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Too Young to Succeed
pg 21

Vol.5 65- August 1, OHNo.BABY2011

pg 12

Attorney Famuyide Wins Green Card for a Jamaican on Technical Ground

It was a few months ago when this frantic immigrant walked into Attorney Famuyides office from a referral from an old client. The immigrant was afraid and visibly nervous. The fear of what if came upon her and her world appears to be on the verge of collapse right in front of her.
Cont on Pg 4

Vol. 5 No. 65 - August 1, 2011 - - - SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER ISSUE - NEWSSTAND FREE

Evang. Joseph Famuyide Minister-in-Charge

HELP TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE Attorney Joseph Famuyide Needs Your Help pg 2 Good News: DHS May Grant Parole-in-Place to Help Immigrants Adjust to Green Card pg 9
Prosecutorial Discretion Memo to Grant Hopeless Immigrants Deferred Action and Work Permit
pg 8

DHS Gave Up Contest in Attorney Famuyides Appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals

D.V. Lottery 2012 Result Released!

Failure is a Mindset

pg 6

pg 30

pg 24

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Joseph Rotimi Famuyide

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Vol. 5 No. 65 - August 1, 2011

Making a Difference: Join Attorney Joseph Famuyide to Build COGA Charity Center in the Bronx
The work is at an advanced stage. Your help is required urgently. Donate online now at www.cogacathedral. com or send check by mail. Humanity is waiting for your help. 2. Expand our Hunger Relief Program Using The Project Cost Food Bank and Feed the Children - from feeding This State of the Art Project construction cost is $1.5million What You Need to Do MAKE A DIFFERENCE DONATE TODAY Circle One: $25 $50 $100 $150 $250 $500 $1000 $1500 $2000 $2500 Others What You Will Get 1. COGA Making a Difference T-Shirt 2. Your Name Written in Gold At Building Entrance 3. Satisfaction of Helping Humanity

Who says you cannot make a DIFFERENCE. God created us to MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Attorney Famuyide has spent 17years MAKING A DIFFERENCE in the United States. You can MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Join us today to MAKE A DIFFERENCE. HELP BUILD COGA CHARITY CENTER in the Bronx with your donation. Why the Bronx Bronx is the MOST NEEDY Borough in New York City. According to, 75% of WOMEN WITH NO HUSBANDS at home are living below poverty level. Bronx ranked below all other Boroughs in New York City when it comes to hunger, unemployment and poverty. BRONX NEED YOUR HELP. What We Are Planning to Do 1. Build a House of Worship to meet the Spiritual Needs of the People

Attorney/Rev. Joseph Famuyide

19,000 per year to 50,000 per year. 3. Expand COGA Saturday Music Academy (CSMA) from the current 35 students to 150 students. 4. Build a Computerized Library & Home Work Assistance Center for children 5. Build COGA Fitness Center 6. Build COGA Youth Empowerment Program sponsored by government grants. 7. Build COGA Day Care Center for Needy Families Sponsored by grants. 8. Build COGA Day Rehab Center sponsored by government grants 9. Build COGA Green Project for Older Adults Sponsored by government grants 10. Develop Immigration Assistance Center Sponsored by government grants Help Us Harness Available Resources, Government and Private, for the Good of the Bronx.



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to: Address:__________________________ Christ Apostolic Church Wosem City: _____________________________ 811 Trinity Avenue Bronx, NY 10456 Zip ______________________________ or Donate online at:

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Vol.5 No. 65- August 1, 2011

Visa Bulletin for August 2011

1. This bulletin summarizes the availability of immigrant numbers during August. Consular officers are required to report to the Department of State documentarily qualified applicants for numerically limited visas; U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Department of Homeland Security reports applicants for adjustment of status. Allocations were made, to the extent possible, in chronological order of reported priority dates, for demand received by July 11th. If not all demand could be satisfied, the category or foreign state in which demand was excessive was deemed oversubscribed. The cut-off date for an oversubscribed category is the priority date of the first applicant who could not be reached within the numerical limits. Only applicants who have a priority date earlier than the cut-off date may be allotted a number. If it becomes necessary during the monthly allocation process to retrogress a cut-off date, supplemental requests for numbers will be honored only if the priority date falls within the new cut-off date announced in this bulletin. 2. The fiscal year 2011 limit for family-sponsored preference immigrants determined in accordance with Section 201 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) is 226,000. The fiscal year 2011 limit for employmentbased preference immigrants calculated under INA 201 is 140,000. Section 202 prescribes that the per-country limit for preference immigrants is set at 7% of the total annual family-sponsored and employment-based preference limits, i.e., 25,620 for FY-2011. The dependent area limit is set at 2%, or 7,320. 3. INA Section 203(e) provides that family-sponsored and employment-based preference visas be issued to eligible immigrants in the order in which a petition in behalf of each has been filed. Section 203(d) provides that spouses and children of preference immigrants are entitled to the



same status, and the same order of consideration, if accompanying or following to join the principal. The visa prorating provisions of Section 202(e) apply to allocations for a foreign state or dependent area when visa demand exceeds the per-country limit. These provisions apply at present to the following oversubscribed chargeability areas: CHINAmainland born, INDIA, MEXICO, and PHILIPPINES. 4. Section 203(a) of the INA prescribes preference classes for allotment of Family-sponsored immigrant visas as follows:

Hillary Clinton U.S. Secretary of State

Family-Sponsored Preference

When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank

numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number:

Employment-Based Preference

First: (F1) Unmarried Sons and Daughters of U.S. Citizens: 23,400 plus any numbers not required for fourth preference. Second: Spouses and Children, and Unmarried Sons and Daughters of Permanent Residents: 114,200, plus the number (if any) by which the worldwide family preference level exceeds 226,000, plus any unused first preference numbers: A. (F2A) Spouses and Children of Permanent Residents: 77% of the overall second preference limitation, of which 75% are exempt from the per-country limit; B. (F2B) Unmarried Sons and Daughters (21 years of age or older) of Permanent Residents: 23% of the overall second preference limitation.

Third: (F3) Married Sons and Daughters of U.S. Citizens: 23,400, plus any numbers not required by first and second preferences. Fourth: (F4) Brothers and Sisters of Adult U.S. Citizens: 65,000, plus any numbers not required by first three preferences. On the chart below, the listing of a date for any class indicates that the class is oversubscribed (see paragraph 1); C means current, i.e., numbers are available for all qualified applicants; and U means unavailable, i.e., no numbers are available. (NOTE: Numbers are available only for applicants whose priority date is earlier than the cut-off date listed below.)

Diversity Immigrant (DV) Category

First: Priority Workers: 28.6% of the worldwide employmentbased preference level, plus any numbers not required for fourth and fifth preferences. Second: Members of the Professions Holding Advanced Degrees or Persons of Exceptional Ability: 28.6% of the worldwide employmentbased preference level, plus any numbers not required by first preference.

Other Workers: 28.6% of the worldwide level, plus any numbers not required by first and second preferences, not more than 10,000 of which to *Other Workers. Fourth: Certain Special Immigrants: 7.1% of the worldwide level. Fifth: Employment Creation: 7.1% of the worldwide level, not less than 3,000 of which reserved for investors in a targeted rural or high-unemployment area, and 3,000 set aside for

investors in regional centers by Sec. 610 of Pub. L. 102-395. On the chart below, the listing of a date for any class indicates that the class is oversubscribed (see paragraph 1); C means current, i.e., numbers are available for all qualified applicants; and U means unavailable, i.e., no numbers are available. (NOTE: Numbers are available only for applicants whose priority date is earlier than the cut-off date listed below.)

Section 203(c) of the INA provides up to 55,000 immigrant visas each fiscal year to permit additional immigration opportunities for persons from countries with low admissions during the previous five years. The NACARA stipulates that beginning with DV-99, and for as long as necessary, up to 5,000 of the 55,000 annually-allocated diversity visas will be made available for use under the NACARA program. This

resulted in reduction of the DV-2011 annual limit to 50,000. DV visas are divided among six geographic regions. No one country can receive more than seven percent of the available diversity visas in any one year.

For August, immigrant numbers in the DV category are available to qualified DV-2011 applicants chargeable to all Third: Skilled Workers, and regions/eligible countries as follows. Professionals,

Entitlement to immigrant status in the DV category lasts only through the end of the fiscal (visa) year for which the applicant is selected in the lottery. The year of entitlement for all applicants registered for the DV-2011 program ends as of September 30, 2011. DV visas may not be issued to DV-2011 applicants after that date. Similarly, spouses and children accompanying or following to join DV-2011 principals are only entitled to derivative DV status until September 30, 2011. DV visa availability through the very end of FY-2011 cannot be taken for granted. Numbers could be exhausted prior to September 30.

*NOTE: For August, F2A numbers EXEMPT from per-country limit are available to applicants from all countries with priority dates earlier than 01JUN08. F2A numbers SUBJECT to per-country limit are available to applicants chargeable to all countries EXCEPT MEXICO with priority dates beginning 01JUN08 and earlier than 22JUL08. (All F2A numbers provided for MEXICO are exempt from the per-country limit; there are no F2A numbers for MEXICO subject to per-country limit.)

Attorney Famuyide Wins Green Card for a Jamaican on Technical Ground

ful marriage and outstanding career achievement, but her dreams and expectations almost became short lived and threatened by the possibility of being sent back to Jamaica without achieving any of the set goals.
Joseph R. Famuyide, Esq.

Vol. 5 No. 65 - August 1, 2011

It was a few months ago when this frantic immigrant walked into Attorney Famuyides office as a referral from a former client. The immigrant was afraid and visibly nervous. The fear of what if came upon her and her world appears to be on the verge of collapse right in front of her. It was a case of conditional green card that the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services was threatening to revoke. It took Attorney Joseph Famuyide only few minutes to review the case and conclude on how to rescue this worried immigrant from the claws of possible deportation. About four months after Attorney Famuyide got the case; this immigrant received her permanent resident card which is valid for 10years in the mail. Her problem was solved on technical grounds. Another exciting success story to encourage our readers. The journey of this immigrant started about two years ago in Kingston, Jamaica. It was an open door to the gateway of bliss-

A great percentage of immigrants in the United States obtained their permanent resident status through marriage. In the case of an alien whose marriage is less than two years old at the time of interview and approval of green, pursuant to Section 216(a)(1) such an alien spouse (as defined in subsection (g)(1)) and an alien son or daughter (as defined in subsection (g)(2)) shall be considered, at the time of obtaining the status of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, to have obtained such status on a conditional basis subject to the provisions of this section. The U.S. Immigration laws require that an alien who obtained permanent resident alien card through marriage to a U.S. citizen before the two years anniversary of the marriage must file form I-751 to remove the two year condition on the green card. Such an alien will then be issued with a permanent resident card which is valid for 10years upon the approval of the application. An alien usually knows that he/she is

It was at this stage that a friend prevailed upon her to consult Attorney Famuyide for possible solution. Upon review, Attorney Famuyide saw a technical issue that could win the case. Attorney Famuyide decided based on what the alien was able to produce that any attempt to send these meager documents to the USCIS will end up in denial of the case.
required to apply to remove the condition by the two years expiration date on the permanent resident card. If the marriage that led to the permanent resident status is still subsisting 90days to the expiration of the permanent resident card, the couple will file the application to remove condition jointly and include evidence to show that their marriage is bona fide and entered into in good faith, not for the purpose of procuring permanent resident status only. or that he/she entered If the marriage is into the marriage in no longer subsist- good faith, and that ing within 90days to he/she was subjected the expiration of the to physical battering card, then, the alien and/or extreme mental could file the ap- cruelty; and/or that plication alone and he/she would suffer apply for waiver. The extreme hardship if alien could apply for returned to his/her waiver by showing country of origin. that he/she entered into the marriage in In the case of the alien good faith, but that the in Attorney Famuymarriage was termi- ides case, a U.S. nated in divorce; and/ citizen boy friend or that he/she entered traveled to Jamaica into the marriage in to marry her after few good faith, but the years of courtship. The marriage was termi- marriage was entered nated due to the death into in good faith with of the United State her family members Citizen spouse; and/ at the wedding. A few months after the wedding, her husband petitioned for her to join him in the U.S. The process that started almost immediately did not culminate into immigrant visa interview at the U.S. Embassy in Kingston Jamaica until about two years later. Few weeks after the second anniversary of her marriage, she was finally issued an immigrant visa to migrate to the United States to be with her husband. Upon arrival in the United States,

Vol.5 No. 65- August 1, 2011

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contd from pg 4 she was sent her permanent resident card which and not entered into for the purpose of procuring was valid for only two years. She was classified permanent resident status. The level of her worry as a conditional permanent resident alien. was elevated. She has no documents to support her case. In fact the long list sent by the U.S. CitThe marriage that started with pomp and pag- izenship & Immigration Services was very scary. eantry coupled with multiple visits to Jamaica by They were asking for the impossible. her husband suddenly turned sour shortly after her arrival in the United States. She discovered It was at this stage that a friend prevailed upon unfathomable negative ways of life and lifestyle her to consult Attorney Famuyide for possible that runs contrary to her values. All her efforts solution. Upon review, Attorney Famuyide saw a to correct the anomaly resulted in abuse. There technical issue that could win the case. Attorney was no longer any cooperation from her husband Famuyide decided based on what the alien was regarding the removal of the condition on her able to produce that any attempt to send these permanent resident status. meager documents to the USCIS will end up in denial of the case. The required joint documents to prove that the marriage was legitimate were not being estab- Having given this immigrant a ray of hope, Atlished. She was caught between the rock and the torney Famuyide was quickly retained to handle hard place. Shortly before the time for the filing the matter. The Attorney then decided to attack of the application for the removal of the condi- the case on technical ground. He became a mathtion on her permanent resident status, she was ematician. Attorney Famuyide wrote a short kicked out of her matrimonial home. Her world brief and did all the calculations on paper from turned upside down. the date of the marriage to the issuance of the first permanent resident card. Attorney FamuyIn distress, she was advised and she filed her ide concluded the brief by stating that the U.S. I-751 application to remove the condition on her Citizenship & Immigration Service made a permanent resident status timely. She was issued mistake by issuing a two year temporary resident a one year extension and finger printed. card instead of the ten year permanent resident card because the marriage was few weeks over Few months later, she received a multiple paged two years at the time the case was approved. blue letter from the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services requesting for a long list of docu- Attorney Famuyide submitted the brief based on ments to prove that the marriage was authentic this technical ground without submitting any of the documents requested by the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services and requested that the immigrant be issued her 10year permanent resident card pursuant to the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Four weeks later, this immigrant received her 10year permanent resident card in the mail to the jubilation of her family. This article is for your information only. It is not a representation of any future outcome. If you need any legal counsel, please feel free to contact Attorney Joseph Famuyide at 718-6476767 or send email to USI News.

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Vol. 5 No. 65 - August 1, 2011

Ask Lisa-Anne

Lisa-Anne Ray-Byers Q. I just received the school year calendar from my kids school. On the calendar is a back to school night. What is it and is it important for us to attend? Also how can I ensure that my kids have a successful school year? A. Yes, it is important and yes you should definitely attend. First, you should attend as many school meetings as possible. They not only keep you informed but allow you to provide your ideas and concerns. Back to school night is a general meeting that has the following purposes: you get to meet your childrens teachers, principal and other important staff, academic standards and expectations are outlined, homework expectations are presented, behavioral issues are addressed, parent expectations are outlined, specialty staff are introduced should your child need any services during the school year, your districts handbook is presented and explained, dress codes are stated and you get to meet other parents and the PTA commit-

tee in the school. Back to school night is not the time for a parentteacher conference. Most back to school nights occur within the first two to three weeks of new school year. Your childrens teachers dont have anything to tell you, yet. Your childs teacher will introduce herself and give an overview of students daily routines, schedules, goals, and activities some of this may already be written on the blackboard when you get there so the teacher can dive right into other important things. She will also discuss her homework policy, discipline, plan, and any other important information such as if she maintains a classroom homepage and how to contact her. The lengthiest part of the evening will be spent going over the curriculum and the methods the teacher will use to reach the years goals. If your child has several teachers for different subjects, you may go from classroom to classroom doing this, usually in the same order your child would, so you experience a mini-day of school. Some questions you may ask the teachers are as follows: 1. How much homework do you give? 2. What grading system do you use? 3. How do we communicate with you? 4. Will you call once you see that my child is struggling?


5. How do you handle behavior issues? 6. How do you handle children who may be a little advanced? 7. What can I do at home to ensure a successful school year for my children? 8. Can I volunteer in the classroom? 9. Can I accompany my children on trips? 10. What are school lunches like? 11. Can my child bring a snack? 12. How do you handle special need students who need extra help? 13. Do you have a reward system? 14. My child is shy. How will you help him/her to speak up? 15. What supplies does my child need? 16. Do you send a weekly calendar or is my child expected to remember notices? 17. Are there specific books used at school that I can purchase for home use? 18. Can the school send home textbooks for home use? 19. Can my child gain extra points for extra work? 20. What can we do as parents to aid in the education of our children in your class? 21. Can I leave you my contact numbers in case of an emergency? 22. What is your teaching philosophy? 23. How do you uplift your students who may need extra encouragement? 24. How do you reach students who may be below average? 25. Do you teach

I just received the school year calendar from my kids school. On the calendar is a back to school night. What is it and is it important for us to attend? Also how can I ensure that my kids have a successful school year?
via all modalities so that all of the children benefit including visual learners, auditory learners and hands on learners? ring to is just a sad reminder of how careful and diligent we have to be while watching our children. Children love to swim in pools! However, if the Q. I heard recently pools are not properly about a baby who cared for, bacteria died at a public swim- can thrive and infect ming pool because he children. Basically, if swallowed some pool the level of chlorine water that was full is not high enough to of bacteria. Can you kill bacteria from chilshare some safety tips dren urinating in the with parents? pool, parents allowing sick children to swim, A. Sure! I discussed parents swimming swimming pool safety with babies in diapers earlier this year about who defecate in the how to avoid drown- water, then other chiling accidents. The dren can get very sick. case you are refer- The website offers these safety tips from environmental dangers: Ask the management how the pool is sanitized and ventilated. Talk to a pediatrician about the safety of chlorine exposure for your child. Only swim in a pool if the water looks clear and not cloudy -- you should be able to see right to the bottom. Although a clear pool could still harbor germs, cloudy water is an indication of a pool thats not being properly maintained. Touch the sides of cont. on pg 11

Vol.5 No. 65- August 1, 2011

COGA Business Directory

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Vol. 5 No. 65 - August 1, 2011

Prosecutorial Discretion Memo to Grant Hopeless Immigrants Deferred Action and Work Permit
It is no longer news that on June 17, 2011, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security released a Memo which offers to grant favorable exercise of prosecutorial discretion to qualified immigrants in the United States. What is new is how the provisions of this Memo are been implemented by the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement Agency. My main prayer is that the Department of Homeland Security will pay particular attention to the provision of the Memo that authorizes the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to grant deferred action. The good in this is that the grant of deferred action will qualify such an immigrant for the issuance of employment authorization card. In the United States today, there are thousands of immigrants in removal proceedings who are caught between the rock and the hard place. They need to pay their attorneys and support their families but they have no legal document to work. Some of them applied for asylum and withholding of removal, but because their cases are not very strong, any delay is beneficial to them. In return for such delay, under the Immigration Court rules, the court stops their clock. This means that they cannot accumulate the numbers of days required for their case to be pending before they can apply for employment authorization. Deferred action is a process by which the U.S. Department of Homeland Security this time. Such a case is put on hold and the immigrant in some cases will be mandatimmigrant is granted deferred action, such an immigrant will be eligible to apply for

Deferred action might solve this problem and remove the hopelessness of some of these immigrants who are now falling sick as a makes decision based result of the distress of on some enumerated joblessness. grounds not to prosecute an immigrant at

ed to report monthly to the office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Once an

and obtain employment authorization if he or she can provide evidence of economic

contd on pg 14


Vol.5 No. 65- August 1, 2011

Good News: DHS May Grant Parole-in-Place to Help Immigrants Adjust to Green Card
On June 17, 2011, the Department of Homeland Security released a Memo detailing the new move by the Obama administration to exercise prosecutorial discretion in favor of some immigrants in the United States. This current move though not a solution to the need for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, it might put some smile on the faces of some frustrated immigrants in the United States. This current band aid approach will provide a temporary relief to many immigrants who are currently in removal proceedings and those that could have been put in removal proceedings. It has be opined by immigration scholars that this exercise of prosecutorial discretion memo if fully stretched could lead to the issuance of parolein-place for aliens who would have been eligible to adjust their status in the United States but for the fact that they did not enter with visas or their entry visas expired. opposition received, it appears that issuance of parole-in-place might be added to the exercise of discretion to help as many immigrant as will qualified. Parole-in-place is just a term given to a card issued by the Department of Homeland Security to immigrants already in the United States to represent I-94 for those that did not enter with visas so that they could use the document as I-94 and be eligible to apply for relief. The same document could also be issued to immigrants whose I-94 already expired if the issuance will enable them to qualify for relief. Parole-in-Place is not new. It is currently being used for spouses and children of those serving in the military to preserve family unity and address Department of Defense concerns regarding soldier safety and readiness for duty, avoid the need for spouses and children of active duty military service members to depart the U.S. and wait in foreign, often very dangerous jurisdiction for consulate processing and enable these same individuals to remain on military installations in the U.S where they can receive housing, medical, and dental, and other support services based on the active duty service members status.

It is important to note that favorable exercise of prosecutorial discretion simply means that the Department of Homeland Security will prioritize its enforcement approach by making decisions not to prosecute some immigrants and also going as far as granting deferred action to some immigrant. Depending on the level of According to the De-

partment of Homeland Security Memo, veterans and members of the U.S. armed forces; long-time lawful permanent residents; minors and elderly individuals; individuals present in the United States since childhood; pregnant or nursing women; victims of domestic violence; trafficking, or other serious crimes; individuals who suffer from a serious mental or physical disability; and individuals with serious health conditions will all be on top of the list when it comes to favorable exercise of prosecutorial discretion. At the moment, the implementation of this Memo is still very slow. Attorneys are watching to see the extent the Department of Homeland Security will go in the favorable exercise of discretion. I must emphasize that parole-in-place is not

being issued at the moment even though it might be issued in the nearest future. The only cases in which the Memo has been clearly implemented relates to gays and lesbians. Someone must speak to President Obama to stop pushing agenda that could morally bankrupt his administration. Any direct confrontation with God is usually not good for any government.

pass any controversial bill. There was no vocal support for the Comprehensive Immigration Reform any longer. The Republicans were not ready In recent months, the to give the President President has earned anything on a platter disfavor in some quar- of gold; the immiters particularly the grants were caught in immigrant communi- the middle. All hopes ties for not keeping pertaining to the his promise of ensur- passage of the Coming the passage of prehensive Immigrathe Comprehensive tion Reform started to Immigration Reform. fade, it is now left to Despite several prom- the President to lead ises made by the Pres- in the area of immiIt is not a gainsaying ident, the bill has not gration by giving the that the only elec- been placed before the immigrants what is toral group waiting Congress for a vote. needed to secure their for grab, apart from This new proposal votes. the African-Ameri- from the U.S. Depart- This article is for your can communities that ment of Homeland information only. might have been sold Security might be the Please consult with a out to the President, bailout the presi- qualified immigration is the immigrants. dent needs to jump- attorney before you The combination of start his campaign for apply for any immithe immigrant votes, 2012 reelection. gration benefits. If you ardent white demoneed legal assistance, crats and the blacks After the passage of please call Attorney could do the magic the health care bill, Joseph Famuyide at again in 2012, but the Democrats in 718-647-6767 or send the President must do Congress developed email to jfamuyide@ something for the im- cold feet, they were migrants. As a result no longer ready to of the Presidents take any bold step to USI News

open endorsement of the gays and lesbians, the president has alienated most Christians and other religious groups.


Vol. 5 No. 65 - August 1, 2011

Obtain Your Green Card Through CancellationTest Removal of for Tuberculosis Understanding Skin
It is usually done in the forearm, away from any skin lesions and blood vessels. About 0.1mls of 5 tuberculin units is injected just below the skin of the forearm after cleaning. When properly done, a small bleb (small elevation Dr. Oluwatoyosi Dairo of skin around the inUSI News Columnist jection) forms immediately, which soon The tuberculosis skin disappears. test is done in order to screen people for inWhat do you do after fection with tubercuthe test? losis. Tuberculosis is a There is nothing disease caused by the special to do. You bacteria called Mycoshould avoid rubbing bacterium Tubercuor scratching the site. losis, which primarThe site does not have ily infects the lungs to be covered. You (Refer to previous need to go back to your USI News publication health care provider on Tuberculosis). The to have the test read test is also called puriwithin 48 to 72 hours. fied protein derivative standard (PPD), TB How is the test intertest by many people, preted? and Tuberculin skin What to look for is test. Old tests used to the presence of a hard screen for TB include swelling (induration) the Tine test. around the site of injection. The person Why is PPD test perreading the test runs formed? a finger over the area To screen for expoto feel for the swellsure and infection of ing. The size of the the bacteria causing induration is measured Tuberculosis, the prinin millimeters as the ciple behind the test is measurement is used the ability of special to interpret the result body cells (immune of the test. Simple cells- T lymphocytes) redness without swellto recognize and react ing is not cosidered as to protein materials positive. similar to that from Positive result is based the previous exposure on the following meato the bacteria causing surement of the induTB. The test solution ration or presence of used has processed exblisters tracts from the organNegative Test: No ism. These extracts are swelling noted at test not capable of causing site or swelling less the disease, but can be than above measurerecognized by body ments. cells. False positive reacHow is PPD test pertion: People who truly formed? are not infected with

TB having a reaction. Some of the reasons include: Infection from other similar bacterial other than the one causing TB Previous BCG vaccination Improperly done or read test False negative test: people who truly have been infected with TB causing bacteria but whose tests are negative. Reasons for such include: Infection within 8-10 weeks Overwhelming TB infection Very old TB infection If you received a live virus (measles and small pox) recently Improper testing or reading.

sometime and have the potential of developing active tuberculosis down the line. Such people are offered preventive medication called Isoniazid (INH). You can get free testing and treatment from the Department of Health.

What is second step PPD Testing? In a long term infection, the ability to react to the TB antigen may decrease over time. When given the first test this people may be false negative. The first test stimulates the immune system but does not mount a positive reaction. When the test is repeated soon afterwards, usually done from 1 week upward, the second test boosts the response of the What do I do if I my immune system and test result is positive? will be positive in You will be required people who are truly to do a chest X Ray to infected with the TB make sure you do not bacteria. Repeating the have active Tuberculo- test does not affect the sis. If X Ray is normal, result in someone who such people are said to was never infected. have latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). Live vaccinations and It means they do not TB skin testing. have active tubercu- PPD test can be done losis. They, however, on the same day as have been exposed when receiving a live

virus vaccine or otherwise wait four to six weeks. BCG vaccine and TB skin test BCG vaccine is usually given to children in many countries with high prevalence of TB. It does not give absolute protection against TB. The effect of BCG vaccination wanes over five to ten years. Previous BCG vaccination may result into a positive test, giving rise to a decision to give preventive medications or not. It is recommended that results of TB test be treated in the same way in people who have received BCG vaccination and those who have not.

offered by the department of Health. Seize the opportunity to be tested. If you have LTBI it is better to take the preventive medicine as prevention is always better than cure. You do not have to remember a definite time that you think you were exposed to TB especially if you come from a country with high prevalence. BCG vaccination does not give absolute protection against tuberculosis. People with previous BCG vaccination are treated the same way as those who were never vaccinated.

Dr. Oluwatoyosi Dairo can be contacted at Amazing Medical A special test is are Services P.C. at now available and it 110-16 Sutphin Blvd., is known as the Quan- Jamaica, NY 11435 or tiferon gold standard by phone at (718) 526test, which BCG does 7600. not interfere with This article is for eduusually. This is only cational purpose and done in special cases to it is not intended to confirm infection with replace the advice of the TB bacterial when your doctor. there is some doubt; it is not a routine test. Take Home Message TB skin test is widely available and freely

Vol.5 No. 65- August 1, 2011


contd from pg 6 the pool before going in -- they should not be slimy or sticky. Listen to make sure that the filtering equipment is on. Be wary of a very strong chlorine smell -- its a sign of chloramines and poor ventilation. Tell your kids not to swallow the water in swimming pools -- its really best if they dont get it in their mouths at all. Protect others by telling your kids to shower before getting in a pool, and by never letting them go in a pool when theyre sick especially with a stomach bug. Avoid swimming in a highly chlorinated pool every day. If you have your own pool at home, you should: Make sure indoor pools have good ventilation -- just opening the windows and doors can make a big difference in air quality. Keep your pool free of leaves and insects. If you use chlorine, make sure not to use more than necessary. Keep Safe! Lisa-Anne Ray-Byers is a licensed and certified speechlanguage pathologist who has worked in education for over two decades. She holds graduate degrees in speech-language pathology and multicultural education. She also holds certification in educational administration. She is the education editor of the Community Journal Newspaper in Baldwin, NY. She is also the author of the book,They Say I Have ADHD, I Say Life Sucks! Thoughts From Nicholas available at You may contact her at or by visiting her website at www.

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Vol. 5 No. 65 - August 1, 2011

OH BABY! contd.
her body. Even if the person is an adult, tell him or her to stop. Do you understand? A young girl of about eight years raised her hand. Tammy called her. Anu, do you have a question? Yes. The girl said and stood up. You said we should say no to adults if they want to touch our bodies but the teacher in our class says we should respect adults and do what they say. Tammy, the teachers and some of the children laughed. Tammy responded, Your teacher is right. You should respect adults and adults should also respect you by not touching your body. Your body belongs to you. Any adult who wants to touch your body in an inappropriate manner or fondle you or make you touch him or her is not a good adult. She paused for effect, still looking at Anu to be certain she understood her. A boy raised his hand, What does fondle mean? The teachers laughed again. Tammy told them the meaning of the word and then continued, So, anyone who wants to do that to you wants to mess you up, and you may end up in hospital. You should prevent it from happening. If anyone wants to pull your pants down or touch you, say no. She emphasized the last word. Tell him or her to stop! Shout! Scream! Run! And when you get home, tell your parents church choir singing about God making a way. The song was led by Pete, her brotherin-law. She strained her ears to hear and she heard him singing Delay is not denial. She swayed on her dren later and went inside the hall as she normally did to listen to the sermon. She sat at the back watching her husband in front, on the altar. Richard had started preaching, his voice to her paid off. Good. He held the rapt attention of the people as all eyes were on him. He continued, David was an outcast, Gideon a coward, Moses a stammerer, Jephthah a bastard and Daniel

Rev. Taiwo I. Odubiyi

USI News Columnist

After the praise and worship session, Tammy went to the childrens class. There were about eighty children and nine teachers. She normally shared the Scriptures briefly with the children before they went to their different classes according to their ages. Tammy stood in front and after a brief prayer, asked them to open their Bibles to 2 Samuel chapter 13. The older children opened their Bibles while the teachers tried to get the young ones to be quiet and listen to Tammy. She first explained the story in the text to them before she told them the lessons she wanted them to learn from it. She continued, Dont allow anyone to touch your body in an inappropriate manner or remove your clothes, alright? she made eye contact with them. Your body belongs to you. Say no to the person, whoever the person is. And dont let the person put your hand on his body or

Soon, she heard the church choir singing about God making a way. The song was led by Pete, her brother-in-law. She strained her ears to hear and she heard him singing Delay is not denial. She swayed on her seat at the back of the class to the rhythm of the music.

about it. Remember that your body is the temple of God. Afterward, the children went to their classes. Tammy stayed in the class for children aged between eleven and twelve years and listened as the female teacher taught them. Soon, she heard the

seat at the back of the class to the rhythm of the music. About forty minutes after, she heard Richards voice on the microphone. She knew he was about to preach. She quickly gave the class teacher instructions as to what she had to tell the chil-

echoing through the hall. Jesus was a carpenter, Peter a fisherman, Luke a physician, Matthew a tax collector, Paul a tent maker. He looked round the congregation as he spoke, walking around the altar. He saw Helen where she sat. his visit

a slave! They seemed like the kind you will find on the streets, common men, people with flaws ordinary people. But all this ordinary people were used mightily by God - Yes! some people shouted as they stood up. Some clapped, contd on pg 13

Vol.5 No. 65- August 1, 2011


contd from pg 12 some were writing down the message while some were nodding their heads in agreement. Richard continued, Some won battles, others performed miracles - Someone at the back shouted with excitement, Preach it, Pastor! As Richard preached the powerful message, people showed excitement, clapping and shouting, while some stood up from time to time. Tammy was writing and sometimes she also clapped her hands. She felt proud of her husband. When the message and prayers by Richard ended, Tammy went back to the childrens department. When the service was over, people moved round to greet each other and chat. Tammy also went to some people to greet them. She didnt see Ngozi and her husband that she and Richard visited the previous day but saw Helen and the other couple Richard visited. Tammy took a second look at Helen as she talked to a woman. She didnt remember Helen was so beautiful. She was gorgeous in the red chiffon attire she wore, the color of her lips matching her dress. Tammy was glad her husband was a strong Christian as their church had many beautiful young ladies. She knew she didnt look very beautiful compared to this young woman who could not be more than thirty years. She saw Helen move toward the door and she went to her, greeting her warmly. I was to come with my husband yesterday but had to go back home. Tammy explained. Its a good thing he came. Helen answered. Im glad I didnt miss the service. her eyes were scanning the people. I wonder if its possible for me to see him. Yes, its possible. Tammy said as she looked round but didnt see Richard. He should be in his office. Come with me. She beckoned at Helen. They went to the office and approached Jacob. Are some people with Pastor Richard? Tammy asked, pointing at Richards closed door. Yes. Just then, the door of the senior pastors office opened and Pastor Tom came out. He was of an average height and well into his forties. Tammy and Helen greeted him. The pastor asked the secretary a question and returned into his office. The telephone on Jacobs table rang. Excuse me please, Jacob told Tammy as he reached out for the receiver, Glory to Glory Church. Good afternoon. He said into the phone. Tammy turned to Helen, Please sit down although it may take - she glanced at her wristwatch, It may take some minutes. Helen sat down. Tammy heard Jacob put the receiver down. She looked back at the secretary. She wants to see him. Helen stood up and came close. Its just to say hello. I wont take a minute. Its going to be brief. Tammy assured the secretary. Jacob nodded with a smile. Okay. Tammy turned to Helen, Come with me. She knocked on the door briefly and opened it. Mr. and Mrs. John were with Richard who looked up at the two women as they entered. Richard greeted Helen, reaching for her hand while Tammy greeted the couple sitting down. Then she listened as Richard talked with Helen. Im happy to see you. How are you? Richard asked Helen, smiling broadly. He leaned forward on his brown leather chair. Im very well, Pastor. I was blessed by the message. Im glad I didnt miss todays service. Helen was all smiles. As Tammy looked at her, she saw that Helen appeared confident and very secure. Richard sat back on the chair, with his arms on the armrests. Im glad you didnt. Its good to see you again. He answered. He noticed her well-set teeth again and wondered if she had worn braces at any time.

To be continued. This story is from the novel Oh Baby! by Pastor Taiwo Odubiyi To order this book and others by the same author, please contact: Tel: 1-410-8187482 Website: www.pastortaiwoodubiyi. Facebook: pastor mrs taiwo odubiyi


Vol. 5 No. 65 - August 1, 2011

contd from pg 8 need or hardship. According to the June 17, 2011 Memo, the following are what the Department of Homeland Security will consider in granting favorable exercise of prosecutorial discretion which will lead to deferred action for those about to be put in removal proceedings or those that are already in removal proceedings. 1. the agencys civil immigration enforcement priorities; 2. the persons length of presence in the United States, with particular consideration given to presence while in lawful status; 3. the circumstances of the persons arrival in the United States and the manner of his or her entry, particularly if the alien came to the United States as a young child; 4. the persons pursuit of education in the United States, with particular consideration given to those who have graduated from a U.S. high school or have successfully pursued or are pursuing a college or advanced degrees at a legitimate institution of higher education in the United States; 5. whether the person, or the persons immediate relative, has served in the U.S. military, reserves, or national guard, with particular consideration given to those who served in combat; 6. the persons criminal history, including arrests, prior convictions, or outstanding arrest warrants; 7. the persons immigration history, including any prior removal, outstanding order of removal, prior denial of status, or evidence of fraud; 8. whether the person poses a national security or public safety concern; 9. the persons ties and contributions to the community, including family relationships; 10. the persons ties to the home country and condition~ in the country; 11. the persons age, with particular consideration given to minors and the elderly; 12. whether the person has a U.S. citizen or permanent resident spouse, child, or parent; 13. whether the person is the primary caretaker of a person with a mental or physical disability, minor, or seriously ill relative; ; 14. whether the person or the persons spouse is pregnant or nursing; 15. whether the person or the persons spouse suffers from severe mental or physical illness; 16. whether the persons nationality renders removal unlikely; 17. Whether the person is likely to be granted temporary or permanent status or other relief from removal, including as a relative of a U.S. citizen or permanent resident; 18. whether the person is likely to be granted temporary or permanent status or other relief from removal, including as an asylum seeker, or a victim of domestic violence, human trafficking, or other crime; . and . 19. whether the person is currently cooperating or has cooperated with federal, state or local law enforcement authorities, such as ICE, the U.S Attorneys or Department of Justice, the Department of Labor, or National Labor Relations Board, among others. According to the Memo, the list is not exhaustive and no one factor is determinative. ICE officers, agents, and attorneys should always consider prosecutorial discretion on a case-bycase basis. The decisions should be based on the totality of the circumstances, with the goal of conforming to ICEs enforcement priorities. At the moment, this deferred action provision is not being fully implemented. As soon as it is clear what ground gives an immigrant the best chance of obtaining deferred action, my office will post the needed advice for those not already in removal proceedings that might need employment authorization to surrender themselves and obtain employment authorization rather than suffer. I hope to report more on this matter in the next issue of the USI News. This article is for your information only. It is not a legal advice and cannot be substituted for legal advice that can only be rendered by an attorney after evaluating your case. If you need legal advice, please feel free to contact Attorney Joseph Famuyide at 718-647-6767 or send email to News U S I


CORPORATE ADDREss u.s. ImmIgRATIOn nEWs, InC. 2750 ATLAnTIC AvEnuE, suITE 100 bROOkLyn, nEW yORk 11207 TEL. (718) 647-6767 fAx. (718) 647-6777 EmAIL: usCIsnEWs@AOL.COm 2011




Vol.5 No. 65- August 1, 2011



Vol. 5 No. 65 - August 1, 2011

Vol.5 No. 65- August 1, 2011


7th Year Anniversary & Convention


Program Schedule

Perfecting to Flourish

(Psalm 92:12-15; 138:8)

94-79 Springfield Blvd (Corner of Springfield Blvd & Jamaica Ave), Queens Village, NY 11428

Dates: 10th-14th August, 2011.

Host Pastor: Rev.Mrs.Regina M.Kehinde (Snr.Pastor) 1-718-527-0033; 1-646-326-1263 Pastor Pastor Richard Femi Adelani on 1-973-9807332 (Program Planning Committee Chairman). Sister Karen Francis-Agbonifo on 1-917-941-6122 (Program Planning Committee Secretary). COME AND RECEIVE YOUR MIRACLES TO PROSPER AND FLOURISH.

Rev. Dr. Gabriel Olu. Farombi Main Speaker

Rev. Regina Kehinde Host Minister


Vol. 5 No. 65 - August 1, 2011

Vol.5 No. 65- August 1, 2011


Sister, You Can Re-Write Your Own Story

decision that I was going to change my handwriting to be better and so I decided to copy the hand writing of my friend Josephine. The principle that applies to this is that you should let the lives of other people inspire you in the good and progress that they make than to envy them. Envy and jealousy are two very negative emotions that can destroy a person. There are many areas of ones life that can need a redirection but for us women, it is marriage that more often than not causes the most grief. It, however, does not need to be like that. No one can help you to live your marital life. It is a choice that you must make to be happy. An elderly lady in telling me her story said that when one of her relatives who work in a psychiatric clinic heard that her husband had married another woman, and that both she and the new wife were living together as a polygamous family, she invited her to visit the clinic. When she got there, the relative took her on a tour. In each room that they entered, there was a woman dressed in an expensive night gown. The only thing was that they had lost their minds. She heard them say things like, my husband is coming, I am laying the table, he is going to be happy, and so on. These women have retreated into a world of fantasy which no one else could penetrate. After the tour, the doctor told my elderly friend to watch out not to become like those women. It is seldom that children send parents to the Looney bin. It is usually the husbands or boyfriends who wield that power because of the strong

Re. Grace Eledan USI News Columnist What moves you to start reassessing the direction of your life? It is usually that things are either not going well, or you see stagnancy in the most important areas. Some people also may be doing well in business, marriage or ministry but are constantly looking for ways to become better. Whatever the reason may be, it is always necessary to be watchful and not to be so comfortable as to overlook the signs of rust. Many women have gone into mild or deep depression because of situations that they have been confronted with in their marriage or other relationships. You can re-write that story. In my 3rd year of high school in Nigeria, (we used to spend only five years in high school at the time) I looked at my note some day while we were in the chemistry laboratory and realized that my handwriting at that time looked like chicken toes, scattered all over the page. I had been worried about it for a while but had no clue about how to improve on it. I looked over to my friend Josephine who was seated next to me and saw that her handwriting looked so beautiful and even. It surely would have attracted more marks from the teacher. I started crying. But then, something happened within me even at that young age, I made a

emotions that are involved. Re-writing your story means taking stock and making some firm decisions. I made a decision that depression cannot get me because I have someone greater that lives in me. His name is Jesus! I dare you to make the following decisions about your life if you fall into the category of someone who consciously or unconsciously plays the victim. You have to be like the woman with the issue of blood in the Bible who though she was losing blood daily was also making blood daily. God who has the power to sustain did not say that it is over. I believe that one day she woke up after exhausting all other avenues for help and started to speak to herself saying things like, I am better than this, I am getting out of this! If everyone in your family is a divorcee, men and women alike, you do not have to settle for it. You can break the chain. There are other things that you must do to get your peace. First, examine your relationship with God and make sure that it is one of a father and child. The book of John 1:12 in the Bible

states, But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become the children of God, to those who believe in His name. Many people are what are referred to as Church junkie They do not miss church but have very low opinion of themselves and also have no character to back up the faith that they profess. One preacher said that such people have a habit of assassinating themselves. Your biblical based opinion of yourself is what matters, that is seeing yourself in the light of Gods word.

so that a time of refreshing can come. I have heard of husbands and wives who have lived together for years without speaking to one another. It is not the will of God for you to live in strife; it is also not good for your health or your children because you will then be rearing generations that are disillusioned in love and marriage thereby destroying the very fabric of a godly society. 3. Do not be anyones spare tire either in marriage or relationships, the one he stops over to see on weekends. You are created for more than that! Start living the good life Action Plan 1. Do not be that God has given to you as attracted to people who ill- a gift. You have the power! treat you. Get involved with I have the power! people who add value to you. I have heard women Grace Eledan is co-Pastor say, It is just my luck, I Leaders Church Intl. and am used to it Get real! the founder of Women You have a part to play in Aflame Intl. A friendship your deliverance. 2. Do not network, intercession minlive in denial. If a situation istry, and charity organizais dead, do not hold on to tion mentoring and mobiit like that woman in the lizing women to be more book of 1 Kings 3, whose productive in their spheres child died and she decided of influence. She can be to steal her neighbors reached on (718) 503-2580 baby. One lie then leads or to another. If a situation is Follow us on Face book. dead, do not hold on to it. Intercessory lines are open Deal with those situations every Monday night from in your life and marriage 9pm-10pm on (712) 432instead of ignoring them 0800 Access code 330528#.


Vol. 5 No. 65 - August 1, 2011


Rules: Fill all empty squares so that the numbers 1 to 9 appear once in each row, column and 3x3 box.




ANALOGY 1. empty : full ::

a. tan : brown b. correct : right c. short : tall d. shirt : pants

Across 1: Sty dwellers 6: PGA driver 10: Secretarial fill-in 14: Yoga position 15: Silent greeting 16: Kaput 17: Take the lid off 18: Envelop 19: Hard or soft addition 20: Mexican or Spanish 22: Trudge, as through sludge 24: Tango maneuver 25: Gripe, gripe, gripe 27: Urban grid 29: Alicia Silverstone movie 33: Coping device 34: Stout farm critters 10: T-bar offering 11: Circumvent 12: Have coming 13: Gets ready 21: Space shuttle squads 23: Diploma holder 26: Religious song 28: She may get sheared 29: One wearing the apron strings 30: Take it easy 31: Really hard on the eyes 32: Summer ermine 36: Something to believe in 38: Puzzle piece 39: Ditties

35: Unit of power 37: Wash-off tattoo 41: Building wing 42: Blackthorn shrubs 44: A white one is small 45: Handbill 48: Lions pride 49: Lobster tail on a combo plate 50: Tennis shot 52: Most miniscule 54: Puts down, as a revolt 58: Monorail unit 59: Ossuary 60: Current producers 62: Pasta or staircase shape 66: Bend out of shape 68: Chimney sweeps target 40: Where Barry Bonds plays, briefly 43: Visionaries 46: Yuletide worker 47: Deep-massage developer 49: Analogous 51: Animals 53: Snoozed 54: Some cisterns 55: Court TV feature 56: Prefix with red 57: High-hatter 61: Soft seat 63: Exceptional 64: Motion-carrying votes 65: Shavers 67: Whimsical

70: Acapulco attraction 71: Cut back 72: Vegans staple 73: Dog-___ 74: Delight, as a comedy club crowd 75: Thrusting blow 76: Get into uniform DOWN 1: Turn on an axis 2: Refuses to 3: Uneasy tingling 4: Subtleties 5: Observation 6: Internet address letters 7: Galley propellers 8: Ellipsoids 9: Bus terminals

2. apple : fruit ::

a. banana : peel b. dinner : lunch c. chew : swallow d. celery : vegetable 3. LETHARGIC : ENERGY A. despondent: melancholy B. leisurely: relaxation C. notorious:infamy D. mellow: wrath E. lavish: extravagance

JOKES priest settled in, he paid a call on the mayor. The priest was quite concerned. You have to do something about the sidewalks in this town, Mayor. You cant believe how many people come into the confessional talking about having fallen! The mayor started to laugh, realizing that no one had explained their code word to the new priest. But before the mayor could explain, the priest shook his finger at the mayor and said, I dont know why youre laughing; your wife fell three times last week!


69: Place for a rubber duckie

An old priest got sick of everyone in his parish confessing adultery. During one Sundays sermon he told them, If one more person confesses to adultery, Ill quit! Since everyone liked him, they decided to use a code word: fallen. >From then on, anyone who had committed adultery said they had fallen. This satisfied the old priest and the parishioners, and everything was fine for years, until finally the old priest passed away at the ripe old age of 93. Shortly after the new young

Vol.5 No. 65- August 1, 2011


Pastor Abraham Obadare USI News Columnist

A great many people have gotten used to telling themselves that they are too young to succeed in life; this message is meant to assist such people cease from mediocrity and procrastination. Ill begin by citing the names of some great and successful leaders in the bible in order to help you come to terms with the need to start doing something with your life now. Joseph: He began his lifes journey to challenges and victories at age 17 (Gen. 37:1-4) and ultimately became the bread winner for his entire family. When do you think you need to begin yours? Samuel: He went through priesthood training while very young (1 Sam. 1:2428); and started ministering before the Lord while he was still a child (1 Sam. 2:18) David: He also started as a young athlete (1 Sam. 17:34-36) and a fine musician who knew his job well enough to play before the king (1 Sam. 16:14-23). He was a shepherd boy contd from pg 27

with great courage who defeated Goliath and was made an army captain thereafter while he was still a teenager (1 Sam. 18:13-14). Please note that you are not too young to find favor in Gods sight. He was about 30 years when he started to reign as king (2 Sam. 5:4) Josiah: He became King at the age of 8 and reigned for 31 years (2 Kings 22:1). I think there is a spirit of a leader in you. Trust God and take the lead; you are not too young. Daniel: He was about 19 years old when he was taken to the Babylonians but he did not consider himself too young to separate himself from the lifestyle of the worldly kingdom where he found himself (Dan. 1:8-12). The three Hebrews (Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego): These were young people (Daniel 1:3 & 3:1618) who were full of Gods wisdom. They chose to stand for God, contrary to general opinion and idolatrous societal requirements. How old do you think you need to be before you decide solely for Jesus? Will you decide now or do you think you still have time? Timothy: This was definitely a young, dynamic preacher who Paul had to advise not to allow anyone to despise his youth (1 Tim. 4:12) Jesus: At age 12 Jesus

Too young to succeed

had already started devoting himself to teachings. He listened and taught the word of God (Luke 2:39-52), not saying that church is boring. Are you too young to work in your church and serve mankind? How old are you? Christ started His ministry at age 30 (Luke 3:23); and by age 33 He had already accomplished His goal in life which was to die for and save mankind. There are many 30 year old people today who still see themselves as too young to start anything meaningful. I read about a young person called Philip Hartman who is a home-schooled high school senior at the age of 15. He won the 2008 Young Inventor of the Year award for inventing a new system for fusing optical fibers. His latest invention emits steam onto a windshield and is capable of defrosting a frostcovered windshield in about 15 seconds. - top-25-young-entrepreneurs Mark Bao is a 17-year-old high school senior and he has already launched 11 web-based companies (and sold three of them) along with three non-profit foundations. Some of his projects include TickrTalk, the Ramamia Foundation, Classleaf, and Avecora a technology network launching sometime in 2013.

- top-25-young-entrepreneurs With these many examples, I want to ask whether you are now convinced that young people can make and are making differences in the society. The answer is yes and you ought to be one of them. How old are you? I believe if you can read and understand this write-up, then you are old enough to succeed in life. You can decide to embark on something which meets

the needs of mankind. Anything you do to meet needs is a step of success. Start now and God will back you up. I am Pastor Abraham Obadare, a minister of the gospel at Christ Apostolic Church of America, Inc. You are welcome to worship with us at 108-02 Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica, NY 11435. You may also keep up with us on 24 hours internet radio at www. Our website address is where you can demand

videos for your enrichment, watch our live streaming or read past messages / articles. For Our TV programs show: Queens: QPTV 34 on Wednesdays at 2pm & Fridays at 5:30pm Brooklyn: BCAT 35/98 at 8:30 on 2nd & 4th Sundays Long Island: CABLEVISION 115 on Sunday 7am Worldwide: LifezoneTV www.lifez o n e t v. c o m / i n d e x . html on Monday @ 6:30pm & Thursday @ 5:30pm

Vol.5 No. 65- August 1, 2011


The Real Deal about Women in the 21st Century

1. Women are overworked - Women all over the world are overworked, underpaid and unrecognized. While women produce 75 to 90 percent of food crops in the world, they are also responsible for the running of households. According to the United Nations, in no country in the world do men come anywhere close to women in the amount of time spent doing housework. Women in the wealthiest Western countries also suffer disproportionately; they are the ones who carry the heaviest work load when it comes to children, housework, and general care and management of family affairs. 2. Women are poorerSociologists often refer to this phenomenon as the feminization of poverty, where two out of every three poor adults, the world over, are women. The majority of the 1.5 billion people surviving on 1 dollar a day or less are women. In current times, the divide between women and men caught in the cycle of poverty is not being reversed, as many have proclaimed, in fact it has continued to widen in the past decade. Worldwide, women earn on average slightly more than 50 per cent of what men earn. The dreadful consequences of women living in poverty is that they are

Norka Blackman-Richards USI News Columnist In 2008, the United States of America had a woman who ran a successful bid for the highest position in the land. And yes, while Senator Hillary Clinton did not win, she ran one of the toughest campaigns in the history of this nation. Women and men of the current era often feel that the struggle for gender equality is not a number one priority on the social agenda any longer, as it was 40 or 50 years ago because women are better off today. They often forget that their mothers and grandmothers were the ones who bore the brunt of an era where women were treated unequally and unfairly. It was the voices of our mothers and grandmothers that influenced the opportunities that women today enjoy. Women have come a long way, but they have not yet arrived. Let me present to you some of the greatest social challenges faced by women in the twentyfirst century.

There are many areas of ones life that can need a redirection but for us women, it is marriage that sometimes causes the most grieve. It however does not need to be like that. No one can help you to live your marital life. It is a choice that you must make to be happy.
often denied access to critical resources such as proper health care, credit, land and inheritance. 3. Women are not portrayed fairly and accurately in the mediaWhile we must agree that women have made considerable strides in the media industrythere is definitely more representation than what we had 20 years ago. Women are still boxed into certain roles on television and film The Drama Queen, The Supermom, The Sex Kitten, The Desperate Housewife. We are also primarily bombarded by images of women and girls who are unnaturally thin with faces way too made up. The exclusion of women by race is also a detected phenomenon. For example, in the USA, missing or abducted women and girls of certain physical features, particularly white and blonde, receive more media attention and coverage than African, Asian, and Latina women. As a result, the cases of women with more media attention are solved in less time. Also, the role of


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Vol. 5 No. 65 - August 1, 2011

USI NewsRack Locations in New York City

1. Corner of Church & Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY 2. By Atlantic LIRR train station on Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY 3. By Subway, Corner of Court Street & Montague St, Brooklyn, NY 4. Front of U.S Post Office on Atlantic btw 3rd & 4th Ave. Downtown, Brooklyn 5. Corner of Fulton St & Nostrand Ave. Brooklyn, NY 6. Front of U.S. Post Office on Flatlands, Carnasie, Brooklyn, NY 7. Corner of Pennsylvania & Atlantic Ave. Brooklyn, NY 8. 380 86th St Bay Ridge ( Front of R Train Station) Brooklyn NY 9. Stillwell Ave Coney Island NY ( Front of F,Q, D & F Train) 10. 1427 Rockaway Parkway Carnasie, NY (Around L Train Station) 11. Front 480 86th Street Btw. 4th Ave & 5th Ave Brooklyn, NY

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1. 205 Bay Street, Corner of Victory Blvd Staten Island, NY (Front of Food Stamp Office)

contd from pg 22 women, as the cover girl image, often presented in the media, sends the message that a pretty face is worth more than intelligence, skill and expertise. This happens in all nations, from the wealthiest to the poorest. 4. Women work harder and are still paid less - Women do twothirds of the worlds work, receive 10 percent of the worlds income and own 1 percent of the means of production. Richard H. Robbins, in his book Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism, p. 354, writes: According to Inter Press Service, On a global scale, women cultivate more than half of all the food that is grown. In sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean, they produce up to 80 percent of basic foodstuffs. In Asia, they account for around 50 percent of food production. In Latin America, they are mainly engaged in subsistence farming, horticulture, poultry and raising small livestock. Yet these women often get little recognition for that. In fact, many go unpaid. Obviously this problem is not only a Third World phenomenon for in the USA, according to most current reports, up to 2006, women working full-time still earned only about 70 cents for every dollar a man working full-time earned. 6. Women are the main victims of violence around the worldAmnesty International reports that violence against women and girls is the most pervasive human rights challenge of our times. It cuts across cultural and religious boundaries, political, social and economic status. For many women their home is a place of terror, even in rich societies. There is a call for help against domestic violence every minute in Britain. In Ciudad Jurez, more than 370 poor young women, have been abducted, tortured, raped and murdered in cities on the Mexican/US border without authorities taking proper measures to investigate. In the USA, 700,000 women are reported raped every year. In South Africa, teenage girls are at the greatest risk for rape. Fifty per cent of all murders in Bangladesh are of women by their partners. Around the world, 120 million girls are genitally mutilated. According to World Bank figures, at least one in five women and girls has been beaten or sexually abused in her life time. 7. Women are the greatest victims of war and internal conflictsWomen are the forgotten victims of war. When nations wage war, men are called to fight while the women are left at home and are expected to live life as usual. Mass destruction of communities results in large-scale disruption and hardship for women and children, forced to flee, while the male members of the community are either executed or they lose contact with their families. Violence against women reaches epidemic proportions with mass rape of women and girls used as weapons of war. Yes, women might have come a long way, but there is still have a longer way to go. Norka Blackman-Richards, is an adjunct lecturer for CUNY, a writer, a ministers wife, and an empowerment speaker on women, education, family and cultural issues. Norka is also the president of 4 Real Women International, Inc. You may visit her site at


Vol. 5 No. 65 - August 1, 2011

D.V. Lottery 2012 Result Released Beware of Ongoing Massive Scam

As promised the U.S. Department of State finally released the result of the Diversity Visa Lottery 2012 on July 15, 2011. The result is available only online and not by mail. All applicants are encouraged to visit the website of the U.S. Department of State at http://www.dvlottery. to check the result. You will need your last name, confirmation number and your year of birth to access the system. If you are a winner, please consult with a qualified immigration attorney immediately on what you need to do to reap the benefit of winning the lottery. The result will be available online until year 2012, but checking early might be of utmost benefit. The bigger news about the DV lottery 2012 is not the release of the result, but the massive scam going on all over the world. Scam artists are all out to defraud innocent prospective immigrants who are gullible. Following my request in the March 2011 article asking anyone who received a scam email about winning the DV lottery to forward such to me, my email account was flooded with such mails from all over the world. I received emails as far as Sri Lanka. These desperate scammers even sent emails to British nationals who are not eligible to apply in the first place claiming that they won the lottery. It is a sign that

the economy all over the world is depressed. Please do not be their victim. It is important that you forward these emails to me when or if you receive them. They are not from the U.S. government. Some of the emails are asking that you send $880 by Western Union to an address in Britain while some are $819. Beware, the emails are from crooks all over the world seeking to defraud you of your hard earned money. Do not reply them. Do not send your information to them. If you won when the canceled result was released on May 1, 2011 and now you are no longer a winner, please do not lose hope. As was reported last month, there is a class action filed on behalf

of those involved. It is still possible that the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Department of State would do something for those involved. For Successful candidates: If you have been selected for further processing in the Diversity Visa program, please following the instruction online as to what to do or consult with an attorney immediately. Additionally, you will need to demonstrate that you are eligible for a diversity immigrant visa by successfully taking the required steps. When requested to do so by the Kentucky Consular Center, you will need to complete the immigrant visa application, submit required documents and forms, pay required fees, complete a medical examination, and be interviewed by a con-

sular officer at the U.S. embassy or consulate to show that you qualify for a diversity visa. Please note that the Kentucky Consular Center will provide application information (for DV-2011 selectees) online through the Entry Status Check on the E-DV website www.dvlottery.state. gov (for DV-2012 selectees). Successful DV entrants must be eligible

to receive a visa by qualifying based on education, work, and other requirements. The law and regulations require that every DV entrant must have at least a high school education or its equivalent; or two years of work experience within the past five years in an occupation requiring at least two years training or experience. If you need help con-

cerning the DV Lottery 2012 result and how to harness the benefit of winning, please feel free to contact Attorney Joseph Famuyide at 718-647-6767 or send email to USI News

Vol.5 No. 65- August 1, 2011


B R I TA I N D E P O R T S 6 1 N I G E R I A N S .
The United Kingdom has deported Sixty-One at Nigerians from the country. The deportees ar- the same Murtala Airport using a chartered aircraft. rived at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos. They comprised of 47 males, 11 females and three minors. A senior personnel with the Nigeria Immigration Service, MMIA, said the affected persons were Sent packing after the British authorities discovered some irregularities in their Resident Permits and travel documents. They were deported as a result of immigration-related offences and that is why we keep advising those travelling out of the country to ensure they get the required papers before leaving our shores. The latest eviction of Nigerians from the United Kingdom makes the third time Nigerian citizens were sent packing from Britain since the beginning of 2011. In March, this year, 92 Nigerians were asked to leave and were flown into the country through Murtala International Airport. Also, in April of this year, 52 Nigerians were deported by the British government and landed


The Nigerian government has called on Nigerians in the diaspora to come home and help the nation on investment in critical infrastructure and job creation. This is coming just as President Goodluck Jonathan declared open on Monday, July 25, the Diaspora Day celebration and Annual Conference in Abuja, Nigeria. Secretary to the Government of the federation, Senator Anyim Pius Anyim, addressing newsmen ahead of the conference, said infrastructural development, energy issues and job creation were critical to the present administrations transformational agenda. Senator Anyim said the Diaspora Day/Conference would provide a platform for Nigerians in the diaspora to meet with officials of government at all levels to exchange views on issues of group and national interests. According to Anyim, over 400 Nigerian experts and professionals abroad are attending the conference entitled, Nigerias Transformation E-mail: Agenda: The Diaspora Perspective The government had created the new Ministry of Trade and Investment to harness such investment opportunities and create enabling environment for investors to come into the country. The Minister of Trade and Investment, Mr Olusegun Aganga, is to deliver the keynote paper at the occasion while other papers are to be delivered by eminent Nigerians and renowned academics from the diaspora and within. The minister said, The diaspora engagement policy is driven by the need to harness the immense human capital and resources of Nigerians living abroad for the development of the nation state. Olakunle O. Bolarinwa, Is a Nightline Family Member Of The Voice Of America {VOA}.


Vol. 5 No. 65 - August 1, 2011

Female Genital Mutilation: A Cultural Disease in Africa

especially the women, have a duty to assist in properly bringing up a female child to ensure that she conforms to acceptable norms and customs of her people. A girl child is watched over by all, as she is seen as most likely to bring the name of the family to disrepute if not properly restrained and confined. A better part of an African female growing up years is spent learning how to be a good wife to her husband and a great mother to her children. This informal training has priority over the girl childs formal education. African women are trained to sacrifice their personal gratification for their husbands and children. She is expected to continually and consistently conform to societal norms and traditions and teach her wards to do the same regardless of the effect such custom or tradition may have on her. The pride of an African mother is raising a girl child who will grow up chaste, prim and proper and get married ( it is a taboo to stay single either voluntary or for lack of suitors) to a man through whom she will raise children of her own with the same strictness and discipline she was raised. Divorce being an unwelcomed option in marital conflicts, a married woman is expected to endure a loveless and abusive marriage in the best interest of her children and in order to avoid other man except her husband. It is irregular for a woman to take interest in sex, even in marriage. There are so many beliefs tion of the concept of female circumcision as a cultural mechanism to guarantee the fidelity of women before and after marriage. volving partial or total removal of the external genitalia or other injuries to the female genital organs for cultural or other non-therapeutic reasons. Put in another way, it is the maiming (under any pretence) of a girl child or a young woman by mutilating the external part of her genital in a bid to repress her natural sexual desires. According to a UNICEF study, Nigeria in the past had the highest absolute number of cases of FGM in the world amounting for about one quarter of the estimated 115-130 million circumcised women in the world. The practice is founded in traditional beliefs and societal pressure to conform. FGM is practiced in about 28 African countries as well as in a few scattered communities in other parts of the world. It is one of the most serious forms of violence against the girl child/woman and is being practiced in Nigeria for a number of reasons: psychosexual: to attenuate sexual desire in the female, maintain chastity and virginity before marriage and fidelity during marriage, and increase male sexual pleasure. sociological: for identification with the to be continued..

International Correspondent

Ayobami Odeyemi

There have been high expectations from the female folks as regards their roles as a part of the family system and as members of the larger human society from time immemorial. This is in fact truer within the African context. The African customs have specific roles reserved for the female gender and there are clearly stipulated rules of behavior which they are bound to comply with. Either as a young girl in her pre teenage or teenage years, a young adult ripe for marriage or as a young married woman and a mother, the African society expects each family as a societal unit to raise their female wards well enough for them to appreciate and take on their long established customary duties to their family and to the society at large. The burden of training a girl child is not borne by her immediate family alone, all the older members of the extended family,

According to a UNICEF study, Nigeria in the past had the highest absolute number of cases of FGM in the world amounting for about one quarter of the estimated 115-130 million circumcised women in the world.
the stigma attached to being divorced. A married woman who loses the consortium of her husband for any reason what so ever is considered wayward and ill-trained; especially when such divorce bothers on infidelity. The life of an African woman is plagued with myths as to what she ought to do and what she ought not to do. There is little regard for her opinion or feelings. A woman is not supposed to openly display affection for a man; she ought not to be seen to be friendly with any and customs restraining the women folks from being in touch with their sexuality and living their lives to the full yet a well brought up young lady is expected to observed them. Accusations on a female childs infidelity in marriage or promiscuity are regarded as a direct slap on her family. The family name has to be protected from the disgrace that is imminent from the female sexuality, the male folks have to be protected from having a sexually liberated woman for a wife, hence the introducBetter, referred to as female genital mutilation (because that is literarily what it is) female circumcision became a cultural rite to be performed on new born female babies and a rite of passage for young ladies who were not cut at birth or at a younger age. Surprisingly, the inhuman practice has survived the modern day civilization in some countries and cultures within the Africa continent. Female Genital Mutilation (or female genital cutting), comprises all surgical procedures in-

Vol.5 No. 65- August 1, 2011


187-08 Linden Blvd St. Albans NY 11412

Contd from pg 21 cultural heritage, initiation of girls into womanhood, social integration and maintenance of social cohesion and social acceptance. hygiene and aesthetics: among some societies, the external female genitals are considered unclean and unsightly, and so are removed to promote hygiene and provide aesthetic appeal others: to enhance fertility and promote child survival, better marriage prospects and helps delivery of babies The incidence of female genital mutilation is most prevalent in the south east and south west Nigeria; ironically it appears to be more popular in the urban areas than in the rural area. Like in other parts of the world where it is being practiced, young ladies who have not been circumcised are stigmatized and consider non-fit for marriage. The Egba and Ijebu people from the south western Nigeria are well known to be indisposed towards mutilating their female wards, hence, there is a general indisposition among other parts of the Yoruba land towards marrying ladies from the areas, ascribing the non circumcision as the reason why the women are highly opinionated, domineering and generally promiscuous. There is a general belief that an uncut lady is bound to be promiscuous. There is therefore a social stigma attached to not being circumcised. gruesome customary practice yet a woman can only fight against it at the risk of being alienated Generally, the circumcision of female children by her family and society for disregarding the is carried out few weeks after birth or during the custom pre teens. At a very tender age, a girl child is taken to an older woman either from the urban Until recently, female genital mutilation was community or the specialist from the village legal in the absence of specific legislation ilwho carries out the unorthodox severance of legalizing same and even when it is regarded either the whole of the outer female genital, or as illegal, victims of the practice cannot report a portion of the clitoris hood or the clitoris itself the perpetuators who are more than often their or the outer and inner lips of the general in the parents whom they depend on for their upkeep. crudest manner using a razor blade without the With no functional social welfare system in place victim enjoying the luxury of anesthesia. A lot to take over the childs care, an abused child has of female children have lost their lives to exces- limited options she cannot call the police on her sive bleeding in the course of undergoing this parents especially as such is regarded as a taboo. evil perpetuated by women against their female The government of Nigeria in the last decade wards. recognized the practice as harmful to children Sadly, in some cultures in Nigeria, the lady is not and women and has embarked on corrective cut until few weeks to her wedding. Any lady measures, aimed at addressing the end of the who refuses to be mutilated at this time is certain practice openly and energetically, through the to incur the wrath of her parents and that of the formulation of policies programmes, legislation husband-to-be who will perceive the refusal as and behavioral change that has currently impact a clear indication of the womans reluctance to reduction in prevalence. pledge her loyalty to him. An uncircumcised young lady is regarded as a public dog, good for pre marital sex, but not safe for marriage, as it is believed that such lady will be overly demanding in bed and sexually excitable. It is a


Vol. 5 No. 65 - August 1, 2011

Your Family Member Might be Qualified for Green Card

Frequently asked Questions

Beware: DV Fraudsters Intensify their Scam Efforts
Dear Attorney, I received an email from someone from the US Department of State who notifies that I won DV lottery 2012. Luckily, I had read your article (DV lottery 2012 fraud) in your vol. 4 No 60 March 1, 2011 of the USI News. Your advise helped to me know that it was a fraud. When I checked in the link of the DV lottery, I saw that I didnt win. If you send me your postal address, I could mail the whole letter to you for your information. Sorry, my English isnt so good. Thank You. MB In the last few days, we have received mails from various readers of USI News thanking us for the article on DV Lottery 2012 Scam in our March 1, 2011 issue of the U.S. Immigration News. Let me warn all our readers that the DV Lottery scam artists recently intensify their crusade to defraud innocent prospective immigrants all over the world. Subsequent to the release of the DV Lottery result on July 15, 2011, these scammers are parading themselves as representatives of the U.S. Department of State. They are sending emails all around the world asking their victims to send money by Western Union. If you receive such an email, please delete or forward to my office. Do not sent money to anyone regarding the lottery. The results are not being sent by mail. You can only know if you win by checking with your confirmation number online on the U.S. Department of States website. Do not be the victim of these crooks. Beware.

My name is Luana Richards, I am emailing you because I recently read an article about you in the US Immigration News. This article was in reference to a case about you winning a big case for a Panama Canal Workers spouse. My question is; what is the first step someone must take to fall into this category, the reason for this is that I have a family member that worked for the Panama Canal for thirteen years and is wondering if he would qualify for the use of the I-485 form. Please know that he does not live in the U.S. I would greatly appreciate it if you would be able to give me some information so that I can assist him with this process if he qualifies. Thank you for your time. Respectfully, Luana
Thanks for your mail and thank you for reading the U.S. Immigration News. It appears that your family member might be qualified to receive green card to migrate to the United States. The requirements for this special type of green card are simple, to qualify, the individual must have been one of the following, at the time the Panama Canal Treaty of 1977 was enacted: A resident in the Panama Canal zone who was working for the Panama Canal Company or Canal Zone Government, and worked for the Panama Canal Company or Canal Zone Government for at least 1 year OR A Panamanian national who honorably retired from the United States Government employment in the Canal Zone with a total of 15 years or more of faithful service OR An employee of the Panama Canal Company or Canal Zone Government who had performed faithful service for five or more years as an employee, and whose personal safety or the personal safety of his or her spouse or child is in danger as a direct result of the special nature of his or her employment, and was the direct result of the Treaty. It is important that you consult with a qualified immigration attorney for further information. If you need an attorney, you may contact Attorney Famuyide at 718-647-6767. Hello, I read an article and it had mentioned to contact you if any assistance is required. My name is AC, a citizen of Malawi in removal proceedings. I would like your assistance. I own a small IT Company which officially launched and started in Jan 2011, but before that I have been doing a lot of freelancing. Now one of the companies I have done work for is looking to try and hire me full time, and their offer is amazing. Unfortunately, I have no authorization. I need to talk to you and try to figure out ways in which I can get this resolved as soon as possible. I am married to a US Citizen in another state. Due to the economic crisis, we have had a long distance relationship for a while in search for green pasture. Whilst we dated, I lived in three to four different States. She does not want to move and leave her parents. So I am in DC, and she is in Indiana, I visit so often. We are happy together and we hope this can all be over soon so we can start planning our future together. I am currently stuck in DC for two reasons, 1. My company is here, 2. My immigration case is here and I am on the ISAP Program. We plan to file my adjustment of status through marriage very soon this month. Thanks for visiting our website. It appears that your current living arrangement is a pitfall that could prevent your from adjusting your status unless you adjust your living arrangement. With immigration, residence in two different States for husband and wife is a red flag. It suggests to them that the marriage is a temporary arrangement for immigration purposes only. After 911 such arrangement are easily detected. These cases are denied immediately. At the moment, your U.S. citizen wife is your lifeline, you might need to move to Indiana and request that your case be transferred there. You must know that if you are deported, you will no longer be able to run your business in DC. It is important to deal with the issue of your status first before any other consideration. Thank you.

USA is Known for Justice; Keep Hope Alive

Hello, I am a Nigerian studying here in the United States. I entered for the DV 2012 Lottery and was selected for further processing for the 2012 electronic diversity visa program on May 1 2011. As with anyone else who got selected, this sets a fan of excitement in my life and family as a whole because of the financial situations we are in and the DV lottery happened to be the only way I could easily achieve my dreams here in the US. And so, because of the positive result on May 1, 2011 I had to tell my sponsor not to worry about my academic funding anymore since he was struggling financially due to swift unfavorable changes in his finances. But a few days later, the Kentucky Consular Center had to post a notice that the result was cancelled as you fully know about. The latest selection came out on date (Friday) and I was not selected any more. This is a clear injustice and is affecting me and my family badly. When I read on your website I felt I have to write in. I saved and still have the copies of the selection notice/letter for both myself and my wife in case it is required. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks for your mail. You are not alone in this. You are one of many who were devastated by the news of the cancellation of the DV Lottery visa 2012 result that was released on May 1, 2011. It was the first time in the history of the program. One thing is sure about the United States, this country treasures justice, hopefully something will be done about this. As you might have read in the last issue of the U.S. Immigration News, a class action was filed about this recently; hopefully the government will respond to this matter by admitting the error and meet those affected half way. It is important that you maintain your F-1 status in order for you to remain qualified for adjustment of status in case the U.S. Department of State decides to accommodate those affected. Keep hope alive.

This is a Pitfall to Adjustment of Status

Vol.5 No. 65- August 1, 2011


MaTTer of arMando ruiZ-loPeZ, reSPondenT

(1) The offense of driving a vehicle in a manner indicating a wanton or willful disregard for the lives or property of others while attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle in violation of section 46.61.024 of the Revised Code of Washington is a crime involving moral turpitude. (2) The maximum sentence possible for an offense, rather than the standard range of sentencing under a States sentencing guidelines, determines an aliens eligibility for the petty offense exception under section 212(a)(2)(A)(ii) (II) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(2) (A)(ii)(II) (2006). FOR RESPONDENT: H. Alan Rothenbuecher, Esquire, Cleveland, Ohio FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY: G. Michael Wick, Assistant Chief Counsel BEFORE: Board Panel: FILPPU, PAULEY, and WENDTLAND, Board Members. WENDTLAND, Board Member: In a decision dated December 8, 2008, an Immigration Judge found the respondent removable based on his inadmissibility under sections 212(a)(2)(A)(i)(I) and (6)(A)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. 1182(a) (2)(A)(i)(I) and (6)(A) (i) (2006), as an alien who was convicted of a crime involving moral turnal to bring the vehicle to a stop, shall be guilty of a class C felony. The signal given by the police officer may be by hand, voice, emergency light, or siren. The officer giving such a signal shall be in uniform and his veceding that his attempt to elude a police officer was a wilful act, the respondent claims that it was not committed with the evil intent generally associated with other crimes found to involve moral turpitude, such as the offense of aggravated fleeing discussed in Mei v. Ashcroft, 393 F.3d 737 (7th Cir. 2004). Moreover, he asserts that wanton disregard equates to recklessness, which, under Matter of Fualaau, 21 I&N Dec. 475 (1996), must be coupled with the infliction of serious bodily injury for a finding of moral turpitude. According to the respondent, a person can be convicted under section 46.61.024 based on a showing of wanton disregard for only property, without any serious bodily harm. He asserts that such reckless harm to property has not been considered to be morally turpitudinous conduct under our decisions in Matter of M, 2 I&N Dec. 686 (C.O., BIA 1946) (involving damage to railway telegraph property), and Matter of B, 2 I&N Dec. 867 (C.O., BIA 1947) (involving willful damage to mail boxes and other propto be contd

Eric Holder U.S Attorney General

Matter of Armando RUIZ-LOPEZ, Respondent Decided June 30, 2011 U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office for Immigration Review Board of Immigration Appeals
out having been admitted or paroled. On December 29, 1997, he was convicted of attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle in violation of section 46.61.024 of the Revised Code of Washington, for which he was sentenced to 40 days in confinement. Subsequently, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) charged that the respondent was inadmissible because he was convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude and was present in the United States without having been admitted or paroled. The Immigration Judge sustained both charges and, finding the respondent ineligible for cancellation of removal, ordered him removed from the United States. II. ANALYSIS At the time of the respondents conviction in 1997, section 46.61.024 of the Revised Code of Washington provided, in pertinent part, as follows: Any driver of a motor vehicle who wilfully fails or refuses to immediately bring his vehicle to a stop and who drives his vehicle in a manner indicating a wanton or wilful disregard for the lives or property of others while attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle, after being given a visual or audible sig-

pitude and who was present in the United States without having been admitted or paroled.1 The Immigration Judge further determined that the respondents conviction rendered him statutorily ineligible for cancellation of removal under section 240A(b) of the Act, 8 U.S.C. 1229b(b) (2006). The respondent has appealed from the Immigration Judges decision. The appeal will be dismissed. I. FACTUAL AND PROCEDURAL HISTORY The respondent is a native and citizen of Mexico who entered the United States with-

hicle shall be appropriately marked showing it to be an official police vehicle. On appeal the respondent argues that his conviction was not for a crime involving moral turpitude. Relying on our decision in Matter of Khourn, 21 I&N Dec. 1041, 1046 (1997), he notes that an evil intent is required for a finding of moral turpitude. Although a wanton or wilful disregard for the lives or property of others must be established for a conviction under the Washington statute, the respondent contends that no showing of evil intent is necessary. Con-


Vol. 5 No. 65 - August 1, 2011

DHS Gave Up Contest in Attorney Famuyides Appeal to Board of Immigration Appeals

The first significant effect of the favorable exercise of prosecutorial discretion Memo of June 17, 2011 felt at the Law Office of Joseph Famuyide was the sudden change of mind by the Department of Homeland Security regarding an appeal filed by Attorney Joseph Famuyide on behalf of a client before the Board of Immigration Appeals in Falls Church, Virginia. Attorney Joseph Famuyide was retained about two years ago after a disastrous ending at a Stokes interview for a couple. In their own superficial wisdom, this immigrant and her husband decided to file her application for permanent resident status without the assistance of an attorney. They attended the first interview without an attorney and failed. They were referred to the notorious Stokes interview where they were grilled by one of the most thorough Stokes interviewers in New York. Some months after the interview, they received a denial letter alleging numerous discrepancies at the Stokes interview. It was at this stage that Attorney Joseph Famuyide was retained for the rescue. Mr. Famuyide did put together a strategy to attack the bad case with a view to salvage the immigrant from the ultimate immigration penalty of being barred

for life from obtaining permanent resident The immigrant in this case was facing immigration death status. By now, it is widely known that pur- penalty. Attorney Famuyides duty was to still get green card suant to Section 204(c) from this process for this immigrant or at least reverse that conof the Immigration & clusion even if green card cannot be obtained so that the imNationality Act, any failure at the Stokes migrant will be able to file for green card again in the future. will lead to immigration death sentence. status as the spouse of to file for green card gether. It was sent to the process of granting Famuyide Attorney Famuyides a citizen of the United again in the future. It Attorney You might ask, what States or the spouse of was an uphill task. and the USCIS gave client her green card. is Section 204(c) INA an alien lawfully adAttorney Famuyide all about? Simply put, mitted for permanent Attorney Famuyide another 30days oppor- This is the approach it says once your mar- residence, by reason immediately filed a tunity to file a new brief every immigrant must riage is determined of a marriage deter- timely appeal with if so desired. Surely, adopt; it is not over not to be bona fide at mined by the Attorney an extensive brief as Attorney Famuyide until you WIN. Thank an immigration in- General (now DHS) to why the decision seized the opportunity you. terview, you will be to have been entered should be reversed. to criticize the Service barred for life from into for the purpose of He also alleged viola- for its inaction on the This article is for your obtaining any immi- evading the immigra- tion of his clients due matter. information only. It is gration benefits. The tion laws. process rights as enunot a representation of consequence imposed merated by the U.S. Some months later, any future outcome. If by this obnoxious The immigrant in this Constitution. The At- Attorney Famuyide you need legal assissection is worse than case was facing immi- torney also capital- received a motion tance, please feel free deportation. Section gration death penalty. ized on the fact that filed by the Depart- to contact Attorney 204(c) INA provides Attorney Famuyides the Service did not ment of Homeland Famuyide at 718-647that Notwithstanding duty was to still get provide the transcript Security withdrawing 6767 or send email to the provisions of sub- green card from this of the Stokes interview its earlier opposition section (b) no petition process for this immi- with the denial notice. to the appeal and reshall be approved if grant or at least reverse About a year and half questing the Board of (1) the alien has previ- that conclusion even if after the appeal had Immigration Appeals USI News. ously been accorded, a permanent residence been filed, the U.S. to send the case back or has sought to be ac- status cannot be ob- Citizenship & Immi- to the Department of corded, an immediate tained so that the im- gration Services finally Homeland Security relative or preference migrant will be able put the transcript to- for the completion of

Vol.5 No. 65- August 1, 2011


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Vol. 5 No. 65 - August 1, 2011

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