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Initial Phase Combat Reaction Phase

1) Check for Automatic Victory [17.2]. 1) Conduct Combat Refusal [6.2].
2) Adjust FWA Air Points [11.0]. 2) Conduct Defender Reaction [6.3].
3) Helicopter Readiness [13.4].
Combat Resolution Phase (per defending hex)
a) Units in “1 Mission” or “Grounded 1” move to “Ready”.
1) Attack Coordination [7.0] (this may negate declared Maneuver
b) Roll for units in “2 Mission” box. Pass, go to “Ready”; Fail, go Combats [8.0]).
to “Grounded 1”.
c) Move units in “Grounded 2” to “Grounded 1”. Maneuver Combat Step [8.3]
4) Return Hidden Movement markers [16.3]. 1) Determine Combat Odds.
2) Choose lead units.
Recovery Phase 3) Determine column shifts based on ER difference between lead
1) Remove “First” and “Final” Fire markers for BOTH sides. units.
2) Recover Fatigue [2.6.7]. 4) Both sides, attacker first, allocate support fires from air, heli-
3) Replace HQs [12.4.2]. copter, and/or artillery. Then, both sides resolve support fires.
4) Use Replacement Points to rebuild units [15.1]. 5) Attacker rolls on Maneuver Combat Table applying any DRMs.
6) Extract losses, conduct retreats, apply Fatigue.
First Player Turn 7) If defender vacates hex, attacking units may advance.
(First Player conducts all the phases in this order)
Assault Combat Step [9.0]
First Observation Phase (FWA turn only) 1) Defender allocates and resolves air, helicopter, and/or artillery
1) Fly OV-1, 1/9 OH-13s, and 1/9 Gunships to any hex containing a for Defensive Bombardment.
Hidden Movement marker [16.5.1]. 2) Defender rolls first on Assault Combat Table, applies DRMs,
2) Defender declares or declines Air Defense Fire [14.0]. and applies results immediately.
3) Reveal all units firing ADF. 3) Attacker rolls on Assault Combat Table, applies DRMs, and
4) Resolve ADF. applies results.
5) Roll for Observation for each hex []. 4) If units on both side remain, both sides roll against highest ER
6) Observation and Gunship helicopters bombard revealed units. in their stack.
7) Return helicopters to appropriate Mission box. 5) Conduct a second round of combat if either side passes its
Efficiency Check. Only a side which passes may roll on the
8) Place or Move Patrol markers [16.5.2].
Assault Combat Table.
9) Roll for observation for Patrol markers [].
6) If the Defender is eliminated, the Assaulting units must ad-
Reinforcement Phase vance.
1) Place new and/or Withdraw units [15.2].
Final Observation Phase (FWA turn only)
Concealment Phase (PAVN turn only) [Identical to the First Observation Phase]
1) Conceal units not adjacent to enemy units and not within patrol
radius of enemy patrols [16.1]. Final Concealment Phase (PAVN turn only)
2) Remove desired dummy Hidden Movement markers [16.1.1]. [Identical to the First Concealment Phase]
3) Place new dummy Hidden Movement markers [16.1.1].
Second Player Turn
Movement Phase [Identical to the First Player Turn]
1) FWA Player may voluntarily “close” Operational LZs [].
2) Move ground units (possible Ambush [16.6] if FWA using ground Game Record Interphase
movement). 1) Remove “Closed” Operational LZs [].
2) Reset FWA Air Points counter to “0”.
Combat Declaration Phase [6.1]
3) If this was the last turn of the scenario, assess Victory [17.0],
1) Declare all maneuver and assault combat (place markers).
otherwise advance the Game Turn marker.
Offensive Bombardment Phase [10.1]
© 2016 GMT Games, LLC
1) Declare Bombardment using air points, helicopters, and/or artillery. P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232-1308
2) Declare and resolve ADF.
3) Resolve Bombardment.
Crib Notes
• May move ZOC to ZOC for +1 MP
• May attempt Combat Refusal
• Always coordinated when only
DELTA, CIDG & 1/9 attacking;
• May move ZOC to ZOC for +1 MP
• May attempt Combat Refusal
• Always coordinated when only
DELTA, CIDG & 1/9 attacking;
• Always coordinated when only ignore them for coordination when other units ignore them for coordination when other units
DELTA, CIDG & 1/9 attacking; present present
ignore them for coordination if • Retains full MA after loading/unloading regard- • Retains full MA after loading/unloading regard-
other units present less of terrain less of terrain
• 1/9 UH-1Ds may ONLY transport 1/9 infantry • May Retreat from Dense Jungle using helicop- • May Retreat from Dense Jungle using helicop-
companies ter transport ter transport
• Retain their full MA after loading/unloading • May not be chosen as lead unit when attacking • May not be chosen as lead unit when attacking
regardless of terrain with non-CIDG unit with non-CIDG/DELTA unit
• May Retreat from Dense Jungle using helicop- • Patrol marker may not be placed when Fatigued • Patrol marker may not be placed when Fatigued
ter transport • May not be Ambushed • May not be Ambushed
• Must remain w/i 6 MPs of Patrol marker (if
both are on map)
• May be placed in any hex • May be placed w/i non-Road
1/9 PATROLS • May be reinforced by non-road ground movement range of a
• May be placed in any hex ground movement CIDG unit (one per such unit)
• May be reinforced by non-road • May be reinforced by helicopter transport • Must be moved/removed from map if no CIDG
ground movement (if on map) regardless of DELTA’s location on map unit within non-road ground MPs
• May be reinforced by helicopter transport if • May not be placed if parent unit Fatigued • May only be reinforced by non-road ground
parent unit is in An Khe, Duc Co, Plei Me, or movement
the Brigade HQ HIDDEN MOVEMENT MARKERS • May not be placed if parent unit Fatigued
• If parent unit on map, must remain with 6 MPs • May not be placed w/i Patrol
or be removed radius (except Hospital/HQ) ATTACK COORDINATION
• May not be placed if parent unit Fatigued • Revealed by Observation, when PAVN
attacked (and no Combat Refus- • If no HQ, use “Out of Command”
HOSPITAL al), Hospital/HQ eliminated, when they declare ER of 3.
• Allows Fatigue Recovery (unless an Attack, declare an Ambush, Hot Landing • If HQ, and all attacking hexes within 3 hexes
Fatigued) Zone, Air Defense Fire of the HQ (may not trace through EZOC unless
• Allows Replacements (unless • When revealed, place one GT ahead friendly unit), may use HQ’s ER
Fatigued) • Ambush markers are placed two GTs ahead
• Place 10 GTs ahead on natural Observation roll ARVN (without Truong)
• Can not, itself, receive Replacements
of “1” or when an HQ or Hospital is eliminated • Roll against “Out of Command” ER of 5
• Can not be eliminated via Bombardment
(receives Fatigue instead) • If CIDG only (or CIDG with DELTA and/or 1/9),
MOTORIZED UNITS automatically coordinated
• Must be last step lost (except for HQ)
• May not Retreat (eliminate instead) • May only enter Clear, Tea Planta- US (without Moore)
• Removes Hidden Movement markers when tion, Town, or Road • If units from different battalions attacking, roll
eliminated • May Assault Clear, Tea Plantation, against highest ER; otherwise automatically
Town, or Road coordinated
• May Maneuver Combat into any terrain, but • If DELTA and/or 1/9 only (or with CIDG), auto-
HEADQUARTERS only Advance into Clear, Tea Plantation, Town, matically coordinated
• Have only one step (reverse side or Road
is a Replacement HQ) US + ARVN (regardless of leader)
• No ZOC into a prohibited hex
• Allow Fatigue Recovery (unless • Roll against lowest ER
• May move ZOC to ZOC for +1 MP
• Allow Replacements (unless Fatigued) ARMORED UNITS BOMBARDMENT
• Can not be eliminated via Bombardment • DRM for attacking in Clear/Tea Plantation • PAVN may use only two units
(receives Fatigue instead) • May Retreat into/through enemy ZOC for Defensive Bombardment or
• Must be last step lost Maneuver Combat Support
• Remove Hidden Movement markers when MORTARS • FWA may use any number of
eliminated • Not marked with First/Final Fire units for all types of Bombard-
when moved ment
LEADERS • May participate as combat units • Assaulting units are always considered TDV =
(when adjacent) in Maneuver/As- 2 or TDV=2
• +/– DRM to Maneuver/Assault Combat
sault Combat (may not also provide Maneuver US B/6/14 ARTILLERY
• Allow Fatigue Recovery
Combat Support if participating in Maneuver • May not fire Defensive Bom-
LT COL MOORE Combat) bardment or Maneuver Combat
• May roll on Broken Arrow table • May not fire when Fatigued Support in defense of its own hex
when defending (once per game) • Provides a –1 DRM to PAVN Ambush
• Automatic coordination for US • Allows ADF when revealed FATIGUE
• Units may not attack
LT COL TRUONG REPLACEMENTS • Defenders incur DRMs in Combat
• –1 DRM for Artillery Bombard- PAVN: Cambodia, HQ, or Hospital • Units may only recover in certain
ment within 2 hexes ARVN: Camp Holloway locations
• ARVN may attempt Combat US: An Khe, Camp Holloway, • Disallows Replacements or Fatigue Recovery if
Refusal when stacked Brigade HQ HQ or Hospital
• Automatic coordination for ARVN attacks One REPL = one STEP except in Cambodia where • If all units in a stack are fatigued, another
• +1 MP for ARVN units ½ REPL = one STEP Fatigue result becomes a step loss instead

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