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Training Guide

Redway 3D

TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D
© 2015, Missler Software.
7, Rue du Bois Sauvage
F-91055 Evry, FRANCE
All rights reserved.

This information is subject to change without warning.

No material may be reproduced or transmitted, regardless of the manner, electronic or mechanical means used
or purpose, without formal written consent from Missler Software.

TopSolid® is a registered trademark of Missler Software.

TopSolid® is a product name of Missler Software.

The information and the software contained within this document are subject to change without prior warning
and should not be construed as a commitment by Missler Software.

The software covered by this document is supplied under license, and may only be used and duplicated in
compliance with the terms of this license.

Version 6.16 Rev.01

Note: If you are experiencing problems using this training guide, please feel free to send your feedback and
comments at

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TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Migrations ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Migration of the texture database............................................................................................................................ 2
Migration of the material database .......................................................................................................................... 2
Migration of lights ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Migration of parts using shaders .............................................................................................................................. 3
Migration of styles .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Creation of a library of materials ...................................................................................................................... 5
Creation of a library of textures ................................................................................................................................ 5
Importing textures by file ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Import textures by folder ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Creation of a library of materials .............................................................................................................................. 9
Description of a material’s characteristics ......................................................................................................... 10
Creating a material manually ............................................................................................................................. 27
Creating materials automatically ....................................................................................................................... 29
Creation of specific materials ................................................................................................................................. 30
Creating a finishing with reflection .................................................................................................................... 30
Creating a material with bump .......................................................................................................................... 31
Use of materials ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
Applying materials on defined parts .................................................................................................................. 34
Applying materials on undefined parts .............................................................................................................. 35
Creation of lights............................................................................................................................................ 36
Creation of a sky light in the document .................................................................................................................. 36
Creating the sky light .......................................................................................................................................... 36
Adding windows to the sky light ........................................................................................................................ 39
Creation of lights in components ............................................................................................................................ 41
Creating a positional light in a LED panel component ....................................................................................... 41
Creating an IES light in a wall lamp component ................................................................................................. 47
Creating a spot light in a spot component ......................................................................................................... 50
Insertion of lights ............................................................................................................................................... 53
Configuration of scenes .................................................................................................................................. 59
Insertion of a background image ............................................................................................................................ 59
Configuration of a presentation.............................................................................................................................. 61
Visit mode........................................................................................................................................................... 61
Camera adjustment ............................................................................................................................................ 62
Saving the presentation .......................................................................................................................................... 63
Image rendering............................................................................................................................................. 64
Modification of the document’s default lights ....................................................................................................... 64
Image rendering ...................................................................................................................................................... 64
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TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D
Calculation of several images .................................................................................................................................. 72
Calculation of a different sized image ..................................................................................................................... 73
Creation of a decorative component .............................................................................................................. 75
3D file recovery ....................................................................................................................................................... 75
Saving file ............................................................................................................................................................ 75
Creation of publishings ....................................................................................................................................... 76
Component dimensioning .................................................................................................................................. 77
Application of materials .......................................................................................................................................... 80
Application of a logo ............................................................................................................................................... 81
Creation of lights ..................................................................................................................................................... 83
Insertion in the project............................................................................................................................................ 84
Import/export of materials ............................................................................................................................ 86
Export of materials .................................................................................................................................................. 86
Modification of materials ........................................................................................................................................ 87
Addition of materials............................................................................................................................................... 89
Reimport of materials ............................................................................................................................................. 90
Annexes/External references ......................................................................................................................... 91
Texture downloads.................................................................................................................................................. 91
Imaging information ................................................................................................................................................ 91
3D component downloads ...................................................................................................................................... 92
General 3D libraries ............................................................................................................................................ 93
Bathroom 3D components ................................................................................................................................. 93
Light downloads ...................................................................................................................................................... 93
Notes ............................................................................................................................................................ 94
Individual course evaluation form .................................................................................................................. 97

iv Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Introduction

The 2015 version of TopSolid (6.16) features a new photo-realistic rendering engine: Redway 3D.
This change in render application involves managing the materials and lights differently, which results in
improved management of all settings related to the photo-realistic rendering, and a more realistic and faster

For users prior to version 2015 (6.16), the changeover to the new version will require some adjustments.
For the new users of the version 2015 (6.16), the use of imaging does not require any anterior knowledge.

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Migrations TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

Migration of the texture database

No migration nor special settings are required to the texture database imported in TopSolid.
Textures remain fully compatible.

Migration of the material database

The format of the TopSolid material database has changed to include more settings in materials and
optimize the database management.
When launching the 2015 version with a Configuration or a Group folder
including an old material database, you will be asked to migrate this database
when editing the materials via the Attribute > Material > Manage materials

 The material database must be migrated using the Attribute > Material > Migrate function.

Note: The old files of the top.mat material database that are available in the Configuration and Group folders are
then converted into topmaterial.xml files.

When the material database is migrated, all the configured settings of the materials are saved (designation,
reference, grain orientation, texture, hatching pattern…).
In addition, the scale of the material texture is automatically determined according to the dimension of the image
used for the texture.
All new settings defined in the materials have a default value.

Migration of lights

If lights were defined in an earlier version than 2015 version, some of them will be automatically migrated,
while some may not be compatible.

Old lights Redway 3D light

Ambient, Positional, Directional, Spot, Area Incompatible
Conversion to Redway 3D Sky light with or without
Sky and Window

The incompatible lights contained in an old project open in the 2015 version will be visible but will not be taken
into account during a rendering calculation.
However, it is recommended to turn off these lights before launching an image calculation.

Old lights are described as ‘Redway incompatible’ in

the set of lights.

2 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Migrations

Migration of parts using shaders

Prior to version 2015 (6.16), it was possible to apply shaders on
parts in order to add reflectance to a part.
However, shaders had to be applied onto each part and redone
each time matter was changed.

Shaders that were formerly applied onto a part are reviewed in the 2015 version and processed by the photo-
realistic rendering, but their quality is not optimal.
Image parameters (reflection, bump…) are now defined in the material. It is therefore strongly recommended
that you reapply onto these parts a material that has been defined with reflectivity or bump parameters.

Chrome shader prior to version 2015

Chrome shader prior to version 2015 computed

with Redway 3D

New chrome matter computed with Redway 3D

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Migrations TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

Migration of styles
Styles allow you to customize the graphical user interface through configurable menus, contexts and icon bars.

If a style was created in a version prior to 2015 (6.16), and that this style contains old image functions, then these
functions may no longer work in the 2015 version (6.16).

- Display function

- Save function

Error message in version 2015:

The style needs to be updated in order to include the new image functions.

 Start the Tools > Customize function.

 Select the style to modify from the drop-down list.
 Open the Contexts tab and select the context to modify.

 From the icon bar, select the icon of the old Image function, and then
drag it to the graphics area to remove it from the bar.
 Repeat the operation to remove the two old Display and Save
functions from the contexts.

The new Display function must now be included in the contexts. The new
Save function can be accessed via the new Display function.
 Open the Contexts tab and select the context to modify.
 Open the Commands tab and select the Image category.
 Click and drag the Display function to the icon bar.

 Once this is completed, save the style by clicking the Save button.

 Finally, close the Customize window.

4 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a library of materials

Creation of a library of materials

The quality of a photo-realistic rendering is largely defined by the use of realistic textures.
These textures can be defined from images provided by the material supplier to be as close as possible to the real

Creation of a library of textures

In order be able to create and use a material with a textured appearance, the starting point is to create the
textures of the materials.
Note: For wood textures with grain orientation, the texture image must have a horizontal grain orientation.
If the texture is vertical, it can be rotated from Windows before being imported in TopSolid.

Note: To ensure optimal response times, you should import only textures with a size less than 5Mb. This helps
maintain a good quality while reducing the time for displaying the texture.
 In a new Design document, start the Attribute > Texture > Manage textures function.

The Texture library manager window allows you to import the textures:
- in User configuration only for this computer;
- or in Group configuration for all networked computers.
Textures are then organized into families and sub-families available from the drop-down list.

 Enable the Group option to work in the Group folder.

 Click the Create family button to create a family of textures.
 Enter New family name: Training materials and validate with OK.

The newly created family is automatically selected in the list.

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Creation of a library of materials TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

 Click the Create sub-family button.

 Enter New family name: Panels and validate with OK.

 Click the Create sub-family button again.

 Enter New family name: Woods and validate with OK.

Importing textures by file

The first mode for importing textures allows you to import texture images one by one.

 From the Woods sub-family, click the Import texture button.

 Enable the Source file option and click the Browse button to select the texture to be imported.
 From the provided files, select the image in Materials > Panels > Woods > F583_ST22.jpg and validate with

 Uncheck Convert the texture file to TTX format.

The option for converting to TTX format converts the texture to the TopSolid native format, which allows textures
with transparency to be better managed.
The Description field is used to set the texture name in TopSolid. By default, the description is the name of the
selected texture file.
The Texture size section allows you to configure the texture dimensions:
- Fixed size: Used to specify the texture dimensions in TopSolid. Beyond those dimensions, the texture will
be propagated.
- Resolution: Used to adjust the accuracy with which the texture will be imported. The texture dimensions
in TopSolid are then deducted from the dimension of the imported texture.

Most of the time, when importing textures from suppliers, the dimensions of the scanned area are specified. This
makes it possible to retrieve these dimensions in TopSolid in order to have real-scale textures.
However, the texture size can be adjusted later in the materials.

 Enable the Fixed size option and specify the following

dimensions: Width: 2800mm and Height: 1310mm.
 Uncheck the Logo and Bump map boxes and enable the No
transparency option.
 Finally, click the Import button to import the texture in
Note: Once the texture has been imported, the original file can be
moved or deleted, as the texture has been copied in the Textures
folder of TopSolid’s Group or Config.

6 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a library of materials

The imported textures are displayed in the Texture library manager window when the family to which they
belong is selected.

Import textures by folder

The mode for importing texture images by file allows you to import multiple textures. This is the case, for
example, when the material supplier provides all the textures of these materials.
 Select the Panels family from the drop-down list.
 Click the Import texture button.
Note: The Import texture function imports an image or a folder of images in the textures.
The Import texture folder function allows you to import a texture definition file (top.tex in Config or Group) in
order to re-import in the Configuration or the Group textures that have already been imported in another
configuration of TopSolid.

 Enable the Source folder option and click the Browse button to select the folder to be imported.
 From the provided files, select the Materials > Panels folder and validate with OK.

 Check the Respect branching box.

Note: The Respect branching option allows you to recreate, for each selected texture sub-folder, a sub-family of
If this option is not checked, all textures found in the selected folder will be placed in the same family.

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Creation of a library of materials TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

Windows folder to be imported

With file tree Without file tree

Textures are classified into sub-families. All textures are mixed in the Panels sub-family.

 Enable the Fixed size option and adjust the following dimensions: Width: 2800mm and Height: 1310mm.
 Click the Import button to import all the textures of the selected folder.

 Once all the textures have been imported, click the Quit button to exit the Texture library manager window.

8 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a library of materials

Creation of a library of materials

In order to use a material when defining a part, you must create this material.
Creating a material will allow you to associate:
- A material name and designation;
- A reference and a supplier;
- A density;
- A texture or color and a hatching pattern;
- Image parameters such as reflection, transparency…

 In a new Design document, start the Attribute > Material > Manage
materials function.

 If the message asking you to migrate materials appears, confirm it with

OK, and then select the Attribute > Material > Migrate function.

Note: The Material editor window consists of four sections (left to right):
- The selection of the material category in the Configuration or the Group.
- The selection of the material to edit in the list.
- The material characteristics.
- The preview of the material texture applied to a cube.

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Creation of a library of materials TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

Description of a material’s characteristics

Characteristics of materials are located in different tabs.

The Data tab contains all the general information about the material:
- The name of a material corresponds to the system name of the material in the database. It must be unique
in the material category.
- The designation is what the user sees when selecting the material, and also when the material is displayed
in a bill of material.
- The reference and the supplier correspond to the material purchase references. This information can be
displayed in a bill of material.
- The density of a material makes it possible to calculate the mass of a set.
- The Grain orientation option defines whether or not the material has a grain orientation.
When a part is defined with a material having a grain orientation, it will rotate by only 180° during the cutting-up
A part defined with a material without grain orientation will be able to turn 90° during the cutting-up
Moreover, when modifying the part axes, the texture will not rotate.

- The Use as material option allows you to use this material as a part material.
- The Use as coating option allows you to use this material as a part coating, for example when creating
- The Use as finishing option allows you to use this material as a finishing. A finishing enables you to apply
onto a part with already defined material and coating an overcoat layer that adds an effect to the part,
such as a varnish.

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TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a library of materials

The three squares in the upper part of the window are used to define (left to right):
- The hatching pattern used by the material (left square).
The material’s hatching pattern is useful when cross sections are created in a draft.
Three types of hatching patterns are available:
o The standard patterns: A list of hatching patterns is provided. This pattern will be the same regardless
of the cutting direction.
o The user patterns: You can create your own hatching patterns which can be selected here. This
pattern will be the same regardless of the cutting direction.
o The file patterns: This type produces a different hatching pattern depending on the cutting direction
in the draft.
These file patterns may be files provided as standard or user-created patterns.

- The texture of the material (center square).

The texture of the material allows you to assign to the material a texture
imported in TopSolid so that you can view it with a realistic rendering.

- The color of the material (right square).

If the realistic rendering of the material is only a color, there is no need
to import a texture. The right square then makes it possible to define a
color (TSL or RGB) so that you can view it during the part’s realistic
Adjusting a color also adjusts the texture automatically.

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Creation of a library of materials TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

Image data
The Image data tab groups together all the settings that affect the material display in the realistic image
- Reflection (%)
The reflection corresponds to the proportion of light which is neither absorbed nor transmitted, but reflected by
the material.
This produces indirect lighting.
If the specular shininess value is set to a minimum (0%), then the coefficient of reflection is ineffective.
The higher the reflection percentage, the more the material will reflect its environment. The base texture will be
less visible; it is somewhat a mirror effect.

Example of a tiling material applied to the floor: Specular shininess: 10%, Specularity spreading: 10%.

Reflection: 0%

Reflection: 50%

Reflection: 100%

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- Reflection spreading angle (0-10)

The reflection spreading angle corresponds to the angle of reflected beam after it has bounced off the material.
The higher the angle value, the blurrier the reflection of elements in this material will be.

Reflection spreading angle

0° 5° 10°


Example of a tiling material applied to the floor: Reflection: 20%, Specular shininess: 10%, Specularity spreading:

Reflection spreading angle: 0°

Reflection spreading angle: 5°

Reflection spreading angle: 10°

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Creation of a library of materials TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

- Anisotropy (%)
Anisotropy is the property of being dependent on the direction. As a result, an anisotropic material will react
differently to the light depending on how the view is positioned.
The anisotropy effect is most visible when a light illuminates the room directly. In the example below, the
anisotropy of the table will further disperse the texture and produce a more glaring result.

Example of a material without anisotropy, and then with a given percentage, applied to the table.

Anisotropy: 0%

Anisotropy: 20%

Anisotropy: 100%

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- Refraction index (1-3)

The refraction index describes how the light behaves in the material. Light beams are deflected when moving
from one material to another.
This index is specific to each material.
The refraction has no effect if the material has no transparency (Translucency = 0%).

Material Refraction index

Void/Air 1
Plastic 1.2
Water (100°C) 1.318
Water (20°C) 1.333
Glass 1.517
Thick glass 1.89
Ice 3.309
Alcohol 1.329
Emerald 1.576
Ruby 1.76
Crystal 2.0
Diamond 2.417

Example of a glass material applied to the carafe: Reflection: 5%, Translucency: 95%, Specular shininess: 30%,
Specularity spreading: 4%, Fresnel reflection: Yes.

Refraction index = 1 Refraction index = 1.5

Calculation time: 8mn Calculation time: 9mn

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Creation of a library of materials TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

- Refraction spreading angle (0-10)

The refraction spreading angle corresponds to the angle of reflected beam after it has passed through the
material. The higher this angle value, the blurrier the elements behind the material will be.
Like the refraction index, the refraction spreading angle has no effect if the material is not transparent
(Translucency = 0%). Also, if the refraction coefficient is 1, the refraction spreading angle has no influence.
The refraction spreading angle can be used to create a frosted glass.

Refraction spreading angle

0° 5° 10°


Example of a glass material applied to the carafe: Reflection: 5%, Refraction: 1.5, Translucency: 95%, Specular
shininess: 30%, Specularity spreading: 4%, Fresnel reflection: No.

Refraction spreading angle: 0° Refraction spreading angle: 2° Refraction spreading angle: 5°

Calculation time: 4mn Calculation time: 12mn Calculation time: 13mn

16 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a library of materials

- Translucency (%)
The translucency of the material adjusts the amount of light passing through it. The more transparent a material,
the more you will be able to see the elements behind it.

Example of a glass material applied to the window: Reflection: 5%, Specular shininess: 30%, Specularity
spreading: 4%.

Translucency: 0%

Translucency: 75%

Translucency: 100%

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Creation of a library of materials TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

- Specular shininess (%)

The specular shininess corresponds to the amount of light that will be reflected by the material.

Example of a tiling material applied to the floor: Reflection: 20%, Specularity spreading: 10%.

Specular shininess: 1%

Specular shininess: 50%

Specular shininess: 100%

18 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a library of materials

- Specularity spreading (%)

The specularity spreading corresponds to the spreading percentage of a light on the material. The higher you set
this percentage, the blurrier the reflection of a light on the material will be.

Example of a wood panel material applied to the table: Specular shininess: 10%.

Specularity spreading: 0%

Specularity spreading: 50%

Specularity spreading:

Missler Software 19
Creation of a library of materials TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

- Specular color
The specular color is the color of the light reflected by the material off of which the light bounces. In most cases,
the specular color is white (RGB: 255 255 255). Some metals may have a specific specular shininess.

Example of a material applied to the saucepan: Reflection: 40%, Specular shininess: 70%, Specularity spreading:

White specular color

RGB 255 255 255

Other specular color

RGB 138 89 63

20 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a library of materials

- Fresnel reflection
The Fresnel reflection is a physical effect that makes a material become totally reflective for beams with a grazing
angle of incidence.
This option will generate a far more realistic rendering of a transparent object, but render times will be much
longer (about 5 times longer). You are therefore advised to use this option only for decorative objects that need
to be more detailed (for example glasses or carafes).

Example of a glass material applied to the carafe: Reflection: 5%, Translucency: 95%, Specular shininess: 30%,
Specularity spreading: 4%, Refraction index: 1.5.

Without Fresnel reflection With Fresnel reflection

Calculation time: 12mn Calculation time: 46mn

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Creation of a library of materials TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

- Receive shadows
This option allows you to create a material that receives the shadows cast by the other elements.

Warning: A material that does not receive shadows has no bump. Only the texture without effects will be

Example of a material applied to the place mat.

Material that receives shadows

Material that does not receive


22 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a library of materials

- Cast shadows
This option allows you to create a material that casts shadows.
If a material has translucency and casts shadows, the shadow opacity will be proportionate to the translucency

Example of a material applied to both glasses: Reflection: 5%, Specular shininess: 30%, Specularity spreading:

Glass material without shadows

Glass translucency: 85%

Glass material with shadows

Glass translucency: 85%

Glass material with shadows

Glass translucency: 60%

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Creation of a library of materials TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

Texture parameters
The texture parameters can be used to set the diffuse texture and the bump texture of the material.

Different types of texture mapping on the 3D shape are available:

Mapping type Description Result

Uses the parameterization generated

by the 3 shape face by face

Projects the texture on a plane along a


Cylindrical Projects the texture radially to an axis

Spherical Projects the texture radially to a point

Projects the texture along three

Auto axis directions while minimizing

24 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a library of materials

Warning: Only the Auto axis parameterization respects the grain orientation in relation to the cutting-up axes
defined on the part. The other types of mapping must only be used on materials with no grain orientation.
By default, the dimensions of the diffuse texture and the dimensions of the bump texture used by the material
correspond to the dimensions specified during the texture import.
These dimensions can then be adjusted:
- Texture > Scale U + Scale V (Width / Height)
- Bump texture > Scale U + Scale V (Width / Height)

Note: If the diffuse texture and bump texture are linked, you must use the same scale and the same angle for
both textures so that they are correctly superimposed during the rendering calculation.
In order to preserve the proportion of the imported texture, any change in a dimension (U or V) will automatically
change the second dimension proportionally.
It is possible to make a non-proportional modification of the texture by disabling the ] option.

Proportion enabled Proportion disabled

If a material with grain orientation uses a texture that was imported with a vertical grain orientation, it is possible
to rotate the texture 90° using the Angle value.
Warning: For a material with grain orientation, the modification of the angle value will modify the texture
appearance on the part. Any course of action other than that described above may make the part’s cutting-up no
longer match the grain orientation displayed.

The example below shows a texture imported with a horizontal grain orientation.

Texture rotation angle in the material Grain orientation result

The red arrow represents the part length (grain orientation)

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Creation of a library of materials TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

A finishing allows you to apply onto a part which already has a material and coating an overcoat layer that adds
an effect to the part, such as a layer of varnish.
A material can be used as a finishing if the Use as finishing option is enabled in the Data tab.
A finishing applies to the part:
- Reflection with a spreading angle
- Specular shininess with a spreading angle
- A specular color
- A hue color with a percentage of application

The reflection and specular shininess parameters can be adjusted from the Image data tab.
The hue color parameters, as well as their percentage of application, can be adjusted from the Finishing tab.

Part without finishing

Calculation time: 2mn 48

Part with Diffuse reflection

Calculation time: 6mn 43

Part with Bluish diffuse

reflection finishing (RGB Blue
111 192 255 set to 20%)

Advanced data
Advanced data allow you to specify the material’s physical characteristics such as the Young's modulus or the
Poisson's ratio.
This information is used for mechanical strength calculations. Consequently, there is no need to specify it for

26 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a library of materials

Creating a material manually

 Enable the Group option.
 Select the first line Categories, and then click on Add category to create a new category in the root.

 Enter New category name: Training materials and validate with OK.

 Select the Training materials category and click on Add category.

 Enter New category name: Panels and validate with OK.
 Select the Panels category and click on Add category.
 Enter New category name: Woods and validate with OK.

Note: The list of materials is currently empty since no material has been created in this category.

 On the right of the window, open the Data tab and enter:
- Name: F583_ST22
- Designation: Fino Brun
- Reference: F583_ST22
- Supplier: EGGER
- Density: 0.75
 Check the Grain orientation box.
 Check the Use as material box.
 Uncheck Use as coating and Use as finishing.

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Creation of a library of materials TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

 Click the Hatching pattern box (left box).

 Enable the Pattern type: From file and Localization: Standard options.
 Select Category > Panel and Name > Particule board.
 Validate the hatching pattern with OK.

 Click the Texture box (center box).

 Select the Training materials > Panels > Woods category from the drop-down list and select the F583_ST22
 Validate the texture selection with OK.
 Click the Save button to save the material.

Note: The new material is automatically added to the list of materials of the selected category.
 Validate the window with OK.

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TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a library of materials

Creating materials automatically

It is possible to automatically create all the materials corresponding to the library of textures.
 Start the Attribute > Material function.
 Select Create from textures.
 Enable the Group option and select Training materials from the drop-down list.
 Click on Create materials.

Note: The new categories, as well as the materials, are then automatically generated based on the selected
texture family.
If a material already exists, then it will not be replaced.
The following settings are then automatically defined in the created materials:
- Material name = Texture name = Name of the imported image
- Grain orientation = Default option
- Use a material and Use as coating = Default options
- Material texture = Texture used to generate the material
- Material hatching = Current hatching pattern when materials are created (pattern 6 by default)

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Creation of a library of materials TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

Creation of specific materials

Creating a finishing with reflection

 Start the Attribute > Material > Manage materials function.
 From the Group materials, select the Training materials category.
 Create a new category: Finishings.

 From the Data tab, choose the following settings:

- Name: Diffuse reflection
- Designation: Diffuse reflection
- Uncheck Use as material and Use as coating
- Check Use as finishing

Note: As the material is defined as a finishing, only five parameters can be set from the Image data tab.
 Open the Image data tab and adjust the following settings:
- Reflection: 20%
- Reflection spreading angle: 5°
- Specular shininess: 20%
- Specularity spreading: 10%
- Specular colour: White

 Save the finishing using the Save button, and then close the material
manager with OK.

30 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a library of materials

Creating a material with bump

The bump parameter is used to simulate a bump effect on a rendered material.
This bump is generated using a black and white bump texture to be imported, and then to be assigned to the

Note: If the imported bump texture is not black and white, it is automatically converted into black and white
while the image is being computed in order to generate the bump.
Example of a concrete material with bump applied to the floor.

without bump

Material with

Importing the material texture

 Start the Attribute > Texture > Manage textures function.
 Select the Group textures, and then the Training materials
 Create a new sub-family: Concretes.
 Click the Import texture button to import the following file:
- Source file: Concrete > Concrete.jpg
- Texture size > Fixed size:
o Width: 2000mm
o Height: 1600mm

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Importing the bump texture

 Import the Concretes texture family via the following file:
- Source file: Concrete > Concrete_Bump.jpg
- Texture size > Fixed size:
o Width: 2000mm
o Height: 1600mm
- Check Use > Bump map
- Default bump scale: 20

Note: The Default bump scale option allows you to adjust the influence of the bump on the base texture when
the image is computed.

Default bump
scale: 20

Default bump
scale: 50

 Once the bump texture has been imported, quit the texture library manager.

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Creating the material

Once the diffuse and bump textures have been imported, the corresponding material
needs to be created in order to associate these textures.
 Start the Attribute > Material > Manage materials function.
 Select the Group > Training materials material category.
 Create a new category: Concretes.

 From the Data tab, enter the following information:

- Name: Concrete
- Designation: Concrete
 Select the center box to assign a texture, and then select the Training
materials > Concretes > Concrete texture.

 Open the Texture parameters tab.

 Click the Bump texture box, and then select the Training materials >
Concretes > Concrete_Bump texture.

 Click the Save button to save the material.

Note: When editing a material by selecting it in the list, all its characteristics are displayed.
If you want to copy a material, you need to select the material to copy, change the material name and/or
category, and then save the new material.
As the characteristics of the material still appear in the window, if you want to create a new material, it is then
possible to validate the material window with OK, and then reopen it using the Attribute > Material > Manage
materials function.

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Use of materials

Applying materials on defined parts

The defined parts (components, in-place parts) can be modified via the following functions:
- Define part: Used to modify parts one by one.
- Define multiple parts: Used to modify several parts at once.
 Open the provided file
 Switch off the layers 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 to hide the building elements.
 Then switch off the layers 10 and 20 to hide the building volumes.

 Start the Wood > Define > Define multiple parts function.
 Set Depth = Multi level and click the Main assembly button to take into account all the defined parts of the

 Check the Property box and select the parts with Designation: Covering panels.

 Click the Configure button to modify the selected parts.

 Open the Material tab.
Note: The Material, Coating and Finishing tabs of the Define multiple parts function comprise two drop-down
- The first list displays three options:
o The configuration part materials in order to select one and
apply it to the parts.
o No modification in order not to modify the parts.
o All matters to apply another material.
- The second list displays the categories of the standard,
configuration and group materials.

 Select the Training materials > Panels > Woods > H3778_ST9
 Click on Apply.
 Validate the Define multiple parts window with OK.

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Applying materials on undefined parts

The undefined parts are not part of the assembly and cannot be configured via the Define part and Define
multiple parts functions.
You must assign a material to them manually.
Note: Do not define the context elements such as walls or floors so that they are not included in the assembly and
displayed in the bill of material.
 Display the layers 0, 2 and 3.
 Start the Attribute > Material function.

Note: The Attribute > Material function allows the direct selection of a first and then a second element in order
to copy the material/coating/finishing of the first element to the second element.
This function can be used to copy a material from one document to another.
The Matter Coating Finishing button allows you to apply the current material, finishing and coating to the part.
Finally, the Material list option allows you to select the material, the coating and the finishing to apply to the
 Click the Matter Coating Finishing button, and then the Material list button.
 From the Material tab, select the Training materials
> Concretes > Concrete material.

 Then select the poles of the document to apply the

material to them.

 From the Material tab, select the TopSolid’Wood > Building > Tiles > Tiles 30 large standard material.
 Select the floor to apply the material onto it.

 From the Finishing tab, select the Training materials > Finishings > Diffuse reflection finishing.
 Select the floor to apply the finishing onto it.

Note: Once the material and finishing have been applied to one or more
elements, the OK button is now enabled.

 Validate the changes with OK and save the file.

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Creation of lights TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

Creation of lights
Lights are used to illuminate the scene. Four types of lights are available depending on the type of real light to
include in the image rendering.
These models will be described in the next exercises.

Creation of a sky light in the document

Creating the sky light

Note: The sky light is used to represent the light generated by the sun. It is defined by a North direction, a vertical
direction, a location and time.
Only one sky light can be created per document.
The Sky light is made up of two lightings:
- The Sky which lights up the whole scene at a given intensity.
- The Sun which lights up the scene according to the specified location and time.

 Start the Image > Light function.

 Select Type = SKY, enter Name: Sky and validate with OK.

 Select X+ as the North direction.

 Select Z+ as the Vertical direction.
 Validate with OK to stop defining faces for windows.
This function will be described later in this training guide.

 Adjust the following settings:

- Sky intensity: 0.4
- Sun intensity: 0.2
 Leave the default Turbidity and Albedo values.
 Set the Saturation value to 0.3.

 Click the Sun calculator button.

 Adjust the following settings:
- Country: France
- City: Toulouse
- Date: 22/5/2015
- Time: 14:25
 Validate with OK.

 Click on Apply, and then OK to create the sky light.

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Sky settings
- Intensity
The sky intensity adjusts the amount of light that will illuminate the whole scene.
- Turbidity
In contrast to brightness, turbidity adjusts the particles in the air. This parameter is most relevant when the sun is
low in the sky, in the morning or in the evening. It is visible when the background is in Sky mode.
- Albedo
Albedo is the amount of light reflected by the ground.
These last two parameters are most useful when calculating an outdoor scene like a house.
- Saturation
Saturation is the influence of the sun color on the scene. This color depends on the time set for the sun: the
morning will be more likely to color the scene in blue and the evening in red. A saturation value of 0 corresponds
to an overcast sky that does not color the scene.

Saturation: 0

Saturation: 0.3

Saturation: 0.6

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Sun settings
- Intensity
The sun intensity adjusts the intensity of the sunrays directed according to the sun position.

Sun intensity: 0

Sun intensity: 0.2

Sun intensity: 0.26

- Azimuth & Altitude

These parameters are used to adjust the position of the sun in the scene. The Sun calculator function allows you
to configure these parameters based on a geographic location, a date and time.
The System time option automatically retrieves the date and time of your computer.

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Adding windows to the sky light

Note: The sky light allows you to define the faces as windows through which the light enters the scene. This limits
the analysis of the light to the defined faces and not to the whole scene; the illumination and shadows will then
be more precise and realistic.
It is possible to add and remove window faces when creating and modifying the sky light.

Sky light without window

Quality: 4
Calculation time: 2mn

Sky light with window

Quality: 4
Calculation time: 5mn

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 Hide the ceiling by turning off the layer 1, and then display the walls with the layer 4.
 Start the Image > Light function.
 Select Type = Sky in the drop-down list, and then validate with OK to modify the previously created sky light.

Notes: If no window has been defined:

- The OK button modifies the sky without adding any new windows.
- The Define window button is used to add new windows.
If windows have already been defined:
- The Keep window button allows the windows to not be modified.
- The Redefine window button is used to modify the windows (adding or removing).
- The Delete window button allows you to use the sky light without the windows.

 Select Define window.

 Select the seven inner faces of the windows and validate with OK.

Note: When selecting a face, the red arrow must point towards the inside of the room. If the arrow is pointing
outwards, you can click on it to reverse its direction.

 Validate the faces with OK.

 Validate the sky light modification window without modifying the values by clicking on OK.

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Creation of lights in components

A light can be created in a component. This makes it possible, when inserting components such as spotlights or
lamps in the document, to insert their associated lights at the same time. This avoids recreating the lights for each

Artificial lights (all types except the sky light) are defined using a 3D geometry.
This includes the principle of physical light, which improves the realism of the rendering.
For example, the 3D geometry can be used:
- With a face geometry: The light is emitted from all points and perpendicular to the face.
This geometry can be used for a LED panel.

- With a cylindrical geometry: The light will shine in all directions around the
This geometry can be used for a neon tube.

- With a spherical geometry: The light will shine in all directions around the sphere.
This geometry can be used for a light bulb.

Light intensities are defined in the light of the component. However, the light intensity can be adjusted manually
in the assembly. In addition, it is possible to create a driver parameter without unit in order to manage the light
intensity when inserting the component.

Creating a positional light in a LED panel component

The positional light will illuminate from the 3D
geometry in all directions. It can be used to show a LED
panel, a neon light or a bulb.

Creating the light

 Open the provided file Lights\LED

Note: This component is an extruded component, which means it

can be quickly included based on two points. See the
TopSolid’Wood Advanced Training Guide about creating an
extruded component.

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 Save the component in a standard library using the Assembly > Define component > Edit/save template >

Save standard template function.

- Standard: My 3D standard
- New family: Lights
- New type: LED
- New variant: LED panel
- New version: 00
 Validate with OK.
 Define the component as an extruded component using the Assembly > Define component > Define

extruded component function.

 Select the LED panel as extruded parts, and then validate with Stop.

 Start the Image > Light function.

 Create a Type = Positional light named LED and validate.

 Validate with OK.

 Select any point on the part as the positioning point.

Note: The 3D geometry of this light will be defined using a face. Its positioning point has therefore no effect on
the rendering.

 Select the Direction option for the target point, and then X+.
 Select Z- as the perpendicular direction.
 From the light definition window, adjust the following settings:
- Lumen: 80
- Geometry: Faces

 Validate the light with OK.

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Note: The lumen intensity of a light can be likened to the following powers:

Incandescent lamp power (watts) LED lamp power (watts) Intensity (lumens)
15 2.2 110
25 4 200
40 8 400
60 14.2 710
75 18.6 930
100 26.8 1340
150 43.2 2160
200 62 3100
300 97 4850

Once a light has been validated with a face geometry, these faces must be selected.
 Select the bottom of the slot as the face like in the next image.

Note: The red arrow shows the direction of the face in order to direct the light.
This arrow must therefore point outwards, which is done by default (normal of the face).
It is possible to reverse the arrow direction by clicking on it.

 Validate the selected face with OK.

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Adjusting the LED panel intensity

Note: The intensity of the face light is distributed over the entire face. As a result, the larger the face, the more
the light intensity will be reduced at a given point.

To produce the same light effect whatever the light face area, the light intensity can be set so that it varies
depending on the value of this area.

Result with a fixed intensity

of 100 lumens

Result with a varying

intensity of 5000 lumens/m²

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 Create a parameter using the Parameter > Create function.

 In order to recover the light surface, select the Measured parameter option when specifying the value.

 Select the Surface area parameter option.

 Select the Face option.
 Select the slot base of the panel as the reference face like in the next image.

 Enter Name: sl and Designation: Light surface.

 From the history tree’s Main tab, right-click and select Edit sets > Set of lights.
 Expand the node of the LED: associative light positional.
 Right-click the line of the intensity parameter and select Replace.
 Enter Replacement parameter: sl/200 and validate with Enter.

Inserting the light in the component

Note: The light is now created in the document. However, it must be inserted in the set so that it can be included
in the assembly with the LED panel component.
 From the tree, open the Main set tab.
 Right-click the ASSEMBLY: LED panel line and select Insert.

 Enter Elements to insert: LED and validate with Enter, and then Stop.

 Specify the default axes X+ and Y+.

 Validate the default Define part window with OK.

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Note: The assembly now contains two elements; you are therefore asked to define this assembly.

 Validate the displayed window with Yes to define the assembly:

- Designation: LED panel
- Assembly nature: Single unit
- Uncheck Insert in main assembly

Note: Unchecking the Insert in main assembly option will not insert the component in the set of the assembly
Among other things, this allows the decorative items not to be included in the bill of material.

The light is then inserted in the set and will be inserted in the assembly
with the component.

 Save and close this document.

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Creating an IES light in a wall lamp component

The IES format is a standard format for defining a light containing photometric data (Illuminating Engineering
Society of North America).

This light corresponds to a physically correct light and contains all the characteristics of the light, as well as data
to represent it exactly:
- Reference, manufacturer, model
- Intensity
- Color
- Intensity/Distance/Angle chart
- Geometry

This file format is commonly used by lighting manufacturers.

It is then possible to download the IES file of a lamp in order to insert it in TopSolid.

 Open the provided file Lights\Wall

 Save the component in a standard library using the Assembly > Define component > Edit/save template >
Save standard template function.
- Standard: My 3D standard
- New family: Lights
- New type: Wall lamps
- New variant: Cylinders

 Start the Image > Light function.

 Set Type = IES and enter Name = Wall_lamp.

 Validate with OK.

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 For the light position, select a point , and then an offset point.
 Adjust the following settings:
- Origin point: Absolute coordinate system origin
- Direction: X+
- Distance: 78mm
 Position the dimension.

 Select the Direction option for the target point, and then Z+.
 Select X+ as the perpendicular direction.

 Then validate the reference light for IES file with OK.

Note: An IES light must be created from an IES definition file. However, it is possible to create one from an IES
light that already exists in the file by selecting it here.

 Select the Browse button.

 Select the IES definition file provided in Lights\87714-000.IES.

Note: Once you have validated the IES file, the following parameters are automatically set:
- The lumen intensity of the light. However, you can later change the
intensity value.
- The geometry of the light. Here, this is a cylinder 61mm in diameter and
250mm long.
- The address of the IES file used. However, once the file is selected and
the light is validated, the IES file is loaded into the document and is no
longer linked to the original IES file.

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 Select OK to create the IES light in the document.

 From the history tree, open the Main set tab.

 Right-click the ASSEMBLY line and select Insert.

 Select the light by clicking the 3D geometry from the graphics area,
and then click the Stop button.
 Specify the default axes X+ and Y+.
 Validate the default Define part window with OK.

 Save and close this file.

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Creating a spot light in a spot component

The spot light allows you to create a conical light.

 Open the provided file
 Save the component in a standard library using the Assembly > Define component > Edit/save template >
Save standard template function.
- Standard: My 3D standard
- New family: Lights
- New type: Ceiling lights
- New variant: Down light

 Start the Image > Light function.

 Select Type = Spot and enter Name: Spot.

 Validate with OK.

 For the spot position, select a point , and then a center point .
 Select the lower circle of the spot as the reference element as shown below.

Note: The direction of a spot can be determined using a direction or a second point.
Here, the spot angle is variable so it is better to select a second point to calculate the direction.

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 Select a point , and then a center point as the target point.

 Select the upper circle of the spot as the reference element as shown below.

 Specify X+ as the perpendicular.

 Adjust the following light settings:

- Lumen: 250
- Geometry: Sphere
- Width: 10mm
- Cone half-angle: 33°
- Penumbra half-angle: 15°
 Validate the light with OK.
 Insert the light in the main assembly.

Note: The cone half-angle corresponds to the half angle of the light cone generated by the spot.
The penumbra half-angle need to be set if a penumbra cone is generated by the light. This is the case if the light
intensity is higher in the center of the cone than on the outsides.

Without Penumbra half-angle With Penumbra half-angle

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Note: The two cone and penumbra angles are shown as two yellow cones in the graphics area. It is then possible
to graphically modify the angles by clicking and dragging the cone.

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Insertion of lights
 Open the provided file

 Change to perspective view mode.

 Make the layer 30 active, and then turn off the layer 0.

Insertion of LED panels

 Use the Assembly > Include standard function to include the LED panel :
- Standard: My 3D standard
- Lights > LED > LED panel
 Select the right front point of the cabinets as the first point or axis as seen below.

 Select the left front point of the cabinets as the second point or direction as seen below.

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 Set Rotation angle = -90° to position the panel


 Click the Stop option.

 Set the view mode to Realistic rendering + edges + wireframe.

 Then select the On curves option to automatically insert all the LED panels around the central cabinets.

 Set Sketch = Global, and then select the green sketch around the central cabinets.
 Adjust the following settings:
- Rotation angle = -90°
- Cut = Mitre cut

 Validate the positioned LED panels with OK.

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TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of lights

Inclusion of wall lamps

 Use the Assembly > Include standard function to

include the wall lamp :

- Standard: My 3D standard
- Lights > Wall lamps > Cylinders

 Select the left-hand post that surrounds the window

as the destination coordinate system.

 Select the floor as the first alignment face or edge, and then enter a distance of 1800mm.

 Select the left side of the post as the second alignment face or edge, and then select the right side of the post
as the parallel face or edge to center the wall lamp on the post.

Second alignment face or edge Parallel face or edge

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Creation of lights TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

 Repeat the procedure to position wall lamps on the post on the right-hand side of the window, and on the
post to the left of the kitchen as shown below.

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Inclusion of the spots

 Use the Assembly > Include standard function to include the spot :
- Standard: My 3D standard
- Lights > Ceiling lights > Down light
 Adjust the spot angle to 15°.
 Select the ceiling as the destination coordinate system.

 Select the front face of the cabinet doors as the first alignment face or edge, and then enter a distance of

 Select the left-hand beam as the second alignment face or edge, and then enter a distance of 500mm.

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 Click the Repeat button and adjust the following settings:

- Linear repetition
- Y+ direction
- Distance per instance of 500mm
- Total count of 2

Note: When a component containing a light is repeated, the light is also repeated.
 Select Process = Pocket, and then select the ceiling as the shape to modify in order to create the pockets.
 Click on Stop to validate the positioning of this component.

 Repeat this procedure to position the spots on the right of the central beam.

58 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Configuration of scenes

Configuration of scenes
Insertion of a background image
The Background bitmap function allows you to insert an image outside the scene (behind the windows for
example) to make the rendered image more realistic.
A background image can be included on a coordinate system or a rectangular profile.
In the following example, a rectangular profile is already created at a distance of 2000mm from the wall.
 Make the layer 32 active.

 Start the Image > Background bitmap function.

 Select the provided file Garden with pool.jpg.
 Select the pink-colored rectangular profile as the definition coordinate system.

 Adjust the arrow direction to point towards the inside of the room, and then validate with OK.
Adjusting the direction of this arrow will allow you to adjust the image direction.

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Configuration of scenes TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

 Select the lower segment of the rectangle as the reference horizontal axis.
 Adjust the arrow direction so that it points up to the right, and then validate with OK.

 Set Keep x/y ratio = NO to adapt the image to the rectangle, and then validate with OK.

 Click the Quit button to stop inserting images.

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Configuration of a presentation

Visit mode
Note: In an interior design, the visit mode is used to visit the fitted-out room(s).
Like a FPS video game, the mouse rotates the view and the keyboard arrows allow you to move in the drawing.
The height of the visit mode’s camera (eye level) is 1m65 from the current coordinate system and the field of view
is 65°.

 Hide the layer 1 (ceiling).

 From the Image menu, select Visit mode.

Note: The view automatically switches to top view (Z+ of the current coordinate system).
 Select a point at the right of the room as the user position, and then select a point on the kitchen as the
target point.
 Using the keyboard arrows and the mouse, position the view as shown below.

 Press the Esc key to quit the visit mode.

 Display the layer 1 again.
 Switch to Realistic rendering + edges view mode.

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Camera adjustment
Once the camera has been positioned using the visit mode, you can modify it more specifically using the camera

 Start the Image > Orient view function.

Note: The camera editor has two tabs:

- The Standard cameras tab is used to place the camera on the document’s standard views (Front, Back…).
- The Camera parameters tab configures the current view.

 Open the Camera parameters tab.

Note: The main settings will be the following:

- Eye: Position of the camera in the document.
- Viewpoint: Point targeted by the camera.
The eye and the viewpoint are specified by default with their coordinates on
X,Y,Z relative to the absolute coordinate system. Configuring the Z value will
configure the position in height of the eye and the viewpoint.

- Vertical vector: Vertical direction of the camera.

- Field of view: The camera’s field of view allows you to view more or less elements in the view. The angle
value can be adjusted between 1° and 180°, given that the field of view of eyes is about 65° and the view
can be distorted if the angle is greater than 90°.

 Adjust the following settings:

- Eye: Set the height of the eye on Z to 1600
- Viewpoint: Set the height of the viewpoint on Z to 500
- Vertical sector: Select Z to straighten up the camera
- Field of view: 65°
 Quit the camera parameters using the Quit button.

 Open the Rendering tab and select Realistic rendering + edges.

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TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Configuration of scenes

Saving the presentation

Presentations are used to save the current position of the camera, the displayed elements (layers, invisible
elements), as well as the render mode.
Configuring several presentations allows you to quickly go back to one of them in order to calculate an image or
configure the project.

 Start the Tools > Presentation function.

 Enter Presentation name: Complete kitchen and validate with OK.

Note: Once the presentation is created, the history tree opens with the Presentations tab. This tab displays the
different presentations and allows you to manage them.
If this tab is not displayed, right-click in the tree and select Append presentations.

 Use the visit mode function again to position the camera as shown below.

 Configure the camera using the Image > Orient view > Camera
parameters function.
- Position of the eye on Z: 1050
- Position of the viewpoint on Z: 1000
- Vertical vector: Z
- Field of view: 70°

 From the history tree’s Presentations tab, right-click on

Presentations and select Add presentation.
 Rename this presentation to Kitchen side and validate with OK.

Note: The Ctrl + Shift + Left click-and-drag shortcut allows you to zoom in or zoom out without distorting the
The Shift + Left click-and-drag shortcut allows you to move the view to recenter it for example.

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Image rendering TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

Image rendering
Modification of the document’s default lights
 From the kitchen project, open the history tree, and then right-click > Edit sets > Set of lights.

Note: By default, the new TopSolid documents have three lights: one ambient light and two directional lights.
These lights are used to illuminate the document to be able to work, but they are not realistic lights. Therefore, it
is recommended to turn them off for a more realistic rendering.
 From the history tree, select the three default lights (one ambient light, two directional lights) and right-
click > Switch = ON to turn them off.

Image rendering
 Open the tree and click the Presentations tab.
 Make the Complete kitchen presentation current.

 From the Image context , select Display.

Note: Various settings allow you to adjust the image to compute:

- Global/Partial mode:
o The global mode computes the whole selected view.
o The partial mode allows you to select an area of the view to compute by selecting two diagonally
opposite points of a rectangle. For example, it can be used to compute only the area that is being
Warning: Each rendered image is processed (post-treatment) in order to adjust the lighting and brightness of
each image based on the most and least lighted areas.
There may be some luminosity variance between an image computed in partial mode and an image computed in
global mode.

The example on the right

shows two computed partial

64 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Image rendering

- Quality: Adjusting the quality will reduce the image noise. A higher quality translates into a lower level of
noise, but render times will be longer.
This setting has an effect on light and materials samplings. The quality needs to be increased if the
rendered view contains materials and/or lights that diffuse light, in order to calculate more precisely the
rendering of each pixel.

Quality Purpose
1 Very quick rendering quality
3 Quick rendering quality
Correct rendering quality depending on the scene
High rendering quality
9 Very high rendering quality (useful only in a few specific
10 cases)

Quality: 1
Calculation time: 2mn

Quality: 4
Calculation time: 7mn

Missler Software 65
Image rendering TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

- Anti-aliasing: Increasing the anti-aliasing will reduce the jagged effects of lines or curves in the view.

Note: Depending on the scene, if you increase the anti-aliasing, you may experience longer image render times.

Example of an image computed in the scene (Quality: 4/10, Global illumination: 2/10, Background luminosity:
0.02, Fast skylight: No, Background: Sky).

Anti-aliasing Purpose
2 Correct quality
5 High quality
Very high quality

Anti-aliasing: 1 Anti-aliasing: 5
Calculation time: 4mn Calculation time: 10mn

66 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Image rendering

- Global illumination: This parameter increases the accuracy of calculating the lights of the scene.

Global illumination Purpose

Quick light rendering
(No global illumination)
Correct light rendering
High light rendering
8 Very high light rendering
9 The difference is clear only in a few specific cases

Global illumination: 2
Calculation time: 7mn

Global illumination: 5
Calculation time: 8mn

Missler Software 67
Image rendering TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

- Background luminosity: This parameter allows you to adjust the brightness of the background images
included in the project. If this parameter is set to 0, the background images are not visible.

Background luminosity: 0.02 Background luminosity: 0.15

- Fast skylight: This parameter only calculates the indirect rays of the sky. This produces a smoothed
rendering more quickly, but this calculation is approximate.

Example of an image computed in the scene (Quality: 2/10, Anti-aliasing: 3/10, Global illumination: 2/10,
Background luminosity: 0.01, Background: Sky).

Fast skylight = Yes Fast skylight = No

Calculation time: 8mn 17s Calculation time: 17mn 56s

68 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Image rendering

- Background: This parameter allows you to adjust the document background to black, white or sky.
The Sky option creates a gradation from blue to white. The intensity of this gradation depends on the sky
light saturation.

Background: Black

Background: White

Background: Sky
Sky saturation: 0.3

Background: Sky
Sky saturation: 0.6

Missler Software 69
Image rendering TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

 Adjust the following settings:

- Global mode
- Quality: 2
- Anti-aliasing: 3
- Global illumination: 2
- Back image luminosity: 0.02
- Fast skylight: No
- Background: Sky

 Next click in the graphics area to launch the image calculation.

Note: Once the calculation is running, a pop-up window will appear in which the image will be computed.
As the image is computed by several successive horizontal scans, a first pixelated preview image is quickly
available. If adjustments need to be made to lights or materials, you can cancel the image calculation by pressing
the Esc key.

70 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Image rendering

The Post treatment window is also displayed when an

image is being computed.
It allows you to adjust four parameters during and after
the calculation process:
- The exposition
- The saturation
- The gamma
- The white balance
This setting is used to adjust the color cast to the ambient lighting of the scene.

 Click the white square to specify a color for the white balance.
Once the calculation is complete, the Automatic button automatically determines the white balance in order to
adjust the whites in the image.

Table of correspondence between current white balance settings and their RGB color

Temperature in
White balance R G B color Color preview
Kelvin (K)
Automatic -
White - 255 255 255
Incandescent 3000 K 255 179 107
Fluorescent 4300 K 255 216 177
Sunny 5200 K 255 237 217
Flash 5500 K 255 235 224
Cloudy 6000 K 254 237 199
Open Shade 8100 K 226 232 255

The Default buttons allow you to reset the sliders, as well as the white balance, to their default values.

 Use the Post-treatment sliders to best adjust the image, and then validate the window with OK.
 To save the image that was generated, right-click > Save.

Note: The Save function enables the image to be directly saved in the TopSolid project’s
The Save as function allows you to specify the folder where you want your image saved,
as well as the name of the image.
The Save with size function enables the image to be saved with varying sizes. See the chapter Calculation of a
different sized image.

The image will be automatically renamed with the file name, the calculation time and the setting values: CalculationTime
Q: Quality AA: Anti-Aliasing GI: Global Illumination BL: Background Luminosity FS: Fast Skylight
B: Background

 Once the rendered image is saved, close it.

Missler Software 71
Image rendering TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

Calculation of several images

When several presentations are created, it is possible to compute the images corresponding to each presentation
This allows you to launch the computations of all the scenes automatically in hidden time (during the night for
Because of the time required to compute several images, the presentation renderings should not be started
during the training.
 From the history tree, open the Presentations tab.
 Right-click the PRESENTATIONS line and select Compute

Note: You can also compute the images of certain

presentations by selecting them using Ctrl + left click, and
then starting the calculation with a right-click > Compute

 Adjust the image settings.

 Click OK to start the image calculations.
 Quit the function by pressing Esc.

Note: The images for the different views are then computed and saved in the project
folder. The name of each image matches the presentation name.

72 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Image rendering

Calculation of a different sized image

By default, the dimensions of the rendered image are similar to the TopSolid’s graphics area in relation to the
screen resolution. For example, on a screen with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, an image of 1868 x 861 pixels
can be computed.

However, it is possible to compute an image with:

- larger dimensions to obtain a large image for printing for example;
- smaller dimensions to obtain a complete result more quickly.

In the following example, three different images are computed:

- Screen size: 1868 x 869 pixels in 2 hours
- Larger image: 3736 x 1738 pixels in 4 hours
- Smaller image: 934 x 434 pixels in 30 minutes

Note: A rendered image that is twice as large as the screen size will be two times larger on width and height. Four
times more pixels will then have to be calculated and the calculation time will be multiplied by four.

 Start the Image > Display function.

 Adjust the image settings, and then start the
 Wait until the first full image scanning is
complete, and then stop the calculation by
pressing the Esc key.

Missler Software 73
Image rendering TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

 Right-click on the image and select Save with size.

 Specify the folder where you want your image saved.
 Then enter a name and select the file format for saving the image.
 Validate with OK.

Note: The Width and Height values displayed here are the default pixel dimensions of the image generated based
on the screen resolution.
You can modify these dimensions to increase or reduce the dimensions of
the image to be generated.
The Preserve the proportions option maintains the Width/Height ratio of
the image to be generated. It is possible to distort the image by unchecking
this option.

 Change the Width value to 500 pixels.

Note: The settings at the bottom of the window are specific to the image
saving format. The JPG format allows you to adjust the quality and
smoothing settings of the image.
 Adjust the following settings:
- Quality: 100
- Smoothing: 0
 The image calculation can then be started by clicking on OK.
 Cancel the image saving operation by clicking on Cancel.

Note: The live calculation preview is not available when calculating a different sized image.

Once the calculation is complete, the image is automatically saved on the hard disk.

74 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a decorative component

Creation of a decorative component

It is possible to improve an image scene by adding decorative components.
These components can be created in TopSolid or retrieved from downloading platforms offering 3D files. A list of
these platforms can be found at the end of the document.

If the decorative component was directly designed in TopSolid and if it is not parameterized, the 3D shapes can
be basified to reduce the size and the calculation of components.

3D file recovery

Saving file

 Open the provided file Cooker hood.x_t.

Note: The x_t file format is the Parasolid 3D format, the graphics engine
used by TopSolid. This standard 3D exchange format can be imported and
exported by TopSolid.

 Save the file.

Note: When importing a 3D file in external format, the file is automatically converted into a TopSolid file.
Saving this file will save it to the new format without modifying the initially imported file.

 Start the Wood > Define > Define set > Characteristics function.
 Complete the following settings:
- Designation: Cooker hood
- Assembly nature: Single unit
- Uncheck Insert in main assembly
 Validate with OK.

Missler Software 75
Creation of a decorative component TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

Creation of publishings
Publishings are 3D faces located at the six enclosing ends of the
They make it easy to position the component when included in the
As all the component publishings have the same name, it will be
easier to interchange the components.

 Make the layer 1 active.

Note: By default, publishings are created on the current layer. However, they can be created on a given layer that
can be set in Tools > Options > Component > Components management.

 Start the Assembly > Define component > Define publishings function.
 Select the Automatic option.
 Adjust the following settings:
- Assembly = Main assembly
- Median publications = Yes
- Reference frame for automatic = Absolute coordinate system

Note: The main assembly is used to place the publishings at the ends of all the parts contained in the main
The median publishings are the publishings located in the
center of the component along the three directions.
The reference coordinate system allows you to position the
publishing directions. It is best to use a coordinate system
having its axes positioned as follows:
- X axis: Along the width
- Y axis: Along the depth
- Z axis: Along the height, with Z+ upwards

 Validate with OK to create the publishings.

These faces can then be used when creating the positioning

constraints of the component in the assembly.

76 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a decorative component

Component dimensioning
The 3D components imported from other formats are basic elements: for example, it is not possible to modify
But you can apply a global scaling to the shapes to resize them.
 Make the layer 2 active.
 Create a parameter:
- Value: 990mm
- Name: hh
- Designation: Hood height
- Define this parameter as a driver.

 Start the Shape > Mechanical/Other operations > Transform function.

 Select Scaling from point from the Transformation drop-down list.

 Select any point in the 3D document as the symmetry point.

Note: The symmetry point allows you to scale around this point.

The Scaling factor option allows you to specify the scaling factor to apply to the shapes. The previously created
parameter can be added to this value to create a parameterized scaling.
In order to apply an exact scaling factor, you first have to measure the actual height of the hood.

 Start the Analysis > Distance function.

Note: The analysis functions allow you to take measures in the document
without exiting the current function.
 Select the Plane option.
 Select the upper publishing of the component as the first element to

 Then click the Plane option again in order to select the component’s
lower publishing as the second element to measure.

The measure indicates 990.648mm.

 Click the Quit button to exit the distance analysis and return to the
current Transformation function.

Missler Software 77
Creation of a decorative component TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

 Enter Scaling factor = hh/990.648.

 Then select all the 3D shapes of the document as the shape(s) to transform using the click and drag method.

The shapes are then dimensioned based on the Hood height parameter.

78 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a decorative component

Note: Using the same method, it is also possible to create three dimensioning parameters on width, depth and
height, and then use the Transformation > Scaling with 3 factors function.
However, this technique may distort the object.

A third method allows you to resize a basic 3D element by moving one or more faces of the 3D element using the
following function: Shape > Surfacic / boolean operations > Modify face > Modification = Move feature or face
& Move = Face.
A face can then be modified using a parameter (here the top face of the vertical support).

Missler Software 79
Creation of a decorative component TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

Application of materials
 Turn the layer 1 off.
 Change to Realistic rendering + edges render mode.
 Start the Attribute > Material function.
 Click the Matter Coating Finishing button, and then the Material list button.
 From the Material tab, select the TopSolid’Wood > Metals > Chromium material.
 Apply the material onto all parts by selecting them from the graphics area.

 Choose the TopSolid’Wood > Glasses > Window glass material.

 Then select the lower part of the hood to apply the material onto it.

Note: The materials of the TopSolid’Wood family are optimized for the new Redway 3D rendering engine.
Metals have optimum image characteristics (reflection, specular color, specularity spreading…) and the glass
family includes a mirror and two different glasses.
The glass family contains three elements:
- A decorative object glass using refraction. This provides a more realistic glass, but render times may be
long. It can be used for decorative objects when seen at close range.
- A window glass using transparency and reflection only. This provides a less realistic glass, but faster to
use. It will be used in particular for window panes.

80 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a decorative component

Application of a logo
The logo function allows you to apply an image to a
face in order to increase the realism of the element for
the image rendering.

 Start the Image > Apply logo function.

 First select the left-hand face of the hood’s grease
 Select Mapping = Planar mapping and validate the
face using the Apply button.

Note: A logo can be applied either to planar faces or to cylindrical faces.

It is also possible to apply the logo to several faces of a shape.

To be oriented on the face, the logo needs a positioning coordinate system.

 To directly create the positioning coordinate
system of the logo, set Wizard = Yes.

 Then position the coordinate system in the center

of the face as shown opposite.

Missler Software 81
Creation of a decorative component TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

 Validate the coordinate system with OK.

Note: Once the coordinate system has been validated with OK, it is automatically created
and selected for the logo’s positioning. The coordinate system created here by the wizard
is a coordinate system on face with constraints.
 Then select the provided file Grease filter.jpg and validate with OK.

Note: The logo preserves a Windows link to the image file. It is then recommended to
place the images used by the logos in the same folder as the TopSolid file.

 Validate the default dimensions and offsets with OK.

Note: There are two modes for dimensioning the logo: either using set dimensions, or by stretching the logo to
the selected face.
Here, the logo will be sized in relation to the face, so the given dimensions are not needed.

 Adjust the following settings:

- Rotation angle = 0°
- Adjust height to faces = Yes
- Adjust width to faces = Yes
- Keep width/height ratio = No

 Validate with OK to position the logo.

Note: The logo is visible only when the image is computed. A dotted cross is displayed on the 3D geometry.

 Repeat the operation to apply the grease filter on the second face under the hood.

82 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a decorative component

Creation of lights
 Start the Image > Light function.
 Select Type = Spot and enter Name: Spot.

 Select the point > center point as the position and

select the circle as shown opposite.

 Set Target point > Direction > Z-.

 Set Perpendicular: X+.

 Then adjust the light settings:

- Lumen: 250
- Cone half-angle: 40°
- Penumbra half-angle: 20°

 Start the Edit > Repeat function.

 Select the light in Template elements to repeat.

 Select Propagation: Double mirror.

 Select First symmetry plane: ZX and Second symmetry plane: YZ.

The light is then repeated in four instances.

 Include the repeated lights in the set.

Missler Software 83
Creation of a decorative component TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

Insertion in the project

 Open the file
 Make the layer 31 active.

 Start the Assembly > Include sub assembly/part function, and then select the Explore option.
 Select the previously created file Cooker
 Enter Hood height = 800mm.

 Select any point in the document as the end point in order to release the component.

Note: When adding constraints to a component, the publishings are displayed.

 Select the publishing on top of the hood and apply it to the ceiling.

 Enter Distance = 0mm and validate the constraint with OK.

 Exit the positioning by pressing the Esc key.

 Switch the camera into Perspective mode , and then into Top view mode.
 Turn off the layer 1.

 Use the Move parents function to position the hood over the hotplate.

84 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Creation of a decorative component

Note: Because decorative components do not require precise positioning, it is possible to apply only one
positioning constraint, and then position the component using the following functions:

- Edit > Move parents

- Edit > Rotate parents > Mode = Auto

 Finally, make the Complete kitchen presentation current.

Missler Software 85
Import/export of materials TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

Import/export of materials
You can export a whole category of materials (with sub-categories)
in an Excel file.
Each material is then exported on a table row and the material
characteristics are shown on the table columns.
It is then possible to:
- modify a material;
- modify several materials in a single operation;
- create new materials;
- create new categories;
- insert new materials in the table.

After the changes to the Excel file have been made, it can be reimported in order to modify the material
database. The existing materials can then be replaced and the new materials and categories are created.

Export of materials
 Start the Attribute > Material > Manage materials function.
 From the Group materials, select the Training materials category.

 Click the Export button to export this category.

 Select a destination repertory and name this file Training materials export.

 Validate with OK to start export.

Once the export is complete, the Excel file opens automatically.

Note: The time for exporting materials is approximately 1 second per exported material.
Materials are imported almost instantly.

86 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Import/export of materials

Modification of materials
The materials will be sorted in order to make changes to some materials contained in specific categories.
 From the Excel file, select the A column (column for categories) by
clicking the column header as shown opposite.

 Open the DATA tab and select the Filter function.

Note: Once the filter has been applied, a new tab appears at the top of the column, allowing you to set the view
filter for data.

 Select the filter tab.

 Uncheck everything except the Path category (column header) and the
Training materials\Panels\Colors category.
 Validate the filter with OK.

 Modify the first material to change the Grain orientation value

from True to False.
 Then click and drag this value to all displayed materials.

 Select the filter tab to modify the selection.

 Add the following two categories:
- Training materials\Panels\Woods
- Training materials\Panels\Materials

 For the first material, select the two Supplier: EGGER and Density: 0,75 values,
and then click and drag them to apply them to all materials.

Missler Software 87
Import/export of materials TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

 Repeat the procedure for the Pattern and Pattern path columns in order to apply the following hatching
pattern to the panel materials:
- Pattern: -1
- Pattern path: $TOPHOME\bin\patterns\Panel\Particule
 The material reference can also be specified by copying and pasting the Name column.

88 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Import/export of materials

Addition of materials
Materials can be created directly from the Excel file. During import, these new materials are created in the

Warning: To have a valid format for the import, the following rules must be observed:
- Use commas and not periods (like in TopSolid) to separate the decimals. The import will convert the values
- Cells that contain numerical values must be in Number format.
By default, this is the format of the generated document, but it may be incorrect if values are copied from
other files (for example, the RGB values).
To modify the cell format, select the cells > right-click > Cell format > Number tab > select Number.

 From the Excel file for materials, modify the view filter.
 Uncheck all categories except Path (column headers).

 Open the provided file RAL classic.xlsx.

 Copy the RAL reference column (column B) from row 3 to row 214.

Note: From Excel, you can select a whole column of data by selecting the first cell, and then pressing Ctrl + Shift +
Down arrow on your keyboard.
 Paste these values into the Reference column (column D) of the Training materials export file.

 Repeat the procedure to:

- Copy the French column (column I) in the Name and Designation columns (columns B and C).
- Copy the three RGB code columns (columns C, D and E) in the Red Green Blue columns (columns N, O and

In order to place the new materials in a new category during import, the new category must be specified in the
Path column.
 In the Path column of the first row, enter the following: Training materials\Paints\RAL.
Note: In order to ensure there are no typing errors, you can copy the path from another material, and then paste
it into the first cell before modifying it.
 Click and drag this cell to apply it to all added materials.

Missler Software 89
Import/export of materials TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

Reimport of materials
 Save the Excel file.
 From the TopSolid’s Material editor window, display the Group materials.

Note: When materials are imported, they are created directly in the displayed category (User or Group).
Therefore, there is no need to select a category to reimport the materials.

 Select the Import button.

 Select the file Training materials export.xlsx and validate with OK.

As the imported materials of the Excel file already exist (same category and same name), you are asked whether
you would like to overwrite the existing materials in TopSolid.
 Validate the window by clicking on Yes for all to update the existing materials with the new information
added from Excel.

The existing materials are then updated and the new materials are created in a new category.

90 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Annexes/External references

Annexes/External references
The annexes include a non-exhaustive list of external references that can help in understanding and creating
realistic renderings.

Texture downloads
Supplier Website
Dosch Design
3D Total
Museum textures

Imaging information

Topic Website


Conversion Kelvin RGB

Global illumination

Color management

Color temperature

Missler Software 91
Annexes/External references TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D

3D component downloads
Many 3D file exchange formats are available. However, certain "exact" formats will be of better quality in
TopSolid: exact curves and rounded corners, 3D shapes…

Standard exact formats:

- Parasolid (x_t, x_b)
- STEP (step, stp)
- SolidWorks (sldprt)

Standard non-exact formats:

- AutoCAD (dxf, dwg)
- IGES (igs)
- STL (stl)
- SketchUp (skp)

Exact formats in non-standard interfaces:

- SolidWorks (sldasm)
- Catia

Example of a toaster downloaded from the GrabCAD website in STP format, and then converted into STL non-
exact format.

STP format STL format

92 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Annexes/External references

General 3D libraries
Supplier Downloadable formats Website
Traceparts XT, STEP
SketchUp library SKP

Bathroom 3D components
Supplier Downloadable formats Website
Duravit STEP
Jacob Delafon DXF, DWG

Light downloads
Supplier Downloadable formats Website
Phillips IES

Missler Software 93
Notes TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D






























94 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Notes
































Missler Software 95
Notes TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D
































96 Missler Software
 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
TopSolid’Image - Redway 3D Individual course evaluation form

Individual course evaluation form

(To be completed and returned to the training instructor at the end of the course)

TopSolid’Image – Redway 3D
Name : ..........................................................................................................................................................
Company : ..........................................................................................................................................................
Date(s) from ................................................................ to ............................................................................
By completing this individual evaluation form, you are helping to improve the quality and usefulness of the training provided in the future. Please complete it

Number of people during the course: Onsite at your company? YES □ NO □

GENERAL ASSESSMENT Poor Average Good Excellent

Overall, this course has been: □ □ □ □

What grade would you assign? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LOGISTIC Poor Average Good Excellent

Orientation (quality, organization, user-friendliness, etc.) □ □ □ □
Physical setup (room, materials, etc.) □ □ □ □

TRAINING Poor Average Good Excellent

Instructor's teaching method □ □ □ □
Group relationship (participation, sharing of experiences) □ □ □ □
Quality and clarity of educational materials (documentation) □ □ □ □
Balance between Theory and Practice □ □ □ □
Consistent presentations with what has been announced □ □ □ □
Training Content □ □ □ □

DURATION No Somewhat no Somewhat yes Yes

Does the overall duration of the course seem appropriate? □ □ □ □
If no, was it? Too short □ Too long □

PACE No Somewhat no Somewhat yes Yes

Does the overall pace of the course seem appropriate? □ □ □ □
If no, was it? Too slow □ Too fast □


Have you found this training to be useful in your work? □ □ □ □
Do you think you can put the acquired knowledge into use quickly? □ □ □ □
Do you believe that you have achieved your objectives
upon completion of this course? □ □ □ □

Comments and suggestions: ..........................................................................................................................................................


Missler Software 97

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