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References and Notes W. S. B. Paterson and J. C. Savage, J. Geophys. Res. 68, 1974, 39 (1974)]. This interpolation was tested ex-
1. J. F. Nye, R. Soc. London Proc. Ser. A 219, 477 (1953); 4537 (1963); C. F. Raymond, J. Glaciol. 10, 55 (1971); tensively with synthetic data.
R. LeB. Hooke, P. Holmlund, N. R Iverson, ibid. 33, 72 10. J. T. Harper, N. F. Humphrey, W. T. Pfeffer, B. C.
R. LeB Hooke, Rev. Geophys. Space Phys. 19, 664
(1987) were all forced to smooth inclinometry data Welch, U.S. Army Cold Reg. Res. Eng. Lab. Spec. Rep.
(1981); C. J. van der Veen and I. M. Whillans, J.
because of high levels of noise. 96-27 (1996), p. 41.
Glaciol. 36, 324 (1990).
7. The instrument was constructed by Slope Indicator 11. This measurement was made within the same
2. Examples include velocity variations occurring over Canada, Ltd. (Vancouver, BC). Measurement errors reach and time of year as the deformation exper-
months to weeks [R. LeB Hooke, P. Calla, et al., J. associated with a prototype of this instrument are iments, but during a subsequent year. Sliding and
Glaciol. 35, 235 (1989)] and days to hours [A. Iken discussed by E. W. Blake and G. K. C. Clarke [ J. surface velocities were determined by continuous
and R. A. Bindschadler, ibid. 32, 101 (1986)]. Glaciol. 38, 113 (1992)]. However, analysis of ac- filming of the base of a borehole with concurrent
3. S. M. Hodge, ibid. 13, 349 (1974); B. Kamb et al., J. tual data from the instrument used suggests that surveying of velocity at the surface.
Geophys. Res. 99, 15231 (1994); J. Harbor et al., instrument errors are slightly improved from man- 12. Funded by grants from NSF (OPP-9122966 to N.F.H.
Geology 25, 739 (1997). ufacturer specifications [ J. T. Harper, thesis, Uni- and OPP-9122916 to W.T.P.). Additional funding for
4. A dense array of radio-echo sounding measurements versity of Wyoming (1997); S. V. Huzurbazar, un- computer visualization was provided by NSF’s
were processed with three-dimensional migration tech- published material]. Additionally, the uniformity of EPSCoR (Experimental Program to Stimulate Com-
niques. Comparisons of these measurements with bore- the borehole walls enabled a high degree of repeat- petitive Research) program (EPS9550477), through
hole observations suggest that the radar is accurate to ability for the measurements. the University of Wyoming’s Spatial Data and Visu-
within about 8.5 m (B. C. Welch, W. T. Pfeffer, J. T. 8. We follow the method of C. F Raymond, J. Glaciol. alization Center project. D. Bahr, B. Welch, and B.
Harper, N. F. Humphrey, J. Glaciol., in press). 10, 39 (1971). Raup all made significant contributions to portions of
5. J. T. Harper and N. F. Humphrey, Geology 23, 901 9. We use a cubic spline function with an iterative the work presented here.
(1995). scheme designed to minimize the curvature of the
6. M. F. Meier, U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 351 (1960); function between data points [I. C. Briggs, Geophysics 16 April 1998; accepted 28 July 1998

A Neoproterozoic Snowball We studied the Otavi Group (Fig. 1), a

carbonate platform covering the southern prom-

Earth ontory of the Congo Craton in northern Nami-

bia (15, 18, 19). In the late Neoproterozoic, the
Congo Craton was a Bahama-type sea-level
Paul F. Hoffman,* Alan J. Kaufman, Galen P. Halverson, platform that was about the size of the conter-
Daniel P. Schrag minous United States. Paleomagnetic data from
the eastern part of the craton (20) imply that the
Negative carbon isotope anomalies in carbonate rocks bracketing Neoprotero- Otavi Group was at ;12°S paleolatitude at
zoic glacial deposits in Namibia, combined with estimates of thermal subsi- 743 6 30 Ma and at ;39°S at 547 6 4 Ma. The
dence history, suggest that biological productivity in the surface ocean col- Otavi Group contains two discrete glacial units
lapsed for millions of years. This collapse can be explained by a global glaciation (Chuos and Ghaub formations) of Sturtian
(that is, a snowball Earth), which ended abruptly when subaerial volcanic (;760 to 700 Ma) age (15, 19). Both units are
outgassing raised atmospheric carbon dioxide to about 350 times the modern underlain by thick carbonate successions with
level. The rapid termination would have resulted in a warming of the snowball high d13C values, and both units are overlain by
Earth to extreme greenhouse conditions. The transfer of atmospheric carbon distinctive cap carbonates, recording negative
dioxide to the ocean would result in the rapid precipitation of calcium carbonate d13C excursions (10, 11).
in warm surface waters, producing the cap carbonate rocks observed globally. The younger of the two glacial units (the
Ghaub Formation) is represented by unstratified
During the 200 million years (My) preceding excursions in the preceding 1.2 billion years diamictons, debris flows, and, at the top, varve-
the appearance of macroscopic metazoans, (12) or in the Phanerozoic eon (13). like detrital couplets crowded with ice-rafted
;750 to 550 million years ago (Ma) (1), the Paleomagnetic evidence suggests that the dropstones (15). Both the onset and the termi-
fragmentation of a long-lived supercontinent ice line reached sea level close to the equator nation of glaciogenic sedimentation were
(2) was accompanied by intermittent, but wide- during at least two Neoproterozoic glacial epi- abrupt. The glacial deposits are composed pre-
spread, glaciation (3–5). Many of the glacial sodes (14). The origin of these extreme glacia- dominantly of dolomite and limestone debris
deposits contain carbonate debris or are directly tions has been controversial (1, 15, 16 ). Kirsch- derived from the underlying Ombaatjie plat-
overlain by carbonate rocks (6, 7 ), including vink (17 ) proposed a snowball Earth, created form (Fig. 1). Clast and matrix lithologic com-
inorganic sea-floor precipitates, which are nor- by a runaway albedo feedback, in which the positions covary; thus, we interpreted the ma-
mally limited to warm-water settings (8). Post- world ocean was virtually covered by sea ice trix as being detrital in origin and not as a
glacial carbonate rocks (cap carbonates) occur but continental ice cover was thin and patchy seawater proxy. Glacial deposits on the plat-
even in terrigenous-dominated sections (6, 7 ). because of the virtual elimination of the hydro- form are thin and highly discontinuous (not due
Certain glacial units contain large sedimentary logic cycle. Kirschvink applied this hypothesis to subsequent erosion). Alternately grounded
iron formations (9), which reappear after a to explain the low-paleolatitude glacial deposits and floating sea ice caused large horizontal
1-billion-year hiatus in the stratigraphic record. as well as the occurrence of banded iron for- plates to be detached from the directly under-
The glacial intervals are spanned by decreases mations, suggesting that an ocean sealed by sea lying bedrock. The subglacial erosion surface
of as much as 14 per mil in the d13C value of ice would quickly become anoxic and rich in has remarkably little relief on the platform
the surface ocean (10, 11). These isotopic ex- dissolved ferrous iron (17 ). Here, we present (;50 m relative to underlying strata over a
cursions are enormous in comparison with any new data on the amplitude, timing, and duration distance of 150 km), suggesting that any fall in
of inorganic d13C variations in Neoproterozoic relative sea level was limited or short-lived.
rocks of northern Namibia and the relation Comparatively thick sections (,180 m) of dia-
P. F. Hoffman, G. P. Halverson, D. P. Schrag, Depart- between these variations and glaciation. mictons and debris flows occur on the conti-
ment of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard Uni-
versity, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. A. J. Kaufman,
We show that the snowball Earth hypothe- nental slope, suggesting that the ice grounding
Department of Geology, University of Maryland, Col- sis best explains the geological and geo- line remained close to the platform edge (Fig.
lege Park, MD 20742, USA. chemical observations, including the d13C 1). These observations are consistent with an
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E- excursions and the existence of carbonates abrupt development and a subsequent dissipa-
mail: immediately following glaciations. tion of grounded sea ice on a tropical or sub-

1342 28 AUGUST 1998 VOL 281 SCIENCE

tropical platform, consistent with a snowball overall negative d13C excursion occupies ;500 deposition of the cap carbonate because we do
glaciation. m of the platformal carbonate section. Much of not know the water depth or the potential gla-
We measured inorganic d13C values of car- the lateral variance in d13C curves between cioeustatic and ice-loading effects at the onset
bonate rocks that spanned the glacial interval sections (Fig. 2) can be accounted for in terms of deposition.
from several sections (Fig. 2) (10, 11). In gen- of subglacial erosional truncation and slope If we interpret the d13C excursion in terms
eral, d13C values are rather insensitive to di- progradation. of carbon burial fluxes, then the proportion of
agenesis because aqueous fluids contain little Constraints on the duration of the isotopic organic carbon to total carbon burial changed
carbon in comparison with carbonate rocks excursion from a model of thermally driven from almost 0.5 before the glacial deposits to
(21). This inference is supported by the overall subsidence of the platform (15) allow a maxi- virtually zero immediately after. Carbonates,
agreement of the pattern of isotopic variations mum subsidence rate of 14 m/My (equivalent to precipitated from an ocean in which most bio-
from multiple sections. The d13C data on the a maximum carbonate accumulation rate, with logical productivity had ceased for a time peri-
platform (summarized in a composite section in sediment loading, of ;50 m/My). The d13C od greatly exceeding the carbon residence time
Fig. 3) show that (i) preglacial values are 5 to 9 excursion begins and ends in sediments depos- (.105 years), would approach a value of 25 to
per mil through .200 m of section just below ited near nonglacial sea level and occupies a 27 per mil, which is the isotopic composition
the subglacial surface; (ii) values fall abruptly total thickness on the platform of ;500 m (;50 of carbon entering the ocean (23, 24). The
to as low as 25 per mil in the final regressive m of which can be accounted for isostatically as isotopic pattern, therefore, is consistent with the
platformal parasequences and slope apron di- a consequence of subglacial erosion). The re- hypothesis of a snowball Earth, in which oce-
rectly beneath the subglacial uncomformity; mainder of the thickness (;450 m) required anic photosynthesis would be severely reduced
and (iii) immediate postglacial values are about time-dependent thermal subsidence for its ac- for millions of years because the ice cover
23 per mil (;2 per mil higher than minimum commodation. Thus, the minimum time re- would block out sunlight. Meltwater pools and
preglacial values), decline through ;40 m of quired to accommodate the d13C excursion (be- bare ground, exposed through gravitational
section to a nadir of 26 per mil, and then rise to low 0 per mil) was 9 My [450 m/(50 m/My)]. thinning and ablation of ice sheets without
0 per mil at about 480 m above the base of the Stratigraphic mapping shows that no tectonic much rejuvenative snowfall, might provide
cap carbonate. Lesser subglacial d13C down- activity occurred at the time of the d13C excur- refugia for a variety of bacteria and simple
turns are known elsewhere on the Otavi plat- sion that would affect the subsidence calcula- eukaryotes.
form (22) and on other continents (10, 11). The tion. We cannot estimate the time span of the Caldeira and Kasting (25) estimated that, at

Fig. 1. Stratigraphic A 1 B C DG H
cross sections of the
Otavi carbonate slope M
(A–B and C–D) and MULDEN GROUP
platform (E–F and Te(s)

G–H) in northwest 2 3

Namibia, showing the DATUM Tg
measured sections in Tg Ab
Fig. 2 (indicated by Ar Te(p)
circled numbers). Ag


Te(p) Ar
O4 M

B Tm
Tm 5 6 8 9
Tg Ab
300 m Ag

100 Ar RIDGE
0 10 20 30km
B B N O1 Ac

14º E

M Mulden clastics
Elandshoek slope
Ombombo Abenab Tsumeb

19º S O5
Elandshoek platform


CONGO Tm Maieberg cap carbonate

Tg Ghaub glacial deposits O4
Ab Ombaatjie platform
AREA Ag Gruis ramp
Ar Rasthof cap carbonate O3 758.5 3.5 Ma
0 30 km
Ac Chuos glacial deposits

measured sections O5 O2
G E Truncation
MULDEN GROUP B R I D ault 20º S Ombombo
H U A E F O3
B Rock C O1
N Nosib clastics
B Basement
14º E 15º E SCIENCE VOL 281 28 AUGUST 1998 1343

present, it would take ;0.12 bar of atmospheric ;4 My at the modern rates of CO2 release from crease this estimate. In the Neoproterozoic, the
CO2 from volcanic input to overcome a snow- subaerial volcanism [;5.4 3 1012 mol/year duration of a snowball glaciation would be
ball albedo and cause meltback. This estimate (26)] with no air-sea gas exchange. Partial gas longer because of lower solar luminosity as
implies that a snowball glaciation would last exchange through cracks in sea ice would in- well as reduced pelagic deposition of carbonate,

Fig. 2. Measured sec- -5 0 5

tions of carbonates
bracketing the Ghaub P L AT F O R M P L AT F O R M
glaciation in a south-

north profile across S 200km N
the Otavi platform
and slope. The extend- 7
ed negative d13C ex-
cursion is centered on
the Maieberg cap car- SLOPE
bonate on the plat-
form, and its con- δ13 C(‰)
densed stratigraphic 4
-5 0 5
equivalent is on the
continental slope. The
d13C values decline 1
from positive pregla-
cial values that are
stratigraphically be- 280 14º E
neath Ghaub glacial
deposits or the bare 260
9 Cretaceous
19º S
glaciated surface. The 240
Mulden Group
crossover from posi- 7
Otavi Group:
tive to negative val- glacial deposits platform

220 6 /slope
ues occurs in a 25-m- Nosib Group
δ C(‰)
thick parasequence, 200 -5 0 5
which can be corre- microbialaminite
lated regionally and 180
0 30 km
which is variably grainstone
water measured sections
truncated by the sub- 160
stromatolite depth
glacial surface. 20º S
140 ribbon rock 4 Fau

120 3 δ C(‰)
13 rhythmite/ 2
rhythmite breccia eys
-5 0 5 Rock

100 sequence flooding 1

boundary surface
14º E 15º E
5 9
60 8
40 δ13C(‰)
-5 0 5

-5 0 5 -5 0 5 -5 0 5
-5 0 5
δ13C(‰) G H A U B G L A C I AT I O N δ13C(‰)
δ13C(‰) -5 0 5 10 -5 0 5 10 -5 0 5 10 -5 0 5 10 -5 0 5 10 -5 0 5 10


-20 -5 0 5 10
-40 -5 0 5 10
-5 0 5
-60 3 δ13C(‰)
-5 0 5
2 δ13C(‰)

-5 0 5 10
4 δ13C(‰)
-5 0 5 10
7 δ13C(‰) 8

-5 0 5 10

1344 28 AUGUST 1998 VOL 281 SCIENCE

which would lower the release rates of volcanic regional variation in cap carbonate thick- values observed before the glaciation. This is
CO2 at convergent margins (27). A minimum ness (6, 7 ) and the observed increase in also consistent with the observation that Stur-
value of 4 My and a maximum estimate of 30 thickness of the negative d13C excursion tian (;760 to 700 Ma) and Varangian (;620
My (25) are broadly consistent with the 9 My from the slope to the platform (Fig. 2). If to 550 Ma) glaciations accompanied the
duration of the isotopic excursion in the Otavi the observed millimeter-scale laminations opening of the Pacific and Iapetus oceans,
Group. in cap carbonates are diurnal (the dominant respectively (5), and might explain why the
During a snowball glaciation, the Ca/Mg cycle in the tropics), accumulation rates only known older examples of similar carbon
ratio of seawater would have increased because were ;40 cm/year (31). isotope excursions and low-latitude glacia-
of hydrothermal activity at mid-ocean ridges The d13C values in the Otavi Group are tions (35) accompanied the fragmentation of
and low-temperature alteration of basalt (28). consistent with the snowball hypothesis. The a late Archean megacontinent. We speculate
Without the input of alkalinity from rivers, initial decrease in d13C values before the glaci- that higher solar luminosity, less efficient
carbonate would dissolve in the deep sea, driv- ation on the tropical platform implies a decrease burial of organic carbon due to bioturba-
en by the input of CO2 from mid-ocean ridge in productivity relative to carbonate deposition, tion, and limits on primary productivity due
volcanism, although this flux of CO2 [;0.83 3 perhaps because of colder conditions (220 to 0 to lower levels of nutrient iron and phos-
1012 mol/year (24)] in the modern ocean is m; Fig. 3). During the glaciation, if there was no phorus (36 ) in the more oxic Phanerozoic
smaller than the CO2 input to the atmosphere air-sea gas exchange, both the ocean and the ocean (37 ) prevented Phanerozoic snow-
from subaerial volcanism. Air-sea gas exchange atmosphere would have similar d13C values, ball Earth conditions.
through cracks in the sea ice would intensify the equivalent to the hydrothermal or the volcanic Postglacial cap carbonates are predictable
carbonate dissolution. Hydrothermal activity input (25 to 27 per mil). At the termination, consequences of the recovery from a snowball
without continental weathering would also de- isotopic fractionation associated with the hydra- Earth. Accordingly, the succession of late Neo-
crease the Sr isotopic composition of seawater, tion of CO2 would raise the d13C of dissolved proterozoic glaciations characterized by cap
although this effect might be small considering inorganic carbon in the surface ocean, which is carbonates and large d13C excursions (10, 11)
the buffering effect of carbonate dissolution dominated by the large atmospheric reservoir. should represent multiple episodes of runaway
during the glaciation as well as the lower Sr/Ca As the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere sub- ice albedo. These episodes (cryochrons) should
partitioning in inorganically precipitated car- sided, the continued uptake of carbon with be useful for global correlation (3–5). A snow-
bonates (29) and, therefore, the higher Sr con- higher d13C values would drive atmospheric ball Earth followed by extreme greenhouse
centrations and the longer Sr residence time in d13C down through Rayleigh distillation, while conditions represents a strong source of selec-
Proterozoic oceans. the ocean would read 25 per mil because of tive pressure on the evolution of life in the
Once atmospheric CO2 reached the criti- mass balance and mixing with the deep ocean. Neoproterozoic. Although the absence of skel-
cal concentration [;120,000 parts per mil- Thus, the d13C values of the cap carbonate start etal organisms makes any extinction difficult to
lion (ppm) (25)], a transformation from ice- out somewhat higher than 25 per mil but evaluate, there is some evidence for a substan-
house to greenhouse conditions would occur quickly decrease to the low values of the glacial tial turnover among acritarchs (38). Many pro-
quickly, as the albedo and water vapor feed- atmosphere (0 to 40 m; Fig. 3). The reestablish- karyotic organisms, which dominated the Neo-
backs would enhance the warming with the ment of the biological pump drove values back proterozoic biosphere, are able to survive ex-
opening of low-latitude oceans. This abrupt up toward preglacial levels over a stratigraphic
climate change would make Pleistocene gla- thickness determined by sedimentation rate,
cial terminations seem slow in comparison. which is much higher on the platform than on m -5 0 5 10
On meltback, gas exchange between the sur- the continental slope (Fig. 2).
δ13C (‰)
face ocean and the high-CO2 atmosphere A review of the alternative hypotheses

would first drive carbonate dissolution and that attempt to explain various aspects of
then drive precipitation as cold deep waters Neoproterozoic isotopic excursions and 20 7
with high concentrations of calcium and dis- glacial events reveals contradictions be-
solved inorganic carbon mixed with warm tween each of the hypotheses and our data 10

tropical surface waters. Additional sources of from Namibia (15). A popular model as-
alkalinity would come from intense continen- serts that the isotopic anomalies were driv- GHAUB GLACIATION
tal weathering that was driven by warm tem- en by alternating periods of ocean stagna-
peratures, high levels of CO2, and a strong tion and overturn, corresponding to positive -10 6
hydrologic cycle. Reducing atmospheric CO2 and negative surface-water d13C values, re-

pressure from 0.12 to 0.001 bar [that is, from spectively (10, 11, 32). The model predicts -20
terminal snowball conditions to normal Neo- that the duration of the negative excursion
proterozoic values (25)] would provide should be limited by the residence time of
;2.5 3 1020 g of carbon, sufficient to pro- carbon in the ocean [,105 years) (6, 7, -40
duce ;8 3 105 km3 of carbonate, which is 23)], which is inconsistent with our esti-
enough to cover the entire present-day con- mate of the duration of the excursion in the -50
tinental crust with a layer ;5 m thick. The Otavi Group. -5 0 5 10
space that was created by thermal subsi- To simulate a snowball Earth, coupled Fig. 3. Composite section across the Ghaub
dence during a prolonged glacial period energy-balance models require that atmo- glacial surface on the platform, showing high-
could be rapidly filled by the cap carbonate spheric CO2 levels be lowered dramatically resolution d13C data. An abrupt downturn in
sequence, which is consistent with textural (;1024 bar), even with lower-than-present d13C occurs at the base of the penultimate
evidence in the Maieberg and other Neo- solar luminosity (33). Fragmentation of the preglacial parasequence, and there is a postgla-
proterozoic cap carbonates suggesting rap- Rodinia supercontinent may have contributed cial descent to a nadir of 26 per mil, ;40 m
above the glacial surface and ;20 m above the
id deposition (6, 7, 30). Precipitation would to the CO2 drawdown (1, 2) by creating many maximum flooding interval. In the snowball
be strongly localized on warm shallow- new continental margins, which are major Earth model, the glacial surface would repre-
water platforms, where CaCO3 solubility is repositories for organic carbon in the modern sent ;10 My, but the 400-m-thick cap carbon-
minimized, which is in agreement with the ocean (34), consistent with the high d13C ate would only represent thousands of years. SCIENCE VOL 281 28 AUGUST 1998 1345

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