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Contents = St unit @©eeeeee6 06 86 Grammar reference ‘80 Pronunciation bank 400 Vocabulary puzzles os Wordlist 2 Expression bank Irregular verbs list 28 Vocabulary 3 Ge > Look at the picture and complete the ‘sentences with the correct prepositions. Aclassroom 1 Ge Complete the words with the correct letters. board 7 wido Vdctounary 8. Dpluer 2 suf 9 n.8..00k Bh top 10 de 4 loc. 1 ag 5 ...ster 12 toler 6do 13 chant 2 Gok > Look at the pictures and complete the os sentences with words from exercise 1. The door is ”22r'the board. 1 The clock is... the window and the door. 2 The bag is... the chai. 3 The chairis the door. 4 Theruleris..... the bag. 5 The CD playeris..... _ the shelf 4 ‘die Complete the lists. Use the words from exercise 1. Things in my bag Things in my bedroor pen shelf “Sy 6 7 “= - 1. The iceionary ison the shett a - 2 The... is between the shelf and the door. - 3 The is next to the poster. ae 4 The in the bag. 5TH eenennnnnee 8 Next fo the pee, 6 The and the DVD are under the window. 7 The board is near the Grammar Possessive ’s 1 dc) Follow the lines. Then write the names with the possessive ’s and the objects. Sara — Se 1 the teacher 2 the gitt bags Gictionary en teacher CD player Sara’s CD player ean ene Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives 2 ck _) Are the words subject pronouns (SP) or possessive adjectives (PA)? my PA 1 sho 6 their 2 his 7 your 3 our 8 its 4 you 9 WE nn She 101 00 @o Gok > Complete the sentences. A_ Use possessive adjectives. you / DVD Its your DVD. 1 he/ laptop Its. laptop. 2 we/classroom HES neon ClaSSFOOM, 8 I/ dictionary its. dictionary, 4 she/bag Ws, bag. 5 the teachers /CD player It's CD player. B_ Use subject pronouns. ‘the gitl/in my class She'sin my class, 6 Carlos and Marina / our teachers ‘re our teachers. 7 Miaand1/in class 18 neue t@in class 1B. 8 the laptop / on the desk "8 on the desk. 9 the dictionaries / on the shelf ‘re on the shelf 10 David / twelve years old 's twolve years old. deck Complete the sentences. feisapen, | (1). issu. | (@) are teachers. Thepenis | Suzyis Mr Brown and Mrs Roryspen. | (2) friend, | Simm ate 6)... teachers. The penis | Suzyis Mr Brown and Mrs Wis pen. 8 fiend. | Simm are (6)... teachers, Starter unit 00 i] Vocabulary Basic adjectives 1 & expensive 1 onp..patar 2 huwrble 3sm..ll 4 bot ng 5 duffcudt 6 bod ) Complete the adjectives with a, ¢, j,0 oru. 2 tok Complete the crossword with the opposite of the adjectives in exercise 1. celal z/AyP| 3 dok Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. She's popular. 1 Its 4 Thefilmis 2 The laptop is 7 Lucy's bag is Sa 6 The TV programme is, 4 %Jo% Describe the people, places and things. Use the verb be and adjectives from exercises 1 and 2. My teacher és popular. 1 Madrid... 2 English 8 Johnny Depp. 4 My book : 5 My-schoo! 6 Football Grammar 3. deck) Look at the pictures and write questions, and short answers. be: affirmative, negative and questions 1% Choose the correct word. IGG) te areally good student ‘The DVDs are /is popular. 2 She's /'m next to the window. 3 Heisn't/ aren't from France. 4 Weisn't /aren't bad students. 5 You's/'re really popular! 6 He 'mnot/ isn't in the classroom. 7 Are /\s you good at English? 8 Are /Is your dictionary under the chair? 9 Are//Am the questions difficult? 10 Are the books interesting? Yes, they're / they are. Are younext to the window? — Va, fin not. . . 1 it smal? : 2 ok) Rewrite the sentences using the negative. 2 the bags on the desk? 1'm English im noe English 3 coon the laptop cheap? 1 The video games are very popular. 4 Cee aa 7 8 nue th@ exercise easy? Ce eee 4 Gc # Complete the interview using the correct a form of be. 3 The teacher's car is expensive. Jack 4/eyoua student, Toby? : Toby Yes, (1) 4 The CD player is in the classroom. Jack (2) you twelve years old? 2 os ‘Toby No, | (3) (a) thirteen, 5 You're in my class. Jack (5) = your school interesting? es Toby Yes, it(6) Butit(7) easy. 6 We're from Rome. Jack (8) your teachers nice? —— Toby Yes, they (9). They (10). very 7 English is a difficult language. interesting. They (11) boring! ' JaCK (12) conven YOU and your friencls good students? Toby Yes, we (13). !We (14)... really nice! Starter unit Vocabulary Free time 1 “&___)Find eleven more interests. Write the words below. sok) Complete the words in the text. Hi, my name's Ella and 1m 13.1'minto msicand (ip. | prefer (2) m. friends to Be. onthe internet, and I'm really into (4) ¢. too. My brother Max is 15. He kes (6) w ‘Tand playing (6). interested in (7). games. He isn't very Ge) Write sentences. Use the words in exercise 1. V'minterested “te oe Jn interested in animals. 1 BAD“ ey 2 rmnotinto Nb + matoy reese, Fel oto Use the interests from exercise 1 to complete the sentences about you. I'm interested in computer games and chatting on the internet. 1 ike - 2 I prefer a a 4 V'mnot into - Grammar have got Choose the correct words. \Wef've)/'s got a ticket for the match on Sunday. 1 [ve got /'s got three dogs and a cat. 2 My friend got /’s got an expensive camera, 3 Jodie haven't / hasn't got a CD by Mariah Carey. 4 You haven't got / not have got long hair. 5 Alex and Jake haven't got / hasn't got a football 6 Have / Has you got a book about art? 2 dk) Write affirmative or negative sentences using have got. three computer games [ve got vhree compurer games. 1 they /anew CD 2 my brother /not /a bike 3 we/ not /a laptop 4 Ann and James / big dog 3. isk ) Write questions and short answers using, have got. you / CD player X Have you got a CD player? No, | havent. 1 the teacher / a bike X 2 Daniel / an interesting book / 3 we/anice teacher / 4 they /a dictionary X 00 °o8 Prepositions: about, of, by 4 5 ot) What has Ben got? Look at the list and write He's got or He hasn’t got. Then complete the sentences with about, of or by. Hes got aDVD about eyciing. 1 oo aD Usher. 2 abook. Photography. 3 aD... _--Rihanna. 4 . aposter. Bart Simpson. oelng DVD Usher (Df Photography book K Rhanna DK Sart Simpson poster f SIO Write true affirmative and negative sentences. Use have got / haven't got or has got /hasn’t got. My mother has got-a book about animals, My father hasn't gat a CD by the Sugababes. 1h. 2 We 3 My teacher 4 My friends. 1 Your interests 00 o@ Vocabulary Interests: word groups 1 %& > Complete the words. reggae Then You as 4woboute 7 et 2] (eset) 6) ieee eto et tote 3 org. m. 6 Poco 9 Mw, 2 dk > Complete the emails with the words in the box. actor programme films spert hiphop DVDs player heavy metal computers Name: Lewis Evans Age:12 ‘Town: Chester, UK Name: Megan Maltby Age:13 ‘Town: Narooma, Australia Interests:1'm really into Interests: really like musi sport, especially especially (5) football, and my favourite and (6) @. is Cristiano Fve got a lot of music Ronaldo. 'm also interested . -I'malso in TVand cinema. My into chatting on the favourite (2) is internet with my friends. The Simpsons. 'm also into ‘Atschool we're all into ‘American (3) and Ilike the @) and we've gota good website about @, ‘Tom Cruise, What are your interests? ‘our class. Are you into music and computers? 3. Sok Replace the word which doesn’t match 4 440% Write a word group for one of your with a word from the box. interests. For example: animals, art, books or TV. team actor email handball reggae Aandball tennis mouse football cricket 1 match heavymetal hiphop pop 2 programme film team soap opera 3 website mouse heavymetal printer _ 4 player email referee match Grammar 1 3 Interrogative pronouns “k__ Complete the interrogative pronouns. Then match the questions with the answers. ce ee ere oe 2 Wh..t's your name? —— b Canada. 3 Wh..'syourfavourite actor? ¢ Two. 4 Hw .Idare you? d-10th November, 5 Wh...n's your birthday? 6 H..wm..ny brothers and sisters have you got? e George Clooney. f Twelve, 5X Complete the quiz questions. Then choose the correct answers. Sports quiz ‘How many players are ina hockey team? ‘a seven (b eleven) € fifteen 1 isthe footballer Lionel Messi from? f@ Argentina bb France ¢ Italy 2 Is the sport of basketball? 18 40 years old B 80 yearsold © 120 years old 8 eens the Wimbledon tennis tournament? a April b June c September 4 coo is the name of the Manchester United football stadium? 44 Stamford Bridge W Anfield © Old Trafford § wis the sister of tennis player Venus Williams? f@ Serena b Marina © Katrina 295 Write questions. Then write answers that are true for you. what /name/? Whats your name? My namels Sam 1. when / birthday /? 2 what / favourite colour /? 8 how old / best friend /? 4 who / favourite pop star /? 5 how many /CDs/? Demonstrative pronouns 4 dick Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with This, That, These or Those. ee This is my new friend, George. aed -! an is very expensive! are my A Jessica and Kate. a 3 ‘computer game is very good! | Us) photo is really cool. al boys are from my school. Cay Dictation 5 kk Maria Kart - Maria Kart Maria @ 402 Listen and write. Kart 1 Your interests 12 00 °@ Reading 1 %& _) Read the text. Who has got a website about their favourite thing? Favourite things A Simon What's my favourite thing? My bike! 'm really into cycling, I've got a fantastic bike ~ it’s old but its very good. like cycling in the mountains with my friends. I’m interested in sport, especially tennis. I'ma big Wimbledon fan, B Karen P'ma pop music fan and my favourite thing isan old CD by Kylie Minogue. It’s called Fever. I've got sixty pop and hip hop CDs but Feveris my favourite, C Lulu and Anna ‘We're mad about animals and we've ‘got a dog called Ollie. He's our favourite ‘thing’! We're also into photography. We've got hundreds of photos of Ollie on the computer and he's got his own website ~ Ollie’ World. 2 ck) Read the text again. Match topics 1-5 with paragraphs A-C. animals ¢ 8 asingor 1 pop music 4 sport 2 cycling 5 photography Sek) Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? Simon's bike is new. false 1 Simon tikes Wimbledon. 2 Karen's into reggae music, 3 Karen's favourite CD is Fever. 4 Lulu and Anna are interested in photography. 5 Ole's World is the name of a book, sci Answer the questions. Write complete sentences. What are Simon's interests? ‘His interests are cycling and tennis. 1. What has Simon got? 2 What's Karen's favourite thing? 3 What's the name of Lulu and Anna's dog? 4, How many photos of the dog have Lulu and Anna got? Build your vocabulary 9% ) Choose the correct words. 1 'mmad about / especially photography but | haven't got a camera 2 ‘Are you good at / mad about drawing?” ‘No, I'm really bad!” 3 My sister likes books, especially / good at books about animals. 4 I'mespecially Chelsea / a Chelsea fan. They're my favourite team, Writing Language point: and, or, but 1% Choose the correct words. Like cycling ud or haven't got abike. 1 My dad is into drawing and / but watching films on TV. 2 Carmen has got her laptop and / but she hasn’t got her mobile phone. 8 Do you prefer cycling but / or running? 4. I've got two hobbies ~ tennis and / or handball 5 |'mnot mad about computer games but / or chatting on the internet. Task oo o@ 2 e%_ Complete the sentences. P've got two white cats and a black dog. 1 She's interested in photography but 2 We're into manga comics and 8 mot mad about rOCk OF an 4 Peter hasn't got a sister but 5 Do you prefer blue or... nee 3 Gok > Read the notes about the actor Orlando Bloom. Then complete the text. Name: Orlando Bloom From: Canterbury, UK Family: sister, Samantha Pets: two dogs, Essa and Sidi Hobbies: surfing, snowboarding Not interested in: computers, the internet Favourite actors: johnny Depp, Brad Pitt Favourite food: pizza or pasta All about Orlando Orlando Bloom is a famous actor and he’s in the film Pirates of the Caribbean. Orlando has got allot of fans in different countries. “422 10% Canterbury, a small city in the UK. w one Hr name's ‘Samantha, He's mad about animals and @ . - . Their names are Essa and Sidi. He's also into sport ~ he likes (3) . « co computers, or chatting to people on the internet. He prefers, meeting his friend ‘Athome, Orlando likes watching films or DVDs ~ his favourite actors are (5) He likes it prefers (6) acafé, in restaurants and he usually 4 Gctck Write about a brother, sister or friend. Use the text in exercise 3 to help you. 1 Your interests: 14 oo : °® Progress review , My evaluation How much do you know? Do the exercises and then circle your own evaluation. 8 (need 60 try shis again 88 Scould do this better. SO (am happy with this. $8 Ican do this very wel Grammar have got 1 Complete the table. Then choose the correct word to complete the rule. ‘Affirmative 17 You / We / You / They (1) gota CD by U2. He/ She 2) got a DVD about animals. Negative 17 You / We / You /They () sgotan art book. He / She (6) got a poster of New York. Questions ©) nel /You/ we / you/ they got a website? © he/she got a good computer game? have got is used to talk about habits / possession / obligation. Prepositions: about, of, by 2 Complete the sentences with about, of or by. 1 This film is... martial art, 2 She's got a lotof CDs........... Oasis. 3 Thisis a photo my favourite actor. Interrogative pronouns 3 Read the answers and complete the questions. How old When Howmany Where What 's your father from?" ‘Portugal” . is the English exam?* ‘On Thursday.” are you?’ ‘Eleven.’ brothers have you got?" Two." os on 's your favourite DVD?" ‘Titanic.’ Demonstrative pronouns 4 Complete the sentences. Use this or these. 1 isn't my camera. 2 Avo your CDs? 3 Hove op group. 4 are my friends. 5 Complete the sentences. Use that or those. 115 ‘your book? 2 ‘are my computer games. 8 ‘n't my brother. 4 We yourbikes? My evaluation: 8 83 Translation 6 Translate the sentences. 1 We haven't got a cat or a dog, 2 What's your favourite colour? 3. How many brothers and sisters have you got? 4 Has he got a camera? 5 ve got a photo of my friend. 6 Who's your favourite actor? a0 ao oe My evaluation: 89 88 33 Vocabulary 7 Translate the words. Free time animals : — art books - chatting on the internet computer games eyeing martial arts meeting friends music photography sport - watching TV Interests: word groups Computers. email mouse website ‘Music group - heavy metal coe hip hop reggae Sport handball player team - TVand cinema actor DvD fil programme aoe My evaluation: 00 @o Communication 8 Match questions 1-7 with answers a-g. 1 'minto hip hop. What about you? Have you got any interests? Have you got a book about football?” Who's your favourite singer? 5 Do you prefer basketball or tennis? Have you got a pet? Neoanen Have you got a poster of Rafael Nadal? - Yes, have. I've got a white cat. ar Like pop music. Tennis. I'm not into basketball. ao No, I haven't. | prefer Fernando Verdasco. © I'minterested in martial ats and surfing Yes, Ihave, I's very interesting 4@ M'mafan of Enrique Iglesias. ‘Complete the dialogue. Use the phrases in the box. How are things See youlater then Good to meet you What part of Australia This is Sam Are you into photography Maria Hello, Karl (1) 2 Karl Not bad, thanks. (2) He's my cousin. He's from Australia. Maria Hi, Sam. (3) = Sam And you. Hey, that's a cool camera, ® —? Maria Yes, but 'm not very good. (8) nae are you from? Sam t'm{rom Sydney, Maria That's interesting. (6) Sam Yeah, See you later, My evaluation: 1 Your interests Vocabulary Places in a city 1) Look at the pictures and choose the correct words. 1 internet café / cinema er ge Doar PETER Gports cenirey shopping centre 2 restaurant / shops 3 factory / hospital it 4 school / park 5 train station / library 2 4k > Complete the sentences with words from exercise 1. She's got avery bad leg. She's ina 26.4.0 1 He hasn't got a laptop. He's in ani 2 They like films. They're at the c. 3 like meeting friends at the s. 4 ‘really like books. I'm inal 5 We prefer football. We're in the p. 6 It's Monday morning. They're at s... 16 1) Look at the picture. Write four more sentences about places you can see and four sentences about places you can’t see. deto® Complete the sentences about your town. My town has got a 2us ration. 1. Myhouse is near . a 2 Myschool isnext to 3 Theresa... inmy town 4 Thereisn'ta oo : ‘5 My mum likes the library, but | prefer the Grammar there is, there are + a, an, some and any 3 1 sk) Choose the correct words. ‘There(Sn'?/ aren't a cinema in my town. 1 There's /are some shops. There are / aren't any parks near the school. 2 3 ‘Is/ Are there any expensive flats?’ 'Yes, there is / are.’ 4 ‘There's a / any factory near the train station. 5 ‘Are /Is there a park near the city centre?" ‘No, there is/isn't! 6 There are /isn’t a sports centre in my town. 7 ‘Are there an / any offices?” "Yes, there are fifty.” dk > Write affirmative (/) and negative (x) sentences using there is / there are. Use a, some orany. Y supermarket Theres a supermarket. 1 7 schools 4 2 Xinternet cafés 8 X restaurant near the cinema 4 V library next to the supermarket 5 Kactories 6 ¥ train station 7 Xshops at the rain station Is there ...?, Are there .. deok Write questions and answers. supermarket / yes Us there a supermarket?" ‘yes, there ts.’ restaurants / three ‘How many restaurants are there?” ‘There are three! 1. schools / wo 2 internet cafés / no 3 flats /yes 4 library / no ok 458 Write questions and sentences using words from the lists. two park inmy town a shops inyourtown many ‘ibraries near the schoo! an office next to the park any schools where live some cinemas where you live four restaurant are there Are there any cinemas where you Ive? 1 Are there a 2 2 Isthere 2 8 How. - 2 4 There are 5 Theres .. 6 There aren't a 7 Thereisn't 2 City to city 00 08 Vocabulary 3 Gok) Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with an adjective. a Adjectives: places 1 Ge _) Order the letters to make adjectives. drenmo — modern dio se trepyt tyrid 1 The library is very nacle ygui drensogau feas sniyo 2 eernoanan flunderiny 10 tique 11 delifyrn 8 The shop is really 2 O6% Look at the picture and correct the adjectives. 4 The parkis really 5 The buildings in the - city are very. 4 cick Complete the sentences using adjectives from exercise 1 and very, quite and really. live in avery modern, friendly city, old My school is a very medorn building. Our classroom 1 Hive ona. street. is really clean and the students are very quiet. My eee 3 Myschoolis a = teacher is quite ugly, and she's really nice and building. unfriendly, 4 The students are nen 5 The shopping centre near my house / that is 18 Grammar Comparative adjectives 1 ok) Write the comparative form of the adjectives. sate safer 1 quiet 6 pretty 2 good ... 7 ugly 3 bad ec 4 diny 9 dangerous 5 big 10 cheap 2%) Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. Martial arts ave more exciting than watching TV. (exciting) 1 The people in my town . the people in your town. (friendly) 2 Dan's hobby... eevee Pete's hobby. (Gangerous) 3. My schoo! your school. (noisy) 4 Wilson Street Watson Street. (quiet) 5 Thehouses the fats. (moder) 3. kek ) Correct the sentences. My school is rhore duet than your school. My school is quieter than yaur school 1. Computer games are more exciting that watching TV. X 2 The library is rhodemer than the cinema. X 3. The sports centre is dlityer than the shopping centre. X 4 The train station is rhote hoisy than the bus station. X 5 My flats Giger than your flat. X (ele) o@ 4 cick Read the description of two towns, Westor and Kinton. Then write sentences about them using the comparative form of the adjectives. Weston isn’t a nice town. Itisn't clean, and it's very noisy land dangerous. In Weston, people are really unfriendly. Weston is an ugly town, but its flats aren't very expensive. Kinton is a realy pretty town and it isn't noisy. i's safe and clean too, and the people are really friendly. But it {n't cheap. Flats in Kinton are really expensive! (noisy) Weston és noisier than Kinton. 1 (quiet) 2 (clean) 2 - 8 (dangerous)... 4 (safe) 5 (ugly)... — a 6 (cheap) 7 (expensive) SD 4 Prepositions: by and on 5 ‘&%« > Complete the sentences using by or It’s cheaper 4y bus. 1 Arotum ticket the trains £15.20. 2. Paris is two hours from here plane. 3 It's about twenty minutes to the shops car. 4 How much is a single ticket the coach? 5 It's more dangerous on foot than car Dictation 6 sek (403 Listen and write. 2 City to city 20 oo o@ Reading 1o* Read the text. Tick (/) the box. Dan's ideal place is ... a C1 London b C1 thesritish ses ¢ L] sar Pete ti att A I'm from London, but I live on Sark, an island in the British Isles, B London is a fantastic city; it’s really big, with spectacular buildings and luxury shops. But it’s noisy. I'm not into cities —I prefer quieter places. € Sark is really small, 5.45 km? and its population is small too. There are only about 600 people on the island, There are some small shops and restaurants, one or two offices and one school. But the ineredible thing is there are no cars! D Sark is ideal for eycling, and it’s a popular place for tourists, It's really pretty and there are a lot of animals, E_ I’m interested in eycling and photography, not shopping or expensive cars. That’s why my home is here in Sark, not London. I's the perfect place forme. 2 sek ) Read the text again. Match topics 1-4 with paragraphs A-E. About the island © 11 Why Dan likes Sark 2 Why people are interested in visiting Sark. 8 Where Dan fives, 4 AboutLondon 3 ek Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? Dan tives on Sark, sre 1 Sarkis anisland. 2 Sark is big and noisy. 8 There are no cars on Sark. 4. Sark isn’t popular for eycting. 5 Sark isn't ugly. 6 Danis into shopping and driving fast cars. 4 ki Answer the questions. Write complete sentences. Where does Dan live? He lives on Sark, an island in the British Isles. 1. Why does Dan think London is a good place to live? 2 Why doosn't Dan like living in cities? 3 What is special about Sark? 4. What do tourists like doing on Sark? 5 What is Dan interested in? Build your vocabulary 5 ok Order the letters to make adjectives and complete the text. Ruth has got a(1) (nic fastat) job. She works in a big office in the centre of London. Her office is clean and modern. I's on the twenty-first floor in an 2)(ciblernide) building. The view from her window is (@)paccseaturl There's an ((mesonorw oo» Festaurant with space for five hundred people. Ruth lives near her office ina()yuxuly . flat. Writing Language point: position of adjectives 1 4 Rewrite the sentences with the adjective 2“ _) Order the words to make sentences. tn the coment Dlewes dirty 1m /bus station /a/in I've got acar. (expensive) Jn ina dirty bus station. eee 1 car / very / Jason / got /a/ expensive / has 1 The Burj Dubai Tower is a building, (spectacular) . 2 alot of /my/there are / friendly / people / town / in 2 Thisisa train station. (very old) ~ ~ oe 8 exciting / New York / really /is/ city a 8 There’s a park near here. (pretty) = " 4 modern / library /in / the / building /is /a 4 My schools next to some flats. (uxury) . ce 7 5 5 city / pretty there /is /a/the / park /near/ centre 5 There are some girls at my school. (relly unfriendly) Task 3° o% ) Read Paul's information about Newcastle. Then complete the text. Hi, 'm Paul and my favourite citys Mewes. W's in Favourite city: Newcastle : thet) and it's Location: north-east of Enghhd Distance from London: #00 kilometres ® from London. Its quite a big Population: 290,000 city and there are (3) ones OBIE living Facihttes: parks, modern shopp there. There are (4) centres . and its a great place (6)... : Advantages: 00d tor shopping Football team: Newcastle United Dadi eae - City: really exciting Newcastle United. I'm one of their fans! Newcastle Is a People: very triendly ” ‘and the people are ® 4 48 Write a description of a city. Use the text in exercise 3 to help you. 2 City to city 00 : °® Progress review My evaluation How much do you know? Do the exercises and then circle your own evaluation. 88 ‘need 00 try this again 88, I could do this better. Jat happy with ehis. Jan do this very well 90, ‘ge oo ‘EPS 2 Grammar Comparative adjectives there is, there are +a, an, some and any 3 Write the comparative forms of the adjectives. 1 Complete the table. Then choose the correct eee ah vane ee word to complete the rule, nai Aiinretive Short adjectives Singular. There (1) park near here 7 Plural There @) people in the library Long adjectives | Negative Invegular — Singular: There @) sports centr. Plural There (@) shops here. Prepositions: by and on there is / there are is used to talk about the 4 Correct the sentences if necessary. existence / use / possession of something 1. How faris the train station by foot? 2 I's about thirty minut bo Is there ...?, Are there ‘s ity minutes on car, 3. A single ticket by the train is £12.50. .. 2 Look at the table and write questions and short 4 I's cheaper by bus than by train, answers. shops [threo | libraries | two My evaluation: 68 85 88 schools | / hospital x park x internet café | 7 Translation cea we “5 Translate the sentences. ee ‘Yes, oe 1 There's a big park near my flat. 3 ‘Is there : ~ ne 4 on 2 Miguel is older than Juan, 5 eee, ae 6 ‘ 3 There aren't any nice shops here. 4 The library is more modern than the sports centre. 5 Is there a good restaurant near your office? 22 Grammar Present simple: affirmative and negative 1) Choose the correct words. My father(@aches) teach German and alan 1 Nuria and Carmen practises / practise their English every day. 2 My brother doesn’t understand / don’t understand the words to that song, 3 My cousin speaks / speak five languages. 4 Sergio and Victor don't study / don't studies a lot athome. 5 luses /use my dictionary in class and at home, 6 We doesn’t / don't like grammar or pronunciation, 7 I doesn't / don't know the answer. 2 dok_) Complete the text using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Language file HilMy name's Motiammed. im twelve and fm from Casablanca in Morocco. pea (speak) three lenguages— Arabic, French ang English. At home, we abways a (use) Arebic or French —my parents o (not speak) English VB) en - {0} international school andwe (4) (speak) French in class. We also (5) (study) English for four or five hours a week. My teacher, Monsieur Joubert, is very clever — he) (speak) sixlanguages, but he a {not speak) very good Arabic! ‘Sometimes my best friend Yusut (8) ‘Arabic in class, but Monsieur Joubert (8) (not understand)! =) ok) Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. like use study go do watch read rene does her homework with a friend. 1. Ainhoa and Laia toa language school on ‘Mondays. 2 Lucas alot when he's got an exam. 8 We... English pop songs. 4 My grandmother is from Poland and she films in Potish, 5 Olivier and Pascal French books with their fathor, 61 grammar book and a dictionary in my ltalian class. ski What do these students do after schoo! every day? Look at the table. Write four affirmative and four negative sentences. [James] Lucy ead books and comics athome | / ‘study Spanish ata language school play football with friends x v ‘go to music lessons A chat onthe internet with fends | / x home. ‘watch DVDs at home x [ATS [=] SPs James reads Looks and comics at Lucy dames .... - Lucy James and Lucy sor Lucy doesnt read books and comics at home. James Lucy - a - James exon James and Lucy 8 Language oO 08 Vocabulary Verbs: learning languages 4 5 > Find nine more verbs. v[alt[c[H]o]vle[K[R [tT iz[cli[s[tle[nfalolele 1 clAlc[k|m|alolFlwivlo BI wlelH[yfolals|klol i {a} 3 Flale{olaly[x|t[z[s[s miolclolwlali[tlelelt u r[t{k[e[u|t[elelAlt|w e cfs[1[w[e|m [i[zle 6 3X Complete the text using the correct form of the verbs in the box. ask do ge listen precise Bye read revise understand use watch wile ay 33 Write five sentences about your language learning strategies. Use verbs from exercise 1. Ido homework every day. 26 2 dek_) Find the word that doesn’t match. read / do / write: a book memorize / listen to / ask: pop songs. read / go / write: an email ask / check / do: homework. memorize / revise / go: vocabulary for an exam ‘check /listen to / read: the grammar reference watch / check / revise: the spelling rules My homework ‘At seven o'clock every evening,1g0 to my bedroom and, all my homeworkon the desk there, My sister’ name is Caroline and her bedroom isnext to my room, She 2) {ohip hop musicand 8 TV-she's very noisy! But she's also very friendly. When Ive gota problem witha question ora word, 1a) we (5) her for help. fit'sa very dlfficult word, adictionary or areference book. My mum and dad also help me with homework. They lke languages and they (6) Spanish and Italian with me. My mum isnt very good, but that’s OK. She ” me when I speak slowly to her! When there are school exams, 1(8) every day fortwo hours. 1(9) books again and | (10) notebook, all my class information in my Grammar Present simple: questions 1 Ok _) Complete the sentences with do or does. Do you speak French and Portuguese? your cousin understand Spanish? ‘Marta and Lola go to a language school? he read English comios? son YOU like Italian or Chinese food? Your friends live in Madrid? they practise English in class? _. she like heavy metal music? 2 de ) Order the words to make questions. like / do / you / your / school /new /? Do you ke your new school? 1 near the / school / you/live / do /? 2 you/ speak / English /do/? 8 like / you / do / animals /? 4 your / friend / does / football /like /? 8 your / work / parents / do/? 3. ek > Answer the questions in exercise 2 about you. yes, Ido, oO oe Subject and object pronouns 4 ‘kk Complete the sentences. Use a subject or object pronoun. The teacher asks 1s difficult questions. 1 Maria and Carmen are very nice. | like alot. 2 That's Mr Carter. He teaches ‘Spanish. 3 ‘Where are Ben and Amy?" * ..--. ‘reat school.” 4 Antonio Banderas is great. really ike 5 uses a dictionary in class every day. 5 (cick Write answers that are true for you. Include subject and object pronouns in your answers. Do you listen to British rock music? yes, Vlove it. tis great! 6 Do you read Japanese manga comics? No, | dont lke them. Theyre boring. e3 1. Do you watch Spanish films? 2 Do you read Harry Potter books? 3 Do you like Enrique Iglesias? 4 Do you watch American football? 5 Do you goto basketball matches? Dictation 6 de > @4.04 Listen and write. Emma a Luke Emma Luke oo EMU nen Luke a — Emma cn 3 Language 28 OO o@ Reading 1%) Read the text. How many national languages are mentioned? Tick (/) the box. all tor pC) tive 6 CO) six sand Hi, Erint A. T'min the Canadian city of Montreal with my mum, and dad. It’ a fantastic city. My aunt lives here and we're with her fora month, B_ Montreal isa very interesting place. It’s the biggest bilingual city in the world ~a lot of people speak English and French, People speak to me in French in the shops, but when I don't understand they speak in perfect English! € Mum speaks good French, and she practises every day. She doesn't understand the Canadian French, pronunciation, D Montreal is very friendly and there are people from many different countries. We go to Italian cafés in the ‘Little Italy’ part of the city or to Chinese restaurants in the ‘Chinatown’ area, E_ My favourite place is the Mount Royal Park it’s got a spectacular view of the city. Lots oflove, Rosa 2 ok _) Read the text again. Match topics 1-4 with paragraphs A-E. Places to eat D 1 Family aon 8 Aplace to visit 2 Different languages 4 Rosa's mother 3% Read the text again. Complete the sentences. Rosa is in Canada. 1 Rosaisin Montreal with her 2 She's in Montreal for... . weeks. 8 People in Montreal speak... - 4 Rosa's mother doesn’t understand 5 Rosa's favourite place is the 4 cick’ Answer the questions. Write complete sentences. ‘Where does Rosa's aunt live? She tives in Montreal 1 How long is Rosa with her aunt? 2. What does Rosa think of Montreal? 8 What does Rosa's mother do every day? 4 Where does Rosa eat? 5 Why does Rosa lke the Mount Royal Park? Build your vocabulary 5 cx _) Complete the sentences using the third person singular form of the verbs in the box. know speak study teach 1 Miket the answer to the second question, 2 My father at abig school in Madrid. 3 She Mandarin at home with her family 4 Candelais five, but she language school in town, English at a Writing Language point: punctuation 1 Ge) Rewrite the sentences using the correct 2 ck) Rewrite the sentences using commas, full capital letters. stops and capital letters. my teacher likes british and american fms. hugo speaks spanish portuguese german and arabic My teacher tikes British and American films. he doesn't speak mandarin Hugo speaks Spanish, Portuguese, German and 1 at school, we speak german and english. Arabic. He doesnt speak Mandarin. 1 lucy is american she comes from new york. 2 there's a fantastic chinese restaurantin valencia. 2 like tennis golf and cycling I don't lke football 8. my cousin is from italy and he speaks italian. 8 there are students from france italy and china 4 we study french on wednesdays and thursdays. Task nee oe 3. Gek )Carais on aGerman language course | eq, Rebecca, | in Berlin, She writes a letter to her friend Pm on a German language course fortwo weeks. I's pret! soul Ne lee Loe eure noes a Inmy class rhere are fifteen students from four eee different countries. They ae (1) ieeeaee, “The stds in my 188s (2) nome 15 students / 4 different countries (England, Spain, tealy, Japan) ~ : an ae ar My level (3) a re Languages: Spanish friend Paula speaks (4) German / English / Spanioh /teallan/ want to (5) Japanese " Level of German: think it’s a good idea to (6) me-quite good i : my Spanish friend Paula ~ excellent See yous0on, ‘Things for me to improve: Caraxx German pronunciation ei German vocabulary Language learning strategies: 4. Jo Imagine that you go to a language course listen tothe radio in Florida in the USA. Write a letter to a friend read German newspapers about your class and your Engl 8 Language 30 oo ( °® Progress review My evaluation How much do you know? Do the exercises and then circle your own evaluation. 88 (need to ery this again, G8 (Could do this better, 8S Jam happy with this. $88 “exam co this very well Grammar Present simple 1 Complete the table. Then choose the correct, word to complete the rule. do does doesn't don't read speaks Affirmative 1 You / We / You / They (1) He/She (2) HRalian and German. comics in English, Negative 17 You/ We / You / They (3) He/She (4) use a dictionary. {g0 to language school ‘Questions @ |/you/ we / you / they speak Arabic? @— he/she practise English at home? ‘The present simple is used to talk about habits / possession / obligation. 2 Write the third person singular form of the verbs. 1 understand revise do listen watch 2 3 4 5 6 live 7 finish . 8 teach 9 write 0 10 use - 11 speak. 2 12 go ese Subject and object pronouns 3 Complete the sentences with a subject or object pronoun. 11 Olle is in my class. I speak to... every day. 2 This is my teacher, Mrs Burton. She teaches English. 3 like that book. is very interesting. 4 That's our football Please give it to... 5 Pabloismy cousin. I chat to onthe internet, 6 Those are cool shoes. | really Ike My evaluation: $8 $3 Translation 4 Translate the sentences, 1 use a dictionary at schoo! 2 They don't read comics in — 6 oes hie Chinese ott 4 Fraistom Asal weet hat 5 Isabel doesn’t understand Italian. 6 Do you watch DVDs in English? Myevaluation: 58 83 &: Vocabulary 5 Translate the words. 6 Countries, nationalities and languages ‘American Australia - ‘Australian Brazil Brazilian British a a Canada - Canadian China, Chinese - - Htalian ttaly Japan vapanese ee cee Moroccan... cn Morocco oo Peru Peruvian Poland - ce Polish Spain Spanish veneer o thE UK one the USA a Verbs: learning languages ask . check do (homework) 0 (10 SCHOO!) ann a Histon (tO) een - memorize nano practise read revise understand use watch ~ o WEE one - My evaluation: 88 88 88 S$ Communication Match questions 1-8 with answers ah. 1 How do you say ‘eleven’ in French? Sorry, can you say that again? How do you spell that? Does your teacher know any Portuguese? Does your brother go to a language school? Do you understand Mandarin? Do your friends practise English? Does your sister do homework? Yes, he does. cs I think it's ‘onze’. © No, I don't. I think i's a dificult language. A ONZE. € Yes, of course — ‘onze’ Yes, they do. 49 Yes, she does, every night h Yes, my teachers from Porto. Complete the dialogue. Use the phrases in the box. Doyouknow How do you spell that but I'mnot sure No, sorry, Idon't Thanks very much, I think David (1) the capital of Australia?” Lily @) = vo David (3) (a) a Emma Itisn’t Sydney. It's Canberra, its Sydney, David Yes, that’s right (6) 2 Emma C-A-N-B-E-R-RA. David (6) 20 ge se 6 Myevaluation: 89 88 $8 8 Language 31 32 Vocabulary Seasons and months Gk Choose the correct words. My birthday isfn)/ on August. 1. The weather is bad in summer / winter. 2 Thanksgiving is in /on Noverber. 3. Valentine's Day is in /on 14th February. 4 St Patrick's Day is in March / April. ‘5. The month of Aprilis in spring / autumn. 6 21st June / September is the frst day of summer. ok Complete the table with the seasons and months. Gok Write the dates. 25103 she ewenty-fifeh of March VATA oon 20802 oosnnnnnniinnninnnnnnnen . 3 31/08 4 07/05 5 10/01 6 22/04 7 14/06 8 05/12 ‘cic Answer the questions, Write complete sentences. When is Christmas Day? (date) Christmas Day is on 25th December. When is All Saints’ Day? (date) 6 When is your best friend's birthday? (date) Grammar Present simple with wh- questions. 1 se) Choose the correct words. What TV programmes(o)/ does you watch? 1 Where do they go / goes on New Year's Eve? 2 How does she travels / travel to work? 3 When does / do winter start? 4 Who do / does you walk / walks to school with? 5 What time does / do the football match starts / start? Ge Look at the pictures and complete the questions. bs ases What do we celebrate 1 a does he live? on 25th December? Lr en 2 does she 3 = do you walk travelto school? Car_——_to school with? Lucy or or bike? Emma? 4 isthenext 5 school holiday? languages do you speak? --dothey 7 sports do they do? OO @o oi) Write the questions. what timo /the film / start /? What time dees the film start? 1 where /she / live /? 2 how /you/ travel /to the city centre /? 3 what / they / eat /for lunch /? 4 when / you/ celebrate / your birthday / 2 5 who/he/ visit /on Christmas Day /? 6 which / football tea / you / like /? sec Write questions for the answers in bold. Where do they hve? ‘They live in Madrid, 1 soon I travel to work on the bus. She likes me, but she doesn't like you! School starts at 8.30, We celebrate St Patrick's Day on 17th March. 6 - - He goes to Granada in the summer. { visit Jessica in the autumn, ‘They get up at 11.00. Ban | go to Fairford High School. 4 Days and dates 34 00 o@ Vocabulary Daily routines 1%) Complete the puzzle with daily routines verbs. What is the verb in grey? @folr [o[s[e][ofo[e H B K Pa] [tr] [8 ry =] i ft D N fe t E Fw] 4 2 ok Find the mistakes and rewrite the sentences. Use the pictures to help you. ‘Adam and Jody goto school. Adam and Jody make ainner. 1 The boys have lunch before school. 2 Jack helps his father. 3 Giles exercises at eleven o'clock, 4 Paolo sleeps at eight o'clock. 5 Evagoes to bed every ‘morning. 3 Gc Complete the text using the correct form of the verbs in the box. notgo notmake not sleep exercise getup sleep gotobed help have Nangy’s day | seep in a room with iy sisters. We a - at six o'clock and we 2) our parents before , we (3) breakfast. We “ ones to School: our lessons are on the internet. We (5) alot: I play football with my sisters. | 6 dinner in the evening. ‘Mum makes it. At ten o'clock in the evening, we (7) But | (8) ~|read comics! cA © Write affirmative and negative sentences about yourself. get up /8.00 Idont get up at 8.00. 1 get up at 6.5, do homework /after school /do homework after school 1 exercise /8.30 2 walk /to school have lunch /at schoo! 4. make dinner /for my parents 5 sleep /in a small oom 6 gotobed/ 10.00 Grammar Adverbs of frequency 1 ©) Write the adverbs of frequency. always never notoften often sometimes usually 00000 reer 00008 0001 c0eee or 2. ok Order the words to make sentences. the library / often / Matia /in isn't Maria isnt often in the library. 1 to'school / sometimes / walk / | 2 usually / friendly / are / they 3 at home /has lunch / Peter / never 4 the internet café /he / in / usually /is, 5 by bus / travel /we / often / don't 3. dok# Write sentences with adverbs of frequency that are true for you. make / breakfast J never make breakfast. 1+ walk / home 2 lessons / interesting 8 friends / noisy 4 exercise / at school 00 like + noun, like + -ing 4 &% Look at the information about Anna and write questions and answers. fove [ke | not [hate mind getting up 7 1 | exercising [v 2 | rap music v 3 | computer games [ v 4| singing | v 5 | dancing vi 6 | carnivals v Dictation 5 ok @ 409 Listen and write. Katio - Jack sentence - Katie Jack even Katie nnn Jack 4 Days and dates 36 oO o@ Reading 1 %&__)Read the text. Tick (7) the box. World Vegetarian Day is a celebration of a 1 books b 1 tood ¢ C1] competitions World Veget: By Luke (13) ‘On Ist October there's a big party in my town. ‘There's also a celebration in our house, What's itall for? World Vegetarian Day. In my town there are lots of things to do: there are competitions, films and dancing. There's loads of vegetarian food, and people buy books about it too, Children celebrate at school, and some of them eat vegetarian food for the first time, They aren't always mad about it, but they're happy ~ a party is more interesting than lessons! ‘And me? My family are vegetarians — we never ‘eat meat, In the evening our friends visit us and. Mam and Dad make an enormous vegetarian dinner. We eat, drink and have a party! World Vegetarian Day is a great day for us, and a fantastic one for animals too! 2 ck) Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? ‘There isn't a celebration in Luke's house, 1. People dance in the town, - 2 Children always love vegetarian food. 8 Parties are OK, but children prefer lessons. 4 Luke only eats vegetarian food 5 Luke's friends go to his house in the evening, 6 World Vegetarian Day is bad for animals. ‘false 3 SEX Read the text again. Answer the questions. When is World Vegetarian Day? st October. 1, What do people buy on World Vegetarian Day? 2 Where do children celebrate? 3 What do people eat on World Vegetarian Day? 4 Does Luke ever eat meat? 5 Does Luke like World Vegetarian Day? 4 ck) Complete the summary with the words in the box. buy celebration dance dinner evening films food like meat schools town ‘On World Vegetarian Day there's a celebration in Luke's house. In the (1)... there's alot of vegetarian (2). to eat. There are ‘competitions, and people (3). books, watch (4). aNd they (5) oennenoonne In) ildron celebrate too. Some children (7) vegetarian food, but some children aren’t mad about it. Luke and his family don't eat (8) «In the (9) they have a (10)... with their fronds. Build your vocabulary 5 dex Choose the correct words. 1 We always celebrate / celebration my birthday. 2 There's a big celebrate / celebration at Easter. 3 There's a parade / parade at the vegetarian festival. 4. Children parade / a parade in the town, 5 They usually compete / competition in a music, festival. 6 ‘There's a compete / competition today. Writing Language point: also 1) Rewrite the sentences with also in the correct place. St Patrick's Day celebrations are in roland and they are in other countries. St Patricks Day celebrations are in Ireland and they are also im other countries. 1. People wear costumes and they play music. 2 My town is small and it's quiet. 3 In February | celebrate my birthday and | celebrate my saint's day, Task 3 ck Read the notes about Katie's favourite day. Then complete the text, My favourite day. Saterday Geet op: 1030 Activities ami make break: fast; watch TV; walk the dog, Activties (pm) meet friends; play football; have dimmer in a pizza restavrant; watch a DVD. Bed: (2.30 @o 00 Si Join the sentences to make one sentence. Use and and also. Maria is pretty. Maria is friendly. Maria is pretty and she is also friendly. 1 Hike art. | ike photography. 2 The sports centre is big. The sports contre is modern. 3. We make breakfast. We make dinner, 4 Tomis into tennis. He likes football, 5 Leaming English is interesting. I's fun. Katio’s favourite day is Saturday. She usually a) Inthe morning she (2) - She also ) In the afternoon she (4) ‘Then she (5) She has dinner (6) ‘She goes home and (7) She usually (8) . 4 ck Write about your favourite day. Use the text in exercise 3 to help you. 4 Days and dates 38 Qo : O® Progress review My evaluation How much do you know? Do the exercises and then circle your own evaluation. 68/200 to try this again — 88 I could do this better. $8 (2m happy with this. can do this very well Grammar Present simple with wh- questions 1 Choose the correct words. 1 ‘When / Where do you live?’ ‘in Madrid.” 2 What time do they gets / get up? 3 How do / does she travel to school? 4 ‘Who / What do you like?" ‘Sofia.” 5 When do you go / goes to Granada? 6 What do / does they do in the evenings? Adverbs of frequency 2 Complete the rules. Choose the correct words. In sentences with the verb be the adverb goos. before / after the verb, With all other verbs the advert» goes before / after the verb. 3 Rewrite the sentences with the adverb of, frequency in the correct place. 1 lam happy. (always) 2 They walk to school. (don't often) 8 Carnivals are noisy. (always) 4 They get up at 6.30. (usually) 5 Heis quiet. (sometimes) 6 We exercise before school. (never) like + noun, like + -ing 4 Choose the correct words. 1 ‘Do you like camivals?" ‘I don't mind it/them! 2 ‘Does she like singing / horror films 7" ‘No, she hates them! We love listen / listening to samba music. "Do they like cycting?’ ‘They don’t mind it/ them.” "Do you like Mondays?’ ‘No, we hate it /them!" | hate walking / walk to schoo! in the rain, Noane They don't lke eating / eat vegetarian food. 30 8 6 Myevaluation: 89 88 Translation 5 Translate the sentences. 1 What time do you have breakfast? 2 ‘Does he like horror films?" "Yes, he loves them!" 8 Loften have dinner at eight o'clock. 4 She's never quiet. She's always noisy! 5 Whore do they live? 6 ‘Do you like dancing?" ‘I don't mind it 30 ee « 60 60 86 & My evaluation: Vocabulary Communication 6 Translate the words. 7 Match questions 1-6 with answers a-f. ee 1 love dancing. What about you? a 2 When's your birthday? summer oo 3 Isthe party on ist May? autumn 4 Do youtke hip hop? foe 5 When do you go to Spain? a - 6 How often does your band practise? February No, i's on the 5th March b I don't mind it. April ¢ It's on 22nd March. May 4d We usually go at Christmas. June: sane sane e Every weekend. uly No, I don't. hate it August 8 Rewrite the dialogue in the correct order. September os ~ ‘Amy No, not usvally. I'm not mad about the music. October Amy. don't mind dancing, but | don't like the food. Novernber os = Ben It's the Notting Hill Carnival next weekend, Do you ever go? December Ben The food is fantastic! | love the hot dogs. Dally routines, Ben Really? | love it. And I love dancing and buying food from the exercise stalls, get up Ben ee ee gotobed Amy {go to school a have breakfast cnn Amy a have lunch Ben = ee help: make dinner ose pray sleep Walle nnn a wash ny 80 & My evaluation: 4 Days and dates ee Vocabulary Animals 1% Label the photos with ten of the words in the box. snake frog elephant bear parrot ow! shark crocodile whale spider sea butterfly falcon chameleon fly human 40 de Do the animal quiz. Animal quiz: Who am I? Ive got a big nose, live for up to seventy years and 'm 6,000 kilos. elgphant 1 I'm blue, green and yellow, live in Brazil and Vy. 2 I've got four small legs and a very big mouth, leat animals, 3 live for seventy years. | swim in the sea. I'm 136,000 kilos. 4 I'm different colours. like flowers, | ly but 'm ot a bird. an 5 I've got big eyes. I'm grey or brown and | eat seven kilos of fish every day. 6 ‘eat insects. ve got eight legs. #4 Complete the table. Use some of the animals twice. elephant butterfly crocodile falcon human cowl parrot shark seal whale bear ty PACE, ‘swim twolegs | parr0e, four legs 4cio% Write affirmative and negative sentences about five of the animals in exercise 3. A parrot doesnt swim, le’ got two lege. oO S 00 Grammar 3 Gok > Write affirmative (7) or negative (X) sentences. Present continuous: affirmative and he / watch /a programme about bears X negative He ist watching a programme about bears. 1 & ‘Write the -ing form of the verbs. 1 they / listen / to music X live living a 1 read 2 we /eat/ dinner at home / swim scenes eat —s 2 she / play / tennis in the park 7 think oe revise 4 we / study / snakes at school X 2 38 4 5 6 run . 7 practise 6 you/ write /an email in English X 8 have - 9 study 10 write - 4 ck % Write affirmative and negative sentences about the picture. Use the present continuous. 2 ek Whatare they doing? Write sentences using the present continuous. play basketball writeanemall goto bed make dinner watch afilm do an exam Rachels at the computer. Shes writing an emai, 1 Clara is in the kitchen, 2 Daniel and Max are at the sports centre, 8 Zakisin the classroom. - - Ben is talking vo the teacher. 4 Callum isin his bedroom. Dan isn sleeping. 5 Samuel and Anna are at the cinema. eanrone 5 The wild side « 42 oo o8 Vocabulary Verbs: animal survival 1 oe Find ten more verbs. (E[s[cyalele|F[rlo|My|x n[v [a] t}o/e|F}Rfo[m|clw u[u[x[wle|H[t[w[P[elolo u[m[v[Rlela[x|v|v[alolp n[plelalticlulolalulKir tlalx{kje|t[s[v[tlclFlo alk|vjolr[tfy{al[t{e loft R[y[B/¥/x(N|wle|a[K[R[e ulv[s[als[wlt|mlc[aly[e n[z[w[s[slalo[s|[k|v[e|t| ck) Complete the text with animal survival verbs. Black bears Fa American black bears aren't dangerous animals and they don’t usually éeack people or kill them. Bears like eating insects and they often oO for them under rocks and stones, Bears also like the water; they sometimes 2) in rivers and (3) fish in their mouths. They're fast on their legs and they 4 a 48 kilometres an hour. Pollution and construction are changing the habitats of the black bear. They're now in danger. es important to (5) them. 3 tok _/ Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. attack Jump escape from look for change hunt protect Jn many countries people /umt animals for food. 1 Fish swim very fast and they often bears. 2 Animals are becoming extinct because people don't OIP OF enn therm, , but they don't usually ty. 4 Falcons have got very good eyes. They small animals when they fy. 3 Frogs swim and 5 Tigers don't usually. humans. 6 Chameleons. hide. colour when they want to ini’ Write sentences about the photos using the present continuous affirmative and negative. The spider is catching the fly, It isnt protecting the fly. Grammar Present continuous: questions 1 5 Complete the questions and short answers. ‘Are you making mea sandwich?" ‘Yes, lav. ne he chatting to hs friend?” ‘No, Ne an oe they watching a DVD?" ‘Yes, they de ‘wo practising for the carnival?" 108, WE neennenne! a you using that dictionary? ‘No, | 5° she looking for her bag?’ "Yes, she : 6 een YOU Chatting to Cara?’ “Yes, 1 ; ae Paul making dinner?’ ‘Yes, Ne nn! 2. osk_) Order the words to make questions. Then match them with answers a-g. 1. speaking / who / she /is /t0 Who is she speaking to? c 2 going / you/ where / are 8 is/what /he/ doing 4 are /listening / what / they /to 5 studying / she /is / what 6 writing /to/ who / you / are 7 they / eating / are / what a Tothe train station. © Playing tennis. b My riend Paula, Bread and cheese. ‘© Hor mother. g Arabic and German. d English pop songs. 00 o8 Present continuous and present simple 3 ek > Choose the correct words. Be quiet! | revise /(m revising)for the exam. My friend speaks /is speaking five languages. We chat / re chatting on the internet every evening. {read /‘m reading a good book at the moment. kon Alexander goes /is going to bed at ten o'clock every night. 5 ‘Where are John and Steven?” “They ‘re playing / play football in the garden.’ 6 Sharks don't usually / aren't usually attack humans. 4 ko Write affirmative or negative sentences that are true for you. Use the present continuous, or the present simple. atthe moment every day usually now ever not usually ‘make my breakfast every day. Tm not writing an emailat the moment. Dictation 5k 1 (W406 Listen and write. Mary eee Oscar Mary e Oscar - Mary a - Oscar 5 The wild side ‘ oo o8 Reading 3. Sok ) Read the text again. Are the sentences 2 true or false? Tk What do honey bees do? Read the text and tick (/) two boxes. Alot of different insects giveusfood. false aie el ee 1 Hives are cold places. oO ty eC] un 2 Worker bees live for three years, — ine Aiea ie 3. Bees sometimes fly fourteen kilometres. 4 Bees are dying in Australia and Japan. - 5 People don't understand why bee colonies are disappearing, — THE SECRET LIFE OF Hi 4 ck Answer the questions. Write complete sentences. How many bees are there in a hive? There are 40,000-45,000 bees ina hive. 1 What is the name of the important bee in a hive? 2 How long do worker bees live for? 3 How many kilometres do bees usually fly? A Bees are very important to us. They are the only insects that give us food: honey. We see them every day in spring and summer, but what do you know about them? 4 Where are bee colonies disappearing? B Bees live in hives, There are often 40,000-45,000 bees in one hive! Hives are hot places with a temperature of about 33° C. 7 There are two types of bee in a hive: the queen bee and the worker bees. There is only one queen bee, and she is very important, She lives for about three years. Build your vocabulary ‘The worker bees live for four to six weeks. They 5 Gc&_) Complete the sentences with the words usually fly about two kilometres to look for flowers, inthe box. but they sometimes fly up to fourteen kilometres! D A lot of bee colonies are disappearing at the moment everyday every year moment now in North America and in some European countries. \We don’t understand wiy, but some people think that Le me 1 Atthree o'clock Maria comes home on the schoo! bus. 2 ‘What are you doing osu? rm watching a 2 ok > Match topics 1-3 with paragraphs A-D. DVD about sharks.’ ‘Typesofbee = ¢ 2 Where bees live = 3 Atthe............. I'm listening to my new CD. 1. Bees in danger 3 Introduction 4 We go to France on holiday Writing Language point: because 2 ek oO °@ ) Match 1-4 with a-d. Write sentences with because. 1. My grandmother likes my dogs 2 Antonio goes to Italian restaurants 1 > Choose the correct words. . He studies the clmateGacausey org he's interested in polar bears. 1 Ben has got a camera because / but he doesn't take a lot of photos. b 2 It's important to protect elephants © because / and they're in danger. a 8. Bears sometimes catch fish in rivers because / or lakes. 4 Whales are in danger because / and 2 ‘there's a lot of pollution in the sea. a 5. Falcons eat animals because / but they don't usually eat fut. 4 Task 3 Gek Read the notes about Josh Kazan. Then use the notes to complete the text. ‘Name: Josh Kazan Age: 46 Job: z00 assistant Place of work: Drusilla’s family 200 near Eastbourne, UK When: Monday ~ Briday Get up: early Start: six oblock Jobs: clean the parrot cages / help in the café / chat to visitors Laneh; in the café Now: give / food to the elephants “Its fun? Hector has got a book about martial arts Megan is interested in maths he's into taskwondo. they're-very friendly he likes pizzas. she's got a good teacher. My grandmother thes my dags because theyre very friendly. Josh Kazan is 46 years Old, HE'S a (1) nen He works at (2) os in the (3). Josh works at the zoo from @ soon HO (6) because he starts work (6) - - Every day he 2) aaseEeAaAREEEERAEBET nee ancl ® Atthe moment, @} He thinks tis job (10) He says, really ke the elephants because they're always friendly!” sk3-® Choose one of the jobs in the box and write a short text. Use the text in exercise 3 to help you. vet wildlife photographer pet shop owner 5 The wild side 46 oo ©°® Progress review My evaluation How much do you know? Do the exercises and then G8 / 202d 80 try this again — 88 I could do this better ‘le your own evaluation, ‘atm happy with this, Jean do this very well Grammar Present continuous: affirmative and negative 1 Complete the table. Then choose the correct words to complete the rule. Affirmative 1) He / She / It (2). You /We/ Yous They () studying, Negative 14) not He/She /It 6) You/ We/ You / They (6) reading. ‘Questions a ' 6) he/ she/it (9) nennnnn YOU/ we / you / they playing? ‘The present continuous is used to talk about repeated actions / actions in progress. Present continuous: questions 2 Read the answers and complete the questions. i Is the whale swimming to?" ‘Antarctica.’ aie are the frogs eating?’ “Insects.” ai is the elephant running? ‘Because there are some people.” 4s are you speaking to?" ‘My teacher.” Bt photographs of the bear are you taking? ‘Five or six.’ Present continuous and present simple 3 Complete the sentences with the present continuous or the present simple. 41 soo My homework now. (60) 2 What time breakfast? (you /have) 3 My brother dinner at the moment. (not have) 4 She usually to bed at 10.30. (go) 5 You look happy. about your holiday? (you /think) 6 They school on Saturdays or ‘Sundays. (not go) 20 oe oe o Myevaluation: 89 88 $8 Translation 4 Translate the sentences. 1 I'mwatching a DVD about whales. 2 The snake is attacking the frog, 3. Why/s the bear running? 4 It looks like a buttertly 5 Are you reading that book? 6 What are you doing at the moment? My evaluation: §9 88 &3 Vocabulary 5 Translate the words. ‘Animals bear butterfly chameleon crocodile elephant falcon ty fog - - human owl parrot seal - shark snake oo spider whale Verbs: animal survival attack = catch —. oo change : : escape from ty hide from unt jump look for run protect swim . 80 88 80 6 My evaluation: 89 88 £8 8 00 | Communication 6 Rewrite the dialogue in the correct order. Clara Fine, thanks. Listen, what are you doing at the moment? Clara Hi, Alex. it's Clara, ‘Alex Yes, it’s fantastic. You can come to my house later and play it with me, Clara OK, great! Bye for now. ‘Alex I'm playing my new computer game with my brother. ‘Alex Hello, Clara. How are you? Clara Are you having a good time? Clara ‘Alox Clara. Alex . : Alex Clara Adam and Joe are watching TV. Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. doesn't know looks maybe sure That's Adam (1) strange animal! Joe — Yes, it(2) .-like a small crocodile. ‘Adam A crocodile? No, I'm not (8) It{4) LOOK like a crocodile to me. Joe — Well, (5) it's a chameleon. What do you think? ‘Adam | don't (6) 5 The wild side Vocabulary 3 ck Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Activities in and out of school match practice homework class exer 1 | Match sentences 1-6 with the pictures. football English 1 ve gota science class today. ‘Susan is listening to the teacher in her French a/as. 2 And|'ve got a maths exam! 1. Samis revising for a geography...... 3 But!'ve also got art. I's my favourite. 2 Tom plays in a match every 4 And drama too. Nove it! Saturday. 5 Alter school I've got French homework. 3 Julia has got dance eal 6 And this evening P've got a football match. 4 Tomhas got alot of homework. 5 Suzy's class are watching a tennis _ 6 We've always got loads of science. 4 dock Use words from A-C to write eight sentences about activities. A B c Vike history exams recite chess homework Idontike footbalt matches thate science practice Fe got maths classes ‘don't ming basketball guitar dance geography rama PE ‘cr French art 2 5 Choose the correct words. ike history classe Hove studying basketball /@r) 1 . a 1 Ihate doing maths / dance homework: 2 2 He likes playing drama / football. 3 3: They don't mind history / chess exams. v 4 She loves speaking French / geography. 0 6 cn - 5 like using computers in ICT / PE. i 6 We've got guitar / science practice after school. 8 Z 48 Grammar can and must 1 sk) What are the people saying? Complete sentences 1-3 with can or can't and 4-6 with must or mustn't. 1 | c2/ say ‘hello’ in Spanish, BV cceeonnonee Swim 3. she use your laptop? 4 You listen to me. 5 She... get up. 6 Wo ‘wear schoo! uniform. oe) Write sentences and questions to match the functions. Use can, can’t, must or mustn’t. you/ play the guitar (Ability?) Can you play the guitar? 1. you /eat in the classroom (Prohibition) 2 they /memorize spelling rules (Obligation) 3 we/ watch DVDs at school (Permission X) 4 he / speak Arabic (bility X) 5 she / run 800 metres in 4.2 minutes (Ability 2) OO @o sok Correct the dialogue. Mum Tim, you must doing your homework. X Tim, you must do your homework. Tim OK. Can John does his homework here? X a : a ‘Mum Yes, he mist. X But you must hionita your mother, John. X 2) 6 - ‘And you mustn’tiare noisy. You must be quiet! X 4 Tim — Mum, John can'ts do his French homework. X Can youlto help him? X eae (6) ‘Mum No-~Iimusth't speak French, X ” on de® Write eight sentences and questions with must, mustn't, can or can't. Use the ideas in the box. getuplate gotobedat2am. speak French do homework revise for exams play chess ‘swim 100 metres talkin exams. read Mandarin Can you speak French? 6 In and out of school oo °o8 Vocabulary 3 ek > Complete the crossword. fs te Food and drink + a8 1% Choose the word that doesn’t match. F s F Pla 1 Juice fizzy drinks a sweets 1 It swims in the sea and you can eat i. 3 Ahot food with meat or vegetables init. You eat it with ‘spoon. 4 This popular food comes from Italy. 6 I's yellow and comes trom milk. I's great on a burger. Across 2 They're hot and you make them from potatoes. 2 fish vegetables 8 crisps cheese chips 6 This is bread with meat, cheese or salad init. salad 7 This is a very healthy drink. 8 I's cold and very popular in summer. 4 4c30k Write shopping lists fora picnic and a vegetarian meal. Use words from exercises 1, 2 and 3. Picnic Vegetarian meal 4 pasta rice burger —§ icecream fish meat 2 &% > Complete the lists with the words. = ~ burgers chips crisps fish fizzy drinks ice cream fruit nuts water salad sweets vegetables Very a Not very 2 healthy! healthy! vegetables 50 Grammar Countable and uncountable nouns: some, 1 Indefinite pronouns: any, much, many and a lot of > Complete the table. apple banana cheese chip egg fish fruit ‘milk nut pasta salad sandwich soup sweet vegetable water ‘Countable Uncountable something and anything 2 dk Complete the dialogue. alotof alotof any any anything anything many much some some something Jenny Do you want anything to eat, Mum? ‘Mum Yes, please. And Ineed (1). to.drink. Have you got 2). juloe? Jenny Oh, er @) juice. But there's a) water. Mum — OK. Have you got (5). else? Jenny Er... I've got (6) ‘rit, ‘Mur Really? There isn't (7) fruit. Jenny No, there aren’t 8). bananas. But there's (9), salad! And there AF (10) coe enernnes OGG! Mum OK, OK. Let's go out for dinner! oo oB 3. kth Look at the table and write sentences about Tom’s diet. Broakiast | x Linch | sandwiches 77 fruit K cre p5 777 Dinner | pasta J vegetables meat 10d 1000 | eecream V7 For lunch, Tom ef some sandwiches. 1 He. fruit. 2 HO coron _ erisps. 3. Atdinner, pasta. 4 He vegetables. CL 6 At 10.00 7 Butat breakfast, ccnenneen 1 Present continuous for future arrangements 4 3% Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. What are you doing on Saturday? (you / do) 1 They drama practice after schoo! today. (not do) 2 We _.-. Some friends at 12.00. (meet) 3 . in the match tonight? (she / play) at football match tomorrow. (watch) 5 There isn’t anything to eat. When. to the supermarket? (you / go) Dictation 5 ek) 4.07 Listen and write. Greg . Lucy Greg = os nen ‘Lucy = ne Lucy oo —_————___- 6 In and out of school oo o@ Reading 3 Gok _) Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? 1 Ge _)Read the text. Choose the correct words. Lessons start after breakfast. enue ‘Summerhill is a sports centre /in America / a boarding school. 1 Ivan doesn't ike lessons, 2 The students must gotoalltheir lessons... 3 ‘There aren't any vegetables to eat. 4 Ivan always stays in his room in is ree time... 5 Students go to bed at different times. 4 dei Answer the questions. Write complete sentences. Where is Summertill? 168s in south-east England. ‘Summerhill is a boarding school in south-east England, 1 What is unusual about Summerhill? Ita school with a difference because the teachers don't make the rules ~the students make them. — Breakfast Is from 8,00 until9.00 and lessons start at 2 When do the students and teachers discuss 9.30. Holly isa student here ~she likes lessons, She's roblems? studying a lot of subjects. Ivan is a student here too. He problems? isn't interested in lessons and he can play all day if he ane - wants, ‘At 12.30 its lunchtime, and the students and teachers: 3 What do students doin the afternoon? eat together, There are three choices of meal: one with ‘meat, a vegetarian option and a salad bar too. ‘ALAS there’sa meeting. The students and teachers 4 Is there a rule about going to bed? talk about problems and they can change school rules in this meeting. Then there are free-time actvit orchestra practice, drama group, sport - or anything! 5 What do you think about Summerhill? Ivan goes shopping in town, Holly plays the violin with the orchestra —_—___—_- At5.30it's dinner time. After dinner students chat and do homework, Younger children must go to bed before 9.30, but older children can go to bed when they want. Build your vocabulary So that's a day at Summerhill. Do you think school is ; better when the students make the rules? 5&4 Complete the sentences. — a = a drama group salad bar free-time activity 2 dx ) Read the text again. Match the sentence shopping centre orchestra practice halves. ‘Summerhill is...) everyone has dinner. ut See | play the violin. 1 Breakfasts...” isinterested in lessons. 2 We'te learning Macbeth in the 2 Holly a school with a difference. 3 Chessisa....... at my school. 3 Wan at 8.00. 4 | get healthy food from the... ~~ 4 There's. wants to play. 5 We're meeting at the at 4.00. 5 At5.30... vegetarian food at the school. Writing Language point: giving examples 1 & brackets. Suzy has got a lot of hobbies reading, art and Photography. (such as) Suzy has got a lot of hobbies, such as reading, art and photography. ) Rewrite the sentences with the phrases in 2 ok Join the sentences to make one sentence. Use the phrases in brackets. Like fruit. | eat apples and bananas. (for example) Like fant, for example apples and bananas. 1 She enjoys team sports. She enjoys football and basketball (ike) 1 There are clubs after schoo! drama, music and sport. (for example) 2 I'minto pop singers Kylie, Mika and Duffy. (like) 8 Danis into sports cycling and tennis. (such as) Task 3. Gk ) Adamis visiting a German school. Read about the school and complete Adam's email. AGerman school 7.30:lessons start 7.30-1.30: ix lessons, 45 minutes ‘Compulsory subjects: German, maths, English, science Optional subjects: art music, history Lunch: at home, meat with vegetables / pasta After-school clubs: drama, music, sport, etc. 2 My dad travels to different countries. He goes to Poland, Germany and India. (such as) 3 I've gota lot of things in my bag. There’s a pen, a notebook and a dictionary. (for example) 'm visiting a German school for two weeks. Lessons Stare at 1.80. There are six (1) an VOY day and the lessons (2) es : There are a lot of (8) _-- Subjects (4) - German and © - You can choose other subjects (6) = ae ~ . School finishes (7) and students eat (8) a at home. They eat a main meal (9)... . oo - There after school (11) (10) 4 44 Describe your perfect school. Use the text in exercise 3 to help you. 6 In and out of school oo °® Progress review ; My evaluation How much do you know? Do the exercises and then circle your own evaluation. 83 need to try chs again 88 {could do ches beever 80 (am happy with this. 38 /can do this very well, Grammar can and must 1 Rewrite the sentences. Use affirmative (/), negative (X) or question (2) forms. 1 You must go the party. X 2 Can he listen to the CD? X 3 They mustn't be quiet. 7 4 Ican go to the shops. ? 5 Can they have dinner hore? 7 Countable and uncountable nouns: some, any, much, many and a lot of 2 Complete the table using a, an, some, any, much, many and a lot of. Then choose the correct words to complete the rule. ‘Countable Uncountabie Affirmative | apple = banana |... water apples one bananas Negative apple rice ooeneeene banana water - apples bananas Uncountable nouns have / haven't got a plural form. We always use a singular / plural vert with uncountable nouns. Indefinite pronouns 3 Complete the sentences with something and anything. 1 Iwant nu to-eat, 2 There isn't todo. BIS HOM none ONTVP Present continuous for future arrangements 4 Tick (V) the sentences that use the present continuous for future arrangements. 1 I'm doing dance practice after school, 2 There's a football match on Saturday. 3 She's meeting Lisa at 2.00. 4 She meets Lisa after school every day. My evaluation: 89 8% $3 88) Translation 5 Translate the sentences. 1. You mustn't be noisy. 2 Cant have some crisps? 3 He can't play the guitar, but he can sing, 4 There isn’t any orange juice, but there’s some water. 5 I'm going to the cinema after school, My evaluation: §9 35 Vocabulary 6 Translate the words. 7 Activities in and out of school art basketball chess. dance drama a ~ football : French - geography guitar... co history =e ict conn maths PE - a science Food and drink 8 burgers... ce cheese ce chips . crisps eggs fish - fizzy drinks fruit - - ice cream juice : vo meat nuts - pasta rice salad sandwiches - soup sweets = - vegetables water . - Communication Match questions 1-6 with answers a-f. 1 Is it OK if watch TV? 2 Anything else to eat? o 3 Can Ihave a cheese sandwich, please? 4 What have you got this morning? = 5 Doyouwant to go shopping? 6 Text me later, OK? ‘Yes, some vegetables, please. os I've got science at 9.90. No, sorry, you must go to bed now. ao ‘Sounds good. What time are you going? ° OK. Bye. 1 Yos, anything else? Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. busy can't good pity want Clare We're going to the cinema this afternoon. Do you (1), ... to come? ‘Ana No, sorry, 1(2) 1?m revising for an exam. Clare That's a (3). . What about Saturday? Are you “ 2 ‘Ana No, I'm not. Why? Clare I'm going tothe shopping centre, if you want to come. Ana SoUndS (6) ...n-! Text me on Saturday, OK? My evaluation: 89 $8 6 In and out of school Vocabulary Famous people 1%) These words don't match the pictures. Correct the words. artist musician Atay 2 2 musician - 6 scientist 2 kek) Complete the sentences with the words in the box. artist doctor explorer inventor musician filer teacher actor ‘A.rufer's the most important person in a country. 1AM cooconosuon pants and draws pictures. 2A helps people when they're il 3 An ‘works in fims. 4 A. plays an instrument. 5 An visits new places and countries. 6A helps people to leam things. TAD ceooennen Makes NeW things. 3 95% Do the famous people quiz. Famous people quiz Marie Curie was... from Poland. (WScientE) b queen catist 1 Henry VIII was an English ... with six wives adoctor bking ¢ explorer 2 Claude Monet and Paul Cézanne were ... from France. amusicians bartists e inventors 3 Charles Dickens and Jane Austen were British awriters bactors doctors 4 Galileo was a famous Italian ... aruler bexplorer ¢ inventor 5 Manuel de Falla and Francisco Tarrega were from Spain. amusicians b teachers e actors 6 Cleopatra was a... from ancient Egypt. ascientist artist eruler 4 (ck # Complete the table with the correct words from exercises 1 and 2. Then make the words in the box into jobs and add them to the table. Use a dictionary to help you. empire violin politics report magic mathematics reception design dental “er -or vist “ian weiter Grammar there was, there were was, were 4 SEK Look at the picture. Write sentences with there was, there wasn't, there were and there 1 4 Choose the correct words. weren't. I@as) wore at home on Friday, 1. Emma and Molly was / were in the park last night. 2 She wasn't / weren't in the basketball tam. 3 They wasn't / weren't very good at playing tennis. 4 Was / Were you at the disco yesterday? 5 Was / Were Anya in your class last year? apis Poy 2 ‘%* ) Order the words to make questions. eg birthday /his / was / February / in /? Was his birthday in February? 1 bored / you /at / party /the / were /? (shopping contre) / {P00 there wasnt a shopping centre, 41 (shops) : 2 (internet cate) 8 football / was / match / when / the /’? a on 4 (cinema) - 4 was / what / your / name / grandmother's /’? eae = - = 6 (factory) cn 3 HK Correct the sentences. 7 (ports conte) Antoni Gaudi was French. (Spanish) ~ ae “Antoni Gaudi wasnt French He was Spanish 5 G18 Imagine there was a ca your town. 1 Elvis Presley was trom italy. (America) Complete the sentences in the past using the ideas in the box or your own ideas. aparade alotofpeople areggaeband noisy ee samba music foodtalis Chinese food friendly There wasa reggae band 1 There wer... oo 8 The 1992 Olympics were in Madrid. (Barcelona) 2 There wasn't a 8 There WOReNt ene co a 4 It. 5 The people... cs - 7 Names and places £ oo °o@ Vocabulary 3 deck > Choose the correct words. fon i Last summer | travelled (visited) stayed Paris for ‘egular verbs three days. 1% Complete the verbs with a, e, i,o oru. 1 John Logie Baird explored / discovered / invented ‘Then write the past simple forms. the television. change changed 2 When she was young, she invaded / visited /lived in ae Arica for five years. ae 3. Captain Cook discovered / named /invented Australia 3 xplor. 4. Last year we travelled / visited / stayed by tran to 4 nam, . ane Oot = 5 My parents ruled / changed / invented their car in 6 vst February. 7 onvaunt . 4 %4o% Complete the postcard using the past OC ea simple form of some of the verbs in exercise 1. 9 Lok. 10 bv : MW sty 12 ply 2 dok Complete the sentences using the past simple form of the verbs in the box. change discover invent like live use travel visit ‘Alexander Graham Bell 7vented the telephone. 1 When she was six, she. in Scotland. | Hello Hattie! L 2 Marie Curie. ‘anew element, radium, mon holiday near Bole 2 ear Bologra in Leaky with my fh 3 He his name from Paul to Harry. sien here by car - it's org way 2 a , Ysterety, 2m Enghne! 4 Lanne Mickey Mouse whentwasachid. | gi jn gg NU) LO Marcon Museu 3 iP big house called the Vill Craft fe 5 In 1970, chitdren books atschool- | Bologna. Cugtcine Mae he Nil Gritfone, not far from there weren't any computers. the rad in ea because he 8 Onholiday ast year we i Griffon with hs fami wher ng eee than 1,000 Kiometres. We () Ot the a Jo he museuin all ty, oy 7 When twas ite, ny (se 6 be it vas rly wtercnn ‘grandparents every summer in Mallorca. "05 & computer there ened we (6) resting, There shine On et about the hfe of Marcone 2 good Love, Jennie ee Grammar Past simple of regular verbs: affirmative and negative 1% Complete the sentences using the past simple form of the verb in brackets. Lés2l6 Bic6 /nvertted the ballpoint pen. (invent) 1 Nell Armstrong... the moon. (visit) 2 Tutankhamun... Greece. (not rule) 3 Rafael Nadal was a child. (play) alot of tennis when he 4.11750, POOPIE nnn by train. (not travel) 5 Ferdinand Magellan (not discover) Australia, 6 Dinosaurs along time ago. (lve) 2 Sk Write sentences using the past simple affirmative and negative and the words in brackets. Columbus / discover (Australia / America) Columbus didnt discover Australia, He discovered America, 1 Pelé /play (tennis /footbal) 2 Queen Victoria / rule (Spain / the United Kingdom) ‘8 Marconi / invent (the TV / the radio) 4 In 1890, British people / travel (by plane / by train) oo o@8 ago 3 eX Order the words to make sentences. Use the past simple form of the verb. three hours / watch / ago /1/TV / watohed TV three hours ago. 11 two months / she / her grandparents / ago / visit 2 travel / he /a year / to Morocco / ago 8 they /ago /in Spain /ten years / live 4 ago / a football match / three days / we / play Sie Write true sentences about you. Use the past simple affirmative and negative. Use the verbs and the time expressions. isten play stay do travel visit watch yesterday two days ago_ three weeks ago last Friday lastnight last week fast month /watched a DYD last night. senna Dictation 5 ek) (4.08. Listen and write. Anya os nn Max Anya - Max 7 Names and places 60 oo o@ Reading 1 & Read the text. Choose the correct words. 1 Marie Curie was rich / famous. 2 Marie Curie was from Poland / France. 3 Marie Curie's father / husband was also famous. Famous scientists: The life of Marie Curie ‘A. Marie Sktodowska was born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1867. ‘She was one of five children. Marie's nickname as a child wes ‘Manya'. Her parents were both school teachers, but they were poor. B_ Marie was a very clever child, but in Poland at that time girls didn’t study at university. Her sister, Bronya, lived in Paris, so Marie moved there too. She started at the Sorbonne University and stu physics and mathematics. © Atthe Sorbonne University, Marie worked with the scientist Pierre Curie, They married in 1895 and she changed her surname from Sktodowska to Curie. Marie and Pierre discovered the element. radium in 1898. D Pierre Curie died in 1906. Marie started teaching at the university. She was the first woman professor at the Sorbonne. She was also the frst person to win two Nobel prizes. E In the 1930s Marie was very il because she worked with radioactive radium. She died in 1934 2 e%_) Read the text again. Match topics 1-4 with paragraphs AE, ‘The work of Marie and Pierre Curie. € 1 Theearly years, 2 The end of her life. 3 Teaching at the Sorbonne. 4 Anew life in Paris. 3 dee Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? Marie's family was poor when she was a child. ¢rve 1 Marie's sister, Bronya, lived in Warsaw. 2 Marie studied mathematics and physics at the Sorbonne University. 8 In 1895, Marie discovered radium. 4 Marie's sister died in 1906. . 5 Marie was ill in the 1930s. Gedo) Answer the questions. Write complete sentences. ‘When and where was Marie Curie born? Marie Curie was born in 1867 tn Warsaw, Poland, 1 What job did her parents do? 2 When did Marie change her sumame? 3. What did she and her husband discover? 4 What did Marie do after her husband died? 5 Why was she ill? Build your vocabulary 3) Complete the sentences. brandname firstname nickname sumame 1 When she was a child, Marie's. was Manya, 2 Marie's husband's... iS eens WAS Curie, Was Pierre and 3 Marie and Pierre Curie discovered radium. But radium isn'ta like Armani. oO 8 Writing Language point: time expressions 2 Ge Complete the text with the words in the box. 4 Complete the sentences. 1967 fity yearsago inAD75 now inRomandimes two hundred years age century in now times ‘The Romans in Britain ‘The Romans invaded Britain about 2,000 years Fishbourne Palace is an ancient monument in the south 290. of England. Many people lived there in Roman times. The ne ec Aree Romans started building the palace (1).onnnnnnennn People ved there for about (2) - People een ee on porn cin oma discovered Fishbourne again (3) in A) oosnnnnsnenennsth@y Opened Fishbourne to the public 3 Inthe téth , the population of London (6). 80,000 people visit it every year to soo was 120,000. the mosaics. 4 Londons a big, modern city Task 3 dk Read the notes about a Roman Chedworth Raman Villas an ancient monument near villa. Then complete the text. Gloucester, (1) one Tt Was the home of alarge, rich Fioman family. Chedworth Vila was very large ~it @ People (3) People discovered the vila (4) and in 1925 they (6) There are interesting things to see, such as (6) - .. Today, the villa is very popular for schoo! visits and (7) Ancient monument: Chedworth Roman ae , 4. doic# Read the notes and write a short text about Location: near Gloucester, in the west of the Alhamb1 England ie Alhambra. IN AD 120 Home of: a large, rich Roman family Place: The Alhambra Size bigger than most other Roman vias Location Granada, m the south of Span People lived there: for about three Home of: Moorish rolers of Granada hundred years 2 TODAY Discovered: 1864 Opened to the public: 1925 Size: very big, 142,000 metres Things to secs fertastts hiking and hear ar “Btio de los Leones, Puerta de la Tasticia ‘Things to see: beautiful Roman baths, Visitors: over 2 million a year mosaics Visitors: popular with schools —10,000 children visit every year 7 Names and places € oo : °® Progress review My evaluation How much do you know? Do the exercises and then circle your own evaluation. 68 / need £0 try thisagain 88 I could do this better. am happy with this. §& |can do vhis very well. Grammar Past simple of regular verbs was, were 3 Complete the table using the correct forms of live and visit. 1 Complete the table with the past simple form AGES of the verb be. 17 You / We /You/ They (1) in Rome last year Affirmative He/She/ It) Madrid two months ago. I/He / She / it (1) ‘at home lastnight. Negative eee U/YOU / We / YOU They 8) n-nn. I Rome last year. Negative Ho / She /t (4) Madrid two months ago. 1/He/She/It @) at school yesterday. You / We/ You /They () at the party = ago Questions © V/he/ she /it in Barcelona last week? 4° Choose the correct word. © you/ we / you /they in class? In past simple sentences, ago comes before / after the time expression. there was, there were ion: 80 88 88 2 Complete the sentences using the affirmative My evaluation: 65 66 83 or negative form of there was or there were. 1 ‘a,good programme on TV last Translation right, but | didn't watch it. 5 Translate the sentences. 2 any crisps at the party. Itwas ae 1 She was at school yesterday. 3 many people in the shopping a “ — 2 Was Cleopatra an explorer? 4 ‘any homework. | was free last ~ ae 3 He invented the television ninety years ago. night. B noon - an exciting football match at = the weekend. I listened to it on the radio. 4 They didn't travel by car in 1850. 6 loads of good actors in that film. It was fantastic. 5 What was the weather lke in Valencia? Too any food at home. We were hungry! 6 How was your holiday? My evaluation: 88 83 § Vocabulary 6 Translate the words. U Famous people actor artist vo doctor - explorer - inventor King ‘musician queen - ruler scientist ‘teacher 8 writer : - Regular verbs change discover explore invade invent like live : name - - play : rule stay travel - a use visit - My evaluation: 89 88 8 OO @o Communication Match questions 1-5 with answers a-e. 1 What was San Francisco like? 2 What were the shops like? 3 How was the football match? 4 How was the concert? 5 What was the film like? ‘a Great! Real Macrid were fantastic! bb Really exciting! My favourite actor was init. © Not very good. The music was rubbish. d Fantastic. The Golden Gate Bridge was amazing. They were nice but very expensive, Choose the correct words. James Hi, Charlie, How (1) is / are you? Charlie Fine, thanks. How was your (2) travel /trip to Italy (3) last /late week? James It (4) was / were great. The (6) eat/ food was really, good. Chatlie (6) What / How was the weather like? dames It was very hot. Chartie And what (7) was / wore the people like? James Really friendly. Charlie (8) Is /It's nice to see you again. James t's good (9) be / to be back. 80 eo 60 60 60 ee My evaluation: 7 Names and places 6 Vocabulary Irregular verbs 1% _)Find the past simple form of the irregular verbs. become —& find 8 make 1 build 5 90 9 meet 2 buy 6 have 10 see 3 eat 7 lose 14 win alxj@evefcla[m[ejae[e]i u[cfo[t{c[t[F[o[s|[cfa tfs[ule[elelultfofo[o tlale|Flo[u[nfo[clrly Blwin[clo[s|t[s|t[m]r J[H[t[HfolAlKfelz fale viafelufi [clr fofali fe olt[wle|n|t[s|t[m[ofu B[Mlalc|K[c[n[H[alo[H sle|wlo|n[slo[r|ole|w p[tfolalwia[n[rfe[x[r 2 dk Look at the pictures. Complete the Use the past simple form. sentences with the correct verb from exercise 1. 3 They. 4 She 6 He to Paris, the queen. prize. 3. dc Complete the text using the past simple form of the verbs in the box. buy find go have make lose see win eat Every year my parents give me some money for my birthday. This year law a video games console inthe shops. l wanted to buy it, but | (1) the money. | looked everywhere fort. Then Isaw a competition on the internet. The prize was a video games console! | did the competition and | @) the prize! The next day | (3) to the shops with my sister. (4) three ‘games for the console. Then we went home and we (6) a cake for my birthday party, The party was on Saturday and we (6) fun, We played a lot of aifferent games and we n alot of cake. Then my friend Anna ® the money! It was on a shelf next to the computer. 4 dctck Find five more irregular verbs in the Irregular verbs list on page 128. Write the infinitive and past simple forms. Then write a past simple sentence for each verb. break broke She broke her new mp3 player. Grammar Past simple: regular and irregular verbs 1% Complete the sentences. Use the past simple affirmative or negative of the verbs in brackets. She Aoughta book. (buy) 1 my grandparents. (visit) 2 He his mobile phone. (not find) 3 Katie her friends. (meet) 4 They. anew game. (invent) 5 Jack his mp3 player. (not lose) 6 We by train, (not travel) 7 He very angry. (become) 8 She any sandwiches. (not make) ©) Write sentences. Make the affirmative sentences negative and make the negative sentences affirmative. ‘They played basketball after school. They didnt play basketball after Echool 1 Ididn’t change schools last year, 2 He became champion last month. 8 They didn't travel by bus. 4 She didn’t find her camera, 5 Weinvented a new language. 6 You didn't make a pizza. 7 Amy didn’t lose her bag. o@ 3 ©& Complete the text. Use the past simple affirmative or negative of the verbs. see travel buy two tickets to watch tennis at Wimbledon. Dad and I (O) to London by train and we 2 Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal in the men’s final, play lose not win “The match was very long and they (3) for four hours and forty-eight minutes! My dad thinks, Federer isa great player, but Federer (4) he (5) the game at 9.15 p.m, Nadal was the champion, have noteat go After the match we went to a restaurant for dinner. 1 © a burger, but my dad (7) anything. We didn’t go home because it was 11.15 p.m, and the last train was at 10.30 p.m. We stayed in a hotel and (8) cco--ee- home in the morning. 4° 43-0 Think about last year. Write about six things that happened to you. Use affirmative and negative forms of the verbs in the box. goonholiday wina competition meet new friends havea party change school play volleyball travel by plane buy anew CD J won a competition. enon 8 Games

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