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Company: Personal Shopper Agency

The repertoire is an app that offers the service of a personal shopper. Once the user
subscribes to our app, they will have to answer a series of questions that will help
REPERTOIRE to classify this user by their Style (taking into account different factors
previously collected thanks to the questionnaire: Age, Budget, Colors, Garments of interest,
Brands of interest, Style among others). Once their Style is determined, this user will receive
one weekly email with at least 20 products that match their interest. The consumer will have
the option to "like" or "dislike" each recommendation; although this is optional, the more this
is done, the more accurate the offers will be.
For the operation of the company, on the one hand, it will be necessary to develop the app
and all that it implies. On the other hand, there will be a team of 3 people in charge full time
to do fashion research in general; these will be responsible for sending a weekly email to
each user containing at least 20 pieces of fashion and fit your profile previously determined.
Monthly a form will be sent to each subscriber where they will be given the option to modify
their parameters of interest, that way, they will be able to receive the products they need.
Suppose winter arrives upon receiving the form. In that case, a consumer will put that they
are interested in sweaters and puffers, and from then on, their recommendations will be
based on winter weather and their answers to the questionnaire.
The company's primary source of income will be subscriptions.
A free subscription will be offered, containing ads, the ads shown in this mode will be paid
ads from different fashion brands, therefore the company has two sources of income.

Company Name: Repertoire

Golden Circle:
what, how and why?
Buscar tus productos de moda de interés por ti

Questionnaire + Research team

Fashion industry is getting huge
Supply has increased enormously
Option overload
Hard for customer to identify all the brands that are being creative

Value proposition:
Tangible or intangible benefits so that the customer segment notices the company and takes
the action we want.

Added value:
What my company achieves after exceeding expectations

Two target customers:

Empathy Map Canvas: (answer for both target costumers)

Marketing strategy:
Everything that has to do with product, price, promotion and distribution.

Lean Startup:
● Value hypothesis: do we add value to our customers?
● Growth hypothesis: how do new customers know about us?
2. Minimum Viable Product
3. Tool to measure the hypothesis
(Without carrying out, just develop the idea and the steps that would be carried out.)

User journey:
Steps that the client follows during his relationship with the company from the beginning to
the end. (Before, during and after)

Business Model Canvas Map:

Answer questions:
Financial plan:
Balance at the beginning and six months after starting
Active and passive monetary
Type of financing
Sources of funding
Profit and loss account in a table of numbers (Sales, cost of sales, total manufacturing costs,
gross margin, profit).

Some aspect of sustainability within the company.

Come up with something sustainable that the company has or does and explain.

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