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Wonders of The Modern World

There are so many wonders of the world. But all of them are different in their nature.
In the Ancient times there was Seven Wonders of the World: the Pyramids of Egypt,
the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus, the Temple of Artemis, the
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Pharos of Alexandria, and the Colossus of Rhodes.
They were created by people to glorify beauty and entreat gods or emperors.
Nowadays most of the ancient wonders are destroyed but the existing ones still
remind us of the man’s power and wisdom.

But wonders of the modern world are different from the ancient ones which were all
buildings and statues. In the last centuries there was a time of unprecedented
technical and scientific achievements. That’s why the modern wonders are mainly
the product of science and technology. And these wonders made our life easier,
more efficient and convenient. The achievements of science can be easily seen in the
material level modern. These are of course the modern conveniences and appliances.
We can’t imagine our life today without telephone, television, fax, cars, planes,
computers, space rockets etc. Nowadays modern industry is fulfilled with the help of
robots which replaced man in some hard or dangerous labor and run by computers.
Robots provide people with all necessities. They have vision systems and work at a
very high speed. And today they are used for skilled work like welding, spray painting
and assembling components. Although robots have got some disadvantages their
main benefits are the quality of work and also that they never get bored with their

The modern world of high technology could not have come about except for the
development of the computer. Different types and sizes of computers find uses
throughout society in the storage and handling of data, from secret governmental
files to banking transactions to private household accounts. Computers have opened
up a new era in manufacturing through the techniques of automation, and they have
enhanced modern communication systems. They are essential tools in almost every
field of research and applied technology, from constructing models of the universe
to producing tomorrow’s weather reports, and their use has in itself opened up new
areas of conjecture. Database services and computer networks make available a
great variety of information sources. The same advanced techniques also make
possible invasions of privacy and of restricted information sources, but computer
crime has become one of the many risks that society must face if it would enjoy the

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