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A technique to i n v e s t i g a t e the three-dimensional kinesiology

of the human temporomandibular joint

S. S i e g l e r , PhD.,* R. H a y e s , D.D.S.,** D. N i c o l e l l a , M.S.C.,*** and
A. F i e l d i n g , D.M.D.****
Drexel University, and Temple University, School of Dentistry, Philadelphia, Pa.

Previous kinesiological studies of the t e m p o r o m a n d i b u l a r joint (TMJ) were based

on the motion of only one or two selected points on the mandible (such as the lower
central incisor, the m a n d i b u l a r condyle). In the present study, a technique was
developed to measure, analyze, and describe the full three-dimensional kinematic
characteristics of the TMJ during any m a n d i b u l a r activity. The technique was
based on determination of the r e l a t i v e position between the mandible and the
temporal bone from m e a s u r e m e n t of the location of points on light-weight frames
rigidly attached through splints to the m a x i l l a r y and mandibular teeth. An opto-
electric kinematic d a t a acquisition system has been used to record the location of
these points. The results of the study indicate the following major a d v a n t a g e s of
this technique over previously reported kinesiological methods: (1) the technique
provides a full description of the motion of the mandible with respect to the
temporal bone, including all the six d e g r e e s of freedom associated with this motion;
(2) the description of motion in terms of joint p a r a m e t e r s enhances i n t e r p r e t a t i o n
of the d a t a by clinicians; (3) the motion of any point of interest on the mandible can
be easily derived from the d a t a and; (4) the s y s t e m provides only negligible
interference with the n a t u r a l jaw motion of the subject. It does not require head
fixation, does not a l t e r or i n t e r f e r e with the n a t u r a l occlusion, and its light weight
causes only minimal (and negligible) loading of the mandible. (J PROSTHET DENT

F o r more than a century, researchers have devel- vestigate the three-dimensional kinematic characteristics
oped techniques to monitor and analyze the kinesiology of of the ankle and subtalar jointsJ 1,12 According to this
the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and applied these technique, the complex movements of the mandible during
techniques to study the kinematics of both the normal and a variety of functional activities can be described in terms
the dysfunctional TMJ. 11° of six independent variables that can be easily interpreted
Recent advances in electronic and computer technology by clinicians. These variables include three independent
facilitated the development of electronic techniques to rotations and three independent translations) 3
record the motion of the mandible. The main advantages
of these techniques over previous ones were that they could
accurately record the dynamic motion of the mandible. In Measuring system and testing procedure
addition, because of their reduced size, these devices pro- This study of the kinematics of the human T M J was
vided little interference with the natural motion of the based on the measurement of the relative position between
mandible. the mandible and the temporal bone. To obtain this mea-
The goal of this study was to develop a method to mea- surement, a three-dimensional kinematic data acquisition
sure, analyze, and describe the three-dimensional kine- system was used. This system had the capability of
matic characteristics of the human TMJ. This method was measuring the position of points located on the mandible
based on studies that had used a similar technique to in- and the position of points located on the temporal bone.
Because these bones are not directly accessible in vivo, the
actual points measured were located on lightweight frames
that were rigidly attached to the upper and lower teeth.
The kinematic system used in this study was an opto-
*Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, electric system that measured the location in space of min-
Drexel University. iature light-emitting diodes (LEDs). This system had the
**Professor, Department of Orofacial Growth and Development, capability of recording the motion of up to 32 LEDs with
Temple University, School of Dentistry. a spatial error of less than 0.1 mm and a sampling rate of
***Graduate student, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Drexel University. up to 4000 samples per second. The experimental system
****Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, is shown schematically in Fig. 1. The system consisted of
Temple University, School of Dentistry. the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) corresponding to the





I COMPUTER Fig. 3. Schematic view of joint parameters used to de-

scribe relative position between mandible and temporal
bone. a, Angular displacement about X axis; ql, translation
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of experimental setup. Two along X axis;/~, angular displacement about common per-
cameras (CAM1 and CAM2); controller unit; and LEDs pendicular to both X axis and z axis; q2, translation along
mounted on frames A, T, and M are part of kinematic data common perpendicular; % angular displacement about z
acquisition system. LEDs A1, A2, A3 define location of an- axis; q3, translation along z axis.
atomic frame. LEDs mounted on frame T measure position
of temporal bone. LEDs mounted on frame M measure po-
sition of mandible.
suring frame T were prepared for the subject before the
test. Each measuring frame consisted of a set of eight LEDs
embedded into a lightweight Plexiglas frame. The frames
were attached to splints prepared from dental casts of the
subject's teeth. A view of the measuring frames is shown in
Fig. 2. Once the frames were attached to the subject's teeth,
they were assumed to represent a rigid extension of the
bones articulating at the TMJ (either the mandible or the
temporal bone).
The subject was seated in front of the cameras and the
two measuring frames were attached through the splints to
the upper and lower teeth (Fig. 1). The mandibular
condyles were then identified by palpation and marked on
the skin. A head frame A was then attached to the subject's
head in such a way that two of the infrared markers (A1 and
A2) were aligned with the mandibular condyles while the
third marker (A3) was located midway between these two
points (Fig. 1). The three points defined an anatomic ref-
erence frame relative to which the motion was described.
Following these preparations, the subject was instructed
Fig. 2. Viewofmeasuringframesattachedthroughsplints to sit motionless with his teeth in centric occlusion while
to subject's teeth. the position of the points on the mandibular frame, the
temporal frame, and the head frame were recorded through
the kinematic system. This calibration test was conducted
measured points, two special cameras used to detect the to establish the relationship between the measuring frames
location of these points, a control unit for obtaining the in- M and T and the anatomic frame A.
formation from the cameras and controlling the lighting of After the calibration test described, the subject was
the LEDs, and a microcomputer used to collect the data instructed to perform a series of mandibular excursions in-
and display the results. cluding (1) open and close cycles; (2) protrusion and retru-
A mandibular measuring frame M and a temporal mea- sion cycles; (3) lateral and medial cycles; (4) border move-

834 J U N E 1991 V O L U M E 65 NUMBER 6


Fig. 4. Schematic view of six displacements of mandible where each displacement is pro-
duced by change in single joint parameter.

ments (envelope of motion) in the sagittal, coronal, and by Grood and Suntay 13 after adaptation for the TMJ. The
frontal planes; and (5) chewing on both the left and right joint parameters consist of three rotations and three trans-
sides on a variety of standardized food items (such as cubes lations as shown in Fig. 3. In this figure the joint parame-
of carrots, chewing gum). During each movement, the po- ters a, 8, and ~/correspond to the three rotations and ql,
sition of the markers on the measuring frames were q2, and q3 correspond to the three translations.
continuously recorded and stored on the computer for fur- Fig. 4 provides a schematic view of six displacements of
ther analysis. the TMJ where each displacement is produced by a change
in a single joint parameter. Also shown in Fig. 4 are the sign
Data analysis conventions for the joint parameters.
The analysis consisted of deriving the relative position
and orientation of the mandible with respect to the tempo- RESULTS
ral bone from measurement of the coordinates of points on To demonstrate the capabilities of the technique devel-
the temporal and mandibular frames. The algorithm used oped in this study, the experimental procedure described
for this purpose was described in previous reports. 11, z2This previously was applied to study the kinesiology of the TMJ
algorithm was based on a constrained optimization proce- in three young adult subjects. These subjects had no his-
dure using a least square error criterion to find the best ap- tory of TMJ disorders and had normal, class I occlusions.
proximation for the relative position of the mandible with The mandibular movements investigated were (1) open
respect to the temporal bone from measurement of the po- and close cycles; (2) protrusion and retrusion cycles; (3)
sition of points on these bones. The description of the rel- medial and lateral cycles; (4) border movements in the
ative position was based on the joint parameters developed sagittal, coronal, and frontal planes; and (5) chewing.

THE J O U R N A L OF P R O S T H E T I C D E N T I S T R Y 835


(3 cycles) (I cycle)

1' 1


n ~
',,., :-
i ),~ i




.... t ' " ' ~ ' " T " T " ' ~ ' " T " T " T ' " J " ' ~ " W " ~ ' ~ ' % " ~ ' , I " ~ t ~ -10 .... ~ .... $ .... ~...
time (sec) time (sec)
4° 1 . ,~, ,~

• 1.;', ,
: , , , q3
t i ! f l

) t % i t s • !
s t i i j • u
o ~ I' t J i
E 10 i
/ ql ',t ,
/ ~t s
/ ;i
# I , l e t .


20 ~ , , L
-lo . . . . t . . . . t . . . . ~ . . . . ~, , . .
A time (sec) B time (sec)

Fig. 5. Joint parameters as function of time for following Fig. 5. B, Translation to right, starting from centric oc-
mandibular movements: A, open-close; B, lateral-medial; clusion, followed by translation to left and then back to
C, protrusion-retrusion. A, Three open-close cycles. centric occlusion.

Typical data obtained from one of the tested subjects are was a clear lateral deviation of the mandible to the left to
shown in Fig. 5. In Fig. 5 the joint variables (Figs. 3 and 4), a maximum of approximately 6 mm. As the mouth closed,
including the three angular displacements a,/~, ~. and the the reverse occurred. That is, a returned to 0 degree, the
three linear displacements ql, q2, q3, are shown as a func- mandible moved upward, and, at the same time, the man-
tion of time for three different activities. Fig. 5, A shows the dible deviated laterally to the right.
results obtained from three open-and-close movements Lateral deviation of the mandible (Fig. 5, B) to the right
starting from centric occlusion. Fig. 5, B corresponds to a corresponds to an axial rotation of the mandible to the right
motion of translation of the mandible to the right, then to ('y) and a rotation in which the right condyle is moving up-
the left, and back to centric occlusion. Fig. 5, C shows the ward while the left condyle is moving downward (B). Also,
joint variables corresponding to three cycles of protrusion- during this motion there is a small displacement of the
retrusion movements. mandible laterally. The motion is performed with a slight
As can be seen from Fig. 5, A, the motion of opening the protrusion of the mandible (q2 < 5 mm). Also, as the man-
mouth corresponds to an increase in a to a maximum of dible rotates to the right it translates slightly downward
approximately 20 degrees. There is little change in the (q3). The reverse occurs on motion to the left side.
other angles. At the same time, it can be seen that the Three successive cycles of protrusion-retrusion move-
mandible is moving downward (q3) to a maximum of ap- ments are shown in Fig. 5, C. As the mandible moves from
proximately 3.5 centimeters and forward (q2) to approxi- centric occlusion to maximal protrusion of q2 ffi 8 mm, it
mately 1.5 cm. Of interest, for this particular subject there also moves downward to a maximum of q3 = 6 mm. All an-

836 JUNE 1991 VOLUME 65 NUMBER 6


PROTRUSION & RETRUSION (ql = -.10 mm). In this position, the angle ~ is negative
(3 cycles)
(B = - 1 degree) and the angle ~/is positive (3, = I degree).

il That is, the mandible is rotated such that the right condyle
moves upward, the left condyle moves downward, and the
mandible is axially rotated toward the chewing side. Dur-
ing the first chewing stroke, as the mouth closes, the man-
dible translates toward the position of centric occlusion (q 1
increases), the mandible rotates axially toward the neutral
position (3" decreases), and the right condyle moves down-
_, " " "~ , , ,.~ ..r" ',, :.
ward as the left condyle moves upward (~ increases). In
• , .... ,~.~ ,, , , , ,, ,.,
tt ~ ii • preparation for the second masticatory stroke, the reverse
_: v gamma V
movement occurs. That is, the mouth opens, the mandible
-3 translates toward the chewing side, and the mandible ro-
tates axially to the right.
Another feature that can be observed in Fig. 7 is the pro-
time (sec)
gressive crushing of the food bolus. Because the food that
was chewed is relatively hard, the first few chewing strokes
cause the pr!mary crushing of the food item. That is, dur-
f\., ing these first few strokes, the height at which the molars
close on the piece of carrot and encounter resistance
decreases progressively. This is clearly indicated in Fig. 7
/ /
( c r l , c r 2 . . . . ) in which it is shown that during the first three
~ o,
. ..v.,/ ql

.I chewing strokes, the height at which the crushing of the

food item occurs decreases. From that cycle and until
swallowing occurs, this height remains approximately con-
-10 .... ~ .... ~ .... ~ .... ~ .... ~ .... ~ .... .~ . . . . ~ .... The most basic kinesiologic feature of the human T M J
time (sec) is that this joint, unlike other joints of the skeletal system,
possesses all of the six degrees of freedom associated with
Fig. 5. C, Three protrusion-retrusion cycles.
the unconstrained motion of a rigid body. Full use of these
degrees of freedom is made during diverse daily activities
such as chewing, swallowing, and speaking. This complex
gular rotations associated with this motion are small (<3 movement characteristic of the T M J provides a major
degrees). Maximal retrusion of the mandible is smaller challenge to scientists and clinicians investigating the
than maximal protrusion. function of this joint. The challenge is to develop a
One major advantage of the experimental and analytical technique that, on the one hand, can measure the complex
technique developed in this study is that the data contain movements occurring at this joint and, on the other hand,
sufficient information to calculate the motion of any point can represent these complex movements in terms of easily
of interest on the mandible. As demonstrated in Fig. 6, the interpretable variables that can provide clear insight into
motion of a point of a lower central incisor is traced during the characteristics of its motion. This study was directed
a sagittal border movement. toward this challenge.
The results of a chewing test are shown in Fig. 7. In this In the present study, a method was developed to mea-
test, the subject was instructed to place a 1 cm 3 piece of sure, analyze, and describe the three-dimensional kine-
carrot between the right molars and to chew on the right matic characteristics of the human TMJ. The ability of this
side. The joint parameters associated with this activity technique to provide a clear insight into the motion char-
were derived from the collected data and the first seven acteristics of the T M J have been demonstrated through a
chewing strokes are shown in Fig. 7. series of experiments conducted on three adults with nor-
The results shown in Fig. 7 indicate the following char- mal, class I occlusions. The movements considered in this
acteristics associated with this chewing activity. At the be- study included open-close, protrusion-retrusion, medial-
ginning of the chewing movement, with the piece of carrot lateral, border movements, and chewing. However, the
held between the teeth, the mouth is slightly open (q3 = 18 technique can be applied to any other mandibular activity
mm) and the mandible is translated slightly to the right of interest. The present study does not provide a compre-

T H E J O U R N A L OF P R O S T H E T I C D E N T I S T R Y 837





-1 ....... :~'ob. . . . . . . :~ ....... ~0
Y (,~)



t }

....... -i~ ........ 6 ........ '6' ........ ....... "~b ........ 6 ........ '~b' . . . . . . .
x (.~..) x Cram)

Fig. 6. Motion of lower central incisor during sagittal border movement of mandible cor-
responds to motion of lower incisor in sagittal, frontal, and coronal planes.

hensive investigation of the kinematic characteristics of the 3. The level of symmetry during controlled mandibular
TMJ. The experiments and the data derived from them movements can be derived from the processed data. For
were produced for the purpose of demonstrating the capa- example, the data shown in Fig. 5 indicate a significant lat-
bilities of the technique. These capabilities can easily be eral mandibular deviation on opening and closing that may
identified from the results reported in the previous section. be indicative of T M J dysfunction.
Some, but by no means all, of these capabilities include the 4. The technique can be used to provide a clear quanti-
following. tative description of the kinesiology of mastication and
1. Determination of the full range of motion of the T M J other activities such as swallowing or speech. Fig. 7 dem-
requires determination of the maximal range of variation onstrates this capability for a chewing activity. Timing and
in each of the six degrees of freedom of the TMJ. These can magnitude information, cycle-to-cycle variation, and the
easily be derived from the processed data corresponding to progressive crushing of food can all be easily derived from
open-close, protrusion-retrusion, medial-lateral, and bor- the processed data.
der movements. An example of the data from which such
information can be derived is shown in Fig. 5. SUMMARY
2. The processed data derived through the use of the The main capabilities and advantages of this technique
technique developed in this study contain sufficient infor- over previous kinesiological techniques are (1) the tech-
mation to determine the motion of any point of interest on nique provides a full description of the motion of the man-
the mandible. Consequently it is possible to determine the dible with respect to the temporal bone, including all the
motion of points such as a specific tooth, the mandibular six degrees of freedom associated with this motion; (2) the
condyles, and the interaction between teeth during the description of motion in terms of joint parameters en-
movement. The results shown in Fig. 6 demonstrate this hances the interpretation of the data by clinicians; (3) the
capability by describing the motion of a lower central in- motion of any point of interest on the mandible can be eas-
cisor tooth during sagittal border movements. ily derived from the data; and (4) the system provides only

838 J U N E 1991 V O L U M E 65 NUMBER 6



I ii
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
time ( s e e )





-20 i i i | i i i i i i i I i | i i i i i |1 i i ii i i i i i i i | i i i i i i i ii i

0 1 2 3 4. 5
Ume (a*¢)
Fig. 7. Joint parameters as function of time corresponding to first seven chewing strokes
associated with chewing on right side at 1 cm 3 of carrot. CR1 through CR5 represent points
during chewing stroke where teeth come in contact with item of food.

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