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Roman Invasion of Britain Campaign.

Having some spare time I drew up a very simple Campaign to represent Carractacu's battles
against Plautius and then Scapula.

Details are below with a report of how it worked out.

Plautius, Scapula and Carractacus.


The campaign consists of the three main battles fought by Carractacus.

Battle of Medway, Romans commanded by Plautius

Battle of the Thames, Romans commanded by Plautius

Battle of Caer Caradoc, Romans commanded by Scapula.

The terrain for each battle is set up as per DBA rules. Except for the following. Medway and
Thames must each have a river that divides the armies. The difficulty of the river is determined
by usual DBA rules.
The Battle of Caer Caradoc must be predominantly hilly.

Armies involved are Ancient British II/53 and Early Imperial Roman II/56.

The first battle is fought between the two armies normally.

The elements eliminated in the battle are transferred to that armies reserve.
Each element eliminated gives 1 point to the opposition.
Each element pushed over a board edge also gives 1 point (however they are returned to their
army for the next battle not moved to the reserve like eliminated units).
A camp captured gives 5 points.
If a General element is eliminated 5 points are awarded.

If Carractacus is eliminated at any stage his brother Togodumnes takes over for the next battle. If
he is eliminated then the Romans have won the Campaign.
If Plautius is eliminated then Scapula takes over. If Scapula falls then Vespasian takes over.
Killing Roman Generals does not win the campaign for the British in the short term (points
earned by it may).

Before the next battle the armies can recruit from their reserve. Roll 1 x d6 for each element in
the reserve. A roll of 4-5-6 means it can join the army as recruits. Those scoring less means they
stay in reserve.

If the British won the previous battle and or they have more points than the Romans they can re –
roll for one failed recruitment. This depicts warriors joining the cause buoyed up by past success.
The Romans have no extra chance, they have to manage with what’s available.
At the end of the final battle total up each sides points score. Deduct from it the number of
elements eliminated that battle and still in the reserve. That is the sides final score. The highest
side wins the campaign.

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