Skoda 6-275 A-25

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i ° “a ta i o ° ° “t Te INTRODUCTI coecssecee 3X. DES seee Rseaen UIIe TECHNICAL va TV. IHSTALLATI INSTRUCTIONS ..ecee AND HAINTNCE os....eeccs:cec0 Vi, SERVICING . IX, DEFECTS Prete ee ressacseessses x FUELS AND RT XI. INSTRUCTIOFOR sToragg anp PRESERVATIOF SPARE PARTS ..oe00 Sas rene cee Nuaber of RUNREC A ov teeee a a 1 = 7S = 0103 95, 242 Fogsapt. 6 - TS = 783 6-54 0025 Vv, BaSIC INSCTIONS FOR SERVICING # AND ADJUSTHENT = TS - 0941 6 -TS = c1sa 6-13 = o7z0 6 - TS = o194 aheate + 1 servicing and maiatenen+ ce. These rules, however, de net cover all possible cases ch may-occur. It ic, therefore, naceasary to edvise indivi- @ual engine operators and engineers on how to handle the en- gine. In this respect, the fitters from the production works, who in general are present at the installation site end during the firet starting of the engine in Czechoslovakia or abroad and have a good imowledge of the working of the engine, its installation and peculiarities, will on request give detsiled information on proper servicing the engine under operating conditions. In addition, the preduction works will eny tine gladly enswer any special inquiry that may be forwarded, 23 Correct servicing of the engine should be entrusted only to qualified and reliable operators, for whom it’ would be of benefit to study these instructions often end carefully and during engine operation to adhere to the recommendations included therein as only strict observance of all these instructions ensures the readiness of the engine for work. at all times, Tt La important to ecquire @ good imowledge of the individusl Qopranant canbe bt Rosine “ay Re) The instructions for servicing and maintenance of the turboblows together with a Catalogue of the turboblower spare perte are delivered as an independent volume in the accompanying documenta tion of the engine. Instructions for servicing and maiutensnce of some accessories of the engine, auch as coolers, cleaners, ete., ere in the sccompenying doctmentetion delivered separately. Application .. Deseription ef angi 6 = 75 - 0952 Contents page 1. Layout of 2 2. Casing of angina ...ssesees0s 3..Cylinder liner .. 4. Cylinder haad sasesseese 5. Crank mechenisa . 6. Flywheel «..0-2-2- 7. Timing gear... 8. Fuel oil aystem « Qe Governor sesseesesee 10. Lubricating oil aystam se.s..+ Ul. Cooling system Suction and axhasut manifold: ..-..- om wtAuNeeawwu is 14, Sturting squipaent 15. Drive of tachonatric dynamo .. 43 16. Zlectrical speed setting device gogse97613 17. Signalization se. uy 18. Stopping ss... a5 19. Schematic diagrem of the fusl of sy- atem sees seeseees 2TS-O10le.+. 16 20, Schematic disgram of the lubricating O41 syetem ssecceessese2 JTS=0061.4+4 18 21. Schenatic diagram of the cooling sy= SESE seccsesesseceess anne s2OPSPOLOR 6. 20 age 23. 24. 2S. 6 « TS = 0952 Sehawatle diagrey of the starting ad 379498 o5o0000002 2-88-0102), Rot caouret Longitudinal aaetion a? sngiag O-TS-0250.+ee00020000 33. Cross agction of engine 1-TS-0209 ..... 3 1. Tha four stroxs Dieael angina of the 6-2 type ia staclonary, vertical, single-acting,in lin et fuel warins propulaion unit, water-cooled, vith di: injection, with cospressed sir starting, It ia delive- red either in right-hand version turning clockwise. 2. The engine casing is of enclosed desig and consiata of the top and bottom part which are connected by sean’ of throughebolte. Both parts are cast of grey iron. Ia the bottom pert, the crankshaft is located which runs on seven bearings. One bearing, which is located after the sixth cylindar, functiona-es s guide bearing. The ‘pearings sre composed of thinwalled bearing shelle made of steel which geable, A discharge of lubricating oil from the bottom part of the casing to the service tenk ia provided at both the front and rear end of the caw aing. The top part of tha engine casing ie fitted with twelve lids for checking the crank mechanism /six lida einge iy servos 2 fitted vith = brsath: _ apace fo the reer part of the casing, end of the crank= case. In the breather pips a separator is interposed. The sepsrator coneists of 2 cylindricsl body filled with ateel wool. The rear part of the casing is also fitted with two lida for checking the timing gears. “3, The cylinder liner, which is removable, ia accommodated in the top part of the ongine casing; ita bottom section ia sealed by meana of rudver rings to pravent leakege of cooling water into tha bottom part of the sngins casing and thea al. n oil tl 4 ars four stud belts. indicator branch yelve in ordar to assaure the compression and combustion pressures. In addition, cylinder head cover is also fitted. uniniva Loy.It featur il eer ° ar rings. Ths gudgeon n@ made of steal, was subjected w 2 g pin, snich tt flo! to high-frequency surface hardening and is ground. Its axiel position in the piston is ensured by two elastic cirelips. 2/ The connecting rod ia a drop forging and conai of a shank and = bearing cover, The bearing shell ie spl and tin-babbitted, The: sasll end is fitted with the ‘ onze iining, The gudgeon pin bushing which nas a lead lubricating oil necessary for lubricating the gudgeon g cod big end through pin is supplied fees the a pipe fixed te piece forging, 3/ The o: is provided with « forg wheel. The crenksheft festurea aix cranks with six counter- weights. At the front end of tha erankshaft an extension of the crankshaft ie provided for tha purpose of torsic= ¢ flange for connecting the fly- graphing. 6. The flywheel is cast of grey iron. It is balanced statically. There.afe holes on ita circumference for taking up the ratchat gear of perring cachaniam. The flywheel is tix shaft flengs by mesna of four fitted bolt: 3. m ree ta lit a gaat a tPananiasio: ich acts ae a itted, tha aaventh, is made of leed bronze/. Xeyed to the cam ahaft ara the auction and the exhaust cams aa well a8 the injaction cam lobea on which adjustable injection cama ara fixed. Tha cams control the velve rods and the injection pumps by meena of tappats. For each cylinder, there ia s ceat iron bedy of the tappat guide aounted on the engine casing on which the injection pump is aeated. This teppst guida body serves aa ai support for the lever with which hend-priaing of fuel oil ia effected with 9 view to venting the fuel of2 piping.The aovemant of the valve roda to tha valves is transmitted by maana of rocker arms. The valve rods ura mounted in protective, sealed-off tubes. 8. The fuel ofl system of the engine is equipped with a duplwx, gear-type /transfer/ fuel oil pump which is dri- ven off the crankshaft end by means of geared wheels. The movement of the driving pump sheel is transmitt a ahaft to the pumping geared whesls functioniag in ths pomp body rom the suction very side, Ths drive snaft the fuel oi 3 saalai in th to the 4 pump body by zeans of a stuffing-box which must ba tigh= tenad only slightly to allow an insignificant percolation of the fuel oil, The fuel oil,yhich percolates through the stuffing-box, ie directed to the collecting chamber of the pump and from there to the discherga sitle, The fuel oil service tank should ba locsted at a higher level than the engine in order to ensure sufficient fuel oil supply. The service tenk is filled by means of 2 section of the gear-type fuel puap. Tha recommended volume fo the tank ia 800 litres. Froa the tank tha fuel ofl is puzpad by the other section of the trana?er pump to tha injection Pumps. Between the transfer pump end the injection pups éliter gan during he Pilter to the injection valves through pipes and further to the working apaces of the cylindere. 7 5 are of simple, enclosed desis vhi ‘acilitatas easy removal of the nozzles. The neaz 23 of tha aultihole typa; the nozzle needles are or seate by meanst of 2 3 sures perfect sesling. Bxcesa fuel ofl from the injection valve ia passed through the discharge pipe at the front end of the engine.After filtration, this fuel of] cen again be supplied to the éngine. Into discharge tank also. flows the fuel oil which percolates through the stuffing-box of the fuel pump. The fuel oil, which dribbles from the injection ining gear through, thia being pumpa. in conveyed to the eonnected with two, angle-typa pipe connections for con= nacting the dischargs pipes through which the polluted fuel oil froa the inj:stion pumps is carri-' away, & augine, Tf + to the engine the se transfer /delivery/ pump begins to function, In this c2s9, the fuel stops being ‘ety yalve mounted on tho Pumped and circulates only in the inner spaces of the pump tmtil the pressure in tha lins deersasas to ita normal value, 9. The governor is of the typa and acta an the contro’ anism of’ tha individual in, puny gh a ci L alaave and a aervopiaton, re “drive ia off canshaft through bevel gearing arranged t 5 on tha flywheel aide, Serv ets che gover+ nor ig affectad azcording aring. Lubricating oil from tha passes through a strainer, on which pe tank. Mounted on the tank should be a dipstick for « ing the lubricating oil level in the tank. Into the tank pipee are introduced which eupply the lubricating oil to the gsar-type and to the hand-actuated Lubricating 30 pump. These pipes aust be fitted with euetion strain ted epproximately 5 ca The auction streiners mist ba lo eating oil tank. In the above the botton of the lub: suction pipe of the gear-type pusp a non-return velve is also arranged, The hend-actuated pump serves for prising o the engine before sterting, this being lubricating oil necessary ae the engine could not be aterted otherwise. Instead of a hand-ectuated wing pump en electrically driven pump with a ainigus capacity of 36 1/min can be used, The drew lubricating oil is forced first through the coarse filter, the fins filtering assembly, end there= after through the lubricating oil cooler to the engine. The coarse lubricating of1 filter end the fine filtering assembly ara not engine-mounted but ere del fink aescouvian itn sson engine. Drive of fuel red aa lam e421 punp through s elas ng by geared shaela off the crankshaft. The coupling is allowed to be engaged or disengaged only when the engine is at a standstill. At the delivery side of the pump a safety and also a regulae ting valve are arranged. After loosening the locking nut, the lubricating oil pressure can be adjusted which must Rever decrease below the epecified miniaun value of 1 ata. Brom the luoricating ofl gear-type pump the oil is forced to the filter end the lubricating oil cooler, Two lubri+ cating oil filtera ere provided, ona for coarse riltre- tion end a duplex one with a large filtering aurface Suables the filtering elezenta to be cleaned during engine Operation. Pollution of the fine filtere is checked by two nich ars aanonsters 9 eu asaenbly na_coarad oil Ziltare fostore the prossure ha lubricating oil are measured / is fitted sith a flanga for connecting an automatic device regulating the lubricating oil temporuture/. Ths lubricating oil cooler ia of the roasttestypae It eonaiata of two bodies, six inner tubes whosa aurface ia anlarged by a rosette estructura, and six outer tubes. The wetor flows through the inner tubes The oil flows in the apace between ths inner t ater tubaa . From the cooler, the lubricating oil antera ths main diatribut- ing pips mounted on the engine via the connscting pipa. From tha main distributing pipe the lubricating oil ia carried to all main bearings. Through a drillad channel in the cranksheft, the ofl from the bearings is forced to the big ends of the connecting rods and, passing through a pips slong ths connecting rod shank, to the gudgeon pin seating, From the end of the nain distribut- ing pips a brench pips ie 108 provided with a distributing block at its end from which lubricating oli is suppliea to the locking machanien of preveata the at g oil having a locking mechani without lubricas ne before starting. To tha di for the lubricating oil preseurs switch and the trane- mitter of the capillery manometer cen be connected. From the aupply pipe the ofl is also forced to the following pipes: to the second distribut ips, which lubricated tha camshaft bearings and tho 2 uf tha tining gear, tothe pipe leading to the gaarstyps punp of tha gover= nor, to tha beerings.of thi gar vhaels, and to the emall tube splashing tha wheels, to tha timing gear @ the rollers ghe ree exhaust galye guides 2 the re and valye-rods a oF jaaking from the contac jada and the valve ro he oil from the bearings flowa down the inner valis of the ongine into the bottom part of the engine and froa thera into the lubricating oil tank from where it ta pusped again by the oi] puap for reweirculation. Ho apecial lubrication ie arranged for the piste are lubricated only with oi] from the crank mechani splashing on to the walls of the cylinder liners. Ji. The cooling system of the engine ie equipped with a centrifugal vater pump which ia driven by an electric motor located outside the engine in the engine room, the water drew by the pump passes froa the pump through a piping to the lubricating cil cooler and from there flows into the engine caging. On the water connecting pipe from the lubricating oi1 cooler to the engine casing the atem of the renote control cepillery therometer for neaguring the inlet water temperature is arrenged. ¥ithin the engine the water cools the cylinder liners. ‘ma water la then irensferred through elbows to ths tecling jackats of the single cylinder haads. Froa the cylinder heads the water flows to the waste piping through regulating valves by meena of which the nage flow of the water and consequently also the cooling vater taxperature can be regulated and maintained at the racommendsd lovals Befora the regulating valve a thernonetercis zouteds In elbow of vaste manifold both the stes of the renote control espillary thersoneter for maasuring the outlet water temperatura from the angine and ths rodetype therac= atat of the trouble alara system are located. Le on manifold conaiate ef a piza wal. walaed sections and fitted with fla: enabling its connaction to tha cylinder heads of the ongi= ne, To the turboblower it ia connectad by means of a branche The sxhsust manifold comprises two independent pipes. With one of these two pipes communicate the pinea from tha firat, second, and third cylinder and with the other those from the fourth, fifth, and second cylinder. Ths connection of the individual branches with the cylinder head ia effected by asans of flanges, Their tightness is secured by fireproof packings. In the top pipe two expansion pieces are arranged, in the bottom pipe only one. The mouth of the bottom pips, which commu~ nicatesa with tha turboblower, is also fitted with an expansions piece while the connection of the top pipe ie affacted by means of a fized flange. The tightness of the expansion piaces is ensured by pieton rings. Arround the entire menifola an insulating rope is xo In order to improve the heat insulation, the exhsuat sone 2 2 in @ casing consisting of four parta; een the « ing and the oxheust xenizol: an air gap is arrengad. Furthermore, the entire exhaust manifold is fitted with still enother cover consisting of perforated metel sheets. Cn each branch connection ef tha individual cylinder heads end iniet branches of the turboblowar welded-on pieces arg arranged for connecting the therual olements or the exhaust gae measuring davicas 13. The turbocharger ia inatalled on a bracket at tha rear and of tha sngina, It comprises a radial centrifugal blowsr and a turbine, both being mounted on a eomion le aura energy, After aving the dledad gompreeasé air ia collected in the scroll case and dram ef? through tha blower outlat end the charging air manifold to tha engine. usor, tHe ®he drive of the blower ia by an axial turbine. The exhaust gases discharged from the cylinders of the Diesel enging pasa trough tha exhaust manifcld to tha nozzle ring from which, after pertisl expansion, they enter the inpeller of tha blower. The major parte of the stator are three casings. The tur= bine casing coming into contact with hot exhaust gases is sooled by independently supplied water. Whe scroll casing of the blower, which ia cast of eluminiu» elloy, ia provided with an air cleaner which is filled with oiledippad metal wool. In order to reduce the . accompanying noise, the walls of the cleaner ara lined with falt, Wha ahert ae tts mounted fe fitte friction, high-apeed bearings. The arrangement of the bearings at the ends of the shaft facilitates repid raple+ cement of the deerings without it being necasaary to Alemount the casing 93 such. on the turbine ids, with * The bearings feature resilient asating which enables the Totor to take a new free position in tha casa of unbalance caused by deposita asttled under operation, In addition, At reduces the trananiasion of izpacta to the bearing from the outside, Lubrication 1a dadsp lee. tus tha on, sho turbine and t sb: by water and in th: the turbeblowsr the sano quality af lubricating oil is used aa for lubricating the engine. ieating 011 The impeller of the blower 1a secured on the circuafarense vy a kay and axially by a ring alipped on while hot. The turding blades ars made of haaterasiating ateal and weldsd on te the impaller. In order to prevent exhaust gases blowing -by into the lubricating oll space, pressure air from the blower easing is forced inte the middle of the labyrinth box, In addition, measures are taken to prevent ofl vapoura to be draw off the bearing space of the blowar casing. id. The starting equipment functions with the use of com prassed air supplied from a atarting sir bottle, The starting air bottle is fitted with a head in which the following valves end other component parte are arranged: closing valve, safsty valve, drain valys, manoneter vale vo, non-return valvs for the charging pining. The air bottle 4s filled with air by » Diesel set. The compressor can algo ba driven aither by an ®lectrie motor or a patrol engine, From the air bottle, the air ia conveyed to the starting equipment. The atarting squipsent functions aa follows: by depressing the lever of the starting devies, the novensnt is trana- mitted through a bar to the valve which serves aa the elos- ing elozsnt of the preesura space of the starting davica, This valve, which ia snall, is housed in a larger valve hich elosaa tho apace by the effsct of alr preasura acting upon it, The depressed small valve anatles tha air to expand dus to the clearance im ie guiding hole Saused by the nilled stem of tha mall valv9. Ths pregsure i ° t L a ° t Beever wo oe 8 ong ena tak 012 F AeSe is. Tae stopping device ia arranged at the rear and of ths gngine behind the governor. In case af a defect te the ea> gine it anables te stop is quickly by hand alae froa the other aide of the engine than is that at which the stogping lever fof tho governor asseably group/ is arranged, Tha lever of the stopping davice is controlisd also olectrie eelly by impulses supplied oy the tachoaetris dynasc. Ths aain function of ths device is te secure the engine againgt denage in cage tha permissible saximum apaed is axceeded. Therafora, ia cage of overspeeding, an impulse from the tachometric dynamo connects the magnet which releasse the catch securing the plunger in the body of the stopping device. The plumger, dus to the pressure of a apring, travels upwards and moves the laver of the stopping device to the STOP position, The lever of the stopping device acts diract on the fuel of] lever. after removal of ths defect it is necessery to push plunger downverda again with the lever of the stopping device and ts fasten tha etch ta the cauwas gi 8 novi TS 2 0952 @ schesia 2= TS = 0102 4. 2 Pipe connections for the fuel ofl supply piping grou the atorags tank and delivery piping to the daily service tank ; Foal ofl supply from tha daily aervieo tek © Fuel off delivery froa the pusp te tho filter = Puol of] disteibuting pips Fusl Linss te the injection pumps © Injection pips = yal oi) discharge from the tiaing gear troags 7fusl ei leeks froa the injaction puny Header of the fuel oii discharge www es ww 4 @ 0 Hon-apacified 10 = Fuel oil aischarge froa the transfer puap = Pusl of] transfer pomp Puak ok fiiver Injactioa pusp Iajection valve = Pas] oll discharge teak Ww SO wb 6 Per the deaeriptioa of the fmetion of the fuel oii Syatem 359 pages 3 and § , peregrapa 32 wetaweuwe 10 n 12 BB) uw 43 16 Ww od] inte? pips ta oil inlet in to. 012 cooler O41 inlet ia te sain distribution pipe Yaia distributer pipe Lubrication zain bearings pipe Lubsicatien ef caashaft bearings aad lifters pipe Oil inist in to governor Lubrication ovaring vheel of cawshart pipe nace ge and ir g idier gear pips Inlet ts ¢ boa: Luorication bs Spray ofl in idler gear Aiatribution pipe Lubrication pipe of reeker ara Distrubution pips accidental Oi} outlet frea angina Hand oil pump auction Hand of1 panp delivery Diatributioa pips oil in te rocker ora 6 = T3 = 0952 chomotia the Cooling Szakee 999 sehema 2 @ TS = 0103 Le Water imlet into ofl secler Qe Water outlet from oil coeler jo Vater inlet into cooling opaceo of engine 4¢ Main water inlet inte turboblower 5 Pipes of water inlet into tarboblowar 6 « Water outlet pipes frou turbeblewer 7 Mein water outlot from turboblower 6 = Veter outlet from cylinder head 9 Vater eutlot mnifold 10 o Water transfer from wpper ense inte cylinder heada do Water threttle valve Be Water ternometers we ie = TS = 0952 Legend? 1 « Air oupply frem the starting air bottle a © Distributing pips j © Starting air supply te the aterting valve 4 © Air eupply to the distributer § © Air distribution from the @ietribater to the he individuel cylinders Air supply for epening the starting valve Starting equipaent Be Air @istributer C = Starting valve 029 - Sd -t “yevgee <8 hE rd’ arvsws1sNven 30109 nav st2 = 2 (esrenat er gee = 9 163 path FOLVOD 3 i Lege! F - Phase 0 = Neutral wire P = Blectrical Speed Setting Chenge-ov Switch with forced zero position u- Electric motor K = Condenser 2 x 2,5 F 1/3 The chanze-over switch P set the motor in motion. The direc tion of rotation of the electric motor can be changed as follows: if the speed of the engine ia to be increased, it is necessary to turn the switch P in right end, after a certain value of the epeed has been adjusted, to relea- se it; the motor then stops of its own accord. If the speed of the engine is to be decreased the seme procedure must be in left with the switch Pj. The movement of the electric motor ia trans- mitted through a trensmission gear 1 : 1200 and @ motion screw with 8 guide nut on the lever 6 =~ TS = 0776 which controls the governor end, through thia latter, the engine speed. The movement of the lever is limited by two doge. When the extreme positions are reached, the lever bears against the dogs and the torque of the motion screw is interrupted by the effect of the friction clutch. When the direction of rotation of the electric aotor is chenged, for inetonce when pessing from adjusting higher speed to edjusting lower speed, it is necessary to wait about 4 seconds until the motor comes to rest, since other - wise its direction of rotation would not change. N_ot.e: Before sterting the engine it is necessary to remove the preservation agent from the electrical speed setting device and particularly from the electric motor. Tt must be possible to turn the ermature of the motor easily. If, however, it turns with difficulty, it is necessary to remove the defect /which ie caused, as 2 rule, by paint which penetrated there during spraying/s The threads of the motion screw must also be cleaned s0 that the screw can turn easily in the guide nut. Se The bearing faces of the friction clutch must be dry Wi in order to avoid premature clutch slipping. 6 = TS ~ O76 which controls the governor and, through thie latter, the engine speed. The movement of the lever is limited by two dogs. When the extreme positions are reached, ths lever bears egainet the doge and the torque of the motion screw is interrupted by the effect of the friction clutch. When the direction of rotation of the electric motor is changed, for instonce when passing from adjusting higher speed to edjusting lower epeed, it is necessary to wait about 4 seconds until the motor comes to rest, since other ~ wise its direction of rotation would not changeo N to remove the preservation agent from the electrical e.: Before sterting the engine it is necessary speed setting device and particularly from the electric motor. It must be possible to turn the armature of the motor eacily. If, however, it turns with difficulty, it is necessary to remove the defect /which is caused, as a rule, by paint which penetrated there during spraying/. The threads of the motion screw must sleo be cleaned eo that the screw can turn easily in the guide nut. Sc ‘The bearing feces of the friction clutch must be dry wa in order to avoid premature clutch slipping. al TS = 0766 7 o Schema elektrick¢ého sepojent. Wiring Diagram of The Elektricsl Speed Setting Device. SERIES WNW Cy TYP moTORU : 09g ud 36 TYPE OF CMGIbiE : 09" 9542 14 geoaiy onur § ¢ sunt weesora, > rt ‘ets est 12.1965, Of 4O0KVA-« Obie AEO SCHEMA, ZAPOJENT DALKOVERO STAVE OTACEK me WERING DIAGRAM OF THE ELEKVRICAL, ve 5 yr) Din %246 2/1 {oscars rr ane RT eee Til. Teehnical Date 6 2 TS - 0953 Contente Komanclature coosccrs fechnical data soccrece Informative cheracteriatian oo Nusber of sheetes 12 te Se 6 » TS = 0933 —_— Honenmalature ie ho cylinder capacity ie ite owapt voluse, 1+39, sho voluse of piston displacement detuacn jts top and bottos dead centres te front ond eide of the engine is the side nearest to the viewer when viewing the engine in the direction of the main torque trenmmisaion. The opposite eide ie the vear ond eide fat the flywheel/eo A right-hand engine io en engine which has the camshaft, ‘the valve teppete and the injection pumps accommodated on the right-hend side when viewed from the front end of the ongins. the direction of rotation of the engine ie given by the Be direction of erankehaft rotation when viewed from the front ond of the engine. The engine ie running clockwise ig ito erenkehaft turns in the clockwise direction, and de runing anticlockwise if ite crankebeft turne in the anticlockwise directions % Tne rated power output = Nj + expressed in HP/ ia the highest power output guarenteed by the manufacturer, which the engine ia capable ef Geveloping on a continuovs basis during day-end-night operation with @ possible 10% everlosd, at the rated speed = nj =, at the specified’ 106 air retings, at subatmosphericel pressure on the suction eide end gauge pressure in the exhaust, within the range ef epecified porsiesible linit valves, end with the we = 1 ef fosle and lubricants whose quality end propertics esaply with the wanufacturer’e apecifications The rated spect oaje [Pepote/ ie the speed eorresponding 22 to the rated power outputs ae 12. TS = 0953 » Tho rated air lo such a rating of air yhich corresponds t6 the rated power output and the velues of further operating parameters which are characteristic of the given power output. For engines built in Czechoslova= kia, tho Czechoslovak National Stenderde specify the following values for air ratingst 1. Rated barometric preseure bj © 736 torre 2. Rated air temperature taj = 20 °C Jo Rated air humidity /reletive/ j = 60% Por ether svmoepherie conditions than those specified the power output of the engina 4e computed according to the nomogram annexed to these Inetructions. Overloading is @ proportional increase of the power output sbove the rated power output /by 10 %/ which is permissible for a full hour efter every six successi= ve hours of operations The observed power output /HP/ i@ the highest breke horseepower which the engine is capable of developing under operating conditions of a given instellation site at other atmospheric ratings then those specified - in paragraph Te Numbering of cylinders ie effected from the front end of the engine. Tho nosload speed /repeme/ ie the sustained speed of the engine after the steady-state rated power output ie gradually and completely removed by the governore Stabilization aete in within 5 to 6 seconds. Maximum momentary speed /Topeme/ io the epeed observed for @ short pariod of time after the steady-state rated power output ie suddenly removed, 33. Ado We We 6 = TS = 0953 Idling opesd /ropo.f lo tho windaus epeed at ghich ha ongine oan bo soatiavowsly running at ac=loai, Ivrogularity of yuaning io tho ratio of saxisma diffe venca of angular valooltion of the srankchaft in om dala to working cycle to the ongular velocity of this cycle at rated speed end rated power outputs MM. Typ Maximus continuous varieble speed is the ratie of the : @ifference betwoea nowleed epeod snd rated apsed to 2. Rat the rated sposde Re Hindwua observed speed /repem/ io the winiwan apeod at ehioch an appropriately edjusted governor cea eustain the engine puming continuously with a specified fractional Load. Be 3e 4e Beses Net: sorninch, B90 de a 3 4 3 6 Cae & 8 Ce ae SI r 6 = 73 = 0953 Poehnica Dara Gezeral_donendes Main technical date Ao Type of ongine - LUI Mpboveer Go A 5AIG sponemebielers WW, Ratings of basic operating parameters: /*” Le Rated power output © j- en the Helen. £100 erenkease flange oo eeoecce BP T2000 FH Gehige- within reted air state according Myr nil hayes clurumit i to following values: CAT Chegerten a coches arematil Pasine ta Pem-ael. © baronetric preseute bj = 136 terre © air vemperature hove seal loge = 20°C © pir husislty Havume Mem 260% Qe Rated anned = ngeriermel M2 “! 5 8, Yaight

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