How To Create Window Instances

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Well It’s very easy to create the Window Instances in OCI compare to other Linux Instances.

1. Go the Instances Dashboard and Click on Create Instances.

2. Name the Instances, Select the Compartment and Availability Domain

3. Here you need to Change the Image as Window Image even you can Change the Desired Shape
as well.
4. Here in the Networking Part you can leave as it is no need of Change as of now.

5. Leave the Login Credential because it will be there on Instances Dashboard and Boot Volume if
you want you can modify else you can leave as it is.
6. Now you can go ahead and Create.

7. Before Connecting Please go ahead and Check Virtual Cloud Network.

8. After Opening it go to the Option Security List

9. Please have a Check these Ingress rules are there if it is not there Please Add it. If it is there still
you are unable to Connect Please remove all the Ingress rules and Add it again and Have a try to
Connect and Ping. Below Steps are given how to Add Ingress rules.

10. Here are the steps to Add Ingress Rule. Click on Add Ingress Rule enter all the details as
mentioned in below Picture and again Add Ingress rule.
11. Select the IP Protocol for ICMP for Ping ICMP and IP Protocol: TCP for Port 22 and 3389.

12. After that Please have a try to Ping and Connect.


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