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ΪϴόγέϮΑ ωή˰˰˰ϔϟ΍Ϣ˰˰˰γ΍ Γέ΍Ωϻ΍βϠΠϣβϴ΋έ

ϦϣΪϤΣ΍ήλΎϨϟ΍ΪΒϋϲϣΩ ωή˰˰ϔϟ΍ή˰ϳΪ˰ϣ ϞϣΎϛϪϨϣΆϣΩ΍

ϦδΤϣϰϨϣΩ ϩΪΣϮϟ΍ή˰ϳΪ˰ϣ

PATIENT NAME Registered 15-08-2022 11:54:47 Collected 15-08-2022 13:34:54

Ν΍ήϓΪϤΤϣϑήη΍ Authenticated 16-08-2022 17:54:19 Printed 18-08-2022 19:47:30

Visit Number Age Gender Referred By Client ID

22822507449 56 Year Male Prof : ϒϳήθϟ΍ϲρΎόϤϟ΍ϮΑ΍ 530


Test Name Result Unit Reference Range

Covid 19 by RT - PCR Negative Negative

N.B. :Source: Nasopharyngeal Swab

SARS CoV-2 Real time PCR assay is an invitro diagnostic reverse transcription based Real Time PCR (RT- PCR) for the qualitative
detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in upper respiratory specimens
Result interpretation
- A Positive Result indicates the presence of SARS CoV-2 RNA.
Correlation with the patient history, clinical signs and other diagnostic findings is necessary to determine the patient͛s infectious
- A Negative Result indicate that either the SARS CoV-2 RNA is not present in the collection sample or is present in a very low
concentration below the assay͛s lower limit of detection (which may be influenced by the stage of infection).
Correlation with the patient history, clinical signs, other diagnostic information and epidemiological information is necessary for
patient management.

Dr.Mona Mohsen 1-1

Lecturer of Clinical & Chemical Pathology,
Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University
PATIENT NAME Visit Date: 15 Aug 2022 Payment Date: 15-08-2022 Branch
Mr. / Ν΍ήϓΪϤΤϣϑήη΍ Result Date: 15 Aug 2022 Receipt No: 8228 Port Said 1(Elgomhrya)

Visit Number Age Patient ID Referred By Insurance No Customer

ϑϳέηϟ΍ϲρΎόϣϟ΍ϭΑ΍ 528 ΕΎυϓΎΣϣϟ΍ϊϳϣΟϪϳϟϭΩϟ΍Ϫϳϓέλϣϟ΍Δϛέηϟ΍ϙϧΑ
22822507449 55 year 12368733

Item Type Item Name Value Result Date

Test Immunity PCR 0 15 Aug 2022
Service Immunity pcr (cash)- HC 50
Current Receipt Amount: 50 Total Amount: 1150
Payment User Name: Ahmed Abdallah Ali Ali Discount: 0
Payment Date Time: 8/18/2022 7:47:34 PM Final Amount: 50
Total Received: 50
Balance Amount: 0 ϰϧϭέΗϛϳϟϷ΍ϊϗϭϣϟ΍ϝϼΧϥϣΔΟϳΗϧϟ΍ϡϼΗγ΍ΩόΑΎϧϟϡϛϣϳϘΗΎϧΩόγϳϭΕϧέΗϧϻ΍έΑϋΔΟϳΗϧϟ΍ϡϼΗγ΍ϡϛϧϛϣϳ

( Almokhtabar - έΑΗΧϣϟ΍ ) ϝϳϣΣΗϖϳέρϥϋΞ΋ΎΗϧϟ΍ϡϼΗγ΍Ύοϳ΍ϡϛϧϛϣϳΎϣϛ


ΔϳέϭϬϣΟϟ΍ωέΎηΑϱέΎϣΛΗγϻ΍ΩϳέΑϟ΍ϊϣΟϣϝϭϻ΍έϭΩϟ΍14ΔϘη : ϥ΍ϭϧόϟ΍

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