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Lesson Plan for Philippine Politics and Governance

Grade 11

Quarter 1 Week 1

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to
a. Identify the elements of State
b. Create a poster about the elements of States
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Elements of State
B. Reference: Textbook on the Philippine Constitution, Hector S. De Leon and Hector De
Leon, Jr. pp 6-9
C. Instructional Materials: Visual Aids
D. Strategy: 4A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction and Application)

III. Learning Tasks

A. Activity
1. Pre - Activity
A. Prayer
B. Greetings
C. Checking of Attendance
D. Review (Political Science)
 What is Political Science?
 What are the scope of political science?

E. Motivation
Picture Analysis
 The Teacher will show the following pictures
 The teacher will ask the students to analyze each picture shown.
2. Activity Proper
Word Picture
Direction: The class will be divided into 4 groups. Each group will have to pick a
number which has a corresponding picture. 4 pictures are given together with a
scramble letters. The group will analyze the picture and arrange the letters to form a



B. Analysis
 Is it easy to do the activity or not?
 What have you felt after presenting your work?
 What strategies did you utilize to came up with your answers?
C. Abstraction
The Teacher will discuss to the learners about the Elements of State through a
PowerPoint Presentation
D. Application
The class will be divided into 2 groups. Each group will create a poster that depicts the
elements of State. The following criteria for the poste making

Relevance to the Concept 40%

Creativity 40%
Visual Impact 25%
Total 100%

IV. Evaluation
a. Identify what is being asked in the following sentences.
1. This refers to the inhabitants living within the state.
2. It includes not only fixed portion of land over which the jurisdiction of the state extends
(territorial domain) but also the rivers and lakes therein, a certain area of the sea which
abuts upon its coasts (fluvial and maritime domain) and the air space above the land and the
waters (aerial domain).
3. It refers to the agency through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and
carried out.
4. The term may be defined as the supreme power of the state to command and enforce
obedience to its will from people with its jurisdiction and corollary, to have freedom from
foreign control.
b. Enumeration
5 – 8 Enumerate the Elements of States
9 -10 Types of Sovereignty
V. Agreement

Research and study about the forms of government.

Prepared by


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