededeling ; There was an announcement

on the school Tannoy that classes were

art kunst ; At school you get lessons in art and

history and English.

to attack, attack aanvallen, aanval ; The army unit attacked

the enemy from behind.

authorities regering, machthebbende ; You can’t just

start a business, you have to register with
the proper authorities.

attitude houding ; The teacher didn’t like the pupils’

attitude towards school. They were too

audience publiek ; The artist bowed to the audience

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after his performance.

background achtergrond ; I don’t know anything about

his background, he’s a complete unknown
to me.

to behave gedragen ; Pupils should behave well at

school to prevent punishment.

behaviour gedrag ; Sam was told that his bad

behaviour just would not be allowed at

to believe, belief geloven, geloof ; Why should I believe a


to bully pesten ; Mostly there is one person in

every school class that gets bullied by the
others in the class, mostly for no special

citizen, citizenship burger, (staats)burgerschap ; He’s a

citizen of the German Republic.

community gemeenschap ; The Dutch community in

the USA doesn’t let go of the custom of

conspiracy samenzwering ; Many people still believe

9/11 was a government conspiracy, that
the CIA was behind it.

crime misdaad ; In big cities there is often more

crime than in smaller communities, so
more police is needed.

engineering techniek ; Many people were involved in

the engineering of the new World Trade

environment milieu, omgeving ; Consuming too much is

just bad for the environment: we simply
use too much.

ethical moreel, ethisch (normen en waarden) ;

Many people think it’s not ethical to punish
criminals by killing them.

foreign buitenlands, vreemd ; Can I pay you with

foreign money? I only have Dollars.

global wereld- ; The global economy has declined

because of the crisis.

government regering ; The government in The

Netherlands is chosen by the people of the

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homeless dakloos ; For a homeless person it is hard

to find a dry place to sleep.

illegal verboden ; It is illegal in Holland to have

more than 5 weed plants at your house.

impact invloed ; The impact of bad food on

growing children is very big.

independent onafhankelijk ; When a newspaper calls

itself The Independent you can assume it is
Leftwing nor Rightwing.

individual individueel, individu ; Three suspect

individuals were spotted near the entrance
of the bank.

(to) influence (to exert influence) invloed (beïnvloeden) (invloed

uitoefenen) ; A politician tries to exert
influence on you by using arguments.

issues onderwerpen, zaken ; There are too many

issues on the agenda for this meeting, so
we’ll have to plan another.

language taal ; The English language is so much

more beautiful than the Dutch.

law wet ; There is no law against speaking in


legal wettelijk ; Tapping your phone is a legal

way for the police to gain information
about you.

library bibliotheek ; Every good school has a

library with good books and magazines.

local plaatselijk, lokaal ; I bought my shoes at

the local shop, not in the big city.

married getrouwd ; My sister had to get married

because she got pregnant.

measures maatregelen ; The government has to take

measures against cyber crime.

methods methode, manieren om iets te doen ;

There are always methods to make you
speak the truth.

moral moraal, moreel (gaat over normen en

waarden) ; The moral of this capitalist
society is earning money.

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muslims moslims ; The percentage of muslims in
Western Europe has risen lately.

native inwoner, autochtoon, inheems ; That red

squirrel is a native species to Holland.

opinion mening ; In my opinion it is not wise to

throw money into the river.

to order bevelen, bestellen ; The colonel ordered

his troops to order Chinese food for this

perspective interpretatie ; What he said gave me a

completely new perspective on the matter
at hand.

policy beleid ; The no-smoking policy at our

school lacks support.

political politiek ; That’s a very political answer:

you use many words to say nothing much.

poor arm ; People who can’t afford to buy food

are really poor.

poverty armoede ; Homeless people almost always

live in poverty, without the means to buy

power macht, kracht ; People in power often

abuse and misuse that power for their own

private privé ; Nowadays, with so many cameras

everywhere, there’s hardly any private

public openbaar, algemeen ; It is public

knowledge that the King and Queen are
married to each other.
(let op: public school) particuliere en heel dure school

queen koningin ; Maxima is our Queen of The


scene scéne ; The film scene in which she is

kissed passionately always makes me cry.
wereldje ; Every big city has its own drug
scene, with its own rules.

security veiligheid ; Sometimes neighbourhoods

with very expensive houses have their own
security measures.

social maatschappelijk ; The rising cost of

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medical care is becoming a social problem.

society maatschappij ; Our Dutch society is one of

the richest in the world.

statement bewering, verklaring ; Wilders’s statement

about asylum seekers from Syria, is quite

system systeem, stelsel ; There is no clear system

of rules at our school.

teenager tieners ; The under-twenty students, the

teenagers, are not allowed to buy alcohol.

trial rechtzaak ; In the trial against this criminal

many mistakes have been made.

truth waarheid ; When your mother asks you

something, you are supposed to speak the

war oorlog ; In the Second World War 6 million

Jews died


advertising adverteren ; Advertising a car in the Libelle

is not a good idea, advertising a car in
Autoweek is.

agency bureau, bedrijf, organisatie ; The Central

Intelligence Agency is one of the best
known American organisations.

agriculture landbouw ; The role of agriculture in The

Netherlands is declining.

business bedrijf, handel, zaken ; If you want to

make serious money, you should go into

campaign campagne, actie ; The campaign against

bullying has had good results.

client klant, client ; Many of my clients think my

service is quite good.

commercial handels-, bedrijfs-, commercieel ; The

commercial department of Albert Heijn is
very successful.

company bedrijf ; To be able to start your own

company you have to have to correct
papers and permits.

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corporate bedrijfs- ; The corporate directors of this
company earn enormous bonusses.

corporations bedrijven, ondernemingen ; Many

corporations in Twente do well this year.

customers klanten ; Regular customers in this shop

get a discount.

to demand eisen ; Would it be too much to demand

from you to pay the rent in time?

department afdeling ; Andrew works at the sales

department of the V&D.

debts, in debt schulden, in de schuld ; He owes me so

much money, he’s in debt with me.

executive manager ; Many executives need a big

network to find new clients for their

expensive duur ; Big movie productions tend to be

very expensive, they cost millions of

financial geld-, financieel ; His financial situation is

not really good at the moment.

in exchange in ruil voor ; I’ll help you move house in

exchange for your help restoring my car.

industry industrie, bedrijfstak ; The pharmaceutical

industry is a big economical factor in

insurance verzekering ; I can give you no insurance

that you will get your money back.

investors beleggers, investeerders ; When people

buy part of a company, they become
investors who want to see a profit.

to offer aanbieden ; Can I offer you a cup of


office kantoor, organisatie, baan ; My wife hates

it when I have to go to the office in the

to order bestellen ; He ordered three more drinks

for his friends.

to pay betalen ; You can pay with Dutch Euros in

many European countries.

percent procent ; I’m one hundred percent sure

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that he did it!

performance prestatie, optreden ; The Queen

performance with Adam Lambert was
absolutely fabulous.

practice praktijk, bedrijf ; He has a fysiotherapy

practice next to his house.

to produce maken, produceren ; This Oldenzaal

company produces bread which is exported
to Germany.

quality kwaliteit ; Our work and products are of

the best quality, you can’t get anything

resources middelen ; Some people don’t have the

resources to start their own business.

service dienst ; The butler is always at the service

of his lordship.

to spend besteden, uitgeven ; Don’t spend all your

time and money on the restoration of that

wealth rijkdom, welzijn ; There’s enormous wealth

in Western Europe, despite the crisis.

Menselijk lichaam

bodies lichamen ; The male and the female

human bodies are fundamentally different.

brain hersenen, verstand ; I would appreciate it

if you used your brain when you’re in my

clinical klinisch (betreft het ziekenhuis/ziekte) ;

This clinical procedure is necessary to get
rid of the cancer.

death overlijden ; With the death of Freddy

Mercury in 1991 the band Queen and the
world lost a great singer and songwriter.

depression depressie, somberheid ; My cousin saw no

purpose in life during his depression, so he
never went outside.

diet dieet, voeding ; In the desert he lived on a

diet of snakes and insects.

disease ziekte ; Cancer is a very nasty disease,

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which cannot always be cured.

fat dik, vet ; Too much fat around your middle

is not good for your organs.

female vrouwelijk ; The female of the species has

no beautiful colours, the male does.

fertility vruchtbaarheid ; Due to all kinds of

chemicals in our drinking water there are
many couples who have problems with
their fertility, they can’t conceive a baby

genes genen ; That I look like my father is in my

genetic genetisch

health gezondheid ; Your health is your greatest

treasure, not your bank account.

heart hart ; When his heart stopped pumping the

blood around, he died.

human menselijk, mens ; Even teachers

sometimes seem human, with feelings and

innate aangeboren ; His innate athletic

capabilities caused him to run a record.

medical medisch ; My medical record is quite long:

I’ve had lots of operations.

memory geheugen ; My memory isn’t too good:

what is your name again?

mental geestelijk, mentaal ; His mental powers

are so great, that he remembers every
single detail.

mind brein ; You never know what goes on in

the mind of a genius.

obesity overgewicht, obesitas, zwaarlijvigheid ;

More than 30% of the people in Europe
have obesity, they weigh too much.

offspring nakomelingen ; The old man and his

offspring were gathered for a family
meeting about the corporation.

pharmaceutical farmaceutisch (geneesmiddelen

producerend) ; This pharmaceutical
company has invented Viagra.

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physical lichamelijk ; Physical exercise is good for
your health.

sense gevoel, zintuig ; Some people have, what

is called the sixth sense, the ability to
sense things that other people cannot.
to sense waarnemen

treatment behandeling (van ziekte), hoe je met

mensen/dieren/dingen omgaat ; A new
treatment for cancer has been found.
to treat behandelen

weight gewicht ; You’d better watch your weight if

you want to train a lot.


ability bekwaamheid ; The ability to pick up

things between your thumb and your
fingers is typically human.

to be able to in staat zijn om ; For this job you must be

able to work in a very hot atmosphere.

to accept accepteren ; She can’t accept defeat, she

has to win all the time.

access toegang ; You were denied access to that

website because it contains classified info.

account (to take into … / on that …) verslag, (rekening houden met / daarom) ;
The witness gave an account of what he
had seen at the crime scene.

across kruiselings ; He put the bar across the pole

and nailed it there.

actually eigenlijk, in feite ; I like you. Actually, I

love you!

additional bijkomend ; An additional bonus is that

you can travel for free.

advice advies ; Let me give you some advice:

don’t even think about going there!
to advise (met een –s-!) adviseren

against tegen ; Ajax played very badly against


to aim, aim richten op, doel ; He aimed his gun at the

bull’s eye.

air lucht ; Could you blow some air into that

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to allow toestaan ; My parents allowed me to go


already al, reeds ; I have already told you this


amount hoeveelheid ; The amount of money

thrown into the fountain keeps growing
every year.

apparent blijkbaar ; It was apparent he had eaten

the chocolate: his chin was covered in
brown goo.

to appear (ver)schijnen ; All of a sudden he

appeared as if out of nothing.

area gebied ; People claim a UFO crashed in

Area 51, now a piece of land sealed off by
the government.

to argue beweren/stellen, ruzie maken ; His parents

argued a lot before they got divorced.

aspect opzicht, aspect ; What aspect of this

performance did you like best?

associated samenhangend ; Asthma is associated with

air pollution.

attention aandacht ; It had slipped my attention that

she had left the room.

available beschikbaar ; The new PS4 500GB is

available again.

average gemiddeld ; The average height is about 2


to avoid vermijden ; Hopefully, you can avoid an

accident when riding a scooter.

to base on baseren op ; This novel is based on reality.

to be able to in staat zijn om ; In this job you have to

be able to be really strict towards people.

to believe, belief geloven, geloof ; My sister said she didn’t

believe me when I told her I hadn’t found
her chocolate.

beyond verder/meer dan, buiten … om ; This

problem goes beyond my understanding, I
just don’t get it.

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bias vooroordeel, neiging, tendens ; My political
preference has a slight bias towards the
to be biased bevooroordeeld zijn

by accident bij toeval, per ongeluk ; I just happened to

run into him by accident, I had not planned
to meet him.

certain zeker, bepaald ; There is a certain amount

of people who do not want to be here.

to change veranderen ; You’d better change your

clothes, we’re going out to dinner.

character karakter ; This dog has a nice character,

she’s so sweet!

charges beschuldigingen, facturen ; The charges

against the criminal were dropped because
of lack of evidence.

chief baas, hoofd- ; The chief designer drew the


circumstances onstandigheden ; I would have liked to

meet you again under happier
circumstances, not during this funeral.

common gewoon, veel voorkomend ; The

common man in the street doesn’t earn
much money.

competition (wed)strijd, concurrentie ; The C1000

supermarkets couldn’t face the
competition with the Jumbo and the
Albert Heijn.

complex complex, ingewikkeld ; The math

assignment was so complex that he
couldn’t finish it.

concerned bezorgd ; My parents were really

concerned when I came home late.
concern bezorgdheid

conditions omstandigheden, voorwaarden ; The

conditions under which he had to
perform his task were severe.

consequences gevolgen ; The consequences of that

accident were severe: many people got

to consider beschouwen, overwegen ; Will you

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consider this job offer?

consistent consequent, aanhoudend ; As a result of

the consistent rain the streets were
completely flooded.

contents inhoud ; The contents of this glass bowl

is not drinkable.

to contribute bijdragen ; How much money are you

going to contribute to the organisation of
the musical?

to control beheren ; He couldn’t control his

feelings, so he kissed her.

controversial omstreden, controversieel ; He always

wore controversial clothes when going to
school: people pointed after him.

convinced overtuigd ; My mum is convinced that I

took my sister’s chocolate.

to create maken ; Without realizing it, he created

a beautiful book, a classic.

credit eer, erkenning ; I never get any credit

for the good work I do! Frustrating!

current tegenwoordig, huidig ; In the current

economical climate it’s hard to start a
new business.

custom gewoonte ; Sinterklaas is a nice custom

in The Netherlands.

to cycle fietsen ; I always cycle to school.

to damage beschadigen ; Please don’t damage my

car, it’s very expensive!

to decide beslissen, besluiten ; The teacher

decided that Jut and Jul couldn’t sit next
to each other anymore.
decision besluit, beslissing

delivery bezorging ; The delivery of the pizzas

was so late, they had turned cold.
to deliver bezorgen

difference verschil ; The difference between me and

you is that I am perfect.

easily, with ease moeiteloos, gemakkelijk ; The

competition was so weak, he could beat
them easily.

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effects effecten, gevolgen ; The long-term
effects of smoking have been researched
a lot.

emphasis nadruk , He stated with emphasis that he

had not done it.

enough genoeg ; This chocolate is so good, I

can’t get enough of it.

entirely geheel, helemaal ; I don’t think I can

believe you entirely, I still have my

equality gelijkheid ; In the 60s there was no

equality between black and white people
in the US.
equal gelijk

especially vooral ; I like many colours, but

especially green.

exercise oefening ; Physical exercise is good for

your health.

to exist bestaan ; I’m convinced Zwarte Piet


to expect verwachten ; I don’t know what to

expect when I see her for the first time.

to experience meemaken, ervaren ; Bungee-jumping is

something that you have to experience
at least once in your lifetime.

exposed blootgesteld ; In Africa he was exposed

to the Ebola virus.

to express uiten ; Some people express their

feelings easily, others don’t.

extent (to what extent) mate (in hoeverre) ; The extent of the
damage done was not clear yet.

familiar bekend ; Mmmm, you look familiar to

me. Don’t I know you?

famous beroemd ; Being famous doesn’t have

only advantages.

farms boerderijen ; The cattle at the farms

around Oldenzaal looks very healthy.

few weinige ; In the war there were only few

people who dared speak against the

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focus nadruk ; In his research he put the focus
on finding a cure for that disease.

forced gedwongen ; The pupils were forced to

write an essay about their own bad

former voormalig ; The former president of the

USA still has a lot of influence.

fragile kwetsbaar ; Watch out, those glasses are

really fragile, so be careful.

to gain winnen, meer van iets krijgen ; By

teaming up with Carl he gained more
power in the organization.

generally, in general in/over het algemeen ; Generally, people

in Holland are quite open.

goal doel ; The goal of science is to satisfy

your curiosity.

to happen gebeuren ; Nothing much happened on

our first date.

huge reusachtig, enorm ; The company made

a huge profit by selling faulty goods.

including inclusief ; He means us, that’s including

you and me.

to identify vaststellen, identificeren ; The suspect of

the murder was identified as Freddy

to identify with zich vereenzelvigen met, zich verwant

voelen aan ; When he read the book, he
could totally identify with the main

indignant verontwaardigd ; He reacted indignantly

when he was asked for his PIN number.

image beeld ; The image he created for himself

was one of hard indifference.

to imagine (je) voorstellen ; He tried to imagine

what it was like for her.
imagination voorstellingsvermogen, fantasie

invasion invasie ; There’s an invasion of wasps at

the moment.

impact invloed, impact ; The teacher did not

realize how big the impact of his words

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were on his pupils.

(to) influence invloed (beïnvloeden) ; Such was the

influence of the politician that the bill
was passed without opposition.

in particular voornamelijk, in het bijzonder ; He loved

every one of his kids, but he loved
Amelia in particular.

in practice in de praktijk ; In theory this seemed to

work out, but in practice many things
went wrong.

interest belang ; Can you tell me what your

interest in this case is? What’s to gain for

involved betrokken ; My brother’s car was

involved in an accident.

to judge (be-, ver-)oordelen ; Don’t judge a book

by its cover, first impressions can

junk rommel ; Could you clear out all the junk

in your bedroom please?

kind soort ; What kind of cheese is this?

likely waarschijnlijk ; It’s not very likely that I

could marry Maxima.

major ernstig, groot(st) ; The major part of the

audience liked the show very much, only
few people booed.

to make sense ergens op slaan, betekenis hebben ;

What you just said doesn’t make sense
at all, it’s not true!

to make sense of proberen te begrijpen ; Robert Langdon

tried to make sense of the symbols he
found on the tablet.

matter kwestie ; Fishing is not simply a matter

of throwing a line in the water.

to matter van belang zijn ; You could try to be nice

to her, but I don’t think it will matter
when push comes to shove.

necessary noodzakelijk ; It’s not necessary to bring

your wallet, I’ll pay for everything.

obvious (over)duidelijk ; Is it so obvious that I

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found my sister’s chocolate stash?

ordinary gewoon (hoeft niet negatief te zijn) ;

What landed on earth was an ordinary
lump of stone, not an alien space ship.

particular voornamelijk ; I don’t like any kind of

music in particular.

particularly in het bijzonder ; He looked at everyone,

but particularly at me.

perhaps misschien ; Could you perhaps hand me

the salt?

phenomenon fenomeen ; UFOs are still a strange

phenomenon; they are seen but nobody
knows what they are.

potential vermogen ; The potential of running cars

on water is very exciting.

precisely precies ; That is precisely what I mean:

that will work!

predators roofdieren ; Predators such as lions are

not to be petted.

presence aanwezigheid ; The presence of ghosts

has never really been proven.

pressure druk ; The water pressure of two cubic

meters equals two kilos.

to prevent voorkomen ; You have to prevent

accidents with bikes at all costs.

probably waarschijnlijk ; Considering the

approaching clouds, it will probably rain
during our BBQ.

proportion gedeelte ; A big proportion of the

birthday cake was eaten by the dog.

to protect beschermen ; Mothers will always try to

protect their children against harm.

to provide geven ; The company provided its

workers with cell phones and cars.

published uitgegeven ; This book was published in


purpose doel ; The purpose of this exercise is that

you learn to trust each other.

quite nogal, tamelijk, geheel ; Thank you! That

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is quite enough for one evening!

range bereik ; The range of your wifi router is

rather limited.

radiation straling ; The radiation of heat by the

sun is hardly measurable.

reality realiteit, werkelijkheid ; After his

daydream, reality came back to him.

reason reden ; I can’t give you a reason for my


regard aandacht, achting ; My teacher of English

stands in high regard among his fellow

to release vrijgeven ; The press bulletin was

released before the match.

to remain blijven, niet veranderen ; Please, remain

seated, removing your safety belts is

remarkable opmerkelijk ; The rise in costs was

remarkable in August, compared to July.

response reactie ; There was no response when

they tried to reanimate him.

responsible verantwoordelijk ; As a responsible

father I give my kids the best advice.

sense gevoel , zintuig ; I had the sense that

somebody was following me. Call it a
sixth sense.
common sense gezonde verstand ; Please use your
common sense when dealing with this
kind of situation.

several een aantal, meerdere ; I’ve had several

cups of coffee today, but to no avail: I’m
still sleepy.

shall moeten, zullen ; I tell you: you shall do

as I say, or else…

similar (soort)gelijk ; The twin brothers

developed in a similar way, despite their
being separated at birth.

sources bronnen ; It was hard to find the sources

of the rumours going around about the

Engels havo/vwo woordenlijst 37 © SSL 2014 adapted by Fip 2015

to spread zich uitstrekken, zich verspreiden ;
Rumours spread like wildfire: very
quickly, and they’re hard to extinguish.

statement uitspraak ; The president’s statement

about his minister was very unwise.
to state verklaren, vaststellen, opmerken

to stimulate aanmoedigen, stimuleren ; Always try to

stimulate your kids in their interests.

to tackle iets (op een bepaalde manier)

aanpakken ; Have the technicians
tackled the problem of the faulty
airconditioning yet?

to tend to ertoe neigen om ; Boys tend to play with


terms voorwaarden ; I can’t accept the job on

those terms: it would mean I can never
see my wife anymore!

towards naar ; He walked towards the house with

leaden shoes. He really didn’t want to

UK Verenigd Koninkrijk ; The UK consists of

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern

unlikely onwaarschijnlijk ; It’s very unlikely that I

could marry Maxima.

to use gebruiken ; Please use that pen for


usually gewoonlijk ; She doesn’t usually give me

extra money for this job, I’m supposed
to do it for free.

value waarde ; This watch that I inherited is of

no value to me, I don’t even like it.

variety verscheidenheid ; In the shop there was

a variety of products from The

vast groot, enorm ; He inherited a vast

amount of money from his dead uncle.

whether of ; You will have to do that job, whether

you like it or not.

worth waard, waarde ; This watch is worth

about a hundred pounds. Its worth

Engels havo/vwo woordenlijst 38 © SSL 2014 adapted by Fip 2015

shouldn’t be underestimated.

Engels havo/vwo woordenlijst 39 © SSL 2014 adapted by Fip 2015

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